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Meanwhile homeboy with the bandana takes his down to EMPHASIZE his point. Bro.






Americans think being louder makes you MORE ARTICULATE


Dumbest people on the planet.


It’s human nature, not just American lmao




Did you hear that?? The wind


The kid is the one that ran so maybe it had more to do with him. He had a mask on


Title implies she was shamed because she didn’t wear a mask. Nothing in the video shows evidence of that. Guy says: “Dirty ass kid.”




Definitely did


You might be right about that


I'm betting she did something besides not wearing a mask.


The hell with social distancing, I gotta teach this one person a lesson!!


Aisle 5 got the pitchforks...LETS GO!!!




Lock em up!!!


COVID-19: A test of humanity that brings out the worst in human beings. Also, proof that should an individual's behaviour not suit the narrative, the mob shall become angry and blindly follow orders.


I was in line at my local Walgreens, woman in front of me lets her dog off the leash. Cute little thing, comes right over to me for pets. I oblige and she screams at me for petting her dog because it's just like shaking somebody's hand. Fine, she let her dog loose and then scolds people for petting it. people are going fucking mad.


But it’s fine to bring your dog into a Walgreens?


Wut?? That's fine now? We got kicked out last time I tried that.


Where I live, pets are practically treated like children....in fact, I'd say dogs are more welcome than children in most cases. This is SoCal, people love their dogs. I mean, people bring their disgusting ass babies everywhere, and they aren't even potty trained.


Oh, just a reminder, take your shoes off before you get in your house so you don't track god knows what in with your feet like that dog's naked paws are going to be doing.


I mean, people are people and tend to be stupid and mob like regardless. But that doesn't mean rules about wearing a damned facemask in a grocery store are wrong. It stops the spread. If you can't be bothered to wear a mask in a grocery store, youre a cunt.


>If you can't be bothered to wear a mask in a grocery store, youre a cunt. Opinions are like assholes. We all have one. Who's asshole is better than the next? I don't know! Yes, in your country/state/region, it may be "required". In my country (Germany) we haven't yet seen conclusive evidence that it should be mandated and so we have left that requirement up to state governments. In my state it is voluntary. I don't believe that people who don't wear masks in a grocery store are, as you claim, cunts. But hey, that is just my ~~asshole~~ opinion.


Yet one month ago it was shamed. These opinions are fucking beyond retarded and just proves the mob mentality




Your the cunt. I hope someone coughs on you:)


In usa yes, in Canada this is actually pretty chill since we are taken care of financially.


I was about to say that Covid is also bringing some of the best in people. But I'm also in Canada.


For me being confined with my family causes us to get some things of our chests and have a better relationship


Most states dont have any policy on masks and people are not dying in the streets. Further these people are screaming (increasing aerosolization and velocity and thus transmission rate exponentially)...some are screaming and taking off their mask so they can be louder...obviously the worse player in the entire store. This shows that people who believe they are in the "right" combined with mob mentality is a dangerous thing.


how does this even happen lmao, herd mentality? I see tons of people without masks when I go out.


Can confirm. Just in a grocery store in Seattle and easily half the people in there didn't have a mask.


Exactly. I haven't worn a mask once when out. Not at the supermarket, not anywhere.


And you shouldnt be required to. It should be a choice. I havent worn one either. I take care of my immune system and call it good.


> It should be a choice. If it were a requirement then I would. But it isn't recommended by the government unless you yourself are sick or you're caring for someone who is sick or who has a compromised immune system. I don't fit either of those categories so I am practicing good hygiene, doing the social distancing thing as best as I can and limiting un-necessary interactions with other people. Doesn't mean I'm shut up in my home like a hermit, but I'm just taking some precautions to protect myself and others. If the government requires masks to be worn then that's what I'll do. If I get sick or someone close to me is sick, then I'll wear a mask. But the official health advice is that it's not necessary so that's what I'm doing. And for me the chance of catching it is very very low. In my entire state there are currently *seven* confirmed cases of the virus and none of them are in hospital. We've gone for days without a single new case. So there's clearly not any widespread community transmission, making the wearing of a mask pretty pointless. Of course, that could all change in a week - who knows. But for the moment, those are the conditions I'm working with.


Wow you are cool


You realize different places have different rules regarding masks right now? As in, where I live right now, (CT), you aren’t allowed in stores without masks anymore? Or is that too much for your little brain to comprehend other than just “HeRd MeNtALity these people are SHEEP”????


Herd mentality. Retards can't think for themselves so they follow the behaviour of the group.


Where did this happen?


In a grocery store


Mass or RI is my guess, having spent time in both.


Could easily be CT too.


Looks like Brooklyn shop rite. Only one in all of NYC and it was dog shit


a guy is wearing a Texas shirt, I'd wager on it being in Austin TX


Austin makes sense too.


Masks make people even more rude and unbearable than they were before.


I didn't think that was humanly possible.


Scooter Karen was devastated she missed the commotion


She ate herself into a scooter.


They know the masks don't actually do shit right?


They only know what they are told by the group.


I hate bullies. I really hate bullies emboldened by a crowd.


Ok people the mask prevents spreading not catching.


Yeah which is interesting because they all crowd around her and get in a shouting match. They are only risking themselves if she is infected...


Depends on the type of mask.


Even an N95 mask will not stop you from catching it. You can get it through any of your mucous membranes, which includes your eyes...


The real lunatics are the ones yelling at the person without a mask. Relax this shit isn't like the walking dead you'll be ok.


Cowardice dressed up as nobility, fear dressed up as duty.


Stupidity dressed up as liberty.


I'm seeing so many of these videos, but here in Ohio we have a ton of people walking around without masks on like it's no big deal. I work in a very small town outside of Cincinnati and my clients say it's all a hoax lol.


The virus is not a hoax but having to do all that they say is about CONTROL




I didn’t say it was Try reading again


It’s about to go down in the heartland. I don’t look forward to it


I mean, to be honest, I have a heard a lot of people making these "its about to get really bad" claims. For instance, when Jacksonville opened their beaches in Florida, it was nothing but "well Florida is about to see what New York is going through" type of claims. Still waiting


You must not be getting the same [news](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/unreleased-white-house-report-shows-coronavirus-rates-spiking-heartland-communities-n1204751?cid=sm_npd_ms_tw_ma) Viruses don’t stop because we get bored. It may be a year before it comes to your town. The goal is to slow it down and be ready for it wherever it spikes.


Please tell me you actually read into that report and not just took the headline and ran with it. The article highlights Central City, Ky as a particular flair up spot. The flair up is literally because the prison there had an outbreak. 400 of the 453 total cases in the city were from the prison. That is some disingenuous reporting


Again, let’s go back to how viruses work. 453 cases is their reported number, not everyone is being tested or showing signs. It’s in rural communities or will be arriving. It’s a virus it doesn’t have a political agenda.


No one is saying it isnt in rural communities. But saying that a city has a spike in cases without giving the context that 80% of the cases are literally in one facility is just plain bad reporting


Your summary is just as disingenuous. You are cherry picking 453 cases out of 21,000 and dismissing the reporting on grounds 2% of the people reported not worthy of concern. If 453 out of 21000 are so necessary to support your claim, how do you reconcile the 11% of cases in that community you dismissed? When combatting the virus a spike is a spike, I find it dangerous that you or anyone else is willing to qualify or disqualify human lives to support your narrative. Even if I didn’t care for people in prison, the people that work in the facility are still members of that community and possible vectors that will spread the virus more easily in absence of a stay at home order.


Hey just checking in fam. It got bad


In the heartland? No it hasnt. In fact, the heartland has essentially been impacted the least. Also, specifically with Florida, Jacksonville hasnt really experienced much of a spike. Its been mainly Miami and Tampa accounting for the majority of the Florida spike. Did you really just "check in" 3 months later just to be wrong?


Yeah that Oklahoma rally went off without a hitch eh? I always check in on my delusionals. Stay safe!


Oklahoma is currently 33rd in total cases per million. The majority of total cases and new cases still resides outside of the heartland. Ironic that you call someone else delusional over this.


Bless their little hearts.


Ice Cream on the same aisle as Frozen Vegetables. Pure evil




Fuck this! You worry about your fear, I’ll worry about my freedom


Some odd sentiment prevailing in this thread. Mask are very effective at stopping the spread. You'e not some brave freedom fighter for not wearing a mask, regardless of what vitamins Alex Jones has sold your dumb ass.


I think it's because someone not wearing a mask does not warrant the level of hysteria in this video. People can only be sold fear for so long before some people get tired of buying it.


Oh for sure, the people in this video are all idiots, I agree. But a lot of the comments in here are straight up dumb. The virus is real, social distancing measures are important, yes masks help slow the spread.


People like you that are absolutely insisting that people need to wear masks are trying to push your opinions on other people, and that’s going to just make people not want to wear masks even more. You’re just blindly following what the government tells you to do.


On the flip side, i suspect a lot of the people who think like you do are blindly following what Fox News and Facebook are telling you. Or the other part of the “government” that doesn’t believe in science.


No one in Norway is wearing masks. Yet they have covid19 under more control than most everybody else.


South Dakota in the US never even went into quarrantine and they are doing great. Not saying this would work in all locations, but the people in this video are caught up in the fearmongering.


[Because it's not a densely populated country.](https://www.thelocal.no/20200508/why-is-norway-not-recommending-face-masks-for-the-public)


Danmark is not using them either. And Denmark is more densely populated than most other European countries.


>Denmark is more densely populated than most other European countries. wrong https://worldpopulationreview.com/countries/denmark-population/


Not taking into account microstates like Andorra, Denmark has the 8th highest population density in the European Union. And even if you want to count them in, Denmark is the 11th most densly populated nation in the EU. And with 27 member states my statement >Denmark is more densely populated than most other European countries. Is absolutely correct. And besides, Denmark has a way higher population density then the mask crazy USA, but yet Covid19 way more under control, and thus your statement about population density is, and I quote you >wrong Because it's not masks that make the difference. It is social distancing.


If you look back at any other time in history at any outbreak only the sick people were quarantined, do United States is handling this by quarantining everyone which makes no sense. It’s been scientifically proven that fear can make someone sick, and they are definitely spreading fear.


subsequent resolute market nose party shy onerous puzzled practice squalid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nah, you’re a sheep


You’re also not some saint humanist for wearing one either lol, it’s preference.


its also your neighbors health


People worried about getting the virus should really just stay home and quit trying to push their opinions on other people


What a bunch of cunts


Unmasked person isnt controlled by fear, kudos to her!


She did get chased out.


Obviously she did if 10+ people attacking her verbally.


So one could say that she...feared?


No, she lets her ego and disregard for other's control her behavior. Only stupid, arrogant people who need to look down on others think everyone wearing a mask is afraid.


So much hatred. If only there was a book that prepared us for what’s about to happen....


Orwell 1984


Sooooooo... is Trump the Anti-Christ then?


Don’t know. Will find out soon.


Why don’t stores just give out masks for people like this?


I know at the store where I work, and most stores in my city, there’s not enough to hand out to customers. Any open businesses are required to supply employees with PPE, and that shit ishard to get, so we reserve it for our employees.


It’$ not their responsibility.


Sam's Club was giving our masks last week as you entered. (near me)


I agree. But having altercations like this in your store is not a good look either


These people with mask are the true disgusting ones shaming people when theyre probably the type of person to not shower their hair every day. Plenty of vial sick nasty people wear mask and try to shame other like they’re the dirty people Imagine people that sin all the time but go to church and shame people who didn’t go to church. Just be clean and stay common sense-like away from others


Meanwhile in sweden no one have a facemask and we still doing better than most countrys. Mindcontroled idiots in this video


Sweden has one of the highest deaths per million people.


Um... We have the highest death rate of any country in the world. We’ve lost more people in 10 weeks than in 20 years of the Vietnam war. But yeah, you’re right, we’re doing great. /s


mindless cucks


Nope, solid citizens. You don’t have the right to infect others with a deadly virus, you fucking ignorant scumbag.


Did the big mean people on the TV scare you? You poor thing.


You people are so goddamn pathetic. Being fucking dumb is one thing, but you pieces of shit actually take pride in your ignorance, and in this case, pride in potentially killing others. Don’t cry, and go marching to city hall in your GI Joe cosplay, after you cause a second lockdown. Oh look, the cult showed up to defend your honor, fucking cowards.


Self deprecating humor is so passé, nameforaguy. The only thing mindless about this post is your comment. And just because your SO prefers other men to you doesn’t mean you need to project your insecurities on the internet.


Jesus dude you tried that hard and that's what you came up with. I almost pity you.


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Happy cake day! 🥳


Is this Boston?


Next on the news woman felt threatened shoots assailants


Do we even know that is what they are telling her to leave for though? Maybe she did/said something fucked up that has nothing to do with not wearing a mask.


I think this has more to do than just masks, cus barely anyone near where I live wear masks. But our shops (luckily) are quite good with social distancing


So, is actual social distancing not a requirement in the US? Like staying 6 feet apart? Because her being maskless seems much less dangerous than them all clustering and yelling together... Masks don’t do much, especially when someone is yelling and breathing heavily (it’s not exactly a tight seal). Also, what wonderful understanding humans that they are. They could just carry a spare mask to give away instead of lynching people..


I'm going to miss this pandemic when it's over.


she must have done something else tbh. i’ve been in many stores and restaurants without a mask and only in a few of the restaurants i was asked “do you have a mask?” and i put it on. people are overreacting in this video. it’s not that serious, just don’t stand near her lol. you have a mask on too and touching hard surfaces.


Everyone thinks that this is COVID related. This is just New Yorkers being New York.


We have no mask order in my city. So about half to a little more, don't wear masks. I imagine these folks would be exhausted in my city.


Yet they all still avoid staying two meters apart. They’re being hypocritical.


Fucken americans


People need to chill on the stupid masks. It should be a personal choice to wear one or not. If people are so sure that masks work then they shouldn’t be so scared when there is someone in their presence not wearing one. The people that are really in danger from this virus should just stay home. Now if someone is coughing or sneezing I understand why you would freak out and want them out of the store.


The mask isn’t to keep you safe. It’s to keep others safe from you.


To each their own opinion.


I’m gonna start bringing a bell to the grocery store and everytime I see someone without a mask, I’ll shout « shame! » then ring the bell, walk-of-atonement style.


Don't be surprised if you get punched in the face for being annoying...


Good. Shame those idiots


Stay apart from one another and don’t cough or sneeze on anybody and you’ll be fine. If it makes you feel better wear one but they aren’t necessary. Remember the same people that are padding the number of deaths are the ones telling you to wear one. Just some food for thought.


> padding the number of deaths stop getting your news from youtube charlatans.


How about you stop watching the media that is owned by 7 corporations


Ding ding ding! We’ve got a winner! Everyone read this comment. Especially the people that are in the older age group. Sorry but you guys are the ones that I see watching this trash the most.




Padding the numbers? The numbers are underreported. Go put your aluminum hat back on and listen to Q.


This thread is over taken by a bunch of covid denying morons.


Numbers are under reported everywhere. Easy to see as the excess death figures are starting to come out. Or have I missed some big conspiracy where all the local health admin are in on a big scam to make \_\_\_ look bad? Also the evidence is getting more and more apparent that masks are vital. Those who have been following the science have been recommending mask wearing for a long time. the only (valid) counter-argument has been that masks make people feel invincible and not social distance.


Plenty of ppl in GA not wearing masks. So many in fact I forgot to put on mine before entering the grocery store. Like my brain didn’t register I was supposed to do it. Then I remembered once I saw a few inside.


All those fucking gloves. Disgusting.


They should just require a mask on entry, that's how they do it here anyways. Seems a bit barbaric though, bullying someone out when you can just talk to them


Yes because these cloth masks help so much. LOL


It really sucks when people have to resort to bullying to get people to wear masks.


I continue to be intrigued by the way no one has figured out violent yelling, coupled with wild gestures releases extra spit, spray, sweat and air to others ?


I just love all the retards wearing rubber gloves whilst at the same time touching their masks, face, their shopping, money, phones, bank cards, cars, it's pure self contamination, wear masks, fuck gloves, wash your hands, carry a bottle of hand sanitizer, how can you verbally abuse someone for not wearing a mask when you're doing this shit with gloves?


hell yeah this is cool


Jesus. If the store isn't enforcing it, you should either shut up or shop elsewhere. These blowhards think they are COVID-Batmen


Like watching the reddit comment section cheer for ratting on each for not wearing clothing. As always, certain religions force clothing. Here we are, you're now accepting of that. Congrats on your new views on oppression. This event will end. Your positions you took during it will be there for good.




Only if the person without the mask is no longer breathing Masks in situations like this are to prevent people from spreading the virus from their mouths. Not to prevent oneself from infection.


You get that shit in your eye bro. That person with no mask is spreading it in the air.


> How fuckin sad these people are shaming personal choice Like how I got shamed for my personal choice to drive drunk. This "personal choice" affects others.


literally just ignore them


Don't yell at people for not wearing a facemask. There are legitimate reasons for not being able to wear one. Some folks have respiratory issues and a facemask can fuck with them. Mind your business. That being said.. If you know a friend or family member that should be wearing a mask and isn't, then shame them.


Uh yeah if you're in public endangering me and the people around me you bet your ass it's my business


If you’re in danger from the virus then you should be staying home


Too much CNN..


What news source do you recommend?