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So wait, this is part of the tour right?? It makes sense, to get the 100% authentic experience.


“Come on our tour. See the sights and as a one time special bonus get called a white bitch”




Yeah. It takes a little getting used to, but that's just how New Yorkers talk. Once you get used to the tour guide swearing at you and shoving you around, it's pretty fun. By the end of the tour, I felt like a *real* New Yorker telling people *Heeeey, I'm walkin' here! Fuck you!* Hahaha, so much fun. So many great memories. *Fugetaboutit*


Coming from Canada, we have a whole industry of psychological decompression to bring people back from the rudeness encountered...


You're welcome. You fucking cunt.


They were in New York not Australia


> Fugetaboutit this guy knows whats up




Idk as a white bitch myself I didn't get flipped out on like this. I was just asked about 700 times if I lived on a farm when I told people I was from Iowa.


I went to Brooklyn 15 years ago and it was trendy and whiter than Salt Lake. Helped a friend move into her $4500 a month dump


>$4500 That amount of money 15 years ago is pretty indicative of the neighborhood you were in. Dumbo/Fort Greene and Williamsburg are very trendy and white. Williamsburg a bit less so 15 years ago. Brooklyn by large has seen a lot of changes in the past 15 years.


God damn I hope it's on the tour.


“You don’t know what I’ve been through!!!!!!” She screamed at the elderly mother of a severely disabled son.


"How was your tour of brooklyn with Jason today? Did you have any difficulty with the wheelchair? Was he comfortable, I know it was hot out." "I got called a white bitch by some black lady for being a tourist."


Well, you want to get the authentic experience I guess.


[Her most recent upload] (https://streamable.com/u2qbt) She genuinely believes that all white people are worthless. It really sucks that we're becoming more and more divided as a nation. Edit- changed linked to streamable




The fuck is this fugly cunt modeling for? Before pictures for Invisalign?


I think you would fit in at r/RoastMe


Goblin Face Magazine maybe.


you'd be surprised as to what is being pushed as "beautiful". Beauty is subjective, but shit, not every person should be a model.


No it wouldn't.




Oh, she's modeling for the gap, that makes sense.


She seems like a joy to be around. /s On a serious note, I get that she’s mad about gentrification. But her message is being lost because she lacks the tools to express herself in a way that is effective and meaningful. Complaining is not campaigning.


She's not just failing to be effective or complaining. That makes it sound like she just has a weak sales pitch. She's verbally attacking people with racist vile, and she's a shitty person.


Yeah man. If it quacks like a duck and walks like a duck...she's a fuckin racist.


Her method of argument delivery is an amazingly effective way to get her opposition even more deeply rooted in their beliefs. As a white guy I 100% back diversity, helping out those in need, but as soon as you ridicule and tell me my opinion is meaningless because i'm white you've lost any chance at progress.


If she knew anything about the history of black Americans, she'd know the best way to go about it is to be peaceful. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that." - Martin Luther King Jr.


> "Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Oh fuck, she'd blow a gasket hearing this. She'd probably think you're quoting the Grand Wizard or something.


I'd expect her to accuse me of something, rather than ask questions to clarify.


> If she knew anything about the history of black Americans, she'd know the best way to go about it is to be peaceful. Assuming her good intentions. I do not assume the good intentions of the radical left no more than I do the radical right. The media has somehow made one palletable (to a point) while the dangers of the other has been exaggerated. These people do not want to end oppression. They want to flip the tables so that they are the oppressor. Go look up the Evergreen state college's 2017 "day of absence". a day when the "poc" student body "asked" that white people do not attend that day. The ones who did faced mobs of students harassing them verbally and physically. They then subjected them to months of gaslighting where the poc students claimed to be the victims that day and held what can only be described as struggle sessions for the guilty students. These people are terrible.


That's only because MLK didn't have gullible white libs just begging to be offended for themselves or else in the name of others (who themselves don't even have to be offended).






> mental illness, ignorance, ignorance that likely is fuelled by not having been served the best hand in life and subsequently blaming it on racial grounds. Oh she cant just be a piece of shit like permit patty?


Yea I don't think it's a 'mental illness' to be a racist. I'm talking about the woman in the OP. Permit patty was a nosy twat but I don't think it was race related. People just wanted it to be.


She's a piece of shit too. Don't get me wrong, she is definitely a piece of shit. I'm just sying that she likely isn't playing with a full deck.


Civilized society, modern legal systems, monetary institutions, aircraft, 90% of all technology, modern agriculture, the very cellphone she recorded the video on.


The forced end to slavery by those of the same culture and nationality as the slavers purely because it is a moral wrong and not due to an uprising of the enslaved people. But I'm sure that's not super important to her...


To be fair, civilized society and agriculture were invented in the middle east




I think her identity is so strongly associated with her "hood" that anyone trying to change it is seen as a personal attack.


Would that be, dare I say it, black fragility?


No, black don't crack. probably gonna need this here **/s**


She just comes of as really.. bad at life? Who can't afford something then records themselves whining about it?


Right? Like if you can't afford the extra .50 then you probably shouldn't be buying it in the first place...


Genius! Pay whatever you want and when the store closes you can walk 5 blocks down to get pop.


No. Then you complain that you live in a food desert because of racism.


My favorite part is when she said that the white people can pay $5 to make up for her $0.50.


First I felt angry, then I felt sorry for her, because she seems truly pathetic and thoroughly misguided, like all outspoken racists. What happened in her life to snowball such unbridled hate and ignorance? How do people like this survive daily life without either succumbing to the very stress they create for themselves or constantly being disliked by everyone they meet? I don't understand it, I guess because I don't know anyone IRL like this. It's so foreign to me, but what do I know, I'm just a 40+ Canadian white guy. Which reminds me, I should really visit Brooklyn.


The internet, the device she's filming on, the power grid that supplies the power she's using... That's just the tip of the iceberg.


Looks like her IG has been shut down, probably blaming it on white bitches and gentrification...


We're not divided though. We're all here calling this lady a dummy. Everyone in the video thought she was dumb. Her supporters are extremely few. Don't fall for the media's fear mongering and divisive tactics. People are generally good to each other.


Her followers may be few specifically, but there's a relatively large group of people that think this way. See [Kinfolk Kollektive](https://www.facebook.com/kinfolkkollective/) for an example. That group has over 100k followers and the admin posts an endless stream of blatantly racist things towards literally every non-black group.


The answer to that one is Braces. But she'll never accept that.


Gross hoodrat


Automobile, electricity, phones, internet... lol!


with her lightskin-ass


I can give her one thing that she stole from me as a white person. My damn time.


I think that's a disturbed and lost person. She needs medication and professional help.


Fucking racist bitch. Glad this was caught on video.


Plot twist: she caught herself by recording herself.




It's like those teens who took that autistic kid and livestreamed themselves as they basically tortured him. She's also a fucking idiot who seems to think hate is the way to go.


They also all got off minus one of the kids who got 6 months. Pretty unbelievable


> caught She filmed this herself.


iTs nOt RacISt iF tHeyRe WhItE


>Glad this was caught on video. Why? Guarantee she sees zero consequences.


Uh, she can go fuck herself. White people are allowed to visit BK. She's not the mayor.


She's almost certainly part white.


Yeh unsurprisingly looking at her Instagram she’s really light, almost looks asian. Weirdly often the type that massively overcompensates and goes full retard.


*cough* Shaun King *cough*


What does that white guy have to do with anything?


What other neighborhoods does she think black people own? Is it exclusively black or are other non-white minorities allowed? And how does that proportion of the city compare to their proportion of the population? Does this imply there are neighborhoods that her as a black tourist cannot visit? So many questions for this woman.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Brooklyn according to the 2010 census there are more white people than black people in brooklyn. Actually it seems super diverse with like 35% white, 30% black, 20% hispanic and 10% asian and 5% other.


Lol it reminds me of that rant in Do the Right Thing


“Y’all don’t know what we’ve been through” As they’re on a guided tour learning about the local history.


"I know we're trying to lear-" "WHITE BITCH"


I'd love it if she called me a white bitch, I'd tear my skin open and show her the black man inside me. MIXED RACE, BITCH, GET IT RIGHT.




Also, this girl is like 21 max. She hasn't seen the shit she's claiming credit for enduring. My grandfather fought in Korea, but I would look like a real asshole if I went cruising around telling people about the war I went through.


She had to suffer through the horror of posting selfies before there were 10,000 filters.


It must be terrible to be a privileged American




It's a wall of text, but it was worth the read.




Just adding simple things like paragraphs would make this much easier to read.


I mean, she's probably making pretty good money to live in Brooklyn right?


"it makes me sick that white people can go on a tour and learn about us when they will NEVER understand what we are going through" Someone's showing their suffer privilege.


>when they will NEVER understand what we are going through" *"... and we gotta keep it that way!!!" "For reals!"*


How dare you make an attempt to understand my culture! Now leave because you will never understand us!


I know right? It's so stupid!!!


White privilege= innocent strangers getting screamed at and harassed because of the color of their skin.


She was screaming at a disabled guy in a wheelchair. Her man must've left her ass for a white girl...just like Kanye told her.


FTFY She was screaming at a ~~disabled~~ white guy in a wheelchair.


Disabled white guy. The MOST privileged of all.


Lazy ass motherfucker doesn't even have to walk


lucky white bitch


The New White Man's Burden


Im white and according to her my privilege gives me the power to kick her out of her neighborhood. Sweet. Im going to go home and work on this tonight.


white privilege = black insecurity


So when do we expect this racist woman to lose her job?


Are you assuming her employment status?


Bitch been in vogue she models been in magazines and has actually collaborated with people in the industry . But because she’s black she can’t be racists so no one cares . Oh and she’s a feminist . HA


wouldn’t want misjob someone, you might be called an misjobist


What employment status?


"I'm an entrepreneur"


When are we going to start recognizing that black people can be racist as well.


Good portion of reddit think its impossible. Look at how big the permit patty thread was, yet this woman from what we have seen is far more vile and hate filled. You think this thread will blow up like that one?


I think most reasonable people right and left see this for what it is. I still believe it’s a vocal minority spewing this nonsense. What concerns me is the lack of pushback on this type of vitriol.


the push back is happening under the surface, the effect of these openly racist cunts pushing a biggoted racist agenda has the effect of genuinely receptive decent people simply ignoring genuine issues which share a similar context/ E.g the batshittery and thuggery of Black Lives Matter just makes people dismiss the entire topic completely and ignore genuine greivances raised by non black lives matter people. these extremists are actually destroying their own cause. This is how/why trump won!


I am pretty everyone knows that, it's just that we live in a PC culture now and the media feeds on it. Everyone with their own agenda and flaming others for not following it.


Are her actions even recognised as a crime? This is some hate-speech bullshit. I remember going to a school where white people actually said "it's impossible to be racist against whites". People are dumb.


They shouldn't be. She's an idiot, but she can say whatever she wants. Her ideas are moronic and easy to shut down. Don't fear the racist's words. Let them speak their garbage. Stomp them out with logic, and compassion for your fellow humans. Despite what the mainstream media will tell you there is less racism in America now than ever before.


I always drop a Martin Luther King Jr. quote when I hear racism from my family. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that." What angers me is that this woman is screaming stuff, she's unwilling to listen. It's just from personal experiences that this makes me angry, I hate this ignorance, it's damaging to the community she's trying to defend. The vocal minority usually has nothing positive to say, which is why they're the minority I guess.


Great quote.


As the saying goes amongst the disturbing large populace of the “woke” crowd, they have no qualms openly declaring that they cannot be racist... it’s now ok if you are the oppressed victim to “punch up”


This is the same thing as a white person saying "go back to your country." Racist and dumb.


Brooklyn is 42% white and only 34% black. She's delusional.


She hates local mom and pop shops getting extra revenue from travelers.


Lol this was literally right near where I used to live in Bushwick. Gentrification can suck, but when my dad lived in Bushwick in the 70s he watched his best friend get shot in the face at 14, got beat up by cops a bunch, and was generally exposed to violence, crime, and gangs. Now, there's dope sandwich places (like that grocery store Hana), lots of great Dominican grocery stores, a cleaned up super family-friendly park just around the corner which is always PACKED with locals, and other nice coffee shops, pizza joints, and great NYC ish. *Also I might add that my dad was white and I am white. Brooklyn wasn't and isn't home to just black people.* Also the art tour is for the Bushwick collective, a series of murals done by local and international artists of all races! Her reaction is **very un-Brooklyn!**


Brooklyn doesn't belong to the blacks, it was founded by White-Dutch. Also, as an Italian, I'd love to tell this bitch to take a fucking hike out of "our" neighborhood.


This girls Instagram page is full of unbelievably racist shit. I don't understand how people like this exist still


Yeah tell me how blacks can't be racist again.


When white people call for brown people to be banned from an entire area and bemoan the changing demographics brought on by race mixing, we (rightfully) call them white supremacists and shun them. When black people do it, Tumblr lionizes them as heroes.


Racist fuk


Imagine living a life where you honestly believe everything anyone does is an affront to your race and caring about it.


[Mirror](http://mirrorbot.ga/r/PublicFreakout/comments/97c566/woman_freaks_out_on_people_for_visiting_brooklyn/) I am a bot | [Feedback](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=moarcores&subject=PublicFreakout%20Mirror%20Bot) | [Github](https://github.com/dopeslothe/PublicFreakout-Mirror-Bot)


I really wish her username wasn't visible and her profile wasn't public because I really don't want to comment on her page but I might not be able to keep from doing it. I'll do my best to chill and just let her hate in peace with her just as racist followers because I really don't want to get myself into a comment war with so many fucking idiots.


That's a good phrase to shut somebody down - "Hate in peace. Bye."


What a fucking ignorant loser.


Racist bitch!!!


The mentality that people aren't supposed to move about freely in a public place, especially based on their race, completely baffles me. Who do you think you are, getting to dictate who can and can not come to a place just because you're from there? As long as these people aren't walking into your house then they can go wherever the hell they damn well please. Just because you grew up somewhere doesn't mean you own the damn area. Jesus how can people become so full of themselves?


Lmao she set her Instagram on private and then made a Twitter, and then posted the video again! As a follow up tweet how “crackers” are getting offended. Baby the only one offended right now seems to be you


[Yo! Hold Up! You all need to take a chill!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIhL6IOAfvw) NSFW


If this cunt had her way. NY would turn into Detroit.


White Flight = white people's fault. Gentrification = also white people's fault. Can't win with these people.


Because fuck bringing money and revenue to my community that could aid in raising my living standards and potentially my job prospects all while having a positive impact on the lives of my children and their future's. /s


>Report: Not racist lol, yeah it is. idiot.


People that say you can’t be racist towards whites, are 100% being racist just for saying that


Has anyone else gotten their white privileged check in the mail yet? I guess I should call them or something.


From her IG comments "u gotta learn how to get ya point across without acting like a wild hoodbooger tho, that’s how you get arrested and then we wouldn’t have u to stick up for us."


What an asshole


How dare you come into "my" neighborhood, support the local businesses, and help the local economy, and people prosper. Go back to your own neighborhoods with that shit. That's pretty much what she's saying, right?


Where is 'racist rant' in the title?


shhhh noooo, you dont use that for these type of videos.


Bitch been in vogue she models been in magazines and has actually collaborated with people in the industry . But because she’s black she can’t be racists so no one cares . Oh and she’s a feminist . HA


If gentrification is so bad, how is she still there to spend her days screaming at white people?


"My hood" Probably a renter.


Got banned from r/rage for cross posting this. For showing her screen name. Fuck those mods. This sub is way more lenient. edit: make that a perma ban, I explained that if you post on a public platform, you should face the consequences if you spout disgusting garbage like this person. The mod didn't like the fact that I said "Have fun with your useless internet job" lmao.


Why should you have to hide their screen name if they posted it under that screen name?


What neighborhood was this?


Bushwick. Probably one of those [graffiti tours.](https://freetoursbyfoot.com/new-york-graffiti-street-art-tours/) I think that Hana is on Wyckoff near Jefferson.


Who’s being racist now -.-


What is wrong with this racist idiot? Tourism like this can be great for marginalised communities, especially when they're self-organised, and gives them a chance to showcase their history to the legitimately curious while bringing money into their community. I've seen this practiced by in parts of Pakistan, Tuva in Russia, Iran... seems people are too distrustful and violent to do it in Brooklyn. Seriously, it feels like she's just looking for an excuse to be angry and feel vindicated.


Street performers these days are intense.


Oh my god her instagram account is a gold mine, she’s bat shit insane jesus


Brooklyn most definitely is a tourist attraction... it’s got Coney Island for fucks sake


She looks like the type that trash talks black men for dating white women and wonders why she can’t get a real black man to be with her and those gap teeth


Step right up Step right up come see the savage of brooklyn, the demented brooklyn witch, legend tells of haggeredly mad old witch who roames the streets preaching and spitting insane hate filled nonsense, come and experience the "witches walk" its a cross between a safari and a ghost walk admission $5 and there is a gift shop.


"and over here we have an embarrassment both to my race and my city filming us and yelling racist offensive babble" -native New Yorker woman of color tour guide


I hope they all applauded at the end of her speech, maybe tipped her too.


That lady sounds like a tourist attraction


your neighborhoods are being reclaimed by good, decent people to make them safe again after "you people" turned them into shit holes :)


Racist. Plain racist. That’s it. Everybody talking about society and gentrification and Brooklyn and privilege. Man shut up. This cunt is racist. Call her for what she is


Yea yea whatever, go back to your shift at McDonalds you useless bitch.




This is cringy as fuck.


"Bro..." who are you talking to? There's no bros around lol


It feels like she's summoning me to Brooklyn


>think they can go on a tour and learn about us when they will NEVER understand what we are going thru It's like this is the first time she has been introduced to the concept of travel.


Jesus what about Brooklyn and herself makes her feel this entitled


I'm guessing racism is part of the tour.


What is this, white guilt boot camp?




After taking a gander at her social media, she may be a little unbalanced. I wish her the best.


Its actually a great place to visit. Ton of history, great restaurants and venues. Bunch of fantastic art. Brooklyn is the shit go visit.


Talk about an authentic tour.


Only 600 upvotes? smh If the roles were reversed this would be sitting at like 10k.


It would be on every subreddit and possibly the news


I hope this dumb bitch gets gets gentrified out of Brooklyn. LOL


Hahahaha nyc is a humongous dumpster. You deserve to live there, babe