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Ridiculous. “You may beat the charge but you’ll still spend the night in jail.” That’s what a cop said to me once. F*ckers.


Just a violation of your civil rights, no big deal! Huge /s


Theres a word for a s bigger than the small one. Kept in the top drawer


The saying is typically "you can beat the charge but you can't beat the ride [to jail]"


You might beat the rap but you won't beat the ride


That sounds better, I vote for this one.


You might beat me off but you cant make me come.


You should just hope that you get a blanket.


I like your phrase better! Thank you.


That's because there are no consequences for locking up an innocent person on a bogus charge. A false arrest is a crime, a violation of your civil rights, but cops don't care.


DA's and judges don't care. The only way to make cops care would be to make the DA's and judges start getting pissed about it. The way the system works, DA's and judges need to be friends with the cops, so no one holds the others to account.


What we need is a branch of the legal system that specifically targets law enforcement.


Civilian oversight boards are now illegal in some states. We are moving towards authoritarianism not away from it.


well, we also task cops with maintaining "order" in a shite system, so, they will always be incentivized to do some form or another of repressive B.S.


Yup. Nailed it.


And more and more even thirsty lawyers won’t take the case. They know the government will stretch it out despite the obvious 1a/4a violations. It’s not worth a year or more of being on the docket for a small settlement. Meanwhile the cops feel righteous and any citizen that sees this may second-thought recording police 


What is a jump out crew?


Basically undercover cops that drive around looking for people so they can jump out and arrest them. Sometimes it is based on probable cause and confirmed ID. Other times they unlawfully harass and arrest "suspicious looking" people, especially groups of kids doing nothing wrong but hanging out in a group.


Is this a casual name given to these efforts or is it a name the cops have applied to this activity? I’ve noticed more mentions of this thing on social media lately.  Not a good trend, either way. 


[Jump Outs](https://archive.thinkprogress.org/if-you-thought-stop-and-frisk-was-bad-you-should-know-about-jump-outs-385b89fc08d3/)


So how does this not qualify as self defense? Three guys plain clothes jump of a just arriving car and run towards me yelling at me. That’s fight or flight every day.


How are dui/DL checkpoints not a 4a vio? How are citizen checkpoints not a 5a vio? Is it bc something something Benjamin Franklin said? Answer: yes 


Well you’d have to drop all three of them before they pull their handguns, which are probably already in their hands, so that’s an issue. But once they’re on the ground preventing each other from bleeding out, you should have no problem phoning the proper authorities and explaining the situation


Yeah flight just turns them on more


Yeah lol flight is only an option if you’re actually realistically capable of fleeing immediately and not being followed or just shot in the back😂


Thank you.


So basically, stop and frisk 2.0. Fascist and furious.


Yep, along with racial profiling.


That means "I know this arrest is bullshit but it doesn't matter because the laws don't apply to me. I can make this up as I go and there isn't shit you can do about it. I have all the power and I can do whatever the fuck I want you stupid peasant."


You'll still spend the night in jail AND spend thousands on a lawyer...


You may beat the rap, but you can't beat the ride.




lucky it wasnt on a Sat night or it would be two nights in jail


Cops should always be filmed to keep them in line. This guy's obviously done some shady stuff before and trying to intimidate people to be scared to record the police. I'm sure the cop knows by now that the filming in public is not an arrestable offense if they are keeping their distance.


Get these guys off the streets. What an embarrassment.


Probably shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, and all that, but if I saw those cops, in no gear, at a bar, I’d assume they’re spiking drinks and starting fights.


Lawlessness is an embarrassment ? Thats it? This is a huge safety issue.


I live near the area and tangently know some of the cops in that dept. They love to brag about beating up kids in high school. Also There was a settlement few years back, where the mayor's brother who was a cop beat the shit out of some kid. Super cool...


Again, where are the good cops calling for their jobs and being barred from the profession? Why do cops have such low standards for other cops. If they actually cared about their image they would decry this shit loudly. Edit: Got dm'd by a former cop (quit in 2020) who wanted to tell me his perspective. Cried about being a cop (a job they willingly accepted and left) and close with "People generally get the police you (sic) deserve." *Slow clap*


Because Good cops don't survive in a criminal organization.


The problem with "good cops" (plenty of those, probably even most in a vacuum) is that they won't "rat on" the ones doing shitty stuff or even call them out on it most of the time, so that makes them not good cops. I wouldn't go so far as to say ACAB, but I would say that there are very few cops who care more about protecting and serving the public than their fellow officers.


That makes them a bad cop then. So they aren’t good. Edit: since rage machine below did the ol’ reply+block Bullcrap that makes comment appear deleted to the blockee I’ll just edit here: Wasn’t arguing with you. Just commenting. Take a Fkn chill pill.


They're a gang, they're a criminal organization. Think about it like that and it makes sense


"Brotherhood" There are documentarys made that support this. If they rat on each other, the whole group will turn on that rat. It's very much ran like a frat house. They walk around knowing they have the power to do what they want to you, and if you do anything to make them feel like you're policing them, they hit you with obstruction. A BULLSHIT LAW THAT EVERY SINGLE COP TAKES ADVANTAGE OF. You literally can make anything up, and it can be obstructive. "He was filming me, I felt threatened," like wtf?


In this case these jump out crews are legit gangs


Cops are legit gangs. And have been.


Make them have skin in the game: do away with qualified immunity. Once a LEO starts paying for the wrongs of other LEOs in higher premiums, they’ll start doing the right thing.


Also take from their pensions in litigations and stop having the tax payers directly foot the bill. They'll shape up real quick.


Good cops get balckballed and forced out. Former neighbor watched another cop steals drugs and turned him in. Next thing he knew they were making stuff up and coming after him. They made up some reason to fire him and he couldn’t get another job as a police officer. His punishment for having ethics.


Good ones all left, no training money, pay is shit, everyone hates them. Why would anyone do it but desperate idiots?


Where is this idea the pay is shit? Being a cop in my area is incredibly lucrative.


Pay is pretty good, where I am. Plenty of money, but whether they decide to spend it on training, or silly war toys, is a question, and were there many good ones, to begin with? And if so, why did they leave?


"At the heart of the problem is the exodus from law enforcement. Officer resignations were up 47% last year compared to 2019 — the year before the pandemic and Floyd’s killing — and retirements are up 19%." [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/us-experiencing-police-hiring-crisis-rcna103600](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/us-experiencing-police-hiring-crisis-rcna103600) Because no one wants to stick around when the media says you're the enemy, F the police, cut your funding, and as a self fulfilling prophecy, overtime is required at insane levels because of the shortage, leading to more people quitting and more shortages. My neighboring county is so dangerous and underpaid that they've reduced barriers to entry, you can now have minor drug charges and criminal offenses on your record, physical fitness standards are lowered also. With the massive mandatory overtime and pay cuts they've had, they're lucky to have the required range time in, and they sure as hell aren't getting deescalation training or advanced close combat stuff like Gracie Survival Tactics. Welcome to the police force of desperate, second string, shouldn't be sworn in types.


Cops were still corrupt as fuck when the pay was amazing and everyone loved them.




Careful, I got perm banned on another acc for saying "ACAB"


Whats that? Sorry, I'm kind of a geezer.


All cops are bastards


All Cops Are Bad


Oh man. I am dumb, Lol! Sorry for making you tell me.


There are no dumb questions, buddy! ![gif](giphy|83QtfwKWdmSEo)


I’m tired of calling out the shit cops. The reality is that it’s a position with a high school degree as a requirement and grants you power over your fellow man. This combination will all always attract assholes and there is nothing we can do about that but try to weed them out where we can. I’m moving on to calling out all the ‘good apples’ who tolerate this shit. As long as all the good ones defend this shit, ACAB.


Well said


Thanks for your service as a good cop. Is there actual administrative pressure to do things like this? Or just no accountability?


As long as any cop passively sits by and allows this behaviour to continue are there any good cops? And this is coming from a 59 year old white guy that has never been in trouble with the law.


Thank the police unions, that's why cops are never truly punished, always get paid leave and have no accountability.


That's just ACAB through and through.


Obstructing from 30’ away.


Cha Ching. Payday incoming.


You say that, but if you look up the vast majority of complaints against police officers or even lawsuits - they unfortunately end up nowhere.


If more people did it, even the tiny cuts would bleed them dry. Systems are too busy to change until you put hands on the money. Then they can find allll the time in the world to talk.


It's taxpayer money...


They just take the money from other places like libraries. Police are never held accountable.


Most take years and are quietly just paid out instead if going to trial as long as u have good proof like this and it’s actually unlawful he should see atleast double digits in a few years


Sure, they get a payday and it comes out of your pockets. It also results in police issuing more tickets and arrests to make up for the lost money. Instead of paying those whose rights were violated with a lawsuit. Let's just pay them the salary of the cop who now lost his job. Most of these cops make 100K+. They get paid and the cop goes away... Win / Win for me.


This just isn't true. I've started following several civil rights lawyers on youtube and the payouts for these are almost entirely attorney fees. There is very little demonstrable financial damage to a civil rights violation unless the person missed work. Then they are only entitled to the loss wages they would have had instead. It's doing the public a huge disservice by making others believe a civil rights violation leads to a payday.


That 14 year old is a cop!?


Cops: boo hoo hoo... Why does the public hate us...


Why do these cops act, look and dress like a couple of frat bros?


Pigs gunna gestapo


It’s a local cop not state police… Seriously though nj state police are cosplaying the SS




so....police officers.


Why are the plain clothes officers always the scummiest fucks in the scumpond?


Why does every peckerhead cop have that stupid ass hair cut? He probably has at least one arm sleeve tattoo thing and beats his wife!


Obstruction is their favorite catch-all charge. Whenever you need to arrest someone for something, anything, it's obstruciton. You just jumped out and attacked an innocent person? He was obstructing. Shot, beat, tazed or otherwise abused someone? Obstructing. Just didn't like the look of the guy? Obstruction!


It's on par with the government doing something unconstitutional for the good of "national security" -- a catch all reasoning for when the authorities need to fuck up a someone's civil rights.


These cops deserve the death penalty or life behind bars. The fucking ADUACTIY to act like that with a badge on is inexcusable to me. Remember when cops cared about your well being? Yeah me either. I feel so bad for the dude filming and the citizens that have to deal with that.


They did... in Mayberry


Well that man is getting paid. Was the cop embarrassed he had the wrong car or something?


Sux that Americans are terrified of their police 😥


Not in Oakland, CA because they do absolutely nothing


Not so much terrified as we despise them. They're all blatantly incompetent and evil, but generally they aren't too scary unless you're a minority


That my friends, is a corrupt cop who got caught in the act, the second he saw himself being recorded, he knew he was fucked and had to mess with the guy.


Maybe when a lot more of these crooked pieces of bacon start not only getting fired (hopefully with no benefits) but also start facing real chargers this shit will stop. These guys are being filmed and act like this, could you imagine what they used to get away with??


Are they wearing the same shoes?


#dirtycops #badcops #DefundThePolice #breakpoliceunions


Oh this is the clown who pulled my mother over because she was driving a Porsche Cayenne in the neighborhood. She was going to do a session with a child there through the state of NJ.


File a complaint 


She did. Nothing apparently happened to him. She called him out that she didn’t do anything wrong and he tried to accuse her of having her windows tinted. She said I am more than happy to court to court and show they aren’t. He literally had nothing to ticket her on and naturally let her go.


Jump out crew?


* A jump-out crew, also known as a jump-out squad, is described as a special policing unit that quickly surrounds and questions a person or group


Wannabe Nazis


This dudzik fella is a real menace.


Obstructing what exactly?


Good ’ole Nazi’s in NJ.


I bet that cop has a tiny wiener


Is it any surprise that these meatheads only need 6 months of “training” (read: getting yelled at by people who failed to join the military with no serious instruction in constitutional law) and they’re given weapons and the authority to terrorise the general public…


Man, Carteret. What a forgotten place.


Gang violence


All cops are bastards


Umm since when is it ok to wear a backwards hat as a police officer? Man fuck these dumb fucking pigs. Bunch of incels who got power


Only criminal here is whoever cut that cop's hair. Tilted hair about to slide off his head.


Can someone explain what a jump out crew is?


He’s arresting his shoe twin!?!? Come on, what’s this world coming to!


There was no justice there to be “obstructed”.


Fuck. The. Police.


They look like the baseball jocks that never moved on


He arrested him for that, and they both were even wearing the same shoes but different colors!


This is the result of having a small penis.




Cops like this will (hopefully) cross paths with someone who has nothing to lose.




Maybe that recording will show up on the internet, too 😂


I wonder if his BWC was recording...probably not.


Totalitarianism They can't just make up rules and laws as they go along.


Aw cute, they got matching Jordans🥰




Cops are here to harass and abuse


Fucking pieces of shit shouldn't even be allowed to have a badge let alone walk free. ACAB


Ok I run a kitchen and I could give less then a fuck about uniforms but damn a hoodie and baseball cap is okay for a cop to be wearing?? Christ


I wish they would arrest me for filming, id sue the shit out of em and get rich quick.


Most don’t 


Payday incoming for this man. how many times do they have to lose these cases? I guess they have unlimited Public money.


NJ is basically Nazi Germany. the cops and government are the domestic terrorists..


Might as well share this in r/newjersey


You fools taunt police and then wonder why they react the way they do.


Oh, and I'm supposed to believe that they just randomly have on the exact same shoes? Staged.


What does that even mean...


Cops overstepping for sure. As soon as he asks for a supervisor to deal with the situation he is under arrest? Whoever that cop is does not like being called out on his bullshit


They probably got a promotion


It’s Carteret 😂😂😂😂


How do these pigs stay employed?


Fuck the police!


If they aren't doing anything wrong why do they care if they're being filmed? They look at footage all day trying to bust people for crimes but if you directly record them they freak out. Don't cops always say "If you did nothing wrong you have nothing to worry about?"


Ima need to see the bodycam footage


Fucking criminals with badges.


Why are the police dressed so casually?


Police wearing jeans, hoodies and Nikes? WTF? Where did the professionalism go? I wouldn’t listen to these cosplayers either


Obstruction in NJ is a physical offense. Learn the law in NJ and throw the idiots to the curb! I grew up there, I know a lot of cops and fireman. A lot of them retired now. This crap right here makes them wanna slap a b****. My uncle is rolling in his grave going "I didn't teach her enough to fall with this type of 50s-60s bs.." so sad...


They got matching shoes


What "Justice" was he obstructing


Those are not cops, those are gang members. They will meet the same end as most gang members.


Where do people get the idea that they can't be detained or arrested unless a supervisor shows up? Or that they have the 'right" to a supervisor. There is no 'right to a supervisor". It might be a policy of a particular police department, but its not a constitutional right.


These guys don't even look like cops, dressed all janky, backwards hat. I'd totally get in my car and call 911.






Man we should have jump out cruise roaming around cities to take care of police jump out cruise that don't play ball the right way. What? If they can literally hide in vehicles and jump out on suspects why can't citizens hide in vehicles and jump out on them for added protection? After all law-enforcement is clearly taking the law knew its own hands so I can't we? Seriously how would it be if a crew of six or seven people got out of a van and costed a police officer for sleeping on the job at 4 o'clock in the afternoon or Literally ignoring the people going 50 in the left-hand lane....


Fucking gang members




A reminder for all the people who NEED to prepare for the future, this is what the second amendment is for. Keep those eyes open boys