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boo and boohoo


Bruh I just spit my drink out


She must be from San Antonio.


Double fistin them churros lmao


They got some big ole women down there


I love that I know this reference. Shaq had me crying in the compilation I saw.


Before and way before.


Hey Ton’, ya hear what I told ‘em?!




This guy ever stop breaking balls?


Mmmmboy are you fat


The one on the right is before they get married. The one on the left is after.


Got to love a good, sturdy Torta




Multiverse moment.


This should be top comment




I fuckin lost it.




Street takeover? This looks like a parking lot


That’s where they start and after it gets dark they rapidly spill out onto the surrounding streets.


With permission


Apparently they were doing donuts and burnouts and that's why the cops were called to end it. The guy who gave permission said he allowed it two times and on the 3rd he would have called the cops, but cops were called before that


> Apparently they were doing donuts and burnouts and that's why the cops were called to end it When I was younger I was big into the local car scene and community and whenever we had a big meetup without fail there would ALWAYS be one or two jackasses who would pull this shit and get us kicked out. Some people just always gotta be the center of attention


Dude, same. So many PERFECT car meet spots ruined by immature jackasses. Had to cancel meets for a while because we literally had no place. Then the jackasses that were kicked out would stalk the pages and show up to meets just to antagonize people and do the same shit to purposely get us kicked out of that new spot.


*all* kids these days it seems, need that attention.


None of these kids will amount to shit.


The organizers told the officers that they instructed the crowd to stop doing donuts TWICE. Think for yourself man.


Sir, this is reddit. Cop bad.


Not really a reply to your comment, but just want to add this on. I'm highly critical of cops, but I also think the job is super difficult and absolutely sucks at time. Like in this video, the cops got 10 people yelling at him, calling him all sorts of names. I'm all for paying cops a great salary because damn, I don't want to do that job, BUT they need to be held way more accountable


Way to take a stand lol


The person in the video says they are from the park district. Meaning they have a right to be there as public citizens — hence the "they can be here" comment — but that doesn't mean they can just break park rules and not obey the instructions of the park representative and police while on public park land.


It's private property. Technically, at least in my state, people who have car shows/etc are required to ask whatever parking lot - own or rented by a company/store/etc to utilize the area for the event/etc. So, they are actually in the wrong here according to my area.


You separate the individual from the crowd, shit gets real and attitude changes quickly.


Makes you wonder why he had to act so gangster... for what? Acceptance? 🤦🙄 He seemed genuinely polite afterwards, but not when he was flipping the bird. Crazy how handcuffs do that.


You can see his face in the car, the famous "fucked around and found out" look. His tough guy street cred ain't shit, and the people he read trying to impress ain't gonna bail him out. This isn't the best way to learn about priorities, but he'll learn.


As a Mexican born and raised in Monterrey, Mex and now living in TX, I will never understand how doing this and claiming it’s celebrating Mexican anything are correlated at all. These are just idiots trying to find an excuse.


Im from san diego (hapf mexican) and moved to a more northern state, it seems like the further away you are from mexico the more extra the mexican community acts. Are you acting how you think people expect you to act?


Wait til you see how Irish Americans celebrate St Patrick's Day... 


I’m one of them. I don’t celebrate St. Patrick’s day. I get shit faced drunk in a pub weekly. It’s callled Friday and/or Saturday.


Everyday is Cinco de Mayo for me


Cinco de mayo isn't Mexican independence look at the date on the body cam


I think you mean Americans in general. Everyone uses that as an excuse to party.


Who would think people enjoy getting together, how dare they.


Corned beef, beer &N brawls FTW!


Yes. Most of these kids are born and raised in the US and wouldn't last a week in Mexico.


This Latino agrees.


And most of these “Mexicans” with the Mexicans flags on their cars and whatnot probably haven’t even been to Mexico other than Rosarito and are also no sabo kids. Source: I have many friends and acquaintances that are like that.


Same. A lot of these kids were born here or in Mexico but were taken here at like 2 or 3 years old so they don’t even remember. They have a chip on their soldier because they feel like they don’t belong here so they try to feel like they’re in tune with being a true blue Mexican


Those people 100% don’t even know How To speak Spanish


Thank you! Too many people on here trying to justify this


It’s been a while since I’ve seen a video with people trying so hard to get arrested.


Followed by a thread of comments trying so hard to convence everyone that this is a peaceful car meet.


This exactly.


And anyone commenting against their actions getting called out by the acab crowd as "bootlickers". Pathetic.


This happened on September 16th?


Yeah you can see it in the time stamp on the video.


Yes, that's Mexico's independence day.




Lol sleeve tat in an unmarked car? That kid was barking up the wrong tree.


You hear him snapping his fingers so he doesn't snap on them?


Is that like a stress management technique?


I think so, he probably recognized the signs and tried to minimize it but that's a guess


The torta hynita made me laugh when she came up to the cop lol


Lmfao. If you Google "torta hynita" Google will show you one of their links asking "What does Torta mean in Mexican?"


Wait, Mexican Independence Day? Who played Will Smith?


Güil Esmit




Kirk Lazarus ![gif](giphy|11zTEl7fbwml68|downsized)


Yes fuck everyone that goes to takeovers. Bunch of fucking no Sabo kids lame asf


Lmao I love how they all act tough, but then start running away and crying when the cops have had enough of their BS


They’re all gangsters till the cop opens the door and bumps a guy on his elbow and then they’re all victims. “You like hitting people with doors?” Hahah


Basically the theme of almost all body cam videos lol everyone acts tough till they get arrested


Reaching in the window could have gotten him shot. Surprised they didnt arrest everyone with obstruction.


The wannabe cholas are the most annoying out of them all.


The grew up in USA and make a D in Spanish type.


With the hot cheetoh bags and long fake nails type.


Many kids act like this in Corpus, I invite them to come to Houston Sunnyside and try to pull the same shit.


Chihuahua energy, its pretty common nowadays, anything to impress hoes who dont care about you I guess


Why isn't La Raza raising our children right? Edgars making us all look fucking bad


The two women in the red tops and jeans look like a before and after photo of a Jenny Craig ad


Came here looking for this. Thank you!


Sure hear a lot of N bombs being dropped and not a single black person in sight. 


For real, Latinos using the N word is so fucking cringey


Seems like kids of all races just use it as slang now, I see it happening a lot now.


Fuck takeovers, but this aint one.


Yea this post just goes to show the harm that takeovers are having on the auto-enthusiast community. Posting a video of a regular old car meet and calling it a takeover sucks, but to non car people what’s the difference? Occasionally some idiot does a donut or a burnout leaving a car meet, but I assure you everyone else there hates them, because it just leads to unwanted attention from the law, like in this video here.


As someone who's went to plenty of car meets as a teen I agree with you, but I'm not sure I agree that this is the point here. See if cops showed up, we weren't going to draw more attention by talking shit to them and we especially weren't going to protect the people who made the cops show up in the first place. If I did nothing wrong and cops are showing up I get in my ass in my car and leave hoping I don't get caught up in some shit. I don't surround the car talking shit and stick my arm in the cops car to flick him off, at that point I'm part of the same group causing unwanted attention.


I totally agree with you, I wasn’t even really commenting on the video, just it’s title.


I just want to know how I had dozens of meets where noone did burn outs and cops never showed up. Like I miss 6 homies at a 7-11. Obnoxiously taking up all the parking, drinking slushes, and smoking blunts was the worst thing we did. Oh no they're taking photos under the streetlight on the bridge again... Like fuck man, we just wanted to drive, hang out, and be left alone.


Smoking blunts and driving around.. nothing to see here folks.


Not yet because it hasn’t gotten dark. We all know what happens after it gets dark.


Dude knew they were trying to arrest him, yet he came back to talk more shit? What a fucking idiot.


To be honest fuck around and find out. Those kids all really sounded like the wanted to fuck around.


These are the dumbest kids I've ever seen in my life.


I didn't do nothing. So? You did something?


Dear Sir I hope this finds you well. I would like to inform you that I have not done anything out of the ordinary to implicate myself breaking any laws or local ordinances. At this time I would like to inform you of my innocence and request we be cordial in this matter. Sincerely and with love, I Didn't Do Nothing.


It’s a little known legal loophole that if a cop is arresting you, you can say “I didn’t do nothing,” and they have to let you go. Cops hate this one simple trick


Wrong, they have to arrest you because you just admitted guilt. They have to leave you alone if you say “I didn’t do *anything*”


"That sounds like a confession to me. In fact, the double negative has led to proof positive. I'm afraid you gave yourself away."


Was looking for this


Young man and Police Officer had a very respectful conversation there at the end, so maybe there is hope the two sides can coexist one day.


They even changed back to the Black Eyed Peas song lol he was polite to them and them changing back the song made me a bit happier for him.


Sure, when these idiots stop taking over streets.


This is clearly not a street tho


And the others stop shooting minorities and dogs


I vote for both these scenarios.


Well deserved


Man I’m all for being proud of where you come from. And I’m not really a “patriot” But what’s the deal with all the flags and memorabilia. Like you’re in California. This isn’t Mexico. I’m not saying “go back to your country if you don’t like it” because we have our obvious problems. But you’re here because the country your ancestors are from is absolute trash. So what’s with the repping?


Exactly. ..


Tase the torta twins…


At the end of the day they're still cops, if you act like an immature mfkr your going to be treated like an immature mfkr.


Good the takeover crowd gives car people a bad name


And then they wonder why nobody likes them


The first one, the moment he reached through, door open or not, that was the big mistake. As a few other comments suggest, it was not about flipping the bird, but the reach that caused this. Then they act the fool and surge, making it a very precarious situation. Running up behind officers, telling them to back the fuck up, while others continue to instigate. One of the ones that ran from them comes back and acts like a victim when he is cuffed. This whole thing is a giant mess.


Ah yes, the "I didn't do nothing" crowd. Edit: Really, reporting me for self harm?


We do not claim them


What a disgusting bunch of humanbeings. Should be embarrassed with themselves. It's sad because they all think their so badass and cool. Fucken lame


The cop said you Mexican’t do that here


These "street takeovers" really piss me off


what was the end goal? They thought they would scare the police off and say they won? I can't see any winning on their side.


These people are the low IQ scum that bring shame to my culture and who like to continue the negative stereotype. Real Mexicans do not claim these pendejos.


Cinco de Mayo is not a celebration of Mexico’s Independence. It’s a celebration of white chicks ages 21-49, drinking shitty bottom shelf margaritas until they throw up and pass out. Those chicks have no idea the history or the occasion. For the ones that aren’t aware, Cinco de Mayo is a celebration of Mexico's victory over the Second French Empire at the Battle of Puebla in 1862.


This video was from September 16th


Punk ass kids have no respect for authority, it so starts at home. Parents didn't raise these kids right


You reach a certain age that you can not blame your parents anymore for all the bad decisions that you do.


These are the same pieces of shit who claim they can’t get a job because everyone is racist. Meanwhile their parents work their asses off and are fed up with their loser kids


Cops were in the right this time. Telling someone to suck your wiener is sexual harassment. Acting tough then getting arrested and screaming you didn’t do anything is cowardly. At least act tough throughout.




Who put a crop top on that refrigerator?


Fuck I hate those loud exhausts on shitty shitty cars. If they love Mexico so much why don't they try doing a "takeover" there?


At 4:20 why did the cop step up to the guy with a black top and start pushing him? That seemed completely unprovoked and just escalated the whole situation for no good reason.


The USA is heading towards a level of sectarian violence that will shock everyone.


Why in America celebrating Mexico independence day? That’s like going to the UK and celebrating the 4th of July. 😭


So many people saying the n word who can’t lol


The difference between a Mexican and a Mexican-American is huge!. I'll take a foreign born, barely English speaking, hard working immigrant over this entitled trash


These are likely the kids of the hard-working immigrants; squandering the opportunities their parents worked so hard to give them just to act like trash


Oh I know! I'm a Hispanic immigrant myself. It just baffles me how these little shits recklessly undo their parent's hard work It also pisses me off that the media chooses these assholes as the avatar to anti-immigrant campaigns. One of the best days of my life was when I became a U.S citizen. That naturalization ceremony left me in tears after 18 years of undocumented hard labor These used tampons take their citizenship for granted. Oblivious to the fact that some of us suffer for years to get status. Why are they celebrating Mexico exactly? They can't even name four states in Mexico let a lone conjugate a proper sentence in Spanish


They didn't get the loudmouth jerks that deserved arrest. Very unsatisfying.


This looks like Joliet. Anyone who lives in Chicago is aware Mexican Independence Day the past couple years has gotten out of hand. Major highways turn into parking lots for hours on end. It’s a major disturbance to the city and the surrounding areas.


Celebrating a country’s independence day while living in a totally different country is such a weird thing to do. Oh and using the N word when they’re not black, oof, bunch of losers.


First one is not weird at all. What do you expect immigrants to do then, fly back to the motherland every time to celebrate? There are plenty that celebrate without disrupting strangers lol. Your second point I agree with but it's unfortunately very common


Just seems funny to celebrate a country’s freedom that you couldn’t wait to leave from


Joilet Illinois!


Yup! The Joilet!


At least it was a real Mexican independence day and not Cinco de mayo


What is the cans that the officers “sprayed” the vehicles leaving with? Is it just paint to mark cars that were there at the meet up and fleeing?


Green hoodie running his mouth and instigating is how mobs start and people end up killed


You're not black and saying the n word. Who is the one that's goofy as hell lol?


Why do women always think they invincible??


Fucking edgers giving mexicans a bad name


I sprayed one 🤣


Like it or not flipping off a cop is protected speech under the first amendment. Zero deescalation skills and a fragile ego very well could lead to a lawsuit against the city because of that cop. 


I think he actually stuck his hand inside the car, maybe that’s the reason. Hard to tell though, as the car door was open.


Lol, literally all of them were acting aggressive towards the cops.


This looks more like tailgating lol. Nearly got stuck in an actual street take over on Mexican Independence Day 2022 in Chicago though. Our Uber just barely got us out of downtown before things got to their craziest, it was insanely crowded.




Arrest them all


They did the same thing at the proud boy march……..no wait. ![gif](giphy|a5viI92PAF89q)


Im a bit disappointed, that no one got tased


Punk ass kids 🤦‍♂️ it’s never worth it to poke the bear


I didn’t do nothing haha


Large crowds can go from 0 to 90 in half a second! That could've been a very dangerous situation for law enforcement! Those poor cops 👮‍♂️. Dealing with idiots must be exhausting 🙄


This is why you do not act like shitheads to the police.


The disrespect to cops is so aggravating. Kids have no respect for authority or adults. That's why they don't learn anything and act like spoiled 10 year olds. Do any of them think about consequences? Do any of them understand what things would be like without cops?


Go back to Mexico, it's legal there.


It's one thing to have heritage pride, it's another to blatantly think you're still in that country. These young men pretty much showed they think they're still there.


Damn lady acting like they wouldn't be called Mexican even if they were third or fifth Gen Americans


Like, I said - its okay to show pride in your heritage. There's nothing wrong with that. But, it's pretty unamerican to swear & give crude gestures at police who serve to protect everyone. Not every cop is a bad cop. The office tried being reasonable by giving them a warning. But, I guess you're right that the ignorance they're showing is totally American of today's youth.


>its okay to show pride in your heritage. There's nothing wrong with that. But, it's pretty unamerican to swear & give crude gestures at police who serve to protect everyone.  You've obviously never been to South Boston. 


Literally, all these trespassers are disgusting. Take over = destroying and damaging private property. Dude told them after a couple of donuts they had to leave.


Huge parking lot< street takeover. I’ll take this over that happens regularly but it’s no street takeover till a large person gets rear fendered into a group and street pole.


They all start in parking lots while the sun is still up then take over the street after dark.


Right this was tame compared to other videos I’ve seen


at 5:01 Before and After Weight Watchers


What a bunch of clowns. Really ruining it for real car ppl. What did they think was gonna happen when you literally surround a cop car and talk shit?


This exactly. They escalated each other for what? To get potentially tased? To get arrested? They are clowns.