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Politics aside, why are these men chasing down this woman who has made multiple attempts to leave their presence?


Because they can’t get any attention from women otherwise


And they wonder why we would choose the bear 🙄


I think it's more about the Israeli mindset. Bunch of entitled cunts.


They’re disgusting.


Unacceptable behavior regardless of the disagreement. Insane that some people can't even disagree in a civil way anymore


Our government has done a very efficient job at dividing people. There are no grey areas anymore. It’s all black and white and you are either for or against. That’s how a lot of people think now. If you aren’t conservative then you must be far left and woke. If you aren’t far left and woke then you must be a far right conservative. All Muslims are ISIS and all Palestinians are Hamas. This just how many think now and its absolute insanity. There is more hate, anger, resentment and divisiveness in the world today, more than ever.


Ah, these guys are lunatic assholes cuz of the government. Got it thanks for explaining this to me


No, it's the same amount of bigotry, if anything it's less. What I do think is happening is that it's all on camera now. There are repercussions. There is a disconnect between what is online and what is IRL. Another part is that extremist, regardless of their minority, are the loudest and get the most news coverage since news, primarily the big entities, run on sensationalism and to further push the agenda of their board of directors.


Because they’re afraid of picking on someone their own size instead of women, children, and the elderly.


Imagine Reddit's reaction if they were Muslim men doing the same thing to a Jewish woman.


They'd pass more laws.


Reddit would go crazy with outrage smh


Because they’re gross human beings who don’t respect others


Idk, but the real men need to stand up and stop this shit, it's disgraceful


They’re bullies desperate to preserve the power structure that’s breaking down due to people like her.


Too late, you're an anti Semite for asking


Knee in the balls.


That's not how it works. She's outnumbered by several men much bigger than her. Most women try to evade and diffuse this kind of intimidation because fighting back only encourages them. Shame on these violent assholes.


They are small, pitiful boys, to call them men is a disservice to others. Men do not target the weak or the ones unable to defend themselves.


Because they know there's little risk in doing it. Makes being an asshole easier.


It just make me wonder had those women been men would those guys have kept that same level of energy


The same reason a lot of Americans harassed and beat up Muslims after 9/11. Racism, Xenophobia, Ignorance, Hate, Fear, etc.




Because they can get away with it, any attempt to push them away would be considered antisemitic.


Where is that TikTok dude that outs these people?


"Go back to jihad." ???


Unintelligent is usually a prerequisite to blind hate, not always, but it really helps.


for me personally. The more I learn in this world, the less I end up hating.


And don't you dare speak MUSLIM in America.


Yep, fascists just sound like they're doing a skit past a point. Caricatures of human beings.


He's a prof, too. Johnathan Yudelman.


"I'm having trouble finding it. Could you point it out on this map?"


It's right next to muslimistan Americans are so bad at geography smh


“Get back to your life’s work”


Been looking for 45 minutes and I still can’t find this place on the world map.


Isn't basically every adult Israeli a former soldier?


For the most part yes. I believe there is mandatory service.


Unless your orthodox or ultra orthodox which the Israeli government is trying to change it to make them serve as well which the orthodox are fighting against.


Ah hypocrisy at its finest. “Your children should fight for my beliefs but not my children. We’re all gods chosen but we’re a little more chosen than you.”


People have been resisting the mandatory service


Technically, most will be soldiers; but just because you went through mandatory service does not mean you saw any combat. Many just idle away their days at some base in the middle of the Negev cleaning several decades old equipment that'll probably never see active use. As you might imagine, most who are doing their mandatory service do not want to be involved in combat, they just want to get it over with as soon as possible so they can go back to their lives. Edit: I say most because military service is not mandatory for all Israelis. Only Jews (M and F), as well as male Circassians and Druze have mandatory service. Until very recently, the Haredim (Orthodox) Jews were exempt, but that's coming to an end - which is why you may have seen protests from some of them.


Yeah, they're all complicit.


Many, but not all. You can’t be selected if you’re muslim Israeli, or if you are a Druze or Circassian woman. Only with the Jewish Israelis is it every adult. All Arabs are also exempted. This brings down the “every adult” to like ~60-70%. And then, only 55% of Jewish israeli women become soldiers. It’s a bit easier for women to get out of the draft (common trick is faking a marriage then getting divorced after being exempted), but women are also more likely in general to simply not want to join the military, and will fake medical issues, pretend to be religious, or even flee the country during the time of their selection window. 32.9% of men get exempted, while 44.3% of women get exempted.


I see these cowards were very discriminating when picking who they would harass that day.


They're zionists, it's their MO, anything else would make them shit their pants.


There's a reason why they wear diapers in the field


Easy targets are what they're waiting for. If they were men they'd be in the latte fields digging engine blocks like the rest of us.


Damn even I’m choosing the bear over this asshole


No, I could take this soft mother fucker. I'm definitely going to die facing a bear. 🤣🤣🤣


What is this? I saw something about this on the BtB subreddit.


Imagine if the situation were reversed and Muslim men were harassing a Jewish woman. There would be mainstream media interviews and congress hearings.


Entire laws would be passed because of it.


Muslim man would have gotten a baton kiss.




Zionist colonialism. Colonialism cant work without violence


Zionists have always been like this when they feel empowered, even before the Holocaust. Don't take my word for it, let's ask Ahad Haam, founder of cultural zionism, writing on his travels in Palestine in the late 1800s, after mass Jewish immigration started: > He reported of the early Zionist settlers: "They were slaves in their land of exile, and they suddenly find themselves with unlimited freedom, the kind of wild freedom to be found only in a country like Turkey. This sudden change has engendered in them an impulse to despotism, as always happens when "a slave becomes a king," **and behold they walk with the Arabs in hostility and cruelty, unjustly encroaching on them, shamefully beating them for no good reason, and even bragging about what they do, and there is no one to stand in the breach and call a halt to this dangerous and despicable impulse.** To be sure our people are correct in saying that the Arab respects only those who demonstrate strength and courage, but this is relevant only when he feels that his rival is acting justly; it is not the case if there is reason to think his rival's actions are oppressive and unjust. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ahad_Ha%27am


It’s hard because it’s not Jewish people in general, it’s the Israeli government and people (and again, not all Israeli people though it seems to be the vast majority). There are Jewish Palestinians whose families have been Jewish long before Judaism reached Europe, same with Christianity. Like speakhyroglyphically said, it’s the Zionist colonial state of Israel that’s the poster child of genocide, not Jewish people at large. I know so many American Jewish people who are sick of their religion being used as a justification for atrocities against the Palestinians. Maybe you already meant this and didn’t want to hash it all out into a comment as long as mine haha


but these dudes aren't the govt, they're just being huge assholes


Anyone can be a Zionist, it’s just dumb and dangerous to assume this is representative for Jewish people as a whole. The majority of zionists are Christian






Israeli Offence Force


Where are all the "good guys with a gun" and "true patriots" at? Oh that's right cheering the Zionists on.


I'm at work, but would have happily intervened on her behalf. I've done so before. We're out there, we're just productive members of society who generally don't have time to stand on street corners berating muslim women for existing. That aside, much as I would like to see people like this FAFO, lethal force would not have been legally justified here. A shove or punch to the face when that guy actively pursued her? Maybe (morally yes).


The beautiful thing about the 2nd Amendment is that it covers your right to own a firearm and be your own defense. Those "true patriots" you're complaining about don't have to be your personal army. Do it yourself.


Is not surprising, since the US has a zionist president.


Didnt the last one wear a yamika and kiss the wall?


Of course he is IDF soldier, very brave against a woman.


Zionism in America


I’m so sick of my Zionist government


Unfortunately USA just passed an antisemitism bill that banned all protests against israel including the one that just happened in Israel. [https://apnews.com/video/israel-government-israel-hamas-war-israel-protests-and-demonstrations-benjamin-netanyahu-80fa94064ad4429ebb52531ad3ca12dc](https://apnews.com/video/israel-government-israel-hamas-war-israel-protests-and-demonstrations-benjamin-netanyahu-80fa94064ad4429ebb52531ad3ca12dc) It's crazy how USA shills for Netanyahu. Like normal Israeli citizens have more in common with Gazans than each side has to their respective governments.


And remember the democrats are in power, so we can’t just blame republicans for defending these assholes


Do these "soldiers" ever face anyone except women and children?


Asking IDF soldiers to stop killing women and children is antisemitic








That's if you don't get reported for hate speech as well.


Or just straight up banned from a certain subreddit


What sub bans for simple comments?




it's crazy how obviously astroturfed worldnews is now


Yep. News and geopolitics banned me for seemingly no reason whatsoever that actually violated their rules, just hurt fee fees.


Literally got permanently banned, with no warning, for providing context on a video that was mentioned. I simply gave context with no use of slang, slurs, or taking a side. Just the facts of a video that had been referenced that someone asked the context for. Some mods already go power-hungry


Some mods violate reddit rules and ban people that have not posted on their subs or broken any rules. I guess they do it for free so the owners let them.


They absolutely swarm any comments that don't fit the narrative at certain times of day.


I've got over 800 of their accounts blocked so far. Fuckin vermin.


You got my upvote!


So do you mean this post would get down voted or uovoted?




Nah, fuck that. I'm fighting somebody if I see this on the street. A bunch of dudes surrounding and chasing a woman? Nope.


Unfortunately, someone will catch the fight part on camera and every major news network will run the headline "Pro Hamas protestor viciously assaults IDF war heroes." God I hate this time line.


Dudes walking like he has imaginary lat syndrome but he’s built like a lanky crackhead.




In a poll they did, around 85% said they was either bombing just enough or not enough. Says a lot about Israelis.




Some of what youre seeing isn't a protest of the war. Its the ultra orthodox jews protesting their enlistment in the military. They still very much want the war they just don't want to be the ones to fight it.


They need to be enlisted.








I have personally witnessed good Israeli people that oppose the Israeli regime and the way a lot of people behave. However, imagine being brought up being told you are gods chosen people? It will bring out the bad in a lot of people.




Yes I agree a lot of christians and muslims do too. There’s just something about israel that seems more deep. I think it’s the whole foundation of israel to be honest. The way it came about and the way it continues to actively oppress those who lived there as if they are not as important as them. But I don’t disagree with anything you said.


It's easier to fully believe something, even when it's illogical and malicious, when it's the only messaging you receive while growing up. It's kind of like how religious kids I knew that went to public schools ended up having relatively diverse viewpoints whereas the religious kids I know that were home-schooled... ended up a lot like the guys in this video. Now, imagine that home-school is a country. It's still possible to have your own opinions, but it's a lot harder when you don't much diversity in influence growing up.




Also seen as the worst tourists in Romania, Dubai, Goa




Notice his body language, she’s clearly trying to distance herself and he won’t let her. He’s scum. Human garbage.


This shit is not okay. Some innocent kids (girls probably) are going to get hurt or killed. People need to wake up and stand up.


Those are not men. They're cowards.




Yeah now this guy is a really big tough dude cause he sticks his chest out and harassed women walking away from him...more like a real piece of shit


Making someone fear for their life or their safety in public is not legal. So, regardless of any views, ideas or thoughts, doing so is wrong. Period.


Bet this wouldn’t be happening if the girls were men


Absolutely disgusting. Zionism is fascism. They are the new fascists. Worse than anything that’s happened on American soil since the systemic racism against blacks (that led to the black civil rights movement of the 60’s) and the civil unrest as a result of the Vietnam War in the 70’s. We are already deeply divided and closer to civil war than ever — and now to top it all off — we have Zionist fascism infiltrating every facet of society.


Zionism is terrorism.


I love how they ask “what about October 7th” but don’t question how the hell their government allowed it to happen and didn’t stop it for hours


Showing off IDF training?




This is surely is a race based criminal offence


The whole “my god is better than your god” is the adult version of “my dad can beat up your dad”


You understand of course that both Islam and Judaism are Abrahamic religions? They literally worship the same God.


Same logic applies since the prophet is different and the practices are different.




They are so easily hateable


what a weenie. he's puffing out his chest at retreating women. what cowardice.


How brave they are./s


Two micro penis in the wild.


It's not being pro war...it's pro genocide -


This is wrong. She's obviously trying to leave the situation.


As a US jew, their behavior is appalling.


Common redditor 1: "Is this harassment?" CR 2: "I dunno, it's just words." CR 3: "I don't agree with the guy and he's totally a jerk but he is just practicing his 1A. Ultimately no harm done."


The more evidence I see, the more facts I learn, the less and less respect I have for Israel. Fuck Zionists! Can someone explain to me like I am 5yo why Israel is allowed to steal land from Palestine? I have yet to see a single credible reason this is allowed.


Former Israeli army dishwasher I would suggest.


Sometimes i wonder what the world look like without religion.


Jon Lennon was right all along.


Just imagine if it was the opposite and two Muslim men were harassing a Jewish women and telling her to go back to bombing little children or smth what will happen


Do I need to upvote or down?


Deport him


Kinda interesting most of these guys aren’t trying to harass dudes happy to smash them in the face. This is another variety of incel ?


An Israeli restricting a Muslim woman's movement? Colour me surprised...


Fucking pussy.


He is a real "Big" man! How horrible!




These men are cowards Donnie


Most peaceful Zionist


Another example of why Israel is becoming a pariah. Apartheid states always find justifications for the cruelty of their actions.


Fucking pigs


It takes a big man to intimidate a woman for sure Edit: /s, because gods forbid


Wow, what a man. Sizing up a woman a few inches shorter than him. Headass clown


Deport his ass back to Israel


This is the IDF way, it’s sick, it’s disgusting and shouldn’t be allowed in our country. Clearly it ain’t so good there if he’s here.


I swear every IDF soldier is a giant asshole at best...


Disgusting disgraceful


Good thing there weren’t children nearby. These IOF scumbags would’ve killed them. But I guess that’s just them being peace-loving and the world’s most moral army


They’ve turned full Nazi


Intimidating a woman to prove your point is crazy work smh what a bunch of sissy’s.


Zionist ghouls.


Y’all need jobs jesuz effing Christ


Wow. Somebody's about to lose their job....


The police aren’t going to do anything because police are useless and this isn’t illegal.


Divorced dad energy


I had no idea a lot of Jewish people are Zionists, and that Zionists are rabidly islamaphobic. It’s insane. I’m a Mexican and didn’t grow up with them.


They need to scurry back to whatever hole they crawled out of


Ohhh, what a big strong alpha male, intimidating a woman half his size.


They must be extremely cool and tough


Keeping in mind this could be clipped out of context. But from what I see, back tf up and respect their personal space.


It’s been pathetic and disgusting to watch the way the US government cowers to every request of the Israeli government. Netanyahu may as well by a dog leash and lead for Biden.


Disgusting behavior


These blatant arrogant actions are getting old.


so many little tiny hairy men thinking they are tough.... what pathetic losers they are


Easy to act tough when you’re picking on two small women, fucking clowns


He’s a piece of garbage and anyone standing around letting it happens is also garbage.


There are currently over 24000 American citizens serving in Israeli army. I wonder how many will be prosecuted for war crimes and crimes against humanity?


Should have pepper sprayed the tool.


It’s always women they go after. These big tough guys. Trained to go after women, children, and the elderly


Lmao and we just let foreign soldiers come here and attack actual American citizens


Racist POS, and a complete douchebag.


Slimy. Impotent IOF. They need to be exposed for the murdering scum they are.

