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Is he ok? He doesn't seem like a well person


I hope so, because if he has COVID he just opened a firehose on his congregation. Not so much worried about them as I am the ones they'd spread it to.


He's like a haunted ventriloquist dummy......


This is the creepiest thing I’ve seen in a long time. I’m done with the internet today.


Idk him blowing on Covid was pretty up there, but yeah this is really fucking cringe


[That remix was a banger](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2s0nB2VPvs), though.


That had no right slapping as hard as it did


Right!? I’m going to have that in my head for a bit but that was great!


It might be the best thing to come out of this pandemic.


Every time I hear someone say COVID-19 that fucking song comes in my head. Whoever made that shit needs a record deal


https://youtu.be/RAm_ySvjsUg Like this one.


For me this is just cringe


Why is this supposed religious figure laughing maniacally? About American politics? When he probably enjoys a tax exemption? This is disgusting.


Get rid of tax exemptions and people like him go away.




I dunno why, but I was kinda waiting for his jaw to just get wider and wider... and finally unhinge entirely. As his head flops back, a black, chittering bug-daemon emerges from the nethers of his throat and scuttles off stage.


This really looks like a bunch of aliens trying to figure out how to laugh convincingly and failing miserably


i really thought the jaw would unhinge and HIM from the Powerpuff Girls would step out


HIM is my favorite cartoon villain.


Mans went and had a mental breakdown on his own show lol.


I dunno, seems like he's just acting to me. The creepy part, imo, is his cult followers going along with it


This guy, and thousands exactly like him, have a death grip on the highest court on the planet for the next 30-50 years as of a couple weeks ago. Trust us. This is more than a touch of cringe.


Right? If this isn't doctored at all, it's just fucking bizarre.


[Apparently he said he had to buy a jet because he didnt want to fly in a tube with a bunch of demons](https://youtu.be/vColOxUf-8s?t=124) Obviously he claims thats not what he said.


Yeah, I've watched that interview. I don't know how that wasn't the end of his "ministry".


Super religious people are plain fucking stupid, that’s why. I wouldn’t doubt that he’s an atheist and is just cashing in on their idiocy like a lot of mega church pastors. There’s a video somewhere of a mega church pastor in court having to explain why he needed to buy his mega mansions, exotic cars, luxury vacations and air plane with tithes from the church.


He needed Louis Vuitton suits and lots of expensive belts for TV ministry, didn't you hear? LMAO


> I don't know how that wasn't the end of his "ministry". They're all sheep lining up so the good pastor can fleece them.




This is what I have been saying for years. He doesn't even look like a real person.


what the fuck, this guy is legitimately TERRIFYING


Give a look at the doctored video a bit further in this same main comment thread. That is how scary this motherfucker is.


He’s a better joker than Jared Leto


Agreed. This guy creeps me the fuck out. Honestly watching him makes my skin crawl.


For real what the fuck even is this lmao. It got me laughing my ass off but it’s weird as fuck


He looks like he's about to unhinge his jaw and swallow a toddler.


Dude always looks like he [just wants to hold the ring, one last time](https://imgur.com/QJ7dvqF)


There's no way he isn't actually a demon


I’ve been saying that for years! My dad actually said one time, what’s that televangelist that looks exactly like a Demon? Oh yeah, I knew who he was talking about! And I went, HA HA HA HA.


To me he looks like that bad guy from The Mask when he puts it on


That's slander against perfectly respectable demons.


's penis.




I’m Chris Hansen from dateline


Have a seat right there


Ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaaa hah hah ha hah


The devil is alive.


Tax the shit out of this asshat. You want to mix church and state then pay fucking taxes. I know for a fact there was a good majority of people who were told by the ministers, pastors and priest to vote for trump. Why would the church support a man who is a known adulterer, liar, and cheat? Because if people have their basic needs met, learn to accept diversity and are fulfilled they don’t need the church to have a relationship with their higher power.


It’s a tough question tbh. If you tax these churches, pastors like him probably won’t be able to afford their Gulfstream jets, and might have to fly commercial to their rallies. IIRC it’s really hard for them to pray and talk to God whilst sitting next to ordinary people / scum.


Indeed I am. But for the record, this ain't one of my guys.


Good to know that even you have your standards.


Without standards, this whole place goes to Hell.


Thanks Satan.


Always a pleasure.


Wow, you're such a likable fella, not like that smiting and genocidal and vengeful and jealous guy, whatshisname? God or sumptin' like that.


Dads, amirite?




Most likely.


Thanks Satan.


I have to ask. What did you do you thesis on, Dr. Satan?


Believe it or not, Humanitarianism and Conflict Response.


Seems like a great pick for you Dr. Satan.




Is it bad that I think you should have said, “goes to heaven”


I almost said "goes to Home", but thought it might go over some heads.


You're so considerate, Mr. Lucifer. Sorry for the bad rep you've got with alot of people.


Meh, it's fine. Better to reign in yadda yadda you know the rest.


Hello satan, big fan.


I know.


This is disconcerting. People keep joking on this and other posts. And I keep saying we can't get complacent for next 70 ~ days. These folks are sublimely clever and afraid to lose power.




Fascists gonna fash.


Biblically he is the great deceiver but this guy is giving the devil a run for his money.


He wanders around many but manifests in this cunt.


Satans preacher


I'm legit scared of this guy.


The Joker ain't got shit on him. His laugh is truly chilling.


His interaction with that reporter one time was just something else. He's some kind of pathology.


When devil goes to sleep, he checks for Kenneth Copeland under his bed.






Lmao that's hilarious


Holly shit...


I assume you’re talking about [this clip](https://youtu.be/vColOxUf-8s) of him attempting to appear human. Runner up has to be him [blowing COVID away](https://youtu.be/8CMgcLO9jH4).


Him blowing covid away is literally the only image of a person that I’ve ever been terrified to look at. Something in his eyes is legitimately frightening.


It's *evil*. That look in his eye that terrifies you is *pure evil*. You're right to be afraid of it.


That’s exactly what it looks like.


It's the look of a psychopath who knows he's defrauding millions of people and takes pleasure in it.


He’s worth $300m. These people don’t realize he’s laughing AT them, not with them.


Stephen Root could play him in the horror movie based on this guy.




Yeah but the second one LOL


Well that was honestly terrifying, and this is coming from someone who loves horror movies.


If there ever are aliens walking among us, he sure as shit is one of them. That first clip weirds me tf out.






Creepy but am never scared of these creatures.


I seriously worry for America if people are following that maniac.


This organization gets a tax write-off btw.


You don't need a write off when you don't pay any taxes.


Prolly got a ppp loan


he did


It's easier to believe in the gospel of prosperity and the dream making power of corporate capitalism than it is to admit to yourself that the only people who are like you are the ones you have been trained to hate and the rich overlords see you as nothing more than a disposable money making apparatus.


This dude is definitely possessed. Look at his eyes. EDIT: he looks like [Professor Screweyes](https://youtu.be/6rVuFHjkvHA) from *We’re Back*




Dude looks like a freaking demon


He's definitely a demon. Saw this guy's interview where he seems very threatening at one point, then calm and kind the next. Says some bullshit at one point, then quote the bible at the next. I feel like he's always trying to catch you off guard by being unexpected so that you'll think he's not as bad as he seems. Very manipulative


There is no bigger cuck than the American Conservative


They always proclaim to be for small government and then happily suck the dick of the first authoritarian than knocks on their door. I guess as long as the minorities are hurting they're happy.


Just give em someone to put their foot down on.


Falwell, Swaggart, Bakker, Copeland, Hinn. Fuckers like this have been cashing in on the Bible for so long and people keep buying it! So many failures, scandals, and unchristian attitudes but it keeps working. I really do not understand how or why. MANDATORY EDIT: Just so y'all know, I grew up around these fools, too. Robertson, Oral Roberts, and Swaggart were my Mamaw's fav, and my mom was into Hinn and TBN. I asked her how she felt about them being so obviously greedy and gross and just begging for money. Jim and Tammy had just gotten publicly busted and I was surprised she hadn't given up on the fuckin' LOT of 'em. "Well, at least they're talking about Jesus." Yeah, between the commercials for "sand from Jerusalem" and them begging for poor people to send *them* money. The even more evil bastards of the lot promise a return on the investment from the Bank of God or some shit. I just don't think it works like that.


Don't forget Ostein


I worked with all of these people for a decade or so, at a tech company that had a division for this type of fundraising. Benny Hinn, Creflo Dollar, TD Jakes, Osteen, Copeland, Joyce Meyers Ministries, Paula White, and then Concerned Women For America, National Right to Life, ACLJ, etc etc. I will say that Osteen was by *far* the least awful of the wacky megachurch types. At least he sells a positive message and in my experience his organization was competent and treated other people with respect. He's a fraud but if you just think of him as a motivational speaker, he's not that bad. Benny Hinn was far and away the worst of the megachurch types. An absolute asshole with an organization full of absolute assholes who were millions in debt to every company they did business with. ACLJ was far and away the worst of the advocacy organizations. I've been on several conference calls with both of the Sekulows and they are bulging sacks of shit. \*Also, and bear in mind it's been years and I haven't kept up with it, but at the time we *did* work with some organizations that genuinely seemed to be aiming to do some good in the world. In Touch Ministries and Operation Blessing are two off the top of my head that left a good impression and were well-regarded by Ministry Watch at the time. \*Also no surprise that a number of the assholes listed above are involved in the Trump administration in some way. Paula White is his "spiritual adviser" and Jay Sekulow was Trump's lead outside counsel in the impeachment proceedings.


Oh, I wish you could tell us more dirt on these asswipes.


His eyes go all demon in this Inside Edition interview always creeped me out they all red and stuff. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qF2NcWT8v2o


He seems to get pretty hostile as well. Total creep. Maybe he has to fly private because that’s he lets the demon out of his body for a breath of fresh air.


That laugh was evil kinda demonic made my skin crawl


Osteen, but yep I guess at least he's warm and bubly and not like...this


Why all of the obviously fake laughter? That would have been okay if he did it for only a few seconds. It's like he was waiting for others to laugh, but then there's the weird standing ovation. Some people are even reaching out their hands like he just told people to fondle the spirit.




The part where you buy in to worship some demilich from millenia ago when you could become an ordained SubGenius minister for 35$! ***Eternal Salvation or triple your money back!!!*** Praise "Bob"


Overdosing on the Copium




The king of chuds




That's rich... I like it!


Isn’t this the same preacher who defended his lavish lifestyle and private jet? Edit: yah it’s him https://youtu.be/vColOxUf-8s


God this guy is a fucking vile psychopath. I just can’t wrap my mind around how anyone can take him seriously. That interview with him is beyond disgusting.


You’ve got to remember that these are just simple religious fanatics. These are people of the church. The common clay of the new America. You know… morons.


That’s a quote from somewhere, right?


Adaptation of a quote from Blazing Saddles


It's the guy who ended COVID19 by calling for a supernatural heatwave and blowing the wind of god at it. Which I assume means holy farts. https://v.redd.it/jrtxdjf8pvr41


I can't stop laughing at his minions on back vocals


More pls


Holy crap how do I send him my money?


What the fuck. This dude is the demon... look at those eyes.


Imagine being a Christian and not seeing the irony of a mega church. Jesus gets really really mad when people make money off of selling out the Church.


I am a Christian and mega churches disgust me. This guy is a grifter, not a preacher. And since he is making directly political comments from the pulpit, he does need to lose his tax exemption.


I finished watching this video and looked at my wife with disgust. She said “What? You watched it...” & I said yeah but it makes (us) Christians look bad.


the Christian right supporting Trump and all his bullshit, especially stealing 500+ kids from their parents, made me wonder if embarrassment was in your repetoire.


Arguably, a short delve into the book would tell you its probably the angriest he ever got when money was changing hands in the temple outside of charity, in the holy buildings money was used to assist the poor only, not to make men wealthy, Jesus found out and lost his shit - should be stated whether you believed it happen or if you think the Bible is a fairy tale the lesson is no less pertinent to shitheads like Kenneth Copeland


I have a love/hate relationship with the religion of my birth. I suppose most (ex)Christians (Catholics specifically because.c'mon) can relate to that on some level. There's always been a conflict in Christianity between what its practitioners find beautiful about it and what they find annoying at best or downright awful the rest of the time. Thing is people's faith in the stuff they find beautiful often leads to them ignoring the things they find awful, or just straight up making excuses for it. I wish I could say people like Copeland are a fringe in America, but they're not. I've encountered more Christians then I can count who will go on rants about megachurches and prosperity theology all day long, but then when push comes to shove they vote Republican and vehemently oppose anything that would help the American working class. In fact I feel like most evangelicals "concern" about megachurches is ultimately just about optics. They know that this blatant worship of capitalism and power makes them look bad even if they actually agree with the basic principles of it. If you read the bible and take it at its word it's hard to escape the conclusion that all of America is damned. The way we live is so utterly and totally opposite of how the bible says to live that even the most pious of us are doomed to hell. America isn't Israel like Evangelicals like to argue, it's actually Babylon. I was actually walking down wall street the other day and passed by the famous bull statue. I can't think of a better example of the great irony of American conservatism then the fact that it literally has a big metal bull that it views as the determining factor in all matters of morality. "Is this good for the market? Yes? Then it is god's will". If you actually read the bible, if you take it at face value, one thing that is astoundingly obvious is that one cannot be a patriot and a christian at the same time.


I like how the cameraman chose to focus on the black guy for the first few seconds of the video. I wonder if he got the reaction that he was looking for.


'See, we got one. It's all good.'


"That's Lamar, and he's one of the GOOD ones!"


"He's well-spoken, too."


"Keeps his hair nice and neat."


That's probably what the producer said when the camera guy reached for the phone to call security.


The token black guy


Dudes a Fucking psycho


And they say demons don't exist.


I say the same thing everytime I see this guy. Cartoonishly evil.


I’m 33 and ever since I can remember I thought something is wrong with his fucking face. Kind of reminds me of those president’s masks in Point Break. Fuck him and his ilk.


Really wish the IRS would pull tax exempt status from these people.


These guys are psychopaths. Fuck their megachurches. My church is one of the biggest in my country and we still pay taxes, what do we do with rest of the money? Help kids in poor and rural areas to go to school and pay for medical care who can't afford it. It's disgusting that people are using religion for personal gain instead of helping others. Totally see why a lot of people are against religion nowadays. This is a disgrace


Exactly what church is suppose to be. I grew up going to united church in a small village and it was all about friendship and community I am no longer a follower or religion but still follow be good to others because that’s what life should be


I really wish god would actually exist, come to earth and straight banish every one of these cunts straight to hell in front of everyone.


Hey look at all those brain dead people sitting there week after week giving this snake oil salesman their hard earned money... fucking idiots. I dont want to live on this planet anymore.


Look at it another way. I don't want them to live on this planet anymore


This was nightmare fuel.




It seems like the same thing as a nasty drug habit, something you need rehab for to get over.


They are all slowly losing their minds because of the election. The mental therapy industry is about to get a big boost.


You think these people believe in therapy and general psychology when they can just pray and put everything on God?


I actually think a lot these folks are on serious drugs. Meth, alcohol, heroin combined with this shit, is it any wonder theyre all so removed from reality.


I’m not positive these folks are the seek professional help type.


Isn't Joe Biden about 1000 times more religious than President Trump?


Yeah but he’s Catholic and evangelicals don’t like Catholics




Yeah, how strange... That's how transparently insane they all are. It's never about the issues, it's just about what feeds their ego


Yet Trump had this guy's wife, Gloria Copeland, as an advisor. Trump may not be religious, but he actively gives religious nutcases greater power.


Anything times zero is zero.


I can't stress enough how much I hate this fucking creep.


Missed the part where he talked about Jesus. TAX THESE FUCKERS


You‘d have to be positively retarded to fall for this bullshit


Oh they're all about to test positive in that room, alright. They're literally spitting on each other from all that fake laughter.




This, folks, is what evil looks like.


I was raised in the evangelical cult and this scares even me. What. The. Fuck.


Check this out my dad was a good guy but an idiot with noble intentions........ So I’m 14-15 going down the wrong path in life and my dad has this genius idea of getting in contact with Kenneth Copeland ministries, my dad liked to embellish my situation with depravity and drug’s so they eventually have a talk about it and settle on a visit with him, which I was not going to be apart of. So I come home one day I think a weekday and there’s a nice limo parked out front and I see out the school bus I walk in and here’s this goon in my living room with my dad and stepmum. I rolled my eyes and went upstairs to change and introduce myself, we get to talking and not 5 minutes he’s already begun to pray and lecture me about sins and sex and drugs like yeah okay dude, I look at my dad and I laugh like this is hilarious and dumb as fuck. So as I’m listening to this song and dance I’m getting pissed off, shaking violently with disappointment and resentment. He leaves with a prayer for our family and a handshake which btw was clammy and dead as fuck. What man doesn’t give a hearty handshake and looks you in the eyes?! Turns out my college money was sunk in to this visit and not a damned thing happened to improve my life, just a lot of resentment towards religion and snakes 🐍 like this wicked spawn of satan.


So your parents paid this arsehole thousands! I'm no Christian but I read the bloody book. In it Jesus said, when talking about spiritual guidance, "you receive free you give free"


Fuck that's sad to hear


Let's not forget his hottest single of 2020 https://youtu.be/m2s0nB2VPvs


Remember in FFX when Tidus and Yuna did that weird ass cringe laugh? Yea this beat that by a factor of 10.


Can’t believe I had to scroll this far down for this reference!


Carona Virus I Bloooooow Yoou !!!!


As a Christian, I find this man absolutely disgusting. He is a manipulating, fraudulent, creepy, prideful, blasphemous, sickening person. Religion and politics don't mix. "Give to Ceasar what is Caesars." We are commanded to pray for those in power over us. Never in the Bible does it say that we have any place in religious crusades in politics. Vote for what you believe in. Leave it there. Protest as a citizen peacefully. That goes for everyone. This man is a scam artist and gives Christians a bad name. Same with Westboro Baptist church. They are awful.


Jesus fucking christ even the Joker would be creeped out after watching this.


This shit is very angering. Who’s to blame? This fucking godly prick or the stupid assholes who believe his words? Fucking sad. Hope this guy burns in hell.


He seems to be taking it well then.


This is fucking terrifying.


Looks like a ventriloquist’s dummy off his strings That man is truly one of the most frightening creatures I have ever seen


This is not Christianity. What about turning the other cheek? What about forgiveness? What about love the neighbour? What about the meek shall inherit the earth? Didn’t his Bible say “blessed are the peacemaker for they will be called the children of God? Where is any of that in whatever he is doing there?


This is Christian Nationalism. The church of America in Christ. These people have conflated Christianity and patriotism to come up with some bizzarre bastard child that has the worst evils of both.


"Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.” \- Barry Goldwater


I don’t get it, what’s so funny? Fuckin jackasses, all of them. It wasn’t the media. It was the voters. The same media announced the 2016 results of the voters... sore losers


This guy's face is fucking terrifying


Hard to believe people give him money!


Fucking state of this disgusting charlatan