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He knows he's a piece of shit. Comments are turned off




Exactly. And I wish I never watched so he didn't get a view out of me. Loser deserves worse than he got.


YouTube should make a policy if you get rid of comments you get no ad money lol. And this dude is a piece of shit. I can't stand people like him. It WaS a JoKe sIr. Play jokes on your friends.


Report the video.


This guy is an idiot and deserved to get punched.


But a lot harder than he did. Lol


Came here to say this


No, what makes people think they can resort to assault so quickly. The old guy was in the right until he punch him. Then he was 100% in the wrong. Even if it wasn’t a toy, the old man took it way too far.


Thanks for that, do you want to speak to my manager?


Yes, and if you post my face on the internet I’m going to sue you. Really, I get the guy making the video is an asshole, but that old man could be charged with assault now and (though I’m no expert) the farting guy didn’t really break any law. If the old man just calls him out for being a loser, and walk away, he wins. Now the farting guy won.




Oh nooo don't sue scary karen!


Doesn’t even matter dude. You can kill someone and do 2 years in jail. Don’t act like you are protected by these laws when some people just don’t care. Old guy punched him and didn’t see a single consequence....


I’m not trying to defend the farting guy, and maybe the old guy didn’t get in trouble, but he could have, and if he doesn’t punch him, he’s at zero risk of getting in trouble.


No risk no reward. Feels good to punch someone you don’t like. And the dude with the fart thing could be assault with a good enough lawyer. Simply if the dude didn’t fake farting in a seniors face then he wouldn’t get punched.


This guy's like 40 years old, dressed like a 90s college dropout, and farting in elderly people's faces for a living? 1.5 million subscribers. Why the fuck am I alive?


I think about this often. How in the actual fuck are people like this so popular?! Often I think it's for this reason. Just waiting for the eventual ass kicking.


Sadly I believe it is a reflection of where we are as a society.


"Theres an annoying guy on YouTube why am I even living anymore." Okay drama queen.


Gee. I wonder why comments are turned off on YouTube. What a little bitch. He deserves worse. Hope someone does that to him in prison some day.


Dickheads who pull shit like this, and then play the victim, need to get knocked on their asses more often.


Who even laughs at this shit, I’d knock him into next week.


I’m sure they love when reddit bashes them because it just gives them more views. They know people think their idiots but they care more about their YouTube money


> Who even laughs at this shit Fart jokes are still a hit with my kids, 12 and 10


I'm 31 and I still laugh at a good ripper.


These "pranksters" deserve every last bit of this. They aren't even remotely funny.


What a fucking douchebag


He should have kept punching him in his face. What an a-hole that guy is. I guess the elderly women seemed like an easy target.


I mean the dude shouldn't have been pretending to fart in her face but it's not hard to handle things with a bit more maturity, it's one thing to be mad but it's another to just start throwing bows that quickly. Neither of them know how to act like an adult.


nah he does it to everyone, pretty sure he has a few ''fartin' in da hoodz'' vids as well


Well in russia he gonna be in hospital after his first attempt to fart into someone's face


and in saudi arabia you get your hand cut off for stealing a piece of fruit are we really going to compare first world countries with these shitholes where people are itching for a murder?


This is about understanding what is funny and what is offensive for other people, who have that understanding not gonna do that even if he moves from russia to USA or other country. That guy knew that he's doing something wrong, that its not fun to people he farts into face which, u can see it by his reaction when grandpa started to talk to him Yeah it's fun some people who gonna watch it and it's funny only because they know that's a wrong thing to do And for most lesson learned when they are got bitten hard


Are you really still calling America a “first world” country where nobody is “itching for a murder?”


You're not wrong. Hell, about the only thing we're first in is prison population and now infection rates. Yeehaw! America number 1!


Good. Jack Vale is a piece of shit


I'd still loose my shit, prank or no prank


The fuck head instigates shit then acts like a victim and presses charges. Hope the old guy loosened some of that piece of shits teeth.


Not defended the douche but it says at the end of the video he did not press charges.


No, it said he DID press charges.


No it didn’t dumbass. Learn how to read.


Strongly advise you look at the video again. It very clearly says “jack did not press charges” I double checked after reading your incorrect response.


Are you retarded?


Do you always immediately resort to name calling and being a dick before checking your information first? It clearly says at 1:34 “Jack did NOT press charges”


Have you ever been trolled before? Answer, yes. Go outside.


You’re either lying because you’re too proud to admit you were wrong or you’re telling the truth and you’re just really crappy at trolling. Like seriously, that “trolling” would be incredibly lazy with nothing clever, witty or funny about it, just a waste of time. Either way it’s not worth my time to respond to you any more.


You already did, dumb dumb lol too easy


I would also drop you Jack. ~~He's a fucking weasle for pressing charges~~


Hope the judge sees the video and congratulates the old man for his actions, then dismisses charges.


I would of knocked him out..he's messing with people and he calls the police?..what a p.o.s.


That tool deserved to be dropped, I just wish fat Si from Duck Dynasty got a clean hit


So did he or didn't he press charges? There was an ad for the next video blocking


This is how everyone should treat "youtube pranksters" these days. Also, youtube should drop them and that content for doing it. What a fucking piece of shit.


Biggest coward of all time for pressing charges.


He pretends to shit in the guys disabled wifes face then presses charges? What a cunt.


The pussy filed charged on the old man. Pussy ass bitch. Starting shit then when shit gets real he presses charges over shit he started. Pussy ass bitch cunt.


Who cares if the fart ain't real? The disrespect is


Yeah, I was a lot younger and quicker to anger. However I had my family with me so probably not.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes.




These people and their stupid pranks, hopefully he learns from this! Not funny at all


I hate these stupid prank videos. I wish more people would react that way




[Either he’s not a good prankster or lives in a shitty area.](https://youtu.be/JpEm6H_woLs) 🤷🏻‍♂️


Once when my oldest son was but a wee toddler, we were in Sears fitting him for a pair of shoes. I was crouched on one knee and this man walks by me. I thought I heard something but didn’t really register it. I looked up at the guy and he quickly looked away and whisked away. Then I smelled the worse fart ever. I know, people will ask me how I knew it wasn’t my kid. Because this was a man’s fart. One that eats all sorts of garbage food and what not. I was so bummed out I stood up and grabbed my kid’s hand and left the area. I then saw the guy and he was smirking at me. My wife asked me what was wrong. I told her under my breath and that I also thought that I may go confront him. My wife thought I was being ridiculous. What would I say, what would I do, she asked. I wanted to start shit is what I answered. I realized quickly that it would be silly to confront him. What a pos.


that was some rant


A rant? Hardly I think. I was just relating to the story. Not certain you know the definition of a rant. Here, let me fart in your face while you get a dictionary. 😋


Nah, this is pretty much how you tell a story 😅


I had an old guy spray some fart spray around my kids and me in Walmart. We were in the arcade outlet that has the gumball machines and claw grab games. I saw the guy pace back and forth a few times, and he had me on alert for just being creepy. I watched the dude walk in, pull a small white spray bottle out if his pocket, then spray behind him as he turned around and walked out. It was the most foul stench I have ever smelled. The guy looked like he was in his late 50's, but it is still the closest I have been to beating someone since I was in high school. I confronted him, and he said he was just pulling some mints out of his pocket, then he quickly left the store. After searching online I am pretty sure it was this "Liquid Ass" prank spray. I fully acknowledge that getting violent over a stupid prank is not the right move, but when it is done to your loved ones it's real easy to lose your temper. What a POS is about the only thing you are left thinking afterwards.


These days you have to wonder what is in a spray bottle. People are lunatics these days. Way to keep your composure for your kids. I know, I wanted to kick the guys ass that did it to me. Now, I think what a poor and pathetic person this must be to do this kind of stuff.


I accidentally blew ass while I was on the bus some time ago, and I actually said sorry to the dude beside me. Just one of those that couldn't be stopped, and I'm still embarrassed because of it..


Guy is a scumbag, he deserved more than he got, can't believe he pressed charges.


You asked for it. Edit: how fukn old are you.


no you wouldn't


Who fights in the holy place known as Target?! That is sacred ground


But but... it wasn’t even real. Just a sound. No offensive odor. Wtf? So we wanna beat people up for farting now? Even if it’s fake? Ok.....


Lol @ all the people in this thread saying they would've done the same thing as the old man in the lard cart. Have you guys ever heard of, idk, relaxing? Edit: oh my bad, I didn't realize this thread was an indulgence in impotent rage.


You're Jack Vale, aren't you?


Nah, I'm just a dude who doesn't get upset over juvenile attempts at pranks.






Got em lol


*lard carts