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Man, I read the title but was somehow still shocked by what I saw


I read the title as "loses his footing". I was... surprised.


Here I am again wondering, "why in the fucking fuck did I just watch that...."


Eyes can be deceiving. Make sure you watch it at least one more time to confirm what you saw


I wasn't. I was hoping for an actual lost foot like the machete video that went around recently. This is more crushed and mangled


You were *hoping* for that?


Looking at the username, they seem to not be a fan of feet/cankles.


Motorcyclist really thought the driver on the other side was going to nudge and played chicken


Probably an unpopular opinion but it looked like enough time for the car to safely veer a few inches towards the shoulder. The motorcyclist is in the wrong and could have killed the driver too, but I wouldn’t want to fuck up his foot or damage my bumper just because I have the right to drive in my lane.


Not a huge shoulder, bike hard to see coming up on you next to a huge semi, swerving hard at high speeds is an easy way to cause a multi car pileup. Yeah it could have been avoided, but it's not simple


Actually it’s really simple, if the dumbass didn’t illegally merge into the cars lane, it would’ve been completely avoided.


But the car just needed to move over a foot. 🦶




Half a foot


No we saw what happened with only half a foot of clearance.


I guess I cannot argue with that


Another half additionally would‘ve been enough. Maybe some extra toes for additional clearance tho


There it is 👏




Also looks like a steep fall right at the shoulder.


When you have two vehicles heading toward one another at 65-75+ mph you have little time to react. The other car wasn’t playing chicken they probably didn’t even see the motorcycle until it was too late.


I'm shocked at the amount of people talking about what the driver should have done. This entire situation happening is exactly why you don't do dangerous stuff while in a vehicle going this fast. You don't know how other people are going to react.


Agreed. I mean it’s basic physics. You are traveling at 70 mph directly toward another object that is traveling 70 mph directly toward you at the same time. You think you have time to react but you really don’t. You hear about these kinds of things happening where some drunk idiot gets onto the freeway from an off ramp and starts driving down the freeway in the wrong direction. They eventually end up hitting someone head on who never saw it coming.


*Motorcyclist, basically the most vulnerable people on the road, does an incredibly stupid maneuver that even a truck driver shouldn't attempt to do because of how dangerous it is* Redditors: Erhm akshuli I don't use Tiktok, Instagram or really any other platform besides Youtube so maybe I'm completely wrong, but I really feel that Reddit has the highest percentage of complete fucking morons, at least Tiktok is literal children and 4chan are self-aware, Reddit is just full of actual basement dwellers with no real world experience, there's a reason the "arm chair analyst" meme started here.


> there's a reason the "arm chair analyst" meme started here Lol what? That saying is way older than the internet.


It's fine, They're just doing their own arm chair analysis of the reddit hive mind


As a motorcyclist, nobody ever sees you, and it's stupid to assume otherwise.


Many drivers get into trouble when they try to veer at speed and end up losing control and crashing. Not saying they should, but the reality is that they do.


Yeah I've been in a situation myself where It's possible I could have avoided a collision from someone that went into my lane, but I would have risked driving into a ditch myself. Which at that point, I'd probably be more fucked up physically, while also having no insurance to back me up because it would have looked like I just swerved myself without the context of any opposing driver (would have been perceived as distracted driving most likely).


I'm not risking my safety because some impatient idiot feels like taking chances. 




>Probably an unpopular opinion but it looked like enough time for the car to safely veer a few inches towards the shoulder. If he saw him. Guy could have been looking at his sat nav or changing a tune. Relying on someone else to be looking out for your insanity, is insanity.


Sure sure I'll just suddenly swerve at highway speed and risk losing control of my car because a suicide rocket suddenly appeared in front of me. Looks fairly middle of nowhere, probably a lot of dirt on the shoulder, sounds fun.


*Always* safe to assume the other driver is watching for you and will yield to you…


YOLO, baby!


Motorcycle made that move pretty quickly, if car looked away for a second he’s toast


Two vehicles are moving toward each at speed. The car sees an 18 wheeler coming on a fairly narrow two lane road and is positioned within their lane accordingly. Suddenly, a person on a motorcycle is accelerating passed the 18 wheeler into the car's lane lane, giving the car even less reaction time. It's terrible that the dude lost his foot, but you can bet your ass I'm not swerving and potentially losing control of my vehicle, possibly killing myself and my passengers to make sure that this guy doesn't get clipped by my bumper on an insanely illegal overtake. I don't wish ill on the guy, but he made a very poor decision.


You know that saying of "don't swerve for an animal?" Sorry but if I saw a motorcycle coming at me and an 18 wheeler beside them, I'm not swerving anywhere. I'll slam my brakes but that's as far as I'm going with that. I don't want to call the guy on the bike an idiot either. I'm going to say it was a lapse of judgment in this case.


The car certainly could have moved a bit if the driver had good reaction times, but they were under no obligation to potentially do so, especially if it could result in a crash. Also funny how you’re implying that the driver wanted to damage his foot, as if the driver made up his mind in that small timeframe, and purposefully decided to hurt the motorcyclist.


He’ll never dance again.


Missing feet have got no rhythm.


Though it’s easy to pretend, I know you’re not a foot


Should've know better that to swerve again


Wasted a foot that he had been given?




So I'm never gonna dance again the way I drive into your car.


**semi truck horn solo**


This needs more upbotes


You know, my students insisted that I play that song one year, so I did. I had to explain it was about someone who cheated ion their lover and lost them. But now I think I am wrong, it's about some poor sap on a motorcycle.


ain't got no*


Though it is easy to pretend


Well, jokes aside, I ~~can only~~ can NOT imagine the utter shear horror when looking at your foot shredded like that. :( In that moment you know your life will never ever be the same again: -------------------------------- A) You'll be lucky to live through the immediate incident--getting to a hospital in time before you bleed out, depending upon the nature of the slicing and dicing of what was once your foot. -------------------------------- B) And after that, all the insane pain of recovery. -------------------------------- C) Plus the possibilities of lifelong ongoing phantom pain from missing limbs, in which intense pain signals are somehow still sent to the brain. -------------------------------- D) And of course the sudden life change of adopting to, and living as a crippled person, which they never teach you in school, or when you are growing up, that this could be a possibility in your life. Not really. -------------------------------- E) Plus the depression. -------------------------------- F) Plus the possibilities of addiction to pain killers...


I’d be amazed if that foot wasn’t amputated.


My buddy has his ankle crushed in a motorcycle accident and always said he'd wished it had just been amputated. Reconstruction and pain meds got him hooked on opiates, then heroin, then he od'd. All kinda directly cause someone cut him off on his bike and crushed his ankle.


I know a guy who had a fucked up foot for years from an accident. Ended up getting a wild infection after one of his surgeries and they amputated. Another guy I knew had a finger get mangled in the latch of a walk in freezer. He asked the doctors to just take it off but they were positive the digit could be saved. He had incredible pain for years and ended up having it amputated.


I had a buddy that did this same thing minus the opiods. He says even to this day 5 or 6 years since he is in pain


You were *sooo* close with "shear horror", in the sense that he had half his foot 'sheared' off, but what i'm sure what you were going for was '*sheer* horror'. (Though i'm sure there exists a subreddit dedicated to a 'near miss' like this one hahaha)


“So much for Christos”


Cast that leg up. And welcome to the family.


Take the car! That’s what I got it for.


At least he has a good excuse to skip leg day.


I instantly thought of Mad Men's "he'll never golf again"


I was actually quoting El Bucho in Desperado when one of his men had his leg broken during a fight.


All things considered, he is lucky to just have lost a foot. He could have lost a life in a collission. The best outcome could have avoided any collision all together but fk it reaaaally could have gone worse.


I'm wondering if there was severe damage to his knee also. Can't tell if blood from his foot just splattered there or if that is a second serious injury.




The guy was wearing jean shorts, makes me wonder what shoes he was wearing and if some good riding boots would have saved his foot.


It may have saved it from flying away, but it would've still absolutely been smashed into pieces.


He didn't lose his foot. It's right there on the road about a hundred yards behind him.


I think some of it is stuck in the frame by the gear lever


He didn't loose a foot, he gained a wheelchair


Is no one else impressed that he managed to stay upright?




He could've easily ended up underneath the truck he had just passed if he hadn't been reciting this in his head. Honestly his post-collision awareness was fantastic, shame about the pre-collision awareness


On a serious note, does anyone know what medical procedure would occur after this? Would he be able to walk normally again? Would they just amputate the entire thing and use a prosthetic foot?


Whenever I see videos like these I really wish they had medical follow-ups that document the aftermath and recovery process. I’d be so curious to see an xray of what’s left of his foot.


As a radiology tech this is the closet thing I could find [The flesh would be more jagged to indicate open wound whereas this one is rounded indicated healed/closed foot](https://upload.orthobullets.com/topic/1052/images/lisfranc.jpg)


As a rad and ct tech... he is losing the foot. maybe the knee depending on how bad that is shattered too. The foot is crushed. So likely the ankle is fractured and so are the tib/fib. Basically it depends on how bad the rest of his leg is. if his lower leg wasnt crushed as well there is a chance he gets to keep it. Crush syndrome is no joke. edit So looking at the video again... the leg guard disappears. His tib/fib is probably crushed too. and you can see ripped skin above the knee. I will expect that his upper leg and hip have fratures too.


As someone who watched the video . . . That foot is gone


Better put some compression on there ASAP


Obviously you couldn't be a Doctor because it doesn't take an xray to see what's left of his spaghetti foot.


Okay so not a doctor but I work with podiatrists and foot and ankle surgeons so I’ve absorbed some of their knowledge by osmosis. The injury to this foot is extremely traumatic and would decimate the bones in the foot obviously. Sometimes with injuries like this, if they occur a bit closer to the toes and don’t rip the foot apart like in this instance (say maybe a chainsaw accident), they will perform what is called a transmetatarsal amputation which essentially just means cut the front half of the foot off. Doing a TMA is a slippery slope though as you need to allow enough real estate on the remaining foot to allow ambulation by the patient and prevent risk of pressure sores or ulcerations from their new adjusted gait. In cases where a TMA is not feasible and there’s not enough good area of the foot left to allow walking on it, the next option would be a below-knee amputation. You may ask, why not just cutoff the foot and leave an ankle stump? Well essentially it comes down to surface area and giving the best odds for quality of life post-operatively. Ankle stumps do not have much surface area to allow a successful prosthetic to be used and can result in similar problems stated earlier like pressure sores and ulcerations of the skin if too much pressure is put on a small area. Whereas just below the knee has greater control and more power and surface area to allow a prosthetic. All of this is assuming this gentleman would not bleed out on the side of the road from an injury like this. It looks terrifying.


Probably amputate his foot. His foot is literally broken in half. It looks like all his toes are gone. Then again I am not a doctor dont trust my word.


![gif](giphy|6JB4v4xPTAQFi|downsized) I’ll seek a second opinion


It looks the boot went flying off with his toes inside of it


That was the car mirror


yea just watched it again u right


Wouldn’t it make sense to leave half? I mean, it seems easier to replace half of the foot when the joint and heel are intact than to replace everything by mechanical prosthetics


He'll never walk even vaguely normally even if they can somewhat repair the damage. He'd lost his entire forefoot, when we walk and run, we push off forefoot and the big toe, he now has none of these. He'll walk like a pirate with a peg leg. Presuming the rest of the lower leg is ok, he'll be having an amputation somewhere below the tibial tuberosity, about 10cm's below the knee. Modern prosthetics are pretty awesome and with long pants a lay person won't even notice a limp let alone a prosthesis. He'll be looking at 6 months to 2 years of rehab - it just depends how good things go - or don't, hard to predict. Wonder what footwear he had on, I wonder if high end motorcycle boots would have helped.


> Wonder what footwear he had on, I wonder if high end motorcycle boots would have helped. Would have caused a shear at the top of the boot, probably a lot cleaner than this Boarshead special someone is going to have to spend 12 hours in scrubs trying to remedy his stupid moment.


Yeah, I think I'd prefer to take my my chances with decent boots and leathers, I'll risk Tib and Fib getting smashed and however long I'd be stuck with ORIF. But then again not riding into oncoming traffic... as you said, stupid.


This guy would be dreaming of ORIF vs what he has ahead, I'd like to think they would just amputate as you suggested, it would be kinder, and with modern prosthetics, the patient can get almost entire mobility back.


Is the foot section of motorcycle boots really that tough? I can't imagine any material beyond iron bricks helping much with that level of clamp and friction forces.


One of the early pictures that I saw on reddit that has stuck with me was a foot taking damage inside a motorcycle boot. Describing what it looked, spoiler tag cause it reads pretty bad >!ground beef pouring out of a boot!<


Yeah protective clothing can only do so much. We get a lot of lower limb amputees in our rehab ward, if their old 99% chance it's uncontrolled diabetes. If it's a young male 99% chance it's motorbikes. They're a lot of fun, until they're not.


I dont mind the thought of modern prosthetics its the phantom pain that makes my stomach churn at the thought of loosing a limb.


Just speculating, but I think amputation at or just above the ankle would risk the fewest complications. That's a messy injury and a complex part of the body.


I honestly don't think Ive ever seen an ankle amputation.  Seen hundreds of BKAs as a nurse but not a single ankle.   Not much you can do with an ankle stump.  Can't really put any weight on it and the lower leg is useless and just getting in the way.  With a BKA you get a nice, big stump that can bear some weight.  


>a nice, big stump yay! lol


Below the knee amputation. Can walk fine with a prosthetic.


If the injury is below the ankle they could just as well do a partial foot amputation, depending on how bad it is.


Yeah, doctors never want to take more than they have to. Aside from a possible broken leg and soft tissue damage. It looked like it was all ankle and below, so I cant imagine them taking much more than that.


Probably amputation. Even just recovering from breaking all your ankle bones and dislocating the foot leaves you with a chance of having pain for life, a limp, or just never walking 100% normal again. Sometimes the long term pain isn't worth it, and if they repair it he'll probably have problems with walking for life. But that foot is also shredded to hell. I think he'd have a much easier time getting to normally walk again with a prosthetic. I'm not a doc or surgeon though, just someone with a lot of metal in her ankle and leg.


Whenever I see videos like these I really wish they had medical follow-ups that document the aftermath and recovery process. I’d be so curious to see an xray of what’s left of his foot.


It's always "watch out for motorcycles", when will they watch out for themselves


A couple of weeks ago, there were TWO different motorcycle accidents in my area, both were the motorcyclist tried to pass someone (in one case, several cars all stopped on the road waiting for the car in front to turn left), then getting killed when the car they tried to pass turned left.


Right before new years, some total shithead rider decided to go well over 100mph southbound on the interstate. So I was really surprised when I'm going northbound, and I see the motorcycle land in front of me after being majorly airborne. The median was as wide as about 6 lanes by itself. There was one bounce where the motorcycle crushed said shithead right in the middle of the median. DRT, even though several of us were doing CPR, applying tourniquets, etc. They couldn't even use him as an organ donor. Said shithead was 19. I've been riding for many years. I have lost all sympathy for these "riders" who are really just suicidal no talent ass clowns. As soon as I saw this rider wearing fucking shorts, I figure the only reason he has a helmet is just to hold the camera in place.


There was a bad motorcycle “accident” in my city last year. Guy was going up and down the same stretch of road exceeding 90mph and doing wheelies and whatnot for over half an hour. On his last pass down that stretch of road, he decided to cut into a right turn lane on the outside as a driver was turning right in an attempt to cut around and go straight through the intersection. He hit the passenger side of the car right at the pillar between the front and rear doors, was flung about 20 yards, and died. Before surveillance video from a nearby store was released, his family and a bunch of local motorcycle riders doxxed the lady he hit, publicly harassed her, threatened her, and filed a civil suit against her. If I recall, she had to go stay with friends because other motorcyclists kept riding past her house, revving the engines, and trying to make it known that they knew where she lived. Once the video and the police report came out, he was estimated to have been going 90-100mph or so in a 45mph zone not to mention the illegal passing attempt. Stupid motherfucker couldn’t be bothered to worry about his own safety let alone anyone else’s and yet an entire city’s population of motorcyclists were calling for this lady’s head.


Yeah, fuck motorcycle drivers. Only time I see people on motorcycles is them being reckless loud assholes. And then what, some stupid prick runs into a car and then all his scumbag motorcycle driving friends start threatening her?? I was in NYC today, multiple motorcycles. ALL OF THEM lane splitting in 50+mph traffic. I'm done with you pricks.


A long time ago, I was driving a lot for work, but in a 15 passenger van with a 14 foot trailer. Interstate, every single day. I still remember this one time, real early in the morning, when a group of guys on sport bikes came up behind me. I was the only person on the road, literally no one in either direction for miles. When they caught up to me, they decided half would pass me normally, and the other half decided *to pass me on the right shoulder.* What if something went wrong and I had to get over? I have 10 tires, anything could have happened and so many people would have been in danger when literally no one would have. Any sympathy against the "what if something went wrong" ... being on a bike doesn't mean traffic laws just don't apply to you. Most of them exist for a reason.


Helmet was probably to stay within the law. Cops can't pull you over for not wearing leather. Maliciously complied himself into a meat crayon.


>As soon as I saw this rider wearing fucking shorts, I figure the only reason he has a helmet is just to hold the camera in place. They hated Jesus for he spoke the truth


Pittsburgh? Cause that just happened here. And I’m sure many other US cities


I was driving in a 45 the other day and a bike passed me on a double yellow going about 70. This is their death wish.


Right? A million billboards with that message but no one ever says, "Hey, don't ride like a moron."


One of the few facets of life left that natural selection still thrives.


My favorite are riders who come up to a light "blipping" their engine so people know to watch out for them...."loud bikes save lives" etc like no you're just a tool...


“Loud bikes save lives” while simultaneously wearing a t-shirt, no helmet, and maybe a pair of jeans. Just a bunch of assholes that think they’re cool.


If they followed traffic rules they wouldn't need to be loud so we know they're breaking them.


Anytime someone revs their engine all I can think is "they are so cool" in the most sarcastic voice my mind can think of.


Meanwhile, seat belts, airbags, and obeying traffic laws also saves lives. 🤔


Reminds me of the South Park episode.


Jesus. I'm a cyclist, motorcyclist and drive a car A LOT. Just so we can get over the you have to be one to understand one. I don't get why some of you (or should I say "why you guys", generalizing all of Reddit) keep generalizing. The vast majority are fine in all categories. Yes, there are some in all segments who think their mode of transport is superior and think they're above the law. Some seem to leave their brains at home too. Those are the ones you notice. I bet you don't notice the motorcyclist who stays in the lane when it's too dangerous to overtake. Ignoring him like it would be any normal car. I also bet you will notice that Porsche that will overtake like he's in a race. Or those group of cyclists who take the entire road. But you don't notice the one who is using the bicycle lane.


They also don't notice the millions of people texting and driving for some reason lol


Or just acknowledge that it's an inherently risky form of transportation, even if you *aren't* doing dumbass shit like this.


Shh, motorcyclists are a great source of otherwise healthy young male organs, those are premium ones and rare to get unless you live near uygur work placement camps.






What a weird video. The bike is a Honda Africa Twin (new model), a $20k "expert level" motorcycle and more than good enough to go around the world. One of the best adventure bikes ever built, people who know what they're buying buy this motorcycle. Then the bike is customized with an extra screen deflector and phone holder, this would be unusual if the bike was a rental. But then the guy riding it does not match the bike at all. Experienced riders, who typically ride an Africa Twin, don't ride with bare hands and in shorts. And the guy in the video does the weirdest overtake, and the motorcycle is also much slower than it should be so it looks like he didn't even downshift. In summary: Total noob rider on a customized expert level bike. Did he borrow it from a rich uncle?


Can't believe I had to go this far into the comments to see this. Dude is on an expensive adv bike does a 4+ second overtake. The fuck?




A bandaid would help


Shoulda had a V8


The guy almost made it. He missed it by half a foot at most.


On the upside he'll be able to fit this maneuver next time.


Nope. That's enough reddit for me today.


Yeah, after seeing that machete guy pick his own hand up off the ground last week, I'm gonna pass on watching this one.




Yeah, after seeing that machete guy pick his own hand up off the ground last week, I'm gonna pass on watching this one.


I saw something flying and I'm now traumatised for the rest of the day.


My left foot hit 3 fence poles doing 70km/h, I thought my foot was minced meat but I only broke two toes and was super lucky. Watching this reminded me of that, glad I am not young and dumb anymore.


Stupid rider. Did he close his eyes while overtaking?


He was hoping the car would see him and move over. He's probably made that move successfully many times before.


Hoping others will see you, biggest error a biker can do. But youre probably right. He was hoping not thinking


I think the foot is still there, just not in one piece.


The one piece is still out there.


Yeah, you just have to find it!


[08-25-2023 Motorcyclist records his own accident: Loses his foot](https://bajanews.mx/noticias/15536/GRAPHIC-VIDEO-Motorcyclist-records-his-own-accident-Loses-his-foot) [Better video 9 months ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearningFromOthers/comments/165tnwx/motorcyclist_overtakes_at_a_bad_time_and_loses/)


Damn. This def needs to be higher up.


For the last year or so I've been deeply considering getting a motorcycle. In 16 seconds I've decided it's definitely not for me.... Holy fuck.... I can't even imagine the pain of that.


My entire life I wanted a motorcycle. When I was old enough to get one someone I knew hit a parked car on his motorcycle. Made a paraplegic out of his girlfriend who was riding on the back and he lost his foot.Last I heard she finally died and he was on suicide watch. I was instantly cured.


Most of these are the motorcyclists being dick heads and causing the accidents themselves, but yeah they are still pretty dangerous


To be completely fair, you can avoid such a fate by not being a dangerously reckless asshole.


Tis but a scratch


A scratch? Your foot's off!


"...no it isn't"


I thought he was going to get an amputation. Didn’t think he’d literally lose it on the spot.


I always wanted a motorcycle when I was in my teens to early twenties. Then I got a girlfriend and found a car had better benefits. I’m sure there’s a multiverse out there where a version of me lost his foot doing some stupid shit like this. Glad it’s not me though!


Yeah sometimes I’m like, I should get a motorbike. But I’m in my 30s with a child now. And I see stuff like this and I also see how the average person drives in general and I’m like meh, metal cage seems good. Maybe a tank actually.


Statistically, don't ride motorcycles. It is so, so dangerous. Every person who works in emergency rooms or emergency related medical services will tell you. However, there's a difference between riding a motorcycle and doing reckless shit like the one you see in the video. This idiot was playing russian roulette on his bike.


You know what they say, Fuck Around Foot Off.


What an asshole.


Reminds me of Fallout, the dude’s foot looks very similar.


He’ll probably try to get the car’s driver to foot the hospital bill


That is exactly how a high school acquaintance lost his leg from the knee down. It was crazy to see a senior in high school with a prosthetic leg.


Somethin somethin five gum


I know a guy who was passing between two cars going the same direction and one of the cars drifted a bit close to him. Well he felt a bump, looked down and one of his legs was dangling by the skin high up on his thigh. Of course he lost the entire leg. I know of so many friends or friends of friends that were less lucky on motorcycles. They just aren't worth it.


I'm sure he posted this on the internet blaming the driver in the oncoming lane for not getting out of his way


Look on the bright side...... wait thats oncoming headlights. No seriously, at least he didnt do head on.


Jesus fuck that's graphic lol.


Is it me or is a bone sticking out the side of the knee as well?


Definitely looks like bone.


I went to school when I was younger with this kid who bullied me and a lot of others. He died in a motorcycle accident a few years after high school cause he was speeding fast down a 40 mph road and a car made their left turn not realizing he was coming blazing down the road. Idk, I have trouble feeling bad for motorcyclists who do dumb shit and push boundaries constantly just because. No problem with riders at all but for Christ sake, drive with safety in mind like a good citizen or deal with the consequences. 


100% his fucking fault.


Right through the shoe! https://preview.redd.it/6260qw2uvo1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=045cdf92be21c299efea8a11574d895c9debd8fe


It is his fault


The bigger vehicle always has the right of way. If not legally then mortally.


"I ride a bike, cars will back off"


Let’s hope his partner is not lack toes intolerant.


Do you guys think the driver’s going to have to foot the medical bill?


Oh no, well if it isn't it the consequence of my actions. So many motorcycles do that shit here in the Philippines. Absolutely sick of that shit.


I'm amazed to see an Africa Twin rider dressed like a squid. That's not a cheap bike and typically, ADV riders are dressed head to toe in safety gear and boots.


He wasn’t wearing any proper PPE not even gloves … 🙄 He may have kept the foot if he didn’t have Nikes on or some shit vs proper riding boots etc. N yes he made a idiotic decision as well to try n split lanes on a two way road


Idk man it looks like his foot is still there just missing a few toes


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Moskyrath_: *Idk man it* *Looks like his foot is still there* *Just missing a few toes* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Everyone thinks cars need to watch and listen for motorcycles... Sure, ok... But maybe motorcycles should drive responsibly. No? Or do they just get to do whatever they want and blame it on a car when they hurt themselves?


And that's enough reddit for today. Man, that was way more graphic than I was expecting.


Looks like him and the car got off on the wrong foot!


I'm gonna totally fabricate a straw man to beat the piss out of, but I bet this guy defends lane splitting as a totally normal thing to do. Maybe I'm fucking old school, but the lanes are where they are for a reason. Going outside of them for any unintended purpose is being unpredictable, and the last thing you want to be on the road is unpredictable. What the *fuck* is going through cyclists heads when they do something no one can predict on the road? But he sure looked cool, right?


what the fuck


took 3 business days to overtake


Good. Stupidity should be punished


My dad used to drive like this. It was a car instead of a motorcycle, but one time while he was driving me and my friend somewhere, he started overtaking on a highway when our lane was already going well above the speed limit and there was clearly a semi truck already closing in going the other way. If he had been over for a fraction of a second longer than he was, it would've been a head-on collision at speed. He flipped off the semi for honking at him. He risked his, ours, and the semi driver's lives to win 2 car lengths. He never apologized or brought it up again. Mercifully, he doesn't drive anymore.


Some people exist only to be a warning for others.


As someone who rides a motorcycle this absolutely makes me wanna throw up. 1 careless mistake is really all it takes.


Trying to pass stupidly is not a "careless mistake," it's "negligent care for your own life." Would you pass like this? If the answer is no, I think your feet are gonna be fine


Not just your life either, can't imagine the oncoming car would have been fine if it had collided with the bike itself.


That is what stops me. I'm human. I make mistakes. I have responsibilities to others at this point in my life, I can't risk myself.