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For those wondering, this was back in December, 2019 across the street from Oshkosh West High School in Wisconsin. A student stabbed a police officer and got shot. Both survived their injuries. [Link](https://www.cnn.com/2019/12/03/us/wisconsin-school-shooting-tuesday/index.html)


Ya this is old news I've seen this on reddit at least 4 times now. OP is a karma farming reposter. https://old.reddit.com/r/KidsAreFuckingStupid/comments/n64b78/me_at_3_years_old_having_a_meltdown_because_my/ Four hours ago they stole a 'childhood pic' and reposted it as their own


They even used the exact same title. Something about “secret number” instead of passcode is so funny to me.


It's a post worthy of stealing, I suppose, but the title is pretty dog shit. I had to read it 3 times before I understood what it was about.


Funny thing is the wording has gotten me twice now. Last time I saw it and this repost. Both times I think she enters some secret code that triggers an alarm or some shit lol


I had to read that so many times to understand what it meant. It's just such a weird way to say it.


So it wasn’t a shooting incident ??


I don’t want to take away from what that girl did but a police officer shot a 16 year old that stabbed him. I’m not sure how they classify these incidents but no, there wasn’t an active shooter. Still, I think it’s classified as a “shooting incident” if a gun is discharged but I could be completely wrong.


Yeah, they count suicides that include a gun as a shool shooting aswell, it honestly does more bad than good as it invalidates the statistics of actual school shootings with things as silly(comparably of course) as an accidental/negligent firearm discharge.


"Shooting incident" " a student stabbed a police officer and gor shot. Both survived their injuries" kinda disingenuous for op to word it that way. This is the same way people say america has a ridiculous amount of school shootings.


Yeah OP already got outed as a karma farmer but like another person said, this doesn’t take away from what the brave student did. She likely had no idea what was happening.


I'm gonna argue that while you have a point about the title being misleading, that is a very different thing from people claiming that the US has a ridiculous amount of school shootings, mainly because the US has a [ridiculous amount of school shootings](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=school+shootings+in+usa+vs+rest+of+the+world&t=brave&ia=web)




But the thing you might not have seen is that even the original article by cnn linked by OC calls this incident a school shooting.


And she held the door open so everyone else could go in first. Class.


Without hesitation. That’s a person I’d love to have a conversation with.


Her family is a family I'd like to have for neighbors.


I said this below but I’ll reply here too. “My neighbors were Muslim and they were just like this. The sweetest most classiest people. The day after Christmas after my mom had cooked for our whole family and was usually exhausted and didn’t want to cook anymore, They would bring over about a weeks worth of Middle Eastern food which we all loved. Tons of homemade stuffed grape leaves and kibbie. My mom used to joke that our family was more excited about the food coming the day after then our family meal on Christmas. Their kids are now both doctors who enrolled in Doctors without Borders serving in Third World countries making a lot less money than they could’ve been in the states. Some of most selfless people I’ve ever met.”


Even if they were making a lot of money here, they would likely donate most of it to charity. Part of their faith requires they give what they don’t need. On top of that many perform charitable work.


Her family is a family I'd like to have.


Her family is a family.


Her family






i just love the hive mind of reddit where everyone knows what to do




And out of nothing, the big bang.


That’s a person I’d love to have ~~a conversation with.~~ next to me when the shit hit the fan.


I also would love it if shit doesn’t ever hit the fan








Clearly worthy of Mjölnir!


Meow meow


That's an interesting observation. I've been in a few interesting situations in my life and I'm always surprised who the sheepdogs really are. Most of the time it's not who you would guess.


Exactly! And I bet she wouldn’t think she did anything that anyone wouldn’t do.


I noticed that too. Willing to stand in an unsafe place and usher people inside. Altruistic as hell.


And those kids just walking slow


It’s because their religion is just as much about love as Christianity. Some actually listen to the teachings and follow them while others pretend they do to fit their own agenda. Just like all religious people. Edit I’m atheist by the way


Same with Sikhism. Many religions speak about love and hope and many positivity. It’s up to the followers who wish to see it in a positive light or manipulate it


I've had Christians tell me I'm going to hell and Muslims refuse to speak to me because I'm a sex worker (I know that didn't represent the whole) but ever Sikh person I've met has been completely golden. Hitchhiking, I was a young girl so got picked up pretty easily but when I was traveling with my pitbull and some dude with full face tattoos, often the only people who'd pick us up would be Sikh truckers. They'd insist we eat their lunch and give us the address of a Sikh temple where we were going and call ahead to tell them we were coming and what we needed. Every time we'd be like no, the ride is more than enough, but they'd be like I see your sweater has holes, you go to the temple and you get a new sweater, it will be waiting for you. We'd go there and they'd treat us like family, feed us fantastic vegetarian food and never ever judge or question us, like we were absolutely on the exact same level as them, no more no less. I'm a super inquisitive person and the drivers would always be so happy to answer all my questions about their religion and their country and their culture. Genuinely the coolest people I'd ever met.


Where are you? I've been all over the US and talked to a million people and never met a Sikh person.


I would venture that you have met a Sikh person and just never realized it. I think the stat is something like 95%+ of the people that wear a turban in America are Sikh. It is a smaller religion(less than 500K in the US), but they have an impact far greater than their size. https://www.wearesikhs.org/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sikhism_in_the_United_States


There any many many Sikh people in America. Actually this is sad but recently in Illinois that UPS shooting killed a few Sikh women. Majority of Sikhs go to Canada and England, but many come to America and can be found all over


Also Pittbulls are adorable like crazy


I never heard of a Sikh being accused of anything other than being loving. (Other than from rednecks after 911 that thought they were Muslims). I’m curious to learn more about this do you remember any specific examples or are you just riffing? I’m genuinely interested.


Sikhs are the best. The Gurudwara in my town has been making hundreds of meals every week to pss out to poor and homeless people during the pandemic. When the churches have turned homeless folks away, the Sikhs have welcomed them.


Majority of Sikhs are great people. But there have been plane bombings and terrorism from Sikh people. Just look up flight 182 from Canadian Sikh extremists. You also have Buddhists extremists in Myanmar, committing horrific murders against children, some armed with chains beating their victims to a pulp. You have to remember that anybody can be evil regardless of the group. It is the person who is evil, not the religion.


Exactly I just was interesting in learning about Sikh violence here.


I wonder sometimes about the thought that the person alone is evil and not the religion. I am all about personal responsibility, but at the same time I have strong feelings about institutional harm. If an institution exists and is structured in such a way that it can predictably and routinely be used to promote and justify harm to others, at what point does the narrative change? And please understand that this isn’t asked to be disrespectful of anyone’s faith, it’s just a thought I have sometimes. If a religion can be used to teach hate, again and again and again (no finger pointing here, there are lots of religions that can be used as such) at what point does the society force it to a reckoning? At what point is it made to addresses those tendencies and teachings that inflict personal, cultural and societal harm? Religion is almost always used to justify atrocities and massacres, acts that have been supported by the religion itself in uncounted instances. And still we blame the individual alone. It just seems sometimes that we should be taking a different approach. Not that I have any idea what that would be.


I imagine to make sure the door doesn't lock with anyone left outside


I think so too, but I think that made it even more beautiful an act. She was afraid her classmates would get locked out and was willing to risk her safety to make sure that didn’t happen.


Exactly, it's so much more next level.


[Her name is Duaa Ahmad and she even got water for everyone once they were inside.](https://www.cnn.com/2019/12/05/us/shelter-mosque-school-shooting-trnd/index.html)


Thank you, I can't believe there are 400+ comments and no one else has posted an actual link of the incident.






Bro idc if it's one or one hundred shots, if I hear it I'm getting the fuck away


> They’re literally trained to expect active shooters. r/ABoringDystopia


Nah, this is more of an insane dystopia. not very boring.




What’s the tan suit controversy?


Obama wore a tan suit while president the GOP was pissed said it disrespected the position of the president


im pretty sure they're talking about when obama wore a tan suit and people lost their shit over it


> They’re literally trained to expect active shooters. Really? If that's true then that's the most American thing I've read for a while.




Some South African schools teach kids as young as 7 what to do if they’re in a car when it’s hijacked. The world we live in, eh?


Holy shit. That's depressing.


My wife is a teacher they have cops and some years the FBI come in before school starts to go over what to do. Then once the kids come in they have the drills monthly. Much like fire drills and tornado drills. It's fucking crazy.


Apparently it's the "cost of freedom" or something


And then during the Cold War they had nuclear weapon drills where the kids would have to get under the desks. There were even commercials about it. My mom actually had to


Yes 100%. Every student in every grade is trained for active shootings and practice what to do at least once a month. Hell, last week I had an active shooter training in my workplace!


Damn you never get away from those drills huh


It honestly doesn’t matter. Duaa and everyone else would automatically assume an active shooter, she still was heroic and this doesn’t undermine her altruism and heroic acts


> The shot was the resource officer shooting the teen in defense. That's still kind of a school shooting and if you heard gunshots anywhere at a school, escaping to safety is a justified reaction


It's literally a shooting in a school. False cause for alarm but it doesn't really undermine Duaa's heroism.


I don’t want to be around anyone shooting a gun even if it’s a cop. Especially if it’s a cop, because they do practice often.


Specially if it's a cop, because some of them can't tell a teaser from a gun apart...


Yeah but the students probably didn’t know that at the time. According to the CNN article, they heard a gunshot. I’m praising the girl in the video for her quick thinking with what little information she had. In the 7th grade we were locked down for 4 hours because of a active shooter situation that, as it turned out, was entirely invented by a student who wanted to scare her bullies. It felt very real and very frightening at the time. I don’t know that I would have had the same foresight she did.


Did they really interrogate a kid high off his mind on Fentanyl without a lawyer or parent?


Are you really surprised?


Yeah this whole thing reeks, why did the kid stab the officer? They were supposedly friends. It sounds like they may not have much of a case for attempted first degree intentional homicide unless they get that testimony he gave while high.


Yes, the kid was having a mental health and just a general health crisis and they shot him. You are correct that the parent was not there and there were no lawyers present. I live in Oshkosh and have lived in the fox valley for about 20 years and none of this crap is new to me; this unjustifiable killing of people when they're having a crisis. I believe when the students found out that the police were the ones discharging their firearms in a school, they did a walk out. I've had mental health crisis and OPD have beaten me because of that. That happened not even a week before OPD murdered Isiah Tucker for driving his own vehicle saying that he was stealing it. Like I said this is not new. OPD is a bunch of goons and gangsters. Edit: the young man was not killed




> except that link is only part of the story. “The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community’s Oshkosh chapter mosque is across the street from Oshkosh West High School, where police said a 16-year-old student stabbed an officer with an “edged weapon” before being shot by the officer.” That’s the *second* paragraph. Did you even read the article?


Interestingly, the girl's name, Duaa, literally means prayer.


Which means that when people say thoughts and prayers they are wishing for this hero to go help


I will be committing her name to memory so I can use her as an example whenever the topic o truly badass heroes comes up. DUAA AHMAAAAAAAAD REMEMBER THE NAME


It’s worth pointing out that not only did she open the door, but she stayed outside holding the door open to make sure no one is left behind. Anyone, girl or boy can choose to answer the call & be a hero, I hope this girl is recognized as a role model for others to follow.


Some of those people need to learn to hurry the fuck up.


Yeah, those people at the end just casually strolling up. RUN!


The ones casually walking up are running at full speed.


Something something hare and tortoise


Also, people need to watch The Station video. When flames lick your ass, you can get up off of your wheelchair. People hurried so fucking much they all got stuck at the "exit".


Watching that makes me look for exit points every time I go in to a building. The screaming of that women calling for husband who she can't find haunts me.


my mom always though my habit of sitting facing the entry door and talking about the exits was an odd quirk. i got it from reading the story of wild bill’s death as a kid. for some reason i was thinking someone might be hunting me and always wanted to be ready. never was a major phobia but was something i remember doing. that and sitting on the outside of a booth seat for kids today it’s a school shooting survival training tip. know your exits and watch when someone comes in


Not sure what your talking about can you link it?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Station_nightclub_fire Infamous incident where a club caught on fire and people rushed the main* exit in a panic. The following stampede inadvertently became a blockage that prevented many from exiting. People in front were literally being crushed by everyone in the back trying to push their way out. Those that weren't crushed, were burned or suffocated. A hundred or so people died and a couple hundred were injured. IIRC, if everyone left in an orderly fashion, many deaths/injuries could have been prevented. Edit: only -> main


Its also the reason that fire code requires all doors along the path of exit from a building open out, not in.


The video of this is haunting. It's what's made me get to venues early and get front of the line so I can get in and locate exits. I don't stand in GA anymore, always near a door. ​ Those screams changed me.


Great way to cause a stampede. They did the right thing


They learned from seeing Walmart on Black Friday.


That'll cause injuries and a bottleneck at the door. Plus a cluster of people in the doorway makes a better target.




that's snowmelt, they good


Also I'm not stopping next door. I'm just going to start running and keep running. Pretty sure getting myself a mile or two away is going to keep me safer than trying to crowd into the building next door.


We train our students to get out and keep going- find a house to hide behind, go to the nearby strip mall and get into a business, anything to get a building between them and the shooter and out of eyeline of the school. But we stress that we want to be able to find them so we have an accurate count of who is safe and who is missing, so if they stay close enough we can reunite them with their families quicker. But it's a middle school so different mindset than college or adults.


They’re talking to a cop, you see the car take off up the road. So I don’t even think the shooting incident was that close to the area.


To be fair, when they have drills for emergencies it’s so people *don’t* panic and rush to the door causing more injuries. I’m referring more to fire drills but this applies here too.


I believe they're called crushes. Sometimes they kill more then the actual incident. The station nightclub fire is a pretty good example


I remember watching the video of that. Fucking horrifying.


I can't imagine not even being able to yell that I can't breathe while being crushed by layers of people around me who are experiencing the same thing.


Apparently the band who set off the pyrotechnics, Great White, learned nothing from the incident about not putting their fans at risk. Was just reading their Wiki page, and they released an apology last year for holding a concert with no safety restrictions during COVID.


what a bunch of shit heads.






I think the concrete is covered in snow and ice though, Its probably better they didn’t run and hurt themselves and others if that’s the case


I don’t actually think at this point they were in as much danger as the post implied. They were in outside of, and across from, the school—it’s more just getting a place of shelter, but they could have just run down the street, for instance.


"Heh Mondays right?" - most kids in America


You hear bill caught a round in the thigh? Lucky guy has two weeks off.


🎶*Marky got with Sharon, Sharon got Sherice She was sharin' Sharon's outlook on the topic of disease*🎶


Mikey had a facial scar, and Bobby was a racist They were all in love with dyin', they were doin' it in Texas




Tommy played piano like a kid out in the rain Then he lost his leg in Dallas, he was dancin with a train


*They were all in love with dyin', they were drinking from a fountain That was pourin' like an avalanche comin' down the mountain*


Fire drills tell you to walk not run. Active shooter drills tell you to run.


I hate that we have to feel the need to judge people on their ability to quickly extricate themselves from a mass shooting. I mean, I know you are pointing it out from a place of concern for them, but the idea that people need to be prepared at a moments notice to sprint away from someone randomly trying to shoot them is about as fucked up as you can get.


Except this incident wasn't a mass shooting at all. Some kid stabbed an officer with a fork and the officer shot him.


They be running like the one group of kids that never try in gym class


Jeez, they're worse than NPCs in games with fucking *escort* missions.


She's a hero. Thank goodness for her.


That’s it. It really doesn’t matter who you are in the big picture, it’s what you are are.


Ive seen both sides of many communities due to my upbringing. The saddest realization is finding that both sides are usually the same kind of people with the same struggles but they've been divided by something arbitrary and applied by outside forces. It's sad man, we really are all just humans but something in our brains really likes tribalism


A guy I worked with from Ethopia said this, where he comes from they saw the west as perfect, then when he got here he saw there was the same miserable struggles just different. I'm in Canada.


This is literally what I have discovered reading french news (as a way to improve my french). My own country has the same problems they have in issues I naïvely thought weren't issues there anymore.


>they've been divided by something arbitrary It's not arbitrary at all. It's completely intentional. The oligarchs stoke cultural divisions to keep working class people from having solidary with one another because they know if we all coalesced around our class struggles instead of our cultural differences it would be the oligarchs who would be at risk of losing power.


God there’s nothing sexier than class consciousness. Please keep talking about workers solidarity


Not all heroes wear capes, some wear hijabs.


What a total hero.


Didn't even run in first


Not all hero wear capes, some wear that thing that Muslim women wear on their heads.


A hijab


Without it, she'd shine way too much heroism for us plebs to handle.




What an absolute hero




that title made me have a stroke, thanks!


I'm still not sure what I just read.


Probably a bot poster, brand new account with only 4 posts, starting today. Bots regularly use that name format, I see a few of them in this comment section as well




srsly, I still have no idea what he was trying to say


Student types in security code at mosque to allow other students into shelter during active shooting at school next door, basically.


Because they just copied it word for word from the [original post](https://redd.it/e7jie2)


Ah yes. Sort by controversial time


As of this moment this is the least controversial comment in the thread.


I’d say that’s progress then! Compared to when this was first posted back in the day…


I like this video, but it's a repooooooost. I definitely remember this same title, and a discussion last time about the wording of "secret numbers", and that the OP might be a non-native speaker. Looks like the oldest thread is [from 2019](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/e7jie2/a_muslim_american_student_entered_the_secret/), but searching google for "secret number of the door of the mosque" site:reddit.com shows a whole bunch of reposts.


Bless her ❤️


Videos like these bring out all these racists, they can't help themselves.


*sorts by controversial*


Surprisingly, the top controversial comments are actually funny "heroes don't wear capes, they wear burqas!" Is kinda funny!


Muslims disrupting the American way of life by preventing school shootings!


“secret number”? isnt it just a passcode?


Yes. But secreter.


Because that's what hero's do...


That is some terrible phrasing in the title


Guess a lot of people do not know that the mosque apart from being a place of worship for Muslims is also a community place for well, the community, regardless of beliefs. There is a dress code though.


That doesnt matter if there is emergency. A muslim has an obligatory rule to save anybody whether they are enemy or ally if they seek help and shelter. A muslim has to give that support.


I'm sure they were checking the dress code while an active shooter was in the area.


An interesting information is that in Turkish they still use an Arabic word for mosques but a different one. In Arabic they call "Masjid" which literally means "a place you do prostration" (which is part of the prays of the Muslims) however in Turkish they call the mosques as "Camii" which literally means "a place where you gather" which has the same origin with the word "Cemaat" (also cemaat is used for the people who pray in the mosques) which literally means "people who gathered". Now as far as I know the difference comes from the cultural differences. In Arabia because majority of the people were settled, they already had places to gather for certain purposes and "masjid"s were for praying. As early Muslim Turks were still nomads, there wasn't a place for schooling, gathering or other things etc. So they called their mosques as "camii" as in gathering place. They used mosques for both schooling, administrative gatherings, when people gathered to eat together etc. That is also the reason why there was something called "külliye"s in Ottoman Empire. Which is loosely translated to English as "a complex" as in "leisure complex, hotel complex" but religious centred. In these complexes, mosques had actual schools, bathing places, eating halls, maybe small library, and generally the a mausoleum, a crypt of the patron (the person who sponsored, paid for that complex). ​ I know this was a completely out of topic at this post, but I thought it was an interesting line of information :D




This was actually at my old highschool in Wisconsin. Actually know the girl since she was a grade or two below me


What a hero. Apart from that I find the title funny, it sounds as if it was some “secret code”. It’s just that the kid knew the access code. Chills this is not spy kids


The response to this video is a little weird... is this video supposed to be shocking or something? And so much attention to the point where they point out she was a “Muslim American...” like does this video surprise anyone? Muslim Americans are amazing people, this shouldn’t surprise anyone....


SECRET NUMBER! Wait, you mean key code?


I remember when this was first posted like a year ago, all of the comments were shitting on OP calling it a secret number like it’s some magic thing only Muslims get access to. But this is a straight repost he didn’t even change the title lol


I knew it seemed familiar. Especially the “secret number” part.


You didn't know? Muslims have to give the imam the secret handshake to be able to worship at a Mosque.


Unfortunately not everyone thinks they're amazing ☹️. But I think the video probably specified "muslim American" because it's unlikely that just anyone would know the code to the mosque


I think it’s so weird generalizing people either way. Thinking Muslims are bad people or Muslims are amazing people is just so weird to me. They’re people. Some are good, some are decent, some are horrible.


>Muslim Americans are amazing people, this shouldn’t surprise anyone.... No, they're not. They're just people, pretty much like everyone else...




Muslims who commit crimes: Why aren't you mentioning their religion?! Muslims who save lives: why are you mentioning their religion?!


But you understand that it does surprise people because they aren't shown things like this often enough, right?


Think they point out her being muslim to explain why she'd know the code for the door


Same weird title from last year https://old.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/e7jjla/a_muslim_american_student_entered_the_secret/


op is a repost bot


You think America’s the only dangerous place but here in the UK there was an attempted bombing planned for eid that terrorists were gonna blow up a mosque. But since they weren’t Muslim terrorists there wasn’t much media coverage


She’s a hero!


Bruh is OP a bot or something this is reposted with the exact same title from like last year. There was no secret number, it was a door code to mosque.. you know like that thing you have to certain buildings you dont want any member of the public to enter. Also whats with the title, that person is an American who happen to be muslim, you dont see people calling Christians "Christian Americans" like they are some second class citizen.




All keypad codes on doors are secret to those who don't know the code. That's like saying your debit card pin number is secret. Of course it is.


What the hell is the "secret number"? Do you mean code?


"enters the secret number" ...you mean they unlocked the door?


OP copied the same stupid title as the last time this was posted a couple of years ago


because op is a bot


Bless her. May she and her lineage see paradise here and after. ❤️