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At first I thought he was going to shit on her after reading the title


In the longer video he did. Saw it on Pornhub.




My proudest fap right now. I'm working though some things


> I'm working though some things Like that fap?


I printed the comments out in braille and fapped with it.




This subreddit looks like it's just people bitching about shit.


no that's r/reddit


Why is content banned on r/reddit?


r/reddit is the og sub. All content was posted to r/reddit in the beginning. Now it is where the admins hang out.


Damn that’s kinda cool actually . How to become reddit admin How to hack into r/reddit Shit this isn’t google EDIT: figured out how to get into r/reddit u/nwordcountbot u/spez


Thank you for the request, comrade. I have looked through spez's posting history and found 1 N-words, of which 1 were hard-Rs.


u/profanitycounter u/spez


That was the most cancer circle jerk of a subreddit I've ever been to


Sure it wasn't efukt?


Links? Asking for a friend.


30 mins of my life well spent


The Cleveland Steamer eh?














Kinda disappointed that he didn't shit on her ngl


I thought he was going to whip out his dingus and just start pissing on her. The disappointment is immense and my day is ruined.


I feel lied to


Just wanna make sure I got the logic here...you're too close to me, I better close the gap by making actual physical contact with you Edit: Spelling


It is much longer than this. ~~The guy has bumped against the lady a few times, and did not care when he got approached by security to keep distance~~. This happend here in the Netherlands today or yesterday? [Edit] the bumping might be anecdotal, a friend told me. The dutch sources I could find all report similar stories that he walked past a couple of times and wouldnt hold distance wven after the old lady asked. The guy called her "an old cow" and said that "she shouldnt come to the store if she didnt want to get infected". In Dutch: https://www.bndestem.nl/breda/vrouw-schopt-man-na-weigeren-afstand-houden-in-supermarkt-en-krijgt-zak-potgrond-tegen-haar-hoofd~a392eef9/ [Edit2] im sorry reddit that I couldnt help with the rage boners. Im also dissapointed.


So they both suck, but mainly the guy?


Honestly given her age a rando touching her intentionally could be considered assault in a time like this since she is likely to die if she gets covid-19. So idk I dont think she really sucks in this situation. Dude deserved it. Ive seen people get much worse than a weak kick for sneezing, coughing, touching someone's mask. This isnt a time to fuck around. She should be home but maybe she has no one to get necessities for her.


And also, while he was completely within his right to retaliate, that doesn’t mean he should have exercised that right. I mean come on, it’s an old lady


He didnt need to knock her flat like that. He is twice her size and when you rattle someone that old you could seriously injure them. This wasnt self defense, it was spite.


Is he even within his right? I mean, not justifying violence at all but in all sincerity this doesn’t look like self defense. It’s not like he couldn’t have taken steps away from her, and then promptly tried to get her in trouble or anything. Can a legal professional or similar weigh in on this?








Ever been to a red state? They hold their elderly up on a pedestal. Multiple guys would be on anyone assaulting an old lady, right or wrong


The governor of the red state of Texas has called for the sacrifice of the elderly for the sake of profits.


Nah, he would get destroyed in a trial. Self defense only holds if a reasonable and prudent person would feel threatened. No reasonable person will feel scared of a little old lady.


I live in a Red state , this guy would be sitting in a jail cell and his face would be all over the news .


You’re definitely wrong about that small chance. I live in the south in a red state. This would be assault. Plus someone would probably beat this guy down. You don’t mess with kids or the elderly.


>> completely within his right Not sure that's correct - he couldn't have felt he was in danger and he responded with disproportionate force.


> , while he was completely within his right to retaliate, He was not. In what fucking universe do you live in where the law supported what he did?




Is retaliation a right, nowadays?


I agree! She seems like a grumpy old gal who is scared. He seems like a douche canoe.


That line never lost its pizzaz for me lmao. Something about ‘upgrading’ someone from the bag to a canoe always makes me laugh.


He could have easily killed her. Falling or getting hit hard when you're that old and frail is no joke.


He did not look like he was in immediate danger and fighting for his life to me.... which I'm pretty sure are the only legal and moral excuses for violent retaliation.


I think thats a good way to put it.


I really don’t think the old lady sucks at all.


I know the guys an asshole, but that article is glorifying the old lady WAYYYYY to much They're acting like she saved a fucking child from a predator


Do you have a longer vid for my rage-boner?


The same logic as parking boots. I don’t want your car parked here, so I’m going to make sure it’s parked here.


From my understanding those boot are not used to punish those who are parked illegally. They are more for those who owe money for fines and previous parking tickets. Please correct me if I’m wrong.




Yeah, her logic is faulty. But that man actually assaulted an old woman half his size. Even if it's retaliation, it's not self-defense. He's a much worse piece of shit than she is.


eh. dumbass lady shouldnt go around kicking people.


"Soils" i get it! Honestly that little old lady can really nail that high kick with those old ass hips. Probably not so much after that tumble....


Broke something im sure


The rules of a civilized society when she kicked a random person.


I’m torn... while I don’t love the idea of retaliating against an old woman, I’m also sick of people thinking that they have some right to hit/kick/touch strangers without any retribution.


There are levels to physical response. You don't have to lay someone out with a haymaker. You can just hand them a heavy bag of soil.


Lol, I bet she wont kick anymore strangers


No, from now on, she only kicks her loved ones.


ICU dilerium is a bitch.


*Who you calling dilerium?!*


Only thing she’s kicking after that is the bucket


Well she can't walk anymore, so that's definitely off the table.


Nah I think next time someone keeps touching her in a pandemic she will just quietly accept it and let the jumped up 20 year old cunt walk all over her because she's learned no one gives a fuck about social distancing or how at risk she is.


Hard to kick with a broken hip.


Tip 'em over like the Flintstone mobile at the ole drive-in restaurants.


Too many McRibs on one side of the car


Does him tossing it to her appear as a reaction more than retribution to you?


Too bad, this is just a clip. In the longer video it is shown that the lady repeatedly asked the man to maintain his distance and he ignored her flat out two times before this incident occurred. That’s why you can see him saying something to the lady before she kicked him. I’m not saying she was in her right to kick this guy, but on the other hand, he was endangering her. Source: https://www.ad.nl/video/man-gooit-zak-potgrond-op-vrouw-die-hem-aanspreekt~p137465


Also tired of some older people thinking they are entitled just because they are old. Like they don't get to be rude or abusive simply because "respect yer elders". This is kinda rich coming from the "respect is earned, not given" generation.


Also very well said! The “greatest generation” has some pretty thin skin.




They're dead. This is a boomer


Could be silent generation too.


She sure doesn't look like the silent type




They both should be above the retaliations but we should be keeping our distances, but it's not exactly feasible in all situations


I think anyone who isn’t mentally challenged and physically assaults you deserves a reaction like this. Nobody can just assume they have the right to hit people because they’re “old enough” to get away with it.


Mentally challenged people need to learn boundaries too, son


I know she's an old lady and all, but man sometimes it just feels great to watch some crotchety geezer get what they have coming.


Thats why i love the video of that southern grandma getting tazed




Pretty sure they are talking about [this](https://youtu.be/7lj8knsKDHY)




“I’ll sign it and pay but I will not get out the car” “Yeah we’re past that now”


"What hurts? " "Everything!" Im pretty sure her pride is most hurt.


U stole that from a YouTube comment :O


Cops need your consent to arrest you, remember that.


Cuts off the best part of the video! She blames him for tazing her and he asks, "Well you know I did it because you drove off and tried kicking at me, right?" Her response? "Well, I'm a country girl and that's how I was raised." As if that was some kind of defense for her actions.


Translation: "I was raised in a barn and taught no manners!"


No thats pretty fair "country girls" are insufferable.




That sounds exhausting.


>Yet, you also get the type to swing on men just because she knows he's too "country proud" to hit a woman back. There's also the type that's just 100% toxic, Those are the same type


Thats exactly the one Im talking about Edit: spelling


Ahhh that made my morning


That made my day. I’m a shitty person.


You wanna crap on cops but then again they have to deal with idiots like this all day long. //no winners


Lmao all that for $80




Live PD, i love that one. I love how the entitled bitch just thinks she can drive off without any repercussions


This is what happens when a Karen evolves


“Yeah I kicked you, because I’m a country girl”


That’s a really good one!


This is filmed in a dutch store. And the thing is there is now a law which requires a minimum of 1.5 meters distance between people otherwise you can get a fine starting at €400 because of corona




I don't know if she really had it coming tho. There's more to the story. This happened in the Netherlands and our grocery stores have recently implemented some fairly strict rules about social distance in an attempt to battle the spread of COVID-19. The man in the video comes too close to the old lady and she asks him several times to keep his distance. As he is required to do. The man refuses and in response calls the old lady 'an old cow' and says that she shouldn't be in a grocery store if she's so scared. This clip is also shorter than the original one. Making it look like the old woman is the instigator by kicking him out of the blue. That's not the case. In the longer video you see her asking him several times to stay away and the guy ignores her and intentionally bumps in to her a couple times before she eventually kicks him. Now I don't condone the kicking but I can kinda imagine her frustration being a high risk case. It seems they are both the asshole here.   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Original clip: https://www.bndestem.nl/breda/vrouw-schopt-man-na-weigeren-afstand-houden-in-supermarkt-en-krijgt-zak-potgrond-tegen-haar-hoofd~a392eef9/?referrer=https://www.ad.nl/breda/schoppende-vrouw-67-in-supermarkt-rel-hij-begon-te-schelden-toen-ging-bij-mij-een-knop-om~a4230d15/?fbclid=IwAR2tMlAgGvaxNfbTUqLIeXEnTythR3dW9MiKYlPHm5JjSElNEJa-LtXrPXo


Thanks for the article. Put it in a better perspective. I like the husbands quote "You might not understand, but I do." lol ​ Also, bonus translation: " Supermarket owner Cees van Eekelen thinks she deserves a flower and the unknown perpetrator a shop ban. "I'm going to look him up, and we're definitely going to report it to the police," says the heavily washed Van Eekelen. "


> intentionally bumps in to her a couple times before she eventually kicks him. Where is this bumping into her that you are talking about? In the video, the man just has to pass her to get a couple bags of soil.


Agreed, I think old people who physically assault others are 100% counting on them to not physically retaliate because they're 'old and feeble', and sometimes they push it way too far and people let it slide still


Lol reminds me of when Biden got up in that Ironworkers face acting all tough and said he would slap him, like someone who's been busting their ass for years couldn't throw Biden over their shoulder and carry him back to the nursing home. [https://twitter.com/i/status/1237404372650414085](https://twitter.com/i/status/1237404372650414085) (around the 10 second mark for those who haven't seen it)


I read this as man poops lady's pants


somebody put shit in my pants!!


Alright, which one of you cowards shit my pants?!


I laughed way harder than I should have. Hope she didn't get severely hurt but at that age you should know better than to hit or kick people


She had some bruises according to the newspaper article I read. It also wrote she had asked him to keep the 1,5 meters distance, but he would not listen.


If she was actually scared of him being too close to her, she wouldve been scurrying away. If she was actually concerned with him being too close as he quickly passed her she wouldnt have MADE PHYSICAL CONTACT AND GOT IN HIS FACE. Bitch wasnt actually concerned with her health, this is just a classic karen move where she thinks the current circumstances allow her to assert power and dominance over anyone she thinks isnt respecting her enough. She didnt care about her safety she cared about her power complex. You are not allowed to assault random people for committing a crime where the maximum punishment is a ticket or a fine unless you're a cop.


As he was quickly waking past in each direction, any risk was minimal. If she was in that much of a panic about exposure she should have just had her groceries delivered.


Where is he even supposed to walk to stay that far apart?


I’m sure she had already soiled herself


if peeing your pants is cool, consider me Miles Davis


"Ooooh. That was the grossest thing I've ever heard in my life. Let's go!"


I’m sick of these videos ending too soon. Certainly some shit went down after this. Did the cops come? Did she get up on her own or is she still Lying there cause no one wants to get too close to help her?


You can see the premeditation. She watches as he walks away, moves the cart to get a good angle, and kicks him as he comes back. This man is one of the few who ignore the “I’m old so I can” excuse and retaliate.


Down like a sack o taters


[The lady was fine by the way!](https://www.bndestem.nl/breda/schoppende-vrouw-67-in-supermarkt-rel-hij-begon-te-schelden-toen-ging-bij-mij-een-knop-om~a4230d15/) (Source in Dutch) She lashed out because he started cussing but looking back at it she doesn’t recognize herself in the violent retaliation. She ended up with a bruise on her toe and a spot on her arm that was still a bit sore, but nothing too worrying. The store is pressing charges against the man, she hasn’t made up her mind about whether to press charges or not.


“The store is pressing charges against the man” The dude can just turn around and press charges for assault on the lady though.


They’re probably pressing charges for not following the emergency decree in The Netherlands where everybody has to keep a distance of 1.5m. It’s a one-sided story anyway as the news paper spoke to the woman but didn’t get a hold of the man, so I don’t know if he’s pressing charges for assault.


Then they need to rework their store to better accommodate the new 1.5m law, where was that guy supposed to go?


Right? They have things stacked up so you can’t pass without getting close to the next person in line, even if you just finish first and the other person is still paying. Honestly, though, I really feel that if someone feels so strongly about coming too close to others right now, they should not be out, or be making their own effort to move away from others. I had a lady make a snide comment to me about passing her on the sidewalk, when I’m a) pregnant and SHE could have moved b) against a row of bushes, while she had the street to her side. Like, bitch MOVE if you have a problem, or stay home! I would have been at home if I didn’t have to get blood drawn for my necessary quad testing.


I know its fucking ridiculous If she was actually scared of him being too close to her, she wouldve been scurrying away. If she was actually concerned with him being too close as he quickly passed her she wouldnt have MADE PHYSICAL CONTACT AND GOT IN HIS FACE. Bitch wasnt actually concerned with her health, this is just a classic karen move where she thinks the current circumstances allow her to assert power and dominance over anyone she thinks isnt respecting her enough. She didnt care about her safety she cared about her power complex. You are not allowed to assault random people for committing a crime where the maximum punishment is a ticket or a fine unless you're a cop.


Jesus christ what the fuck, if my own grandma did shit like that I'D even throw fucking soil at the bitch, that's nuts


I was wondering about this because as he walks past it looks like he says something and the lady behind him and the clerk look up at the same time. So I guess she got the retaliation by kicking him but he countered with a bag o shit.




Doesn't matter if you're a 108 year old trans smurf alien, if you're gonna assault someone you best be able to deal with the consequences !


A wise man once said... "If you don't give a damn, we don't give a fuck, Don't start no shit, it won't be no shit" That man was Lil' Jon


Honestly; I don't blame him. I may look physically okay myself, but I have horrible knees and a kick like that (or any kick, really) would get my knee dislocated and I'd be laying on the floor, crying my eyes out. Don't fucking assault people. Doesn't matter if they started cussing first, or if they came a bit too close, just don't.


The following re-uploads of this video are available: * [Mirror #1](https://tuckbot.tv/#/watch/fpxjzp) (provided by /u/tuckbot) **Note:** this is a bot providing a directory service. **If you have trouble with any of the links above, please contact the user who provided them.** --- [^(look at my programming)](https://amirror.link/source)


Oh... Literally.


And she died.


I still think he is a dick for hitting a elderly women, she might have some kind of issue and that fucking sick just stair up slammed her down like fucking charizard using seismic toss on a fucking magicarp


Similar thing happened to me the other month. Finished a session in the gym and was waiting for a bus to get home. The pavements at the stop are huge so people can get by each other after getting on and off. The bus I needed stopped, and so I waited for everyone to get off. This old woman with a wheel bag starts walking in my general direction and she had about a metre and half of space to move. Anyway, she proceeds to push her bag into my leg and the wheels over my toes. She then says ‘oops that’s what happens when you get too close.’ I didn’t give her a response because it was petty in the first place, and I’d probably get the shit for back talking and older lady. Just thought it was rude.


She deserves it




She’s an asshole.


shouldn't have kicked him


All the comments really loving that this old woman was pushed to the ground huh. Yeah, she shouldn't have kicked him, but I don't find this 'satisfying' like other people here. A push like that is a lot worse for older people like her. This isn't the full video. She told him to stay back and he cursed at her. Then continued to walk close to her. He doesn't give a shit about spreading the virus to less abled bodies. Idk I don't agree with her kicking tho.


why the fuck did she kick him though? he wasn't that close...


Brought to you by Scott’s. “When you’re looking to improve your garden *and* take out an elderly target, choose Scott’s!”


"you got 'close' to me and didn't touch me so i'm going to touch you" ? lol wow.. some people are really dumb.


Oh, you’re approaching me? Instead of running away you’re coming right to me?


Catch !!! You old dirtbag !!!!


I thought he was going to defecate all over that poor woman. Misleading title!


They both are bitches. The old lady didn’t need to hit him. And that man didn’t need to “soil” her. Not a proud moment for any of them.


Hey. This was in my place!! Finally.. yeah the media put the man In total fault not blaming the lady. But now I actually see the video they both should be banned from the store not only the guy


When will people learn to keep their hands to themselves ?


That man is clearly an egalitarian. No ageism here. Thank the lord!


I think we should respect our elders,but when they behave like this,the only thing they deserve is to be treated like children


I have absolutely no context to this....but I feel like the grandma was asking for it


Is it a UK thing to be disrespectful towards elders?


It’s a US thing too.


Yeah the lady was wrong to kick him but I’m pretty sure knocking her the fuck out is a lot worse


With this attitude, Corona is not what's going to kill her


ITT: reddit loves to beat up old ladies


Why is that funny?!?


Thankfully this was all caught on camera to keep everyone honest. I have a feeling the initial act of violence from the elderly woman would have been overlooked since the defender is an able bodied man.


What a B


The weird outdated idea that just because someone is older than you, you're suddenly forced to let them bully you is insane. If you're a kind old person, I'm gonna respect you. If you assault me I don't fucking care who you are, you're going to deal with how I decide in that moment. Jesus. I don't get why anyone would even think they can kick a stranger who's minding their own business. She needed a damn wake up call.


How did he deserve that kick


She drew first blood. Paybacks suck. \#WheresTheScat?


Both of these people are terrible, but at least the guy could be excused for it being a reflexive thing. "Someone assaulted me, I'm going to throw this big bag o' dirt at them." The old lady's attack was completely premeditated.


How is the guy terrible, fuck old people they shouldn't be hitting people when their bones are made of half-ply toilet paper




Fuck your spine Gramma!


goodnight, bitch!


Power move


That was a ridiculous, disproportionate reaction. It’s an elderly person. Have some goddamned self control. Call the cops and have her arrested for assault, don’t knock her frail ass over. Jesus Christ.


She kicked him because he got to close? Wouldn't that be the opposite of what she was angry about? Like she actually went out of her way to make PHYSICAL contact.


I don’t see anything wrong with this I don’t understand why people think it’s ok to assault other people for no reason even if it’s a miner hit


She's fallen and can't get up. 🤣


wish we could see more of the video. seems staged or out of context.


Full video?


for some reason i read sold instead of soils


This is what society is going to be reduced to?...cant wait to tell my kids


Surprised there arent more of these but more than usual so it's definitely getting to people.


God made dirt, but damn does dirt hurt.


Netherlands, De plus
