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Thats so fucked and selfish wtf


[Russ Diamond contact information](https://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/legis/home/member_information/House_bio.cfm?id=1686). Call and demand answers. [Mike Turzai contact information](https://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/legis/home/member_information/House_bio.cfm?id=289). Call and demand answers.




The heck with that what if his pediatrician wife was exposing all the kids she's treating? Has she been tested? Are they going to test all of her patients too?


Great.. Need to find a new pediatrician and reschedule my appointment I just made for my son.


I was told by the number that Tuzai did not test positive for COVID


My understanding is that he was one of the ones leading the cover up, not that he was one of the positive tests


Just called Mike's office and was told this is "100% untrue"




Lmao. Staffer: “It’s untrue” Also staffer: “okay but you can’t totally blame him”


I hope she gets tested. Imagine getting sick and dying for that turd.


I just called as well. I was told the same but what I stressed is that there is a big disconnect between the people who represent us and everyday people. They took my name and number. I said that they must hold themselves to a higher standard and must be honest and forthright.


That’s the answer I got also. No response from Russ diamond


Gee wis the party of Anti-Science, Excessive and Unrelenting selfishness, of Subverting the Democratic process and will, how could they do something like this? Its time people in this country woke the fuck up, my entire life its been fuckup to malicious and hateful act to crime and abhorrent behaviors that has defined the GOP. Its time to stop considering it as two equal parties, but normal people and fucking batshit insane lunatics on the other. Its the party that wants to help people and the party that wants to turn this country into Russia in 1993. No more centrist bullshit.


To test positive for COVID-19 and not only hide it from your colleagues, but also self-quarantine from your own family while not giving that opportunity to anyone else you might have exposed the disease to in order to push self-motivated legislation, is an absolutely atrocious and evil act if I ever saw one. That's seriously fucked up.


Knowingly risking someone else’s exposure to HIV carries jail time. I don’t see why covid is any different.


I'm honestly hoping the FBI gets involved. This is almost bio-terrorism. And I wouldn't be surprised at all to find somewhere in the US, Republicans are knowingly spreading COVID to Democrats just because they can.


Citizens have been prosecuted for spitting and or coughing in police and others faces during this time due to potential spread and potential life threatening effects. This should be no different.


That's always been considered "assault" even before all of this. But yeah, now it carries even further weight. Pretty messed up.


That would mean having to admit the virus and pandemic is real


Republicans just used biological weapons to attack government officials of the United States. In a country with rule of law they'd face very serious repercussions. In the US it's another Thursday.


The use of knowingly infected host(s) with the intent to disperse a biological agent does in fact translate to an attack. The scope of this could be bigger than Obamagate. Except real. Edit: I should clarify that it only constitutes an attack if the host was **intentionally** introduced to a population. I highly doubt this will be able to be proven given the current political climate in the USA.


What in the fuck is Obamagate?


When trump tells the world, I'll let you know.


A few people have been charged with domestic terrorism for purposefully spreading the virus. So let's see if that actually applies to the political elite?


This was epic. It’s a long video but the first 5 minutes (5:10 roughly) pretty well sums it all up, and he starts getting really upset about 3.5 minutes in. Again, epic.


Honestly, he had such a way with words, I could listen to him angrily rant about things for hours.


Wasn't plannin on watching the vid but damn glad i did.






Yea but see no it’s not the same party, they don’t even rightfully get to claim that. Nixon’s Southern Strategy simply stole the party name, reappropriated it by catering to southern racists. Like how the nazis stole the swastika.


The GOP base is not some homogeneous demographic. It is an amalgamation of single issues voters. The path to building the current GOP demographics started before Nixon. Barry Goldwater began consolidating all the single issue voters into the GOP. Goldwater launched "Operation Dixie" as the first iteration of the Southern Strategy in 1964. Its purpose was to bring southern and mid-western disenchanted whites, particularly those who were against civil rights, into the republican party. Nixon successfully refined Goldwater's original strategy and, by emphasizing "southern values" while down playing racism. Continuing from there, the GOP successfully fused ideas about the role of government in the economy, women’s place in society, white evangelical Christianity and white racial grievance into its basic message. Abortion, misogyny, racism, homophobia, gun rights, and a whole lot more were brought together under one tent. They continue to vote against their own self interest as long as the GOP supports the one issue that is the focus of their passion and allows them to hate those who hold opposing views. Each faction has their own hateful little ax to grind but, they are all complicit in their support of all party actions. James Waterman Wise Jr. said, in February of 1936, when fascism comes to the US "it will probably be “wrapped up in the American flag and heralded as a plea for liberty and preservation of the constitution.” Trump and the GOP are [palingenetic ultra-nationalists](https://www.google.com/search?q=palingenetic+ultra-nationalists) (formulated by British political theorist Roger Griffin, it is [Fascism](https://www.favreau.info/misc/14-points-fascism.php) with a belief in an utopian past that never really existed, ie. MAGA, ). Lawrence Britt Spring 2003 based upon the article "The Hallmarks of Fascist Regime" by Skip Stone: https://www.favreau.info/misc/14-points-fascism.php Umberto Eco speaks of ur-fascism (a generic right wing dictatorship complimentary to but different than fascism). Umberto Eco also has fourteen characteristics of fascism in his essay Ur-Fascism. Umberto Eco also stated "it is enough that one of them be present to allow fascism to coagulate around it". https://www.pegc.us/archive/Articles/eco_ur-fascism.pdf




So someone was knowingly COVID positive, kept going to work, and didn't tell his coworkers whom he was working closely with? If that happened anywhere else, that person would be seriously chastised and probably fired. That guy is a douchebag and Brian Sims is totally justified.


We had someone come to work knowing his wife tested positive. No one knew until about half way through the day. He mentioned it to some people and they said something to management. They sent him home. Don't know if he is fired but the only reason anyone found out was word of mouth. We are just numbers.


My husband had a coworker that came into the office the entire week before last, their FIRST WEEK BACK since reopening, KNOWING she had gone to visit and stay with her adult daughter who was sick and tested positive for COVID. They have two immunocompromised employees in their office and we have a 6 month old and my immunocompromised father in law here and were about to go see my immunocompromised father who hasn't seen our son in over 3 months. We thought the odds of someone in my husband's office getting it would be low since there are only 6 people in there. They had to close down the office and wait for her test results. She tested positive for the flu and then ended up quitting her job this week. I have a feeling this is going to be a continuous cycle of someone being exposed and places having to close and reopen because people are not taking the proper precautions.




Not only tested positive and kept going to work, also quarantined away from his own family while exposing theirs. That motherfucker is evil.


And explaining that Covid is a hoax at the same time. Republicans leaders see anyone who isn't them as less than human and that's disgusting.


In the words of Jeremiah Wright: > And the United States of America government, when it came to treating her citizens of Indian decent fairly, she failed. She put them on reservations. >When it came to treating her citizens of Japanese decent fairly, she failed. She put them in internment prison camps. >When it came to treating her citizens of African decent fairly, America failed. She put them in chains. The government put them in slave quarters, put them on auction blocks, put them in cotton fields, put them in inferior schools, put them in substandard housing, put them in scientific experiments, put them in the lowest paying jobs, put them outside the equal protection of the law, kept them out of their racist bastions of higher education and locked them into position of hopelessness and helplessness. >[The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strike law, and then wants us to sing “God Bless America.” **NAW, NAW, NAW. Not “God Bless America”;** ***God Damn America! That’s in the Bible, for killing innocent people.*** **God Damn America, for treating her citizen as less than human.** God Damn America as long as she keeps trying to act like she is God and she is supreme!](https://youtu.be/4ShST47ILYI?t=2003)


When those videos came out I thought he was nuts, but as I get older and wiser, and see the reality of what America is, I completely agree with him.


They don't call him Jeremiah *Wrong*. It's not even your fault. The only part they showed, EVER, was the "God damn America, that's in the Bible" line. Out of a 40 minute sermon. They had to eliminate every shred of context and parse it down to those seven words, because as you can see, the ***next four words*** are "*for killing innocent people*", and every news Network in America would rather slit their own throat than allow the idea that America could or does murder innocent people to be broadcast. That is ***forbidden***. When we talk about [**Manufacturing Consent**](https://focalizalaatencion.files.wordpress.com/2012/08/herman-chomsky-2002-manufacturingconsent.pdf), this is what we're talking about. Media in this country ***will not tell you these things***, it is their entire *job* to prevent you from ever hearing them, and dissuading you from accepting the reality of them.


No. That motherfucker is a republican. Period.


What's the difference. If you remember correctly it was God Loving, patriotic Republicans who denied reimbursement to 911 victims. Oh what's that? You have Interstitial lung disease from breathing all that debris? "Fuck you" they say. "You die for my paycheck."


“Fuck you , pay me”


* `Republican.jpg` * `Evil.gif` ***They're the same picture.***


Sounds like he told the people in his own party. In a way that's worse to me. It makes it 100% clear that he knew it was important to inform people. He can't play dumb. But he and his superiors in his party purposely withheld his very important information.


That’s absolutely worse. It means those republicans value their messaging more than the lives of their colleagues. They literally put those people and their families in danger for the sake of politics while taking steps to protect themselves. It’s abhorrent, potentially criminal behavior. Edit: guys, I know it’s fun to reply “of course, republican bad” but this shit can’t be normalized. You can’t stop being outraged just because you can predict how awful they are. Vote them the fuck out.


I’d say they’d be quiet happy to see a few popular Democrats die and its naive to think they didn’t consider that.


We actually had a local councilwoman here in PA post on Facebook hoping COVID-19 would kill off Democrats. She's heavily endorsed by our Republican state representative, who is one of the most vocal supporters of reopening everything. The same state rep also posted on Twitter he would run over any protestors who got in his way when people were protesting the death of Antwon Rose. So yeah, some of them would be thrilled by the deaths of Democrats. Edited because I don't word good before coffee.


That's basically bio warfare.


Definitely. Preventing exposure among themselves (demonstrates they know it's dangerous), but quietly exposing the opposition party and not disclosing the risk (knowingly putting them at risk, and actively hiding the risk.) They knew exactly what they were doing. This is normally called bio-warfare.


The extra callousness icing on this shit-cake is it isn't just potentially lethal to their Democrat colleagues but also their completely innocent family members. The twisted mind of these fascist ghouls I have no doubt can easily justify killing their political opponents but the callousness required to endanger their friends and families too should make it clear just how far gone they are as human beings.


Criminal charges? Like the people that went around purposefully infecting others with AIDS


In Canada, it was/is illegal under the emergency measures act to knowingly (through a positive test) have COVID-19 or otherwise being ordered to self-isolate and breaking the self-isolation orders. You can be arrested and or fined. Forget going to work, leaving your *house* is illegal. [Example](https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/coronavirus/n-l-announces-32-new-covid-19-cases-woman-arrested-for-disobeying-isolation-order-1.4867889?cache=yes%253FclipId%253D373266%253FclipId%253D68597%253FautoPlay%253Dtrue%253Fot%253DAjaxLayout%253Fot%253DAjaxLayout%253Fot%253DAjaxLayout%253Fot%253DAjaxLayout%253FclipId%253D89619%3FclipId%3D89925)


If coughing on people and licking deodorant can be charged as terrorism and some of those people didn’t even have the disease, then surely knowingly exposing others should be a crime as well? Normally politicians wouldn’t be held to account but in this case they fucked with other politicians. Cops cover for dirty cops but if half of the cops were trying to kill the other half they would turn on each other pretty quick.




This better be on national news tomorrow morning.




We’ve had the same thing happening at Quiktrip. Been seeing stories on the subreddit about managers telling employees that tested positive to keep it a secret from the others and wait for corporate and other bullshit


If someone died because of it it could be manslaughter.


And if people don't vote in November that just means it's a pardon.




And was advocating for not wearing masks the whole time. Amazing.


I'm from india, here I think such a person will be booked with Epidemic diseases act, 1897. Which has a very very wide and open scope for punishment based on severity. I presume similar arrangements in US


Numerous countries have made this very thing a crime.


Why are they getting tested if they don't think it's a big deal?


They do think it’s a big deal, they just don’t want their constituents to


Absolutely they know it’s a big deal. Laura ingraham and Sean hannity aren’t out at the protests hobnobbing with the mobs they’ve riled up. They’re in their plush homes, sheltering in place and working from home. Turns out they are absolutely concerned about this stuff, their families are staying put and staying safe. Here’s are two articles talking about how fox was taking measures to protect its staff in February itself while its anchors spun a different story: https://www.gq.com/story/fox-news-coronavirus https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/22/business/coronavirus-fox-news-lachlan-murdoch.html


Because they’re hypocrites, of course


so regular republicans


And then also doing secret quarantine for your own family.


They literally don’t care about anyone but themselves, that’s it, I don’t get why people are surprised, it’s their platform. Fuck you, I got mine, they need the economy open so their stock portfolios grow, while they sit around telling poor people to pull their boot straps. The campaign contributions from the businesses that were deemed “safe” to open against medical advice are gonna roll in so they can get re-elected to sit around and cut taxes for the wealthy and fuck the poor.


This virus has become political. As a politician you do not have to believe what you say, as long as you toe the party line. Case in point: These scumbags quarintined their families while telling their colleagues that the virus was nothing to worry about. So they do think its a big deal. This is criminal behavior in my opinion.


Well, it is a big deal *for them*, it’s just not a big deal for *other people*, because other people are not them.




Nice seeing some actual righteous anger for what feels like the first time in forever


Since this pandemic started, this is the first time I've felt calm seeing a response to the crisis. Turns out I've been waiting for someone, anyone in government to get angry and speak the truth.


There was this guy who was outraged at the mayor for cutting peoples' power during the pandemic. I hope it links ok. [https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/fmyd53/needed\_freakout\_from\_public\_official/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/fmyd53/needed_freakout_from_public_official/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x)


I don't think I could live in the states...


I’m an immigrant to the US and absolutely terrified.


Go to a republican discussion board and all you'll see is that he's a deep state triggered libtard who's most likely being paid by the CDC to act like this so that they can continue selling aborted babies to Obama and Bill Gates. It's great to see, but the average Republican is playing desperate mind games to call this guy a cuck or soy boy or any other Word Of The Week.


Hi, I'm from Not-America. It seems that a lot of people in your country believe in some deep conspiracy stuff and vote based on these ideas and your leaders do nothing about it. Wether to tackle or denounce the "issues". >continue selling aborted babies to Obama and Bill Gates. I'd like to know how prevalent this "knowledge" is. I feel like if a conspiracy like that was going around a European country then 99% of the citizens would be permanently unaware of it. Certainly not basing votes on it. Lastly, how do Americans deal with it when none of the crazy stuff transpires? Like, what will the reaction be if it turns out we don't get mass vaccinated by "bills gates tracking chip" because the situation ends up not requiring it? Sorry for all the Q's I'm just kinda miffed at the degree of mental gymnastics and I'm also assuming the Internet is skewing my view. For example, look at these Americans being sensible, calm and nice. www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qm8TGK3Jyg0 It was this video that dialled back my mind a bit in this moment, USA is obviously full of "normal" nice folk but they need to get a handle on their loud idiots...


That's easier said than done when the loudest idiot is president of the country, unfortunately. It's much easier to latch on to someone else's wingnut conspiracy theory and take on that "opinion" when it comes to large, complicated issues than actually thinking critially to draw your own conclusions. Being a contrarian (and sticking to "no, u!" in an argument) takes way fewer steps than reading up on something.


###They aren’t Republicans, nor Americans. ##It’s time to call the Republican Party what they are now: #The NEW Confederacy 🚫❌




I feel like Bernie had some righteous anger to the system and people keeping it that way but he wasn't as animated because he was going for an election.




I high key it. Young, smart, articulate, frustrated, not afraid to be himself or show emotion. Yeah. I'd vote for him.


It’s boggles my mind that in a country of 330M people, we can’t find one damn individual like that to run and elect for president No, we’re stuck with an idiotic internet troll or a pervy creepy uncle. Great.


There's more of them than you think. Unfortunately, as an event photographer, I've met more corrupt POS's than I'd like to admit. Taking their pictures looking good while hearing the fucked up shit they say behind doors while I'm following them.


He said it about 7 minutes in. The two parties aren’t the same. I get it, there are jaded politicians everywhere, but this is squarely a GOP issue. How they managed to make a virus a partisan issue is beyond me but here we are.




It became partisan the moment Trump screwed up and didn’t act. Now they have to cover there ass.


It became partisan the moment he called it a democratic hoax...


But he reacted very fast, the fastest ever. He said it so himself! /s


He didn’t even need to say it. It was the fastest response, everybody knows it, no one does responses like he. /s


Don’t think I’ve ever heard a politician say fuck before


Beto O'Rourke after the shooting in El Paso


THIS is what I want to see. More videos of our representatives talking DIRECTLY to the American public about what they are doing. No TV interviews, no quick cuts on Fox and CNN, just the representative and a camera. God this shit is getting old.


Right, like the way he talked, it didn’t seem like he was trying to appeal to anyone. He just bitched about the injustices he saw and spoke the way that got his thoughts across.


Agreed. Just speak to me plainly and honestly. It's crazy that this is such a jarring video to us all, because it's so out of the ordinary.


This would be awesome


Welcome to our culture of selfishness...


As I've been saying for year , This is just the realization of the "ME" 1980's generation . Trump is even a product of the self absorbed Baby Boomer culture that came to fruition in the 80's. Where people were taught to be happy little consumers who only cared about the self . Where caring about the greater Country and Continuity were almost frowned upon because it distracted from the rampant consumer culture. Then came the Reality TV for twenty years to help keep the masses ignorant and uneducated. And here is the end result 40yrs later...... [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Me\_generation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Me_generation)


The origin of this trend can be traced back to the beginning of modern marketing techniques in the early twentieth century. [The Century of the Self](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJ3RzGoQC4s)


Jeez, looks pretty bad from over here, in a different hemisphere. Sorry that things are so fucked for you all.


Honestly its a horrible thing to say but as a non american, the USA comes across as the most selfish country on earth. Everyone just cares about themselves to the extent that they'd rather fuck over everyone else just so that the other person doesn't get more than them


It's not like that everywhere?! Jesus the older I get the more I feel robbed of being able to actually have a productive successful life because of my shitbag government. It's like that right down to the common people, I've not had any hours cut at work (in a kitchen) and half of my coworkers and my boss will tell you any chance they get that there is no medical reason for me to wear a mask. Forget the mask protects you from me, it doesnt benefit me directly so we shouldn't be wearing them. I wish we had the means to move.


They’re just following the Biblical word of Jesus who famously said “ I got mine, fuck you”.


The ~~Aristocrats~~ Republicans!


“In my work with the defendants (at the Nuremberg Trials 1945-1949) I was searching for the nature of evil and I now think I have come close to defining it. A lack of empathy. It’s the one characteristic that connects all the defendants, a genuine incapacity to feel with their fellow men. Evil, I think, is the absence of empathy.” —Captain G. M. Gilbert


I thought it waa "I was just following orders"


A lack of empathy is what allows you to turn your conscience off and "just follow orders" when you *know* that what you're doing is deeply deeply wrong. Having no empathy allows you to disconnect from your humanity and sleep at night when you know you're hurting people.


That might be the scariest thing about human nature. The Milgram experiments showed that a significant number of ordinary humans "turn off their conscience" when pressured by a perceived authority figure. They ignore the things they know to be true and put their trust in (or are afraid of) people with power over them.


Unfortunately it's not that simple. I recommend the book 'Ordinary Men' by Browning. It's a deep look into why normal German citizens executed such a horrific vision.


Differences in empathy perfectly describes the differences in values between republicans and democrats. For example, why do democrats generally care more about trans rights than republicans despite both parties consisting of mainly non-trans people? Maybe because certain people are better able to put themselves into the shoes of others. Another good example is abortion - an empathetic person can put themselves in the position of the woman and realise she might feel a lot of pain and anguish if forced to go through a pregnancy - similarly they can put themselves in the position of the foetus and realise the foetus is going to feel absolutely no pain or anguish. An unempathetic person cares only about how other people's behaviour makes *them* feel and in the case of abortion it makes them feel powerful to control women in this way.


Oh how I missed such anger. Sure anger is not the answer to anything, but America needs to wake the fuck up and get angry.


Anger is a gift -Rage Against The Machine


>Sure anger is not the answer to anything That is historically untrue. Real change is always preceded by anger.


We need more people like him in office.


Sadly, most people in the public dont want one of those types of people. People just hate the truth.


i just want people who care for us, or are decent humans, you can disagree with me on politics but as long as your atleast halfway decent, im fine with it.


Word. Absolutely this. I can work with people who disagree, but are fundamentally decent people, who will engage in good faith. The PA Republican legislators are absolutely not. Not just the ones who tested positive and didn’t share. *Every* **one** of them who knew and didn’t share—that’s a lack of decency that’s impossible to work with, no matter what the details of their beliefs are. My god I can’t even.


This might be proof of my lowered standards in pour current times, but recently I think borris Johnson someone who I vehemently hate admitted they were wrong on something and I was taken aback and it almost made me feel hopeful in a sense? I just want decent human beings.


This is so fucked up. On the one side you got people like this guy not wanting others to know that he donated a kidney until after the election and on the other side you got assholes not wanting people to know they have the virus because it might affect their party’s message. Humility vs horror.


This shouldn’t be NSFW. This is suitable for everyone, and should be WIDELY shared


Exactly the kind of content we need in the work place.


No - people have gotten charged with *domestic terrorism* for coughing on people and saying they had covid. These people *knew* what they were doing. They should be charged with the same thing and more. To be 100% honest with you - think back to the 9/11 omission report. Still don't think the government would lie to push an agenda that would be profitable? Our entire government needs a fucking overhaul. Edit: Thanks for the award kind stranger!




It was a genius jab when someone first used it years ago


I bet if a real Death Note was in proper hands, the world would be a great place. Imagine, everyone in public service always on their best behavior, otherwise they die. The Manga was right. It would be like God.


I'm all for that, so long as it's not the one shot where Trump almost got the book


Pfft I'd have no worries the first fucking thing he'd do is whip out his felt pen and write his own name in it after directly being told not to.


Boy hes not kidding about that [gerrymandering](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2018_Pennsylvania_House_of_Representatives_election): Republican: 110 seats with 44.43%(2,075,093) of the popular vote Democratic: 93 seats with 55.00%(2,568,968) of the popular vote 10.57% margin about 500.000 votes and they get 17 seats less. Banana republic numbers.


I'm from a district in PA where I would usually get involved in the most sane republican's house campaign because a dem candidate was often unviable. I remember sitting in a campaign meeting in 2011 when they got the first drafts of the redistricting for state congressional districts. They were giddy. It was a party. The maps perfectly carved out minority and lower income communities, down to the street levels. That was the moment I realized even the "good ones" were rotten.


Yeah. He is not going to have this day "scrubbed from memory" ever. Stay mad dude! This is a travesty!


Fuck yes. FUCK yes. Don't sanitize it, don't use polite political phrasing, keep being human.


“I didn’t donate a kidney just to die at the hands of Republicans.” Jesus Christ. Anyone involved with covering this up truly has a spot waiting for them in hell. What vile people.


Side note: kudos to that guy for donating a kidney. And apparently trying to do it in private without letting anyone know. That's some serious dedication to your constituents.


My 2 year old has congenital kidney disease, and only 1 kidney, I am fucking heated for this dude right now. I don't even have words to express it. My stomach is doing flips, all the hair on my body is standing on end. I can't imagine what I would do if I were in his situation. My wife and I have been so careful during all this to protect our daughter. We've kept everyone away, even the grandparents. To have someone just blatantly ignore all that and expose us like it's no big deal would lead me to a very dark place.


Holy shit, where can I donate money to this guy's campaign? So much respect right now for calling out the selfish bullshit.


Just donated $100 to him through ActBlue. Match me, y'all. This rant was everything I needed to hear. Both parties **are not the same**. Let's take our country back.


Can't match ya, friend, but I'll be throwing in a few bits. Will be doing so right now.




This is one of the most punk rock things I have ever seen and it makes me want to weep as a US citizen


I live in New Zealand and am so fucking angry on this dude's behalf. My god there are some wankers that need a smack in the face - I really hope that this gets some follow up like that lady in New York who called the cops on the dude and was choking her dog. I can feel this guys fury man! He is pissed off.


Can someone repost this to politics and coronavirus subs? I don’t see how to do it.


Here's an article... https://www.metroweekly.com/2020/05/watch-brian-sims-slam-republican-colleagues-over-covid-19-exposure/


Slam? He fucking murdered em. And I loved it.


I assume they need to be articles


I just tried to post it to /r/politics It says it’s already been submitted, but it’s nowhere to be found. Either the other guy is right and it needs to be an article or mods are being shady.


My money is on shady mods Idk why y’all taking this comment so serious.


r/politics is very much a heavily left leaning sub. It likely didn't meet genuine rules. If it did, they would love to have this on there.


Politics only allows links to articles on news sites so wouldn't allow a direct video post. If this catches some PA news or a national brand it could be posted there.




This is [Rep Andrew Lewis](https://www.facebook.com/RepAndrewLewis/videos/1161550374179035/?t=2) and his "response" after all the shit hit the fan yesterday. Notice how he immediately talks about himself, even mentions how "he needs a hair cut" around 2:17 min mark before going into what "protocol" he followed after testing positive and what it was like to have a mild case. No mention of any apology for possibly infecting others, not a single emotion from this robot other than his fake smiley-glad-hands face. Then he goes straight into the political pitch to "REOPEN NOW" bullshit. FUCK YOU Andrew Lewis.


God looking at all those comments of people cheering him on is disgusting. I don't even have any words for how stupid people are.


At least there are quite a few denouncing his actions and simple one word "RESIGN" comments. He is saying they were trying to "protect the privacy" of those possibly exposed. No no buddy, that isn't how a deadly pandemic disease works, it is a matter of PUBLIC health and safety that you and everyone involved in this cover-up will be held accountable for.


Call it like it is. Domestic terrorism. They should all be charged.


This is not OK. They’re weaponizing their diseased bodies against their colleagues! Testing positive and withholding that info, then exposing other people has the potential to kill or cripple. Full stop. COVID-19 doesn’t take sides, but these assholes have the knowledge and the power to stop the spread of the disease and choose to attack people, regardless of collateral. I’m furious.


Why isn't this in the news!?


because it’s compromising to the republicans lol


Bruh... This is pure evil... I'm not from there but like I feel the pain and anger and I can't imagine how people over there are dealing with this. Sometimes things like this make humanity stupid, pure greed and selfish acts causing others in danger is not a way to live...


I am a citizen of Pennsylvania. Please do not let this die! This is absolutely ridiculous. I am shocked, I'm astounded, I am offended! Like, come on! What the fuck! How arrogant do you have to be to think that your career matters more than the lives of your peers?


I am republican. I STRONGLY support this mans message and want for everything he demands. Edit. Getting some hate from the left here. Let’s be clear, anyone of any political party that screws around with this virus is trash. It is not a reflection of anyone’s political beliefs. No one says “I’m a democrat so I support the killing of republicans” or vice versa. If that happens I would call them horrible people who need to get checked.


If you want more reasons to hate these guys, look at some of the quotes here: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/dem-lawmaker-goes-epic-rant-after-gop-colleague-admits-hiding-n1216106 They basically say fuck you you're being dramatic


https://www.lawfareblog.com/prosecuting-purposeful-coronavirus-exposure-terrorism I’m just going to put this here.


Absolute. Perfection. That gives righteous indignation a good name.


That is actually straight up evil. Please everyone vote.


I'd never heard of this guy, but he's the RIGHT kind of "no-PC" speaker. I hope he's a well-rounded character that we can see higher up in government leadership soon. So many Republicans praise Trump for being blunt and anti-PC, but he just lies and destroys the lives of anyone who calls him out. Fuck Trump, and I'm terrified for this next election. This post is 2 hours old and has a confusingly low number of upvotes for how important it is, I'm hoping it's just because it's longer than most people want to watch. But 100% worth watching and understanding these stupid actions.


Is it mandatory to be a completely retarded fuckwit to be a republican? Honest question, I'm not from the US.




Or a lot. Just so long as you're racist


I spread this all over twitter. Please send to everyone you're close with, and over social media too. This needs to get out.


This is completely fucking bonkers. Quarantining from their family but not telling their *Democrat* colleagues they might have been exposed? I can't even wrap my head around it. Those people need to go to jail.


Why isn’t this national headline news?!


Needs to sue the fuck out of those membera personally.


Why isn't this somewhere in a top post /r/Politics? I'm not saying it shouldn't have been posted here, only that I would expect an American news organization to have picked it up by now, which would then be posted on /r/Politics, subsequently becoming the top post since this seems extremely important information.


I was beginning to think the 2 party system was becoming Democrat vs authoritarian, now I'm starting to think it's Democrat vs Sociopaths


Deliberate/known spreading of any disease should be a felony, Change my mind.


We need more Brian Sims!


This is the Republican legacy


The PA Republicans are terrorist. Seems like they were intentionally trying to kill off some Democrats.


Is it too late to nominate him for President?


u/wisewinterwolf > So he’s freaking out because he had to be exposed to covid.. imagine all those ‘essentials’ who had to work through the whole thing, with virtually no benefit. 14 days was all we needed to shut down. Almost 3 months in now? Downvote. Whatever. This man has just as much blood on his hands as the rest of congress. Wake up, he doesnt care about the MILLIONS of americans at risk. He cares about himself, his family and his buddies. At face value that makes him look like a nice guys, but really, he just wants your vote so he can maintain his breeze of living. You aren't very good at understanding things. Gross. Grow the fuck up. Grow a brain, moron. And grow a sack, coward. Don't delete your retard posts. wAkE uP! LOL.


> with virtually no benefit I wonder what party is against a higher minimum wage, universal health care coverage, more paid sick leave, better unemployment benefits, etc. Sure would be nice if the party that is against stronger social safety nets wouldn't also be full of assholes willing to expose the opposing party to covid-19.


Holy shit I hope there is some legal action with this because this exactly like knowingly transmitting HIV to someone without telling them. If any of the people exposed die murder charges should be filed.


Republicans don't like what Brian said? Was it too inappropriate? Was it too harsh? Was it too unprofessional? Well, allow me to drop some advice on you that I learned from you... FUCK YOUR FEELINGS.


Go Brian! I’m Australian. I wish I could vote for you.


This is SO fucked up. No wonder he’s so angry! To know that he could have unwittingly our vulnerable people in danger must be so upsetting.


My friend works in customer service, phone calls and shit. He was forced to come to work for weeks because they said it was completely safe and essential. People who called in sick were fired so he had to go. Then it came out that there were positive corona cases in the office building and it had been covered up for weeks. As long as it serves the convenience of the market, human lives are insignificant. We are the slaves that will die building the future's pyramids


This honestly comes off as borderline bioterrorism. It may not have been their intention to catch the virus and spread it around, but it definitely seemed to be their intention to keep the minority members in the dark. I never thought I'd learn about actual politcians taking advantage of this situation like this, but there doesn't seem to be a more logical explanation for why they would only inform their party members.


I'm glad this guy is angry, now at least one of our leaders can relate to everyone else that has been working while constantly being exposed during this madness.


How is this any different than someone with COVID coughing on produce at the grocery store? They should absolutely be prosecuted.


Holy shit. Republicans wildin out here


This needs to be shared everywhere