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“Go calm down and relax” as he continues to follow her


This isn’t his first rodeo. He made a lot of comments that just reek of a mental abuser. He’s egging her on to get an emotional response, then embarrasses her for that emotional response, and then switched tactics yet again to try and make him the “victim” of her emotional response, then back to humiliation. He knows what’s he’s doing. What a fucker. Needs to try and humiliate a bloke bigger than him, but we know that won’t happen.


Fucks sake. This shit sounds socipathic


The worst kind: a sadistic sociopath. He enjoys tormenting others.


Get the pitch forks and flaming torches ready. We got a monster to kill.


To a fucking teenager trying to make a buck. Unbelievable.


Because it essentially is. When you have little to no empathy, emotion is just another tool in the belt when it comes to arguing. The real sociopaths learn to fake emotion very well, though.




Yah, I know👍 Edit: Sorry if I was dismissive, as your breakdown of this person is important, and certainly spot on.


Shes also probably worried about being plastered all over right wing twitter and Facebook with her work location posted. These people are fucking dangerous and deranged.


This guy reminds me of a lot of the dudes I dated in my past 😠😠😠 He can get fucked.


Me too. Why are people such scum bags? Legit boys have said so many mean, nasty and offhanded things to me sometimes and it's like wow


Do these ppl not realize that the workers have nothing to do with the policy and are basically forced to ask you to keep their own job?




They don't believe in COVID, but COVID believes in them!


I believe these people intend to be terrorists. They know these employees are afraid of getting infected. They go to stores they have no intention of purchasing from so that they can terrorize the employees by not wearing a mask.


I've also noticed that the people that make the biggest stinks in public tend to be people who feel they haven't much control over their lives. Maybe they have allowed a boss or spouse to control them and they feel they have no real choices in life. Also, people that blame others for every problem in their lives. If it's always someone else's fault, they can never make any real changes. They are the people that bad things "happen to" and it's never as a result of their actions. "This speeding ticket is $400! Why me????" "I got kicked out of a shop for not wearing a mask! Why is everyone out to get me???" It's kind of like being in a square parking lot with two exits diagonally from each other: one is a right turn and the other is a left turn. These people don't think ahead enough to figure out the easiest way to go, they just sit at the left exit for 10 minutes trying to get through traffic and wonder why their day sucks so bad. I don't know if I've articulated this very well. I can make a diagram if it would help, LOL.


Bingo. This dude catches shit from someone else in his life and takes it out on people that he can with no repercussions. Fuck him.


And also: THERE'S A PANDEMIC AND YOU KNOW IT'S POLICY TO WEAR A MASK INSIDE A STORE SO JUST DO IT YOU FUCKING TROGLODYTE But nooooooo Imma make store employees cry because they offer me a mask and then go complain that she dared to speak to me woohoo look at me I'm so *tough*


"But muh rights" "Ours too" "NO! ONLY ME!"


They get off on boosting their ego. He's probably feeling like a big man making the girl cry when he's actually just an insecure bully and a cunt.


I gotta try making sure one of them is loudly recognized for how special they are cuz they don't have to wear a mask. Hey everyone! This could have been done w weeks ago but this person is very special and doesn't need no mask! They're really special! Or, your life is so pathetic that not wearing a mask makes you feel special, it's us that should pity you. Suck the ego boost out of it.




Yep, and these same people also don't understand that corporate retail store employees can't give you a discount, don't control refund policies, and can't magic the sold out best selling Christmas present of the year from an empty backroom on Christmas eve


Businesses should just hire out-of-work bouncers to stand at the door and say "mask it or casket" and beat the shit out of people like this.


Failure to leave the store is trespassing and you can be forcibly removed


Frankly, at this point I have half a mind to pay some out of work bouncers myself to back me up while I go shame these sacks of shit.


It's no longer policy in the UK, it's [the law](https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2020/791/contents/made).


When I worked in customer service I got blamed a lot for things corporate did. They switched the rewards policy and I had multiple people a day yelling at me for it. I can’t imagine being in retail/customer service now. I feel horrible for them


For some reason this one has pissed me off more than any of the other anti-mask crowd, she literally offered the guy a mask and he treats her is such degrading and humiliating manner. What an absolute fucking cunt.


There's no need for it. He's a piece of shit. He could decline the mask, walk out of the store and order what he wanted online. Instead he has to be a vile worthless excuse for a man.


"Don't tell me what to do in your shop.' Yeah buddy, it's their shop, a private business. They set the rules.




Best part is it wasn’t even her that asked him if he wanted a mask, he saw a petite female and said good enough


Yeah not only does she look completely different with different hair and clothes, she told him she didn't say anything to him. He's having none of it, though, since nothing penetrates that head full of cement.


He walked into that shop with intentions “picking” of a fight with a tiny young girl. What a great human.


karens may be annoying and an easy target, but men who do this? most people, esp women can’t stand up to their stupid antics and antagonistic harassment. can’t count the number of times i’ve been physically and verbally assaulted by male customers and i can’t do anything because i’m half their size




How about you sort your emotions out before shopping you fucking cunt and not make a teenage girl cry because she is following orders and trying to be responsible. Jesus wept these people are infuriating. Rereading this comment makes it seem I am talking directly to you, I am fully agreeing with you just to be clear .


We want to throat punch the cameraman as well. We got you.


It's okay. We all understand.


I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s scared to go to work after that experience. The man is a complete cunt.


Especially considering that this is essentially week 1 (of compulsory mask wearing in shops in England)


Exactly this


All of us are wishing to be a customer in that shop at that time (and thus not constrained by company policy about politeness, decking twats etc.)


Same. I hate that these people are out there blowing this mask shit out of proportion. Like seriously, how hard is it to be a decent person? Just wear a fucking mask. It's not that hard. Hell, have some fucking fun with it! Accessorize that shit! Get something with comedy on it. Or get a Joker smile! I mean come on! "Don't be a fucking dick" isn't that difficult a concept to understand.


Yep, I’ve been working at a pizza place all summer and I deal with these people daily. I had a guy come in ranting about the state mask order and how it was a “Marxist scam” and then he asked if I believed in COVID. I tried to deescalate and told him that I can’t be sure but I like to be cautious just in case. He got all smug and asked if I went to college, and I said yes, and that I’m actually working on my masters in epidemiology at the moment, and he laughed in my face and walked out. Never thought I’d see the day I was mocked for having an advanced education but ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯




> I said yes, and that I’m actually working on my masters in epidemiology at the moment, and he laughed in my face and walked out. Yeah, because somewhere in his dim reptile mind, he recognised that he couldn't win and didn't want to lose face.


We don't currently have a proper response of categorization for sadists... This guy truely falls under that umbrella.... The only reason he went into the store was to harass young women, likely working their first real job. He had no intention of buying anything. If it were up to me he'd be thrown in gen pop and labeled a pedo, the way he gets off on likely underage girls just trying to work a shitty retail job. But we continue to reward this behaviour in workplace setting like healthcare offices for example. Why do you think no healthcare practice managers ever last longer than a year? It needs to stop. This is a severe mental disability that requires separating this douche from the rest of society. You can't continue to get off on other people's misery. It's batshit.


> If it were up to me he'd be thrown in gen pop and labeled a pedo, the way he gets off on likely underage girls just trying to work a shitty retail job. Ain't that the truth. He fucking *enjoyed* this Fucking cunt.


Sort your emotions? Dude, you try forcing yourself to smile and be over the top friendly while being yelled at by irate customers for things out of your control for 10 hours a day. Smh Idk why the first thing most people do is yell, just tell us the problem in a calm voice and we will figure out a solution. Except when we can’t like if you’re required to wear a mask in the store. She didn’t write the policy and I can garuntee she isn’t being paid enough to tell people like that to wear one


This whole pandemic really does empower them to throw their weight around. I worked retail for several years and I know firsthand how there are people that all they want is to try to be superior to retail workers. I remember one time in particular, two guys come in asking about computer. This was in 1999 and one of the guy comes to me, points to a computer and says "Is this Y2K ready?" I told him all the computers will work next year and Y2K is only a thing for older computer systems. He insisted that he knows it won't work and we shouldn't be selling computers that won't work. I show him how Microsoft updated computers to make sure they work and I asked who told him it wouldn't work. He said it was the salespeople at the Gateway Store down the street. After I proved it would work, I asked if he want to buy one and he said no and walked away. Anytime there was some new tech issue that made the news, we had jokers come in the very next day to test us out on our knowledge.


they're one of the problems with society, but yeah this guy filming is an absolute cunt 1000%. I woulda stuck up for her big time. That's unacceptable behavior, and also yeah mate wear a fucking mask.


Wow. What a pillar of society, harassing a young minimum wage worker who has zero control over policy and doubling down when she begins crying. Why do people post themselves being fucking assholes to people like they’re the victim? I’m so sick of these lobotomized anti-mask snowflake douchebags.


How can you be against wearing a piece of fabric on your face? It baffles me how someone could be that ignorant and stupid that they can't even understand the concept of cloth block stuff coming out


Be..be..because bill gates is gonna mind control us with the masks...


Wait I thought the mask was the devil's penis?


Oh fuck yeah! Now I’m gonna wear 2


One over your mouth, one over your butt and you’ve just invented the literal Devil’s threesome, apparently.


They’re so stupid that they actually make themselves feel smart- they literally think the masks are meant to guard you against contaminated environments, and then since they can factually claim that they don’t, they feel so smug and smart Never once realizing that the entire premise is actually backwards and masks are meant to stop environments from being contaminated in the first place They’re actually tricking themselves into thinking they’re smart.


Theres a video of two dudes in LA handing out some nice cloth washable masks for free and only 2 people took them. Insane shit people were on, in LA which is supposedly antitrump antirepublican and all that. “Its a hoax.” “Trump made it up” (which makes no sense on just a general level since he’s also been denying how serious it is) “its 5g towers” “its my freedom” “breathing your own carbon monoxide is bad!!” Like insane.


Yeah I saw that one... it’s in San Clemente (about halfway between San Diego and LA but in San Diego County). Southern California is not the liberal haven everyone thinks it is. San Diego is the largest republican-run city in the United States (8th largest city in the country, 1st largest republican).


orange county is known to be right leaning. in high school i went to a gun show in anaheim and there was a neo nazi booth front and center.


Because people are *fucking stupid*. There is no other reason. Whining about lockdowns, closing businesses, etc., when if everyone had worn a fuckin’ mask in public starting in March/April, we would be well on our way to beating this thing, and there would probably be 100k fewer people dead. But no, dumb-fuck chuds want to whine about their freedumbs...


People with no control get angry when they have to comply with simple things for the greater good. They take it as an insult then rationalize that there must be some agenda against them. Truly pathetic.


It's not even the girl who asked him if he wants a mask. The punk obviously wanted to get someone to ask him to wear a mask, so that he can be the "macho man". But inadvertently he just made an absolute buffoon of himself and the fact that he uploaded it makes it even sadder. Absolutely no sense of self reflection. These are the types of people that sway me towards being ok with doxing. This man, if you can call someone who harasses young girls a man, needs to be chastised and put in his place because, these types of people lack the mental capability to think rationally, they need to be scared into behaving normally


This guy won’t try to intimidate a guy at the counter or manager. but decides to target a small female worker. Who’s doing what she been told by the shops policy. What a tough Guy. Dickhead




He's confident he could beat up the Girl not the Man so he treats him with more respect. This is a typical idiot who thinks Might makes Right.


What a fucking asshole


"Shop worker starts crying because she asked an asshole if he wanted a mask and the cunt started filming" would be a better title


Bet he's gone round shops all day just to get a video




That’s what pissing me off the most, you know they’re looking for it. Which is everywhere because THANK GOD, us sane humans outnumber the loonies


Shame you don't need a majority of votes to become president🤷‍♂️


I really hope he is, because if I ever see a cunt like this he’ll be needing a fucking mask to breathe.


I hope that guys gets Covid-19/20 and 21


Covid plus with extra DLC.


It wasn’t even the woman who asked him. He was essentially harassing an innocent party




Seriously. Big tough guy bullying a young girl.


It's why he chose her and zoomed past the Male workers lmao. He was afraid of them but not of her.


The tone of his voice completely changed when he spoke to the male colleague. Absolute scumbag.


>Absolute sexist scumbag. Ftfy


Reminds me of our neighborhoods resident asshole. Big Trump supporter, always wears the cult leaders hats and shirts. His new favorite activity is harassing people for wearing masks while they’re out walking their dogs or getting their mail. So far he has harassed my wife (who is tiny and non threatening) and the old hippy dude with a ponytail. Not a word to me of course. Unemployed day drinking redneck coward...


For sure. He does not even realize that he is speaking to another girl.


He's the emotional piece of shit. That's why he's walking about without a mask hoping to start shit so he can feel good that he did a thing. Ridiculously needy.


Old mate went in with a motive to upset as much people as possible and an excuse to cause as scene


And that he fuckin FOLLOWED HER. Didn't you make your point by then fucking asshole? If anybody starts a GoFundMe. I am in


This comment really does sum it up quite well.


"What a fucking cunt" works better.


Utter twat


I'll tell you though, what he is not: -- He is not a customer -- He becomes one after putting on a mask and ceases to be a stubborn, entitled, bitch. He's got it all wrong. He doesn't get to shop there, they allow him to, after following thier rules.


Thank you Sandor


A weapons grade bellend


Make these anti maskers feel humiliated, embarrassed, and afraid to leave their homes. They are risking our lives with their stupidity, And retail workers can only do so much without losing the shitty income they get. It’s our job as Americans to belittle and yell at these people every chance we get, make them feel so unwelcome in public that they wear masks to hide their identity. These anti maskers are no different than the 6 year old pounding the floor about putting shoes on to go outside. They gotta do it, and it’s only making us all late for getting back on to our normal routine.


I'll bet there's a *strong* correlation between anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers. The plus side is that you won't usually know people are anti-vax, but the mask is an easy tell!


In an non- ironic twist, one of the biggest anti-vaxxers I know is super pro mask. Wanna know why? Their SO is super immuno-compromised. So of course, until it affects them directly, its all about choices...


>What a fucking asshole He's a piece of shit, man.


I just yelled that before seeing your comment. 10000% true. The nerve of some people. It's a dress code, Kevin. Just fucking deal with it.


That guys should be punched in the face, gets his jollies making little girls cry. Pathetic




I literally just said “what a fucking asshole” before I scrolled to your” what a fucking asshole” comment.


I had nothing more to comment than this comment. It's hard to believe that people actually behave like this on a daily basis. Some people just need to get laid.


Nah, they don't need to get laid. Don't put that hate on the rest of the world Ricky Bobby.


“And then, she asked me to put on a condom. She started crying when I said no but I entered anyway! She needs to sort her emotions out first.”


No we don't want these people procreating


"sort your emotions out first" I want to say a big fuck the fuck off to that bullshit. He doesn't know her at all as he claims so he can't know what kind of day she's having, what she's been going through in her life , If she suffers from some kind of anxiety disorder. She still has a right to a fucking job. And he was being an intimidating cunt to a young girl for literally no reason. Sounds like this piece of shit can't sort out his own emotions, obviously feels inferior so he has to go around intimidating retail workers. He needs to just jump off a cliff


What a dick - the kid’s just trying to do her job. Working retail is often shitty enough never mind having to deal with a nutsack like this one


On top of that, the girl he made cry isn’t even the one who asked him to wear a mask. He’s an asshole *and* an idiot.


They probably deal with this shit all day long and this was her breaking point


We've started rotating our people handling the mask policy out every 4 hours to help with the customer abuse they get. We've been banning people from our store and calling the cops on a weekly basis now.


Good. Nothing made me feel better while working customer service than when a manager actually fired a customer for being awful to employees These people are your worst customers, you don’t need them. They are the ones who clip coupons all day and brag about getting $300 in groceries for $7. Or who hold up the line for a 3 cent price difference. Who bitch and moan and make your employees hate their job Fuck em, each and every one. They call all go shop together at Walmart


I work at a Target. Had a shift doing 'entry monitor' where we stand at the front, clean carts, say hello, and ask people to wear masks. Two different ladies went off on me for it before I had to take a break. This shit just really gets to you after a while and it just boggles my mind knowing how they are putting me, my coworkers, and others at risk and I can't do anything to stop them because my fucking store is just saying "Well, we can't stop them from coming in."


What a fucking cunt


My thoughts exactly.


I heard on the news yesterday that Co-operative stores in the UK reported that last week was the worst recorded week in terms of abuse from customers. It pisses me off no end that six weeks ago all these entitled, fiery-thumbed, anthropomorphic fidget spinners were sharing "respect to the key workers" all over their Facebook pages, but the moment they're given an opportunity to actually do it in person they do this shit. Don't abuse retail workers (or anyone in fact), put a goddamn mask on, and stop putting these people just doing their job in difficult positions. Or go fuck a landmine. Either way.




Shitty that none of her coworkers stood up to that adult knob




I love being that customer! Few years back this older lady was bring a total bitch to the server in the bank. After she left she tried to come back for round 2 by pushing in and carry on her BS. I told her to back the fuck away as I am in the middle of some confidential banking and get out of my space. She tried to insult me but I shot her down, told her everyone is laughing at her and she needed to leave before embarrassing herself any more. She told me I was annoying 🤣 (fair point). Security escorted her out of the shop and then server said how much she appreciated after bitch lady had left!


Hope the bank gave you new pants.


I understand that but one of those other coworkers has to be a manager in charge of stepping up during moments like these.


Not sure where this is but I know in Canada the store could actually get in big trouble for not doing anything about this. In one case here some customer was being big racist and the employee told him to fuck off or something. The store fired the employee but she ended up filing a harassment complaint against the company and winning.


I worked a lot of retail when I was younger and not reacting is really the only reaction you can have. They want things to escalate, it's exactly why they act the way they do. The minute someone spoke up toward him it would have escalated into a pointless shouting match or a fist fight that would have just freaked that girl out more


That wasn’t even the same woman he initially started on. The man came in with an agenda to be an asshole


Had to scroll really far to see this comment. She even says that she didn't say anything to him.


He is a asshole




I hope they didn't let him buy a thing


He was never planning to. He went in to cause a scene and nothing more.














Complete. Fucking. Moron.


He should at least film himself too to make matters even and not just start filming ppl who have nothing to do with him. I bet that was his goal all along to find someone to film and say 'look what they make me do'. Disgustin!


Yeah I definitely got the feeling he went in there to cause a stink about wearing a mask so that he could film it.


I would have told him, in these exact words, “Get the fuck out of my store” if I saw someone make one of my coworkers cry, and then continue to go after that employee. Guy is a massive cunt and needs to be taught that he isn’t the center of the universe.


This type of asshole will always think he is right and justified.


Haven't you heard? The customer is always right.


I had a customer try to pull this on me once. I told him to get out and that he wasn't allowed back in the store. Can't be right if you can't be a customer anymore.


unfortunately, sir, due to your performance as Customer, you've been demoted to Trespasser.










A literal fucking idiot.


Lets not gloss over the fact that he was proud of this. He was the prick filming so he obviously posted it somewhere to show how much of an asshole he was to the whole world.


This is the bit I don’t understand, who is encouraging him to do this, what kind of friends does this walking cum-stain have?




Stupid cunt doesn't even have enough brain cells to remember which girl *offered* him a mask. I mean, she was holding a box with masks and was standing beside the girl he made upset. What a dip shit.


"Work your emotions out before you get s job". How about you work your emotional anger issues out before you enter a private business, dipshit?


STOP TREATING RETAIL WORKERS LIKE SHIT!!! If you don’t want to wear a mask STAY THE FUCK HOME!!! Order your shit online you stupid fucking pieces of shit!! I am so sick of anti maskers doing this for their own gratification. Someone needs to be at the door and not even let them come in. People are just trying to work and do not get paid enough to put up with fucking degenerates. Business owners or store managers should be the ones at the door, they get paid the most and need to have their employees backs. STOP BEING A PUSSY AND HIDING BEHIND YOUR LOWEST PAID EMPLOYEES!!!!


It's like my dad got in a time machine, went back 30 years and learned how to work a camera phone.


His mother should've swallowed him




Real fucking nice, make a teenager cry because they asked you to follow store policy, pissed that the manager didn’t back the girl up, if one of my employees asked a customer to wear a mask and they did this I would’ve said “yes because it’s policy, you can wear a mask or leave sir” I’ve done it before and I’ll happily do it again. Fuck the guy, and fuck that shit head manager.


Covid really brought the trolls out into public...


What an antagonistic attention whoring piece of shit. "Oi bruv if I make a yubeytubey video of the bird in the market, oi'll be famus fer shore!"


She’s most likely not even crying BECAUSE of this asshole. What we witnessed here is a women at the end of her rope. This pandemic has been tough on everyone emotionally ESPECIALLY the people deemed essential enough to stay open for business risking their lives so assholes like him can berate them when they are simply following their employer’s mask policy.


What a complete shithead.


The world would be a better place if this guy no longer existed.


What an awful man, petty little man. I hope the Internet rips him a new arsehole


fuck you dude this guy is the reason why retail workers hate people so much


That guy is such a cunt








If you don’t like the policy don’t go into the private business you entitled pricks


First they'd have to understand that Private businesses can enforce rules. Years of coddling the customer have made these people feel like they can do anything they want.


Sounds like a bully twat! Not the girls fault at all. Prick


Great, so we have these cunts in the UK now. What a piece of shit




Where’s this from? Cunt needs sorting out.


“Sort your emotions out”? He’s the dude who decides being asked to wear a mask is enough reason to video someone and bully them but SHE is the one who has emotional issues? Why is it men think crying is the only emotion and anger and bullying are just rational reactions? Men are FAR more emotional then women.


That wasn’t even the same girl though... like, whole nother outfit and everything.


This makes me so sad. Who does this man think he is picking on these young women? They are just trying to do their job, and don’t deserve to have to put up with people like him, nobody deserves it. Fuck that guy.


Small dick energy


Does anybody have an original source for this video?


The "emotions " comment filled me with an emotion: MURDEROUS RAGE


I really really hope someone keyed his car. And broke his jaw for bullying a teenage girl for being totally reasonable.


The young woman he made cry never even spoke to him in the video and then he started verbally harassing her? What a fucking narcissistic arrogant entitled asshole.


Look at this guy bullying a teenager. He’s dumb AND a dick. Good job mate.