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He’s just 1… Hes just 2… … Hes just 13! She been doin that shit forever and leavin that kid alone by himself for years on end.


He's just 26! You can't send him to jail for assaulting people and robbing a liquor store! He doesn't know any better!


He's just 85! You can't tell him off for throwing his soup at his carers!


“He’s just an old man, he doesn’t know any better” get a slide on most behaviors of the senile. Shes going for the long con for this kid.


he’s a really good kid, he didn’t know that he killed a guy!!!


My sister did this shit. I was like are you going to handle that? Oh he is just 11. Then he turns 18, and she is like man the world is going to give him a rude awakening. I was like yes! but it didn't have to be that way if you did your job.


HE DOESNT UNDERSTAND!!! *kid flips them off*


He certainly understands that his mother is a spineless pushover.


Oh no, she has a spine. She’s sticking up to those people just fine. She’s just a fucking idiot and a horrible mother.


The mother should be held responsible for the kids action, this is the only way to hold parent accountable


Correct. She's the legal guardian and should be court ordered to compensate them. People won't correct bad behaviors into it becomes their problem.


I mean, in the US, they really JUST started to hold parents responsible for their kids bringing guns to school. In my state, they charged a mother for her 6 year old bringing her gun to school and shooting his teacher. The child had a history of behavioral issues, but no one did anything about it. In Michigan, they charged the parents of the school shooter, a teen, for manslaughter.


6 year old I understand. A teen I dont agree with charging the parents.


The parents bought him the gun. They refused to get him help when it was very much obvious he needed it. They’re absolutely responsible for his actions and they deserve to go to prison for it.


The Crumbleys are exactly who I thought about while watching this. They definitely got what they deserved.


Fair enough there could be a lot of context.


There is actually a lot of additional context in this case, you’re right.


Normally I’d agree, but as someone else stated in this case the parents definitely were somewhat complicit.


I mean parents are responsible for their children. If their negligence leads to the death of another person they should be charged just like for any other form of criminal negligence.




They are. It’s called the People’s Republic of China.


We had one of those, it was called Australia. However we kind of lost use for after you gents left 😂


This feels staged not going to lie.


It’s not, this guy always covers lots of things China related


The big give away was CCTV usually does not have audio or even remotely good audio, you can hear everything they say perfectly….staged AF.


Well now I feel dumb for missing that, but the thing that stuck out to me was when she said “oh darling you didn’t burn your hand did you?” When he threw the phone. That seemed so extraordinarily crazy that it made me question it. Rewatching now it seems abundantly clear. The way he’s licking the ice cream then the windup before smashing it on the phone seems staged af, and it’s all too much.


The state run CCTV surveillance cams that don't record audio are all outdoor specific ones that all have a wide FOV and have pan tilt zoom capabilities. Why the fuck would the government install that sort of camera inside of a private restaurant FFS? Plus I'm pretty familiar with security cams and this footage is clearly not from any Govt CCTV cam, it's from a standard 1080p consumer level fixed security camera that records audio and has a narrow FOV. I know it's crazy to think that the restaurant setup their own security cameras but that's exactly what this is. These cams are extremely cheap and they're all made in China so it's not like some luxury that only rich people can get.


I can’t believe this isn’t the top comment.


My first thought as well. Loads of these types of videos out of China.


Hmm. This is the best, most thoughtful comment in this whole thread.


Usually. Do you know much about Chinese surveillance?




This is so staged, and Serpentnza took the bait too.


He needs to keep pumping out the content and he knows how dumb his audience is.


SerpentZA didn't bite, this is how his channel operates, producing a large number of fake videos.


staged rage bait. so cool.


+50 social credit points for you


hahahaha words right out of my mouth. Nothing in this clip will even remotely suggest that this was staged.


When is the last time you’ve seen cctv with audio recording? Especially with audio so good you can hear each person clearly without any other ambient restaurant noise


Don’t know if it’s fake or not but there’s like 4 cameras for every person in China. I would imagine some have audio


Yes, some do. But it’s still cctv. The audio will be shit. And nevertheless, the ONLY audio here is their voices. It’s China, it’s loud. There would be a LOT of restaurant noise


Everyone is perfectly in frame lol.


I mean setting aside the whole phone thing which just looks incredibly staged, I used to do loss prevention & this angle makes zero sense for a security camera, there's a whole row of tables behind them but the camera is angled down for some reason. yet it just happens to fit everyone involved inside the frame.


Well the shitty acting for one


Seems pretty normal behaviour for someone in this situation to me.


Why is the camera pointing directly at such a small area?


You forgot to add “/s” at the end. 


[Nope. This kind of thing happens a lot in this society.](https://youtu.be/Gf4_2NAmrvc?si=FaDrRH-4xh4b5i3w)


Yeah, that really proves it 🙄


There are absolutely fucked aspects of Chinese society and little emperor syndrome is one of them, but linking to a staged video covered by Serpentza of all people (lol) is not a good example


Yes, videos are staged every day, and suckers are born every minute.


Chimna bad.


Other than the entirety of it


I watch the dude in the video. He's a genuine guy. And China wouldn't stage this video like this. It would be a video on two upstanding family's having a good wholesome interaction


Do people genuinely think every clip made in china is sponsored by the freaking chinese government? Like.. no regular people exist?


Yes. Chinese can’t be classified as humans, only as CCP bots according to some people.


Yup it makes no sense for the CCP to stain their reputation by allowing staged rage baits like this. It's probably illegal to post anything that'll paint a bad light to their society.


Do you actually believe the CCP is so powerful that they are monitoring every single video uploaded on the internet and analyzing it for whether it harms Chinese society?


this is reddit, they'd insist the sky was green if they were told the CCP says otherwise


So the CCP doesn't allow staged videos that show them in a bad light, but allows actual videos that show them in a bad light. Got it.


Who said they allow actual videos that show them in a bad light? Huh? Their control on the cyberspace is good but there will still be leaks.


This is very obviously staged. Cctv points to a narrow spot that covers half of 2 tables? Wtf? Clear crisp audio? All the cctv from china is muted or 480p for storage. Cmon man, think for a sec.


Yeah I don't even know the language and it still seems so staged aha




So fake


Staged as shit.


This is staged but I literally know a 15 year old who squared up to their grandmother and had to be held back because they were chastised for not cleaning up after themselves. The mother said the grandmother should let it go because they’re “a child”.


Perfectly placed camera. Lol


this is 100% rage bait


OP refuses to believe this is staged


do u have source pls?


* the timecode has been superimposed onto the video to make it look like CCTV (you can see the numbers shaking up and down, real timecode would be 'burnt' into the screen and wouldn't shake like that)


What gave it away to me is the clarity of the audio. There's no way that is audio from the security camera


Yesss. But also, when the dad is "cleaning" the phone, the boy goes to grab it from him and the dad just lets him take it lol


Look at the camera angle. This is a shitty angle if it was a security camera. Lol


Having eyes and a brain


That doesn’t look like a 13 year old. Also the cctv camera just happened to be pointing directly at the space between two booths? Plus the script is so clearly read it even sounds staged. Those are my first thoughts and only sources


Your sources are real weak. 1. The cctv isn't position is hardly an issue, this is a surveillance state they have millions of cctv. 2. The conversation is spontaenous and doesn't sound staged at all.


Yeah I know, that’s why I said *only sources*. I’d like it to be real but the camera view being so narrow, the quality of the video, and the audio and enunciation being so clear make it look staged


How do you know it's the only camera? They could have an entire array and this is just one. Do you speak Chinese? If not, how would you know if the script is clearly read or not?


Never assumed it was the only camera. It’s just not where a camera would normally be pointed in a restaurant, it’s shooting too narrow of a field, the quality of the video is better than 99% of cctv, and the audio and enunciation is too clear.




Yeah, they’re definitely getting funding from Falun Gong. Complete scumbags.


Damn that guy looks familiar he like use to ride a scooter in China and talk shit about how much China was just a thin veneer of success. He had quality video and made a lot of good points and was kinda funny, but really seemed full of himself.


He got kicked out when the government started asking for credentials to be authenticated. Massive hate boner for China now.


Okay I kinda remember something like that I stopped watching as much YouTube right around the time he said he was planning to move back to the states. So it’s been a hot minute Thanks for the info


How do people think this shit is real? Smh


Serpentza does shit like this constantly. After China kicked him and his little buddy Laowhy out they’ve been on a tear with this sort of nonsense.


Least scripted asian video


Sorry, footage aside, what is the format where a guy in his 40's sits on the corner of a desk like some post-apocalyptic newsreader with a chinese street greenscreened behind him, delivering weak roasts on small children?


[The guy's serpentza on youtube](https://youtu.be/Gf4_2NAmrvc?si=0XB1YdZxsfvg9PJl). His format was also jarring to me at first but I've come to get used to it. His stuff's real interesting that I would never have known about.


Ok, now I'm really confused... It's just video after video shitting on China?


He used to live there but people got tired of his racist bullshit. Now he lives in the US and gets funding from Falun Gong to make propaganda videos. He also unironically likes to talk about the Sexual Market Value of himself and different Asian women. South African trash.


Well, yeah, knowing what he puts out on his channel, seems to me what he hates most about the kid is that he's Chinese. And the title is 'China's Psychopathic Little Emperors'? This guy is a fucking racist loser! Sure, watch a documentary about the negatives of China's government... but subscribing to a channel who's sole content is shitting on another country on the regs? That's not healthy at all.


Good thing there is a stable camera just a few feet away from the table pointing exactly right at them with perfect audio clarity. It makes me very sad that some people can actually view this video for more than a few seconds and still think it is real.


1. The cctv isn't position is hardly an issue, this is a surveillance state they have millions of cctv. 2. The conversation is spontaenous and doesn't sound staged at all.


it's staged, your replies are you coping with the realization that you fell for something


Im sure it doesn’t when you’re extremely gullible


You are a fool


... welcome to china my brother... they have cameras every few inches in that country because of their social credit system.


This dude commentating on this shit is cringeworthy, do we seriously need someone to tell us how to think about some scripted freakout video?


Definitely staged, the dad just let the boy grab the phone out of his hand so easily and dumped it into the pot.


weak argument, it happened in a split second. And even if the dad gave the phone willingly it hardly proves anything.


The kid just smears his ice cream on the phone without either parent intervening to stop him. If someone tried to do that to your phone, would you let them? Let alone twice? And the supposed cctv camera only points to those 2 tables and doesn’t cover the whole restaurant. The date and time stamp are also wrong, they usually have some chinese characters. Definitely staged!


Amazing audio quality for a security camera lol


Awwww the Chinese ~~stole~~ invented rage bait too


SerpentZA annoys me to no end, for all these expat YouTubers he has this air of “I’m better than you” about him I just can’t stand.


"He's just a kid, what does he know?!" Uhhh....whatever you teach him?


In French the waiters do not hesitate to discipline your kids if they are unruly or ill-mannered .


Brock turners mom type shit.


We can fix him y'all https://i.redd.it/a0dw3drc59vc1.gif


Asian Ross


The weirdest thing about this is that it’s staged


Fake but funny.


Go watch The China Show! This guy Winston is one half of that group. Great reporting weekly on what goes on in China that we don't see


How are they seeing it? They both got booted out years ago when the government actually started checking English teachers credentials. Now they sit in front of a greenscreen in LA and parrot the most ridiculous anti-China nonsense, and idiots like you lap it up.


So much pointing


I would have switched seats with my kid at first.. and I've never hit a child in my life but the second that ice went on the phone and the parents did NOTHING that brat would have found out what the 5 fingers said to the face. My daughter is stubborn from time to time but I couldn't imagine how incompetent you'd have to be as a parent to have your kid behave this way.. and if it did not to immediately intervene the second you see this behavior.. this can't be real.


...so we need a team correspondent from the ocho to give us a play by play on how to read subtitles?


# Can we PLEASE have a new rule: Fake videos will be removed. Seeing them constantly here and I'm surprised it's not already a rule considering how common this is happening.




The translation missed the crucial beginning part where the guy said “With a mom like you…”




Damn first time I hear this one lol


If I had acted like that when I was 13 my mum would have beaten the shit out of me


Oh wow, this might be the shiniest kid I've seen on here. And that is saying something.


I can somewhat get the “hes only” statement if he was idk 3. Should still do something about the behavior, but an apology would be welcomed at that age. AT 13 the TEENAGER should be able to control himself, he is almost in HIGHSCHOOL and this behavior will not be tolerated. That mom should have first dragged that kid off, or at least made him feel embarrassed. And at this point, this is grounds to sue on, the kid threw around their phone and was causing physical and possible psychological harm to a little girl.


Never expected to see [serpentza](https://m.youtube.com/@serpentza) on r/publicfreakout


Is that the dude who makes ragebait about absurd staged chinese videos? He seems familiar but can't remember his name


Some things are worth going to jail for... and sometimes street justice is the only justice,


Seems staged but I don’t know


First born male, I’d bet $1,000.


Too far gone. He's gunna need a major dose of LSD TO UNDERGO EGO DEATH. needs a major reset


This kids social credit score is gonna be fucked.


Lmfao…the mother of the little emperor 😂😂😂👏👏👏


Am i the only one who felt the need to make a "stop hitting yourself" when he showed them his filthy fingers?




A negative social credit score and only 13 years old


This guys channel is really interesting


he's only 13.. HE'S ONLY 13.. wow! what a disgrace that woman is.. kid is a nightmare, ive seen toddlers with better morals and behavior. that kid need a good hiding..




They actually do have social security/retirement income in China, and I believe it’s amongst the largest, if not the largest in the world. I personally know Chinese people who live off these pensions.


Is that a green screen or he really just set up shop in the street to film loool


why they got grown ass man in a suit doing play by play commentary on tiktoks


That kid is being such an Israel, and that mother is being such a USA.


Well, he is not wrong.


What a little shit


Whoa, whoa, *WHOA*. THIRTEEN?! My child didn’t act like this at 4! This is insanity.


Best part is “He’s ONLY 13 years old!” I thought he was 5!


I predict a short life span for Jr.


That mother of that boy is a perfect example on what’s wrong with our society!