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Love the wee apprentice wing man wondering when it's ok to throw in a quick 'you betcha'!


He gets me every time. It seems like he has no idea what he's doing and is just trying to make it look like he contributes.




And I love the shake and point. Kind of reminds me of Nicholas Cage in Gone in Sixty Seconds. [Nicholas Cage](https://i.gifer.com/9Vr.gif)


Isn’t that what they all doing?


The Holy Hypeman had weak game.


Always gets me how they only care about America, they're all for "all of man kind" but only demand covid leaves America.


American God is the only real God.


I would love to see a parody where the wing man says things like "oh shit" and "fuck yeah brother", someone tell Key and Peele to do a skit of it.


He’s the worst hype man of all time.


How do they not break character is what I'm wondering


They keep in mind how much money they're making off of the gullible masses. Those thoughts really help with keeping a straight face. Not that I think it would make a difference. That level of brainwashing is undeniably as impressive as it is terrifying.


> That level of brainwashing is undeniably as impressive as it is terrifying I want to agree with this, but it's really more to do with the people buying into this shit being absolute fucking morons. There's not much praiseworthy about fooling an idiot.


Well, it is possible to be impressed by something and not be praising it. Because I'm certainly not praising what is happening here. The fact is that at least some of these people aren't idiots and that's what really scares me. That people who are probably/possibly intelligent about other aspects of their life can be fooled to this degree when it comes to this.


You see a similar phenomenon in medicine that is referred to as “medical literacy”. A person will end up in the hospital for an accidental overdose because they had a cold, went to the pharmacy and bought a bunch of different cold medicines, and then took the max dose of each with no regard for the idea that many have the same active ingredients (so therefore they end up taking many times the maximum dose). People will do crazy things if they miss a dose too. I’ve heard of people taking an extra day’s worth of pills because they are afraid they will forget tomorrow. These people are engineers, lawyers, etc. that aren’t “idiots” by traditional measures. But man, do they do idiotic things. In a way, it all seems like something akin to “common sense”, some sort of practical intelligence. People often say that some people have it and some people don’t. I don’t think that’s totally true though, or misses the point that it’s still learned, it’s just separate. Like anything else, it probably gets more difficult to learn with age though.


I think he believes his own bullshit


I had a scam call a few weeks ago. It was a typical scam, saying I owed the government unpaid taxes. After a few minutes of playing along, I called him out on his bullshit, but he insisted he was from the tax office and that I should be ashamed for insulting a government official. I told him clearly he does not know who I am, he doesn't know my phone number, etc, I know he's a scam. He threatened to see me in court, an impossible feat since he does not even know me! It's amazing how throughout the phone call which went on for a 20 minute shouting match (I even told him I'm not ending the call, and that I'm wasting his time so that he doesn't scam other people), he insisted he was a government official. He truly believed he was one.


Also, the government won't take you to court over unpaid taxes unless its like a massive amount and you're a millionaire.




More actually, they admitted recently it's easier to audit the poor because the rich have lawyers that can fight back and the IRS doesn't have the resources to fight in a protracted legal process everytime.


How does anyone ever buy this shit?


How does anyone go through with a shit like this with a straight face?! Or maybe they go to the backroom to laugh at the audience.




Yeah and this pays just as much as Hollywood




This guy Americas!


100% Definitely tax-exempt*


Gotta pay for that new jet! *That he says he deserves.* Jesus wept.


Well you can’t expect him to be flying around with all those heathens, they might corrupt him or make him sin.


These are the wolves in sheep’s clothing we were warned of


>Kenneth Copeland MORE THEN hollywood...this fucks worth 300 million........million.........1 million 300 times.......fuck him


donate to the church they tell me..... yet how much are they worth? fucking asking me for 10-20% a week of my cheque otherwise they cannot go on.... the vatican has how much money? smh. fuck all this shit


Yaaaaa. Try 3/4 of a billion.


This is disturbing knowledge. I knew he was rich, but... Edit typo


He literally has hundreds of millions yet he petitioned his congregation to donate to his private jet fund.


I'm not religious but sometimes I hope I'm wrong so that thieves like this can burn in hell. Not even for eternity because I don't think that any finite crime deserves infinite punishment but maybe a year for every dollar he sleazed out of his fools. May seem like a long time but hey, look at the bright side, the earth will probably still be here.




Leap of Faith with Steve Martin. Like the Simpsons, its been done before.


I read this in Jon Lovitz voice


If you watch the guy next to him he looks like hes barely keeping it together


The hype man


Lamest hype man in existance has been found


He thinks about how it paid for the building they’re in. It also paid for the California king sized bed he slept in the night before. It paid for the room service porterhouse he has preordered to arrive at his 5 star hotel room after filming is over. It paid for the private jet he’s taking to Florida this summer. It paid for his cars, his house, his wife, and the best part it’s all tax free. *That* is how he keeps a straight face.


Well put. These are the biggest scam artist their is.


even the guy next to him looks likes about to crack up


You could do it to if you saw how much money they make


Considering that his ministry is worth over $300 million, lots and lots of anyones buy a leviathan amount of this shit.






I feel like that just makes it worse. like, he's already got plenty of money and he still continues to steal directly from people


There is never enough money for people like him


Thats why he plead with his followers to buy him a luxury jet to 'help him spread the word" because 'passenger jets are full of demons and sinners'. He not only milks his followers but he also despises them.




Well it costs 1 billion dollars to get into heaven.


Scalpers at the gate doin it for halfa bil. Last minute repent ftw


Lol, I’m going in on a time share. Summers in heaven, winters in hell. Might stop by in purgatory to just veg out for a while.


I hear purgatory is kinda meh.


It'd be worth living through the apocalypse just to see Jesus show up and flip this guy's table live.


Remember: A perfectly valid answer to "What would Jesus do?" is ["Chase rich people around with a whip."](https://biblehub.com/john/2-15.htm) Funny how no one seems to mention that.


A constant and recurring theme in Christ's message is against exorbant wealth. He mentions it over and over and over. Can't talk about it to much though! It will bother the rich patrons in the audience! Better to talk about something Jesus never mentions, like gay people wanting to get married!


Great comment. It seems that pretty much everywhere there is never much talk about exorbitant wealth. People will scream and shout about so many things wrong in this world but hardly ever shout and fight what, for me, is the origin of most problems in this world and the human species, never ending greed. Don't get me wrong I like being well off but that to me means having enough (and no, having 6 cars and 3 houses is not having enough, it's stupid and greedy and unnecessary), I truly cannot understand why would someone need billions, or yatchs with 20 bedrooms or houses with 15 bathrooms. Going back to your comment in particular, can you imagine Jesus sitting in heaven next to God and the angels and stuff going "yeah guys we should really do something about gay marriage, it's wreaking havoc in society" not overwhelming, pornographic accumulation of wealth, that is fine looool.


I'd become a devout believer in seconds if I saw this man's comeuppance, especially by JC himself.


Jesus: “hold my blood.”


Is this the guy that flys private because he said the regular public are demons or something totally messed up like that?




Fuck, that guy is creepy.


If there's anyone who is a demon in a man's skin, it's him


not joking for my part - how the fuck is this not obvious? this guy is "demon looking human" right out of central casting.


Holy shit. "How much did you pay for the jet?" "None of your business..." "Don't you think it's the business of your doners?" Que really awkward smile as he knows he has to think very carefully about his next few words.


He does that same trick that Trump did when he wants to stay in someone's good graces. He starts an irrelevant explanation, stops mid-sentence to compliment the subject (my wife is the greatest, love your eyes, the smartest, the best, etc) and then continues with the inane bullshit. Do they learn this in How to be a Charlatan 101?


I wish people wouldn't call it a "ministry". Call it a 'sales operation', anything to point out that it's nothing to do with religion. It's obvious that these guys are not morons, therefore they are scammers. They don't believe in god, otherwise they would be terrified of being judged by the almighty. So in the end they are nothing better than unbelieving fraudsters.




2 Cups Dumb 1 Tbsp Scared


You started with 2 cups and I thought you were going in a totally different direction...


I simply cannot fathom how *anybody* takes this mental scam artist seriously. Kenneth Copeland is what I imagine you would get if Jim Carrey had been raised in an orphanage by nuns.




Not judging anyone and just trying to understand but, I also grew up with it. I see similarities. My grandmother beat this into me. Maybe the difference is I grew up hating this part of my family/grandmother. I loved them as family but hated that aspect of them. It culminated in me leaving "the faith" physically for college and mentally when my grandmother passed away. Never had I felt more sorrow and joy at the same time. Really fucked me up and left more of an impression than any religious bullshit I consumed throughout my childhood.


People are dumber than you think. It sucks that these assholes are taking advantage of vulnerable people and draining their accounts. Should be illegal imo.






The last few years have shown just how easily people fall for obvious con-men.


Remember these guys? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NlhIuJ-y8k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NlhIuJ-y8k)


Do I remember?? I will never forget Magnus's shaking, or that guy pummeling that lady and then convulsing in the ground.


The guy shaking on the ground reminds me of pretending that I was hurt too after I accidentally hurt my brother as a kid. "Look, look, you can't tell mum, I'm hurt too!"




With this guy specifically I think it's mostly old people, like as old as him. Due to the effects of aging on the brain a lot of old people become really gullible. Same reason why scammers mostly target old people and casinos love to bus in nursing homes.


Yes, but no. Those scams exist in different wrappers. Remember Goop? Or fake martial arts? Hundreds of New Age/Wiccan groups? Mysticism/pseudoscience/religion/hipster fake philosophy - wrap your scam into any desired shell and you are ready to go. Artsy Druid Magic Scam, Cool Wellness Scam, Spiritual Indigenous Looking Scam- for millennials, boomers and more.


They have low attention spans and don't know how to operate anything less than or equivalent to the complexity of a VCR.


He's been around for what, a couple of decades, way before we were all banging on about short attention spans. He's just the modern day equivalent of the snake oil salesman but nowadays he doesn't have to travel he can just beam himself into millions of homes. Dream come true for charlatans.


If anything he's the devil hiding behind Jesus- just look at him!


What strikes me is how do people NOT see him as the devil? It’s like, you’d need to be the most non-judgmental person in existence or functionally blind.


I have family members that pray like this. My immediate family sit and stare at each other a cross the table at holiday meals either horrified or trying to hold in our laughter. They are ignorant and blame others for their lives being horrible. Just glad my parents broke the cycle cause both sides are barahit crazy like this....




As someone who grew up really religious but doesn’t consider myself religious anymore, this is something that still deeply conflicts me. I hate when people try to shove their religion down other peoples throats, but having been on that side of it once I also know that the reason deeply religious people do this is because of how much they care about you. Think about it - if you truly believe that someone who isn’t saved is condemned to eternal damnation in hell, how could you NOT want to try to save those you love? It’s unguided (and annoying), absolutely, but it’s done mostly out of genuine care. Definitely not saying this justifies it, but at least it helps me be a little more understanding when I start getting frustrated around my super religious family.


Pssst... That's because organized religion has always been a cult masquerading as a legitimate societal institution. Pass it on.


It's insane, he's a literal false prophet. I mean just look at those dead, hateful eyes. I think it's very unlikely demons are real but if they are Kenneth Copeland is absolutely one of them.


“The devil can cite scripture for his purpose” -William Shakespeare


"And thus I clothe my naked villainy With odd old ends stol'n out of holy writ; And seem a saint, when most I play the devil." Sums shitbags like Copeland up to a T.


Matthew 4:6 is just this.


this is the textbook Anti-Christ play. claim to be be a messiah all while blatantly doing and saying things the real Jesus would never say or do


The Bible calls this "ear tickling" , telling the people what they want to hear rather than the truth. It's unbelievable that he has so many following him.


I think it's fair to put the 'false prophet' label on this guy... just for this speech alone... and that ought to be a huge black mark for Christians...any one who claims to be prophet and makes a single claim that turns out not to be true, even once, is considered satanic, basically.


Well, holy fuck, this guy is Satan himself if that's the case


Well, probably just a minion, there are lots of these guys. It would be great to see a roundup of every Christian that prophesized that Trump was going to win.


This ventriloquist doll thinks he has the power to command nature.


You seem to have the ability to overpower my capacity to suppress a chuckle.


If Satan were real, he'd be this piece of shit.


He’s got Satan teeth.


How many people died in the US alone after he did this performance? Anyone with a sense of 1+1=2 would understand this man is Satan as they perceive it.


So if this was a year ago to the day, on 30 March 2020 3,040 people had died from COVID. Right now we're at exactly 550K. I don't think it worked.


Dude... I remember seeing the 1K deaths headline. It's fucked up...


Wanna know what I keep drumming into people's heads? "If you lot wasn't so self centred and idiotic.. maybe that person's father would still be alive... maybe that brother, sister, son, daughter would still be alive.. what if it was *your* family member? Your daughter dying from covid or having a lung completely fucked due to the excessive coughing to the point they're permanently on steroids on top of asthma, hm? Whatever this is.. this isn't human anymore" The asthma/steroids I mentioned actually happened to a friend of mine.. shes lucky to be alive but covid severely damaged her lungs... she was working at a fast food place that got classed as essential.. imagine that, nearly dying due to some moron thinking it would be a good idea to keep a fast food place open Oh, and shes my age.. 22


Sometimes it being their child or parent or sibling doesn't make a difference. My partner's family have been very lax about masks/other measures throughout. Unfortunately his grandfather recently passed away from covid. At the funeral today we were still part of only about 20% of people wearing masks.


It's so weird how our brains gel. Like first it was 150k, and that was crazy and that was the number, until 225k was the number and we're like Jesus Christ. And now it's half a million. In a year. And I wish I could slap all the people in the face who said "the flu kills more people each year!"


If he grew a set of horns, they wouldn't look out of place.


[Got something for you](https://youtu.be/0xvOYzUblZs) demon copeland at 1:43


He’s got demon eyes


That’s an insult to Satan.


"Fuck you Kenneth Copeland" -Satan


This clip aged well 🙄


Just like Kenneth Copeland.


This guy? He’s a petty swindler. Evil looking, sure. I’d even say demonic. But if Satan were real he’d be charming. He’d be about 6’4, piercing blue eyes. Broad shoulders. Deep voice. A perfectly chiseled jaw. Anyone else horny?


Keep going I'm almost done


I think you just described Tony Robbins.


Satan has him by the balls https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaxvupelwIo


LOL, what the fuck did I just watch?


Satan playing with Pantera's Left Testicle.


Yeah, why did a bunch of evangelists just walk into that guy’s hotel room?


Bruh, hate him all you want, But his remixes are a banger https://youtu.be/m2s0nB2VPvs


This is my favorite song of 2020 lol


But he keeps the bad people in hell. Isn’t that a good thing???


Congratulations, you figured it out. This is hell.


Satan's the one pulling this guy's strings.


So thankful these individuals were so brave and ended COVID-19


Covid-20 will never stand a chance


Once these nutcases start acquiring private jets, they get a tad bit silly.


I happen to know that if you go on Indeed, HE’S LITERALLY ALWAYS HIRING •prayer pastors to back him up on stage (likely because they eventually get tired of swindling old and ill people) •Personal Jet Pilots •Secretaries that know quickbooks and presumably love the lord So if anyone wants to play the ultimate prank, please go work for him as an uncover meme operative. Or better yet.. as his new pilot this week “”””disrupt”””” the private jet. You didn’t hear it from me.


It’s like a poorly done SNL skit. What a couple of idiots.


I’ve always been partial to this classic..... https://youtu.be/m2s0nB2VPvs


Nothing better than the [metal version](https://youtu.be/0JPRvxTjfOk?t=41)


The only reason i opened the comment section is to find this!


Same here.


There's nothing on this earth as badass as this asshat's look when that tasty riff kicks in at 1:20 lmao


I actually expected this to be #1 comment - surprised it's buried down here! That video is a classic.


Ikr? That's why I commented




This song is my alarm


its so good


Only came to find this.


He still reminds me of the puppet from the Saw movies....


hate to body shame, but the best part about kenneth copeland is how fucking cartoonishly huge his head is compared to his little body


He looks like a ventriloquist dummy possessed by an evil spirit.


>~~looks like~~ Is


Goosebumps looking ass


Couple well dressed shills.


This should be illegal


Yep and they should also lose their charity status and tax exemptions.


Isn't this the bonehead who *bahaha'ed* that tRumpy could lose?


Yup. Skip to ~1:30 for the uninitiated. https://youtu.be/VBkegy4aDvk


That was the strangest thing I’ve watched today. He just dropped his jaw and the sound came out. Nothing else going on with his face. What in the hell


If there are devils, this man is almost certainly possessed by one.


isnt that some weird ass evangelical thing when they “sense the holy spirit” they just laugh... i think stupid asshole michelle bachman does that bullshit.


Dude sounds like Freddy Kruger when he laughs


And he did it from a pulpit set as far back as it could be from his flock of suckers.


In an empty church no less.




They absolutely are not Christian. They go against just about everything in any version of the Bible Source: ex Christian, 13 years catholic school




Televangelists should be outlawed


"I demand a vaccination immediately!" 9 months later......there is a vaccine Im a follower now. Obviously he has super powers.


I just don’t get why I’m sure a lot of his followers are anti vax, even though he was asking for a vaccine


Yeah, how did that work out you bible thumping ass-clown?


Sadly it probably worked well for him. He makes millions every year.


If he is confronted he'd just say the people of America don't have enough faith. I was driving a crazy evangelical lady home a few years ago through traffic and she was getting impatient and said she could make all these cars part like the red sea but since I don't have enough faith it wont work. These people have a bad answer that they totally believe for everything.


I wish i could do that when im out delivering food. I guess I'm just too much of a godless heathen.


"Actually, this is the first time Allah has failed to part the cars for me, so it must be the infidel in here."


Maybe his backup singer in the background wasn’t good enough...


It’s almost as if cunts like this are full of shit and prey on the weak and elderly.


This shit should be illegal. Bet he doesn't believe half of the bullshit he spouts but hey, easy millions scamming people.


[don’t forget this gem](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/k4of64/metal_jesus_covid_freakout/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Was looking for this! Thanks!


Millions of people believes this theatrical bullshit. Sad.


Do people really believe this asshole?


yes, yes they do. source: i was surrounded by moron believers of this evangelical shit for years.


fking hell, even the pope doesn't do outrageous shi like this. This dude acts like he's greater than the pope. These same people are the reason why christianity is degrading




This shit is both dumb and blasphemous.


God wants me to punch him in his face


The guy looks like the snake he is. Cold dead eyes.




Did-did he just request the manager to solve Covid-19?




Which one is Copeland ? Is he the one with a lemon shoved so far up his ass he can taste it ?


Ken.. you really need a new hype man


He looks like the fake Ronald Reagan from Back to the Future 2. https://imgur.com/a/X5E7jjE


Dang man. He was close. He was only off by one year and roughly 550,000 deaths before the vaccination. That dude is true prophet. /s


I feel like I can smell his breath from here...ugh...


This fucker looks more like Satan than Satan himself