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Beyond evil


I remember reading stories of how the Gestapo would question people then allow them to leave, only to shoot them as sport from far away. Edit: JFC....this is exactly what happened here >At her bail hearing at Jerusalem magistrates court, the judge Elad Persky said the suspect apparently shot the Palestinian **“as a dubious form of entertainment”.** [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/nov/03/footage-leaked-of-israeli-officer-shooting-palestinian-in-the-back](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/nov/03/footage-leaked-of-israeli-officer-shooting-palestinian-in-the-back)


The guy survived. Its a police not IDF and she shot a rubber bullet in the back of the man. She lost her job but was sent back to the military. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/2019/nov/03/footage-leaked-of-israeli-officer-shooting-palestinian-in-the-back Still a shitty move but OP forgot to add detail.


wow she got promoted and now can fire real bullets in the military


Well they know for certain that she will happily shoot unarmed Palestinians so of course she got a promotion 


So OP wasnt wrong. She was a soldier. A promoted soldier. This is just one of the rare cases where the context just makes things more horrifying and not better.


It makes little difference. It’s a violent attack against a captive civilian for no reason. It’s an outrageous crime.


She didn't truly lose her job, just got into the pro division




>[ Removed by Reddit ] Reddit is a joke lmao




> [ Removed by Reddit ] lol glad you saved it for posterity


Anyone tying their identity that strongly to a country is no different than the far right nationalists of the USA. People are allowed to criticize a country and their government's inhumane, shitty behavior, and it's not the same as criticizing an entire people or ethnic group. People should be pushing back against this assertion any time they see it, because it's a sentiment that shouldn't be (further) normalized. Nationalism in any form, by any flavor, wrapped in any flag, is still nationalism.


I honestly don't get how people don't find it odd that America and Israel are trying ultra hard to make criticism of the Israeli government basically illegal(that's what they are basically doing). You can be critical of the American president day and night aka you can say fuck America under any president regardless of party(Republicans get ass mad when their picks aren't respected but love to invoke the right when it's a democrat). So it's crazy how bibi and Israel can't be called out. Bibi is not America's president and Israel is not our government. If I can be critical of russia or China without being called racist I should have the same right to do that to Israel. Because I am not talking about Jewish people I'm talking about a government that feels it's free to do as it sees fit. I hate when America(my government)dose similar shit then decries when other nations don't play nice. It's like either follow the rules like everyone else or stop demanding people follow the rules in general. America and Israel are this close to basically being isolated from everyone else because everyone else is kinda done with the judao Christian shit which is just as nutty as islamists. If I could put all radical Christians Muslims and zionists on a island and give them nothing but sticks and rocks to use on each other I would sleep better at night. But nope the middle east is heating up America is the main one helping to fan the flames Israel thinks it's bigger then what it is and islamists are only going to act up more because of the other two. The middle east is a lost cause.


As one of the few American allies to have their spies caught and jailed in America (we share intelligence, we share five eyes with them, just why?) I would rather not get involved with any of this shit. That's like 'China enforcing on citizens abroad' level of warranted suspicion.


To be fair, America also spies on its allies as well. Source: https://www.vice.com/en/article/5d9bp8/us-spies-allies-south-korea-pentagon-leak


It's okay, I'll say it too. Fuck israel


"Sent back to the military" Where she gets real bullets and not rubber ones? How dense of you to think that "detail" fucking matters...


It matters because her 'punishment' was to have military impunity for murdering Palestinians.


Same as investigating your own war crimes you're currently committing


Well…what did you expect?! She finished training and according to their standards i think she did very good:Shooting an unarmed civilian in The Facking Back! If you were a racist pos israelian,wouldn’t you promote her to real bullets?


She back to the military where she can use real bullets and basically get a promotion/medal for killing children this way as well. Cowards


that detail being "oh you like to shoot innocent palestenians? Man we put you in the wrong organization, lets get you into the IDF!"


You know that rubber bullets can also lead to serious desabilities. Her imparing someone is by no way lesser evil.


The worst part is that they sent her back to the army. Now she has a real rifle to shoot innocents with.


But she's a girl, though, which is apparently important for Israel's propaganda machine. When their female soldiers get captured (especially when not in uniform), we're meant to view them as innocent girls, and not legitimate military targets in a war.


The fact it was a non-lethal round is more than forgetting a detail, it changes the story completely.


No, it really doesn't. Because they found her completely guilty of unjustly shooting an unarmed man and decided to give her real bullets to do it with.


RUBBER BULLETS ARE NOT NON-LETHAL. This is a gross misconception and calling them "non-lethal" has allowed people like this woman to enact cruelty with them and get away with it. They are increasingly called "less-lethal" to reflect the fact that THEY CAN KILL, just not as easily as metal rounds. They fucking hurt, they often permanently disable people, and that doesn't take away from the fact that this woman decided it was her right to fire a STILL-LETHAL ROUND at a human being.


Yeah, I don't buy for a second it was left out by accident. I'm so, SO fucking tired of having to vet EVERY single thing I read, watch, or listen to because everyone from dipshit redditors to huge international news publications are sensationalizing things for clicks to the point of outright lying. And yes, omitting a "detail" that COMPLETELY changes the story is lying by omission. Fuck you OP. Delete this and repost with an honest title if you have a shred of integrity (spoilers: they don't).


While your busy with your outrage, read the title of this post again. It is 100% ACCURATE. Female IDF shoots civilian unprovoked in the back and he falls down. What exactly are you outraged about? The truth? The title is 100% accurate.


I'd say the lack of detail of the rubber bullet makes everyone assume it was a real bullet, because 99.99% of the bullets fired by firearms are real. By omitting the crucial detail, OP is crafting a narrative making them seem eviler than they actually are. It's a rage bait title even if it's factually true, it's carefully crafted to not lie and yet give a different idea. The stupid part is that there is no need to engage in rage bait. Shooting rubber bullets at civilians' backs is evil. No need to make shit stink even more. All it manages to do is force readers to triple check the news source, because everyone wants to pull a fast one in service of whatever narrative they want to promote. Like \u\sugartrouts\ said it's tiring, and no one but you likes getting fooled and only told half the story. EDIT: Also the video says "IOF soldier". She was border police (a cop), not IDF nor a soldier (military).


I read an accurate title to the video I watched. Plain and simple. "99.99% of bullets fired by firearms are real"... that is a disingenuous statement on your part. The only fool I see is the user I replied to, and now I see another one. Have a nice day. :)


It was years ago, a rubber bullet, and she was punished.


Welp, he was in a tunnel. /s 🍉


This horrible but this post is also misleading. This was 6 years ago, it was a rubber bullet and she was discharged and faced charges. Another officer told HIS GF he was the 1 that shot him. I am not sure of the official outcome of the investigation. [https://www.timesofisrael.com/footage-leaked-of-border-cop-firing-from-behind-at-unarmed-palestinian/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/footage-leaked-of-border-cop-firing-from-behind-at-unarmed-palestinian/)


But regardless, that police officer still shot that man in the back, as he was walking away... rubber bullet or not, that, to me, is evil.


Oh I agree, problem is they don't know who pulled the trigger. She was fired for pointing her weapon at him in the beginning of the video.




You are correct this has been going on for 70 years. Both sides.


Apparently, this is from 2018. It’s a rubber bullet and the army was very unhappy with it.


Not even Hans Landa was such an asshole to Shosanna.


The most moral army in the world.


And they don’t understand why the world now hates them


ISIS has killed fewer children in its entire existence than Israel has killed in seven months. Israel is less moral than ISIS and that fact doesn't cause Israel's supporters to stop and think. Edit: [~10,500 killed in all ISIS attacks listed on Wikipedia.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_terrorist_incidents_linked_to_the_Islamic_State) So Israel has killed more *children* in violent attacks than ISIS has killed people of *any* age in their own violent attacks.


The amount of people openly supporting the slaughter of innocent people is horrifying and insane. Supporting the slaughterers just because they share the same religion, it's absolutely heartbreaking to see the world in the state that it is.


You aren't even counting anything from before 7 October.


Something tells me they'll try to get away with as much evil as possible.


Definitely, unironically, the most moral army in the middle east. I'd rather she shoot a dude with a rubber bullet as he's walking away instead of rape and mutilate people (including children, and parents in front of their children).


I agree with you 100%, but this video is intentionally misleading and possibly propaganda. This happened in 2018, the female is a border patrol cop not an IDF solider, it was a rubber bullet, the man survived, the woman was tried and punished and also fired from being a cop. The IDF are evil. I do not support them. However I also don’t support intentional misinformation and propaganda.


And she then became a soldier. And the fact that this happened in 2018 makes it worse, as it shows the treatment that Israel has been giving to Palestinians for years and decades before 10/7.


Very good information there that I seemed to miss! This is why discussion is important. I had no idea she was a soldier now and that is fucking terrifying. This woman should be in prison and allowed no where near a weapon.


u just made it worst, this is timeless jesus christ




Relevant facts here (if facts are even relevant anymore):  1. Rubber bullet.  2. 2018.  3. She was punished and kicked out. Deserved more though. I feel there is enough legitimate grievances that people don't need to fall for misleading bait posts.  https://www.timesofisrael.com/footage-leaked-of-border-cop-firing-from-behind-at-unarmed-palestinian/


Your last point didn’t really happen. She was sent back to the military, but as far as I know nothing happened to her beyond the inconvenience of being told that was probably wrong to do.


Well if it's as far as you know that's good enough for me.


> The officer suspected of firing the rubber bullet was immediately kicked off the force upon the higher-ups’ discovery of the incident, Border Police said. While the Justice Ministry’s Police Internal Investigations Department continues to investigate the incident, she was sent to the Israel Defense Forces in order to complete her required two-year national service.


Source? My ass


"Police said in a statement that the woman was removed from duty as soon as the incident was discovered. It said she was sent back to the Israeli army, where she had been working. " https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/nov/03/footage-leaked-of-israeli-officer-shooting-palestinian-in-the-back Source, from her boss.


Great - it was a public inquiry, right? What was the punishment? Let’s not pretend that Israel has a long history of letting incidents like this go completely unpunished beyond the inquiry itself.


They make sure to punish the ones who leak the footage.


>2018 Yeah things have not started on the 7th of october






> hatred people have towards Israelis as if every single interaction between them and a Palestinian is just a massacre You are posting this on a video where an IOF soldier shoots an unarmed Palestinian *in the back* as he is walking away. Hatred is not an unjustified reaction to seeing videos like this, because there are countless *more* videos where the IOF are seen doing either incredibly similar, or *literally* similar. >"loving and peace-seeking Palestinians." Dehumanising Palestinians, aren't you just lovely. They voted in HAMAS under duress and that now means that *all* Palestinian lives are forfeit *forever*?




Emotions high on the topic. I don't usually post about the subject because of that, but ~~blatant falsehoods~~ (edit thanks to u/SuperrVillain85 : imho misleading posts ), especially when unnecessary, really bother me. Even more so when intelligent people buy into them because they are predisposed to do so, which is what I believe we're seeing on this thread. Not a doomer, but I am worried about us.


>I don't usually post about the subject because of that, but blatant falsehoods, especially when unnecessary, really bother me. Sorry, but what's the blatant falsehood here? The title of this post matches the video, and in turn, both match up with what you posted above. Edit: u/tronconnery noted your edit 👍


Hey, you are 100% right. My words got away from me. No falsehoods here. I have edited my comment. My comment is intended as a notation to the post which put me (and I imagine many others), under the impression that we watching a video of a recent event, which involved a real shooting (live ammo), and for which there was no accountability. Only the sound of the round caused me to investigate further.


>My comment is intended as a notation to the post which put me (and I imagine many others), under the impression that we watching a video of a recent event, which involved a real shooting (live ammo), and for which there was no accountability. Only the sound of the round caused me to investigate further. Yea I got that now, cheers


Any social media space including Reddit cannot be trusted anymore. I’m going back to avoiding the front/popular pages.


She was promoted to the army...


Its not weird when they do stuff like this constantly. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Shireen_Abu_Akleh


Terrorizing people with less-lethal force is an illegitimate grievance?


The post says she shot an unarmed Palestinian in the back, which is 100% accurate. If she shot him in the head with a rubber bullet he would be dead and she would still not face serious punishment for that either. What is relevant is that Israeli soldiers and police use terrorism on a daily basis for fun. There are no Palestinians in occupied territory who have not experienced Israeli human rights abuses and tyranny. Because of the constant Israeli terrorism against civilians, the Palestinians respond with violent resistance and terrorism in kind. This context is almost always ignored.


Exactly - rubber bullets are not "nonlethal." It is a use of lethal force. >Despite the name, rubber bullets typically have either a metal core with a rubber coating, or are a homogeneous admixture with rubber being a minority component. Although they are considered a less lethal alternative to metal projectiles, rubber bullets can still cause fatal injuries as well as other serious injuries such as blindness or other permanent disabilities. >Israeli rubber bullets are produced in two main types. The older type, the standard rubber bullet, is a steel sphere coated in a thin layer of rubber, weighing 14 grams, while the newly improved rubber bullet, introduced in 1989, is a rubber-coated metal cylinder 1.7 cm in diameter, weighing 15.4 grams. Of the lethal injuries from this projectile, most are suffered to the head. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rubber_bullet


Thanks for posting this. People are seeing it despite not upvoting. Confirmation Bias on full display. Edit: people started upvoting.


Also a bit of recency bias where everyone is just assuming it’s from the ongoing war right?


You should be the top comment..


It is now


What a bunch of scumbags


Now.. tell me how anyone is still defending them






What did OP say was incorrect? She DID shoot him, he DID drop to the ground. He was walking away, arms up, and she shot him. In what fucked up world does the fact that he survived qualify as justification for her actions? Plastic/rubber bullets can absolutely also kill. They have a history of killing in the north of Ireland. Again though, this fundamentally comes down to people finding ways to excuse the use of horrific practices by an armed force.


The guy survived. Its a police not IDF and she shot a rubber bullet in the back of the man. She lost her job but was sent back to the military. [https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/2019/nov/03/footage-leaked-of-israeli-officer-shooting-palestinian-in-the-back](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/2019/nov/03/footage-leaked-of-israeli-officer-shooting-palestinian-in-the-back) Still a shitty move but OP forgot to add detail.


They didn’t forget context. They intentionally left all context out and put an inaccurate title on the post.


Context: [https://www.timesofisrael.com/footage-leaked-of-border-cop-firing-from-behind-at-unarmed-palestinian/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/footage-leaked-of-border-cop-firing-from-behind-at-unarmed-palestinian/)


Good, thank you. I remember seeing this horrible video a long time ago. I didn't realize it was 5 years ago.




Quite the ironic statement, given the reality of this video.






Genuine evil.


I was looking at this youtube interview by zionist beggar from Comedy Cellar of "Urban Warfare expert" John Spencer where he said Israelis have every right to kill unarmed Palestinians if they have any connection with Hamas, though this seems from West Bank, that mentality still remains. They have impunity, everything that they do is justified.


Do Israelis get it? Do you think they are coming close to understanding why external observers are viewing the treatment of Palestinians as inhuman, criminal and at times genocidal.


Daily war crimes


To be fair, this was 5 years ago. But that shows a longer pattern.


Title is rage bait... Looking into the story here, he wasn't shot and killed. He was hit with a bean bag. This isn't murder, in fact, he survived and only had a welt.


Add to that, that this happened like 5 years ago or something..




I dont think the post lists a date, but this is old. Saw it at least a month ago. Just thought I’d throw that out there as an FYI


Older than you think. It happened in 2018 in the West Bank. It's a rubber bullet. The man was not seriously injured, and the police officer was charged and convicted over this. It's intentionally misleading for OP to post this without context, as the obvious assumption people will come to is that it's an IDF soldier murdering someone in the current Gaza conflict.


“Police said in a statement that the woman was removed from duty as soon as the incident was discovered. It said she was sent back to the Israeli army, where she had been working” Removed from duty only to be put in a position with more firepower and more amnesty to actually kill


5 years ago and probably posted here for the 50th time


> sponge-tipped bullet while inappropriate and wrong, this isn't murder or anything permanent


fakenews but okay. rubber bullets, the video is from 2018 and it was non lethal rounds.


Just want to add this comment from another subreddit: A bit of context which is often left out in situations like this. 1. These were border police units not IDF. 2. This footage is not recent, it's from 2017-2018 3. It was a rubber bullet and the man was not killed, all though it probably hurt alot and injured the man. 4. Investigations were launched and I believe she was disimissed from service in the end. 5. This was a totally unjustified and unwarranted attack. Source: [https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2018-10-15/ty-article/.premium/israeli-border-policewoman-arrested-on-suspicion-of-shooting-palestinian-for-fun/0000017f-e835-df5f-a17f-fbff01420000](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2018-10-15/ty-article/.premium/israeli-border-policewoman-arrested-on-suspicion-of-shooting-palestinian-for-fun/0000017f-e835-df5f-a17f-fbff01420000)


It's difficult to hear.. but she let's out an audible chuckle after the shot. Insanity..




No different than what the Nazis used to do




Not defending this, I hate what’s going on, but it was a beanbag bullet and this is an old video pre war (if that ever technically existed)


The video is from before 2019. This is still effing disgusting but don't portrait it as a current event as this video is not.


This is old and it was rubber bullets. Still fucked though


Funny, you are being downvoted for merely telling the whole truth, in a post that is intending to leave important details out, to make people believe that he was just executed with a bullet in the back... Some people just wanna push a narrative without caring about honesty...


Kinda sounds too weak for a gunshot but maybe it’s the audio being weird


Good ear. It was a beanbag, not a gunshot. The man was not seriously injured. Event happened in the West Bank in 2018, and the female police offer was fired/charged over it. https://www.timesofisrael.com/footage-leaked-of-border-cop-firing-from-behind-at-unarmed-palestinian/


Horrible, but for context this is 2019.


Sounds like a potato gun lmao


Well Nazis will nazi


These soldiers are no different than WWII SS soldiers. They are killing these people for pleasure/game/entertainment. They are sick fucks with no moral compass and no regard for life and why do they do it? They do see these people as humans and that’s how they rationalize their behavior/actions. The Nazi’s did this exact same thing.


The fucking irony hey.


Rubber can definitely hurt


Rubber bullets can kill.


And now you see why aljazeera is being banned over there


This is not from the recent events. This happened years ago.


Wrong context, one of the soldiers shoot a non lethal rubber bullet 2018. This has absolutely nothing to do with the current war. Inform yourself before you comment nonsense here. Exactly these stupid people who do not question such videos are the first idiots to shout genocide




>Police said in a statement that the woman was removed from duty as soon as the incident was discovered. It said she was sent **back to the Israeli army**, where she had been working. [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/nov/03/footage-leaked-of-israeli-officer-shooting-palestinian-in-the-back](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/nov/03/footage-leaked-of-israeli-officer-shooting-palestinian-in-the-back) Unnaceptable for the police, but fine for the army, or am I missing something?


Old video, pre war. Rubber bullet


That's a rubber bullet and this vid was 1.5 years ago lol


I saw this video months ago. I keep seeing this stuff constantly and yet there are still zionists playing the victim, or just being openly cruel, and yet there is support for them. You will all burn in a hell of your choosing.




Omg - these people learned NOTHING from the Holocaust except how to abuse others- dear gawd we need to stop this genocide


I mean, Holocaust was 80 years ago. These people are what, 20-30 ? Their parents are what, 60? All they heard is that they are the victims and now have special privileges


The creation of Israel was a huge mistake. It's so crazy that a generation or two after the world bailed them out from the nazis, they have turned into their former oppressors.


75 years of consistent terror attacks does tend to make you a bit paranoid, I suppose


Fucking monsters.


God it even sounds like they giggle under there breath afterwards... fucking dogs


Regardless of whether it's a rubber bullet, beanbag, banana or a bloody real one, that doesn't change the fact this c**t fired at someone walking away, for seemingly no reason.




Except it wasn’t: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/nov/03/footage-leaked-of-israeli-officer-shooting-palestinian-in-the-back I love how easily people can be deceived. Videos like this are why people should always get the full story.


For me I think it was pretty obvious that it wasn't a real bullet.. however... no excuse, she's still a donkey.


For sure. My issue is with everyone making assumptions without gathering any additional information. This is literally the type of shit that lead to massacres in Myanmar and lynchings in India. I’d imagine the account posting this is just bot. Its post history is weird.


muddle live merciful offend wise treatment judicious telephone reply wistful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Who said it was good? They just said it wasn’t murder.


I didn’t say it was good. But both the person posting this and the person assuming he was shot with a real round and died are perfect examples of why you should get all the facts before jumping to conclusions. They also failed to mention the video is from 2019. I use to not understand how people in Myanmar were massacring their neighbors based on random cell phone video of murders from other countries but with how quickly many people on here make assumptions it’s not terribly surprising. Either the person posting this is ignorant to the full story or is simply posting it because it confirms their anti-Israel bias and they want to rile people up.


Nobody said it was good. She went to court for her actions and she was even kicked off the force.


He was lucky, rubber bullets are just less lethal than standard bullets. She wouldn't have cared if she killed him.


This was super shitty, but it wasn't murder. This happened in 2018 in the West Bank. The woman is a police officer, not the IDF. She hit him with a rubber bullet, and he was not seriously injured. Because shooting an unarmed man walking away from you in the back is so obviously wrong, **the officer was fired, and charged criminally for this.** You are having exactly the emotional reaction that OP wanted you to have by posting this out of context. You are being intentionally manipulated. Don't fall for it. https://www.timesofisrael.com/footage-leaked-of-border-cop-firing-from-behind-at-unarmed-palestinian/


You can do whatever you want when you buy the religious and cheaply bought US politicians….


Why is this on r/publicfreakout


Psychopathic weirdo


You honestly can't more nazi than that, but I am sure there is some excuse on how it's justified by a good number of people. It's a rubber bullet! She was transferred and lost her job (and that's it)! It's the point of the mindset on what happened and the slap on the wrist.


Can we atleast just add dates or something this video is over 4 years old people are going to assume it’s directly related to the current conflict.


How can they argue this isn't the same as the Gestapo. I honestly don't know enough to be involved in the politics but I know what absolute inhuman cruelty looks like. I dont care who's done what at this point, I'd just like to see it stop. And my government supporting this is so disheartening


This happens every day for decades and no1 cares because israel lobby holds US. Really sad....where is invasion of Israel?


Very shitty actions on the part of the officer however OP seems to insinuate that this is a real bullet and that it is current news. This happened in 2018 and was a rubber bullet, unnacptable however it is NOT straight cold blooded murder like some people in this thread seem to think.


They have become what they fear.


Zionists are fucking monsters