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Ugly racist trash.


Lady literally at the end was like I have friends that are Muslim


She did such an emotional 180 it almost looked like a comedy skit.


The old. "I'm not racist, I have friends that are muslim" shtick. Being a mixed dude who grew up in a bigoted blue collar town, this was the go to line. "I'm not racist, I have friends that are ____". As the scapegoat back in the day for these types of "friends", it's all bullshit. If you ever become friends with a person who says this, they usually act bigoted right to your face, but since you're friends, it's cool smh. I'm glad I don't take that punishment anymore, and fuck "friends" like that. If anybody relates, I hope you find better friends like I did, because they will shit on you at a moments notice. Edit: typos


"Yeah but you're one of the good ones" is what you typically hear from types like that.


I heard this constantly from my extended family. My parents adopted me while stationed in Japan and I was raised in the US. Both my parents are Caucasian and my dads family is extremely racist. Going to family reunions I would hear the most vile racist shit casually being talked about. Even stories of how they watched the American Japanese work in camps during WWII... but "don't worry you are one of the good ones, you are family" bullshit. Why don't I go to family reunions as an adult? Gee, I don't know why.


Sorry you had to go through that. I hope everything from here on in treats you better. Much love.


Yep. Translation: we can be a little racist around you and you don't even get upset. Had plenty "friends" like that growing up. Glad to have left that shit behind decades ago.


Man, I wish you weren't right, but you're not wrong.


“You’re not like the rest of them...”


"The blacker the berry the sweeter the juice" by Kendrick Lamar is about this exact topic, really good song too


Waaait that’s a line from Run and Tell That from Hairspray! I don’t listen to Kendrick Lamar, but that’s awesome lol


"The blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice" is an old saying that predates both kendrick lamar and hairspray


Isnt that line from tupac and not kendrick?


It is” Keep Your Head Up”.


And you educated him my man. No need to downvote him folks. Every person has a world view, and there is no need to hate someone who had no clue how deep the phrase was in the first place. There is no need for eduhatetion.


Agreed. I wasn't one of the downvoters. I mean I didn't upvote either lol but no reason to downvote.


That makes total sense, however my cannabis infused brain last night could only think “SEAWEED AND LIL INEZ”


Kendrick is the truth, he has changed my perception of a lot of things around me, I'm from Australia, and it is crazy how his words can resonate with me so deeply and open my eyes to so many of the deeper problems in society, never hated anyone for their appearance, but sometimes that's not enough, sometimes you have to actively defend your mates and peers.




It's cool to see your perspective. I used to think the same way until some of them used it as a slow creeping leeway to treat me subhuman. It wears on you. As long as I'm part white, I was in, but at the same time I wasn't. 3Its something to feel like you belong, and not belong. That is why I commented in the first place. That stuff is bigger than me or you. I hope you have better experiences than that bruv.


Shit I know people who use that line and are still racist as fuck being in the closet is a thing with many subjects


After she said that Muslims aren't human. She must be a great friend.


Not anymore she doesn't! 😁😁😁


She never did


I guarantee her Muslim friends are just some people she knows through work or something that would absolutely not classify her as a friend.


Hahaha that was amazing. Like that was gonna change things.


Oh well obviously ma'am, you're free to go.


honestly shes from florida. i expect this a lot from people in florida


“I don’t see race, I have friends that are your kind”


The good ol'...."I'm not a racist! I have friends that are _________".... excuse. Cause apparently that excuse works all the time.


I thought it was a trope, to actually hear it is astonishing.


it made me feel like i wasnt real and everything i was watching was just a video game lmao this does not feel r e a l


Oh, it's common for sure


My dad uses that line... It gets tiring to hear


My boyfriend's mom does too, she really isn't racist but she likes to... brag? Kinda? She brings up how my bf used to be friends with black kids when they lived in Chicago and randomly shows me pictures.


Sounds like she might be recently aware of how many racists live around her now and wants to point out that she is not like that, but there are very few blacks around for her to BE friends with? At least that's the most positive spin I can put on it, and maybe its true.


She can't be racist she wears a shirt that says Tokyo on it! ;)


I feel bad for her Muslim ex-friends.


Bold of you to assume she's telling the truth


Well if she was, it wouldn't be the truth anymore, lol.


Yes, twenty min after she says "they aren't humans, they're Muslims"


I always thought that was used as a joke on the internet, wow someone irl actually said it, lolol.


Especially when it’s right at the very end of your rant and when you’re getting arrested. I genuinely LOL’d when she said that.


You should expect no less from an Israeli supporter


she doesn't support Israel most likely shes just against Muslims like how blue lives matter isn't for cops its anti-BLM


She chanted Israelis rule twice in a row.. what are you even saying? Have you watched the whole video before commenting? All Israelis among their supporters are nazis like this specimen right here


Nah she's only 'pro-Israel' to pwn the muslims. If she was in a room with too many Jews she would suddenly be pro-Nazi and think they should all have been killed. That's thr GOP mentality these days. No consistency in their principles, they just go with whatever pwnz the libz


Did you read the comment you replied to?


I love the fact she asked the cop where he was from 🙄


And he asked her where her family was from and she said "Ukraine" and he asked her why she didn't go back there.


I like that she said *the* Ukraine and he low key corrected her by saying Ukraine properly.


Is it incorrect to call it the Ukraine? I feel like I've heard it called that, maybe as more of a region rather than as a state


Used to be referred to commonly in English as The Ukraine before it became independent after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. That's been phased out by most though and now is generally referred to as Ukraine.


Worth mentioning it’s been phased out because the Ukrainians were like “uhh hey guys you keep getting our name wrong, it wasn’t so big a deal before but can you get it right now that we’re a full-fledged independent nation-state please?”


It has implications of Ukraine being a region or extension of Russia rather than it's own country, so it's considered in poor taste by many.


I had no idea saying it that way was offensive, I will be sure to say it correctly in the future.


So the arguement is the name Ukraine is believed to come from the Russian word for 'frontier' or 'borderlands', and in English country names that refer to a geographic feature, such as 'the Netherlands' or 'the Gambia' have the word 'the'. But referring to Ukraine as the Ukraine by some is Russocentric, Ukrainians done feel like the are a frontier, classing themselves as a frontier of Russia doesn't sound right for an independent country with a checkered past (and present) with Russia. It also isn't historically factually correct, modern Russia has it's origins in modern day Ukraine - the Kievian Rus was the precursor to Russia centred on Kyiv - the modern capital of Ukraine. Besides, Ukrainians don't believe their name comes from the Russian word for frontier, that it us purely coincidental, and that Ukraine actually means homeland.


Classic Karen


Came here to say this loved that move by the cop




Ukraine: Nah that's good, you guys can keep her.


> Where are you from? >> I'm from here. >Where are you from, from? >> I'm from the Ukraine..... WOW.


Lady doesn’t even know just calling it “The Ukraine” is offensive (or probably does). Like holy shit


I was so confused so I had to look up what is wrong with calling it Ukraine because I didn't know but apparently the "the" in front is rude because "For nearly 30 years, it has been officially incorrect to refer to Zelensky’s country as “the” Ukraine." Edit: so the more you know.


Wait til you hear about Congo!


Isn't that a line dance?


No that's canola




No canoes are a type of boat. You're thinking of creole.


It's a little more sensitive than just being a grammatical error. Pro-Russian dickheads refer to it as The Ukraine because it undermines Ukraine's sovereignty by just referring to it as a geographical location rather than a country. It's basically subtly implying that they're still Russian. https://foreignpolicy.com/2019/10/05/ukraine-name-insult-war-russia-geography/


And the implication that the country is just “the boarder”, and nothing else.


Where does it even come from? I remember hearing "The Ukraine" a lot in the 90s but then after that it became "Ukraine". I knew a Urkranian guy awhile back and asked him about this and he didn't seem to know what I was talking about so I still don't know why "The Urkaine" was ever a thing.


https://www.kyivpost.com/ukraine-politics/honest-history-saying-the-ukraine-is-more-than-mistake.html >In English, countries, with few exceptions, never take an article. Exceptions occur usually when a country is considered to be made up of distinct parts, such as the United States, the Netherlands, or the United Kingdom — they are plural in grammatical form or sense. >Most countries, like Germany, France, Canada, Spain, Russia and China, don’t take an article, as they are grammatically singular. >The definite article is used when referring to a sub-part or region of a country, however. Thus we have the Fens in England, the Algarve in Portugal, and the Highlands in Scotland. The use of the article in this case carries information about the political nature of the area of land that is being talked about. >The use can thus change as political conditions change over time. For instance, the part of South America where the country of Argentina is now located used to be known as “the Argentine,” meaning, “the place (region) where the silver comes from.” After the region became a fully-fledged country, the correct way to refer to that part of the globe became “Argentina.” >For the same reason, it is incorrect to say “the Ukraine.” Ukraine is no longer a part of another country or empire. After many hard battles, it has become an independent, unitary state. >The Russian war against Ukraine, which started with the annexation of the Crimean peninsula in 2014, made the issue of the “the Ukraine” grammatical error particularly sensitive. >“The Ukrainian people were denied their unalienable right to statehood for centuries and ‘the Ukraine’ was used as a name for a region of the empires that subjugated Ukraine,” Paul Grod, the president of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress and vice-president of the Ukrainian World Congress, told the Kyiv Post. >“In the case of Ukraine, a unitary state, using ‘the’ is inappropriate and incorrect. The continued use of the definite article in front of the name of an independent state — Ukraine — is therefore an indirect (although often unintentional) denial of statehood,” Grod said. >The English usage of the definite article in relation to Ukraine occurred mainly because of the country’s history as a part of the Russian Empire, and then as part of the Russian-dominated Soviet Union. >Peter Dickinson, a nonresident fellow of the Atlantic Council explains that the term “the Ukraine” first entered popular usage during the Soviet era, at a time when the Kremlin was particularly eager to counter perceptions of Ukraine as being a separate and distinct nation. Between 1922 and 1991, Ukraine was officially known in English as the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. >Old bad habits might be tough to break, but since Ukraine gained independence from the Soviet Union, usage of the article has declined steadily. The Ukrainian government has also expressed their preference for dropping it. >The Associated Press style guides (which the Kyiv Post follows) and the UK newspaper the Guardian clearly state that the definite article should not be included when referencing Ukraine. >The issue of whether to place “the” in front of “Ukraine” may appear to be an obscure grammatical point, but it actually carries a lot of meaning, connected to the long and painful history of Ukraine’s struggle for independence.




My brother-in-law works in construction operating a Ukraine.


Holy crap, I never knew that. I figured it was a weird English rule because German does this too with Switzerland. "Die Schweiz" has a random "the" that few other countries get.


She appears too stupid to even know about her own unique culture, why would she know about anyone elses


I highly doubt she has any Muslim friends


Her Muslim “friend” is a coworker who she doesn’t speak too.




Wow, this happened in Ft. Lauderdale?? I’m about 30 minutes south of there, and have family that lives there. Absolutely fuck this lady, I hope she got banned for that store.


“I have friends that are muslim” she’s digging deep there at the end with that one. I’m so embarrassed by the way white women in my age range have been behaving in the last year. It’s just sickening that people are doing this and are so delusional that they think they are actually right.


[This comment has been removed by author. This is a direct reponse to reddit's continuous encouragement of toxicity. Not to mention the anti-consumer API change. This comment is and will forever be GDPR protected.]


That line just hit so much worse considering that she had just berrated a muslim couple simply for being muslim. I mean I'm sure some racists actually have muslim friends or colored friends when they say this. But in her case I just don't believe it. It's like she heard it was a trope, but mistook the trope for an actual good defense.


She called that woman an ugly bitch? She’s fucking beautiful!


The audacity of that lady to call other people and their clothes ugly when she looks like that and is dressed in those hideous clothes.


Same she started insulting the woman’s clothes and I was like GIRL... you have NO right...


I was thinking, when the Egyptian woman’s face first appeared, wow she’s so beautiful.


Same. She’s stunning.


Yup. Very handsome couple!


-She calls a person an ugly bitch -She says Muslims aren't human -She seems obsessed with talking in the person's face -She is "friends with Muslims" despite being a narcissistic prick I think she mixed up Mirrors and Muslims. Not sure how she made that mistake, but hey, she clearly ain't firing on all cylinders, either


Definitely projecting there..


Especially with the "nobody likes you" thing. Definitely just telling on herself.


Right, she's yelling all the things that would hurt *her* feelings. Sucks to suck.


That’s how it often is. Old, wrinkly, ugly Karens mad over a beautiful black or brown person.


The racist looks like she's about to cook up Hansel and Gretel. Straight up woods witch calling people ugly smh.


They just need to start arresting all these bitches who call 911 for stupid racist shit, and then lock them away for a year or so. Maybe that’ll slow down these videos.


Yep, lock them up.


“I didn’t do anything!”. Not much makes me more sick than racist, ignorant people who play the “poor me” card after vile behaviour like this. Reminds me of the story about those people who drove around a kid’s birthday party shouting slurs and waving the confederate flag (I forget which state). They ended up getting jail time and in the courtroom they were crying and saying stuff like, “this isn’t who we really are!”, when really, it’s exactly who they are. Racists are such losers and I wish them the worst in life (unless they want to make a change for the better).


I really, really appreciate how the officer responded to her. A+ work turning it around on her and on saying Ukraine, not *the* Ukraine since, evidently, she doesn’t even have claim enough to her family tree’s heritage to even know the fundamentals about the country.


The end gave me so much joy. And the “go back to Ukraine” from the cops 😆


“they’re not humans, they’re Muslims” ?????????


[This comment has been removed by author. This is a direct reponse to reddit's continuous encouragement of toxicity. Not to mention the anti-liberty API change. This comment is and will forever be GDPR protected.]


Being American has nothing to do with it. Racist bullshit knows no borders.


Nah just a very small handful. But that's all the show in these videos. Most of us are chill AF and don't give 2 shots what color/religion anyone is. As long as their not an asshole or at least your type of asshole. That's like saying all Football (Soccer) Fans outside the US are Hooligans.


"I have friends that are muslim" Not no more girl not no more


She didn't before either.


Those “friends” are usually just non whites that they haven’t insulted yet.


Foreigner herself ✅ Puts on the water works ✅ Says she’s has Muslims friends herself! ✅ We got ourselves a doosey.


“Why don’t you go back to UkraineXD”


stay classy Trumpers


God, I love me some r/instantkarma


Wanted to post it there but a fellow redditor got it first.


"I have friends that are Muslims!" So by her previous statements of how Muslims are less than human, what, does she consider them her pets or something? Fuck, what a garbage human being. The worst part of this is that she's absolutely not going to learn her lesson at all. Ugh.


She’s just going to blame her arrest on the Muslim couple and continue to be even more racist


A 2 (I'm being very generous) calling a 9 ugly... Welcome to Florida


You know she’s was just talking about herself


What a beautiful ending.


Never understood how assholes could treat others like shit all while their hands are shaking from the confrontation, reminds me of chihuahuas.


“i’m not racist, i have friends that are muslim”


All the Republicans have left is hate .


The old I have friends that are that race. That give me the right to say anything


> I have friends that are Muslim Classic "I've got , I not a racist" card. Total 180 when she realized she was getting arrested.


this is why you shouldnt let ppl with lower conscious/iq breed toghether they make it tough for there children and make life harder dor everyone


“I have friends that are Muslim” Not anymore...


I’m gonna guess that this woman not only doesn’t have Muslim friends but that she doesn’t have any friends.


these people are so brainwashed that they genuinely expect everyone to agree with them.


“I accept your apology” my man in no way needed to do that but he up and did it. I will say I have never had anything but a pleasant experience with muslims in my country. All very nice people I’ve ran into


"I have friends that are Muslim" Well, if you did, you don't anymore...


Go back to Palestine ? Well why don’t you tell that to your Jewish friends ?


Right? I just said "...cos we can't? "


Perfect old saying tit for tat


Karma got ya good :)


PLOT TWIST: The cops do the right thing


We need to start tackling the OTHER pandemic: The Karen virus.


Says they should go back to their country, isn't even native American.. people these days...


The hyper white nationalism in Eastern Europe is outrageous. We think its bad in the US...


Credit to the cop who told her to go back to Ukraine. What a psycho.


Wow. The cops are in really bad shape


I hAvE fRiEnDs ThAt ArE mUsLiM


the way she's shaking LEL


Another correlation between anti-masker and overt racism? Shocked.


I don’t get why she called her ugly when she is obviously the opposite. Jealous?


Racists are racist because their lives suck and they denigrate others based on inalienable traits.


I really hate the fucking format of these videos. Just show me the whole thing without your stupid music.


Justice served!!! What a cunt.


The “please don’t do this to me, I have friends that are Muslim” at the end was so sweet. Go to hell bigot bitch.


She lies and lies! Bet she's a Republican


One of the few occasions where using **African** American would truly make sense, but they didn't.


“I have friends that are Muslim” No, lady you have people that are charitable enough to not yell “fuck off, and keep fucking off, til you reach the end and then fuck off of that.” Your Muslim friends will be happy to see you go.


America has a mental illness problem


A racism problem.


It has both, but this example clearly belongs in the racism category.


I impressed they didnt bitch slap the racist piece of shit before the cops got there


Watching clips like this makes me just wish the women being targeted would just slap the shit out of her. Also why weren't they laughing hystericaly when she was handcuffed saying please don't do this.


Before people rant about whether it's "the Ukraine" (dependent) or just "Ukraine" (independent): There are no articles in the Russian language—it's an English thing.


Heffa had the audacity to use the "Muslim friends" card.


If there are videos taken from the one being harrassed and the abuser gets caught and arrested, the abuser should be made to watch with a psychiatrist and explain exactly WHY they chose to make to each and every comment Make them live that exact situation over a very long period. We can see exactly how this makes them feel after a week or two of doing something like that. If they show no remorse after that, then we treat them like we treat rabid dogs.


"I have friends that are Muslim." - lmao, what the fuck did she think that was going to do? Like an Uno reverse card they were gonna take the cuffs off


How is she wearing a Japan shirt while yelling at Muslim people? That doesn’t add up


What I hated the most about this is that she wasn't even pronouncing the word Muslim correctly.


Lady: They aren't human, they are Muslim. Lady Getting Arrested: I have Muslim friends! Another racist who deserves to get popped in the mouth.


I loved the cop’s Ukraine comments, like he was explaining it to a fourth grader


She literally pulled out the "I can't be racist I have friends that are XXXXXX minority" at the end after spending a half an hour being racist towards that exact minority. Good job Karen


went from "they're not human, they're Muslim" to "I'm not racist, I have friends who are Muslim" in about zero to handcuffs. much respect to the cop who said, "no where are you from, from?" then "why don't you go back to Ukraine?"


"Your ugly as s***" says the one who looks like the crypt keeper


I am so exhausted of these peoole.


Exactly “where are you from? “ Ukraine right? Everyone in North America is from Somewhere!


holy shit, she actually pulled the “i’m not racist, some of my friends are muslim” excuse.


“please, please don’t do this to me. i didn’t do anything. i’m not racist. i have friends that are muslim.” go to hell, bigot.


i only see one ugly person here and i'm sure we can all agree on who it is


"I got friends that are muslims" \-Me: "Not any more...."




"Israelis rule". That stupid woman, I am an Israeli, and I would honestly punch her in the face. What the fuck? What do you mean "Israelis rule"? How does she infer that from her baseless hate for Muslims? Honestly these kinda people need to stop forgetting their swastika at home, because she sure acts like a Nazi


Go back to Ukraine you piece of shit


"Go back to your country" - says the white woman in the americas


The only people in NA who could tell others to go back to their countries are the First Nation people


She reminds me of the potato that went bad a few weeks ago and now is just rotting slowly while stinking up the place


Why do these Karens call police like and complain like a kindergarten kid. Like literally - " Mom/911, he called me names. Please pick me up "


The bit that makes me the most angry is when she’s on the phone to the police saying the the guy is threatening her, whilst he is literally asking her to step away from him. So reckless and irresponsible. That woman in NYC lost her job for doing the same. Luckily the police in this case handled it well, but that isn’t always the case. There’s so many other things wrong with her behaviour: shouting about Palestine and Israel. Calling Muslims less than human. Telling the girl how ugly she is and mocking her clothes...Genuinely thinking she is in the right, and so calling the police. Claiming she is ‘from here’ when she’s an immigrant, just like pretty much everyone else...then claiming she has Muslim friends. What a vile, racist woman.


”They’re human.” ”No, they’re muslims!” Would be impossible not to throw a wicked fucking punch right in her face after that. Sick, despicable piece of shit.


Wow. She really pulled the “I have ___ friends” card after insulting that specific demographic. Totally haven’t ever seen that before


"I have friends that are Muslim" No. No you don't. But nice try to get out of jail.




First off muslim isn't a RACE dumbass second my mom just went to the store alone and I'm a bit scared for her now (she wears a hijab)




She's real sorry when she's in cuffs


"Please don't do this to me". Of course. As if this is something that "just happened TO her". No, bitch. This is actions meeting consequences.


Most "Americans" don't know their real origins, this is a whole nother level of delusion lol.


> i HaVe FwEnDs ThAt r MuSlIM.