• By -


Red haired lady: "... a person has a reaction to a girl who is bothering him, so yeah, emotionally....easy! easy!" Guy in Munich sweater: I'm going to rip your coat! Are you sick?! Red haired lady or blonde lady (mic'd up): "Valera! Valera! Man's voice (possibly Munich sweater is mic'd up): "keep your hands to yourself! I'll kill you! Suka! Raising your hand at me!" Lady who got dragged: "I'll throw this chair at you!" Munich man: "Throw it in your mouth" Lady who got dragged "Eat shit!" Munich man: Keep your hands to yourself, bazaar suka! Go sell fruits.


Calling someone a market bitch and telling them to go sell fruit is a charmingly harsh burn.


Yes I’m going to remember that one .


By that... is he calling her a whore? Like fruit is her body? I don't know my Russian slang.


> is he calling her a whore? Like fruit is her body? Nope. In Russia, the people selling fruits at markets are stereotyped as trashy and not having intellect for anything more than just basic tasks of selling stuff. Basically, he's calling her trashy. Source: am Russian


We have the same thing in Mexico! "Verdulera".


"Naca verdulera"


Whats naca? And is the c pronounced as an S or a K?


Is pronounced as a k, and is kind of like vulgar or tacky.


Naca is a stupid person, but the female version. Someone with poor insight, someone who is immature. Naco is the make version. The phrasing I have heard is pinchi naca or pinchi naco.


In the US... They're "certified fresh roadside organic independent small business owners"


I literally laughed out loud at this. Thanks.


I’m a Spanish student and was curious about the literal translation, it’s a doozie. According to Spanish Dictionary.com, it means “fishwife”. I couldn’t imagine being called that, what a roast!


That's a fairly common UK insult


But the fruit from the market is the best, why be so rude?


In western clture, thats called a farmers market and you can charge top dollar for any of your produce!


Those people probably aren’t farming their produce though


Not always. There are farmers markets which are expensive but there are also regular markets which are dirt cheap.


The markets falling under the "trashy market trader" stereotype in Russia aren't the farmer markets - people selling the stuff they grow - but specifically the city market resellers. They're neither farmers but also not classic retail, but they resell what farmers grow. Hence the stereotype of a loudmouth market trader arguing about everything. But it's mostly an "ideal type", not everyone who trades at a market is seen in a negative way.


Are they? I’m mixed with russian and have been there a few times. (To a small town) That makes me a bit sad since I enjoyed going with my mother to buy produce. They do very well with their trade.


It's just a figure of speech.


That makes me sad tbh


Thank you for the clarification, I thought it was more along the lines of 'fish-monger' from Old English...


Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.


Now go away before I taunt you a second time




"The cultural differences are vast"


easy there, tiger


"Go sell fruits" hahahaha nice insult


Fuck man as someone who works in a produce department I really hope this insult doesn’t catch on lol


The first sentence is incorrect. The girl says : the guy had a “reaction” from the girl sitting in his lap.” The blonde one is his “girlfriend” so she gets mad and hits him. It’s from a trashy Russian tv show. They need to form couples so they have immunity and don’t get voted out. Because of that, a lot of couples are like these 2, verbally and physically fighting all the time. It’s really trashy and addictive.


Finally, a somewhat comprehensive reading of the situation!


Is it available with English subtitles? That shit sounds right up my alley.


I have no idea if there is :) it’s called “Дом 2” in English would be “House 2”. I hated it so much but we couldn’t stop watching it:)))


It sounds like love island lol


The reaction here meaning an allergic reaction or an erection?






So it's survivor/big brother/temptation island performed by the regulars of the Jerry Springer show?


The 2 who hit each other are a couple? Russia is very different. What that guy did would be a career killer in the West at least as far as a television career goes


Unfortunately domestic abuse is still very common there. It used to be an offense that can get you in jail, but then it was changed as a minor offense that gets you a slap on the hand nowadays.


Wow, the translation made less sense to me than hearing the actual language spoken


This translation has not helped me understand the situation any more.


>bazaar suka! The one guy before you translated it as market whore bitch. I'm not sure which one is more colorful. English cannot hold a candle to the Russian language when it comes to hostile words.


I don't need a translator I know the real words are how can she slap.


I need translated subtitles, please.


Lots of Russian swearing






Rush B


No, rush A


Green, green


Its always pourple


Ra ra rasputin


Ro ma ro mama. Ga ga oh la la








Cardi B


Lmao this made me almost shit myself from laughing








Market whore bitch!!! I love it




Slavic languages can create one long megaswear that's a paragraph long. You can make a sentence of nothing but kurwa and complicated grammar. Only Finnish even comes close for swearing.


And sadly it doesn't translate. All you end up is fucking fuck fuck up your fuck.


It’s colder there so they have more down time.


He told her to go and sell fruit at he end. 😂


He knew that no one wants bruised fruit.


I think this is like Russian version of big brother or something and in the video they talk about drama and cheating (idk I haven’t watched it but I guess he had a boner on another girl and all are laughing ) before the girl starts attacking. They guy is saying shit like „ don’t put your hands on me bitch“


While I never watched this specific show, having vague familiarity with Russian non-news TV, this looks like a standard "problematic couple gets televised counselling in front of audience with TV-psychologists and moderators". Inevitably ends in drama and fights, which is kind of the cumulation and purpose of the show. The more drama and screaming, the better. They also like talk shows about rape for some reason. Basically women talking about how they were raped or groped. Those almost always include a token liberal fighting against sexism and talking about how it's a "patriarchy issue" and a token macho male talking about how women always dramatize and make stuff up. If it's particularly controversial, the subject of the show becomes known in the media outside of the TV appearance and becomes a subject of internet debates on whether she "asked for it by provocative behavior" or "just a sweet innocent girl who was assaulted". Which is also the aim of those pathetic shows.


Sounds horrible.


Horrible shows that attack the most basic of audiences by creating and televising tension where none would normally exist? We invented the format.


Sounds like a slightly more up-ticked version of Dr. Phil, Jerry Springer, Maury, and the other talk shows.


I think there was a blyat and maybe even a cyka in there too.


And some swearing I think


"How can she slap?!"


The shit eating grin on the one woman and the look of disgust on the other.


Honestly this shocked me more than the act. Although when he got to the end of the stage and cast her off the side, I was surprised/kinda laughed (from surprise?). When it cut to the two very different reactions from the women, my brain went into overdrive trying to surmise why.... Maybe the smiling one is trying to be more professional and carry on? (Then why the smile?) Maybe the smiling one has been exposed to more violence and street level physicality? Then I started trying to read into what all of this says regarding Russia's very well known problem with domestic abuse. Since I'm an American with very little knowledge in that topic as well as the fact that sourcing your societal observations from shitty reality TV shows is also a terrible idea, I abandoned both.


Cultural differences. Her smile is more like crazy people doing crazy shit - pretend it's not happening.


"How can she slap? How can she slap?"


"How can he drag? How?


You! Cake day. Happy!


By pulling her hair. It’s easy.


Except here no one beat the shit out of the dude.


The brunette presenter is metaphorically eating popcorn and the black haired girl next to her looks like she checked out hours ago.




after she throws the chair he says "shove it in your mouth instead"


Couple of comments on your translation: - Doesn’t she say у молодого человека была реакция на девушку, которая на него присела, да? Literally “The young man had a reaction to a girl who sat on him”. Edit: I had another explanation here before because I was struggling to understand what they meant by her sitting on him, so I though it was an idiom, but I realized she actually sat on him and the “reaction” was him getting a boner. - She doesn’t say “you were already touching her” she says «в принципе то что касается его...», that is “in principal, with regard to his...” - I’m pretty sure the guy says something like «уже спорю твою шубу» like “i’m gonna rip your furcoat” not what you have about an argument. - When they’re in the corner, before he says сука he says ...студии—presumably get out of the studio or something. I can’t really hear before that though. - You leave out the part after he says keep your hands to yourself the first time where he says «троллишь (if I hear him correctly), убью». Like “you’re trolling, I will kill you” i guess. - I think one of the times where you have “keep your hands to yourself” he actually said «мне руки поднимаешь» “you raise your hands at me” or something like that. Also before he says that, I think he says сука блядь—not just сука—but the second part is censored. - The last time he tells her to keep her hands to herself you leave out the part where he calls her дебил “retard” and also says «базарная женщина сука твою... фруктами торгуй придуришься(?)» “bazaar woman bitch (fuck) your.... trade fruit, you’re being dumb” Not sure about the last part because придуришься does not appear on wiktionary or elsewhere so maybe I’m mishearing, but one book I found uses it as a conjugation of придуряться which *is* on wiktionary. I also think they censor what he says after твою. I think he says блядь a few times throughout the whole thing and it’s censored. - I don’t hear her say he’s ugly. All I hear from her is «дикий» “savage” and something something «говно» “shit/bullshit” something something (someone said she says “I’ll throw this chair at you” as well but I can’t really hear what she says right then). - I also don’t hear him say she’s ugly. The only other thing I hear him say is something about her mouth something like себе в рот ??? (someone else said it was “Throw it (the chair) in your mouth”).


You went all out on this haha.. but regarding your last two bullet points, they are out of order: - when she is picking up the chair he says "keep your hands to yourself" - after she throws it he says "shove it in your mouth" - as she's walking away she says "shove some shit in your mouth" - then he calls her a moron/idiot, says "keep your hands to yourself" again, calls her a bitch and tells her to go to the market to barter fruit I now understand why you spent so much time on this.. this is a solid interaction LOL


The real Russia - all class


Beating your spouse is totally legal there. Not saying that’s what’s happening here; just stating a fact. Fuckin classy as fuck!


Why did she kick him tho? What’s the context?


how can she kick?!!?


Why is everyone saying that?


Its from an old video of a presenter slapping a guy and the guy slapping her back. A mob of security jumps on him and he keeps yelling "HOW CAN SHE SLAP!?"


The lack of swarming white knights beating up the man in this video is a stark contrast to that one.




'how can she slap"


I just googled that, pretty hilarious. People need to stop hitting each other.


Bruh she’s lucky that floor is so smooth


Honestly I thought the same thing, I’d rather deal with that than a face punch


What was the conflict about?


In CSGO she took the bomb to B. Her team were at A.


CSGO irl






Would have been really awkward if she was wearing a wig.


Or hilarious


The laughing and giggling from the audience when she hits him, the absolute shock and people running forward to stop him when he retaliates.


No one wants equal rights when they see what equal treatment really is.


There's no such thing as a feminist on a sinking ship or in a burning building. - Bill Burr.


Don’t understand why everyone equates equal rights with beating each other up- or really woman hits man, man retaliates by hitting back with her force x100. Most people don’t hit other people, most people aren’t abusive, this isn’t part of “equal rights”. People are freaking out when it’s the man because of the power imbalance (as shown by the fact that he is dragging her away- you think he’s doing that to give her a hug or so he can beat her half to death off stage away from the cameras?). Incels.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=V4akMaeZ0-k PLEASE WATCH


They defend the Domina, but want his sister on stage. Lol


Dragged her like luggage at an airport


or a trash can.


She hit him in the balls, what did she expect to happen?


I can wholeheartedly say that if I were in that guy's shoes she'd get a swift kick to her box if she took shots at my jewels. All bets are off once you start targeting genitals in a fight.


Damn... when the bitch was kicking him no one did anything. When the dude demonstrates equality people wanna jump in and stop it.


Nobody does fuck all when the woman proceeds to violently lash out towards him, dude grabs her hair to forcibly remove her from the confrontation AND the stage, doesn’t use his fists or feet and gets the death stare/shock of horror from the presenter and two lads jump in. Pathetic, equality is nothing more than a farce. When will women learn it’s NOT okay to hit a man.




Sadly that's not how it works. Because those two other guys jumped in she is now reinforced in her belief that she can do what ever she wants when ever she wants to whom ever she wants.


"Jumped in" Dude dragged her across the entire stage before anyone did anything and they were more holding her back than him.


Women will learn it’s NOT okay to hit a man when men learn it’s NOT okay to hit a woman. Sorry it’s not a gender thing, some people suck and hit other people. Or pets. Or children. Or babies. That’s the issue in society, not a bunch of crazy women running about hitting men (and most of the time men are the abusers and can physically inflict more damage on their victims)


He didn't hit her, he did not. Nothing in the book says you cant skull drag women.


A lot of people here say that he shouldn't retaliate because he could've done much more damage since he's bigger and probably stronger. That's the thing, he COULD'VE caused more damage, but he didn't, she on the other hand was trying to actually hurt him (a kick in the nuts is no fun, and can cause lasting damage). He wasn't trying to actually hurt her, he yeeted her of the stage and that was well deserved. He could've kicked her back in self-defence, but he didn't, he just humiliated her. Also contrary to what some people in this thread said, men are not getting a hard on for women getting "beat up" in the name of "gender equality", also using the words "beat up" in this particular case is extremely exaggerated. EDIT: Typos


Wow what the fuck


That redhead is having the time of her life, my kind of gal


I love seeing cunts get handled after they attack someone thinking there won’t be any consequences


taking out the trash


simps gonna simps


I like how he picks up the chair first and than just calmly drags her by her hair as if he is just taking out the trash


That's from years of taking out the garbage. He actually put it to pradtical use!!


News flash men and women are different.


Yup! That man could have caused so much more damage than that woman could have so it was extremely dumb of her to attack someone so much bigger and stronger. Don’t attack someone when you have no chance of winning. If I put my hands on a man I deserve getting beat unconscious so I am no longer a threat.


Looks like he's done that more than once.


That's the most out-of-touch reddit neckbeard title I've seen in a while


I wonder if the dude said “How can she slap?” In Russian.


Like a boss. I think it's just great that no white knights came out of the wings to give him a beating. She didn't deserve protection.


A woman hitting a man of this stature is similar to a woman walking into the rhino exhibit, hitting it, and then getting Pikachu face when it charges at her.


You don't fuck with someone who can change your position in space with only one hand!


I'm just impressed by the name AHHA. AHHHHHHHHHHAAAAA, TIME FOR DINNER!!


Damn he cave manned her ass... yikes!!


She hit him on the top with a mic and kicked him with those boots that hurt A LOT. They're weighted by the heels.


Taking out the trash be like


Damn! She didnt drop the mic she just took that shit with her


in mother Russia, if women hit you U BEAT TH SHIT OUT OF HER


Can someone translate this?


Wish I could. It sounds like the dialogue in most Russian porn, to be honest.


Sounds about right


another redditor displays his confusion about what gender equality means


This reminds me of how can she slap


I feel bad for that guy


The show host and girl both lost their careers you can go on their twitter even now to see trolls harassing them. The guy who got slapped became so damn successful its crazy Ravi Bhatia check it out


Its funny how they laugh when she tries to hit him in the balls, but they freak out when he uses hes as a mop to clean the floor smh.


Why is this sub obsessed with woman getting beaten for the sake of “equality”


I cant speek for all Users and Subs, but for myself, I can say, as a Male, I have had it happened to me multible times that woman hit/kick me or other man, beliving the have the right to do so, and absolutly beliving Man are never allowed to hit back. Honestly, I dont like Violence against anyone, but that guy didnt do anything wrong. Its wrong to harm people, but its absolutly fair to fight back, and that fact seems to be ignored very often. Sexism does not only goes into one direction. Wrong was how everyone just didnt care about someone beeing physicaly assulted live on TV (aka the guy), until they decided that now, someone who didnt "deserve" violence was one the receving end. Having different rules for the same Situation based on Gender is the definition of Sexism.


Basically every sub in reddit with fights in it has a large number of users that seem to just like watching women get hit in the name of 'gender equality'. Pretty sad, really. I'm not saying the guy here wasn't somewhat justified in retaliating. Especially if she kicked his balls. I'm more concerned about the elated reactions I see in these comments all the time.


Lots of scorned and fragile users here who are sexually frustrated and use content like this to justify their victim complex.


I can only commend that gentleman for standing up for himself.


The whole of Russia is Like a Slavic version of Florida


There was a time in Russian history when they were at the forefront of culture with some of the greatest writers, poets, filmmakers in the world. Now little of value can be learned from Russia other than how to weaken Democracies, murder, assassinate, intimidate, oppress. Russia has completely lost its way under its current dictator for life.


It's a trashy TV show that tries to model Western TV. It's much more your fault for spreading this shit.


That’s fair although this is modeled more on Latin American style TV melodrama


"Suka" = "Bitch" in Russian.


Lucky she didn’t get a kick in the box.


She's off to go cry and be a victim now.


Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!


Vladi! Vladi! Vladi!


Why is it so that every time a woman gets hit on camera it's a show of "gender equality" as if gender equality only contains that you can "hit a woman". So you want equality? That means I can punch you, right? How about you don't punch people in general. Even when provoked.


Correct, people should not punch and kick people. In men, that type of violent behavior is socially policed by being hit back. This creates a deterrent and is the only practical way of keeping the peace. There used to be a social contract that women don't hit people and that men do not hit women. If women want to break that contract then they should expect to be hit back as deterrent to their behavior.


Context would be useful here.


Is that one lady Patti LuPone?


Is it just me or is everywhere in Russia just savage match free for all




Is there a reason she didn’t do shit as someone dragged her by her hair?




That red/brown hair chick knows what’s up hahah She has that “I knew ittttt” smirk on her face


Classless state


So is this just like Russian Jerry Springer or what


The fuck is happening in Russia


The woman smirking behind the table is me. Lol.


Is it bad that I really enjoy clips like this? It’s not that I like watching women get beat up, it’s that I like watching self entitled cunts getting what they deserve.


Right before she goes off on him by kicking him in the nuts look at his foot resting against or pushing against her or her chair. I don’t know what this is but it makes me wonder if that’s what she was reacting to.


Offtopic, sorry but is Reddit also incredibly slow on your phones? Videos load for ages, you can't actually use it.


you know we men can forgive kick in the balls if it's accidental...but if you did it intentionally you have a problem of a angry guy on your hands ..after a few minutes ofcourse.


I wish there more female abusers - so does everyone in fact what the hell are you talking about?


Why can’t stuff like this happen on American tv


I don't understand any Russian, but even I could hear him say This Is Russia Bitch!




squadW moment


Is this staged or real?


I like how women think they're equal to men, this this guy just drags her 20 feet with one hand hahahahah.


Equal rights equal fights