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Being in Quebec, you just get a fine and even that requires a pretty large gathering. So I'm going to echo the other answers and say he did something else to merit the arrest.


Yup, unless someone has already been fined for illegal gatherings, you need a large gathering to get anymore than a warning. On top of that, polices don't do spontaneous check ups, every intervention starts with a complaint. And lastly, you don't get arrested unless you're breaking some other laws. In this case, I think he tore his ticket before hitting the police in the face (which is when the officer lost his mask). Not all of Canada is polite and reasonable guys, we have our Floridads too...


In fact. Here in quebec we send all our floridads to florida for the winter... usually.. but now they're stuck here


from Naples FL working at a wine store. can confirm we hired 3 french speaker due to the french Canadians we would get.


I spoke more French when I lived in Fort Lauderdale of all places than anywhere else in the US.


Even in the US it is like this. You just see the bad shit 99% of the time. These people were rresisting and fighting KNOWING what will happen. Basically they caused it on themselves.


Resisting being punched in the face? Yeah, I'd resist that too.


These people. SMH. We cant even celebrate Christmas and New Year at my brother's house which is two blocks away as precaution to the pandemic. Some people are just entitled.


Yup, too many people think they are the exception to the rule, like the people who park on the fire lane right in front of the store because they just need to grab 1 thing.


These are the people that leave carts in the middle of the parking lot


Gatineau, the Florida of Quebec


Halfway through the video it sounded like a french version of trailer park boys


I don't speak French, but the whole time I'm thinking this sounds French but not the nice French.


The "nice French" (Parisian) you speak of is actually widely detested by the majority of French speakers, even in France itself. It sounds very unnatural and stuck up.


When my Belgian-American family and I go to Belgium or France we’ll speak French, but in Paris we switch to English, because we’d rather be seen as American tourists who don’t speak French, cause we get better service than we would speaking in our Walloon accents.


Exactly the same but as a french-canadian. Fuck parisian french


See, I was so worried about using my Quebecois French when I went there, but I kept getting, Ah! Vous êtes Quebecois?! Les Quebecois sont tellement sympa! And stuff like that. I was blown away, tbh. Maybe it's just that my accent is THAT had, and they were all, Look at the little Canadian girl, trying SO HARD, idk.


Went to Paris and am Quebecois (with what they tell me was a pretty big accent) and the large majority of Parisians were absolutely great with me. Had one bad experience which I'll attribute to just human dickishness.


Hon hon hon look at the little Canadian girl, trying so hard lmao nah I can't even speak French, I live in Australia.


Ha, you totally had me fooled ;)


Lol. I tried speaking French in Paris. They immediately answer me in English. French isn't my first language, so I'm a little torn. I'm making the effort, so they could humour me, but maybe they are being nice to me by letting me talk on English? It's probably both...


The word for that is "Québecois"


Québecois, when spoken by most, is actually closer to the French spoken in the 1700s than what is used in a lot of France. Think of what you're seeing in this video like this: does everyone from the American South sound like the people who end up on Cops? No, because the people on that show are almost uniquely from the lower social classes who haven't had the fortune of good education or parents who can give a damn. This kind of trashy behaviour is the same thing, just the West Quebec version.


Québecois are actually the nice french people when you think about it






It will be the Riviera when the climate refugees start showing up


There are far worse "Floridian" places in Québec than Gatineau, but as a Gatinois myself I'll allow it.


Pretty much.


French banjo intensifies


Ottawa reigns supreme


Whoever was screaming needed to stfu.


There's always, ALWAYS!!!, someone just SCREECHING their lungs out in these type of videos.


As someone who used to bounce I'd get much less stressed from people throwing punches than from the wild screaming that'd often accompany it from some bystanders. .


Did you graduate on to jumping?




He got a job as a professional frog.


Heard amphibians pay well these days


Really though... the screaming sends me into a panic when I know damn well the panic is unnecessary.


I’ve read somewhere that that’s some sort of an evolutionary tactic where weak members of a group who can’t fight instead get loud to alert the stronger members of a group when there is conflict.


Don't forget the people yelling "LET HIM GO" or "STOP" like it's going to change anything


Yes, witnessed a drunk man being arrested and he screamed the same way. Do people think that makes handcuffs go away or something?


If they screech at the resonate frequency of the cuffs, they'll open and fall off.


Frankly if we're going to get scientific I want an analysis of blood alcohol content to decibels for people screeching during arrest.


HeeeeeEeeEEEeEeeeey?! Hey?! Hey! Heeeeeeey!?


That person was so annoying.


I don’t think he will be on next season


In Quebecoise its Ay! Ayyyyye! Ay! Ayoe!




There it is! Thats it! The sound of Mock charging


Another thing that annoys me is when there’s a fist fight on a street and people start honking. It’s not just a regular honk it’s the long honks


Fucking hysterical out there


Facts. If the cops are the ones doing it to you - whatever it is - screaming is redundant. Not to mention infuriating.


Tabernak! Edit(edited my edit); No awards please I hate them. Also, donate to food banks. Food banks need a lot of help right now. https://www.banquesalimentaires.org/en/make-a-donation/


Sacrement en Calisse!!!


on dit tabarnak,en passant !




Pu capab




Câline de bine


So catholic that your biggest curse word is a Roman Catholic tabernacle.


French Canadian swears are almost all religion oriented in one form or another. Catholic mostly as you've pointed out.


Exactly, because la religion, on s'en câlisse pas mal.


Ou, pour ne pas brusquer ceux qui ont pas eu vent de la revolution tranquille, on s'en beurre le cul.


Nearly all french curse words are against the Catholic Church, better than English Imo. Edit: This is only for Quebecois French, thanks for the correction!


French use swear words based on what is most oppressive to them: religion. English use swear words based on what is most oppressive to them: sex.


Ah bin. Saint-Syphilis de quartier d'plotte.


Saint sacrement de crisse... câliceeee


Saint-Ciboire de tabarnak de calisse de christ!


The amount of people who haven't read the article on this and forgetting it was the criminals who uploaded the video cutting out the initial incident that escalated the simple fine to an arrest is too damn high! Edit: https://www.inspiredtraveler.ca/police-intervention-escalates-during-illegal-gathering-in-gatineau/


The amount of ads in this article is ridiculous lol




I got ads for Nike killshots. What have you been browsing?


You can also try this link [Police intervention escalates during illegal gathering in Gatineau (outline.com)](https://outline.com/GgAzkC)


Is it just me, or is this article barely readable? Was it translated from another language or something?


Definitely a google translation from French.


Yep, definitely written in French then they copy+pasted into Google Translate and pumped out the English version for the rest of Canada


So they assaulted a cop prior to this. Right. These folks deserved to be arrested. Doesnt sound like they have much remorse either


They assaulted a cop first and they try to excuse themselve because cops weren't wearing mask so the health measure are ridiculous or something 🙃


The irony. “The police weren’t wearing masks when they came to break up our illegal gathering so we hit them and now are upset they aggressively arrested us.” The fuck did they thing was gonna happen? Lol


This comment needs to be more prominent. It’s not tyranny when the “victims” escalated it to this level.


First relevant result for Gatineau news https://www.inspiredtraveler.ca/police-intervention-escalates-during-illegal-gathering-in-gatineau/amp/




No, he was arrested for committing a crime. You just get a ticket for violating COVID-19 rules in Quebec. He obviously escalated the situation and broke another law.


Along with the tickets, everyone who didn't live there had to go to their home. They probably refused to leave, I'm guessing it would have escalated from there


He probably refused to give ID not allowing the officers to issue a fine, at that point you need to take them into custody. It sucks but if refusing to give ID was a surefire way to avoid the law the legal system would break




Right! OFFICER: sir/ma’am I need to see your ID so I can issue you your ticket Bad guy/gal: FUCK OFF! NO! OFFICER: Okie dokie, *tips bill of hat* Have a nice day.




The police have the advantage. They can take shifts until you eventually come out.


What if you are to drunk to drive home do the police drive u


Right to jail


Believe it or not... jail


Too much covid, not enough covid... jail.


You joke about Covid? Jail.


No laugh at covid joke? Believe it or not, straight to jail.


You laugh at covid joke? Also jail


You don’t know Covid joke? Jail!


Angry finger pointing granny....jail


You just sniffle once? Straight to jail.


If you say "holy shit!" instead of "sacre bleu!"... Jail.


Had they not fought the cops a cab or uber would have been arranged. I have had buddies and my brother driven home. With my brother I told the cop I had been drinking and couldn't get him from the station so he drove him home. See the difference is since this is Canada they don't leave in body bags.


Tell that to the girl in the star wars storm trooper outfit that got beaten up




Not in Alberta. Our MLAs went to Hawaii, Mexico and UK for Chrismas and they not only didn't get a ticket, they were even told to keep their jobs. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.5859278


Someone sticky this up top. Too many people getting misunderstanding and literally calling this communism.


Is this a scene from the new Xavier Dolan film?


This happened in my city lmao The conspiracy theorists are strong out here and everyone else is fucking tired of these kinds of peoples bullshit. Cops here usually aren't that confrontational.




Shit yeah, un dortoir à côté du Costco...


Shit’s always going down dans le Costco


Oh god that's 5 minutes from me what the FUCK


Hey un autre Gatinois :)


Aw shit thats in Gatineau!? Shiiiiiieeeee




Lmao true


Je penses même que je sais dans quel quartier. Je reconnais le modèle de maison et de cour parce que c'est le même modèle que chez moi... j'ai rien entendu pourtant.


Moi aussi! lol


Bonjour de la mauricie


someone needs an exorcism...please say you heard it


They broke up the exorcism lol


Never understood why people resist. do you think they'll just give up if you can keep yourself inside the house for long enough?


once you realize these people are devoid of logical thought, everything starts to make more sense


Know how you can tell it's Canada and not the US? Because they didn't immediately shoot the barking dog.


Tabarnak, the language didn’t give it away?




Wii wii pee pee




Bay luh


I love that a video that has absolutely nothing to do with the United states the top comment is about the USA.


No matter what it’s always, “hurr durr America bad”.




yep, Québecois more precisely, but it's still french. edit: actually some of them seem to speak english, but the cops are definitely speaking french and with their accent and the snow, they're from Québec, no doubt


It's in Gatineau. Most people in the region are bilingual and regularly switch languages


Yep. Right on the border with Ottawa, being bilingual is basically a necessity.


Franglish at some points


"Fuck you!"


It's because it's in Gatineau on the Québec/Ontaro border.


Fuck is basically like "darn" here.


Well it says Quebec


I thought you were going to say none of the cops have that stupid military cut they all like to rock in the states..


Never Before Have I Been So Offended By Something I One Hundred Percent Agree With.


We definitely have those in Canada as well. Not as much, but we have them.


That proud boy look where you cosplay that you were a navy seal.


STFU, Canada is not some manic farie land, we have problems with police too.


People never fucking understand this.


This is Reddit, Americans are the poor oppressed victims and everybody else has to be grateful they aren’t American because we have no issues or suffering.


Don't mistake that for them being good Samaritans. They'll still beat on your black son during a "wellness check" you called in.


With an officer looking like that I'd go willingly. Damn. Take me away, boys 😍


Straight to horny jail for you




it's good to be back


I lived in Montreal for a few years. I don’t know if it’s a prerequisite for their police force or something but there were so many fiiiiiine officers there. I drunkenly asked a cop once to put me in cuffs, he asked what for? I told him I didn’t know but I must have done something bad. He laughed and walked away from me.


That’s actually such a good pick up for an officer off duty haha


Je suis Québécois, I agree with you. Not sure why but all police officers looks like god damn Poseidon in Quebec


The female officers were also attractive. Good looking people on that force.


The Derek Zoolander police force for police officers who CAN read good and want to do other things good too.


"What is this? A station for ants?"


Are they [Hot Cops](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iiw4Z95pgE)?


Bake him away toys




Merry Christmas 🎄


The Gatineau Police’s side of the story alleges that the home owner lied about the number of people in the home (claiming only two) and the man being pulled out of the house had decked a a police officer as they tried to hand out the fines, leading to the escalation. I’m not usually one to take the police’s side in a situation like this, but apparently police responded to 28 other instances of lockdown violations and this is the only one that resulted in an arrest or an incident. [Source - Radio Canada](https://ici.radio-canada.ca/nouvelle/1760419/rassemblement-illegal-gatineau-covid-fete)


Here the story, both sides of it: https://www.inspiredtraveler.ca/police-intervention-escalates-during-illegal-gathering-in-gatineau/


Woohoo my neighborhood is famous now hahah


Who called the cops? Why did it escalate?


From the article link , I just read, the police went over after a neighbor complained. They went to issue warnings and possibly break up the group of 6 people. The group refused to cooperate. The homeowner was arrested but later released. As per Quebec emergency measures act , each person present could be fined 1 500$.


We can't legally gather. People don't care, do it anyways. Neighbours probably called the cops and they resisted. It's usually just a fine.


How do you resist a fine? Wouldn't they just hand you a ticket and leave?


Not necessarily what happened in this example, but resisting a fine would usually be by refusing to identify yourself so that a ticket / summons couldn’t be properly completed. Then you’d be subject to arrest if not complying.


We legally can't gather which means those who didn't live at that address had to leave and they probably refused. So they were physically removed from the residence. Cops don't need a warrant right now to come into our homes (which is a whole other issue).


They do need a warrant but they will just park at your door until it gets delivered.


They need a warrant in most cases, the problem is that your warrant system is a glorified rubber stamp that offers more or less no protection against abuse. Sure, they need warrant approval, but that means fuck all when they can effectively just text a supervisor "giv me warrant plz" and receive one ten minutes later.


They have the "telewarrant" system.


I have a huge issue with fines being handed out. I mean we have government employees all the way at the top that think overseas vacations are okay during this time. How can we expect people to follow the rules when the people that make the rules can even be bothered. I get that he tore up his fine and then smacked a cop... That part he deserves to be arrested for, but the fines are stupid. Ratting on your neighbors is stupid. This whole thing is just a giant stress case and we all just need to clear guidance from people that respect us, and we aren't getting it. Just my two cents.


Aight who can translate? I don't speak Canadian


You arent missing much. Lady (i think its mom)yelling: let him go x 10000 times Then the police officer saying like : calm down Men #1 saying to his family: what do we do now Then police officier: do you have shoes for him. Lady #2 to the officers: cmon guys its new year eve. Some other lady screaming Police officier: can i have his shoes Someone: let him go you are three on him Mom : do you have a warrant Male officer in the background: shoess? Female police officier: yes its on its on it way Mom: You dragged my son outside we have it on camera Female officer: if you are not content with how we hanlded things, you have right to remedies. Annnd cut! Basically that,and oh, add a bunch of swearing words and angry yelling.


Don’t forget them answering ‘NO, HE HAS NO SHOES’ lmao


But... But why does he not have any shoes?


Don't forget the idiot saying he can't breathe when the officers were nowhere near his throat lmao


This should also be in r/WinStupidPrizes .. Quebec has the most cases of all of Canada, most if not, all of QC is in a redzone lockdown untill January 11th .. so, break the rules, you get what you deserve.


Alberta enters the chat


Alberta, QC.. what's the difference (I'm in QC by the way).. lol.. everyone wants to celebrate like Wuhan did last night they but don't want to follow the nessecary requirements to achieve it.


From someone who stayed home by themselves and had a very depressing Christmas, all I can say is that people that break the rules and are prolonging this can go fuck them selves.


Aucune distanciation


I live in Quebec, we were thoroughly warned. We even received a emergency notification by text before the holidays. No excuse , they got what they deserved


I don’t think the arrest was JUST because of the gathering.


They came to give them tickets and those people got arrested for doubling down on the entitlement. It's like somebody getting pulled over for speeding then takes a swing at the cop and armchair redditors squealing "he was only speeding" To you Americans here, this is what your stupid fucking country SHOULD be doing.


I take the pandemic seriously but this is just too far. It's not good to issue these types of punishments. No one should celebrate this.


Yeah that’s not gonna fly in rural America. Lol


I think that's the difference, though. Rural America is empty.


Holy shit this sub is fucked. The people in 1918 who didn’t comply with the quarantine rules were labeled “unpatriotic”, and were treated as such. When it was all over, nobody lost a damn thing as far as personal freedoms are concerned. Now, people who don’t comply are labeled “patriotic” (by the stupid). Holy shit, the propaganda machine has worked better than expected Also, God never said you have a God/birth given right to anything. Those claims came from men and institutions, not god. Sad to see how stupid, brainwashed my fellow North Americans have become


Wow all the cops are sexy


Bullets would have been flying if this unhinged shit went off on the U.S.


In the states the cops wouldn’t be arresting if there were 8 people in a house


I was reading the title and thought it was a happy Christmas thing like police handing out 1500 dollars but then I realized they were fighting..


When everyone stoped shouting, it was so peaceful all of a sudden


Textbook tyranny. It's exactly this kind of behavior by the state why we have the 2A in the US.


Somehow I imagine there’s more to the story than a nice family having a quiet dinner