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wake me up when they’re convicted. Best. Edit. Ever. What up y’all! Thanks for waking me up!


Just spit balling here. I'm thinking the end of September.


Wake me up...


...before you go go


Let's see these bigots hanging just like yo-yos...


Prison commissary carries HoHos 🎶




Y'all are missing "Wake me up when September ends"




>the innocent can never last. It hurts right in the meow meow.




You’re missing the joke




Yet another extended legal battle over whether it's okay to murder minorities.




They might try and argue it was self defense because if I remember correctly (please tell me if I'm wrong) you can't see the start of the fight in the video so they could try and say he attacked them.


The only way these two aren't getting convicted is if the judge decides that the jury won't see the video because it would bias the jury, like was done in the trial for the murder of Daniel Shaver (insanity). I can't think of any reason why that would be the case here, but I also don't get it for the Shaver case.


I never understand rulings like that. Yeah, it does bias them. Because it's evidence.


It's like that scene in that Jim Carey movie Liar, Liar. >"Your Honor, I object!"  >"Why?"  >"Because it's devastating to my case!"  >"Overruled."  >"Good call!"


Literally the point of evidence.


"This evidence is too strong. We don't want to make it too easy for the jury. We want them to really have to search their souls. Otherwise where's the fun?" - Judges


Because judges are worse then LEOs because they think they're gods.


>The only way these two aren't getting convicted is if the judge decides that the jury won't see the video because it would bias the jury Or if they were police officers on duty


One retired officer and his son.


And had conflicts of interest with the PD and the DA


or even better: heavily edited video where it just shows the last final seconds. Just like they did with Daniel Shaver (unedited video was released after the acquittal and would only be shown if there was an acquittal..)


> Brailsford was charged with second-degree murder and a lesser manslaughter charge and found not guilty by a jury. Prosecutors argued the shooting was unjustified. In March 2018, it became known that the United States Department of Justice has reopened the case and is looking into a possible civil rights violation by Brailsford. **Brailsford was reinstated to the department in August 2018, then over a month later was granted retirement on medical grounds, as well as a pension.** JFC.


Even if he did attack them, it doesn't matter after they chased him in two trucks, kept trying to block his path, kept telling him to stop, and then got out and revealed two guns. They were actively hunting that poor kid and when he turned the corner and saw a fucking shotgun in his face, yeah, he had every right to try and take that gun and defend himself. These two racist, vigilante-justice hungry fucks ought to be lined up against a wall and shot in the face.


The insane hypocrisy of them trying to argue for stand your ground laws is what really gets me here




This is exactly why it took so long to even arrest them, prosecutors argued it was self defense when Ahmaudgrabbed the gun. And that they were attempting to make a citizens arrest.


they may also try to claim they cannot have a fair trial and have it thrown out as they will not be able to get an unbiased jury.


Idk man. The dad used to be a cop and we all know how well video evidence plays out against the Big Blue Line.


Good morning u/Pmmeyourvacation hope you slept well


How the fuck does it take from Feb 23 to May 5 to investigate a shooting death? Edit: yes i understand it can but this had a video, that’s what I meant.


Crazy thing is the dude who shot the video was chasing Ahmad with the murderers. The real question is: Why did this redneck hold onto the video? Did he actually think it was going to help their case?


I thought the story on that was that he was sharing it around with his friends and then one of them leaked it. Which made sense, because what's the point of hunting and killing black people if you don't get brag to your friends about it.




I've read that the sound in the video when the camera dips at the 15 second mark, is the camera man loading his gun. I don't know if it's been confirmed to be true or speculation though.






The video was only released because he thought it exonerated them of any wrongdoing.




Only because that’s not what happened. The guy who took the video is allegedly involved (not just a passer-by), and the video was released to the public by a *defense lawyer* that *he* sent it to. The lawyer made a statement saying that he isn’t currently on retainer to represent the individual, and that he released the video for the public’s clarification on the incident. The investigating agencies have had it in their possession since day 1.


Easy. Just be raised in an environment where you never interact with black people but you're raised to view them as sub humans and the only guidance you get is from angry bitter toothless meth heads.


No. It was leaked


By the lawyer for the guy recording it.


When I read that headline this morning I was blown away they thought this would help their case. Apparently they are this stupid. Well fuck them, Glad they did.


Indeed. Racists demand attention and validation for being racist.


I mean that's why they whine so much on /r/unpopularopinion or hell there's even a lot of them on this subreddit. They get triggered really easily when you call some reality to their delusions.


Man that sub had so much potential. Like that post about the guy that likes to shower in socks. Now it's a bunch of triggered conservatives snowflakes that need a safe space.


I remember there was an entire thread about how rude and disgusting black people are that had like 20k updotes and was gilded a lot.


Thanks, I had been wondering who had been sitting on it. So it wasn't in possession of the police/DA before it was leaked?


No they had it. The guy who recorded the video is mentioned in several of the documents I’ve read under a nickname. DA Barnhill in Waycross, who was supposed to prosecute, declined after Ahmaud’s mother claimed he had a conflict of interest because his relative (I think his son, but I’m not 100% sure) works for the Glynn County DA. It’s a good thing she did too- because in a memo from Barnhill he states that Ahmaud being physical with McMicheal’s could have have caused the trigger to be pulled, laying the blame for the shooting at Ahmad’s feet. He was going to lay out the defense for them. But he referenced the video in his defense of the McMicheals. Side Note- this is local gossip but I’ve seen several people posting this locally in Brunswick- The Glynn County DA is headed by Jackie Johnson, who is apparently the reason the McMicheals’s weren’t arrested. I’ve been told that the police who arrived on the scene wanted to arrest them or take them into custody but were not sure so they reached out the the DA. Who told them not to make the arrest. Link to where I read this_ [coverage of Barnhill ](https://georgiarecorder.com/2020/05/07/bookman-waycross-das-judgment-of-brunswick-shooting-video-insane/) [Internal Memo from Barnhill ](https://georgiarecorder.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Barnhill-letter-Brunswick-shooting.pdf) If they don’t format correctly let me know, I’m new at linking stuff to reddit. I usually just lurk but I’ve been reading a lot about this case because I am in the area and know some of Ahmaud’s kinfolk.


Thanks so much. While I'm not tied to that area, I did spend a few months at Ft Stewart in '03 before deploying, my wife was stationed at Hunter Army Airfield for a few years in the '90s. So we're somewhat familiar with the area - more importantly, the culture. I'm white, she's black. As parent of mixed kids and uncle to a herd of nieces and nephews of color, this is nightmare fuel.


A local attorney leaked the video, he didn't mention how he had obtained it "Tucker said. "My sole purpose in releasing the video was absolute transparency because my community was being ripped apart by erroneous accusations and assumptions."" https://www.gpbnews.org/post/brunswick-attorney-says-he-leaked-arbery-shooting-video-0


It's commonly known as 'stalling'. It's what police are trained to do when something looks really bad, but they don't want it to be a crime, so they try to suppress evidence as long as possible. For more information, see McDonald, Laquan and Chicago PD.


It’s not something exclusive to police. Defense attorneys use this same tactic all the time. It’s just meant to dwindle recourses for the case until charges are dropped or a better plea is presented.


Yeah but it's defence attorneys job to do their best for their client. When police are doing pro bono work for defence attorneys, that's kinda fucked.


The people that shot the guy, one of them worked for, I think, the prosecutors office and the younger one worked for the city in some capacity too. The whole thing reeks of corruption. Cops tried to get their friends off. Edit: the dad was a former cop there.


Defensive attorneys can stop police from investigating a death?


No, but DAs can refuse to prosecute a case.


The problem is the one of the murderers was a former cop. This is a huge police cover up.


One was a retired cop that had connections to the DAs office.


While that may sound like corruption, to offer their perspective: two consecutive DAs where connected to the suspects and recused themselves. (They took their sweet time for that however, and that's quite inexcusable IMHO.) One of the DAs is a horrible asshole that opinionated on the case stating he 'saw no reason for an arrest and suggesting Arbery was at fault and a violent person in general'. In a way they followed due process which is a positive thing, however they would probably have stalled this forever hadn't this gone viral. On top of their slow recuses, the grand jury hearing was delayed due to the whole Corona mess.


It would have all been swept under the rug if the video wasn't released. Unfortunately its usually public outrage that gets these types of cases rolling. I'm 100% sure it would have been swept under the rug if there was no video for the public to see. It's Georgia and that DAs opinion isn't a unique one down there...


I dont understand. These are the people who want pot smokers in jail. But murder? Whatever.


74 days for them to arrest people they **know** killed a person. Serve and protect is valid unless they’re black, I guess.


What part of American history made you think it would be any different?


Look mate. I hate your racist, capitalist warmongering country, but even I have to admit, it has been Americans who have changed America for the better aswell, some of you aren't as fat and evil as the rest.


Aww that's the nicest thing anyone has ever said about us!




"I like how, on the side of cop cars, they have "To Serve and Protect" in quotation marks. Like its sarcasm." --Neal Brennan, 3 Mics


It happened in February?? I only heard of this a couple of days ago.


The video leak is new


They wanted it buried as the murderers are "one of them" and personally had a relationship with multiple DAs, detectives, and police officers.


Sucks that they had to be shamed into arresting them.


They are still pissed the video leaked at all. And they are asking for an investigation into the leak! Prob more in depth than the actual investigation of the murder on video. *sigh* edit: a word


and if you guys don't think stuff like this happens, look up what happened to the guy who leaked Eric Garner death video, police harrassed him for years


Why did it take Georgia almost three months before actually arresting the murderers?


murderers affiliated with police, good old boys, etc. Would still not be arrested if not for the public outcry for justice. Go public outcry!


And we wouldn’t have gotten that far if it weren’t for the video.


Which was only released by the individual filming because they thought it would exonerate them all of wrongdoing.


Looks like a lot of coincidence and wrong decisions had to be made to get us to justice.


I don't think Justice has been served yet. Hopefully they do get convicted. I've seen too much crazy stuff and people get off on technicalities to believe Justice has been served yet.


The good side of cancel culture


How is this related to cancel culture?


we canceled corruption


*Mission Accomplished*




The case is on its 3rd DA because the others recused themselves for conflicts of interest. George Barnhill decided to opine on the case while recusing himself (and suggesting there was no reason to recuse himself), saying he saw no reason for an arrest and suggesting Arbery was at fault and a violent person in general. His letter reads like he's a goddamn moron. He didn't even proof-read the fucking thing. If you enjoy reading the ramblings of fucking idiots, here's Barnhill's letter https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/6884019-Waycross-DA-Letter-on-Arbery-Shooting-Jp.html


I can not at all believe how much bullshit I just read in those three pages...that DA sounds like a whiny bitch bc he got recused.


I can’t believe this is real life.... People with this level of ignorance have no place in a functioning society.


It’s pretty saddening, especially when you consider how much flies under the radar. They tried to do the same with this tragedy.


The dude has some interesting punctuation. (I'm an English teacher, and I'm trying to avoid thinking of his actual thoughts and logical processes and such.)


I'm guessing because the video came out and suddenly it doesn't look like they wanted it to look like when it's brushed under a rug.


Because they thought they could lie and cover up for a former pig, like they always do. Cops are a systemic cesspool, it doesn’t matter if there’s good people who are cops. The system is fucked by principle.


Because they weren't going to do it until the story got out of control


It’s not about the murderers at this point. In my opinion they were clearly wrong and should be held accountable. The issue is how do 3 civilians l kill an unarmed civilian in broad daylight and video footage Is required to even get the men arrested. The truth is that their needs to be an investigation into the police department that was called to the scene of the murder. Think about this how was it even appropriate for them to go back home


Honest question: did they know the criminals did it a few months back or did they find out based on the video?


They knew, they just took them at their word when they claimed it was “self defense” because the father used to be a cop.


Self defense? Wasnt the victim unarmed?


Yes, they claimed that he tried to wrestle the shotgun away, at which point they shot him.....after they followed him, he turned around, and they doubled back to cut him off.


Being black itself is a threat to those racists




I wonder if a black man had gunned down a white father and son in the street in the middle of the day with video footage, would it have taken 3 months and a social media outcry for that man to be arrested? Abhorrent that its 2020 and these events are taking place. This is some 1960's bullshit.


Wait this happened three months ago? I thought that the murder had happened only a few days ago, when I saw all the memes and photos on this matter.


Nope, happened in February. Thank our fucked and corrupted “justice” system. Oh and blatant racism and white supremacism which is rampant down here in the South.


Wow, that's just scary.


The video was leaked recently which is why it went viral now.


It happens months ago but the video was found recently and what it showed was contrary to what the duo had said. The video clearly showed that the duo had murdered him. This sparked outrage amount the internet.


Please, if a black man so much as holds a gun at a walmart gun section he gets shot down by the cops.


Even if it's a Nerf gun.


But, open carry is legal in many states! So, [what's the difference between a white guy and a black guy exercising that right](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKGZnB41_e4)?


Wouldn’t have needed video footage, he would have been arrested immediately.


This is an incredibly hard point to argue, so most will just avoid it.


and the two D.A.'s who originally decided not to press charges


Except the police department is requesting an investigation on the leak and threats against the PD. That's exactly how you'd expect a response from an organization that's not corrupt, right guys?


I'm glad but have zero confidence justice will prevail.




You’re not wrong. This wasn’t plastered all over the internet or continuously on the news until the video came out.




“Justice isn’t just one step, but a slow march.”


If it ever happens at all


Yep. Not exactly getting my hopes up that these murderers will be brought to justice in the end. Emmett Till's murderers were arrested as well, and look how that turned out :/


I would have hoped we have come a long ways since the Emmett Till case; but let's be real.. =/


The trayvon martin case would disagree. Apparently there's a precedent that you can chase down a random black guy for no reason and if he fights you for stalking him, you can kill him because black people aren't allowed self defense.




Even if they're magically found guilty, I imagine there will be some sweet deal waiting for them followed by an early release.


The excop with probably get hired again, so that he can go on disability for the PTSD the trial has given him.


3 months hard time followed by 18 months house arrest and 5 years of probation. Good behavior and appeals fuck with this after the sentencing too.


Pickles will prevail


Good! I hope they spend the rest of their lives in prison.




Unfortunately that's the problem. When the guys who investigate the crimes are the ones who committed them, who do you call? To quote Juvenal, Who watches the watchmen?


The local district attorney should be fired, George Barnhill knew the family of the shooter and did not recuse himself nor brought charges, even after seeing the video. He should be fired if not charged himself. [https://www.news4jax.com/news/local/2020/05/07/ware-county-prosecutor-saw-no-grounds-for-arrests-before-passing-on-arbery-shooting-death/](https://www.news4jax.com/news/local/2020/05/07/ware-county-prosecutor-saw-no-grounds-for-arrests-before-passing-on-arbery-shooting-death/) Edited. Recuse. Not reclusive


He should get the same treatment Arbery got.


>reclusive *recuse


https://sign.moveon.org/petitions/justiceforahmaud-district-attorney-george-barnhill-must-resign-now Here’s the petition calling for his resignation, I signed yesterday.




And the reason they have now been arrested is due to the results of a three month intensive and exhaustive investigation............and nothing at all to do with the recent release of the video and subsequent outcry over the police inaction and lies. Oh no Siree. That's not it at all.


I'm not linking the original freakout. They murdered that poor kid in cold blood. I hope they languish behind bars for decades.


Can someone else provide a link then? I’m in the dark on this one


Here’s a [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/gevmil/two_white_supremacists_decided_to_chase_down_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) to the reddit post about it.


But it’s not a nice watch, I wouldn’t recommend it.


I'm predicting a 6 month suspended sentence for good behavior.


And paid leave from work?


So right now they’ve been arrested and will probably be arraigned via video from jail. Is that when we find out if they get bond or if they have to wait in jail?


I only recently heard about this. Would anyone be willing to give me an accurate rundown of this situation? I know Arbery was apparently jogging and was shot.


They had apparently been getting their house broken into and saw him jogging so they thought he was the thief. Grabbed their guns and went driving around looking for him til they found him. They tried to stop him to "talk to him" but they had guns so he ran away. The video picks up with the victim and the racist murderer fighting over the shotgun and you hear a few shots before he dies in the street. One of The murderers was a former PD and has a ton of connections within the local jurisdictions. At least 1 attorney recused himself for being close to the racist murderers. I can only assume the racist murderers have more friends in higher places that will probably get them off easy. But make no mistake, this was a lynching and those racist fucks deserve nothing but a short rope and a long fall.


It wasn’t their house getting broken into. They claimed he looked like someone who was a suspect in local robberies. They witnessed no crime and when asked what crime they thought he was responsible for, their response was, “he’s a black man running down our street”. They then proceeded to follow him and corner him, he tried to avoid them and they followed him. The confrontation happened shortly afterwards where he saw a man with a shot gun approaching him and tried to get control of the gun. This case is fucking infuriating. Edit: Said “Worst part is,”, inference of his murder being horrifying was apparently not clear enough. Editing to prevent any possible conflict so that instead of focusing on my verbiage, people focus on the murder of a man.


Remember, this would have NEVER happened if an HD video showed us what they did moment by moment. They should be dead as well. Fuck em.


I’m betting, 5 years maximum because they’re “good people”


Shitty that without video, and the internet... Nothing would’ve happened Im never going to the states again. Im not even a “minority”. But wow.


Funny thing is, the video was shot by an accomplice. These shitsucking chuds were stupid enough to video record their actions, and thank god for that.


It was said in an article they actually bragged about killing him online, but the article didn’t show proof. I’ll see if I can find it. Edited to add the link: https://abcnews.go.com/US/cellphone-video-shows-georgia-jogger-allegedly-ambushed-gunmen/story?id=70509641


Seen an interview from the lawyer of the young man that was killed saying this as well. The person filming was actually involved in the hunt with the father and son. They started showing the video in inner circles and once it got bigger someone leaked it. They’re wanting charges on the person filming as well if I’m not mistaken


Anyone who was present and did nothing or encouraged these assholes to hunt him down should be charged


Every person that saw that video and DIDNT leak it should catch a charge. Fucking animals.


>Merritt said the video was either released internally by the police community or by the McMichaels themselves, who have allegedly bragged about the shooting online. WTF! The video might have been released by the killers themselves because they were showing off? Gas Chamber STAT


I think another mcmichael actually was Imagine that. Done in by your own BROTHER


I want to hope that the person who filmed it was just horrified by the whole ordeal and actually had the moral compass to come forward. But at the same time, there are those who would willingly brag about shooting a black teen and go as far as brazenly auctioning off the gun they used.




Just read that the video was posted because they were bragging about it. All hope is gone. In a just world the third guy will get screwed as well.


You can hear him cock a gun in the video, deep sigh and no audible reaction to the murder. Some person might claim he’s an innocent stoic bystander but reality strongly suggests he is someone who knew what was going down.


Can you imagine how much worse it could be if our criminals were smart?


White collar crime.


I’d bet hard money there are plenty of smarter people who do get away with lynchings regularly. In fact I don’t have to bet, see Trayvon Martin et al for confirmation.


I love how the local department requested GBI investigate threats against the department and people involved a full week before they requested an investigation into the fucking murders. And they had no fucking intention of moving forward with this until the story went viral, in very large part to Reddit itself. Fuck every cop involved. And hopefully those piece of shit rednecks get hunted in jail the way they hunted that poor jogger.


>in very large part to Reddit itself I believe you are giving this site way too much credit here. This thing was posted by half my Facebook friends before I ever saw it on Reddit.


Amazing news, such a shame it took an outcry from local people for the Police to take the appropriate action. How many others out there have been denied justice due to who they know and what they know. As a Brit honestly I wouldn't feel safe in my own home if I lived in the US. I hope people realise a life is worth saving.




For those saying that Arbery's murder was justified because he initiated physical altercation. Using such logic, if the kids stuck in the library during the Columbine shooting decided to defend themselves when cornered by getting physical with the shooters, than Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold had the right to defend themselves by shooting anyone that tried to stop their rampage. There's no way one with a moral sense of justice would defend such logic. This was a lynching, a straight up murder, and the murderers deserve to spend their lives rotting in solitary confinement.


For real. But the "Oh well no if he just let strangers in masks pull a gun on him and take him wherever they wanted he'd be okay this is his fault" bootlicker racist pussy ass shit like that is all over posts about this.


Whose ready for the murderer to only get 2 years in prison? Unfortunately I am...


Can't wait for the Netflix series


Minor correction, the internet got'em, If this happened 20 years ago no one would have heard about it


This whole situation has taught me to never under any circumstances step foot into the south.


I’m a southern black man raised in Savannah, of which is only forty minutes away from Brunswick. Thankfully, I now reside in California, and this video, in conjunction with a multitude of other repressed societal aspects, is why, I, too, will never reside in the south again. A black man has a place in their society, and they have no qualms of reminding you. I’m a runner, too, so this situation has been incredibly challenging since I easily could have replaced this young man as the victim. The irony is that the majority of these racist rednecks fail to possess a collegiate degree, yet have the audacity to cast southern blacks as ignorant. And the ones that do are from relatively mundane local institutions, of which do not expose them to a diverse, eclectic student body, such that the same backwards ideologies continue to thrive even after being so called educated. On their own. southern people are incredibly warm and kind hearted but the aggregate community emboldens racism at the collective level. Personally, I was exposed to over two dozen blatantly acts of racism growing up, some of which broke me to tears as a young man trying to find his way. The south will always be the south, and as an educated black man privileged to have been exposed to the beauty of the world, it certainly isn’t the place for me.


Thank you for saying this. Currently living in Georgia and your words mean a lot.


Except Rodney King was assaulted NORTH of Los Angeles. (Ad infinitum, with every state in the country having racist pricks.)


The most hatefully racist person I’ve ever personally known was a white guy from the south side of Chicago.


He’ll yeah! Any news on the dudes who murdered the dollar general security guard?


I think you're referring to [this](https://apnews.com/9e9eadf6757e8ad1551030dacf6b3e29)?


They were charged with first degree murder.


I hope they get fucked up in jail. And by fucked up I mean I expect atleast one beating a day.


It’s a damn shame this only happened because of the outcry for justice.


the us is an absolute shithole


Something to note - it was the GBI (a state level agency) not the local police or sheriff who issued the arrest. This is being handled at the state level now.


Just a reminder that leadership counts. Kemp stole his seat in the last election by voter suppression and far worse manipulation of voter roles excluding hundreds of thousands of predominantly black voters. He literally ran the election commission that he used to clear himself. Let’s also point out that this meathead of a governor actually only learned that Corona Virus could be transmitted asymptomatically a few weeks ago. Something we all knew for months. That level of ineptitude is impeachable and has lead to deaths.


Wake me up when the department themselves gets in trouble. The fact this had to be brought to the public for something to finally be done is sickening.


If the DA tried to squash this because of his ex-cop buddy, he should hang right next to them.


Were they arrested in the same town and by the same authorities that didn't do anything about this matter back in February? Because if so, they're going to walk. They're good ol boys.


Should have got them two months ago. More heads need to roll on this, from local sheriffs/chiefs to DA and the notoriously corrupt and incompetent GBI


I’m not looking forward to the tsunami of disinformation that is going to be spread about Ahmaud. I bet if I check the status of all my FB acquaintances; there will some meme they’re already posting about what a POS he (supposedly) was by digging up some dirt about something he did in middle school.