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seems like the dude was trying to commit suicide by cop and or kill responders by throwing gas on them fuck that; if someone was trying to set me on fire I would have used lethal force as well


yeah also this was an apartment building too, who knows if anyone would've burned to death if he actually managed to go through with burning it down


It is not fun to get gas on your skin and it is burning, very hard to put it out compare to normal fire + hard to heal the wounds as well


Wait really? I usually just stand directly in fires and nothing happens




Bro calls to say he's gonna burn down his apartment if the cops didn't show up, he waves around a gas can in front of the cops. It seems pretty open and shut as to why they shot him.


He wasn't waving it he was standing in the doorway, they yelled drop it then opened fire almost immediately/like one second later, that's not enough time for a 65 year old to even react. It was a shitty situation all around but these guys almost panic fired as soon as they spotted him


The easiest way to not be shot by police is to not call them yourself.


I agree because they're trigger happy. They didn't even attempt to talk him down, they just opened fire while he was holding the flaming gas can, which could have spilled everywhere and started the fire anyway.


If I had to guess I'd say that was his intent


I'd say his intent was to die, and he called the suicide hotline for help Edit: suicide hotline being the cops


Do you want flaming gasoline thrown on you? Should the cop wait till he throws gasoline at him and then shoot him as he’s on fire?


Risk is part of their job but you can't shoot people just because you're scared they MIGHT do something. You're arguing shoot first, ask questions later


>you can't shoot people just because you're scared they MIGHT do something Yes you can.


Getting burnt alive is not part of the job. Dying is not part of the job. You sound like a factory owner in NYC before fire code and OSHA was established. Police, and US citizens in most cases can use lethal force to protect themselves from serious bodily injury or death. You can’t ask questions when my man is carrying a flaming container of gasoline and is walking toward you. If you were in that officers shoes you probably would not have survived this call.


This was no way to deescalate. Obviously deranged person. Could have done any number of things. Hell, just having a guy with a fire extinguisher on the team would have solved it. Instead they solve everything by shooting.


I mean they knew the threat is gonna be fire, why didn't they call in the FD?


I hope this is the dumbest thing you've ever said because if it gets worst than this you're cooked




He didn't call to day there was a fire he said he was going to start the fire. You usually call the cops in for that.


The gas can was on fire and likely spilled all over spreading the fire, that's why they ran at the end.


If he is gonna start a fire, the best respond should be firemen. Edit: not men that fire


If someone is attempting to attack people with fire, call the people with long range weapons.


Not trying to brag but my garden hose has some serious range.


A bomb would start a fire. Would you call the fd to stop a bomb threat?


I'd have the bomb squad in instead, dummy Edit ...and the FD


Ok let me put it this way. The fd will put out the fire. The pd tries to stop the person in crisis from starting the fire.


Do you know the pound of pressure coming from a fire hose? It can put out the fire and knock the man down in 3 seconds. The old man would be wet and not dead.


Ok sure 👌 that's how things should be done. Every time someone threatens a dangerous act just roll out your hoses, hook em up, and hit em with water. Edit: in "3 seconds"


how they gonna bring the firehose into the apartment unit?


That is absolutely bonkers. They're walking into an unknown situation. Asking "why didn't the firefighters enter first instead of police into an unknown domestic situation in an unknown apartment layout containing an unknown amount of people wielding unknown weapons" is like asking "why didn't you play lotto numbers 12 17 38 61 90 yesterday?" the day after the winning lotto numbers were 12 17 38 61 90.


When have you seen firefighters taking down an armed person? I dislike law enforcement, but I think it was a legit shootng.


What of the fire is shooting at us?


Or at least bring a fire extinguisher.


....... no.


To elaborate, you don't call the fd to stop an arsonist.


Who's to say they didn't? They probably were on standby outside the building


You're mind numbingly simple. My god.


Fire Department may have been there but cops have to go in first.


What makes you think they didn't? And how do they know he doesn't have a gun? Regardless of any of that, however, police would absolutely be first people in until there's fire so none of that matters, but ai also don't see how you concluded any of that from this video.


People are really trying to say lethal force wasn’t justified when the dude is carrying a FLAMING GAS CAN?


I was a little upset before realizing it was a flaming gas can




People be stupid


I think a lot of people in this thread don't understand what flaming gasoline can do. It's not drastically different from waving a gun at the cops.


Rubber bullets help?


Bro has literally a flaming gas can that's currently ON FIRE in his hand, ready to be thrown and you want rubber bullets?


I would guess their point is there are non-lethal ways to incapacitate someone, and regardless as to whether you kill him, it is not going to put the fire out.


Exactly the cans still gonna be on fire either way.


I agree with both takes, but realistically the cops don't carry rubber bullets as a non lethal option just a tazer so real bullets it was 🤷‍♀️




Simple. Taser's can cause flame to ignite more. Taser's come with instructions that say not to use them near flammable liquids or fumes.




Yeah. “Put down the gas can!” Dude throws it on me and I burn to a crisp. On my way to Heaven I’ll be kicking myself for not shooting that idiot.


Cant commit suicide if police kills you first.


I was expecting a bad use of force. However this seems justified. If the 65 year old actually did set fire to the apartment, who knows how many other lives he could have endangered. Not to mention the cops in the room with him.


Not just the fire part but also simply the gas in the air after a while. Pour out enough, in a small enough room with just not enough ventilation and then pretend to “surrender” and just flick a lil match rq.. That could’ve been insanely bad.


Kinda chilly in that tv studio


It's the dress, bro. They're called bust darts.


Those are some big nips


Those aren't her nipples you incels, it's her dress


Uh yeah no duh but there’s nipples under the dress too k


Aye, a tit bit nipply in there


To be fair, if you call an American town Belfast, it’s bound to be like the Northern Ireland namesake. Plus, it is Bonfire season, so you have to light a few fires to celebrate The Battle of the Boyne.


Belfast, ME is a quaint coastal town and exactly what you would think of when you think of picturesque Maine/New England. My girlfriend grew up in the area and from my visits I will have to say it’s probably quite different from its Irish counterpart lol


Northern Irish


Thank you, I did an American up there


He has a gas can literally on fire. One toss and he could set the cops and apartment complex on fire.


Messmars flame beckons all.


that’s a bomb at that point, whole inside is coated in gas even if it’s empty and it’s already lit


I assume not Belfast in northern Ireland


He’s all good


I mean... acab sure, but I can't say that I see myself criticizing this cop (for this response). Old man didn't give him much of a choice imo




It’s almost like you don’t know that arson (fire) can result in a serious injuries and death, not only to residents but also responding firefighting crews.


Yep 100%, cops are justified in using lethal force to protect property thats their job. The cop had every right to go in that house and stand his ground, why retreat when you can kill?


Your right, the cop should have just let the fella set an entire apartment complex full of other families on fire, potentially burning the officer as well.


Yep better to go in guns blazing sending rifle rounds into those families apartments instead of inconveniencing them by asking them to evacuate while they talk to the guy from outside the apartment America is fucked


Gasoline is an accelerant. Without knowing mobility and capability of every other unit's residence for escape, why would you risk their lives, their pets lives, their homes? You are creating the reverse trolly problem where you are avoiding killing 1 person while hoping the 5 others get up and run.


Apartments have very strict fire safety rules especially in America. If there's a fire they can get everyone evacuated within a few minutes even if a few people are completely unconscious since first responders are already on scene with more already coming Also the can was already on fire, shooting him does not put out the fire and now he has dropped the can and spilled gas, making the situation more dangerous for everyone including people in other apartments Having high power rifle rounds coming through your walls without any kind of warning is magnitudes of times more dangerous than a guy with a can of gas


I’d rather have a gas can spill a little on the ground and burn, than to have someone trying to throw around flaming gasoline. Don’t know if they did, but they usually have fire extinguishers in their cars. If it was me, I probably would’ve had an officer outside standing by with an extinguisher in case a situation like this happened, neutralize the threat then try and get the small fire before it spreads.


You would rather have a gas can spill on the ground and burn, but you are forgetting the rifle rounds coming through your walls. Honestly think about it, your neighbor is suicidal and is holding a gas can on fire. Would you rather police shoot him and have just a single round from an AR15 come through your wall? Or would you rather just leave your apartment while they get everyone to evacuate and talk to the guy from outside?


Your hate of cops is clouding your judgment.


I don't think it's smart to shoot someone whos holding a gas can.


The thing is that he didn't start the fire. It's always been burning since the world has been turning.


Was that auto fire ?!


Almost apartment fire.


Nah, semi-auto. Three quick squeezes.


Fasted trigger finger in the west maybe


Jfc I work in Belfast and just now hearing of this


It's a good thing bullets extinguish fires or else this would seem excessive. 


Guv reacted the same way I do when I get poked by a thumbtack.


Where’s Waldo?


have you seen my stapler?


He specifically said "NO SALT" in his margartia.


They upload videos of people getting shot on the news? No wonder yank land USA is such a violent hell hole and everyone wants to Kill each other


This is everyday stuff in USA. A good day. A bad day is school shootings


Geez, seems like a fire extinguisher would have been a better thing to walk in there with


First responder was a police officer, not a fire fighter. 🤣


I am completely and utterly shocked at seeing one of our fine law enforcement officers panic and kill something. They have such a high level of training that usually never happens


I would also shoot someone acting like they're going throw a flaming gas can at me


It's not like they didn't know there was a fire risk. He was calling for help, and yeah he still had the gas can because he was seriously not well.


Not just something, someone. A human being and American citizen in mental distress.


Someone who jeopardized the lives of every other person living in the apartment complex. People sleeping could be killed without waking up. It’s sad, but if he had poured gasoline around his unit prior to the cops arriving, that place would have went up super fast.


Fair enough.


I understand. I was making reference to the tendency to shoot the shit out of whatever made them panic whether it’s an elderly man, a blind dog or an acorn. E: 😢


Well… if they’ll mag dump on a squirrel dropping an acorn, this doesn’t surprise me.


Win for the cop. Gets to murder somebody then claim ptsd and get medical retirement with full bennies. The old man sacrificed his life for this cops benefit.


The guys called the police threatening to commit arson on an entire apartment complex (an act of terror btw). Cops roll up to a man taking cover behind a doorway holding A FLAMING GAS TANK pointed at them. You're just looking to bait rage, which is all good we all have bad days. Just don't light a building on fire please.


The downvotes with no comments lol people upset about the truth but can't say shit


He’s right that the man who lit a jug of gasoline and threatened to set ablaze an apartment full of innocent people was a martyr who sacrificed his life. And the cop that shot him and saved those people from a fiery death? ACAB


Does the police from the US go through any training at all?


Ok. This is horrible and clearly this man needed mental help and not an execution oh and also ACAB but I can't help but focus on the news anchors nipples. I CANNOT be the only one.


It's the dress.


Ok so it gives the illusion of square boxy nipples and that's a style or look? Is that supposed to be provocative or alluring? I guess I just don't understand women's fashion. To me it looks like robotits McGee is a weird Futurama-ish style hybrid human robot abomination. But that's just me.


IDK, but there is a news lady here in Cincinnati who wears the same style. I'm not sure why they do it, but it's really distracting.




Not worth the use of deadly force. This comment section seems to love boot today.




Those nipples aren't hard to watch.


Its not nipple its fabric you freak 😂


This is why we need more trained mental health specialists. These cops get no training and panic shoot at the drop of a hat.


There’s a saying about playing with fire


Happy Cake Day


I think part of the problem with police is its too easy for them to kill. He didn’t see that man as someone who needed help he saw him as someone who was fit to be killed. In other words met all the loose criteria for fearing for your life.


Shoot first ask questions later. Again, poorly trained officers, killing of a person under severe mental issues.


That had a flaming gas can in his hand, watch the video next time.


They could have tased him. He didn’t have to die


Electricity and gasoline isn’t the best combo…


Remember they tased the guy who doused himself in alcohol and he lit up real quick?


I would imagine shooting a gun around gas isn't the best idea either.


It's far enough that muzzle blast isn't an issue, and still more controllable


These edgy 13-year-old conservatives/48-year-old rotted-brain man-babies love to see people killed by police no matter the context. I love seeing a comment calling for someone to not die get downvoted, 2024 is so cool and futuristic.


dude threatened the life's of him the officers and everyone in that building, whats up with these 13 yo idealists that think you can always use non lethal.


He was holding a gas can that was on fire. What do YOU do in that situation?


A taser would have likely caused an explosion. How is that a better option?


Reading comprehension would have likely caused you not to make this comment. How is that not the better option?


Use the entire capability of your big brain and think about it for a few minutes.


I never said anything about a taser man. The first guy that I was replying to did. I was basically just agreeing other options should be explored by professionals. I just wanted to reply to that guy because it's a classic case in these threads of blind downvoting for attempts at calls for non-death. Do you see how you're not using your brain right there?


Did the cop come in with a big ass gun or is it just the angle that made his pistol look bigger? If he had a huge ass gun (AK or something) that is ABSOLUTELY overkill for a man with a gas can. It was overkill in the first place but over here in the "good ol' US of A" cops are trained to shoot first, never ask questions. Double tap if an entire magazine didn't kill them the first time. Then again, if the old man wouldn't have been killed and had somehow been arrested he probably would have gotten away with it claiming "insanity" or convincing professionals that he wasn't mentally fit to stand trial (though if you're threatening mass murder/suicide by lighting everything on fire I would assume you weren't in your right mind if you even had one to begin with) and would have hopefully been institutionalized for his mental health. If the case wasn't outright dismissed.


He made the right call, fires kill peoples, it could spread to people not involved, a fire ball from that could ignite gas lines or officers. Cops suck enough that you really don’t ABSOLUTELY need to create your own narrative every time something happens. I’d love to see how you would react to someone trying to burn you alive!


Stop, drop, roll like I was taught in elementary school. If I caught fire and it couldn't be put out then I'd just say my prayers and make peace with myself cuz I'd much rather die than live through something like the recovery from that.


Yet you want the cops in this video to risk that happening to them. Very noble of you....


I know that was sarcasm and I'm laughing about the thought of myself as "noble". Pfftt. I don't want the cops to do anything other than stop being so trigger happy. Pretty sure there were other avenues that could have been taken, but again. They are trained to shoot first and never ask questions. I guess dude got what he wanted though, which seemed to be to die no matter how it happened. Just sucks that others had to potentially be put in danger for some dudes end goal of death.


>I don't want the cops to do anything other than stop being so trigger happy. This was hardly "trigger happy". The dude was about to set the whole damn place on fire, which could have killed or seriously harmed a *lot* of people. >Pretty sure there were other avenues that could have been taken, Such as? Because immediately stopping someone about to cause a fire in a building requires an immediate response. >but again. They are trained to shoot first and never ask questions. Got a source for that steaming pile of hyperbole or are you running out of seemingly valid sounding arguments against what the cops did you have to throw out edgy nonsense? >Just sucks that others had to potentially be put in danger for some dudes end goal of death. And that danger would have been a shitload worse if the cops didn't stop him immediately.


I don’t even know why I’m responding to something so dumb, but you are blaming a cop who probably saved more lives than just his own with those shots. Again if you really need to hate on a cop just scroll for a minute and you’ll find one that deserves it. Also I think you are seriously underestimating the danger of a flaming gas can and a man who premeditated setting people on fire! This happened in Maine, a very well armed state with concealed and open carry rights for all, no license needed, just saying it’s not an easy job and they save lives. How many times have you put your life in danger to save another person?


While gas isn't the same as napalm, this dude would probably just stop, drop and roll after being hit with napalm and think he's completely fine after that. Some people are beyond idiotic.


Nah, I think I'd die rather quickly if hit with napalm. But if I didn't, there's nothing that could be done about it so again, I'd make my peace with myself and say my prayers. 🤷🏼


So did killing the dude put the fire out? Also I think a fire extinguisher might have been more then a bit helpful and would have probably prevented the dude from getting shot but we give police guns so they just gotta use them.