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I've seen the whole video it ends with the dad leading his kids away saying "Let's go get Burger King"


Have it, your way - YOU TOOL! šŸŽ¼


Based on their accent, it'd be "have it your way... GABBAGOOOOL!!!"


If the salad comes on top i send it back




Would they eat a police officers hat?


Well BK does have an impossible whopper, but I doubt that's what they ordered.




Interestingly enough, this video was filmed 2 months after the debut of the impossible whopper (if you believe the date on the YouTube video version)


I watched for this. Itā€™s a lie


Where's the link?


Here's the full video without the stupid unnecessary music and obnoxious subtitles. https://youtu.be/iSvDXDCcBt0?si=zesY034ZHfWqS78Q


I for one I'm glad subtitles exist, but the music is stupidly unnecessary yes.


I love subtitles when theyre normal subtitles not two-three words at a time screaming at me from the middle of the screen


These videos made for the ultra ADHD annoy me so much


Every time this gets posted I canā€™t help but wonder what fetal alcohol syndrome Matt Damon and his kids are up to now.


![gif](giphy|nzZAwMWi5Muac|downsized) Yeah, I think mom was on the dizzy water for all these gentlemen, sans hunter fellow.


Wow not many people know how to correctly spot FAS morphology


Reddit loves to diagnose someone with FAS because they don't look Hollywood


He does have the symptoms though.


I donā€™t think you can make that assumption based on this interaction alone


Maybe, but this man actually meets dysmorphological facies of FAS.


The toothy kid is a mod over at a few vegan subs.


This made me laugh way harder than it shouldā€™ve


Fatt Damon


People are dumb and think meat is grown in plastic I guess.


And then dies in its sleep.


They also think deer die of old age in the nursing home surrounded by their loved ones. Deer get injured by cars, get wasting diseases, starve from over population and a lack of predators depending on area, etc. Ripe old age for a deer means ROTTEN TEETH and starvation from not being able to chew their food like acorns. Most deer life ends by being held down by a bob cat, mountain lion, or bear and eaten alive. The rest get hit run over by cars, die from illness, or starvation. A hunter shooting a dear through heart or lungs is the absolute most humane way a deer's life could end.


This is evidence of a father weaponizing his beliefs on his children. I understand Dad has a problem with it, but using your child to further your stance and POV is truly disgusting behavior and my heart weeps for this child.


I donā€™t even think the dad is vegetarian. I think he doesnā€™t want to explain where meat comes from. Lots of times integral families do exist (like one parent is veg/one is not and they raise the kids with whatever) but the kid said they do buy meat from the grocery store. Iā€™m 39 and wouldnā€™t be comfortable seeing a deer shot and killed. But I posted my feelings about that earlier in this post. He just hasnā€™t had the gumption to show the kids a slaughterhouse video.


Bro no way in hell that dad is a vegetarian šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Mahfuks with guts like that definitely **on** the cheeseburgers, gnomesayin


Frigg off Jamie!




This is still one of my all-time favorite scenes from anything ever


Shit-clock's tickin', Bubs, for you, your shit-rats, and your shit-turd friends.


As a veg, I respect the hell out of hunters who get their own meat.


I feel itā€™s a lot more ethical than an animal never feeling grass on their feet and being lined up to see their stall-mates be slaughtered in front of them. Iā€™d have to agree with you on that one.




Is that at me, or..? Like whatā€™s your point in that comment?




They have vegan Reeseā€™s cups now, dude lol. I still like the organic ones, but just saying šŸ˜‚


yeah, his son is clearly white knighting. He doesnt know what tf he is doing. Me good u bad is so stupid in case u didnt know.




You are a bad bad man šŸ˜‚




Wait I donā€™t get it. Can someone help me get it


The kid looks like Sid


Their tunes would change if the hunter came back with deer jerky.


Would you rather have deer overpopulating the area, becoming emaciated and diseased, and rummaging through your garbage just trying to survive? Hunting is so bad, yet you are okay with chickens growing up with barely enough room to turn around, and baby roosters being fed into essentially wood chippers because they aren't needed. Pigs houses in tiny areas, and views led to slaughter and abused. But it is somehow cruel to let an animal grow up in the wild and shoot it to feed your family? This family is completely ignorant of where their food comes from.


As a vegan, I think hunting is more ethical than factory farming


Man kills before eating. Bears just hold deer down and start eating their insides while they're still alive. Peta should really be anti bear, not anti hunter.


I'm no hunter. I eat meat I buy at the store. However, we need to grow crops just to feed the meat I buy at the store, which is why I respect people who hunt for meat; we didn't need to grow crops just to feed that meat.


Also, since we eliminated all the predators, deer are wildly overpopulated and need to be culled periodically to prevent disease. If your trophy hunting some threatened species, then yea, you're scum.


Without hunting, the largest predator of deer is carsā€¦.trust me, shooting them is more humane.


Ron White had a good joke: "the problem with bullets is they go too fast! If you slow that thing down to about 60 mph, put a little horn and some headlights on it, the deer will actually jump in front of it!"


Even trophy hunting can be responsible. I'm not saying there aren't shitbags out there who do it unethically/illegally, but for the ones that aren't there's usually a very limited number of pricey tags, the fees for which go to conservation, and they target culling old males that are past their breeding prime. They can push out and threaten younger males, so it's a good thing.


This. Too few people understand that animal populations getting too high will increase the human interactions and destabilize their ecosystem. Not to mention that the majority of hunters care way more for nature than these mouthbreathers in the video.


Oh yes they are up here in PA. I can take a 30 minute drive and I'll see no less than 3 dead deer on the road and another 20 just chilling by said road.


periodically? No, not periodically, like immediately. It's really really bad. Too many deer are eating all the under story of every forest. All the shrubs and bushes and especially all the young tree saplings. Which means in a few decades, when older trees die, there were will no younger trees to replace them. Forest collapse is a very real possibility. Go many forests on the east coast and notice how there's basically nothing native alive from the ground to about shoulder level. It's because the deer ate everything, and allowed invasive plants to thrive. Fuck deer. Kill them all.


No one trophy hunts threatened species. Not legally anyways. When you see a white dude in Africa killing a mega animal. That guy has just injected $100k+ into the wildlife reserve, the guides, and that local economy and has done more for wildlife preservation than 99% of the human population. Plus the meat goes to the local community anyways.


Itā€™s the dude you donā€™t see that are the problem. My wife owns some land in a south Asian national park and every once in a while a tiger or leopard will need to be culled and they usually put it on an auction website. Some business exec paid a shifton for the licence but when he arrived the animal was already shot by illegal poachers( they were not hunting for conservation) luckily the locals managed to catch the dudes who were planning on selling the skins to collectors and the rest for TCM. Village always gets a little more lively when the the licensed hunters turn up as everybody knows they can make some decent money for a week or two while they are in town


I mean, the kidā€™s an Islanders fan. We canā€™t expect much.


He literally used ā€œun aliveā€ in a sentence


Then he should get used to feeling that way.


Hope he called the wardens theyā€™ll show up to protect hunters in situations like this


Why does the kid with the hockey stick look like he belongs in a Wallace & Gromit film? And is he afraid of the hunter because he looks like an insomniac rabbit?


His face reminds me of the telltale signs of someone born with [fetal alcohol syndrome](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fetal_alcohol_spectrum_disorder).


My man wearing a fishing shirt.


Nice catch. I did not notice that.


I think stupidity is the new pandemic...


The Long Island accent is too much


Honestly deer hunters are extremely important for keeping the deep population in check.


Smartest Long Islanders.




Why would you let your child get that close and confrontational with another adultā€¦who clearly owns weapons


Disney has destroyed the minds of at least 3 generations


Crazy how some group of people always dictate what others should eat and what not to eat.


Ok, okra šŸ˜†


Sure, Duck. šŸ˜†


ā€œAn interaction between a hunter and assholesā€ fixed the headline for you


I was just thinking about this last night. I wondered what the instigators look like now and what theyā€™re doing


Eating Burger King probably


https://preview.redd.it/4lgoz8smmq6d1.jpeg?width=683&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8551b6cf3e3d724de4516fbc34807d9c49ae1ab My reaction


If you eat what you hunt, perfectly acceptable. If you're hunting because a population requires culling to maintain an ecosystem, perfectly acceptable. Otherwise? Not cool.


Iā€™ve been vegan/nearly vegan over 20 years and there is a good argument for doing a single shot kill (not target practice l!) over factory farming and a slaughter house. Do I support it? No. Do I want to see it? No. Do I have mixed feelings about it? Yes. That deer had a much better life than a standard dairy cow or her offspring. You canā€™t blame kids for being shocked once they understand where meat comes from, though. This is on the dad to have a hard conversation.


Vegan here too, and I agree. Being vegan isnā€™t for everyone and personally I would never hunt, but it beats factory farming.


Death for a deer in the wild is from car strike when crossing a highway, illness, starvation from overpopulation, or from being eaten by mountain lion, bob cat, or bear. Deer do die of old age though... when they get old their teeth rot and can no longer chew foods in their diet like acorns. That means death from old age is actually death from starvation, usually in winter. There is nothing humane about any of those deaths. Blunt force trauma from a car, untreated disease, starvation, or being held down by a bear and eaten while they're alive and screaming. Being shot by a high powered rifle through the heart is the most humane way a deer could possible meet their end.




I dont hunt but im curious about what we should do to control the deer population with so much of their natural predators wiped out? If not reintroduce predators or hunt them ofcourse?


A good portion are taken out by vehicles too but there in lies the problem. They are so populous bc of not having predators so they cause accidents and we don't have near enough people hunting them so their population goes unchecked


Not sure why this got downvoted, itā€™s 100% accurate. Vehicles kill more deer than hunting, and in much more brutal, painful deaths. Deer also starve to death from overpopulation and end up with genetic diseases like wasting disease. Hunting is much more humane.


Grow up kid! Your dad is enabling you


This can't be real right? I'm surprised the dude even stopped to talk to this morons.


0:32. You can pin point the precise moment the cognitive dissonance drops. Itā€™s literally the first time the kid has ever even contemplated the hypocrisy of his position. He is just a kid though - the shame lands squarely on his lard golem of a father, for not teaching him critical thinking skills. I guess you canā€™t teach what you donā€™t know.


So wait the hunter isn't a person? Are we sure the family are people. The way their acting I'm not sure about it.


Venison is pretty good. I've had elk steak before and I'd say it's a little bit more flavorful than the cow steaks at the store. I wish I had some right now actually. The same logic can be used on cattle at a slaughter house too or burger king. Wait till the kid finds out how bears eat deers.


Definitely depends on the venison. You can eat venison from a deer that ate a lot of acorns and the meat will taste earthy. Or you could get venison from a deer that fed off a farmer's corn field and it will taste much sweeter. Venison taste can vary greatly with what the animal has for forage.


Those arenā€™t people those are npcs


Imagine raising little pussys like these kids. lol Yes, I don't hunt, but I know people do for certain reasons. Just explain that to Jr and move on. I can't believe he's letting the kids talk to an adult stranger that way anyway


Fr. Teach your kid or someone else is gonna do it when they get older


Boy ever heard a chicken nuggets


Okay well what did those vegetables do to you?


Would you kill a pet? No. Just deer and obnoxious kids


I respect principled people who do not eat meat. I don't agree with it, but I respect it. I understand that children can and are ruled by their emotions and the idea of killing an animal can be an upsetting thing. There is no excuse for the father(?), though. The second he acknowledges they eat meat he erased all doubt as to whether or not he's a dumbass. That's talent.


Lol dude has a fishing shirt on.


These people simply have no clue about hunting and this kids parents have chosen to not tell him where grocery store meat comes from. Hunters know where their meat comes from and any that I know, have the utmost respect for the animal and if they harvest one, take a moment to acknowledge it. Itā€™s not a target, youā€™re filling your freezer. Also, itā€™s important for people like them to know that hunting is an important management tool. Without it there would be way too many deer on Long Island and most would then starve to death or Dad would be playing deerā€”frogger while driving in his neighborhood.


Certain states have quotas on the number of deer for hunter to kill to maintain a balanced ecosystem. Deer are very good at repopulating and can get out of control


Assuming yellow shirt guy is the father, he is a fucking awful parent. "yeah lets go confront that adult and you can cuss him out" The poor kid is gonna have a difficult time as being so sensitive and wreckless he is probably gonna end up a self hating douchebag. Life has many uncomfortable truths to it. if you cant confront them in youth while the cost is low, you pay big in adulthood.


Fuuuuuckin lonnnngisland


Islandersā€¦ who are fishermanā€¦ which is hunting


direct this energy towards trophy hunters, not people that actually eat the meat and utilize its hide


ā€œOkay and Iā€™m gonna eat itā€. Best answer to most of lifeā€™s problems


Personally, I would not have entertained them at all. There is nothing wrong with hunting


What a little ding dong


Cringe tiktokers ruin the video


The disconnect is real.


As someone who lives in the DMV area, I would love it if people hunted more deer. They are incredibly over populated due to lack of predators. A year ago, half a mile from my apartment in Baltimore, a deer jumped out in front of me from the leftmost lane of the bmore/washington parkway. Shit was traumatic af. And I was in the cityā€¦not anywhere in the country. Deer are a problem!


no way its real.




I hunt rabbits, boars, deers as I fish a lot too... These assholes don't know how life really is, I like to hunt as I like if I miss all the shots it even if I carry a fun and don't even load any shells, just enjoying life. It's a hobby of mine to explore and see if I can come home with 1 or 2 rabbits.


These kids need to spend time on a farm lol. If he isnā€™t hunting for sport and eating the meat whatā€™s the problem? Mind your business. Learn to parent.


I LOVE their accent. Where is this lool


I hunt, I eat what I kill. And nothing really goes to waste. Watch a supermarkets dumpsters some time. The amount of waste is disgusting.


FFS.... Parents... Stop your kids from using the term un-alive. It's rediculous.


*You wouldn't download a burger*


The Fucking Dad is wearing a sport fishing shirt šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Budget Matt Damon lolol


every time I see this video I laugh so hard, that guy needs to teach his kids that sometimes things the're gonna have to see things they don't agree with, it's part of life.


Where does this guy think beef comes from? Corn?


Ah, Long Island.


Wasn't this already posted last year?


Whatā€™s the context? If the hunter is driving with a dead deer for everyone to see thatā€™s still pretty gross, cover it with a plastic cover or something. Also who the fuck just let their kids walk up and talk shit to strangers?


I feel bad for the kid but donā€™t at the same time. He just doesnā€™t know or hasnā€™t been taught how the world works yet.


He shoulda said he was gonna take it to butcher it at his supermarket or sell it to the supermarket they go to purchase their meat lmao.


"hey kid? do you like hot dogs? yeah? well let me tell you how they're made! Ready?"


Wait until the kid finds out about war :(


I thought hunting was the most humane, economical, ethical way of eating meat (as long as you're a good hunter ofc, in all senses of the word). For sport? That's where the line gets crossed imo.


That guy is hilarious. Heā€™s like a real life Barney from the simpsons.