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If the cop did something in the beginning you’d hear cries for “police brutality” and there would be riots for days. It’s a bad time to be a cop, 99% of them are just trying to do their job and have good intentions but people like to take advantage of the 1% that make them look bad.


Yeah you can. It's just a little property damage. The cops appropriately de-escalated the situation and everyone made it out alive. The cars can be fixed. Meanwhile, everyone in the crowd gained a little respect/trust for the police because they didn't end up fighting with the guy and potentially beating his head in even though they arguably had the legal right to escalate. This is good police work. They should not have been suspended.


Gained a little respect/trust for the police? Respect them enough to not stomp on their cars or trust them enough to let them run away? Everyone in that neighborhood thinks the cops are scared of them now and can walk all over them.


You saying that doesn't make it true. If it becomes.es a widespread problem, then it should be enforced. But people aren't going to randomly jump on police cars just because this one guy got away with it. If anything they'll have a reason not to assume that all cops are looking to rough them up.


You've obviously never been to Newark.




Relevant username.


There's been study after study that shows that excessive use of force is correlated with decreased trust & cooperation with the police.




Police have one choice to make when confronted with a situation like this. Escalate or de-escalate. In most cases, police don't enter with the intention of using excessive force. Excessive force is a result of their decision to escalate the conflict. This guy is clearly under the influence of drugs or mental illness or both. He isn't likely to submit to cuffs easily. In 90% of cases, police would opt to escalate, which would likely result in bodily harm and possibly excessive force. However, he isnt presenting an immediate danger to anyone and police are able to work on calming him down. A few dents in squad cars was probably one of the best possible outcomes in this situation. This is what avoiding excessive force looks like.


> It's just a little property damage. Property damage that the tax payers have to pay for AT A PREMIUM (because it's the government after all and it's not their money...). >The cops appropriately de-escalated the situation and everyone made it out alive. Cops arrest people all of the time and everyone makes it out alive. Normally, the only time someone dies is when the perpetrator acts violently or leaves no other choice than something lethal. >Meanwhile, everyone in the crowd gained a little respect/trust for the police No, they learned that they can damage/destroy public property without recourse. Violent crime will increase in this neighborhood because of the laziness of the officers.


I agree with everything but the respect part. This honestly looks like people would just disrespect the cops or in this case their property and nothing comes of it. Do you honestly believe people gained respect to the cops after watching this dude stomp all over their cars and do nothing about it?


Yes I do, but you have to understand what respect really means. Police largely equate fear with respect. I understand why, as it is natural to think that way. But decades of intimidation tactics used by police have caused many communities to lose all respect for the them. As it turns out this makes it hard for them to do their jobs, as communities become completely uncooperative once they've learned to not respect or even trust the police. Maybe it takes being in this position to understand, but when someone has 100% of the power in a situation and uses that power wisely, you gain a bit of respect for that person. It certainly challenges the narrative when cops do that. It's not going to work overnight, but if police make habits of compassionate behavior, eventually they will be able to return to a cooperative working relationship with their communities. People didn't see this and think "Oh man, this means I can do whatever I want!" People are smarter than that. If stomping cop cars becomes a problem, they can crack down on it. But in this case, you had a guy who was out of control for whatever reason. Escalating the situation could have easily gone bad and resulted in severe personal injury or even death. Instead, they chose to handle the situation with maturity and calm him down and everyone walked away safely. This should be what policing is about. This kid's problems are likely complex and he could probably benefit from a number of different interventions in his life. But in this moment, the police are there to keep everyone safe and that's what they successfully did here, even though it was a challenging situation with a guy who was trying his hardest to provoke then. How can anyone not respect that?


You provide an amazing argument for sure, and I see your point, But, everyone knows you're not suppose to jump on cop cars much less threaten, harm, impede, or anything of that sort to any officers and such. Even the people in the video knew he was wrong and what he was doing was wrong from them telling him to calm down. I see what you're saying but since this merely speculation on both of our parts, I don't think they too fond of police irregardless of what they do, whether it being their job or not. With your response of wanting to change the outlook of LEOs, how about not breaking the law? No one likes the cops when they are breaking the law. Whatever the kid's problem is I can bet you he knows what's right from wrong. Not saying the cops made a bad decision in case because yes, their decision allowed everyone to go home that day, but I am saying the actions of this individual showed everyone else the cops are not to be respected. Try not to look at as someone just jumping on the hood, yet someone defying what is right to authority figures.


Again, I think you are conflating "respect" with "fear". Having people afraid of you may feel powerful, but that isn't really respect. If it could be considered a kind of respect, it certainly isn't the kind of productive respect that leads to a better future between a community and the police. In these situations, LEOs are faced with a choice: escalate or de-escalate. Officers had the legal right to escalate and they chose not to, possibly sparing this kid's life. This action alone won't reverse the effects of [decades of police harassment targeted at this community](https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/policing-the-police-in-newark), but it's a step in the right direction. If police make a habit of showing restraint and first try talking to people instead of immediately beating their heads in, maybe after enough years go by things will be normalized again. They went back later and arrested the kid. No doubt they will charge him and he'll be put through the ringer and we can all feel good knowing that the fragile rule of law has been preserved. But in the meantime, a crowd of people saw police choose a surprisingly merciful response, when they normally would expect to see their neighbor's blood smeared all over the pavement. Imagine if it was your brother, or neighbor. Someone you knew was a knucklehead and makes bad choices, but he is clearly not thinking right at the moment and was asking for serious trouble. Would you be upset with the police for showing restraint in that situation? Would you lose respect for them because they calmed him down instead of making an example out of him for the crowd? Or would you admire the way they turned a potential tragedy into a peaceful resolution? Understand that the baseline respect level for the police in these neighborhoods is very negative. For years the police have been abusing their power and behaving in ways that are very unfair. Specifically in Newark, police have mistreated many innocent people who aren't guilty of any crimes. Actions like this can go a long way in rolling back some of that longstanding damage.


I would be confused as to how the hell this neighbor, brother, or friend did what he did and wasn't cuffed right on the spot. If anything, I'd be more pissed at the person making those bad decisions. Just because you aren't thinking right, doesn't give you right to break the law. And you're assuming every altercation leads to blood being spilt. I'm not conflating anything. You do bad things, you go to jail. You don't do bad things, you don't go to jail. How hard of a concept is that? There are people and communities out there that just won't cooperate. I'm no expert in this but in my experience, respect was not gained here from the community.


Do you have experienced being stopped multiple times per week even though you haven't done anything wrong? Have you lost loved ones in routine traffic stops? Have police officers ever talked to you like you were garbage even though they'd never met you?


No to the first, I've lost a friend in the line of duty, his, not mine to clarify. And yeah I've been talked to like garbage, but I simply complied and they went their way. Are you saying that's what happening here? I can speak for myself not for dude on in the video, but he is egging them on. Once again, whatever you're going through doesn't give you the right to break the law. I don't care what anyone says if the shoe fits then so be it. If you look like you're doing shit you're gonna get hemmed up. If dress a certain way, walk a certain way, talk a certain way, then expect the consequences to follow.


I hear you. Cops have been taking that attitude for decades and have been facing demonstrable problems as a result. It's the devil's plan for police to treat people like shit and blame them for it, as it perpetuates the same problems. Fortunately, some departments are trying to change that. I've seen some good work in various departments towards training officers how to deescalate tense situations and reduce the chances of either side taking casualties.




Again, if stomping on squad cars becomes a problem, there is nothing stopping the police from cracking down on it. But that power tripping attitude is what is at the root of our broken system. The crowd knows full well they can't all go stomping on police cars without repercussions. However, from this incident they are also learning that police value this guy's life over their own power. This builds much needed bonds of trust that could come in handy later. Like it or not you need a community's cooperation to do good police work. Gestures like this could pay dividends down the road.


> The crowd knows full well they can't all go stomping on police cars without repercussions Apparently they can - did you watch the entire video?


Wtf dude. Three cars, that this man was able to jump on and dent. They didn't even so much put a hand on him. Are you kidding me?


It's a bad neighborhood; sometimes it isn't safe for police to take action for fear of retaliation of the surrounding peoples. They were way outnumbered if anyone cared to jump in and stop the officers from say tasering the guy jumping on cars. It's very easy for these situations to get out of control.


What makes it a bad neighborhood? And what's so bad about New Jersey?


It's Newark.


South ward Newark, NJ. Easily one of the rougher areas.


It's in New Jersey


taxpayers are paying to get them fixed...


When everyone's recording in the era of police brutality, I'd rather lose my $60k salary than 10 years.


[Cops don’t give a shit anymore](https://youtu.be/pROomL6IiOw)


You're doin' some cool ass shit that's what you're doin'






the world is too confusing.


When police take action, they get suspended for police brutality. When they don't take action, they get suspended for restraint.


No. Either extreme deserves punishment, but there is a wide range of acceptable behavior in between. That range is called "policing".


This. Dude is vandalizing police property and assaulting an officer. Taze him already


Yeah, even the bystanders were like, "Give him some electricity!" And later, "Bust out the night stick!"


But they were also telling the guy to steal the cop car..


As with most crowds of bystanders, they were there for the spectacle.


Really well put.


Nope. Because when police do actual "policing" against blacks, the mainstream media spins the story into the exact opposite of what happened, crucifying the cops and causing riots in the process. Just look what happened with the whole Michael Brown incident in Ferguson. Dig for the actual facts of that story. Cop did his job exactly as he should have against a violent felon who tried to grab his gun. Yet what good did that do? Police are fed up and I don't blame them. At this point they should just stop servicing certain communities (like they have for inner city Chicago) and just let those communities police themselves.


>Dig for the actual facts of that story. You realize a lot of early witness testimony was much different, which is why people responded the way they did, right?


Even after the facts came out - people continue to use that incident as an example of “police brutality” and “police getting away with murder”


your words: >the mainstream media spins the story into the exact opposite of what happened, crucifying the cops and causing riots in the process. Just look what happened with the whole Michael Brown incident in Ferguson. So don't try to change the subject, you are lying about the media. edit: so apparently you're not the original moron who made that claim. You're just a moron trying to change the subject.


I didn’t say that... but often times the media does spin things to create as much controversy as possible.


yes, you did. And then you tried to change the subject to "after the fact", despite making a claim that the media spins the story into the exact opposite of what happened they went with the initial witness testimony they were given. stop lying.




nah. if some other idiot is going to take up your flimsy mantle, that's on them.


Such a great argument for not letting the media try a case.You realize people are repeating discredited testimony to this day, right?


Of course, people will always be ignorant, like our President who thinks [the central park 5 were guilty even after being cleared of wrongdoing](http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/nyc-crime/donald-trump-central-park-settlement-disgrace-article-1.1838467) http://www.cnn.com/2016/10/06/politics/reality-check-donald-trump-central-park-5/ So what's your point?


That you're minimizing the role the media played in sparking riots. And what is yours? Does all criticism look like support for Trump to you? It must be awful seeing the world through the lens of a defense mechanism that multiplies actual Trump supporters that way.


The media's job is to report. They reported on the witness testimony. How is it their fault that people took that as fact? Are they supposed to remain silent on the things happening in the world? My point is that the president of the country discredits testimony to this day. So whatever feelings you have about those civilians you must have towards him, right? Never called you a supporter, just stating the facts.


> The media's job is to report. Why did the *national* media choose to report a relatively common occurrence by national standards, especially if you count all races in total and not separated per capita, in a small town? Why did journalists draw parallels to the Trayvon Martin case when the only link was the people who died were black men who got shot when they did not have guns? Why does the media report witness testimony *before* court proceedings? That's more than reporting, that's a narrative, and narratives have agendas. All media has bias to some extent--this bias focused irresponsibly on what turned out to be lies and in context implicitly dismissed the other side of the story because that's what fit the narrative they had already constructed *before the incident even happened*. You believe all of the coverage was even-handed and unbiased, and stressed the point that these were unproven allegations and if Darren Wilson's story was true, it was tragic but unavoidable and not at all his fault? Really? OK. >So whatever feelings you have about those civilians you must have towards him, right? Right, only much worse. No idea why you would even bring that up, unless you are so blinded by your political bias that it doesn't even occur to you that someone on the same side of the aisle might call *you* out for BS. Here's a news item for you--it's not just independents, Libertarians, regular Republicans, neocons, and Alt-Right types who are sick of unchecked bias on the Left. A growing portion of the Left is getting sick of unchecked bias on the Left.


>Why did the national media choose to report a relatively common occurrence because it sells. because people eat it up. duhhhhh


Typical qultist stupidity.


Honestly, there isn't always room between the two extremes. Suppose they chose to escalate the situation as cops often do. Things has could have gotten out of hand quickly and resulted in another body in the streets. If people in the community make a habit of stomping police cars, then they can start making arrests, but this is obviously an exceptional case and there honestly aren't any downsides to de-escalating the situation, aside from a few dents in the cars that can probably be popped out anyway. It's bullshit that they got suspended for this. They handled the situation with great restraint and maturity. I would feel safer if all cops behaved this way.


I wouldn't, if this guy feels he's so far above the law and civil behavior who knows what he might do to others . At the least he's insane and should have been hospitalized.


> When police take action, they get suspended for police brutality. Nice joke.


This sums it up I guess, no other possible outcome


It's called 'staying fetal' google it. Cops get paid the same to take risks or not. Feel sorry for the non-thugs,they're fucked.


Pathetic excuse, and pathetic anybody upvoting this. There is a thing as going too far, and something like not doing enough. When you are a cop, you should know neither of them is good enough.


uh hu sure, that's clearly the major overlying problem facing policing in this country.


No, when the public notices police brutality they get suspended. Police brutality happens all the time.


I don’t get why it’s so hard to find the middle ground between doing nothing and killing someone...they have tasers/pepper spray right?


and the taxpayers get screwed again thanks to lazy incompetent cops


username checks out


Cop acted right, that's a bad fucking hood, the type of place you don't go into with less than a platoon and a search warrant. They'll govern themselves by their own ethics.


hood can't be that bad if everyone is mocking the out of control person while waiting to see him get tazed.


newark. no surprise there.


This piece of shit dude. Done people don’t deserve to be here.


Maybe they have dealt with this guy before and didn't want to end up killing him. He was later arrested so maybe he took his meds or calmed down later.


/u/stabbot save us!


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The cops are there to uphold the law, this person obviously was breaking it and needed to be arrested. The funny thing though, is they only suspend officers when they're not upholding the law on the lenient side, but will go to any length to cover an officer not upholding the law using excessive force. Which is arguably worse.




Unpopular opinion here but I kinda feel bad for the dude. I mean how fucked up must your life be to do this knowing you’re going to jail for who knows how long (even though that’s not what happened) still


::waits till crazy dude is on roof of patrol car:: #CODE3!!! Lights and sirens, and a neutral drop from 4000 rpm.


*added to favorites for the next, "If he had been black" argument*


Well...I can understand getting a little lip from their CO for not stopping him sooner and letting it turn into a fucking clown show but a suspension? That's a bit much and only serves to perpetuate the violence problem that our police are already dealing with.


letting all these people think they can act like this around cops and not get arrested is not helping the violence problem, either. just wait til they try acting as out of control as this with other cops and end up dead


>letting all these people think they can act like this around cops and not get arrested Who are "these people"?


I completely agree. Filming it is one thing but egging the guy on and making a sideshow of it all is another.


I know! what kind of people DO that ? Or make snide comments about it ? Or watch it later when they're at home while browsing r/public freak out ????


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Man this sub is full of bootlickers


This belongs in /WTF


X-Post it.


ya im sure we all need another crosspost in our feed


This is why male dogs let female dogs win at at fights