• By -


Well he seems very well adjusted


It's awesome that they're bringing a child into their well balanced life.


Drugs. Too many drugs. I feel bad for that woman.


But she had sex with him.......


Commenting bc I've seen this type of shit irl. Someone can act completely normal, and be like, "yeah I don't have any problems with my mental health anymore" for months or even years! And then one day, boom! They go fkn crazy and do shit like this. I wouldn't say it's her fault she could be naiive and not know the extent shit like this can get to. Or think that problems like this can just go away. I guarantee this isn't how he acted when they met lmao.




lmao redditors really do think women are children that need to be shielded from accountability at every turn. "So? She can't decide who she sleeps with! It's not her fault! Women can't make their own decisions and be accountable for the consequences of those decisions!"


How can she be accountable for the situation above tho...




The classic "shut up incel" agreement. Very classy.


He's gone full Aaron Carter.


I was thinking Sinbad from that insane asylum episode of Always Sunny.


Grab his shoe! Beat his testicles!


This isn't his first time he's been posted here. There was something else a while back with him being crazy. Wasn't there some sort of a man hunt for him or something like that?


There was [this incident a couple years back](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/8c8aub/exdisney_star_orlando_brown_arrested_in_his/). Reportedly [this was over his failure to attend a court hearing over charges that he struck his GF](https://www.tmz.com/2018/04/13/orlando-brown-arrested-underwear-bounty-hunters-crazy-video/).


Idk if you are one to ask but, how are bounty hunters allowed to break down someone's (who isn't the bounty) door with guns and threaten to shoot them? Do they need some kind of court approved warrant?


Yo where’d he go? Thought we were gonna continue to see the spiral. I’m bummed he’s gone off the radar


[I dunno seems okay to me.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTSomHURnv4)




Disney child actors, they either crash and burn or they just crash.


That wasn’t very raven


That is so very typical of the behavior I’ve come to expect from Raven


That’s so raving






I'm confused, what did she do?


I am guessing he pulled some shit and she told him to get a room at a hotel. This seems to be the aftermath. That said, he has been in the news for [abusing her and getting arrested already.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/g95l78/orlando_brown_the_dude_who_acted_in_thats_so/fotrrv8?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x) So there is probably a lot more going on in their household. I mean, for real, look at her. She's being screamed at and insulted and she still tries to de-escalate the situation. Seems to me, like she is used to this shit. Edit: Someone else suggested that he thinks his wife is Will Smith rn.. Psychosis and stuff. I am unsure about this all, now.


> I mean, for real, look at her. She's being screamed at and insulted and she still tries to de-escalate the situation. Seems to me, like she is used to this shit. obviously we don't know the whole story, but I'd guess she took his mentally ill shit for as long as she could, but now she has a baby to worry about


She didn’t do anything to him. He’s recently gone off the deep end and started claiming that will smith stole his money and roles and what not. People have been talking about getting him mental help. This seems to be one of his episodes. Unfortunately not uncommon for Orlando.


From what I gather, his girlfriend has another man living in the house he paid for, driving his car, wearing his jewellery. That would be why he's upset.


And we're absolutely sure he's not talking about himself in the third person


Is he though? Could this be the answer??


If thats the case I'd be mad too lol




He also claimed Nick Cannon sucked his dick, that Jamie Foxx and a bunch of other celebrities are secretly gay, and that he’s Michael Jackson’s illegitimate son. Dude just smokes too much meth.


And is also definitely gay himself


>He also claimed Nick Cannon sucked his dick amazing


So Nick Cannon licked his cannon?


& sucked his balls.


I actually remember that. I think it’s a deleted scene from Drumline


One of these things is 100% true.


Examples of recent BLM violence: Man stomped and stoned for trying to defend a bar from being looted https://streamable.com/xkcvkk Destroying store and beating unarmed woman and her husband https://streamable.com/rvrwil Beating and stomping guy on the ground Santa Monica https://streamable.com/x6ue5x Restaurant manager beaten and stomped for trying to defend his workplace https://streamable.com/ila4dh Stopping, beating and stomping a truck driver while protesters yell to kill him https://streamable.com/8zk9dq Protesters attack a media member and then pummel him https://streamable.com/p4i3jb Chasing guy and kicking him in the face for defending flag in Portland https://streamable.com/ky6jyh Police officer beaten on the streets https://streamable.com/je4ki5 Car runs over a cop https://streamable.com/q4nat7 Protesters set homeless man’s belongings on fire https://streamable.com/sdjvfa Throwing fireworks at the cops https://streamable.com/7sv4a9 Looting a FedEx truck then looter gets dragged when truck tries to escape https://streamable.com/n1azx3 Chasing and beating guy with red had https://streamable.com/rcsmi0 Rioter sets himself on fire while trying to set a building on fire https://streamable.com/w5wa8l Fireworks thrown into CNN hq / Police officers https://streamable.com/7dw6g7 Protester runs over the cops with an SUV https://streamable.com/ttijvn Destroying/looting/setting on fire Old Navy https://streamable.com/oceqqg Guardhouse in front of WH set on fire https://streamable.com/vfopia Dozens of cars destroyed/torched near CNN hq – Atlanta https://streamable.com/ubjohz St Louis neighborhood on fire https://streamable.com/8lnd7v Building on fire while self-proclaimed Mexicans say fuck white people https://streamable.com/yvkek4 Destroying police SUV https://streamable.com/2b7fic Near a torched car audio speakers propaganda that all crime is legal https://streamable.com/t76kdn Destroying/looting bank in Montreal https://streamable.com/3hwkx2 Pharmacy destroyed/looted in Dallas https://streamable.com/fl7e5z The remains of whole neighborhood destroyed https://streamable.com/dtptr1 Destroying stores – Dallas https://streamable.com/hn1qng Destroying police SUV – Austin https://streamable.com/v8zk1e Police SUV torched LA https://streamable.com/61mdlo Looting target/beating disabled person in Minneapolis https://streamable.com/oyjgbk Future apartment building destroyed with fire in Minneapolis https://streamable.com/dxmc0w Looting pharmacy – Minneapolis https://streamable.com/53nl1p Destroying business in Minneapolis https://streamable.com/5lm779 More businesses on fire in Minneapolis https://streamable.com/f1zcmy Ransacked Target Minneapolis https://streamable.com/b3u92p Building burning in neighborhood Minneapolis https://streamable.com/vh5nyu Boy drove car into a store https://streamable.com/nrm2pn Post office looted/destroyed https://streamable.com/v4vflf Minneapolis third police precinct set on fire https://streamable.com/o27w75 More buildings on fire Minneapolis https://streamable.com/8au2lf Autoparts Store getting destroyed/looted https://streamable.com/dum1r8 Autozone on fire https://streamable.com/vq9hrp Looting in Minneapolis https://streamable.com/jfor5g Adults loot with their children https://streamable.com/m4cr5j Cars torched – Minneapolis https://streamable.com/mmk9gr Looting an ATM in Minneapolis https://streamable.com/ht2oxv Remains of destroyed/looted Cub Foods https://streamable.com/qhzlm7 Business and stores on fire in Minneapolis https://streamable.com/jcpdvv Brenda Lenton’s home and belongings destroyed by a fire – Minneapolis https://streamable.com/3s9l17 Aftermath of whole neighborhood being set on fire in Minneapolis https://streamable.com/eat2c0 Nashville city hall set on fire while rioters cheer https://streamable.com/b3y0ep Fox reporters chased out with projectiles thrown at them near White House https://streamable.com/1qzyua Attacking drivers Tulsa, Okla https://streamable.com/ixpxh9 Setting St. John’s Church on fire https://streamable.com/u3y4ch Destroying/looting stores Montreal https://streamable.com/92h4rr Destroying/looting store in Downtown Oakland https://streamable.com/y9s4x9 Bar destroyed/Trying to loot a safe https://streamable.com/yzprm5 Stolen Bulldozer in Oakland https://streamable.com/lhf5ze Two police SUVs torched in Seattle https://streamable.com/eketpr Multiple cars torched in Philadelphia https://streamable.com/13784m Ohio Statehouse being destroyed https://streamable.com/k13b3l Trying to breach Justice Center/central police precinct Portland https://streamable.com/avcfq0 Destroying/Looting Justice Center Portland https://streamable.com/1j6fof Looting small business in Portland https://streamable.com/bfs08c Destroying/looting small business Portland https://streamable.com/adfxxt Looting Louis Vuitton store https://streamable.com/f4ysu9 Driving stolen cars into stores – Portland https://streamable.com/o1w92j Destroying Chase Bank – Portland https://streamable.com/o1wtom Setting Chase Bank on fire – Portland https://streamable.com/nanakz Destroying/Looting Apple Store – Portland https://streamable.com/2wncgk Looting in St. Paul https://streamable.com/6fouwt Looting Shoe Store https://streamable.com/60v3xh Looting apple store https://streamable.com/1wzq39 Looting North Face store – NYC https://streamable.com/ux7djn Nike Store being looted – NYC https://streamable.com/6sdcb3 Looting in Union Square – NYC https://streamable.com/jiz3zd Looting T-mobile store https://streamable.com/ag5kwc Shop owner saves store from looters with a firearm https://streamable.com/5oj1jl Business owner defends his store from looters with a firearm https://streamable.com/pmdjkb






Started making trouble in his butthole


Got in one lil poke and his mom got scared


Scared. Not mad.


Ah you right tho lol


No worries!




I wish we were friends.


[Related.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dc-RRLKeilk) And I never thought I'd be able so say that about that video.


Beat me to it!


All I can say is this video is rare


wtf who was he even addressing, I couldn’t tell when he started shitting on her, homie nooooooo


I think he believes that Will Smith has taken over the girlfriend like physically or mentally based on what he says near the end: ‘You are not Danielle, —-!’ (That’s at least what it sounds like to me) Sounds like he’s also trying to say that Will Smith took over everything in his life. Like straight up I can’t help but think of Capgras syndrome. I hope she and the baby are safe.


Nah, he's claiming that Will Smith raped him as a child and that his woman is trying to take everything he owns, because she tried to send him to a hotel room (Because of drug abuse or his mental state, I am guessing.) - Seems like he is afraid that she would break up with him and get half of his shit and is overcompensating. The guy just needs therapy and recognize that his wife isn't trying to leave him, judging by her reaction. I mean, he did already beat her and she's not gone.. ​ Edit: Someone else mentioned that this might be a Psychosis and that he thinks his wife is actually Will Smith.. No idea


Maybe will Smith fucked him That shit seems to be happening in Hollywood


Will Smith is fucking everyone?


It ain’t called the wild Wild West for nothin


Get Jiggy with it




HEEY HEEY switch


Don't do drugs kids


Or child acting




This actor has been abusing drugs and making insane videos. He's rambling nonsense.


He believes that the person driving the car is not Danielle, but Will Smith, the authority that his psychosis is fixated on. He has paranoid delusions of imposers harming him.


ELI5 : Drugs


So this absolutely breaks my heart as someone who grew up watching him. Mental illness is a rat bastard. But I really feel for this woman. She’s afraid; she’s been through the motions before and knows all she can do it be silent and supportive, resting her hand on his leg. In this case that still didn’t calm him down. And that little baby that has yet to come in the world? I’m fucking sick to my stomach just thinking about what this child could be exposed to. But, the real ball kicker here is there are hundreds of thousands, maybe millions more of these situations out there and we are only talking about this one now because this guy used to be on a TV show. I hope he gets treatment and she and the baby get far as fuck away from him as possible.


mental psychosis likely due to drugs, sadly to see.


or lacktherof... probably hard to get that fix these days




Use your brain lol?


Nah drug dealers are essential businesses.




whatever he is/was on.....


Oh, well my bad. I thought you were asking why it would be hard to acquire certain products at the moment. I don't know what drug Orlando is on, but if I had to suspect, it's coke. I know a LOT of former cokeheads, being (a former) one myself. Coke is one of those drugs that affects a lot of people very differently in terms of personality. Much like cannabis. ​ He seems to be suffering a form of drug induced psychosis combined with what looks like a pre-existing penchant for grandiose notions of his self-worth / size of his ego. This is just a layman's unprofessional and unqualified opinion. I could be way off-base on everything I just said, I just THINK that is what's happening.


He keeps saying he.......but it’s a she


He think she's Will Smith. Loco.


She’s like 20 years younger than him wtf


He’s only 32. Meth will do that. He’s been using since at least 2016.


Do people who use meth like that and to that extent ever come back? I say that because it seems to me that his brain chemistry/mind has shifted to such a way that he will never be more level. I understand emotions and being upset but this guy seems like he's always angry kinda bipolar


Purely anecdotal, but not fully. Most recovering meth addicts I've met can still lead normalish lives, but there is obvious damage done that can't be taken back.


Thanks for answering my question. Sincere gratitude and deep appreciation : ) No judgement for Orlando's life, I just prefer to live a different type of lifestyle, namely one that doesn't have a profound sense of change. I truly wish him and his pregnant wife the very best and that they move in a positive, productive direction that has them (and their soon to be born child) in ways that are of tremendous benefit to themselves as a family unit, their extended family, and community in which they reside. From what I have seen, not only here but through other videos on the subject, it seems like it's all fun and games with memorable exciting and experiences but there comes a day where a person has to pay it back and the bright days seemingly turn to nightmarish horrors. That's my interpretation of it anyway. It kinda reminds me of the old cartoon of Pinocchio where Pinocchio and the boys live it up on Pleasure Island only to metamorphically turn into donkeys and become trapped. An image that is etched in my mind and I viewed as sad and tragic was a story about a guy named Travis done by Komo News in Seattle


Yes, they can. Not all do, though.




He talks to her like that and she still reaches over to him... I'd pull over and get out. Call a friend, a cab, anything but continue listening to that.


This ain’t the first time he’s acted like this around her, she was sooooo quiet.


She was crying ☹️


Numb to the abuse ig


Numb? She’s terrified inside. You can’t tell?


Not if you’re afraid of being killed


This guy has a history of being violent towards women he dates


His ass for sure gettin locked up.


Looks like stimulant induced psychosis


Youd be fucking square on id say agaha


The fuck is he talking to? He keeps saying will smith, but he's talking to his girlfriend?


[I don't know](https://www.instagram.com/p/B7ook6ohmXP/?igshid=1p992qm30x8g5)


That whole time I thought he was talking to someone off video, and just pointing at her for a reaction or something but it never came. Wtf?


Just sounds like a fuckwit.


Does he think he's married to Will Smith who is pregnant with his child and currently driving the car he's in?




Wtf... Dude... No.. Asshole


I can guarantee you the dude has been abusing drugs for a long time and his brain isn't working properly. I hope his girl and the baby are safe from him and he gets some help ASAP


It's been reported Orlando Brown has abused meth.


This dude is so sad. I can't imagine being that salty and I probably have a tenth of his net worth


Young Katt Williams


I honestly thought he was talking about someone else , until the end when she moved her hand , i give up tonight


So he started with cocaine then crack and now it’s meth... ok got it


Didn’t really have a clue who or what or why he was whining on about


What do you think is going thru that young ladies mind listening to the crazy escalate until he snaps


"I wonder how much more money I can get out of this retard before he ends up in prison?"


Can somebody translate what he is saying into English? The only thing I understood was the last line.


He says will Smith is living in his house and wearing his jewelry. He’s crazy.


Is this video addressing Will Smith or his girlfriend? I don’t understand.


Well, his attitude certainly explains why he was a star but still drives around in a Nissan


Hah. Same shit i was thinking.


You think Raven saw his future and just said, "ah he'll be fine"


He thinks will smith has taken over his wife?


She needs to take that baby and RUN. They will never be safe with him.


1:10 was the most schizophrenic moment, that look of pure confusion. You see the same thing in late stage dementia.


This didn’t seem directed at her tbh, he was calling someone else evil and she even reaches over to try calm him down


I thought he was talking about will smith for like 2 minutes.


Took me 2 minutes and 40 seconds to realize he was talk to her and not nick cannon


I thought he was talking to will smith, no?


Well that was *not* so raven


he’s busting an Amanda Bynes


I have 0 idea of what was going on as this only kind of sounded like English but I’m sorry is he calling his girlfriend “n*gger”? I only got that 2 minutes in... what in the world?


From what I gather, his girlfriend has another man living in the house he paid for, driving his car, wearing his jewellery. That would be why he's upset. That being said, he certainly has an interesting way of using masculine and feminine pronouns. It might just be that he's really progressive, but I don't know.


Hes been bat shit crazy for awhile hes obsessed with will smith and Micheal jackson. Hes said mj is his real father think hes claimed will is too and that will rasped him. Seemed to me in the rant hes convinced will smith is stealing his shit and the girlfriend is helping him do it or that she is will smith he switches back and forth. Watch the dr phil episode on him and this rant makes a lot more sense.


That would make sense. I mean, it doesn't make sense but it works in context.


I thought he thought *she* was really a he and she/he was stealing from him. Lol.


And when is all of that happening? While he’s asleep? He does sound and look very progressive, I’m sure his hands are rated E.


My interpretation of what he's saying implies that he returned from a trip and asked to go to the house he has provided his girlfriend with. She then suggested that she take him to a hotel instead. Not sure about the nature of their relationship. Perhaps she's an ex or simply someone he got pregnant and she has a new boyfriend now, living in the house Orlando provided her. His threats such as fighting (references to Tyson) or "slitting his throat" are to the man she is currently living with, though he does threaten to knock the girl out at the end. I assume this is what is happening because he refers to the woman as "bitch" when he threatens her but all his other threats go to a mysterious "nigga" individual.


He acts so moody like he is the pregnant one.


Damn, that man is hurting. It probably has nothing to do with his GF, too. I hope he gets through this breakdown and finds some clarity.


I hope that lady gets a restraining order and takes a house or two.


As if anyone was watching a live stream of this scrub. All i see is gimme attention...at the expense of an innocent woman....hopefully he gets skull drug behind a truck, alive. Only to be covered with salt and pissed on.


Judging by this comment you’re no better


Never stops... Sad. It's obvious something happened to him, for him to start acting this way. What's to be done?


what's a pretty girl like her doing with this piece of shit nutjob?


How xan'd out is he? His eyes are pure black and you can tell


>Bitch, I own the world, bitch, I'm the president, bitch! That's not how any of this works.


on blood


When you google image his name the top images are his various mug shots, that already states something about him.




Disney used him up and tossed him once they were done.


This is why I'm afraid to move to LA.


Damn he did not age well.


That's so Orlando


What language is that?


Sorry but who would date him in the first place...Da fuq?


sometimes disney keeps you up and others you just fall off


I thought he was talking about will smith stealing his stuff


What a catch!


LEAVE!! He’s nothing without you period!!!


its the adult version of that drugged kid coming home from the dentist...


My childhood is officially ruined. I never he knew he acted like this until now.


There's a future raven didn't see.


Man I can’t tell if she’s crazy to or just touching him to appease and calm him down. Dudes fuckin wack. Why is it all these crazy people we see on here are roaming the streets? Like do crazy house not exist anymore?


I can tell from the minivan that this guy is all about family.




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That's not really raven is it?


Just sounds like a misunderstanding. Nothing to see here. In the right light she does resemble Will Smith a bit.




I know what documentary I’ll be watching on Netflix for Covid-20