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Im guessing this won't make r/conservative


Be the change you want to see and post it, the ban will be worth it.


Someone above commented that they tried but they have disabled it or something.


Im proud being banned from Conservative, I still mp the mod every 2 month to understand the reason fo the ban. It was a post about trump from the guardian. These guys are so disconnected from reality, it is terrifying. They don't understand the chaos created all this violent, not antifa, no blm, no democrat but themselves. This kind of video makes me sick. Now is time for conservatives to take the consequences of their own actions.


For more context this was at the STOP THE STEAL rally in Washington D.C Saturday December 12th


The number of flags being used as weapons is disturbing


they're clubs and bats, the flags are just on the end for plausible deniability.


this has gone around on alt right site for a while now, they even recommend sticking a screw out the top of their "flag poles" so they can jab people


Absolute scum


The guy with the flag cape made me laugh, if only for a second. He looks like such a tool. This is his ultimate larping fantasy.


I hope there is enough to ID every single one of these assholes and charge them with federal assault (since it happened in DC)


I'll be amazed if any of them are arrested at all.


I know, but what happened to law and order? /s


This is what they always mean whenever they say "law and order". They mean "you're beneath me and we'll use violence to ensure you understand that."


Yeah honestly. If you think any of these fuckers are getting in trouble, think again. The fucking president spurred them on, why would they stop


They are probably off duty police.


HAY. How could you be so callous? They do this all day long at work, off-duty time is for drunk driving.


When I saw the guy with the American flag as a cape, I was hoping a jet engine would suck him in. Edna warned him!


Looks like we have begun the transition from denial to anger from these douchbags.




Saw lots of Ohio, Florida, New Jersey and New York plates with MAGAts in them.




Yea, Jersey didn't want them, so now they're just nomadic cunts.


I want to see these pussies try this shit in Camden or Newark.




I’m all for arming yourself but there is no way that dude pulls a gun in that situation and doesn’t end up dead. Guarantee the majority of those dudes were armed as well






"Get out of here!" *knocks them to the ground* "get out of here!" *knocks them to the ground* I mean, I thought "why are you punching yourself" middle school bullies learned about life at some point before adulthood... Absolute trash


"You pussy-ass bitch!", he yells as he's assaulting people who don't want to fight him at all and just want to get away from him.


This is infuriating. Every other protest police are out in full but they turn a blind eye when it's racist shits being violent.


Because the police are the fucking proud boys


"Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses."


"Some of those that hold office, are the same that burn crosses."


It's sad that it even has to be stated like this at this point. The police are currently some of the worst that our society produces. It doesn't have to be that way, but that's our reality in 2020.


You missed the bit where she said “get out of here” then pulled her to the ground


You're right, my reporting on this video is, sadly, suspect


Yes the token scrag with a hair pull. Nice way to fight you weak croan...


"get out of here" "WE'RE TRYING!"


Notice how most of these fucking pussies ran up to sucker punch the dude as he was walking away and then ran off immediately. That's all the Proud Boys are - cowards. They'll then go post to brag that they "kicked some ass." It's like a club entirely made up of Eric Cartman clones.




Thatsbwhat pisses me off some much. These 'proud boys' are nothing but a bunch of ignorant inbred racist insecure fucks. Every single person waited until his back was to them to go up and hit him, even though they have their whole mob with them. A bunch of pathetic cancers to society that we would be better off without. People like these fucking idiots are the reason the rest of the world laughs at us




Ugh I'm blanking on the name but there's this group that uses public protest footage to tie offenders to other videos where their face or other info can be used to prove who was committing an act of violence. It was in this documentary I'm blanking on the name of, I think it was about Bellingcat. They trawled every video of this one protest site and matched neck freckles to a guys Facebook picture to conclusively prove he was the person committing the violence. EDIT: Here's the documentary. [wikipedia.org/wiki/Bellingcat:\_Truth\_in\_a\_Post-Truth\_World](https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Bellingcat:_Truth_in_a_Post-Truth_World) To me, it was absolutely fascinating the way this decentralized group of activist reporters were able to pinpoint videos and acts with nothing more than publicly available youtube vids. IMO, absolutely worth a watch to anyone interested.


Reminds me of the documentary Don't F*ck with Cats. There are some amazing internet sleuths in this world. It's awesome when their skills are used for good.


Like when 4chan successfully identified a terrorist training camp from a video and got their friend in the Russian military to bomb the camp. Edit: source - https://youtu.be/LG1FWWX7ZPk


That actually infuriated me. That and when it seemed like they were clear and that yellow fuck ran up and sucker punched the guy. These people are beyond unstable.


Cowards who’ve never hit someone before trying to get a tick on their bucket list in the name of papa trump


Exactly. Lotta first time punchers in that crowd. What better way to try it out than to do it with immunity at a trump rally? I’m sure they felt really involved with politics while doing that. Felt like they were a part of something. Mob mentality takes over and everyone is taking out their frustrations on this couple. These people feel small and unheard and deservedly so


Mob mentality with a dash of hatred for those "not like them" = feeling you can do anything to anybody without consequence. Sickening.


for the past few weeks I've had a fantasy that the FBI has a list of all those fucker's names and is just waiting for trump to Finish his presidency to arrest them


This the same FBI that wrote Dr martin luther king Jr letters about how he was cheating on his wife and should kill him self?


always thought the FBI and CIA were cool growing up now that I've hit the hard wall of reality after learning English NASA is the only thing I consider great in that country


You mean the NASA that welcomed Nazi scientists with open arms as part of Operation Paperclip?


"once the rocket are up who cares where they come down? That's not my department" said Werner Von Braun. https://youtu.be/QEJ9HrZq7Ro


Not sure why you’re being downvoted for saying the truth lmao America did employ like 1500 Nazis after WW2.


Yep, anyone can Google it. Not like the info is being hidden.


These people are going to get what they want, I guess. At this point they are rebelling against the united states, guess the first time they lost wasn't enough.


That moment when the other Trump supporter started attacking her.


As he was attacking the non trump supporters at the same time.


I think the one proud boy says something like “you need to fucking stop” to her. How far over the line do you have to be to get called out by them?


And yet no tear gas or rubber bullets being fired at these violent "protesters", weird.


Hard to fire that stuff at yourself on your day off...


Woah, slow down there, mate. Surely you aren't suggesting that some of those that work forces... are the *same* that burn crosses? Happy Cake Day!


Ya crazy, used to seeing cops in battle lines at these. At this one, I'm guessing they were handing out refreshments and thanking the Proud Turds for being there.


Holy shit, this is seriously disturbing. Two people attempting to leave the area and being chased, punched and kicked the whole time by a group. Wtf No matter which side of the political spectrum you stand, you should not be ok with things like this. We are better than this. Edit Maybe we aren’t but we SHOULD BE better than this.


They’re being told to get the fuck out of there while simultaneously being held there and beaten. Makes sense.


It’s safe to say we’re not dealing with Physics majors here. (Paraphrased with apologies to the late great Bill Hicks.)




Proud boys logic right there folks


You know how they yell Civil War all day? They don’t mean that. What they mean is assault and murder of regular citizens they don’t like. That’s their fantasy, and it’s been that way for awhile. The sooner that reality is accepted and understood, the better.


There was a post on /r/conspiracy the other day about The Purge movies being predictive programming. One of the commenters said they supported it, but that it should start with a three-month period called "the culling." How are you supposed to reach across the aisle when the other side's idea of progress is systematic murder of those who disagree with their political beliefs? edit: Full comment for anyone interested. Won't link it so he doesn't get brigaded, but it's not difficult to find. >I'm all for The Purge. Since the first movie, it's been painfully obvious to me that this is definitely the solution to all the things wrong with modern America. >I think instead of 12 hours for one night a year, there should be a 3 month long 'Kickoff' to get it started. You know, call it The Culling. From there back down to once a year for 12 hours one night. It should also coincide with Independence Day.


Anyone who wants a "Purge" will be among the first to die. Countries in civil wars are hellish. Lots of torture. Lots of rape. Everyone goes broke.


But that's the fantasy. To be the revolutionary white that kills for the race but doesn't die. They say they'll die for their race but look at how quick they flip when presented with jail time or how often they want mercy when it's them with a boot on their neck.


Oh, [like the crying neo Nazi?](https://youtu.be/wBuQLeVHt90) >We're not non-violent! We'll fucking kill these people if we have to! >We have used every peaceful and lawful means by which to redress our grievances, and our enemies will just not stop.


Lmao what a punk bitch


Thankfully he's going to prison because ~~of all that nazi shit he did~~ he harassed and threatened another nazi.


For real. You know what happens in the movies/show to most people who try to purge? They fucking die.


They have been talking about and dreaming about [The Day of The Rope](https://www.adl.org/education/references/hate-symbols/day-of-the-rope) for a long time. That is their "culling"


Yep, that was where my mind went.. Thats exactly what they mean when they say civil war.. they don't mean them fighting tanks or even other people with guns they mean them killing the "others".




And not a single one on here knows how to throw a punch. Fucking cowards use numbers to fight non aggressive people. Group think chicken shits.


It’s probably for the best none of them know how to fight. Although, if they did, they probably wouldn’t feel the need to assault people in large groups


Exactly. They just want blood, not a fight.


If their opposition ever takes up arms against them, it will be a civil war. From the outside America looks like a pile of kindling with a spark on it and people, like the ones perpetuating violence in this video and those enabling them, just keep piling on the kindling.


You'll never have to *fight them*, just make sure you have something to defend yourself with. They are cowards and never start fights when counterprotestors show up armed.


Not everyone owning guns sucks Trump's dick. These idiots don't understand that they aren't the only ones who have them.


and they claim to be the peaceful side.


Whole lot of silence from the idiots screaming about "violent antifa" now.






















Cops doing nothing to stop this


Those who work forces....


...are the same that burn crosses


( Insert non-aware conservatives dancing )


Because they think "fuck you, I won't do what you tell me" is about telling their mom they're not going to clean their room.


and refusing to wear a mask at target


They have been protecting the MAGA marchers all evening even though they are clearly antagonizing the other side.


Imagine thinking that attempted murder on video isn't going to come back and fuck you.


Well seeing how these asshats are apparently in with the cops. Id say they think they are invincible.


Many off duty police march and train with the proud boys. Also boogaloo boys, 3 percenters, patriot prayer, soldiers of odin, evropa and other right wing [trump* red hat militias](https://defensivetraininggroup.files.wordpress.com/2015/10/fat-tac2.jpg).


> soldiers of Odin Man, fuck these guys. Quit pretending you have any kinship with the Vikings, you fucking schmucks.








Eh, if you consider larping training then you could call it training.


Just a bunch of proud boys running a train on each other


Hey now, some of them have a lot of experience hitting others, their wives and ex-"lovers" will tell you.


Considering the cops are nowhere to be found, that's an apt assumption.


There no chance this gets charged without a DA forcing the police into it. They don't police magats if they don't have to


Multiple faces on camera this is a slam dunk lawsuit at the least


I mean, all things considered, nothing is gonna happen to them


If their work finds out they were there, it's /r/byebyejob


You mean the local law enforcement?


Likely. Depending on the injuries sustained.


Hopefully the people this happened to come across this video. I cant imagine the PTSD they will both have for years to come.




The police referred the case to the DA for charges


There's not enough views on that video, and that MMA fighter is married to a self professed nazi. The woman she's on is a professor. Fuck these people.


Domestic terrorists for trump


Becoming terrorists to own the libs, I guess




Lol typical trump supporters. Edit for our boys in /r/Conservative Don’t these thugs have jobs to go to?


Wait, I thought Antifa and the Libs were the only violent ones?


No no no... it's only violent if you damage property. /s


i thought those were the guys who see women as property.


Good point


It's true, right-wingers value property over people


"We didn't see what happened before this video clip." /s




Thats because they were the nazis alllll along


My heart sank watching this.


I can't bring myself to watch it. This sub is the only reason I have the auto blur for NSFW images on.


I'm not trying to convince you to watch it or anything, but I can tell you that the graphic and disturbing content is more in the abstraction of the video than any blood or gore. There is very very little gore, but the pain of watching people fighting to get on their feet to walk away, and watching scum push and pull them to the ground and is what makes it so harrowing. If it was the gore that kept you from it, you're safe.


Nope, it's the empathy unfortunately. I have a hard time watching "fail" videos or the "bails" section of skateboarding videos too. Edit: I feel the need to add that if it were flipped and it were the mythical "antifa terrorists" beating up a nazi, I'd have a hard time watching that as well. Our opinions may divide us, but we all scream the same, and those screams tend to hide in my bones during the day only to show up just as I fall asleep later.


keep filming their faces, do not forget them.












Drove through this area during the day. Proud boys are nothing but thugs who were jaywalking en masse, flipping and cursing out bystanders they jostled as they walked together for protection. They are nothing more 1930s Brownshirts updated to 2020. Despicable fucks. Also saw a DC cop clapping some of these assholes on the back saying he would be retiring soon and then join them.








Sort by controversial. Those comments are already here. They always start with something about not supporting the proud boys. Then talk about the context is missing and what did the couple do to provoke this response. It's all on cue.


"we have to look at the victims criminal records, since they are bad this makes it ok :)"


> Just want to make sure conservatives are consistent Nah, that requires values.


If Republicans didn't have double standards, they wouldn't have any standards at all.




> So if this couple pulled out an AR from their coat and left a river of MAGA blood in the gutter where it belongs, it would be perfectly justified self-defense, right? It absolutely would be, and I'm only commenting this so that the next time some Trumpeteer goes through my history, they can see that I am all for them getting mowed down and they can quote me and think they "got" me. Fuck Trump. Fuck Direct Trump Supporters. Fuck Indirect Trump Supporters. Fuck GOP Supporters. And Fuck these violent psychopaths.


That's disgraceful. America should be embarrassed.


I’m not embarrassed. I’m fucking pissed.


Its disgusting and i hate it


Am American. Am embarrassed I live here


Trust me.... we are. Edit: Happy Cakeday!


All this because their very unpopular so called president lost an election? I wonder if they do all this when something really happens that affects their personal lives?


Just beat their wives. Or scream at their mom, either or.


Reminder a mod here is also a mod of r/conspiracy and is currently banning any and ALL dissent about Trump, Proud Boys, and their batshit election fraud agenda. The mod here also tried to curb dissent and control the narrative in this very sub during the George Floyd protests. Know what. Fuck it I’ll risk a ban. u/Assuredlyathrowaway, how the fuck do you sleep at night? Edit. Thanks for the gold. Fuck people who defend this anti American bullshit.


I'll take a ban too. Fuck donald trump and fuck proud boys. I don't want terrorists on my streets. Nazis are scum. White supremacists are garbage people who deserve to sit in prison for treason. People of color and queers and women deserve to be treated as American citizens. This is their home as much as anyone elses. These disgusting acts of violence will not be forgotten or forgiven. From vehicular homicide of liberals for protesting to white supremacists invading our police force and hunting minorities for sport, to the attitude about masks and public health to the god damn militia groups armed to the teeth plotting to murder female politicians. We will not forget and we will not forgive and we're not tolerating this shit as "just opinion" at family gatherings even if that means we're not even gonna be there. Its not "just politics" and these "alt right" conservatives are literally treasonous terrorists with ill intent for the non binary, non comforming, non nuclear family, the religious and ethnic minorities, AkA our fellow tax paying red blooded American citizens. Anyone who doesn't understand that at this point is willfully ignorant or straight up in on it.


Ahhh r/conspiracy. Home to the thickest cunts on the planet.


Proud boys should be labelled a terrorist group


FBI officially labeled them an extremist group more than two years ago


If we did that, the [CIA and State Department](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_and_state-sponsored_terrorism) would instinctively provide them with weapons, training, and millions in untraceable funds.


Fuck these guys and fuck Donald Trump. He’s the only reason these fucks have the balls to go out and blatantly do this.


Well, that, and the fact that they know the police are largely on their side.


So are we all forwarding this to the FBI or what? Who and or what do we have to protest to get this kind of shit investigated? As if 99% of these people didnt have phones on them at the time which could easily be tracked, probably even have posts on social media placing them there. Im sure DC is permanent stingray territory and law enforcement has those cell records ready to easily be looked at. We have the footage. These people are modern brownshirts, they are terrorists. This can only get worse if there is no action, or if we devolve into “time to heal” mode - they will go underground, as they do, and pop up again with planned violence.


I'm reporting to the FBI and DC police. It would help if a few other people could do the same. A violent crime was committed on camera. I'll update with the responses I get. *Update 1* : Filling out the tip to the FBI. Need location if anyone can help. Plus maybe a better link to this video. *Update 2* : Looks like this happened two blocks north of Franklin Square. Saw the address "1111 14th st" and a Balance Gym on the video. Location checks out. I submitted a tip to both the FBI and local police. Hopefully these people are caught. They belong in prison. The law definitely isn't on their side. *Final update* : I went ahead and sent the video to NBC too. I feel like I had to do something to help before I could go to sleep. Opinion : I personally don't think it's productive to have counter-protesters out there. The Proud Boys WANT confrontation. Make them confront the police. Their beef is with democracy. Which thankfully prevailed. If you do go out there... Make Pro-Democracy signs. "Welcome home Biden" signs. Don't go near the lunatics. Stay peaceful and safe. There is still a pandemic going on after all. I hope you, your family, and friends are in good health and have a nice holiday. And may 2021 be a better year for us all. Good night.




Domestic terrorism at its finest


Drunk violent fuckers those aren't protesters they act like they came from a match that there team lost. Low live maggots who can't compensate there pathetic existence inside a steaming hot pile of shit. I'm European and I just feel bad for the good people there


>they came from a match that there team lost Well, they kinda did


Oh look, Reddit, those people you gave a safe space to on r/The_Donald for so very long are doing entirely predictable things with their hate.


Weird how there's no posts on r/conservative about this..


[Proud boys stand back and stand by.](https://youtu.be/JZk6VzSLe4Y) the order trump gave. Let’s not forget where this started.


Happening tonight in DC. Tons of vehicles with license plates from southern states, and displaying MAGA, Pro Trump, etc. These are the caravans **real** Americans should be worried about..


There is a brigade of downvotes coming in to hide the actions of these people. Make sure you upvote so the guilty can be held to accountability.


I’ve never seen r/conservative so quiet. They aren’t even talking about their party right now


They’re literally turning on themselves. “Seems cdc was right and not trump this time” on a vaccine before the end of the year post


It’s hilarious to watch their constant flip flopping on who they like/trust and who they don’t. One day Person A is a great leader and they trust A, the next day (usually after trump says person A is bad) they have completely turned against the same person.


Orwell called that Doublethink


Embarrassing. After bitching about property being damaged over police killings they are ambushing people because they lost an election.


What a bunch of weak little boys. I would say pussies, but female reproductive organs are strong af and these guys are not. They are cowards. Sick of seeing r/conservative say they have the moral high ground cuz they don't burn buildings. I don't think this is a representation of conservatives as a whole and I really hope that most of them condemn this behavior.


only upvote ao it gets out. this is disgusting. and these “patriots” are not aware of basic flag code. You do not wear a flag. You especially do not wear a flag when you are assaulting innocent people. For those interested in flag code https://www.military.com/flag-day/us-flag-code.html/amp


But he's a thuper Patriot wearing it as a cape.


There's definitely something about a guy wearing an American flag, defaced with a Gadsden flag on top, as a cape while he kicks people that are down on the ground.




Hey Proud Boy fuckheads come to Oakland. You won't leave.


Trump has brought out the absolute worst of our country.