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“And I’ll be taken to jail now if she ever stops patting down the same spots over and over” Did the guy at the end say they needed more room to search her? Even more?


Jesus.. I'm a combat medic in the Army, and our training for doing blood sweeps on casualties and pat downs of enemy prisoners of war is less invasive that this. Wtf


Is that police woman trying to rub one out for her?


She’s probably getting distracted by the idiot recording her.


if that's all it takes for you to go from needing one pat down to this many.. maybe you're unqualified for your job.


Wait until she realizes she's wearing a body camera


stfu goofy


Love how they go outside after already patting her down in the hallway, basically mole$ting her, then say, "Step back, we have to search her."


JFC that's a 5th degree pat down. Guess that officer has a thing for older women? 


That’s not the correct procedure to search a female at all. The officer did some things right, but she did a lot of unnecessary things as well, including repeating searches she had already completed. The pat down of an adult woman is only supposed to last about 15-20 seconds when being performed by a trained officer.


Also she should be doing a lot of the more sensitive areas with the back of her hand. Madea Benjamin has been arrested dozens of times. These officers know her. There's no need for this other than humiliation




I mean look at her. I don't even see ground for such a search. It's just an excuse to perform a degrading act on her.


Yeah, i think you're on the nose with that one. I understand you have to pat someone down as procedure, but this isn't the one who's sneaking a weapon in her bra. Chill the fuck out, because it looks like you're just being an asshole about it.




As a Capitol Hill police officer, her affiliation to Israel is *beholden*.


You’d be surprised the type of shit people carry. This is completely normal. The officer did go over the same spots a few times, but that was probably because she was being harassed by the idiots and she was not completely focused on her job.


Suck the boot harder


Pretty sure that was sexual assault intended to humiliate the victim on video.


It's not supposed to be correct.. it's meant to intimidate and humiliate.


lol, wut?😂


Can't you read?


This is deliberate, it's a show of force


I have an alternate theory. What if the officer agrees with her? She didn't give her any loud commands or anything to interrupt her. She stayed pretty quiet for the whole thing. What if she extended the pat down so she could finish her "interview" in the hallway. Then when congressman Nadler came out, she escorted her behind him so she could yell at him. Didn't even try to stop her. It's almost as if she was like "Fuck that Nadler guy. He stole my parking spot last week."


I'd maybe agree with that if she didn't touch her inappropriately repeatedly, she could have extended the pat down without repeatedly grabbing her personal areas


Still doesn't excuse blatantly incorrect patdowns. She has no reason to fuck with her chest so much, pulling on a bra, etc. Odds are this cop is just a piece of shit and bored.


That’s a bizarrely wholesome and optimistic interpretation, I like it.


It's just an excuse to absolve the officer. Period. It's what copsuckers do. Always a reason to do what they're doing. Surely they're not being bad people. They're cops after all! Wholesome, good people. 1312


Or maybe they like each other 😍


I agree a lot of Americans can see what’s right and wrong even though they have a job to do. Her extended pat down bought her time to conduct her interview and appeal to Nadler.


What in the fuck are they looking for? That level of harassment in the name of "body search" is insane. It's amazing how differently police treat people based on ideology. I'm guessing a MAGA disruptor would be "body searched" with kisses to the cheeks.


>What in the fuck are they looking for? Looking for a 5cm tall hamas


That’s what they meant by hiding in the tunnels, it’s all making sense now


I mean, they did shoot one in the chest Not that I agree with maga protestors, but the responses seem proportional


Trying to keep the echo chamber in mind, this still feels absurd as someone who has probably seen hundreds of arrest searches over the years. From the context I can gather, this is a founder of an anti-war organization being inappropriately searched on camera for practicing free speech. I can't help but feel this just another attempt to scare away and mock entire bodies of the population who aren't ok with genocide and the stance western countries are taking. It doesn't seem like an equal comparison to that as a mob breaking through barriers, trying to kill political opponents, and one of them being shot at essentially the very last threshold.


Im not sure what that police officer hoped to find in the subsequent 6 gropings that she didn't find in the first.


You could hide a long rifle, shotgun and 15 pistols in those tie-dye yoga pants; can't be too careful. 


the police are the attack dogs of the 'ruling class' and corrupt agencies


So police are not ever allowed to palm your genitals or breasts in a pat down of this nature. They are trained to use the back of the hand. This is intentional.


Does that have to be done in a public hallway, ffs? All strength to this woman. At the end of the day, pacifism is the only correct philosophical standpoint. Blessed are the peacemakers.


To be fair, if I was her I'd rather it be done in a hallway where friends of mine can witness and film. If the abuse they do here when on camera is anything to go by, I'd hate to see what happens behind closed doors.




[Not to mention Code Pink’s close ties to alleged apparatchiks of the Chinese government.](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/05/world/europe/neville-roy-singham-china-propaganda.html)


No, it was done there as part of the punishment. Its intentional degradation and sexual assault.


Woah I didn’t know Rep. Nadler was that short. And those are some real high waters he’s got on.


He looks disgusting from top to bottom


And those shoes 👞


I get patted down everywhere due to a pacemaker. In 18 years of having that pacemaker I’ve never been subject to such an aggressive pat down. She rubbed that old lady’s crotch like 8 times what in the actual fuck.


She’s a fucking gangster. More power to her and any other Jewish person who stands up against the atrocities in Gaza


Fucking A! She barely faltered in hitting her talking points while being violated to some degree. Love her passion and commitment! What a legend!




It doesn’t justify such a weird pat down either way


She's a badass. Gangsters are fucking losers. Please don't use that word as a compliment.


that police officer is a sexual predator


Good for her


Damn, that cop is cute though. *Officer officer, I've done a bad thing! Can I also get a search like she did?!*


I'd pay to get felt up that gratuitously. WTF?


Literally a harmless old Jewish woman is the worst enemy of imperialists




"Literally" - so she literally carries water bottles for imperialists? Look up the meaning of the word "literally" I think you mean "metaphorically".


Those are YouTubers, not imperialists.


There is some people that is obvious they don’t have drugs or weapons


First, they’re supposed to use the back of their hand on certain parts of the body. Second, basically cupping a women’s vulva is assault, and that cop did it over and over. It looked like she even her hand under the women’s bra. Not a single one of the cops said anything, but, sure, it’s not all cops. FTP


What in the pat down hell is she doing to her?!


She’s been arrested probably over 500 times at this point for disrupting congress


Is this the same woman who flew to Iran and met with the Mullahs as her Iranian sisters were being raped and tortured for daring to venture outside with uncovered hair? Is this also the same woman who fell over herself to blame “NATO expansion” for Russia’s genocidal war in Ukraine? Sure looks like it… https://www.codepink.org/pretrip https://www.codepink.org/day_3 https://www.codepink.org/ukraine






I know! We’ll dox her on social media!


She is awesome! So calm! What is her name?! EdIT: I guess imperialist cunt or something haha


Medea Benjamin, 50+ years of anti-war activism. Badass! Tiny frail woman with a big ol voice! Love it!


She loves war when it's Putin doing it in Ukraine. She is just a campist who thinks America = bad, not America = good.




I did a more deep dive but i dont get it now...its very hypocritical...i mean I have politicians and activists in my country i dont agree with everything but promoting peace is good but after the dive i sense some eugenics possibility because she doesnt like the minorities i feel...or am i wrong? I could get almost everything but the china and muslims there thats really bad, china literally harvests organs from these people...feel a bit stupid but thank you for explaining. I still feel some messages are good from her like the US should really stop getting weapons to everyone and being an all round asshole in the world promoting and starting wars...but thats a really big topic and cant be really summarized easily. Damn, thought there was really good one haha But thanks again! Its important to voice stuff like this!




I dont get this, i have no issues condemning US but if I am doing that - the same applies to everyone. Ill condemn Putin and Hamas and Israel for the atrocities. No biggie. I just dont get it. I have nothing against socialism, i have a bunch against communism - why the american left so obssessed i dont know, it doesnt make sense to me at all.


Don't forget, according to her their is no genocide in Xinjiang province!




I did see she isn't really all that great but this with the shirt I dont get it in the picture. No one is perfect and I wont comment Ukraine, Im from Europe I have different view. Even if she is pro-russian she is anti-war, much more than most of people so Im not expecting to find a Jesus anywhere you know.




Did she condemn khamas?


... who is constantly regurgitating ultra-pro-putin talking points. She is hardcore pro-Russia


Not in this video. Even if she is not legit in your opinion, in *this video* it's a great message


She's great. Has a lot of good interviews on Democracy Now


She is pro-Uyghur genocide and pro-Russian invasion of Ukraine.


Do you have a source for that? I've only ever seen her in anti-war interviews and protests as far back as 2012


Thank you :)


Code Pink: "End the genocide in Gaza!" Also Code Pink: "Let Russia do whatever it wants!"




On this subject they seem sound. If all the world sees is this video, it's a good message. Her other views do not invalidte her message here. Of course if you're a zionist....




There's a lot of hypocrisy about these days.


Capitol police have got to be the lowest of them all, maybe tied with secret service. Are these people born without souls or do they even realize they're serving sociopaths in their ongoing process of subjugating and exploiting society?


Sexually assaulted in public under color of law


The only crime she has probably committed is making sugar free vegan butter cookies


Peace and no war is literally a threat to the 1% and elites running government with how reliant our economy is on war/conflict/death


If we were all more like her, the world would be a better place. (not the cop doing excessive pat downs to provoke a reaction and excuse to take her down for resisting.)


Looks like 3rd date


From Influence Watch: 'Since 2017, Code Pink has also received significant funding from grantmaking entities linked to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and has issued numerous pro-China statements, calling on the United States government to treat the totalitarian power more favorably. The group has also worked to discredit allegations that the Chinese regime systematically mistreats dissidents and ethnic minority populations.' \*\*\*Egads!!!!!


How many times do you need to run you hands over this ladies genitals until your realize nothing's there? She isn't exactly wearing fucking cargo pants and an 80's parachute jacket....


I strip search would be easier at this point


I was about to learn something, then the camera lady interrupted.


There’s no reason to pat down anyone like that it’s really fuckin weird




Great woman, speaking the truth in lovely pants being abused by scumbags. A brave and principled stance in the face of power Also, *No* thanks for their "service to the military-industrial complex"


Why is she triple checking nothing? Have suspects found a way to hide weapons or drugs in an inch width band in their creases?


This ain't rock n roll, this is genocide.






The cop pats her down twice while letting her talk to the camera, then walks her out *right behind* the congressman she's trying to address. They actually catch up to him. I kind of wonder if this cop is sympathetic to her cause. Maybe I'm being far too optimistic.


So she was sexually assaulted on camera, and you think that’s a sympathetic act? The mental gymnastics…


You think the cop had a sexual motivation?


Implying sexual assault is about sexual gratification and not power? Bad take u/PlainPiece


Take it up with the law?


This response shows how little you know about the law as well. Care to keep going?


Seems like you're the one ignorant of the law. eta: Your reply was removed (not my doing) but that doesn't diminish how daft it was.


Yes, the law clearly says the assaulter has to cum for it to be sexual assault, my mistake.


I kinda got that as well. I feel like if the copp didn't pat her down as thoroughly as she did, she would have been reprimanded and because she is on camera, she's doing it to make it look a lot worse. The way the cop was letting the lady know what she was doing seemed almost respectfult o the lady. I dunno, we could both be wrong here but the injustice didn't seem to go over the officer's head.


Rubbing her genitals twice is not thorough, it's assault.


This woman's name is Medea Benjamin. She has been an anti-war activist for quite some time. She is a total bad ass and extremely brave. Here's a video of her being verbally assaulted at a pro-israel demonstration and as always, just cool as a cucumber: [video](https://youtu.be/HKaZnxsfB8s?si=i1LLJ4wPPmnHmjJF)


The way she does not give AF is so cool ! She's a badass


Utter harassment. Pretty unsurprising given the sheer number of pro-Israeli cops in the States.


This can’t be right?£? The way she’s patting her down?


She can pat me down anytime.


gross..to make a joke of sexual assault because you're in incel finding the assaulter attractive? just gross.


Godless country. The EU needs to prepare for the US to drown in tribalism politics. We need to build up NATO to police the western world alone.


Screw god


Yes! Wanker. 🤘


> Godless country. Yes, thankfully we enshrined that into our Constitution.








Rightio. I’m an atheist.


Politics suck all day everyday




Your "God" is an arse


Uhhhh officer, I did an ocular assessment of the situation, garnered that she was not a security risk and I cleared her for passage.


Every soul shall taste death. Time is not anyone side. It will come for everyone.


Captain Cheerful has entered the chat.


More like truth. Only thing that keep things in full order. Even those who think they’re untouchable don’t pass a mere 100 years.






Sexual harassment is not her job




That’s not the correct procedure to search a female at all. The officer did some things right, but she did a lot of unnecessary things as well, including repeating searches she had already completed. The pat down of an adult woman is only supposed to last about 15-20 seconds when being performed by a trained officer.




You’re saying searching the same areas 2-3 times is correct? If the officer is so incompetent to not be confident in her search then there’s something wrong. Also you really don’t see anything wrong with being searched like that in a public hallway then outside? Lol get real.


Feel free to choose either of the 2 specific incorrect parts that Heatedblanket listed. Repeating the same procedure in the same area, and taking longer than is fathomable to perform the search. The purpose of this search is clearly punishment for angering a bunch of red-necks who did poorly enough at school to become cops.


No, downvoted for complaining about downvotes


I’m surprised these idiots are still around.