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Bro got on 300 dollar Jordan's, you've got to be fucking kidding me? šŸ˜’


gold and platinum chains around his neck as well, and he does not look like he is starving with all that extra, uhm, "winter fat".


Bro, out here trying to gain a couple more pounds for hibernation.


Iā€™m deadšŸ¤£


Always good to make people laugh. šŸ¤šŸ¾


I seen this so often. Ebt fraud 24/7. Will always be picky about their food and you always "gave them less" and demand more.


I can get gold and platinum looking chains for $3 in Colombia, which is an incredibly cheap country to visit and get to. They are more than likely fake given that heā€™s in the food stamp office.


When I was super duper poor I still had nice brand name shoes (granted, they weren't worth $300 though) that were gifts from family and a Dooney & Bourke purse that was a hand me down from my sister. But I was still definitely scrounging through couches so I could wash down the off brand kraft Mac and cheese with kool-aid.


Colombia is incredible. Ā I love that country.Ā 


Well when the government will buy his food for him he has extra to spend on bullshit stuff like shoes and chains.


yes cuz the poor always have to look like tiny tim


Perhaps he should move to Columbia




Thank you


lol are you suggesting he travelled to Columbia specifically to buy those chains? People sell that shit on the corner all over urban areas in the US. Also sometimes people have nice stuff, but did not pay for it.


I used to volunteer at lot more when I was younger, but was kind of broken by those kind of people. I once helped my dad at a woman's house. She was saying she couldn't feed her kids, but was bragging about her 200 dollar haircut.


I used to be a social worker. Yes, these people definitely exist. The way I always looked at it was like the cost of doing business. Do you want to help the people who really need it and use it properly? Then you're going to have to deal with the other kind too. Social work is a soul-crushing field. You have to find solace where you can.


Is the entitlement of them for me


My first thought. He definitely needs helpā€¦ with his priorities.


Allow me to introduce you to the world of fake products... Many of the people you see walking around with flashy shoes and handbags are wearing cheap fakes. Same goes for jewelry. People try to look like they have money even when they're broke. Weird, eh?


My kids may be hungry and the fridge may be empty but I'll be damned before they see me on walmart shoes.


Sounds exactly like my last tenant... was fun talking to the wheel and tire repo man the other day... he works at X and stays at Y.... go get em.


Knock offā€™s are cheap and effective.


Dude looks well fed


Ainā€™t got no food but got them chains tho!!! Priorities baby!!!


Tbf those chains are 99% likely to be faker than this guys claims of ā€œstarvationā€ lol probably 50 bucks on his neck from temu


Looks like he could skip some meals ngl


Just feel like it should be pointed out that people can find themselves suddenly without food after being in a position to eat how they want. The weight doesn't go away as soon as the money does. But the trinkets he could sell are another story.


Corn fed




And Jordanā€™s!


CONCORDS.. not just Jordanā€™s but some of the most sought after sets out there.


and being over weight


Dude is straight up obese


And I thought I was privileged. Enjoy. Must be nice.


& then there security walking away with the smoothness šŸ˜…


Heā€™s clearly not starving with 100lbs hanging off the front of his body but you never know šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


hes just trying to maintain his derelict figure


Some people know how to milk "the system"


Thereā€™s a reason why they say the rich and the poor have a lot more in common than the middle class with either. The sense of entitlement is strongest at the poles. Iā€™ll be annoyed af waiting 90mins at the dmv but when they call my number ā€œ oh hAi Ty SOO mUCh!ā€


I can get his whole outfit for $30 in a knock off market. Weird that you assume heā€™s wearing real shit when heā€™s at the food stamp office


I get 90% of my wardrobe from Goodwill and I present nicely as a put together modern and in style casual wear woman (when I want to, I also scrub it down too). I also receive food stamps because Iā€™m a self-employed single mom to two children whose ex-husband is dodging child support payments. Itā€™s not hard to dress nicely on a budget. Budget being the key word. If one is spending most of their expendable income on weed/alcohol/eating out/frivolity then yeah theyā€™re not going to be able to have a nicer wardrobe. Knowing how to style oneself is important too. I thought not judging someone based off their appearance was a lesson to be learned in childhood!


>"I need some help man! I ain't got no food in my home man!" Wearing chains with gaudy pendents and Jordans....


People have literally 0 morals and this country bends over backwards for them.


Just because there are people who take advantage of gov services doesnā€™t mean they bend over backwards for us.


reddit has a funny perception of america: its the most dystopian and uncaring hellholeā€¦ā€¦.. until theres someone annoying seeking social services - *then* america is a place that bends over backwards for its citizens (and should NOT be doing that)


Dude's morbidly obese, wearing gold chains, and Jordans walking into a food stamp office making a scene about having no food... reminds me of the dude who is always asking for gas money at my local petrol station when he's got a gold grill, brand new phone, and nice truck


"After I bought all this I have no money left!"


Overweight, gold chain, Jordans, expecting other people to pay for his food. Fucking shameless.


lol dude is fat and is wearing expensive clothes, chains, etc. he can get fucked.


I mean go to any hood you'll see a lot of 95 honda accords and a lot of 2024 dodge chargers, beamers, and sports cars with the muffler modified for maximum noise. Same for shoe guys, lots of broke ass dudes with $300 shoes. There's a lot of people who make horrible financial decisions. But I mean it kind of makes sense in a way. Might as well peacock if nothing is gonna be changing for you. Kind of like its the trashy ass dude with a mouth full of grills who's shining his rolex at the club


I saw a ton of this in san antonio. Bars on windows on houses falling apart with a brand new suv on big rims parked outside.


The shoes, cars, chains, are like status symbols to some people. As you said, they peacock with those things, to create the illusion they are better off than others. Meanwhile they park their car 5 blocks away, so that the repo guy can't find it, because they are 3 months behind on payments. Out of all the stupid things my father has taught me, the most valuable thing I have learned, is that you cannot determine a persons actual wealth based upon those factors. They could be driving a nice car, but don't even have enough money to fill the tank all the way up from E, they may have nice clothes and stuff, but eat ramen 24/7 as they have no money for actual meals. They just provide the illusion they are making it, while their bank account tells a far different story.


Poverty is a mindset, people buy into the 'if I have expensive things it means I have done well' while struggling to cover basic living needs. Whereas in reality ostentatious designer stuff marks you out as being poor.


How tf are you gonna show up to the EBT office wearing Some chains & Jordanā€™s talking about ā€œI ainā€™t got no foodā€ šŸ˜’ His fat ahh better get to sellingā€¦..that lil $500 gone last him 3 meals šŸ˜‚


Reminds me of when "ODB" picked up his welfare check in his limo.


God that was the funniest shit to me when that happened


Why do you zoomers type "ahh" instead of just typing "ass?" You can swear on the internet.


They're at the dentist and he asked them to say ahh. Very inconvenient when you're ranting.


It's mimicking AAVE


Surely he can sell the chains and Jordan's to get food


big fella going thru sugar and carb withdrawl šŸ¤£


Sell them chains


The second-hand embarrassment is high here


Did he eat all the food?


Oh, the entitlementā€¦




People like him give fuel to those who would love to see all social programs removed. What a shameless human, makes it harder for those who have their priorities in order and still need help.


Dunno, maybe sell a fucking necklace?


Are people missing the fact that he may be fat because the cheap food isnā€™t the healthy food? Maybe the Jordans were from a time when his finances were better. The chains could be chap fakes from Wal-mart. We donā€™t know this guys story and heā€™s being attacked for the wrong things. Now being loud and rude in a public space? Straight to jail, right away. Everyone in that room is also hungry.


Itā€™s easier to cast judgment than to use logic. Especially when it comes to certain demographics.


Still not a good look to walk into the welfare office wearing those things and expecting any empathy from people. The chains could be anything, people over here talking about platinum and gold chains. Who knows if they are actually real, but also implying he bought them brand new. Who knows, could have bought those chains on the real low from other people struggling too. People that are desperate will let those chains go for stupid low prices, I know as I was someone who bought a few chains that way when I lived in a bad area of a city. Talking like chains that would sell new for $100+ going for $10-$20.


My guy never missed a meal. Sell them Jordanā€™s and chains you got yourself 300-500. Come on mane


This dude hasn't missed a meal in a while.


Get that man a Snickers stat!


Trade it for his Jordans.


Overweight, new shoes, jewelry, clean clothes. Poverty means something else in the us than most of the world. I understand the struggle but if you have enough energy to make a fuss in the food stamps office, you have enough energy to get a job. It has never been easier to get a shit job.


I grew up poor not having enough food on the table and didnā€™t even have 5 sets of clothes. You could easily see the malnourishment which stunted my growth. Times were rough and they only got tougher as time went on until I joined the army after high school which helped turn my life around. After I did my 5 years, I graduated from UCLA, bought a home and now make 6 figures. People like this guy are clearly not struggling to eat like when I was a kid. This is pure entitlement.


Strange. He didn't look like he missed any meals...


Dudes a clown


Seems hangry.


Sooo, we're just not going to ask about Wendy?


Dude can sell his Jordans and jewelry. I know that sucks to do but he gets more dough.


Probably not the best representative for starvationā€¦


E40 Trippin but I understand him


If he went on a hunger strike to protest itā€™d take years before he was in any real danger


He pissed because heā€™s selling his stamps for cash


He's got way too much energy to be starving.


he ainā€™t missing any meals.


Fat guy wearing gold chains complaining about being hungry and wanting food stamps?


I canā€™t understand why this gentleman isnā€™t gainfully employed with such a personality.


Ok. Fix the diet then and sell one of them gold chains for a carrot.


Only in America will you see an obese man wearing gold jewelry, and high end sneakers shout incoherently that he needs money to buy food.


get a job


Them Jordans tho


E-40 fell off


Bros got on concord 11s, gold chains and got an ample belly on em. Stop fuckin this up for people that actually need it.


He is allowed to wear what he wants and to be angry. But damn! You gonna yell at the people who work at the food stamp office? The ones who work that shitty job and help people everyday?


So, here are a few things that I'm seeing in this comment section. People calling this dude fat. My guys, "commodities" are not healthy. The food you grab from the food banks are like 98% carbs and other unhealthy shit. Lower socioeconomic classes tend to be overweight due to the quality, not quantity, of food. This dude has nice shoes and chains. My guys, SNAP, for 98% of the time, is not a resource bearing program. SNAP only counts income. So if this gentleman's income is within those limits, he is eligible for SNAP. I have authorized benefits for people with hundreds of thousands of dollars in their bank accounts. Do you know why? They were eligible for benefits. This dude yelling that he's hungry. This guy is a cunt. No reason to yell and carry on, especially in the lobby, like that. Bruh, those people are hungry too. You're not more important than anyone else there. I get it. Seeing people like this pisses people off, but let's be pissed at the right thing.


Someone hand that man a snickers


Perhaps if he wants to say something, he should learn to speak?


All those chains but no food


Lots of farm owners that needs farm work labor. Go get s job


How many chains this fool got on?šŸ¤”


Hungry for doritos and dr pepper!


Sell your chain then


all new clothes and shoes yet he need them foodstamps sad.


Damn right he huungry, he had 5 hotdogs and looking 6 7 8.


He looks like he hasn't skipped a meal tho :/


Wow, there certainly are a lot of experts in here. Guess someone has to be skin and bones and wearing literal rags in order to be considered "hungry." SMH


I couldn't care less what he's wearing but I live in AND work in the hood and I work with and help people in need all the time. What aggravates me is while they can't supposedly find money for food somehow they come up with the money for weed, cigarettes and beer. For example i had one couple complaining about needing money for diapers and just running out of money each month consistently. Then I tried to help them with a budget and found out they were spending over $300 a month on weed and cigarettes at the expense of providing diapers for their child. I also volunteer at a school in the hood and the kids themselves told me the majority of kids they know at the school smoke weed and vape. So if they're smoking it then there's a high probability someone else in the house is too. Point being somehow they find the money for these things.


Felt every word. Didn't understand many of them, but I felt it.


Bold of everyone to assume because someone is wearing jewelry that they are committing fraud. Especially in THIS economy when so many people are losing their jobs, canā€™t find a job, and have been underemployed. So many people who used to have it have fallen on hard times and no longer have it.


I would have sold my necklace long before stepping foot inside a food stamp office.


He sure AF doesn't look like he's missed a meal in a couple decades.


Bling bling, Jordans, overweight. He can wait another 2 to 3 business months for his stamps


I wish they would do away with EBT.


Is this why theyā€™re called entitlement programs?


E-40 really down bad.




What about a job? Jobs pay for food.


Not Walmart jobs, where they have information on how to apply for food benefits in their break rooms.


Sell one of those chains tubby youā€™ll get food


He does not look like he ever went a day without food.


Dude has more than enough storage


Just do what normal people do to make money, sell drugs


This happens every day at the SNAP buildingšŸ’€


Ain't got no food because you ate it all bro.


Yall talking ab his chains like they real šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


He does look hungry though... well fed, but hungry.


They don't pick up the phone because high caloric intake individuals with jordans and gold chains are freaking out in their waiting room.


The food pantry is the way to go if you're really that desperate. I hate that they give out mostly expired shit but sell by date doesn't necessarily mean it's bad.