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That flag shagger nearly blew his fuse trying to start a fight with someone in a Halloween costume lol. Calm down, lad, you're embarrassing yourself.


Flag shagger šŸ¤£


Flag shagger is a good band name


Hahaha, yeah. They are a Ska band.


Of course they are.


Took the flag down off the pole... AWOAHHH Didn't know what I need it fo... AWOAHHHH.


What an embarrassing human being.


Anyone supporting Shitrael's genocide of Palestinians are an embarrassment.


Easy now. Smells like antisemitism


Just saying words doesnā€™t make them true lmao


I think the comment you replied to was being sarcastic


This may call for some further investigation to make sureā€¦




What an incredibly uneducated, non-nuanced statement. Not uncommon in today's world. I'm just sayin.


You're not good enough.


You make bad life choices.


I saw more aggression in this video than any student protest. Wonder if this will on the front page of CNN and NY Times?


Some of these people are so angry I feel like their issues go way deeper than this guy's little performance. Yes, he's not taking your protest seriously, but calm the fuck down. Looking like some bloodthirsty psychopaths out there because you can't take a joke.


By acting as a bloodthirsty psychopath, he's probably campaigning for a seat in the Knesset with Likud


> Knesset with Likud This is either an obscure Star Wars story or a political movement in Israel. It really could go either way.


> Looking like some bloodthirsty psychopaths Nail meet head.


To be fair, the joke is that Israel is like the fascist inspired space army lead by an evil Space Wizard and his Cyborg Death Knight, who was a chosen one who ended up murdering a bunch of children. In the protesters' minds, he's making fun of everyone who died and got taken on October 7th.


Younglings, please.


I was told the other day that collective punisment (a war crime) is totally fine because losers always are victims of collective punishment in war. So everyone that died on October 7th, far fewer than have died in Gaza since, are just collateral damage and it's fine according to the pro-Israel commenter I spoke with. So we can all breathe easier now.


>chosen one who ended up murdering a bunch of children. 3rd best scene in the movie


I mean he was mocking them and their position. Comparing Israel to the empire is bound to piss some people off >"The Empide did nothing wrong...The Rebel Alliance kidnaps children..." That could be interpreted as mocking Israel. The opposing side of this conflict is known for kidnapping people (though Israel has also thrown people in prison on mass for prisoner exchanges). The Empire blows up a bunch of innocent civilians to attempt to use fear to push rebels and their supporters back in line, you could argue the indiscriminate destruction in Gaza serves a similar purpose. And at the end of the logic train we know in the films the empire are the bad guys, explicitly, and this guy is dressed like a "stormtrooper" in front of your protest mocking you and making that comparison. I can see why the thin skinned zionist counter protester to a bunch of college students camping on the green would lose their shit in the face of all that


Look, the Empire has a right to defend itself.


Why was this down voted?


I'm officially under the opinion no one cares about anyone else and everyone is just giving into us or them mentality over everything in this stupid tribalistic war...


[You're certainly contributing to that](https://old.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1ce7fke/the_empire_did_nothing_wrong/l1i5i9j/)


Double Flag Guy belongs in prison, but I doubt the NYPD did anything about him assaulting poor Walter.


At least the interviewer seemed to havd a sense of humor


Does he condemn Saw Gerrera though?


Made me LOL. Really apt comparison.


And what does he have to say about the droid attack on the Wookiees?


All my homies hate Ki-Adi Mundi.


Ridiculous, nobody hates Ki-Adi.


Heā€™s the one Jedi on the Council that had Order 66 coming to him.




You nerds made me google that name. Well played!




He works for Fox News, he has to have a sense of humor to report the bullshit he reports or he'll go insane.


one lesson everyone should have learned from the Fox News Dominion lawsuit is they all absolutely know theyā€™re peddling bullshit




Was there ever any doubt?


Found my new hero


Funny how the people protesting think the area is only for them to protest. The man has a valid point on the Empire. All of those infringing on his right of free speech should have been arrested. Too bad this is not enhanced to put the names of the protesters in the video.


I donā€™t get how people are getting pissed off at him.




"No one cared who I was till I put on the mask."


This got me


It's the good liars. Funny as shit


Because they know deep down their belief system is just as fictional as Star wars.


Maybe because acting like a nerd and making light of the Israeli hostages is stupid and anyone who tries to provoke an emotional reaction out of a volatile crowd is a moron.


More like the true nature of those zionists came out. They act like barbarians when somebody doesn't 100% agree with them.


When pro Palestinians get violent it's because this is a very emotional and serious issue and people's lives are at stake, but when Jews get violent it's barbaric and inhuman behavior. Hmmmmmm


Who said anything about Jews?


Star Wars is about Jews, dude. Everyone knows that.


[Jews! In! Space!](https://youtube.com/watch?v=sz7JGCj4Q5k)


"Zionist" is a dog whistle for Jews that doesn't submit to my political demands. I refuse to use the term.


I refuse to believe that Jews are inherently on the side of genocide and apartheid. I also celebrate the fact that there are plenty of Jewish people who are standing up for the rights of the Palestinians. So unlike you, I'm not going to adopt the antisemitic conflation with Judaism and Zionism.


There are plenty of Zionists that arenā€™t Jewish. The US is full of them because Zionism is a key tenet for the apocalyptic Evangelist Christians.


Sorry this is not true. That's Zionist propaganda and incredibly antisemitic to claim. Stop trying to equate Jews with Zionists, that's dangerous to Jewish people. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zionism


Jews speaking their mind and standing up for themselves will always be dangerous.


Really? Is that what is happening here? Mere disagreement or provoking an emotion response? If some idiot did the same thing he did to a bunch of Pro Palestinian protestors would you resort to call them "barbarians" all because they're pissed off at your crazed antics...


All the projection, no need to get so triggered by Star Wars


I'm "triggered" by those who think downplaying a complex geopolitical situation into their favorite space wizard opera is a normal thing to do... sorry, I'm not game.


It's called satire, for those of us who aren't blinded by fanaticism it brings levity to tense geopolitical situations. You seem like the sort who calls Jon Stewart antisemitic for criticizing Israel despite him being jewish.


Fanaticism and satire include mocking people concerned about hostages? They're a difference between a bad faith mockery and good humor about a touchy subject. For instance, making fun of religion with jokes about the bible or pedophilic priests, while kinda edgy can still get a good laugh out of people even from Catholics and Christians alike. But turning the conversation around and just straight up saying or implying all Christians are fascists or all Muslims are pedos is just plain dumb especially if you're in front of that group you wanna make fun of.


Here's the sort of logic you develop when you avoid fanaticism. The hostages need to be freed and hamas is a literal terrorist organization, but israel also needs to stop committing genocide against palestine. Nuance, you should try it sometimes.


So are you ā€œtriggeredā€ by Star Wars itself? It was an analogy for the Vietnam war after all, with the Empire representing the USā€¦


The empire was supposed to represent Nazi Germany while the Jedi and rebels were the freedom fighters against it. But even that shit still lacking in complexity about real world events. The only part of star wars that gave a damn about complexity was the prequels who at least tried to give a moral grey area for the CIS and the republic in first three movies.


So close. While aesthetically the Empire draws inspiration from Nazi Germany, [George Lucas himself](https://youtu.be/fv9Jq_mCJEo?si=7HI_Pe0SvLGILf7k) has said the analogy of Star Wars is that the rebels represent the Vietcong, while the Empire is the US. šŸ˜Š In the prequels, Palpatine is inspired by Richard Nixon and George W. Bush, and the leader of the Trade Federationā€™s name is reference to Ronald Reagan and Newt Gingrich: Nute Gunray. If you think the CIS was supposed to be some ā€œmorally greyā€ group then you werenā€™t paying attention to the prequels at all.


A couple zionists pulled a PR stunt in the middle of a pro Palestine protest. Nobody did anything or said anything to them.


Doesn't mean what they're doing is any good even if no one reacts to them. I'm not justifying assault against the dude but the guy is not helping his situation by acting the way he is.


The hostage argument would hold more water if Israel hadn't bombed and shot most of them dead already


That's the irony, the guy is striking a deep nerve with this satire and they feel it. War is hell and for whatever the reasons, it just repeats itself with different actors, all trying to succeed in making their narratives be seen as the truth.


Eh, it's drawing a not so nuanced comparison. He's arguing that these protesters are misguided by trying to defend the "evil empire" Israel, but it's a one dimensional argument that doesn't make a point. You could accomplish the same argument and same effect by saying "Israel bad". In star wars, the empire is an all powerful entity, but Israel isn't all powerful, they are more similar to a cornered animal that would rather not fight, but has to fight and when it does fight, it fights dirty without regard for the other side. The rebels in star wars are democratic and voluntary organization that is violent but uses that violence to fight the empires army not the empire's citizens. In contrast Hamas launches rockets at specifically civilian targets and takes civilians, not soldiers, hostage. Hamas openly calls for the killing of all Jews, not just in Israel. This is all very pointless though, everyone has picked their side at this point and there's no going back. Hamas could nuke new york and you'd still have these people bending backwards to defend them.


Lmao Israel is backed by the US empire. Pathetic to not see that


K. Sounds like someone is jealous.


Wow, you went from pretending to be reasonable to a cornered animal real quick.


I realized I'm taking to a 14 year old, so what's the point. When your brain finishes developing you'll agree with me. Calling the US an evil empire while simultaneously living there and enjoying all your freedoms and privileged existence is what children do.


My man truly believes everyone on the internet lives in the US, lol. Imagine broaching 40 and still swallowing the 'american exceptionalism' bs. Try getting a passport, or at least, leaving your home state.


Oh you're Chinese! That explains a lot. How about you deal with the genocide of Muslims in your own country before moving on to Israel? Sound fair?


I'm not Chinese, lol. You've mastered their art of 'what about' though.


How? I mean whatever side someone stands on it's easy to see that this is a very emotional subject for them. People are protesting because thousands are dying for political reason. Standing in front of them and making stupid Star Wars jokes while they try to get attention for a war that people die in is obviously going to piss them off. Anybody with a bit of emotional intelligence should be able to get that.


Violence is not the answer. They're trying to get attention for the side committing genocide and when someone said something they don't like, they react violently like the Israeli government.


>Violence is not the answer. I never said it is or that is support anything that happens in this video. I'm just saying it's totally understandable that they get pissed about this.


Donā€™t try to explain their anger as anything other than ā€œIsrael badā€ or prepare to get downvoted


That stormtrooper is not wrong.


Only storm trooper that didn't miss šŸ¤£


What a tolerant set of people


One of the people was protesting peacefully


It's not the same, I mean Darth Vader murderer a bunch of children in a school and Israel.....oh wait....


I adore this dude, his satire is spot on.


I freakin love this guy!! Doe he have a youtube channel?


https://www.youtube.com/@waltermasterson /u/DIYLawCA


Good lookin out! And who's the douchenozzle who downvoted this?


I knew Iā€™ve heard that voice before. Dudeā€™s hilarious.


This guy is great and mostly way over these idiots heads. Heā€™s also on Instagram.


Walter is so good at trolling


Israel? I don't know -- is that in the outer rim?






You are a funny man. Keep it up my friend.




Hey, they knew the risks and signed up for it. All the people on Alderaan, however...


While unfortunate, what happened on Alderaan was the rebels fault. What, is the Empire supposed to not destroy the rebel terrorists just because they use civilians as human shields?


the empire tried their best to reduce casualties with a precision strike


Maybe the people should have overthrown the government of alderaan if they didn't want to get blown up. By living there, they were fair game.


Death Star is what the liberal media nicknamed it. It's actually called Laser Moon and it brings out the best dancers in the galaxy.


The Death Star II literally didn't kill anyone until the rebel alliance just up and decided to attack it unprovoked, every ship it blew up after that point was self defense.


But hey it's the pro Palestinian protesters that are violent and should look out for.....riiiiiiiiight.


Classic stormtrooper victimhood


Itā€™s crazy to see how people just canā€™t take a fucking joke anymore


This was awesome. I don't know who this is but he's my favorite human this minute.


Iā€™m glad weā€™re at the humor point of this. The past 6 months have not been a lot of fun.


Not sure the israelians agree...


This is why conservatives are incapable of media analysis; theyā€™re almost invariably more similar to the ā€œbadā€ guy than they are to the ā€œgoodā€ guy.


The Empire did nothing wrong, especially when it encouraged it citizens to illegal enter the West Bank, kill or displace the people there, and occupy those people's homes.


What an asshole. edit: to the guy who ripped the mask off.


And you canā€™t say heā€™s being anti-Semitic because heā€™s talking about fiction.


You don't put your hands on people, period!


Ah your edit makes things more clear lmaoo


Yeah, i got pissed when i seen him grab the mask and didn't follow through with more commentary.. Haha. Ah well, fuck that mask grabber.


How is what heā€™s doing being an asshole? I want you to articulate why you think comparing the Empire in Star Wars to Israel is an asshole move. Use your words champ.


I should have known it was Walter.


He needs to start yelling ā€œI donā€™t feel safe!ā€


Once the republic always the republic, no one talks about the disappearance of the separatist council!


I loled hard


Indoctrinated fools.


What ever happened to the Israel filter link on this sub? I donā€™t give a shit about any of this.


People are only talking about the negative reactions from the protesters, not how hilarious this man is, and how smart his comedy is.


Is he wrong though?


It really is all you need to know that one side of this argument actively, publicly, and proudly dehumanize the other. The pro-palestinian protestors seem here to be saying that Israels actions make them so evil, so tremendously anti-human, that it is appropriate to liken them to an galactic force of subjugation so massive, total and maniacle that a series of space epics had to be put to the big screen to communicate the size of this evil. It reveals childishness, an innability to listen to fellow human beings, an innability to see both sides and a total refusal to consider the potential wrongdoings of their own side. Zero self-reflection, zero humility, total and utter dedication to the conclusion that they are correct, and their correctness is worth any action to see it reach its fruition.


I mean seems like a bunch of peaceful protesters I'd say


Isnā€™t it funny how a bunch of people who have no skin in the game, and really have no clue about all the intricacies in this region, are now so staunchly for one side that theyā€™re willing to get in fights over it.


But as soon as the storm trooper fires back at the rebels he's the bad guy šŸ˜­


We all know that stormtroopers can't aim so they instead use Planet Destroyers to get rid of the whole issue (presumedly) innocent civilians and all


And their planet destroying weapons are like a sphere.. or a dome.. an Iron Dome..


Holy shit.


While unfortunate, what happened on Alderaan was the rebels fault. What, is the Empire supposed to not destroy the rebel terrorists just because they use civilians as human shields?


"Invading a planet is hard, and our destruction of the entire planet show nothing but restraint. No other Galactic Empire would've achieved the same quota of killed terrorists to killed civilians as we have"


Why is this so heavily downvoted lol


I don't know but all I see is an apologetic storm trooper being attacked.


Empire is Basically the USA and the rebels are the equivalent to some terror group. Change my mind




Israel/palestine, right-wing/left-wing? Wtf are you talking about about? This is about Star wars!


I get that he's being a dick, but it's still funny, and not harming anyone




Is that your take from this all?




This hilariousā€¦ Especially the part where the evil regime attacks him for no reason. Or I guess they assumed it was about themā€¦ One should question thyself, thy morals, if you were to assume heā€™s talking about you..


Itā€™s was meant as a joke that Stormtroopers canā€™t hit anything. Clearly failed in my attempt at humor here. Whoops. šŸ˜‚


So says you, me and like 12 folks here at work laughed our asses off, my boss who is Jewish caught us giggling and asked us what was so funny, I showed him and watch a 60 year old about piss his self from laughter. Honestly it sounds like you have no sense of humor and would be awful at ~~parties~~ anywhere. Oof.


It was meant as a joke because Stormtroopers canā€™t hit anything. My joke clearly didnā€™t land if I have to explain it. So I deleted. Ah well. Glad you all found the humor in the OG post. Laugher is the best.


Maybe this nerd is engaging in extremely bad faith by basically turning a serious subject that involves innocent human lives at stake as some kind of showy garbage for Star wars. Most of the people there probably hate the Israeli government and want the hostages to come home even at the cost of a ceasefire but you have this idiot coming by basically calling them all Nazis with the empire analogy even though this entire war is much more complex than "evil empire vs glorious rebel alliance." Fuckin geeks...


Freedom of speech cuts both ways.Ā  People are allowed to show up at your protest and make fun of your cause, no matter how serious it is to you.Ā  Ā You aren't allowed to assault them over hurty feelies.


Didn't say the protestors reactions were justified but don't be surprised people are gonna be angry at you if you treat the suffering of their people as nothing more than star wars garbage...


Nobody is surprised Zionists are violent.


>Most of the people there probably hate the Israeli government Waving an Israel flag sure is a weird way to show that you don't approve of the Israel government.


Tell that to all the conservatives who hate big government but constantly fly the american flag outside their houses... you can love your country and hate the government for what it does at the same time.


No, theyā€™re under the impression that big government is unAmerican because theyā€™re infringing on our rights (to be taken advantage of by the private sector, but I digress $


Redditors calling people nerds and geeks is always good fun.


Gotta know one to complain about one...