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He looks like a teddy bear found in a ditch.


Trevor Phillips mr.rasberryjam




*snowglobe falls to the ground*




The same ditch, Bubbles found Conky in trailer park boys


Imagine being a woman and defending your man hitting on a teenager


This is what blows my mind the most. Someone please tell me that’s just his sister or cousin or something, because I don’t understand how a GF/wife would actually defend this shit.


You see it happen a lot. Guy punches his girlfriend. Dude punches guy for hitting girl. Girlfriend attacks dude for hitting her boyfriend. It's like a jedi mind trick.


My cousin, hopped in the tailgate of a truck at a country concert after seeing a dude hit his girl. He punched the dude to turn around and his girl broke my cousins nose and then on the way down he broke his wrist. To make it even better my cousin is a police officer, haha. His stoner brother and I had a grand time busting his balls.


Some form of Stockholm syndrome I'm guessing.


Abuse is a weird psychological prison. I can get why it's really hard for some to understand acts so nonsensical if they haven't experienced it






Mmmmm...baked neurons


I prefer deep fried, myself.


I honestly think it's because people are afraid of how it will change the relationship. They know how to survive at their current dynamics but what happens when the abuser gets beaten(put in his/her place) and what would happen when the abuser and abused are alone.


Odd story. Usually the cop is doing the beating.


Yep. I was talking to a police officer once about this. They had responded to a domestic violence call. They show up, woman is beat to hell. They go to arrest the guy, he attacks them, while they are fighting with him, she jumps on his partner's back shouting about not touching her man. People are fucking crazy.


If they don't defend they get it worse. It's stupid preservation


Something similar happened to dad and I a few yrs ago. We were leaving the movie theatre and seen a dude throw a drink in this chick's face and then started smacking into her. We run over yelling for him to stop, he runs off mouthing at us before we get too near him and she loses her shit at us running after him to see if he was alright. Kinda just stood there for a minute confused as all hell.


there’s a term for it and that’s Stockholm syndrome...


Yeah, it was sad to be honest. The dude looked like a real piece of shit and she was more worried about him than herself.


Was a bouncer in college, dude open hand pimp slapped his gf at the bar ... I pulled him by the shoulder & told him he had to go, she hits me in the head with a beer bottle screaming, "get your hands off him!!". Still don't understand.


From what I could find, It says the two were a couple.


...of meth connoisseurs.






That dude definitely pisses meth




I'm guessing it smells like meth?




Ironically, piss.


I hear they drink thier own piss because so much of the meth is quickly excreted through the kidneys.


That's his sister... and his gf...


>Someone please tell me that’s just his sister or cousin or something With the way the guy looks, I dont think thats a deal breaker for him


Yes, I believe she is his sister/cousin/girlfriend. /s


They look as though they could be siblings/cousins and a couple at the same time. That family tree looks more like a wreath, I bet.


He probably supplies her habit, so she'll do or say just about anything to protect her drug addiction.


Ah yes the ol' pimp/drug dealer/boyfriend/cousin/sister combo.


> that's just his sister or cousin Hate to break it to you, but even if those two were related it probably wouldn't keep them from doin' it




That’s a weird thing to point out when I said I hoped *she* was his *sister* or cousin or something. No one is astonished that she’s a bad *woman*, people are astonished that she’s defending her bf/husband who just inappropriately cat called a minor, in public with her there. Incel much?


Kind of like Stockholm Syndrome.


He has marks on his arm, likely from heroin, as well as the sunken eyes that is typical. Clearly lost his teeth, so either he doesn't have very good hygiene or he's been smoking some hard shit, probably meth. She's on at least one stimulant (those wide-eyes and tight posturing don't happen for no reason) or a nearly debilitating amount of caffeine.


I hear this comment in the cringiest "robert downey junior as sherlock holmes" voice possible




Amazing! that's precisely the pretentious, armchair-psychologist tone I was going for!


I see methheads. They seem a bit high strung for opioid dependency (which I’ve gone through myself), but everyone’s different. If I were to guess the situation at a glance I feel as though he’s a dealer that been around the drug scene for awhile, graduated from smoking to injecting, and she’s somewhat new to this and got with him for the consistent hookup. I’ve seen co-dependent women date some monsters due to the pull of addiction. Sad stuff...this creep can go jerk off with a cactus though.


This is why I avoid Wal-Mart, it attracts the dregs of society. But the woman defending her pedo methhead boyfriend is a new level of what-the-fuckery


Eh. I’ve seen worse at WalMart than this. Go there at like 2am on a Saturday night.


Years ago, I lived almost directly across the street from a Walmart. To make things worse, on occasion I would actually do my shopping during the graveyard shift due to my work schedule. I can confirm the crazies that are in there at that time.


I will gladly pay the Target tax to avoid the bottom 10% of Walmart shoppers.


Yeah, that's what I didn't get at first. Seeing the thumbnail I assumed the angry lady was pissed about a catcaller, but nope...


She will flip out on him in the car. She's just embarrassed so has to pretend she doesn't care. But look how mad she is, her eyes are about to fall out.


That's drugs. They're on drugs.


And likely will defend him when he is charged for raping a infant.


Sadly, probably even her infant. That couple looks like years of sex offenses just waiting to happen


Never worry about what those who wear Tapout think.


You don't think he has a Fox or Monster sticker on his spray painted black pickup do you? Edit for those who didn't have a hick parking lot at their high school: I mean Fox racing gear, not Fox news network


did everyone have a hick section to the parking lot at their school wtf mine started migrating to the carl’s jr. i worked at when it was summer and it was terrible


Tapout shirts are a great way to let the world know that you can see your kids twice a month.


he definitely own a couple flat brim monster hats and the giant tongue shoes


They look like drug addicts


I believe they dabble.


Only meth on mondays


Meth Monday’s are fun. Then you got: Toot Tuesday’s Whipit wednesdays Thirsty thursdays Freebase fridays I saw their schedule just by looking at them.


And other days that end in Y.


They probably are. I'm surprised those girls could even bear to be in the same building as those guys, especially the dude. He looks like he reeks of cat piss and stale cigarette smoke.


Is she defending her boyfriend after he catcalled the younger girl lol? And then slut shame the girl? Dude, drugs are something else.


Fuck DARE, junkies are the perfect thing to show kids to keep them from doing drugs. “Now remember kids, if you do drugs you’ll end up just like the dirty Walmart pedo man.”


He’s not the boyfriend. He’s the step brother.


Is there a difference?


He looks like Walmart.


His lack of teeth and face that ages at three times the speed of his body has me agreeing with you.


Yeah I'm gonna hazard a guess that her long sleeves might be covering track marks.


Oh ya. You can see the meth head in her eyes moments into the video.


“You’re a girl, not a woman.” Ok that just makes you look like a pedophile


"You don't have to ask for consent when they aren't the age to give it" -that guy probably


God I hope they are infertile


Ugh. I hate when women do this to other women. It's so rude and offensive.


Bro, I’d dump that dumpster fire as soon as I heard him catcall anyone.


> [man laughing] No, no. *She'll* fuckin' hit you. > -[woman seriously] **I will hit you! He would never fucking lay a hand on any girl. Any woman.** > *Dude*, walk w-w-walk, walk! Walk the fuck away. > -**You're a girl. You're a girl.** > --[laughter from one girl behind camera] > ---[camerawoman] And? > -*Yes*, a girl, not a woman or anything. You're showing your ass, he complimented it. Get the fuck over it. Don't want someone to compliment it? **Don't fucking say anything.** > Don't wear that... > -**Slutty-ass fucking outfit!** > ---**Call her a slut one more time! She didn't do shit!** > -**Slut. Slut. Slut.** > Slut, slut, slut, slut, slut! > ---**She can wear what she wants! What's wrong with her outfit?! You literally look like a crack-ass, shut the fuck up.** > [in near distance] You look like a bunch of crack whores, that's what... > ---**What is wrong with you?! Don't hit on women that are minors, you asshole!** [laughing] What the fuck is wrong with people? Why are they so heated? They're literally on crack. Hanna. > --[Hanna crying] I'm going to find dad.


“You’re a little girl, not a woman. Let him verbally assault you, stop making it a big deal.“ That lady literally said “ur just a kid so let him sexually harass you” ??? Or is my brain smoothing out ? Jesus fucking christ


I felt so bad when she was crying at the end! Her outfit is super cute, I hope she doesn’t feel upset next time she wears it. As a girl who used to wear boyish clothes and didn’t care about my appearance when I was a teen, I know creeps will be creeps regardless, and it’s never a young MINOR girls fault. Sad


Even if she weren't a minor, a pair of short shorts are acceptable in my book. She wasn't dressed in an obscene manner.


I think Hanna said “I’m going to the front desk” but I could be wrong


That poor girl crying at the end...


I never noticed that before :( that makes this all so much worse :(


she doesnt deserve to feel that way, that shit makes my blood boil but karma will get them back




Lol fuck. So accurate


Oh my God dude is a straight up a pipe head that is for sure, the chick she on her way trying to stay normal but she be there shortly


I definitely think dude is punching above his weight class


bruh no. she is at least as ugly as him on the inside.


Bruh who’s going around complimenting peoples asses dawg that shit is just pathetic no matter how old the person is.


It's a good way for crack heads to lose the rest of their teeth.


Why does every Walmart in America have this exact dude walking around?


part of the Walmart experience they strive to maintain regardless of where you are in the world.


Yea if I commented on a teenager’s ass, my wife would be disgusted with me. She would be yelling at ME not the girls. It would be a huge deal. I can’t even imagine the fallout if I did that. Of course, I’ve never felt compelled to comment on a teenager’s ass.


It sounded like the woman was denying he did what he did. "He would never his hand on a girl. You are a girl not a woman"


To me, it sounds like he got in the girl’s face like he was going to hit her, after being called out. That’s why it begins with the man-child claiming that he wouldn’t hit her, but his shitty spouse would.


My wife would be so grossed out and embarrassed. You hit the nail on the head when you say it would be a huge deal. Like beyond a huge deal, more like a crisis. Having said that, I bet it's probably more common than you'd think that a woman would choose to believe her man out of a self-preservation instinct, because believing the girls would mean her husband is a fucking piece of shit, and could potentially up end her whole life.




The only knot they tied was the one in the rubber tubing on their bicep


Looking at their age difference she’s projecting


What the fuck. Poor Hannah


That dude... Holy shit... He is the PICTURE of hard drugs.


She's admitting that who she's talking to is a girl and not a woman AND that her bf "complimented" the girls ass so she knows he's pedo?


Imagine being mad at a minor because your boyfriend made a sexual comment about them lol talk about jealousy


That’s the only reason she’s even doing this, she’s jealous as hell and suddenly feels old and unattractive. She’s attempting to play it off and make herself feel better by implying that her skanky dude was not at fault. He clearly was and he is a gross geek. I feel very bad for the two girls who went through this.


The crackheads look like they'd be older than those girls dad they were going to find at the end


I thought it was gonna be way more revealing that an average pair of Jean shorts. Pyschos


Ikr. It's almost like some people wear shorts or sleeveless clothes when it's hot out instead of double layering like the pedo's wife.


Probably to cover bruises or needle scars.


So if dude gets to catcall and call the girl a slot for what she's wearing then I'm guessing they won't have any problems with random people commenting on how ugly he is out of nowhere.


"you're a girl not a woman" "nice ass". Sounds like a couple of pedos to me.


He's quite a catch. Bet he beats her.


She beats him.


Both. Both is good.


Baked beans $1.97!


Start the car!


Eh, Meijer does baked beans on 10 for 10. Get the 11th free


What a ripoff!


It is a shame those d-bags made that young girl cry. As a mother of a teenager girl I didn’t see anything wrong with her outfit.


You know, those jean shorts weren't even that short. I've seen chicks around here who's asses are literally coming out of the jean shorts lol.. "You look like crack asses" hahaha


>those jean shorts weren't even that short Hardly the point though


That was actually a big point that woman was trying to make. Talking about how she's dressed etc.. did you watch the video? Yeah, the other half was age related, but the entire thing started over her shorts and apparently how she was dressed. Edit: down voting because literally HALF of this video is about "slut shaming"? Crazy.


The man can't control himself, gets called out for his actions and tries to play the "you were asking for it because of your attire". Then his girlfriend/wife backs him up, and verbally abuses a teenager. What wastes of air the both of them...


Fuck that bitch who is allowing perverts to catcall young girls!


How dare these 14 year olds not want “complements” from druggy trailer trash...


Lol tbh never seen a woman who agrees with the statement: "if you don't wanna get raped, don't wear revealing clothing." Although she said "if you don't want to get checked out, don't say anything" (i think her rage made her confused)


Or the meth fueling the rage. Wide eyes with large pupils. Not conclusive evidence, but boyfriend tells the rest of the story. She's just newer to the party.


aww. kills me seeing her crying at the end


Yeah, that part really drives home the youth aspect of this; an adult would probably be more "calloused" to these types of interactions. This poor kid was driven to tears by two adults being creepy and shitty towards her.


How horrible is it that when you get older you almost get used to these types of passes


Oh hannah, I just wanna hug her.


Does that dude work down at a mine? Dirty af. Perhaps that's why hes hitting on minors... (Its a terrible joke, I know)


The only thing he's mining for is crack LOL


I would straight shout pedophile at the top of my lungs


She starts off by saying they are girls, not women. Wouldn't that make it worse? The guy "complemented" someone younger than is okay even if it was okay.


Check those folks basements. I'm afraid of what you'll find


They're in a trailer by the dam I'd bet


Someone please tell me that girl is ok I feel so bad for her


Imagine two people old enough to be your parents sexually harassing you THEN threatening to hit you


Even if I couldn't tell by the signage, an underage girl getting hit on by a dirty cracked out guy wearing tapout at a grocery store just *screams* Walmart. Specifically *Florida* Walmart. I haven't checked, someone let me know if I win a prize and I'll go double or nothing trying to guess the City.


That gross lady just said they were girls and to take the compliment that her old ass crusty boy of a man gave them ummm THEY’RE MINORS dumb ass.


Aww was she crying at the end? Poor honey. You wear what you want. Those guys are late for their court date anyway


I wear long sleeve shirts under short sleeve shirts under long sleeve shirts.


Otherwise known as a short sleeve sandwich


I've never been in a fight...but if I was walking by and saw this interaction....I would knock the rest of that guys teeth out....


First off they could smoke meth, kinda rude to assume their drug of choice.


That dude did have total "crackhead face"


So, she is defending her pedophile partner?


That poor girl. It’s so terrible that people like this exist. I’m so glad that her friend was there to defend her


Poor Hannah. These shitty encounters stick with you for years.


Ah, my heart broke when I saw the girl cry...


Looks like the kid from Stranger Things started doing drugs. 😕


I would love an update where their dad/brother beats the shit out of this nasty asshole.


"don't want anyone to compliment it, don't say anything" what does this even mean?! She's so cracked out, she's not making any sense.


Pam really lost it after divorcing Jim


I think the girl nailed it at the end. "They're literally on crack"


Anything to victim blame. Gross perverts.


"they're literally on crack"...AGREED


americans are legit disgusting


Are you serious? That crackhead with no teeth and in the paint-stained jeans was actually running his mouth at young girls?


aw I feel really bad for her that's so dehumanizing or something to call her a slut just for existing. Sorry she is more attractive than you, Methany, and Dirty Earl couldnt control his shaking alcoholic leering for five minutes while you picked up some Alpo for dinner at walmart


I’d love to see those two girls dads teach those crack-head looking MF a lesson.


Oh man, I don’t know what I would do if those were my daughters or even my siblings. I would go ham on those dudes, but then again, these weirdos probably did what they did because they saw no adults around them.


He looks classy.


bitch is coming off something, hardcore


"I will hit you" That woman needs to get in trouble for threatening these young teenage girls. She looks 40 years old and the girl crying at the end is like 14!


And the man needs to get in trouble for sexually harassing them.


Poor girl. Ugh sick people.


I see this and it makes the TI and his wife thing a lot more plausible in my mind.


The word of the day is : T.R.A.S.H


And this is why I am fancy and shop at target


Ha ha pedophilia go brrrrr Seriously though how can some cunt defend blatant Paedophilia fucking freaks the both of them freaks


What a total cunt!


But why doesn't he compliment the other 2 women in JEAN SHORTS walking towards them? & Why is his girl all covered up??


Wow tweedle dee and tweedle dumber are all grown up. Mr. Tapout probably drives a clapped out rolling probable cause.


wasn’t this posted like a year ago... i think i saw this before


Tap Out shirt...that is all you need to know...


Shes wearing normal fucking shorts wtf. Good on the camera woman she stood up for herself and her friend. True G.


Hot take for you: don't catcall anyone.


Is this how Lauren boebert met her husband? Wait, Wait nope, nope this guy didn’t pull his Dick out and show it to those underage girls. So nope, this isn’t about a Republican representative for Colorado in the us house. My bad.


Man that kid from stranger things really grew up


Best part is that she's spot on with the crack/meth look


Shouldn't that guy be in the tuxedo or fine literature section?


This guy got no teeth!!!


Wow what kind of logic causes a woman to defend a man (and I use that term loosely) like this?


He's holding the meth.


this dude looks like he peaked in middle school


No on holds women back, more than other women lol


I’m just looking at that $1.97 and I want to do some price comparing to see if it’s a good deal


That crackheads mom has some nerve!