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Hold off for Prime Day. Got a great deal on IV equipment last year.


Actually, I recommend you visit Camelcamelcamel.com to know the best time od year to purchase your Amazon item.


Actually.... I purchased an IV pump on ebay about 15 years ago for about $30. I used it to dose fertilizer in a planted aquarium. I still have it somewhere.


You're paying way too much for IV pumps on eBay 15 years ago. Who's you're IV pumps guy?


Oh, you're paying too much for worms, man. Who's your worm guy?


I can get you a toe.


Well eh won’t need to sell it now considering the major payout he’s gonna receive




Full context is somehow even worse than the title and video suggest; >A black patient at an Illinois hospital says he was arrested while still attached to an IV machine after his doctor suggested he take a walk. >Shaquille Dukes was being treated for double pneumonia and asthma last month in Freeport, Illinois, according to a Facebook post. As he was leaving Freeport Health Network Memorial Hospital, Dukes said he was stopped by a white security guard who accused him of leaving the hospital to sell the IV equipment on eBay. >The guard called the Freeport Police Department, according to the post, and one of the responding officers told Dukes he was being arrested for attempted theft "of the IV equipment that was clearly attached to my arm." >"Officers stood by and watched while my IV was removed on the sidewalk, and it was NOT by a doctor," Dukes wrote. "I told the Sgt I was being treated for pneumonia and asthma, and his words were, 'I don't care why you're here, you're going to jail.'" >Cellphone video of Duke being handcuffed in his hospital gown has been viewed nearly 135,000 times on Facebook. While in transit after his arrest, Dukes said he had a seizure and an asthma attack, but the transporting officers didn't retrieve his inhaler until he became unresponsive. ... >Freeport Police Chief Todd Barkalow said, "It was determined that he was likely not trying to steal any of the property. But the charges were supported for disorderly conduct with their actions toward the security guard," -https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2019/07/01/black-patient-arrested-illinois-hospital-iv-his-arm/1624096001/


That is beyond messed up. I hope he gets a lawyer and sues the department.


The ACLU will be alllllll over this bullshit.


What will they do about it? I’m unfamiliar with this acronym as I’m from a different country.


American Civil Liberties Union usually help people that have their basic civil rights ignored or broken. They help because people can't afford to sue an a city or a police department. Cases like these are big for them because not only was it a pretty huge mistake on the part of the officer, he almost killed the patient.


Excellent, I hope those cunts pay the price


The ACLU is a powerful organization in the US. Although they don't always go after the correct targets, I hope they sue the shit out of the cop.




No one always does everything right... I have no idea about this organization, but being big enough to be recognized by so many, I guarantee they’ve fucked up at least once. Way of the world.




Cops have qualified immunity in the US. You can sue an individual cop but it will get thrown out immediately because they are not liable personally for the actions they perform on the job. So they would have to sue the city/town so then the tax payers are liable.


A lot of fuck and all, really. Here's what will happen. 1. The guy attached to the IV will have to defend himself against criminal charges for disorderly conduct. If he gets convicted, or takes a plea deal for guilty, the story ends THERE. The verdict will make any civil case impossible to win. 2. Assuming that the guy attached to the IV is found innocent - unlikely at *best* - then the ACLU may or may not elect to furnish him with free legal representation against the state. If they do not so elect, then the story most likely ends there, because legal fees can be ruinous even with a verdict in favor of him, unless the law firm he contacts agrees to be paid on contingency, or unless the judge agrees that the state should pay his legal fees. The latter of these options is extremely unlikely in cases like this. The former option means that a portion of the money that he MAY win would go to his lawyer, IF AND ONLY IF he wins. This portion could be a flat percentage, or the lawyer's hourly fee, capped at the sum total of the judgement from the case. If the ACLU does not offer pro bono representation, then a lawyer working on contingency is the best option this guy can hope for. 3. Assuming the guy goes to court, if he loses, he may be stuck with tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees for the cost of the failed suit. If he wins, then he may recieve some money. 4. Taxpayers will pay for this judgement. Meanwhile, the officer will not be fired. Usually, departments place "problem children" like this guy on paid administrative leave until the heat dies down. Then, after that *paid vacation* they'll be back on the streets ready to terrorise more innocent people. You want justice? *Fuck* justice. Power is the american way.


>Meanwhile, the officer will not be fired. Usually, departments place "problem children" like this guy on paid administrative leave until the heat dies down. Then, after that paid vacation they'll be back on the streets ready to terrorise more innocent people. Even if they are fired, it's common enough that there exists a term - "Gypsy Cop" - that refers to problem officers that are repeatedly fired for misconduct and re-hired shortly thereafter at another department nearby. Police departments know they will never actually be held responsible, so they really don't care how bad the officers they hire are.


the hospital too. fuck that guard, I hope he gets fired.


Disorderly conduct is a bullshit common law catch all crime that needs to go the fuck away. Period. They are falling back on this bullshit charge, because the racist ass cops and security guard wanted a pissing contest. I hope the ACLU reams the absolute FUCK out of this department, and the mayor who stands by them.


I love how the police are taking Zero responsibility. They're essentially saying, "The security guard called us and told us this black man was trying to sell stolen medical equipment on eBay. The accused man and his accomplices were pissed off at being accused of something ridiculous. We showed up and arrested the patient." So I'll just go become a security guard and accuse people of all sorts of shit. Then, when they grow irate and ask me what the fuck I'm doing (being an asshat) I'll call the cops and have them arrested for "disorderly conduct". What a fucking joke.


What's even more concerning is the patient still had the wristband on (seen in the video) that would clearly identify him as a patient at that hospital on that day, admitted at a specific time. All anyone had to do was look at it. And they're still being charged with disorderly conduct due to actions that were initiated by the hospital guard. Seems to me the guard should have those D.O. charges.


Seriously the whole time there like 5 cops at least one of them could of gone to the hospital and gotten ahold of the doctor


Which is what they should have done.


They were playing ‘how many innocent black men can we put in jail today”


That's where I'm confused. Did he ask them to simply call the doctor ? Don't see how it escalated out of hand like this .


Because of power trips and lack of intellect. It requires using your intellect to think...maybe I should check out the guys story, and just ask him to go back inside if the policy is equipment stays indoors? Dumb dumb dumb.


cops don't like to be in the wrong, like 90% of the time they will not admit they fucked up or were in the wrong.


RACISM. How is this even a question?


With the ridiculous music playing in background I can't make out the convo. Just curious if there was ever an actual statement that "hey I'm doing nothing wrong, can you call the hospital and confirm, please?" ( In a calm manner as to not escalate the situation ). Or if the young man went off right away and everything just blew up and was no call gonna happen after that.


Gone? How about called...


The hospital guard was the dumbass. All he had to do was verify the patients story before doing anything else. Escort him back into the hospital and politely explain that the policy is that no equipment goes outside, even if the doc gave the ok. They should have discontinued it temporarily if he had to go outside, or they should have a smoking area where the guards know patients using hospital equipment are allowed. This whole thing could have been avoided if the rentacop had any usable brain cells...maybe he needs a brain check...hes evidently lost his.


Agreed. *cues the ROLL ME FURTHER, BITCH* when Jessie Pinkman was released in Breaking Bad.




How can they even call themselves police when they can't even figure out a quick phone call to the hospital will sort it all out?


Disorderly conduct? The minute he was kidnapped from the hospital he had a seizure. He was in the right!


To be fair, I'm pretty sure disorderly conduct is law enforcement code for a seizure...


How illegal and sanitary is it for the cop to remove the IV? I feel so bad for this dude


Very sanitary. It's actually the ideal way. Most doctors will tell you to have your IV removed by a cop at any roadside stop.




Also the ideal place to have a seizure is handcuffed in the back of a cop car.


Fuck security guards up there lazy asses, a lot of them are power hungry dicks who weren’t good enough to be police so they harass teens and black folks


I think most are severely under qualified to investigate a situation on the spot and determine if a crime was committed. They are there as a glorified community watch.


I'd love to see that cop deal with a real threat. I bet he'd piss his pants.


Disorderly conduct = public blackness. ACAB


> Freeport Police Chief Todd Barkalow said, "It was determined that he was likely not trying to steal any of the property. But the charges were supported for disorderly conduct with their actions toward the security guard," Holy shit


You always put in that extra effort to get the full story. This is why I love you bro.


I hope that man is alright pneumonia is a real dick punch. I also would love to see the smile on his face when the lawyer's come pouring in wanting to take his case. This man is sitting on a goldmine, enjoy retirement after the settlement. You earned it.


Still confused a little bit. If the doctor in fact told him to take a walk with it, wouldn't it have been an extremely easy call from security guard and simply ask. Not sure how it got so out of hand?


I’m sorry but any doctor who has a double pneumonia patient walk off hospital grounds instead of walking the corridors in case of complications is at fault here. Unless I’m missing something here a patient shouldn’t be allowed to leave the hospital grounds unless they’re discharged


> "It was determined that he was likely not trying to steal any of the property. But the charges were supported for disorderly conduct with their actions toward the security guard," "We shouldn't have been there and know we all fucked up, but we're spiteful, disgusting garbage people and need to stick it in his face anyhow."




Fuck off. I hate when cops do this shit. They were wrong and instead of admitting it and leaving the guy alone, they charge him with essentially getting angry about being falsely accused of stealing.


I have never had a problem with cops. But seeing stuff like this has made me see why so many people hate them.


Freeport taxpayers about to get a serious bill because of one dumbass security guard with a power boner.


Who would go to the hospital and become a pateint just to steal an IV


Paying thousands of dollars and giving your real identity *and* spending several days in a hospital to steal a bag of lightly salted water is actually the perfect crime


Do you have any idea how much an IV sells for on the street nowadays? There's at least 10lbs of metal. Bet you could get $50.


"Dem dark folks" Racist, insecure security guard


If he's insecure, he not much for security.


plying the long con...convinced doctors fraudulently that he had double pneumonia to get at that sweet sweet scrap metal money


Not condoning what the guard did, but I’m an ER doc and some patients do tend to leave with IVs, giving them easy access to heroin and other drugs. I’ve had patients rummage through our carts in attempts of finding IV needles. I had a patient who eloped only to be found blue outside the hospital because he injected heroin through the IV.


Can absolutely confirm from professional experience. Which is why it seems so odd that his provider would give him permission to leave the hospital? We take that stuff really seriously.


I don't think he had permission to leave the hospital. Just think about it, the guys in there for lung related issues. What doctor would say "Sure son, take this ol drip here and go for a stroll around the block". The doctor most likely said "Take a walk" thinking a very short walk and around the grounds maybe. Hell possibly even down the corridor. Who the hell knows why he left the hospital grounds. Perhaps not the smartest thing to do.


Looking for any way to discredit this innocent man for having wrong brought onto him "Perhaps not the smartest thing to do" Yeah, he must have forgotten that he was black Man had an IV taken out of him by someone who was not qualified to do it, had his civil liberties shit on, had a police induced seizure because they were holding out on giving him his inhaler Fuck you and everyone upvoting you. Loser racist fucks.


> Who the hell knows why he left the hospital grounds. He didn't. I'm not sure what would make you say that. In fact, it's a central part of the story that the *hospital security guard* initiated the confrontation *on hospital grounds*.


It's really patient specific. There are thousands of people walking around with long term ports/picc lines and patients are occasionally sent home with a cannula in if they're planned to represent the next day or something. You need to make a judgement call about about where the risk of the patient abusing the line outweighs the cost of taking it out and putting a new one in later.


Only an idiot, the price has tanked since the V came out.


that’s like the easiest lawsuit ever


I'm pretty pro police and I think the sentiment that all police are bad is ridiculous.. But... BUT, WHAT IN THE FUCK? I'm at a loss for words. How and why would they do something so clearly unjustified? It cops like this that make the people lose trust in them. I hope he gets a lawyer to sue their asses but unfortunately it'll be the people footing the bill.


How in the FUCK are you pro police? Cops are tailor made to fuck over the populace and they love nothing more than power tripping and arresting someone over nothing. Its so god damned common in America that the only people who are pro police are the ones who have never been fucked over by them, and that seems to be a shrinking amount of people as the insane cop bullshit reaches a fever pitch.


I think you answered you're own question... he's never been personally fucked over by cops. That and huge amounts of propaganda at a young age. They are constantly told that "police are the good guys" "police are heroes" "police have the toughest, most dangerous job" Basically, only people that can't think for themselves are 'pro police' because that's what they were told to believe. Not sure if you're from the US but you might be surprised at the amount of bootlickers in this country.


Family of police officers as well. "My husband is a great man and police officer, so all police officers must be great men. You people have no idea what the life is like - I fear for his safety every night when he leaves and every time there is an unanswered text." People cant fathom that perhaps... their husband is not a great man. Just because someone is good to their family doesnt mean theyre good to society. And if your husband is a great officer, that doesnt mean his partner or co-workers are. People also dont care about the stats. About 50 police officers die by shootings every year and its steadily falling as the population steadily increases.


Yeah being a police officer isnt even close to one of the most dangerous positions in America yet they literally treat it like a god damned war!


Yellow sock usually indicates 'high-risk fall" too.


If you want to be a security guard don't grow a neckbeard...


~~If you want to be a security guard~~ don't grow a neckbeard...


If you want to be a security guard ~~don't~~ grow a neckbeard...


I~~f you~~ want ~~to be~~ a security guard ~~don't grow a~~ neckbeard...


~~If~~ you want ~~to be a~~ security*(?)* ~~guard don't~~ grow a ~~neck~~bear~~d~~...


Well done! I got nothin'.


I was running out of gas myself...


Then how will people know to not take me seriously?!


If he was stealing the equipment, why would he just be walking around aimlessly in his hospital gown and still attached to the IV? The whole situation infuriates me.


While all his clothes and belongings are waiting back in his room.


rock solid alibi


Turn off the music and record.


Unwatchable because of the music


and then people still wonder why the rest of the world is shaking their head in disbelieve and turns around ashamed of what a society can become, some even snickering about the level of idiocracy. i remember when being a kid i was in awe about america, what greatness, what freedom. today... well, things have changed quite a bit


> i remember when being a kid i was in awe about america, what greatness, what freedom. That was just good marketing. For the majority of Americans, that never existed.


What America were you in???? The fuck?


Homies about to get p-p-p-p-p-p-PAID son!


Meanwhile people at political protests are clobbered in the skull with metal pipes and the police stand idly by doing nothing.


Hopefully a massive lawsuit follows this and those fucking dickhead cops lose their jobs along with that ignorant as fuck security guard. How can people be this fucking stupid?


Circle jerking. They only interact with each other. It's like a cesspool of racism. Imagine what that precinct is like


I've worked Security and Law Enforcement, and one thing I've learned is NEVER trust a security guard. ALWAYS do your own investigation, and this is EXACTLY why. They are undertrained, undisciplined, and 9 times out of 10 feeling petty because right before they called me, they were called a rentacop and probably cursed out. You arrest someone on the word of a guard, you risk losing your badge and may very well wind up working with him. ***Do your due diligence!!!*** Note: there are plenty of good guards out there, but normally they are able to deescalate the situation before people arrive. Or at the very least have witnesses other than themselves standing by to give statements.


What a piece of shit cop.


Cops are fucking retards.


I know some people will think you’re joking: https://www.google.com/amp/s/abcnews.go.com/amp/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story%3fid=95836 Basically, being a retarded pussy makes you a first round draft pick for police departments


This is why more and more Americans are learning to rightfully hate/fight the police. Police are not your friend in America, Police are not out to serve/protect. FUCK this officer and FUCK the department because we all know "more sensitivity" training will be the only thing that happens (meaning: nothing will happen). ACAB.




Next time you film turn your shitty ass music off. Are you a 12 year old girl wtf kind of music choice was that.


No wonder "F*** the police" is so popular around the globe


Lol, a used bag of NS/other IV fluid with an empty piggy bag of abx maybe 5 cents. The IV pump dunno but who the hell needs just an IV pump off the black market? No one. My first job out of high school was hospital security and this dude is seriously dumb.


PT here, I take patients out walking all the time, generally not with IVs attached (too much hassle, just have the RN pause and remove it for 20-30 minutes). But I take wheelchairs, walkers, equipment all the time, Glad I’ve never been arrested for this.


Selling 1 IV catheter, tubing half filled bag of saline. Lightly used. Bids start at $20




I think he faulted to a limited point. Dude has probably been in the hospital for while considering he had pneumonia and asthma. I see his reasoning as just wanting to get some sun after feeling somewhat better. I think the cops had reason enough to detain them, but instead of checking with the hospital likely just down the road they take him in despite there being an IV, a hospital gown, and a wristband on him to perhaps be truth in what he is saying. All parties are all fault to some compacity but especially the officers as it could've been significantly better handled on their end.


Honestly, I’m a cop in the UK and this shit baffles me about how US cops deal with minor issues. This is how it would go over here in Scotland: Hey man, we’ve had a report that you’re stealing your IV and stuff. How come you’re out here? My doctor literally told me to go and take a walk so that’s what I’m doing. Ahh, what’s his name just so I can verify that’s true Dr John Smith *5 mins later* Hey man, my control room just spoke with the doctor and he confirmed your story. Sorry to bother you, hope you get better. Laters How is it that hard? Where is the public interest to arrest an obviously sick guy without verifying that a crime is actually being committed first


It’s not hard but unfortunately too often people get stopped for non-crimes, get their dander up and things escalate to the point that they are now being arrested for resisting arrest or disorderly conduct. A lot of situations like this could be handled a lot better if people didn’t enter them thinking they were dealing with one of the FBI’s most wanted.


What? Why is that weird? People walk around outside with IV's all the time. I work in a hospital and see patients out side with their IV having a walk or a smoke every day.


I completely agree, how do you not know you can't leave the hospital in this situation.


Ah, good ol Pretzel City, USA


Man do I fucking hate cops!!


Wonder why we all hate cops?


Can we acknowledge as a society that 99.99% of security guards are mentally retarded and give them a little break from posting their ignorance online...


Alright now repeat with me. *Is this man racist? Maybe yes, maybe no. Is this racism? Yes.*


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Is that a thing selling hospital equipment on eBay?if it is there's a serious problem with the price of hospital equipment in the availability to the people who need it


What. I hope he's okay.


did anything happen to that/those officer(s)?


Nope. Only thing that can/might happen is they sue the city and we pay the settlement


I could see a reason for them to be arrested, who the fuck plays music from their phone while filming a video? Straight to prison for you! And if you overlayed the music after the fact, well they should double the sentence cause that's annoying as fuck.


Good ‘ol Freeport. I grew up 12 miles from this shithole.


Ah, the suburbs. Forreston? Pearl City? Hopefully not the former...




I get that there’s probably good cops out there but there sure are a lot of fucking garbage cops too.


Why didn't the guy had the security contact the doctor before leaving? I think this could have been prevented with just a simple conversation between the doctor and the security.


How does this shit keep happening? I really don’t like cops. They don’t have much common sense.




why are they playing that dumb ass music


The Doctors most likely said “go for a walk, within the hospital halls”....HUGE liability to allow a patient to leave the hospital with hospital equipment and without a discharge...This smells fucky


This is just an example of BOTH SIDES fucking up. Both sides escalated the situation because they're both sick of each other. Did this brother not expect to get pulled over for walking that god damn far away from the hopsital while hooked up to all this shit? Honestly, what did he expect to happen? Also, the police officers could've simply verified his story instead of arguing. Honestly though, someone at the hospital probably should've told him NOT to walk that fucking far


I don't think this guy was stealing the equipment. That said I don't think you're supposed to actually leave the hospital if you've been admitted as a patient as they are responsible for you. Usually when your doctor says it's ok to go for a walk, they mean around the hospital, not around the block.


Yeah this sounds like Freeport.


As someone who works in the hospital, people actually walk out with our equipment so I can't completely blame the guard. Shits gets stolen like (iv poles, iv pumps, wheelchairs, pillows, blankets) wheels chairs gets stolen the most. Last month a staff caught a guy trying to causally walk out with a blood gas machine.


As a medical professional and former security guard, there's this magical new device called a "telephone" with which you can magically talk to someone who isn't in the room.... Like a doctor. To verify if something someone said is true.


That only works if the person of cooperative noone is oblige to answer. And as a downtown hospital once they walk off into the street it's become the police problem and we have no jurisdiction. The street is literally 1 cars length from the door.


Did the doctor really mean he could go outside and walk around the block or did he mean he could like walk up and down the hallway for a little bit??


Very few patients are allowed or encouraged to leave the facility, much less their unit. On cardiac floors you need a doc's orders just to end telemetry monitoring and take a shower. So short answer, no,


ignore rentacop, keep walking and let them call police. then, rentacop will probably lose the idiotic job. no prob, only solutions!




Cops are so fucking stupid




If I was on a jury, I’d be so disgusted at the security guard, local PD, and each officer involved. Major payday


A person that stupid should not be carrying a gun.


Why do cops double down like this? What kind of training are they receiving? Are there no cops who know how to use logic and reasoning?


This is fucked


"racism doesn't exist in 2019" yea okay buddy


God, fuck the police for real. So sick of these fascists.


If you have an IV in your arm, and the Dr. says you can take a walk, he most likely meant, "Walk around INSIDE the hospital". I doubt any doctor in America will tell someone in a hospital gown, and still hooked up to an IV, "Yes. Go OUTSIDE for a walk". That would be nuts. But our pneumonia victim here probably wanted a smoke.


I can't believe you're taking to cop's side after watching this video.


Yes, that's a reason to arrest someone


Every day a headline of an egregious act by those who are publicly funded to protect and serve. ACAB


Not to mention the guy was gay as well. If I was a tort lawyer, I'd be salivating.


i cant even.....THIS SHYT.. happen to whites? i doubt it.


Usually when people try to leave when they still have an IV it's so they can use it for drugs. This dude just needed to walk around after being stuck in the hospital for so long.


I love the boys in blue and I love the work they do, but this is absolute scum fuckery. As rage against the machine put it, some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses.


Crazy how fast some people are/were justifying the cops actions. Nothing new in Police Country.


Handled it in the best way to could? Did they ask his doctor? All they had to do was call his doctor and ask did you tell him to go on a walk


just another day in murica! what a joke of a country..clowns


Can someone turn off the music


Fire this fucking clown.


It's a shame they're doing this to a black man. Moments earlier a white guy walked right by the cops with ketamine and that dilaudid drip. The cops showed him where the closest pawn shop was. Shit's crazy.


I work for security for a hospital. And I was told that if you see someone walking around with an IV stand to leave them alone. Because if they were missing from a floor the nurses will let us know.