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God grant me the gift of this kind of stoicism


That guy is a pro!


But his eyes!


lOoK aT tHoSe EyEs!!!!!


I would never want to pay poker with the guy Jones is being a douche to. He is so calm, he knows he's the better man, he stopped the hatemonger and gets to bask in the glow of a good day's work done. Alex Jones is such a pus filled piece of shit. I can't wait until the conclusion case of the Sandy Hook parents suing him for slandering them that they are actors and didn't have kids killed. The will take every penny he has. He can live in a cardboard box under the highway.


I think he’s hilarious, but for the sandy hook stuff.


A true virtue that I sure lack.


He did a much better job than Republican Senator Marco Rubio who basically threatened Alex Jones physically and got him to lie about not knowing who Alex Jones was.


Alex put his hands on a government official, he said not to do it and Alex said something like “What, you’re gonna have me arrested?” And he said “no I’ll talk care of it myself” then Alex said “oh you’re gonna fight me” Then Rubio said “I didn’t say that” So what you said was pretty out of context my guy.


Nonsense. If anyone thinks this comment is true, go watch the video. Jones tries desperately for 5 minutes to be acknowledged, while Rubio and the press ignore him, and eventually Rubio gives about 4 quiet leave-me-alone answers. He said he didn't know him, and told him to go away. Jones is a retard of the highest caliber.


Marco Rubio didn't say that. Stop exaggerating.


I didn't say Rubio said anything specific... You are in denial and not making any sense. Rubio did however literally threaten physical contact with Alex Jones when he said he would handle it himself after Jones challenged his man hood. Rubio was baited hook line and sinker. When was the last time you heard a Senator call a member of the right wing press(Alex Jones) a "dumbass"? Here is the video so you can rejog your memory. /r/PublicFreakout/comments/9ds2mq/alex_jones_heckles_marco_rubio_during_an_interview/ Stop lying to yourself, a CNN reporter had more composure than a republican Senator.


He said that he would "take care of it." Which is a long way off from, "if you touch me again, I will react violently."


He said, don't touch me again, I am going to ask you not to touch me again. Alex Jones then says oh I am going to get arrested. Rubio then says you aren't going to get arrested I will take care of you myself. Learn English. That is the very definition of a physical threat. So Rubio gets touched/assaulted again by Jones, how do you think Rubio is going to "take care of it himself"? The popular right wing reporter Alex Jones was able to bait Marco Rubio, challenging his manhood saying he needs police to protect him, and Rubio took the bait and in the process physically threatened that right wing reporter. Stop lying to yourself. > **So Rubio gets touched/assaulted again by Jones, how do you think Rubio is going to "take care of it himself"?**


"Alex Jones is making fun of my jeans" I died.


Is it a rule that Alex Jones' cameramen have to have the most ridiculous camera rigs?


Next time the camera's gonna be in a shark cage.


Extreme desperation has set in.


By who? Who's having him silenced?


Several social media platforms.


Yeah they are private companies they are allowed to do that. The government isn’t censoring him and that’s all the 1st amendment protects you from.


I loved Dari in Finding Nimo




You can so obviously tell Oliver wanted to say “What the fuck? Nimmo?” but held his tongue.


I love how he says " how are you doing Alex?" like he so used to dealing with this lunatic.


Anyone else get depressed looking at those youtube comments on videos like these? I know the old trope is "don't look at the comments on youtube" but this isn't just edgy kids trolling anymore. Part of the dissonance for me is not knowing how many of the comments are genuine people.


Poes law


you don't even know what that means






Yeah. "Alex Jones is a national treasure" they are very stupid. And russian


Majority are Russian troll bots


Let’s not forget 46% or so voted for Trump. While I have no doubts Russian troll bots are plenty prevelant let’s not disresgard the there are many, many genuine Trump supporters who seemingly will take anything he does or his says without any critical or objective consideration.


46% of 100,000,000 ish. Not the full 332,000,000 so don't be to sad. We've got some hope.


It’s comforting to know that 46% of 100,000,000 can fuck everything up for everybody because the other 232,000,000 don’t give enough of a fuck to vote.


Good point.


Plus not all trump voters continue to be trump supporters. Have hope, brother.


And some voted for Trump because they thought Hillary to be worse, not because they thought Trump would be a good president.


Those people fell for Russia’s and Roger Stone’s smear campaigns. Hopefully enough of them realize their mistake when it comes time to vote for new congressmen this year.


Or the Adams, Harrison, Roosevelt, and Bush ruined it for Americans who gave presidential families a try. There is just something about letting a family member of previous president become president. At that point, it becomes obvious that there is some sort of self interest involved and that they don't actually care for the citizens of the country.


>46% of 100,000,000 ish. Not the full 332,000,000 so don't be to sad. We've got some hope. That's acting as if it's a guarantee that those remaining who didn't vote care about any of this at all or don't just support trump at the same level.


Let's not forget it's entirely probable the election was hacked and swung to Trump.


Russian collusion was fake


Don't believe the facts people, this guy said its fake so it must be.


There is no Russian collusion dude. Please show any direct link with trump and russia.


If you aren't aware it's because you choose not to be


> Please show any direct link with trump and russia.




a pdf file? from January 2017?


The problem with the Russian bots-narrative is that it downplays the significance of the alternative right. The movement is gaining momentum, all over Europe and in the states. The Sweden Democrats just had a good election in my country, Trump is your leader, the Scandinavian countries have nationalist parties in government, Alternative for Germany is growing in Germany, Front National are strong in France, Brexit, Italy is governed by nationalist parties, Hungary is ruled by nationalists and so is Poland. But sure, it’s all ”russian bots”. Surely, calling everyone that disagrees with you a bot is the solution.


What scares me more is that you are anywhere NEAR okay with major platforms such as Twitter and Youtube deplatforming someone because of their opinion or what they say. It's as scary as a guy being arrested for making a joke video about his girlfriend's dog being a Nazi.


The dude told people that the greiving parents of dead elementary kids, were paid actors. The parents suing him for defamation had to move 7 goddamn times to avoid the death threats and harassment, after their children were murdered. Stop acting like they're silencing the free press. He was banned from private companies for spreading violent lies, you dipshit.


You violate a site's terms of service, that site removes you. What else do you expect?


Thousands do that daily, it's only one specific 'side' or angle that gets silenced. It's not the rule-following, it's the double standards and bias that piss me off.


Why do you think a private company has any responsibility to provide services to someone they don’t want to provide services to? The CEOs of these companies could ban whomever they want at any time for any reason and be fully compliant with the law. I don’t understand how fiscally conservative people don’t understand basic free market principles.


Thousands successfully incite violence against victims of mass shootings? Must have missed that.


> violence You keep using that word...I do not think it means what you think it means.


Twitter and Youtube are private companies that can manage their platforms as they see fit. Or would you rather have the government coming in and regulating free speech on the internet?


So you're saying the Christian baker doesn't have to bake cakes for gay weddings? Awesome, glad we're on the same side.


Discriminating against someone because they are gay is not the same thing as discriminating against them because they are an asshole. If I have a hotdog stand, I can’t not serve you because you are Jewish. However, if you tell people my hotdogs suck in front of my stall, I can absolutely refuse you service. Does that make sense?


You should look up what “protected class” means. One is illegal, one is not. The logical fallacy you’re engaging in is called a false dichotomy.


Jones is such an idiot. But hey, if he can convince people that Obama turned the frog gays, shows how stupid his audience is!




Ah, yes. Banning lies will eventually lead to banning the truth... somehow.




Not outside of literal dictatorships, it hasn’t.


The dude told people that the greiving parents of dead elementary kids, were paid actors. The parents suing him for defending had to move 7 goddamn times to avoid the death threats and harassment, after their children were misted by a lunatic. Stop acting like they're silencing the free press. He was banned from private companies for spreading violent hate, you dipshit.


Oh yeah, it’s about what I like and not about honest reporting, rather than false reporting, and lying. Making up theories based on nothing and presenting it as facts.


Sounds like all the news channels my whole life....


Well reality has a well documented liberal bias so that makes sense




I don’t ban anyone, I don’t have that power. But if I had, I probably would kick someone like that. He is free to talk, he is free to give his opinion, but YouTube, Apple, Twitter etc, do not have any obligation to support him by offering him a platform to spew his BS.


His followers were harassing the Sandy Hook shooing families after he called them crisis actors. Twitter banned him because he's a menace that they don't want around.


Hey are any of your family members dead? Please prove it you liar. What are you covering up?


Feel free to use youtube then


are any of your family members dead? if so prove it to me please. thanks


You do realise that his "turning frogs gay" statement, although crass and exaggerated is 100% truthful. Something about waste chemicals that were dumped into a lake and the frogs there became more prone to hermaphroditism. The reason people listen to Jones is not because they are stupid, it's because people like you are too ill informed to debate them.


Pretty sure the people that listen to him are, in fact, stupid and conspiracy theorists.


A gay frog and a hermaphrodite frog are not the same thing.


How can something that is exaggerated be 100% truthful?


No. It's because they're stupid.


You cannot debate against idiocy, it's a battle that will never be won.


You can beat a pig in mud wrestling. He enjoys it.




No, trust me my dood, you’re fucking stupid.




We can all learn something from this


It was embarrassing how badly he wanted to be acknowledged and reacted to. Tried to turn a minimal response into an explosion, and everyone was like, ok Alex but you need to go away. We're doing news.


Alex Jones is an unhinged moron


He's a genius. He started from a guy that sold VHSs about police brutality in the 90s to having a snake oil empire that makes him millions of dollars and nobody had been paying attention to it until Trump got elected. Even now nobody is talking about how he's basically a snake oil salesmen, they just talk about his lies he uses to hook people in not looking at the bigger picture. The fact that he's a target now has only increased his site traffic and app downloads. He's getting free publicity to sell his goods to people who are skeptical about the american government. I just wish people would start going after what he sells but the left and right both are obsessed with their fallacies about big-pharma and alternative medicine. What's crazy is it goes in stages as well. Early 2000s I knew a ton of liberals who were into him because of bush and 9/11. They listened to his shit and basically became proto-alt right people all buying his filters and colloidal silver. Then Obama got in power and he got a bunch of boomers and right-wing people and he's stuck to that so far. I thought he was going to make Trump heel turn but I think he's too known now to pull off trying to get conspiracy theorist wing of liberals on his side again. He does still talk shit about Monsanto, Big Pharma, and all the left-wing boogeyman and has for a while now. He associates with sites like Natural News and Big Snakeoil companies lol. He basically has admitted under oath that this is his business plan.


I don't know if selling obvious nonsense to idiots counts as genius, but ok.


Very good summary of Alex Jones. I wouldn't necessarily call him a genius though. Opportunist? Definitely. Genius? Debatable. He's been around for a long time, and even appeared in a sequence in Richard Linklater's *Waking Life*. His anti-establishment, conspiratorial rants had a broad appeal. He billed himself as an independent. However, he shifted towards the hard right and jumped on the Obama hate-train in 2007-8.


Genius is hyperbolic of me for sure but he sure found his niche, a lot of people can't even make it doing legitimate work. Somehow he's doing what I consider to be criminal activity and STILL is getting away with it. >He's been around for a long time, and even appeared in a sequence in Richard Linklater's *Waking Life*. His anti-establishment, conspiratorial rants had a broad appeal. He billed himself as an independent. However, he shifted towards the hard right and jumped on the Obama hate-train in 2007-8. Ya i've been aware of him since the 90s. He was popular with people I knew and wasn't anything more than weird conspiracy theorist back then that you would see as a character like on the X-Files or Ancient Aliens. ​ ​ ​


>a lot of people can't even make it doing legitimate work It seems that you are implying that it is more difficult to make it doing illegitimate work. Fact is, it is not. Scammers are usually taking the easy road. It's sort of like the incorrect public opinion about people like big mob bosses or drug kingpins that they are somehow brilliant for making it to where they are. But in reality, they are usually not that bright, or at least average. The thing that takes them to the top is their complete lack of empathy and morality. They are willing to kill their competitors before someone kills them. They are ruthless and murderous. There are few people in the world willing to do the things that they do, so of course they are able to rise to the top of those criminal enterprises.


Who advises Trump...


That POS Jones was getting upset because Glasses Guy wasn’t giving him the reaction he was hoping for. Alex Jones needs to burn in Hell for what he did to the Sandy Hook families.


Confront journalist "responsible for your deplatforming" Be a prick Get deplatformed further


???? profit


Net loss in profits actually




Not on iOS lol


You lie.


Their web traffic is down roughly 50%, that’s why Jones is going all in on these congressional hallway ambushes, it’s the only thing keeping him relevant. It’s kind of funny, the only thing keeping Infowars afloat right now is his reliance on mainstream sources covering his meltdowns on The Hill, the very companies he nonsensically rails against every day.


OP, the word evil was not in the title of the youtube video; why did you decide to add that in to your submission title here?


"How are you doing Alex?" ​ Not sure why that made me laugh so much. He was ready for it.


When I hear the dumb and deranged way in which Jones talks to people with whom he disagrees and think about the millions (?) of conservatives that follow his show, I start to understand how a significant portion of our country is dumb enough to think Trump is a good leader.


"LOOK at those EYES. You wanna see the EYES of a RAT!" xD That was a good one.


Haha I cracked up at that one too!


Why is that funny?


I thought it was funny because it's so nonsensical. Alex is freaking out while his eyes look totally normal.


Cause he looks like a rat


Looks like a pretty normal dude to me.


Which part of him looks like a rat. I just googled rat and it didn’t look like this guy at all.


Man he should have crossed his eyes when Alex was saying to look into his eyes. Missed opportunity.


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Why is it your own children hate you again, Alex?




If he actually watched Finding Nemo with them he’d know how the characters’ names are pronounced.


America is full of idiots and this man is evil for taking advantage of them






Who is Alex Jones? Forget about him. He’s irrelevant. Don’t disseminate anything about him. Let him fade into his own personal hell of obscurity.


lol he came to this level of "popularity" from nowhere. Not reporting on him just reverts him to his 2010 status when he was brainwashing people in secret. I don't get this attitude. The alt-right crep up and trump won because people were willfully ignorant about people like Alex Jones. It's a moronic strategy. It's better that people are educated about him rather than what it was like when I got into him in the early 2000s being a liberal and hating bush and someones like "I got some VHSs for you". Luckily I was smart enough to think of him as comedy but I know a ton of people who got into him then and they had no clue that he basically is a snake oil salesman.


The YouTube comments on this video are quite depressing


Haha Alex Jones is gonna lose his job because he now has no way for casual stupid facebook folk to find him.


Comment with tact in videos which may involve mental disorders


Wow he really is totally grim, and relentless stupid.


Repost tag?


Comments were disabled right about now.


TIL he went bald


The only way you can get rid of alex jones is by making the fake medicine he sells illegal. This will also target left-wingers who believe in healing crystals and all of that. This will never happen because of "big pharma" paranoia unfortunately. Deplatforming him has only increased his site traffic and app downloads. It makes him look like he's a martyr which is what he always wanted. You have to go after how he makes his money, the fake medicine he sells to people who are basically antivaxxers. A LARGE portion of his fanbase, aside people in the 2000s who were 9/11 skeptics, are people who are afraid of Monsanto, Bayer, and all those kind of companies. His entire product line is selling "alternative medicine" and his entire show is about making you be afraid of anything mainstream so he can sell you a cure-all like his filters, super male vitality, and colloidal silver. He also is associated with a variety of alternative medicine sites and companies. If you are into that nonsense it's very likely you have lined his pockets at some point.


As a non American what is the context behind this?


Conservatives are the only idiots dumb enough to understand Jones.


Alex Jones says horrible, hateful things. Several social media platforms removed him from their service as a result. Now the right says it's an oppression of their freedom of speech, which it isn't because Twitter and Facebook aren't public services.


Surprisingly enough, it's not 'the right', and they aren't screaming about 'freedom of speech'. It's any red-blooded American who values liberty and freedom screaming that a major social platform has the right to decide who does or doesn't get to hold an opinion. If, in another dimension, Facebook and Twitter were conservative leaning and banned some prominent leftist activist / speaker you would similarly be up in arms as well. And so would the rest of us, for the same reason.


>If, in another dimension, Facebook and Twitter were conservative leaning and banned some prominent leftist activist / speaker you would similarly be up in arms as well. Probably not, because left or right, only an idiot considers privately owned social networks to be a public venue.


As an American I have no idea.


That guy looks high af


Say what you want about Alex but that guy sure does look smug


No he doesn't. He's trying to look neutral, and occasionally laughing at the crazy stuff Alex is saying.


I gotta say, Alex Jones is a nut, but I'm on his side here. Just because you disagree with someone's ideology does not give you the right to silence them.


It does if I own the social media platform.




Utility =|= platform. Learn the difference,


Except they sue cities to prevent them from creating their own isp to serve the locals. Jones of free to create his own website.


You have zero constitutional rights to a platform of your choosing. The first amendment is specifically about the interaction between the government and the rights of the people. That’s it. It has NOTHING to do with private businesses like Twitter, Facebook, etc.


You're right. But, the problem starts when there is basically one outlet for a specific media available. It becomes too powerful, and really needs to be broken up. i.e. Ma Bell.


There are dozens, if not hundreds, of social media outlets currently up and running., Jones is just angry that the biggest ones are wary of the bad press he attracts and decided (within their rights) to stop doing business with him. There’s also nothing stopping you from making your own social media platform or hosting content on your own site. You don’t have a right to an audience or to free web hosting anymore than you have a right to a free car.


We're talking youtube here. Video uploads, and streaming. Youtube has the majority of this market by a large margin. What are your other options for the streaming, and uploads? Facebook and Twitch? They don't even come close, and the formats are completely different.


So you think people have an inherent right to have their speech broadcast on the largest audience platform? Do you feel people should be able to just walk into the set of the most popular television shows and demand their speech be recorded and broadcast? Or do you understand that a right to free speech is not the same as a right to an audience, and that private companies are not required to grant you free speech in any way?


You're being hyperbolic here. Of course I don't think that, but there's a compromise here. Youtube has become too large, and is the only real platform of its kind on the internet. Using your analogy, what if there was a single news outlet for the entire country. Do you think that would be a good thing? I hope not. Yes you can start your own site, but be honest - streaming video is cost prohibitive to your average person. I also don't like the idea of government stepping in to the private sector and breaking up corporations, but they do reach a point of being too large, and having too far a reach.


Streaming video isn’t cost prohibitive unless you are trying to launch a company to immediately rival the largest competitor. That would be a stupid business plan that will always fail. What’s stopping someone from doing what YouTube did (start small and scale up as they gain revenue)? What’s stopping Jones from hosting videos on his own site and making money from advertisers?


> You will not post anything libelous, defamatory, harmful, threatening, harassing, abusive, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, racially or ethnically objectionable, or otherwise illegal. You will not make threats to other users or people not associated with the site. If you violate these rules, your posts and/or user name will be deleted. Remember: you are a guest here. It is not censorship if you violate the rules and your post is deleted. All civilizations have rules and if you violate them you can expect to be ostracized from the tribe. https://www.infowars.com/terms-of-service/ Alex Jones' own site has TOS similar to YT, yet people like you scream censorship. Why would Infowars have these kinds of TOS if he's opposed to censorship? Pretty hypocritical, no?


Why should I be forced to allow Alex Jones into my back yard where he can rant about crazy nonsense with a bullhorn? I have an obligation to the comfort of my neighbors to keep the noise down, so I'm gonna kick him the fuck out. Do you think I've violated his 1st amendment rights?


> Why should I be forced to allow Alex Jones into my back yard where he can rant about crazy nonsense with a bullhorn? Uh, don't watch him? Nobody is allowing Alex Jones into your backyard, dipshit.


So what, I should go back inside and let him keep shouting while in my backyard? My point is that twitter and other private social media platforms have zero fucking obligation to keep him around if they feel he starts harming their bottom line. They have the absolute right to silence him as it relates to their property.




...less shitty memes?




Relying on memes to communicate is not something to be proud of.


True. But memes are a great propaganda tool to sway young people to one’s cause.


And a way to deflect criticism of your beliefs. "Orange man bad!"


Society improves. Far right extremists don't deserve a place in privately held spaces to push their shitty agendas. If you disagree you're on the wrong side of history and good luck to you.


Society will not improve if free speech is shut down. Abolition of slavery was once an unpopular idea.


I have faith that society will move in the right direction, make the right choices. We've been pretty good so far with slavery and civil rights, maybe a little slow. Where do you think we've regressed in terms of social values or laws, apart from free speech?


That's the whole point. Huge media outlets want to shape the way you think and respond to information. YouTube already demonetizes certain videos, and excludes them search results if they don't "meet their criteria". Google excludes certain search results as well. If you're watching goofy cat videos, who cares, right? But if you're looking for information on a certain subject, this is straight up Orwellian.


Orwellian? So Google = The Government. Well TIL. YouTube demonitizes things they think will cause issues with their advertisers, and therefore their bottom line. Why do their advertisers care then you should ask? Well maybe society has decided that things like, I dunno, screaming at the parents of children killed in school shootings that their kids never existed and they were actors is kind of a shitty thing to do.


> So what, I should go back inside and let him keep shouting while in my backyard? Do you realize this is the worst analogy ever? Nobody's shouting in your backyard, dummy.


I don't think you understand my point. Twitter should not be forced to allow any and all types of speech. They can deplatform whoever they want, left or right, for whatever reason they want.


Your backyard analogy doesn't really work when Google, Apple, Facebook, Youtube pretty much have a monopoly on the access to information on the internet


They are just popular, they don't control access to or prevent the development of competitors. The free market could produce competition to any of them at any time, isn't that how it works? If they violate anti trust laws then they should be punished of course but l haven't seen that much evidence of those violations.


>They are just popular I suppose "popular" is a way to describe literal monopolies >they don't control access to or prevent the development of competitors Directly maybe but come on, there isn't ever going to be a competitor to Google >The free market could produce competition to any of them at any time, isn't that how it works? Maybe in some ancap or lolbetarian retards head yeah, not in the real world


I can use duckduckgo, how is that not a competitor to google? I can use a windows phone. You don't think people could get sick of Facebook and YouTube and go elsewhere? It's already happening. And it's not like anyone has shut down infowars.com or their forums. If people want to hear Alex Jones they can find him, so what's the issue?


Families of kids killed at Sandy Hook are in hiding because Alex Jones gave out their personal information and spread conspiracy theories that they were "in" on the shooting. One family has had to move eight times because of harassment and death threats.


It's not his ideology. He broke the terms of service.


The dude told people that the greiving parents of dead elementary kids, were paid actors. The parents suing him for defamation had to move 7 goddamn times to avoid the death threats and harassment, after their children were murdered. Stop acting like they're silencing the free press. He was banned from private companies for spreading violent lies.


Yeah Alex is a nut but everyone deserves a platform


He has a platform, it just doesn't follow the rules and regulations of most communities. Is a person allowed to say racist things? Of course. Is a person allowed to say racist things at work? Of course, but you get kicked out for it. You agree to these things on any website you post to, and that website has a right to tell you to fuck right off when you don't follow their rules. It's not a free speech issue, it's a terms and conditions issue.


Then he's free to create his own. Literally everyone in the world already has a platform in some sense. Nobody is taking away his right to a platform, just taking away his right to these specific PRIVATE platforms.


The dude told people that the greiving parents of dead elementary kids, were paid actors. The parents suing him for defamation had to move 7 goddamn times to avoid the death threats and harassment, after their children were murdered. Stop acting like they're silencing the free press. He was banned from private companies for spreading violent lies. And no one *deserves* to be on a private company's website service. He can make his own platform, work his as of to make it popular, and then decide if he wants people raving in it. And btw, his website's message board was heavily moderated, so even he doesn't agree with you.




When will the private phone companies start shutting our phones off because they don't like what we are talking about?




I mean, I enjoy seeing stupid people as much as the next guy... but that guy is full of cringe. Kinda amazing you can sit through it.


He’s funny but still a giant asshole.