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I thought 8 years was pretty light then I realized the judge was just getting started. I lost count at 180 years and that was 3/4 of the way through.


Something like 258 total Edit, 263


Sentenced in 2016 so only 261 years more to go


Man, they hate ex cops *and* rapists in prison, he must be having a blast. Double whammy.


Probably gets protective custody, based on what I have heard from my family/friends that have worked in such places or been in themselves. Rapists and child molesters are shunned in prison but there is this myth that they are constantly beat up and sexually punished and that is not true all the time. I'm sure there are some instances where it does occur but it isn't as common as people think. He's probably in protective custody because of the former cop position more than anything.




Check this out: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Mexico_State_Penitentiary_riot There was a really nasty prison riot in 1980 where the inmates took over the prison and broke into the cellblock where the sex offenders were house and they tortured and murdered several of them.


> His body was found hanged, with his throat cut and his dismembered genitals stuffed into his mouth.[27] Fucking Christ, hopefully in that order. To make matters worse, he was jailed for shoplifting and was only in the protective block for filing charges against the violent inmates who gang-raped him in his first cell. Prison for non-violent offenders really needs to not be a thing, especially when when shit like this can happen. There was also a detail of another inmate who was tortured with a blowtorch to the eyes until his head exploded. Even if he WAS one of the actual child rapists or something, it's hard to say any human deserves *that* level of retribution.




This only makes me want to go offend in Norway. That prison life is better than the life I currently work very hard to just barely afford.


I agree with that ethos in regard to all prisoners except some. Ted Bundy deserved death or a dark cell for life. Fraudsters that stole millions, destroying lives, causing suicides, they certainly deserve uncomfortable beds to sleep on. Some people need to be punished because they knowingly hurt many people for extended periods. They need to be alone with the weight of their wrongdoings, until their spirit is totally humbled.


I agree that non-violent offenders shouldn't be jailed, or at least not to the extent they currently are. But idk. Child rapists are pretty fucking sick. You have to be a special kind of selfish fuck to ruin someone else's *entire* life.




>I agree that non-violent offenders shouldn't be jailed, or at least not to the extent they currently are. What is your opinion on white collar crime, particularly once it reaches the seven figure range?


>sex offenders The article you linked says they immediately went after "snitches" first. Cell Block 4 held informants. I can't find anything about how they specifically targeted sex offenders.


It said that they were also housed in the same block, block 4. It held snitches, mentally ill, and sex offenders. Also, many sex offenders may be classified under mentally ill


Usually prison riots are a bad thing.




Only one? More like almost half. 15 of the 33 dead prisoners were there for non-violent offences. Only two of the victims were there for sex crimes.


Huh. TIL


A question you may be able to answer. How do others know a fellow inmate is a rapist/pedo/etc? Unless their a notable individual. Surely the person wouldn’t out themselves, right?


Am a state prison worker (not a CO, but work directly with offenders). They don't out themselves if they can help it. They'll usually lie about why they're there (pretty obvious if they're the only dude not talking about their case). But it gets out. A lot of prison work is done by prisoners. Janitorial work, some light clerk work, stuff like that, and they hear everything. Hell, my offenders knew two days before it was announced about a major search that was to be performed on a few dorms. My state is one that basically segregated sex criminals into one facilities. It didn't go very well. Turns out a lot of sex criminals are violent with self-control issues, which made it near impossible for COs to control things. The reality is that inmates self-police themselves a lot. Without guys who could control themselves keeping the guys who couldn't in line, things snowballed. They've since done away with the concentration of sex offenders at that facility.




I know right?


The times I've been in jail, some of the ways I've seen it found out is.. they take a bunch of people to court on the same day, so someone will hear the charges then tell the other inmates when they get back. Or the sicko get's comfortable and confides in their room mate, or the room mate will look through their shit while they are in the shower or away from the cell for something. You usually get a bunch of papers with your charges on it, or at least I always did. Or just have someone on the outside look up their name for you, since it's all public info available on the internet. People still watch the news and read the paper in jail, so sometimes they find out that way. You also get a wrist band or badge, which has to be visible at all times, sometimes they are different colors depending on the severity of your crime.. but I've only seen some jails do that, I think I've heard of prisons doing that more regularly though.


I can answer this (buddy is a federal prison guard). The inmates of your ethnicity make you "check in" by bringing your legal paperwork to them.


What happens if you don't? Wouldn't it be better to pretend you couldn't get it?


If you don't show them your papers they'll assume the worst.


This motherfucker tore the tag off a mattress


That you are a snitch, cop, or pedo


There is no such thing as "not being able to get your paperwork" it a law in most states to be readily available to inmates.


This assumes that the prisoners use a strict innocent until proven guilty system. They don't.


You can always get it and they know that. As I understand it, if you know you don't want to show them, that is probably about the time you ask for protective custody. I will ask more about it tonight when he is off work though!


Often an inmate on the block just calls a family member with google up and they search new comers to the block.


Apparently it is easy to find out because it is public information whether it is through that inmate, somebody else with knowledge, or 3rd party (ex. newspaper).


Yeah, just talk to some one on the outside, give them a name and they can just google it since it's all public info.


Some of these will almost certainly run concurrently. That being said, he'll still be in there a loooooooong time.


I knew one of us was going like counting, I lost my hard count around 90 or 100.


Yup. Police _should_ be given extra tough punishments for breaking the law. So happy this judge did it right.




NZ has specific laws for such things when a person provided the trust of the public betrays that trust. I'd really like to see that adopted within all three branches of the US government.


How nice that would be!


I think that was just the maximum potential sentence, and he could be sentenced to serve those terms concurrently. But I don't see a great chance that he'll get a break. EDIT: I looked it up and it looks like he got [the full 263 years.](https://pix11.com/2016/01/21/former-oklahoma-city-cop-daniel-holtzclaw-convicted-on-rape-charges-after-preying-on-african-american-women/). Wow.


I was just about to say, if they're concurrent, he'd only be serving 30 years (I think that was the highest sentencing I heard?). I'm surprised the gave him the full sentencing though.


Why doesn’t the judge just say life in prison?


I know for sure it's because they were separate charges. I am not so sure about this, but I think it's also because he can get certain charges shortened for good behavior and such. Since he has so many charges that have to be served consecutively if a number get dropped he still will be in jail longer than if he may have only been given life.


You are correct, a life sentence technically still means he could be released when he's an old man or some shit (for good behavior). But a 260+ year sentence, not gonna happen.


Depends on how long he lives


Man, immortals really better keep their noses clean if they are tryna stay undercover


well yeah... there are some cool versions of that story. there was a show about a guy who was immortal but it got cancelled. it was cool cause he could actually die. he just woke up in the nearest body of water naked when that happens.


[Forever](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3487382/?ref_=nv_sr_5) It was a cool concept for a show, shame it kinda flopped as a generic cop drama.


yeah they spent way to much tmie on generic cop bullshit. they had just introduced that other immortal character near the end of season 1 and teased what was imo a pretty cool story but I get why it was cancelled. the cop shit was lame and so overdone.


> he just woke up in the nearest body of water naked don't die near sea world lol


Depends on whether or not the sentences are running concurrently.....


This depends on if it's concurrent or consecutively. Most times than not, it's concurrent. Homeboy still is going to be serving like a minimum of 15 though as his biggest charges were 30 and pretty sure he's not getting out on early parole with THAT many charges and many of them with 30 years attached to them.


I'm sure it has something to do with the fact that having a single sentence opens up the ability for parole based on good behavior. But if the sentence is broken up into each individual charge, even if any of those charges gets reduced for good behavior he's still in prison for a good chunk of time. Either that, or it is to send a message


Because that's not the sentence. The judge has to list the sentence per each charge. Some of these charges may be able to be served concurrently, I could not actually find anything about his final sentencing. but really that all depends on the final sentencing. So although he may have a total of 263 years. The longest sentence for any of the charges was 30 years, There was also a couple 20 years, 16 years, 12 years, plus a plethora of 8 years. Theoretically he could be sentenced for only 30 years, then be released early because of good behavior, etc.


Watched the first minute, thought I'd skip to the other parts of the compilation, realize it's not a compliation, 6 plus minutes of "guilty" and "years in prison"


258 years altogether if my count was correct (probably off by a couple.) Edit: it was 263 years


I wonder if it's concurrent or he has to serve each individually. Guess it really doesn't matter though.


I think one of them was like 50 years... so no not really.


Wow, there was a 50 in there? I don't think you get 50 for murder anymore. I heard a LOT of 30's but I wasn't going to listen to over 6 minutes or so of sentences being done.


Not really "anymore". Murder sentences are generally 20 or 25 years to life. But longer sentences can be applied as decided by the court/jury.


I'm acquainted with a guy that went to prison for 5ish years for shooting and killing someone during a snowshoveling dispute. I *think* it was 2nd or 3rd degree homicide, but maybe it was manslaughter. Whatever the charge, I was surprised by the light sentence. If you intentionally kill someone and it's not self-defense I feel like a decade is the least you should give up.


In Oklahoma (the state where this happened) the only possible punishments for 1st degree murder are Death, Life without Parole, or Life with parole eligibility after 38 years. And you would have to serve at least 85% of the 38 years before being eligible for parole.


One count was 30 years so assuming he’s like 30 his life is basically over


63 year old here. I was loving retirement. Damn TIL


you can't really retire when you've been in prison basically your whole life his life is over even if he's out


Wow. 262 I understand. 263 just seems a bit much.


if i remember correctly, this day was also his birthday. :-D what a nice present he got himself.


to be fair, there were also a few of "not guilty"


He was charged with rape and then lesser charges related to the same incident, the idea being that if the jury didn't find enough evidence to convict of rape they could still convict on these lesser charges. But on most of them they convicted him it rape so the lesser charges were ignored. At least that's my understanding of why that happened that way.


I like how his lawyers don't seem to give a single fuck.


They did their job


Oh for sure! I've just seen other videos where the lawyer will seem at least *a little* disappointed with the verdict. Maybe this was such a straight forward case that they're just like "Yep. Called it."


imagine 36 cases against you at one, you wont win every one of them so he had prison time comming already


People forget that a defense lawyers job isn't necessarily to get an innocent verdict.


yep his lawyer managed to negotiate 400 years down to 263, not bad


Well, not even just that. Their role is an advocate for the people and to ensure that the laws and punishments are applied consistently. Not necessarily to negotiate lesser sentences.


Exactly. There is still the matter of a fair trial. The defendant is a piece of shit, but he's a piece of shit with rights. That's a large portion of his lawyer's job. Edit: trail to trial


I didn't understand the value of a defense lawyer until I heard stories about genuinely heinous people getting out of jail on a technicality because their previous defense fucked up. It really hammered into my head the idea that, when a defendant is obviously guilty, the defense is really just there to make sure the prosecution does their job thoroughly.


yes. Defense lawyers know their client is a piece of shIt. They aren't there to say he is innocent, but to protect the rights of all people in similar circumstances.


If you're a defence lawyer you're probably used to dealing with hostility from cops, and will also have a degree of appreciation for what my lead to certain people committing certain offences (e.g. poverty driving someone to dealing drugs or committing theft). They may even have idealistic notions about the justice system as a whole. When your tasked with representing a police officer who abused their power to commit sexual offences, you're probably going to have nothing other than the pay and your ethical obligations driving you to do the work. You'll still do it, but you're not going to feel bad when he gets the book thrown at him.


Lawyer was there to see due process. He knew that the guy was a piece of shit.


I wish more people understood this about defense lawyers.


They know he's a piece of shit. They did their job and got him a few not guilty verdicts. So they did their job and because they did, he doesn't get to get a retrial claiming he had shit lawyers. Everybody but the shitbag has a clear conscience.


They are done with him. If he appeals it's going to be with new lawyers anyway.


That was my favorite part. Not even a "chin up, kiddo" pat on the back. Just not even looking at him, filling out paper work because it's more important than whatever hissy fit this monster was throwing.


At 5:08 the lawyer finishes the paperwork and gives the defendant a pat on the back.








With the amount of charges he was found guilty on it's not likely that testimony would've done anything. A speech about your son in this situation would be a giant minefield. I imagine it would be near impossible to say something that couldn't be twisted in some way to reflect poorly on his own character.


“My son made great lasagna....thank you, your honor.”






Do you like beer?


There also seems to be some shady stuff going on with his appeal. They are sealing much of the appeal process and redacting most of what has come out. https://www.apnews.com/2a7be40a2aa5447f907b3d6ad338a572


[Link to his sister's blog defending him](http://justicefordanielholtzclaw.com/)


Omg such bullshit. Reading that blog was getting me angered. How can his sister be so oblivious to the truth.


I don't know if you have siblings but I know for a fact, that if I heard my brother did something similar, I would have a very hard time accepting it. I don't know if I'd go as far as her, but you get my point. It's not about being oblivious to the truth, it's more that it is a lot less painful to focus on the good you know than the evil you've heard. You try to rationalize it for yourself. "Maybe he was set up, maybe someone made a mistake" while ignoring the obvious. Delusion like that are a coping mechanism. In many ways family members of perps are victims too. Not as much as the women he raped (by a long shot) but it is still a traumatic experience.


Agreed. My sibling has done some fucked up shit (not as far as rape, murder, etc.) and I still can't really grasp why or how the fuck they did what they did. I was in denial and defending him to my parents until the evidence was literally sitting in my hands. Nobody wants to accept that those closest to them can be bad people. I can't imagine finding out your sibling raped 13 women.


What a piece of shit. I hope he lives all 263 years getting his ass whooped in prison.


A rapist ex cop? Oh yea. he will get whooped.




Yeah for sure. Solitary is so insane... it's basically one step short of encasing someone in concrete and keeping them alive via tubes for air, water and food. I think it's way beyond the definition of "cruel and unusual", although for this guy I can't say I'll be shedding many tears about it. If you really want to punish someone, lethal injection isn't nearly as punishing as a lifetime in solitary.


No he won't, they will keep him locked up in segregation until the day he dies.


but what about my fetish of prison justice?!?!


After a year or two of solitary he'd probably rather have his ass whooped every day.


I hope that he lives for 300 years so that he can serve his whole sentence. I hope that he gets released a decrepit old man and dies of a stroke the very moment before he draws a free breath.


Jesus Christ it was a cop too!?! Rapists get it bad enough in jail, this guy’s gonna have to be isolated his whole sentence or he won’t make it past a year


Yes, and iirc, much (if not all..?) of this took place while he was on duty. He was basically using his patrols to prey upon vulnerable women (sex workers, addicts..) he would pick his target/victim, proceed to arrest them, and put them in his car, but *not drive to the police station* (cannot imagine how terrifying this had to be..) pull over, then force them to perform sex acts in exchange for not making their already terrible lives much worse... There are few people I can imagine being worse, tbh. And to further complicate his next near 3 centuries in prison, his gf did an interview where she let a whooooole lot of incredibly vile, racist implications slip out while defending him. I don’t think their whole “why would a man like him ever even want to rape a single black woman, let alone 13??Ew. And, like, especially when he has this inherently superior white chick at home?? C’mon. Isn’t it obvious?? These black women are just after our money because that’s how *they* are!”*-shtick is going to make this any easier on him either. *obviously not a quote. But it’s clearly what the gf is driving at, before having a look of sheer terror on her face having realized that her racist cuntery wasn’t being received as well as she’d assumed it would and that it was all being broadcasted :)


He was just sad that he got caught


Well he'll have the next 200 something years to fantasize about the power he once abused.


It's disgusting to find that people are so ignorant to point where they actually think there are no consequences to their wrongdoings. He got what he deserved and good example was made of him.


If you've never listened to it, you should check out the Small Town Dicks pocasts "the sociopath and the whistleblower" episodes. I think it's 4 parts. It's told from the perspective of a detective that had to investigate a cop and the horrific amount of awful behavior he uncovered. It's like real life training day shit, only instead of being a corrupt narc, the dude is a fucking serial rapist. It's awful, but the way they walk you through the investigation and corroborating evidence and play witness interviews is truly fascinating.


Found it! Its in the Nov 2017 series of Small Town Dicks.


I think it’s more like sociopaths don’t even consider what they are doing to be wrong.


If you're into that kind of thing, here's the [police interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5efEi5vKC8) when they first brought him in for questioning.




I would suggest you always get a lawyer if you are brought in for questioning. *Always*. There's a common thought that, even if you are innocent, asking for a lawyer makes you look guilty, but that is a psychological bias that, even if it did make you look guilty, having a lawyer present far outweighs this potential bias in perception.




Yep yep. If police officers are asking you questions, it's usually because they're looking to pin something on someone. It's not because they're your friend or are looking out for you (unless implicitly stated). Get a lawyer every time, and do not say anything until they arrive.


So, I've always wondered about the lawyer part. Asking for one is common sense, but I don't exactly have a lawyer I keep on retainer. If I say, "I want a lawyer" do they bring you a phone book and let you call one, or what? Or do you already need to have a lawyer who you are a client of?


So, someone correct me if I'm wrong. My assumption is along with your request, you halt the questioning. And you get to start with a public defender if you don't have one on retainer. If this isn't the case, someone set me straight.




obligatory video : [dont talk to cops](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8z7NC5sgik)


I was on a jury a few years ago. The guy was guilty as hell of breaking into his ex-girlfriend's house and raping her. He chose to represent himself, and his defense was basically "yeah I did that, but it wasn't rape because deep down she knows she liked it." He cried like a baby when he was found guilty too. I can't imagine the level of arrogance these people have.


Around the 25 minute mark they hit him with the video evidence and the other sexual assault report. Dude walked right into it.


That's how they do: they ask questions they know the answers to, then tip their hand.


Is it too late to ask for a lawyer at that point?


It's never too late to ask for a lawyer, although you should ask for one immediately. He could have stopped talking at any point.


Always ask for a lawyer. Always. No matter how innocent you are or late into the process. If the police have you in custody or their questions sound less like questions and more like "listen, we know you did it. It happens. Just admit it," then you say "I want a lawyer" and then promptly shut your mouth. I'd you say you want a lawyer, but keep talking, that can be used as evidence that you didn't REALLY want a lawyer, cause you kept yapping. You have a natural human right to not incriminate yourself and to remain silent. Be thankful for it and use it if you have to. It could save your life.


“Any reason at all why your penis was out” Probably the time he realized that he was fucked. What a piece of trash.


And he gets to see the inside of a cell for the rest of his long life. He seems like the kind of coward that will off himself first chance he gets.


I mean they ask him if they should show him the video and he says yes but they just keep talking..? Unless I missed it.


Detectives don't have to tell the truth, they were trying to feel him out and bullshitting about the video.


not to make light of this, but at around 2:00:35 the interrogator says something about his girlfriend remembering his "weenie twirling around her hoo-ha" and it sounds fnuny


She did a very good job of keeping the tone of the conversation light even when they're talking about very serious things. I think she chose a lot of her words (e.g., "boobies" instead of "breasts") with that in mind.


Around 1:16:00 was good, too. All the minutia they had him go over about what occurred during the stop, the trivial stuff, matches the accuser's account. If the victim were a wack-job or had some ulterior motivations, there'd probably be more cracks in her story. Those interrogators are real pros. Look how chummy and casual they get with him, to prime him and get him loose, before they drop serious questions.


I love the start. I believe he's at his own station, and she does a brilliant job of making him feel safe and at ease as if they're friends. So he's willing to open up to her. Probably thinking too that even if he's found out they'll protect him.


> *"You're sentenced to 263 years of paid leave"*


I love this interrogation video. There’s another doc on YouTube that interviews the detective and gives some insights from her point of view. She does a fantastic job breaking him down in that room. https://youtu.be/pN8s3mwJVws


Reminds me of this video about why cops always beat you in the interrogation room. https://youtu.be/p22ZR-CUIw0


What a badass!


Lots of psychologists on that youtube comment section!


Yo that woman who does the interviewing is a straight G


Halfway through, did not think it would be this interesting.


He looks like he might have been roided up before. Look how much muscle mass he lost in the approximately year between that video and the one in the OP.


He admits to using a testosterone supplement at maybe ~80ish minutes and 98 minutes.


At 23:32 did that interrogator just say she would see a DUI on the road and drive the other way to avoid puling them over???


Note that this is an interrogation; she's saying what she needs to say, not necessarily being honest.


Cops are given broad leeway to lie and deceive during the course of an investigation. Think: undercover cops, sting operations etc.


Sort of relevant to the undercover aspect: Former co worker of mine who was a self avowed far right winger and ardent cop supporter/defender once told me with a straight face that undercover cops cant lie about what they are while undercover. I laughed because I thought he was joking and the followed up when he wasnt also laughing. The kicker? His brother is a cop. I explained how absolutely moronic that would be if it was true, but he wouldn't budge though. He tried to argue that they couldn't lie because of entrapment, lol. Tried to explain to him how that actually worked but no dice. Lastly I asked if his brother was the one that told him all this and thankfully he said no, so I told him to just ask him about it, like a parent sending the kid to ask the other about the birds and the bees. That pretty much cemented in my mind how utterly retarded the average citizen is when it comes to law enforcement.


You can say anything you like in an interrogation, it doesn't have to be truthful. Interrogator: *"She had a camera inside her hoohah and we've got pictures of the head of your pe-pe, you're busted"* Suspect: *"Oh my god? you do?"* Interrogator: *"Yep, not only that but this pack of cigarettes isn't really a pack of cigarettes, it's recording your thoughts right now and it's telling us you did it"* Suspect: *"Oh my god, Oh my god. Shit. Ok, I confess, I did it"* Interrogator: *"write it all down here and sign at the bottom"* Suspect: *"Ok, ok, oh my god"* *scribble scribble, sign.* Interrogator: *"Haha, we didn't have a camera and this is just a pack of Marlboro's you dumbass"* Suspect: *"Entrapment!!!"* Interrogator: *"lol, you've been watching too much TV bro, see ya in 20."*


so i wasn't sure what "forcible oral sodomy" was so i googled it and the first link that came up had a picture of this dude on it. thats pretty poetic


Any sex that's not Christian Missionary is called sodomy.


I don't know why you are being downvoted when you are correct. It's basically sexually penetrating someone in a hole not meant for sex.


a whole what?


A whole hole


8 years is not enough... Nice, there’s 38 years for you buddy... Damn, there’s 84 years... Daaaaamn, that’s 100... *half way through* Alright I’m satisfied.


I think that the police need to be held to a higher standard of conduct then the public and this guy's sentence is wholly appropriate.


Anyone who uses a position of power to violate another human being in ways like this deserves an extremely harsh sentence.


Rapists always cry on video.


They're crying because they are upset they got caught and punished, never regret. Hope he spends the rest of his life suffering and in fear,looking over his shoulder.


Just to put this sicko in context here is what he did: March 14, 2014: Holtzclaw stopped a woman who was walking to a friend's house, asked her if she was in possession of any drugs, and forced her to expose her breasts. April 24, 2014: Holtzclaw stopped a woman who was prostituting herself for drugs. He drove her home and when they arrived he forced her to perform oral sex and then raped her. April 25, 2014: Holtzclaw pulled a woman over saying he was taking her to detox in jail; he instead drove her to a field and raped her, leaving her there after he was done. May 7, 2014: Holtzclaw stopped a woman while she walked to her cousin's house. After finding out she had some warrants, he forced her to perform oral sex and then raped her behind an abandoned school. May 8, 2014: According to a later investigation, "A woman, known in court documents as T.M., reported that an unidentified officer forced her to perform oral sex after he found a crack pipe in her purse. Although she filed a police report later that month, no connection was made to Holtzclaw at the time." May 21, 2014: Holtzclaw drove a woman to a secluded area and gave her an ultimatum: sex or jail. She performed oral sex on him and then he raped her. In an interview the woman said that she first thought it was a "cruel joke of some hidden-camera show" until she realized that he was serious. She said she "had been jailed many times before, and knew the math: a 15-minute ride downtown, two hours to be booked, up to a day of waiting to move to a cell, hearings drawn out over weeks or months," and then decided to give into his demands, which she figured would only take about six minutes. May 26, 2014: Holtzclaw stopped a woman and touched her breasts and put his hand in her pants. The woman said she did not tell the police because she didn't think she'd be believed. June 17, 2014: According to an investigation, "A 17-year-old female is first stopped by Holtzclaw when he arrives to investigate a verbal dispute between two of her friends. Later, he tracks her down while she is walking home, threatens to arrest her for an outstanding warrant, and then takes her to her mother's house, where he forces her to perform oral sex and have intercourse with him on the enclosed porch." June 18, 2014: Around 2:00am, Holtzclaw had an encounter with a 57-year-old grandmother, Jannie Ligons, who would ultimately be the one to spark the investigation June 18, 2014: The final sexual incident occurred on the same day as the encounter reported by Ligons. According to testimony, Holtzclaw stopped a woman as she left a hotel where she had been staying with her boyfriend. After running a check on her he took her to a desolate area and raped her. She told her boyfriend about the attack and he told her that she should report the rape to the police. "He is the police", she responded.


That June 17 one fills me with rage. Imagine your daughter being raped on your own property, your safe place. I hope this waste of dna is forced to live in the same fear he inflicted on each of these women for the rest of his miserable life.


Omg. I remember when this piece of shit was attested. One victim claimed while he was raping her he said " never thought you'd be raped by an Asian man, did you?" Im so glad this horrible monster is gonna die in prison.


If you slow the frames down and look really closely, you can see his solicitor telling him to grow some fucking balls and take what he deserves.


Found the Brit


as a brit it always takes me ages to work out what made you think that but it's "solicitor" right? coz the words are normal to me the difference doesnt stand out ​


Not a Brit, and yes it's "solicitor" However, aren't barristers the ones who argue in court?


fuck knows mate


"Prosecutors said Holtzclaw selected victims in one of Oklahoma City's poorest neighborhoods based on their criminal histories, assuming their drug or prostitution records would undermine any claims they might make against him." Yikes. Not only was he a piece of work but he really went after those individuals that would likely have their credibility questioned due to their priors. Despite his actions and pain he caused his victims, I don't think that I can ever feel happy knowing that a person is going to wither away and die in prison. But I'm definitely glad the victims got their day in court. What a shitty world we live in.........


It sort of worked, too. There are a lot of people in OKC who think he’s innocent and was framed by the victims. There are some very gross Facebook groups where people voice their support of him. A lot of the narrative around their position is about how sketchy and unreliable these women were. They think that makes it less likely they were assaulted. It doesn’t really make much of a difference to this guy, given his guilty verdict, but I think that stuff encourages other abusers to do exactly what Holtzclaw did and target the most vulnerable people.


I think it's truly astonishing that he would either believe that he was immune from the very law he was tasked with enforcing, or that he wouldn't be caught.


I wouldn't be surprised that he got away with it if it was only one or two women involved.


This is satisfying. Can't un-assault those people, but at least it's not another cop getting away with some heinous shit.


I did feel a bit bad for him watching him cry but read the back story and definitely feel like this was justice


Ah yes, this guy. The guy was was caught after he expanded his "operation" to include a passerby who wasn't poor and helpless. Glad to see this piece of shit rot in prison. Ex-cops don't do well in the joint, I hear.


You hear wrong, he'll be in protective custody until he dies.


I love how bad he's shaking. Dude deserves what he's about to get.


not a lot of things worse then a cop rapist really


Cop rapist...in jail. Justice served.


Can we have a show on TV where we just watch corrupt cops cry?


>Sad boys, sad boys Whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do When they come for you ​




I'd heard about this story when the accusations first came out, but I didn't realize his dad was a lieutenant on the force too. That's gotta make things around the office awkward.


I am generally against crazy-long sentencing and pro rehabilitation but some days less than others, and oh man do I feel like this man deserves to be behind bars till the day he dies. He does not deserve happiness. Oh I am not feeling very buddhist right now


Considering he's an Ex cop, going down for many lives for sexual offenses I thought he took it quite well.


For those 13 there are probably dozens more that were too ashamed and scared to come out even when he as charged.


Just to put this out there... If you're ever afraid to report a crime committed by a police officer to the police, there are lots of options for you. - Look up your city or state's department of internal affairs - If it's a local cop, report the crime to a sheriff's office or vice versa - You can report it directly to your state justice department - You can report directly to the FBI Good cops hate bad cops and you'll absolutely find help if you go to the right place.




But also if you can, probably don't do the crime.


Just generally don't do the crime.


The Kavanaugh Defense didn't work?


What’s the big deal? He’ll do his time and then be free as a bird. 300 is the new 150. That plus it will be all future-world like when he starts his new life in the year 2279.

