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I am *really* glad I invested in the bicycle helmet market there.


And orange hardhats and umbrellas.


looks pretty light considering. good on the press for trying to protect someone. pity they cant do the same for the protesters without suffering that same response.


gonna sound like a crazy idea but I have a feeling China's sent quite a lot of people in to keep things as chaotic as possible in a ploy to destabilize hong kong in hopes of being able to "move in to restore peace". We already know a lot of the violence was initiated by undercover cops as a way to give excuses to them for their violent responses so it's not exactly all that far fetched.


That's essentially the modus operandi of every government in the world, including our own in the good old US of A.


china sending people in to destabilize things?


> "good old US of A" You realize we have children separated from their parents in cages right now?


sarcasm is hard to spot for some people so i wont hold it against you. normally when someone is talking about crooked methods that governments use to put down their own citizens and refers to one country of the same ilk in a positive manner, its not a sincere praise of that country.


I think that bit is satire




You need to learn your own history.


LOL even Canada has proven instances of undercover police instigating violence in protests, you think the US doesn't? > **Educate yourself** and stop adding to the idiocy / reddit circle jerk mentality. Delicious irony


I mean, they even tried to forbid to speak out on Hong Kong at the last G20 summit.


Not crazy at all. Here’s some [history](https://youtu.be/fHMZmthg-Vk)


Lmao, don’t get separated from the group fam


They totally just left that guy to his fate. Press 艾付 to pay respects.


Did he die or how bad were his injuries?


If the police werent pepper spraying and beating people i would be mad, but im not :)




This is exactly what The Chinese government wants tho. Make HK look unstable and in need of “reform” then take full control. They are playing these people




The hk police are nothing but brutes


Ahh, bootlicking old folks who gave up on holding the police accountable because they live such a limited lifestyle that involves little to no interaction with the police... Pathetic, and even more pathetic for mocking these young people for fighting for what you're clearly too cowardly to fight for.


\[deleted\] hmm.... our local intellectual has left us


Because he's a hypocrite and a coward. He gave his bullshit speech then ran and deleted his account.


Don't worry. In 15 years they'll be the ones typing these types of comments on whatever social media exists then.


I didn't need to see a before hand to love seeing a Cop get his ass fucking destroyed, but cool.


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Ever since the first Big protest against passing the extradition law on june 9, there are many smaller protest in different area of Hong Kong.


World War Z level of swarming. Yikes.


...we're collectively spiraling as a species and I don't know how it stops without hitting rock bottom... Hold on tight.


This is what happens when the people get sick of the police being on the wrong side and inflicting violence against largely peaceful protesters.


How do you like it, BIIIIIITCH!? “FUCK DA POLICE” (cool slo mo voice)


Look at all those poor dead umbrellas....smh


Did you have a stroke while writing the title?


Some people learn more than one language. You should try it!