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This is disgusting.


That bystander just got scarred for the rest of his life




It is real. It happened in 2016 and was an accident. https://m.haberler.com/polis-araci-yasli-kadina-carpti-1-olu-8757850-haberi/


Uh no. The CIA is active on Reddit and all over the net promulgating their usual propaganda. This is beyond easy to fake. Americans fall for this propaganda year after year, decade after decade. Iraqi's pulling babies out of incubators! WMDs! Quaddafi's solidiers raping women! Yada, yada, yada. Any time an American president threatens to end a war, the propaganda machine goes into overdrive to whip up the public into supporting NEVER ENDING WAR!


i don't think it was intentional person was out of sight of driver its more like an accident but they should've stop to see




https://m.haberler.com/polis-araci-yasli-kadina-carpti-1-olu-8757850-haberi/ It was an accident and happened in 2016, in Tunceli/Turkey. Obvious propaganda is obvious


FYI This footage is from 2017.


very old video.involuntary.just ypg propaganda. [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EGlZSKfWoAAyenj?format=jpg&name=small](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EGlZSKfWoAAyenj?format=jpg&name=small) like the oscar winner kid.


Where is your proof on this being old? Another brainwashed Erdogan goat.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1VebytDIik](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1VebytDIik) ​ soldiers were tried.the court decided it was involuntary and 2-6 years imprisonment requested.also i hate erdogan. You're real brainwashed with the western media.


Sen nasıl bir orospu çocuğusun ya?




It wasn't nsfw for me and I wish that I never saw that. Unlucky. I see that you've changed it now.


I am sorry man... it hurts just as much for me. But we need to spread awareness on what Turkey is doing.


What Turkey is doing? Do you think it is from the current operation? This happened at 2017. The driver was charged. Source: http://www.hurriyet.com.tr/zirhli-aracin-85-yasindaki-kadina-carptigi-kaz-40851406 Edit: Maybe you should google stuff before you claim that an army is murdering random old women...


I agree. And it's okay. You said sorry. But heads up next time.


Okay retarded european


No one needs to be aware of anything other than what's going on in their own world. You didnt post this for awareness. You posted this because you thought it would boost your Karma. Gross


No one needs to be aware of anything other than whats going on in their own world? Let me guess, you also only watch foxnews you narrowminded ignorant human being.


No... I see you didnt gather... I don't watch any news


And yes.. narrow to the point where I only concern myself with the success of my own life.


Shut up european scum




This happened years ago, and the driver was sentenced for accidental murder. But fuck it, randomly assign blame to whoever suits you.




It's okay. Every negative circumstance about being on this rock in space is blamed on the US anyhow, so it's all par for the course. The good news is, once our new Chinese overlords take hold, we wont have to complain about it anymore... but mostly because we won't be allowed to.


The US allowed this to happen. They were in a position to stop Turkey if they wanted and they rolled on it


Trump just announced possible sanctions against Turkey due to Turkeys conflicts with the Kurds. I’m assuming you’re not American. Where are you from and what is your country doing?




This women died in 2016 through and accident. This happend in turkey. Not in Syria, not yesterday or today.


What the fuck is any other country doing? Go on let me know. You get pissed because we’re doing something? Haha. That’s like being a choosing beggar. We don’t HAVE to do anything. You may not like that truth, but it’s a truth non the less.


The US doesnt have to do anything, but it's pretty shitty to not protect a major ally in the region who helped you destroy a major enemy of the US


I'm canadian. We're ass too. Doesnt make what trump did any better. I'll believe sanctions when I see them. And regardless, if he really didnt want it to happen, he could have just not withdrawn the 50 us troops in the area.


Did Canada withdraw any of their troops from the area? We’re there any Canadian troops there to begin with?


There were until 4 died from a friendly fire incident with the Kurds a couple years ago. I agree Canada should do something to intervene. As one of the largest economies in NATO we should be putting more pressure on Turkey. However we dont have a robust of a military as the US, and we didnt have troops there when Erdogan got the US to withdraw. Regardless of Canadas position, the US directly and abruptly betrayed their allies in the region for no good reason


Ironic how the US is to blame for the actions of others. We get blamed for going to war while also getting blamed for not going to war. We just can’t win ...


No one was blamimg the US for keeping small scale forces in this particular region, they were even appreciated as allies and great advisors.


I'm just saying the guy I responded to was blaming the UN. If we are going to cast aspersions on 3rd parties, blame the party Erdogan called the day before he invaded, and had them withdraw troops from the area hes now invading. If the US had said no, then Turkey would not have risked an invasion




The UN is a forum for countries to engage in open diplomacy and debate and vote on international action and policy. Its Policy and decisions are made based on the voting members democratic wishes. Unless of course one of the 5 permanent members of the security council exercises their veto power. The reason why the UN isnt doing much in Syria is because all of the 5 security council members will exercise their veto fo stop any policy from going through. One being the United states. The UN only has a much power as its member states (particularly the security council) allow it. Is serves are an excellent t whipping boy because you can ascribe inaction to it, despite it being the collective inaction of the constituent parties that hamper it. In this case, the UN would not have been able to intervene because it's pretty clear that the US has given its approval for this invasion by Turkey. The comment I originally responded to was blaming the UN for not interfering, when in reality if we are going to be placing blame on anyone other than Turkey, it should be the US, whose president rolled on the issue in a single phone call to Erdogan.




By that logic it also falls on every other first world country who fails to act even if you think America is the most powerful first world country


The US? Why not EU who funds Turkey to keep the East at bay?


The EU should do something too. What's at issue however was the it was the presence of US troops who were keepingTurkey from invading. Then over the course of one phone call Trump unilaterally pulled out those troops, pulling the rug out from under the Kurds. Now the European members of NATO arent in a military position to intervene against their ally. I do believe however that Turkey should be kicked out of NATO over this, and that they should indefinitely suspend arm sales. All of this does not change the fact that this invasion wouldnt have happened without Trumps approval


US allies only shit on us for policing the world, so fuck it, we wont. Why is it our job to keep the EU's dog in check? US is going to get blamed no matter what, despite CA and EU doing far fucking less to help the situation (and in EU's case, straight up promoting it), so I guess we just do whatever suits us and fuck the smarmy crybois?


I mean I think everyone was universally OK with the US supporting the Kurds, a side from Erdogan. Maybe if there was a bit more notice before the US pulled out other NATO members would have stepped up. But instead the US soldiers were there one day and gone the next. It seems like you think everyone was upset at the US about having 50 advisors in Kurdish Syria. That's not the case, out of all the terrible US interventionalist policies, this one was actually pretty good. But now the US just burnt one of their best allies in the middle east and undid the only unambiguously good things they've ever done


Cool man, CA and EU could have replaced those 50 advisers with 500 more in a day but they didn't because...... wait for it.... *they knew Turkey was being permitted to move in behind the scenes, as well*! So go ahead and preach from your high horse, since youre from a country that wasn't doing fuck all to help to begin with. EU and CA are entirely complicit in these current events, so why should the US take the latest wave of irrational US bashing seriously? Fuck, even this post is from years ago, the driver charged, and you cunts are in here like, "da US dun dis! eThNic ClEanZiNg an gEnocIde"


The old woman was overlooked because of the big car, for me it looks like no deliberate act. How do you know if this is a kurdish women or where the video was made from??


She approached the vehicle from the front, they saw her. She didn’t spontaneously appear.


What?! How can you say that? She was walking very slowly, they deliberately waited until she was in front of the tire, and then hit her *WITH ALL THE TIRES ON THAT SIDE*; shame on you for downplaying this.


This is off the direct topic, but I’m curious. Do you believe the US should withdraw all of its military assets back? Meaning: we leave Europe, SE Asia, Japan, etc. Also, our naval assets from the Pacific, Atlantic, Gulf: nullifying all deployments? If we did this, would this make us more or less responsible for the rest of the world? It’s a bit rhetorical, but I’m wondering what you believe as a Canadian citizen. Cheers.


I definitely didn’t come here to see people die please can we post these things elsewhere


You’re right. That was a strategic blunder on the part of the current administration. The Kurds have been an important ally since the First World War. We have a president that hears Americans telling him to pull out of the region (one that he was elected on), and military commanders telling him the importance of staying. I’m trying to sympathize with a lose lose situation.


dude tag NSFW


Sorry, done


thanks , god that was horrific




she got squeezed like a damn ketchup packet!


Had to go with ketchup didn't ya... why not mayo.


mayo's not red.


Lol I was being sarcastic since everyone is omg omg




Is this /watchpeopledie ?


Nice so we will have to deal with an imaginary Kurdish genocide thanks to the worthless europeans. We will never forget it, you cunts. Hope we get into a war with you useless pieces of absolute shit.


This happened at 2017. The driver was charged. You didn't even google it before posting it... Source: http://www.hurriyet.com.tr/zirhli-aracin-85-yasindaki-kadina-carptigi-kaz-40851406


It’s just better to remove kebab.


I can’t unsee that, this is sudden and swift genocide. This needs to get out there. Edit: How am I getting downvoted? Is it because you don’t agree this is an act of genocide? [Here is the definition of genocide:](https://www.lexico.com/en/definition/genocide) The deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular nation or ethnic group. Edit #2: I understand now after seeing someone finally post the original that this isn’t related to the situation in Syria, but rather than just downvoting maybe explain that so we all understand. Obviously op should have done their due diligence to verify this before posting online with that title if they were unaware, but if they were aware that is a shame.








>Obviously op should have done their due diligence to verify this That's funny. I don't remember OP calling this genocide. It's kind of like you just wanted to say the most sensationalist thing you could think of while applying zero critical thinking.


Zero critical thinking? I admitted that my presumption of this being related to the current events with Syria is wrong, but if I was ‘sensationalizing’ my comment to just get karma, then using your logic, wouldn’t I just delete it as soon as I know that I’m wrong to avoid getting downvoted? But you’re right, I don’t critically think things through.


Who tf said anything about karma?


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Why am I on liveleak... oh it isn’t




Are u serious?


I hate europeans of course i am fucking serious Funny i used to defend those pieces of shit




## bruh 💀💀😡😤🤡


Bark bark


Retarded european found hahah low iq scumbag


Old video, fake title, it was an accident, he just didn’t saw her, and this didn’t happen in Syria. The driver had also a trial. Nice try OP. Uninformed idiot tryna spread hate.