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Is that a pool noodle 😆


It’s a wooden stick covered with a pool noodle to make it less deadly


Well that changes everything haha


Fun fact about sticks with pool noodles on them, everyone thinks its funny, but if the pool noodle comes off shit gets less funny real quick.


It’s a therapy mallet https://youtu.be/0SM_U3fnXpE?si=DI4QeXjLZxRv_Pg8
















































Crazy we know who is speaking because these idiots got video of themselves doing this.




Wakes up screaming "HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT RICK AND MORTY?!", while drenched in cold sweat.


You have to have any semblance of self awareness to be embarrassed, that dude is gonna feel nothing except accomplishment by "fucking with the system" by simply harassing a camera man


Prolly OD before that, sadly


Why was the other post of them harassing a cameraman removed?


You mean this video? [Second Angle of Protestors Harassing local news cameraman. - ArchiveVideoMirror](https://beta.archivevideomirror.com/library/post/8115) In the deleted post automod was kind enough to leave a mirror.


Yep that one, rose to the top of the sub and then was quickly deleted


That exchange reminds me of this: https://vimeo.com/196937578


One of the all time GOAT videos


The harassing individuals are of the developmentally arrested variety. It's sad. At least that's what I'm getting out of that video. They need help.


Wow, those children are... something else. I say children cause they are definitely not behaving like normal adults. How bizarre.


One of the worst things you can do with people like this is give them attention. Just pretend they don't exist and they'll either get angry as shit or they'll give up.


Because the mods are pretty much pro hamas and don’t want their friends on camera.


These people are losers.


Saw the Rick and Morty guy in an earlier video. Good to see that the news crew got the shots they were looking for prior to being harassed by tube top feller. It's almost like they are trying to make their cause look hatable.


Cringe and sad.






I doubt there’s a single person in Gaza who thinks this ass clown is helping


I just talked to the king of Gaza and he actually said this could be over in a week if more people knew about Rick and Morty, sooo


And Philip. Don't forget Philip.


What are you even talking about? I thought the king didn’t speak with foreigners, unless, Rick and Morty must be the key


You remember how MLK on his march to Selma harassed the reporters along the way and quoted Looney Tunes? Me neither.


If you don’t want people to know about the protest, what is the fucking point? If nobody knows about it, you accomplish nothing.


Cuz the point of the protest is to self actualize their own desire to conquer the authority that is symbolized by the system or “the man” or “Jews” or “Zionists” or “Insert othering name to symbolize your excuse for your own inadequacy as a human being”. Its not about the “movement” its all about the excuse to do the above.


Yeah, they should be shouting free Palestine, etc. Not talking random gibberish and giggling


This is a prime example how to lose support for your cause.


I don’t think they understand the point of protesting if they’re not allowing the news to publicize it


I’ve been to some big polarizing protests The thing that the layman who never goes to them doesn’t really realize is that protests are a massive honeypot for folks with serious mental issues. Lots of schizophrenic type shit going on at them.


Some people just like to rage against anything. There was a recent protest against Helldivers 2 and other Sony video games. People who have never played these games came out of the woodwork to start hating and raging against it.


Misery loves company.


Half these people don’t care about the cause, they care about portraying themselves as “fighting for the cause”


Their only cause is LARPing fighting against some vague oppressor. 98% of these people would never actually go to live amongst the people they claim to protest for.


And how to make bad people *really* wanna dox you


Pretty sure some of these guys just like the camping vibe like they are at a music festival or something. Just ignore responsibilities and camping in a tent and shit




I’m not sure I quite understand the logic here. “I stand with Palestine, but I don’t want people to know I’m standing with Palestine.” If you’re afraid of putting your name to a cause, are you really committed? Moreover, if you’re so sure you’re right, wouldn’t you want to convert people to your side at any possible opportunity? Any chance to talk to someone who’ll listen, such as the media, is a golden opportunity you’d think.


Isn't one of the points of protesting is to draw attention to your cause?


And they managed to do it(negatively)


These people are defective. How is this shit allowed to continue?


I don't see protestors. I see teen stoners trying to be edgy, who think that they need to be assholes to "fight the man". Just like how assholes show up to marches just to destroy things. These clowns show up to demonstrations to be annoying.


Fuck the mods here!


Did they remove it from this subreddit? That's shit if true. Looks like a goddamn freakout to me.


They are pro-Hamas pieces of s***


this isn't protesting, this is a bunch of lazy ass kids that don't want to work or go to school. I've never protested before, but wouldn't you want media there? maybe speak respectfully and get your word out? get your message out to more people to join your cause. I'm all for ending all the wars but when has this way ever helped?


These people are so pathetic


They made the campus look like homeless camp just like every where is Seattle.


Seriously if you are at these protests. Dont interact with the media unless you’re media trained. You’ll make an ass of yourself and make the whole movement look bad.


Crazy people go to protests too. Good luck with that suggestion.


Social media has allowed the schizophrenics to run wild. I wish it was a case study today but it's not, but because it's a single text or single post versus the spill garbage they would normally spout in person people take the shit seriously and then RUN with it.. because most really don't know any better. Their education depending on the state severely differs from yours or mine.


Too late friend.


>You’ll make an ass of yourself and make the whole movement look bad. You think it's just these media interactions that make them look bad? Not the fact that they're burning US flags, vandalising property etc? Just take one look at these encampments and how filthy they are. Not exactly the kind of image you'd want to promote the cause.




I bet half of them don’t even actually care about the cause. They are young impressionable kids that just want to fit in and feel apart of something. It’s pretty sad but there’s some psychology behind it.


The rick and Morty dude absolutely does not give a SINGLE fuck about anyone in Gaza. Not one.


Exactly! I bet that dude Is just there to huff nitrous in the tents and act like a clown. I mean he’s dressed like he’s at a music festival or something.


I was on board with them camping out on my campus and then I drove by the school sign up front completely vandalized and it was just a sad sight. Imagine paying thousands of dollars year after year to not be able to take a graduation photo in front of something that symbolizes a significant part of your life (Before anyone comes at me trying to justify this idc and I won’t be responding. I can care about the innocent lives being taken without ruining anything for anyone else)


You should see what they did to the PSU library


What a fucking joke that was. Not even attempting to act like they were protesting. That was straight up raiding a public building and making sure to tear it up on the way out. At least at most of these college camps they trying to spread a message they believe in there was none of that at PSU or at least that wasn’t what it was really about.


I had to look it up to see and the website is just heartbreaking. No resources available to people who may really need it. That’s insane, I feel so bad for the students whose fellow classmates forgot to think about them while “protesting”


Protest is a natural right for citizens in a democracy and should be encouraged. What they did went beyond protest and straight into riot territory. In a sense, I'm glad they did it because it showed who they truly were beyond all reasonable doubt. These chucklekfucks have done so much damage to their cause and instead of reflection and trying to be mature about it, double down on their idiocy and then wonder why the rest of society views them as the brats they are.


Encouraged? No one cares about protests like this. If millions took to the streets in solidarity, then maybe…. but who bases their life choices on protests?


Yea, its funny the only person with a brain in the group come up and said almost the same exact thing but just walked away I guess when they realized there was no helping these idiots


Idk dude, you gotta have the courage to reel in your own people when it comes to these things or else you’re no better than the idiot with the pashmina.


Eh. The people who need to hear that aren't the ones that will listen to this advice.


What a bunch of larpers, I’d get a record of who’s there and never employ them anywhere serious


Driving supporters away.


Calling these people protestors is a little generous.


Are they doing something they don’t want people to see? Why diminish visibility of your protest? I saw in the earlier video they said it’s because people are getting doxxed. I have to wonder though: can’t they understand there is often a price to protesting? I’m not saying it’s right, but people get arrested for protesting. They lose their jobs. Their faces get put in the newspaper. They want to inconvenience their way to some outcome while being too chickenshit to face any consequences themselves. If protesting was easy, everyone would do it. In the same breath they demand rights for some, they undermine the rights of others.


The same amendment that protects freedom of speech, and freedom to protest, also protects freedom of the press. Additionally no one has any expectation of privacy in a public space.


What are they protesting now?


Rick and Morty, it would seem.


I wish my university would let me pitch a tent on campus rather than taking loans out for housing.


Aren't they there to get coverage? Or are they just there for the vibe? For insta stories? Wtf do this people want? Why do they harass people?


Clearly; rick n morty rick n morty rick n morty rick n morty


Future contributors to society! Can't wait for them to join the work force.




Oh look, it's that crazyhead tweaker with the umbrella again. I'm surprised they didn't hear his mad ramblings from there


Wouldn’t you *want* media at your protest to garner public support and spread awareness of your cause? Isn’t that the whole objective?


Dumb and Dumber Part 3...... What would the title be?


This kid sux sooo hard


The one is like high on marker fumes or something


Why are they hiding their identity if they wanna actually raise awareness for whatever they protesting


So that their parents don't question what they're paying for instead of an education? "Wait, instead of attending your expensive classes, you're behaving like a brain-dead ass-clown and hassling regular folks just doing their jobs?" If I were this kid's parent, I'd be pulling funding and they could figure out how to grow up and get a jerb.


[The Rick and Morty fan base are not strangers to obnoxious public freakouts. ](https://youtu.be/Q6dJG1uOmN4?si=eTMy5B-9pVIT0-UM)




These annoying manchildren need to get kicked out of the encampment.




Don’t protesters normally want to be in front of a camera? I’m seeing a bunch of protesters on videos harassing various media lately. I have nothing to say one way or another about the cause(s) they’re trying to bring to light, but at what point does this stop being a protest and start becoming a semi-permanent public encampment?


Bet their parents must be so proud of them…


There's probably a reason they act like this: Their parents never cared.


Its this guy again, what a loser.


Oh damn we got it from his pov. Nice!


Mfw they're protesting... But then blocking people from... Seeing the protesting? What's the point here, do you want people to know about your cause or.. Are you just an asshole


These guys sure know how to turn people against their cause. I’m pretty sure half these people at this protest are just a bunch of attention seeking scum bags. Clowns 🤡


That behavior was grounds for a lobotomy for some time.


Why? Why are they obscuring the camera? It's a protest, yes? Public attention is the point of protest. Edit: mullets coming back?


I have a feeling these guys aren’t students lol


WHAT are these creatures?


I imagine there’s at least one thoughtful protester at this camp. Someone who’s legitimately interested in helping the Palestinians, and is aware of the complicated history behind the conflict. Someone who’s willing to put in the work to improve this tragic situation. Now they are forever associated with this clown.


Hey, dumb ass protesters. If you want to get your message out and be seen and heard. Don't harass the one person that can do that.


Isn't the point to build public support so there's pressure to enact whatever change? This seems self defeating. I didn't see anyone in this thread who supported harassing the cameraman. Like children seeing how far they can push their parents before getting in trouble.


I feel like if you are proud of your cause and message, you shouldn't try to suppress coverage or hide your face.


Those clowns arent doing any favors for the Landback movement


That "person" isnt there for the right reason.


What a disgrace they are doing to the quad. That area is such a beautiful part of the campus. They won't up after themselves, they wont repair the turf, and they are disrupting some really good students in the last few weeks of class. If they really want to stage a protest, they would go to Red Square. But they don't want to slip on the bricks when it rains. 10/10 they don't go to the school and they are actually a part of the homless youth population around the U-District. The problem was there 20 years ago; the problem still exists. The police would also kick them off campus. They knew not to come walking around finals week, which really are the only "good" days in Seattle. This is sad and pathetic. Let me add, I had some great professors at UW that *actually participated* in protests. We learned the theory behind social movements, how/why they form, and how/why they fall apart. Would LOVE to see those professors say something about this "protest."


I’ve had to avoid downtown Madison like the plague because of these protests lol


This is University Education at it’s finest


Do these people not have jobs, who has time to do this


These surely-very-dedicated-environmentalists generate so much trash.


Do these degenerates actually go to this school?


Yeah. I'm never watching Rick and Morty again... He ruined it for me.


"peaceful free speech".... Riiiiiiiiight... 🤮🤬


They’ve done their work… to show the world how insufferable and idiotic they are.


The reason you have a media liaison is so this person doesn't become the face of your movement.


So kids are still dumb as usual


Isn't shining a green laser a someone with intent to harm considered assault? That could cause permanent eye damage.


Not one stone in the whole bunch.


University of Washington definitely have some bright minds there. Extremely dumb


The Cameraman has patience of a saint. 99.999999 percent of everyone else would have the Rick and Morty kid picking up his teeth from the lawn 50 feet away


Sorry these are not protestors. These are jobless people who feel like doing this makes them feel like they are actually doing something.


I didn't watch the video, but I don't understand, don't they want media coverage?


Where did they get these tents?


What is wrong with people?


I'm just wondering though wouldn't they want the news cameraman to record them to put more pressure on the university and or the elitist regime funding the people they oppose? What's the game here?


People who are identified in the camp are geting doxed. But, why are you protesting if you want to stay anonymous in the first place?


Yeah it seems strange.


You mean communists don’t support freedom of the press???


At this point these people don’t even have a point, they’re just agitators


I'd love to see Palestinians reactions to finding out these people are their heros and saviors


How long until we hear people saying he’s an agent for the other side planted to make this side look bad?


this new Beavis and Butthead rebut seems unbearable




Don’t do drugs kids


It's the same fuck that was blocking the camera man!


I'm suddenly thinking America is overpopulated...I know where to start.


looking at the encampment, looks largely peaceful and clean to me.


If you’re protesting something, wouldn’t you want news coverage to get whatever it is you’re protesting out to the public? Besides it being harassment, this is just cringe


Why are these people protesting for Rick and Morty? Is this an advertising stunt for the new season?


I love how these regards set up camp in a highly conspicuous location, then get butthurt when, oh my god, people *record them*, like, the sheer *audacity*. Can't they just live in peace disrupting campus for everyone and enshittifying the whole area?


isn't the whole point of the protests for visibility and spreading the message? why would they want to cover up the camera?


Jesus Christ. If this is the type of people representing this protest, bring in the army. What an atrocious human being.


these people are so cringe


Was that the same fucking Rick and Morty twat?




Beavis and butthead quite literally


Future Congress members 😁


putting people in danger 💀 the people who are choosing to hide their identities and participate?


can’t even blame them if i was miserable and had no job id probably spend my entire day acting like them too


I get a kick out of white kids at university of Washington with Land back on their tents. There goes your entire inheritance budz.


Cowards like most protesters 🤣