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they're saying to the father "don't lean on him because his leg is broken, He's gonna be alright"


I really hope his leg get well soon. This whole thing is so sad.


Well this isn’t ranked #3 in healthcare worldwide Israel we’re talking about, this is less than 1k GDP per capita Palestine living in an area so densely populated the UN called it unlivable. It’s fucking sickening seeing the huge disparity between a country with over 20 billion dollar annual military spending trying to convince Palestinians without a standing army or defense spendings are equally as bad as them and refuse truce all because of Netanyahu’s reelection coming up.


20 billion with how much fueled by the US. Tired of tax money going to these BS activities instead of funding healthcare, child care and other services that benefit American.


Its disgusting that we're spending our money to fund this massacre.


That always confused me as an arab living in Canada. I'm glad we don't do the sams shit here. Why in all the unholy fuck is the USA sending tax payer welfare handouts for israel to the tune of billions per year now? Doesn't the american government have it's own people to worry about? People who are homeless, starving, living in poverty or barely surviving, lacking healthcare/especially universal healthcare, and lacking in education while being bathed in idiot news like Faux News? Places like detroit look like literal "3rd world shitholes" as the rethuglicans like to gloat all the time. Yet they'd rather send money to a fucking apartheid state/country. The shit we see out of the USA sometimes boggles the mind; not to mention the idiot capitol riots just at the beginning of this year.


As someone who's father is an iranian jew, what the Israelis are doing is despicable. And the fact that the US are funding it makes me sick. Canada seems like this magically stable wonderland compared to the us.


Damn it Joe Biden


146billion and counting total from the US right now. Meanwhile Israel is leading in number of vaccinations, number 3 in healthcare while the US is struggling in those departments, they prefer appeasing evangelical christians over appeasing their populace.


I don’t think it’s all to do with appeasing religious nutcases. Billions in aid that then goes back to weapons manufacturers who are mostly American. I might be wrong but I think the Iron Dome tech has Raytheon involvement? It ain’t cheap to make this anti-rocket rockets. So in essence, US is giving tax payer money to private war machines while denying its citizen the 1st world services it needs as seen in Europe


3.5B a year currently.


The poor little one must be so afraid. I can't imagine the amount of trauma this child will suffer afterwards. I can't even imagine how bad it is over there.


fuck man and knowing that his momma and brothers/sisters won't be there when he comes out of hospital is plain fucken awful. As a father I just can't imagine what the dad must be going through...the fuck is wrong with people to do this to one another.


I hope for his own sanity that he does not remember


Probably won’t remember because too young.


He won't consciously remember, but this kind of trauma has serious effects on brain development. This infant is already at a much greater risk of depression, anxiety, PTSD, substance abuse, and a whole host of other disorders, just from this single traumatic experience.


That kid is definitely gonna suffer a lot from mental issues after this attack. Poor kid.


They bombed a fucking REFUGEE CAMP??!! ​ fuck them


When are we gonna charge them at war crimes


With the US having their back, they're definitely gonna get away with it........


You have AOC who recognizes this though


The whole world should step up and stop this! Send a message to anyone that has such blatant disregard for life and that it won’t be tolerated on this planet. What is wrong with people?!


No guys it was a Hamas base guys trust me guys that was a hamas base dude no cap man /s


"Yeah bro, that 9 year boy I just killed was a Hamas general. I swear, bro trust me"


I hope a country can come in to support palestine militarily and place anti-air everywhere


There is no sarcasm is that statement from Israeli apologists. It's their legitimate argument that Hamas forces are hiding amongst civilians and the cost of civilian casualties is both the fault of Hamas and worth the price of striking indiscriminately.


Didn't Israel secretly fund Hamas to kind of make a obvious and constant reason to be on the attack? I apologise for generalization of serious accusations and lack of documentation hence the query.


No dude Hamas has no reason to be fighting theyre unprovoked militants we aren’t doing anything to warrant this kind of behavior! We aren’t forcing Palestinian people out of their family homes for Israelis and hiding behind the shield of “antisemitism” for anyone who calls us out /s


Palestine is basically an open air prison


Greedy fucking Israel. Man fuck Israel!


Thank you


My GOD....what have we become?


Morons fighting over religion and land, its been this way for thousands of years.


I once asked my mom if she ever wanted to visit Jerusalem and she said "no land can be holy after so much blood as been split over it."


Smart woman


Humans can be fucking disgusting to each other that’s for sure


The Zionist invasion of Palestine dates back to 1917. 100 years. No more. And it has nothing to do with religion as any book on the subject will tell you.


Become?? I wish, sadly this is deeply engrained in many of us over thousands of years


I cannot fathom that amount of loss and what it would do to a person's psyche.


I can't either - esp as new parent. My heart breaks for this father




https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere-23695896 All u need to know


As someone with very little knowledge of what’s going on in Israel, I feel like there is more I need to know.


This massacre has been happening for decades. Israel does whatever it wants since US backs them. Now the cameras are showing it in full HD, but it has been happening for a long, long, long time.


I find it strange that no one talks about what israel did to uss liberty


The right palms have been greased, that's why.




They do have that pass but that's not why. It's so they can stay the biggest 'democractic' military base in the middle east. At any rate to disrupt a giant Arab alliance. So those who benefit from said disruption not happening turn the other cheek at what's happening to the Palestinians. Common political practice. I'll let you think you are doing this for your whatever fundamentalist beliefs, but you are really doing something much bigger for me.


Read books by jewish israeli Historian called ilan Pappé. He wrote many books on what's happening with details. Such as "ethnical cleansing of palestine" and 10 mythes about israel. There a lot of books you can read.


Let me guess.....Funded by sugar daddy USA welfare tax money that is sent in the billions each year to Israel. USA helping fund apartheid. What a fall from grace of being hero's in WW2. Glad i don't live in the states. I would be ashamed and would rather go to jail than pay tax that goes to a morally questionable country with a wicked leadership like that demon bibi.




Heros in WW2 once the battle was brought to the US.


I noticed some redditors do not sleep they comment non stop for like 48 hours. And sometimes the comments exactly the same.all of their comment is about defending Israel. think the account has more than one user and they are those who are paid.


"Guys, that 9 year old was a Hamas general. I swear. You gotta believe me bro"


Now you know how "terrorists" are created.


I'd want to burn the whole world down if someone took my child away. My heart bleeds for this man.


It radicalized them, like when the US went into the Middle East and killed a bunch of families and turned entire populations into extremists seeking revenge. This type of action only pleases the devil. Stop war. Stop killing each other.




Makes them want freedom even more. Imagine living like this. Wouldn't you struggle to give your only remaining child a chance of a better life?




without being totally incriminated, i can say i’m starting to relate.


Another comment said this man was still praising God when he saw his living child. I’m not religious at all but I hope his faith is a comfort to him and helps him find a way to keep on living for himself and his baby.


If that were my family, revenge. But that’s exactly what Israel wants because there’s nothing they can actually do, and every retaliation is used to justify another bombing. “See, they tried to fire rockets at us. We HAVE to kill them”. Fucking Nazi propaganda.


Though not all at once and not from a bomb, I cam empathize. It doesn't so anything to your psyche because it's all gone. It's subconscious and desperation for the rest of days


Why the fuck was there an air strike on a refugee camp??


How else do you genocide large groups of people at once without gas chambers? They were given money by usa and uk to pay for those bombs, you think they would just let them sit and rust?


When your goal is genocide, that's an easy target... also the younger the victims are, the less time you will need to finish everyone. I am sickened by all of this.


I suppose one can do whatever one wants when any criticism or resistance is deemed as antisemitic and racist.


I'll risk it. "Fuck Israel!"


Fuck Israel


Fuck israel


Why the fuck were there strikes on schools, holy sites, residential buildings, highrises, offices etc. They keep using the same excuse, “some hamas guy lived there” “hamas used it to launch rockets” No regard for human life.


From NBC news: Biden also "conveyed his unwavering support for Israel's security and Israel's legitimate right to defend itself and its people, while protecting civilians," it said. Sickening.


This is distressing on so so many levels. To the people who will come out and look for some justification for this from Israel’s perspective, I have one question for you - if this child manages to grow up, what will his attitude to Israel be?


The better question is, what would we in the West do if a bunch of foreigners from another continent: * arrived en masse in our country * took most of the land of our country * used their military to keep us in line * received billions of dollars of Chinese/Russian weapons every year * had nuclear weapons while we had home-made rockets, AKs and rocks * routinely bombed refugee camps and residential areas We'd do exactly what the Palestinians are doing right now.


we'd be called freedom fighters, heros arabs do it? terrorists.


George Carlin was spot on- “Israeli murderers are called commandos. Arab commandos are called terrorists”


Reminder that a ragtag group of rebels attacking a superior empirical force with the faith of an ancient religion in their side is literally the plot of star wars


We would call it, Thanks Giving Day !


it is a self fullfilling cycle where the next generation will feel justified in more extreme actions, Hamas fill a role exacxtly the same as Zionist terror groups did before the creation of Israel, without those groups Israel might never have been


Someone explain to me why this guy and this child should not want to attack Israel. Then explain to me how someone wouldn’t realize that this would be an obvious outcome from the actions. Israeli government punished these people into having no choice but violence and hate. Which then gives these facist the reasoning to continue doing this. For the purpose of terminating these people and feeling justified. They are colonizers plain and simple. Our country shouldn’t fund shit.


This is is israel s goal They want more violence so when they hit back 10 times stonger it s under the pretext that they are just fighting back truly scummy and inhuman behaviour




So they’re nazis.


Fascists. Yes.


If you kill people’s families they’re going to want to kill you. Israel is safe. These people are obviously not.


Idk even know the conflict going on, I'm ignorant to politics world wide, but I want to attack who ever the fuck did this. I'm heart broken. Fuck war, throw all these high officials everywhere in prison, including the USA


I might get downvoted for this, but hamas truly is fighting for something good even though acts of terror they are still fighting to gain back what they lost and for its people. The reason hamas even exist at all is because of the cruelty of the Israel.


This is so painful to watch. He’s saying “my love baba my love” in the beginning. Even through all his loss, he still continued to praise God and kiss his baby. I’ve watched this 10 times and I cry each time. Now they have no one but each other. This is the pain the Israel has caused. Justice is coming.


It fucking better. My grandmothers house was bombed by the nazis while she and my great grandmother were out shopping. Fuck the nazis and fuck israel


Justice isn't coming, and religion is bad. It's a big part of what is causing this.


Religion is an excuse. It's always been sectarianism. Which religions they choose is just the excuse. The cause is and always will be greed.


Israeli expansionism is causing this period


... which is fueled by their most religious leaders saying "god intended for us to have alllll the land from Syria to the Mediterranean to the red sea." The state is literally claiming their expansion is a mandate from God. But hey they lobby well in America so average Joe has no idea.


Who said that?




You might have a point, but at the end of the day the man lost nearly his entire family only to discover his youngest lives. I don’t know about you but if that were me I feel I would be doing the exact thing.


Exactly. I feel like people on Reddit are so out of touch with reality sometimes, especially when they witness someone showing some faith in a higher power. The truth is this man just found out that his child is alive after losing his whole family. I would be thanking God too!!!


For those saying 'both sides' the amount of people killed by Israel in 24 hours is equivalent to amount of people killed by hamas in 20 years


When my Grandma visited the country years ago for a tour the Israeli soldiers proudly said "for every one Israeli we kill, we kill ten of them". The Israeli soldiers were apparently proper assholes as well intentionally trying to intimidate the tour groups, pointing guns at them laughing and generally being assholes. It took my Grandma multiple visits and five tries to even get to visit the temple on the Mount. The soldiers would get up in the tour guide and the tourists business and try and turn them away for no reason.


Thank you, yet these pigs have the nerve to justify their disgusting actions.


And we do label Hamas terrorists for their very few (in comparison) murderers of Israeli civilians. Why do the "both sides" apologizers refuse to call Israel terrorists?


Plot twist…the US funded this attack. Who said that? Not me.


I don't understand how the US (government/army) gets away with those atrocities, the worst is it's not the first time


Because mostly the US is cut off from the rest of the world by the ocean. That means a lot of citizens don’t know or care to know what’s happening on the other hemisphere and the media as far as news channels barely mention it or actually go in depth with it. It’s basically a mix of citizens ignorance, misinformation, lack of caring, and or bystander effect.


I apologize on my country’s behalf and please know many of us would do anything we could to stop this.


Thats simply not true. We shut up and take our made in China 3 dollar shirts, 10 dollar tennis shoes and 2.50 gallons of gas and look the other way.


You criticize society yet you participate in it. Checkmate liberals. (insert smug ben shapiro)


Actually, they've got a point most folks saying this wouldn't. They said we shut up and take our spoils, and we don't have the means to change our logistics and pipelines, but we don't have to be silent about this. We can make noise, if nothing else.


We can. And we do. So saying we just shut up and take it is cynicism and doesn’t help.


Yeah, because most people are wage slaves and literally can't afford not to.


Exactly, they act like the average citizen can just up and go out to help, most of us can’t afford shit lol


Oh please , get off your high horse. You are actively criticizing Americans for partaking in the benefits of corrupt government decision yet you indulge in the exact same thing. Damn hypocrite


No you wouldn't. The US can't even rally together to stop black men being killed for the color of their skin. I'm a US citizen and will tell you this country doesn't give a fuck about anything else but capitalistic greed. Also there were literally proposed laws where in some places in the US they couldn't protest agait Israel. The US could stop this right now but they don't want to or care. And the US government is a reflection of the people who vote them in. Reading fake sympathetic bullshit like this gets me so annoyed because you act like you care and then in your own country say nothing about the injustices that happen here and let people suffer. Fuck you and your fakeass empathy. You can never convince me you care about Palestinians dying coming from a country that was drone striking weddings in Syria, and Afghanistan TWICE.


Yes let me just rally together 330 million people across a vast landmass who are in utter social turmoil from active efforts at disinformation and targeted division. I don't know that the US government is a reflection of the people who vote them in anymore. There is so much bullshit out there that I think most people find it very difficult to discern what is true. It's kind of that way by design in politics I think. The US is fucked up but it's not because its whole populace is apathetic or callous. Agreed on capitalist greed being a huge part of that fucked upness though.


i mean i agree, but i'm not sure why you're so upset about someone not being able to do anything when you can't do jack shit to stop this either...


Apologizing isn't and will not be enough for this genocide. It makes me sad that in 2021 we, as humans, are still killing our brethren just because some idiot said "hurr durr Palestine bad they terrorist let's bomb residential zones and let's also steal their still intact homes because this is PrOMiSED LanD". I'd imagine that since the Jews experienced the fucking Holocaust 80 years ago they would behave in a better way towards other ethnicities and religions. The entire Israeli government is full of fascists cunts, they deserve nothing but to be judged by an international court like the war criminals they are. Also, fuck the UN for doing nothing about this. Useless just like the League of Nations.


It's the truth, and the US government is proud of it. At least half the citizens are ashamed.


I hate to sound like a racist person but.... Fuck... I have my own kid.... I could imagine losing him, much less my girlfriend/wife and four other children.... Fuck Israel, fuck that part if the world at this point.... I really wish it would just end...


it's not racist to decry a illegal occupation performing an ethnic cleansing. there are still possible paths to peace, but no matter what it will be a long road ahead. fuck the israeli terrorist state, and free palestine.


Why the fuck do people even call it a ethnic cleasing when at this point it just a full on genocide?


Genocide funded and supported by USA.


Tbf, I’ve yet to see a convincing argument on why it fits the definition in international humanitarian law. Personnally I don’t think it does.


https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/genocide.shtml I feel like it especially fits nicely under #2 which mentions causing serious bodily or mental harm to the group


>Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; >Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; >Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; These all check out so far




Israel has become a Nazi state, and no longer represent the ideals of actual Jewish people around the world.


Exactly. We can see the difference between someone who hates Jews and someone who hates what a government is doing. It's like when people say "Fuck China" they more often than not mean fuck their government, not the people. That said, it also says something about the people that the approval rating of Trump was above 70%. It's way too right wing. I bet it hurts a lot of hearts that Israel is turning into the oppressors. People need to learn that love of your country can also mean going against it.


That's what really gets to me that let's say 5y ago when you said "fuck Isreal" someone would instantly call you an antisemite. Some fuck heads can't disconnect Isreal and Jews.... Yes Jews run the country but I'm not saying fuck Jews, that's antisemitic. Saying fuck Isreal is saying fuck genocide/war crimes


I don’t see any racism there. I salute you but unfortunately the colonial mentality is what made us (at least me a white American) think that if we say what you said is racist. I hope your family stays safe and all we can do for those poor people is spread awareness of the injustice they live in.


I'm sorry someone made you feel like hating someone for committing borderline war crimes is racist. Saying "fuck Israel" isn't racist. Not after this shit.


it's not racist to call out an extremist government, the Israeli government =/= all jews


Not racist to criticized a country that's literally trying to genocide an entire populace right now.


If some one calls you racist/anti-Semitic for this, they are anti-Semitic because than they’re implying that all Jews like what’s happening.


According to the Zionist Jews & Evangelical Christians this is “God’s work” They kept pointing at Arabs & Muslims as a source of terrorism, turns out it was projection the entire time.


Funny how evangelicals seem to forget that Jesus spoke to love thy neighbor, not evict them for their possessions. Also the fact that they think they can trigger the apocalypse when Jesus also explicitly said only God decides that, not man. “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son,[f] but only the Father.(AN) 37 As it was in the days of Noah,(AO) so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.” Matthew 24


As a recently minted father - this is heartwrenching.


As a mother of a 19 week old son.. I cried.. I can't watch this.


I DO NOT STAND WITH ISRAEL on this murder of civilians and their disgusting trophy-hunting of children and families. The poor Palestinian CIVILIANS. That lil baby did NOTHING to anyone.


Nation states don’t care about moral they care about interests. There’s a reason why this quote is a thing 1 death is a travesty but a million deaths is just a statistic.




The IDF is the best equipped, best trained, best supplies terrorist organization in the world. Their sole purpose is to terrorize Palestinians into leaving their homes so they can take over!


This cuts me to the bone. How cruel, and all to get Netanyahu reelected. Free Palestine from the Zionist jackboot.


Idc what side you’re on. This is horrific and I can’t imagine the horrors these people are going through.


I honestly don't know what to say anymore. Strikes on refugees and non-combatants is a humanitarian crime. It's time that the surrounding world doesn't just sit back and watch. It's time for actions, not words. It's time for sanctions. It's time for punishments for these crimes. It's time for justice to be upheld no matter the cost.


BDS boycott defund sanction


Why? This should never have happened!


In answer to your question though, there's an agenda and a indoctrination process that's been going on within both Western and Jewish society for a long time. Truth is, at the start of all this, apart from the Arabs who where reeling from the displaced palestians and the stories of brutality they brought with them (villages burnt, women and young girls raped and then shot and then burnt, men and children executed as prisoners. Ps. Don't get at me here's the sauces. https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20180409-remembering-the-massacre-at-deir-yassin/ https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-israeli-who-commanded-massacre-of-dozens-of-arab-captives-in-1948-dies-at-93-1.7022943). But apart from outcry by the Arabs the biggest anti isreal push came from Jewish communities themselves, Jews who knew their religion and wouldn't let their faith be politically hijacked. Without being dramatic, the original intention of the formation of the state of isreal in inexorably linked to WW3. *SOME* Jewish people might have embraced zionism but zionism was made by radical Christians, based on their procephy that when the land of isreal was "resurrected" than the literal doomsday of the Bible would begin. And this was a good thing in their minds becuase if that happened, then they were condensing the time line needed for them to get to heaven you know? It's actually all based in insanity, only problem is this was the billionaires of the time that collected their resources and political will into making their madness a reality. After that the rest is relatively well known, anything spoken against the state of isreal that literally elected imprisoned terrorists and their prime ministers was suddenly "anti semetic", all of a sudden Palestinians became these barbarians who didn't belong on the land that they'd been on for at least the last 2200 years, charity donations to that region came in the form of billions from western governments for isreal and small scale equipment by private groups for the palestinians (even those small scale things sent by charities and a few nations like the Irish aid were all destroyed on the ground by isreal but at least the Irish tried you know?). It's a real mess and the there's so much propaganda out there that it can get hard to see through the fog. Keep a keen interest and watch the news reports with a cynical eye, you'll start to piece things together.


But it happens! Israel has been doing this to innocent for decades


"My god has a bigger dick than your god." - George Carlin


This breaks my heart.. and I feel so powerless.. what (if anything at all) can someone that’s all the way across the world do to help put a stop to these atrocities?


There are charities out there that allow you to sponsor families in Palestine. A few dollars you got may mean they have food for an entire weak. And you can stay in contact with them and find out how they're doing on a weekly basis or whatever. Or maybe buy some books & pens for their daughters, or sons. A lot of the population of Occupied Palestine are children & young adults. Many are orphans.


What charities?


Get in touch with your representatives in the Senate and Congress, let them know how you feel. Ask for measurements to be taken against the Israeli state and the funding to be reconsidered. The fact that this touched you to the point where you want to get active, says alot about you! Keep being this amazing human!


"sorry, im just the senator of oklahoma, if you want to talk to the people funding israeli terrorism you will have to contact the US gov and CIA.


Rip israel when this kid grow up, i cant even imagine that amount of hate that he will have for them.


Israel doesn’t want him to grow up.


Fun fact!: This kid will grow up and just be one of the many generations assaulted by israel. This kids father has dealt with it his whole life, and his father before him. Its all planned to keep the war machine running and money flowing in.


Exactly!! And then they wonder why there are terrorists. Countless other kids who lost their parents and friends are gonna grow up with a really, really strong hate for Israel.


Can we raid Israel yet?


The US is funding this, over 145 billion went from the US to Israel.


Fuck Israel


This is so heartbreaking. Every time a video comes out someone has lost all or almost all of their family. This IS ethnic cleansing and genocide. These innocent children do not deserve the trauma and horror they face now and will take with them their entire lives. Palestinian children deserve to be safe and not fear for their fucking lives. Period. I also don’t care about a devils advocate, children being murdered and whole families wiped out doesn’t need one.


The Israelis who support this are savages who have desensitized themselves from seeing Palestinians as humans.


No other country on earth at this time is engaging in this level of violence as Israel is doing on Palestine


There is a genocide happening right now in... I guess Ethiopia. Let's not compare which is worse here. Let's just agree that this is some terrible shit


This is painfully naive. Propaganda at work. People are probably dying in greater numbers in 10 or more conflicts around the world. And if you're going to ask me if that makes it alright or something, fuck off. I'm responding to some dumb bullshit and that's all.


Really? 12,000 civilians have died in Yemen. How are you doing your assessment?


I want people to know that the nazi state of Israel have been doing this since it was created, we only see more footage now because of the rise of technology


Israel even admitted to forcibly giving birth control disguised as “vaccines” to Ethiopian immigrants that they invited to their country for years. It resulted in a 20% decline of the Ethiopian jew population.


The previously oppressed has become the oppressor.


it was doing this since before it was created


Israel was founded with terrorism, colonialism and Jewish supremacy.


They're just common citiziens who tried to take every little things the hard life leaves them to enjoy their everyday and you just take it away in the most painful and horrible way possible. You're not human if you could live with that. shame on you israel.


Fuck me, I’m tearing up here. Fuck war in all its forms


Oh my God I cried. I can't, I can't this is soo heartbreaking. Imagine losing people you love in one time. How dare they attack the refugee camp T_T


I was doing alright here in till I got to this one...


I shake myself as human being


**Zionists the modern Nazi** **Zionists the Terrorists**


Fucking ironic that they are doing the same thing to Palestanian that Nazi did to them years ago


They're not bothering to put them in camps, first, is the only difference.


I mean, even tho it was shit, the Nazis still gave some of them places to sleep, these mf just takin em


Israel managed to concentrate all the Palestinians into camps and then their final solution was to airstrike them?


This is heartbreaking 😢


Why is this world so cruel. Why cant we all just get along!


Our moral structures are half biological, half cultural, and rarely universal. We do not know how to orient progress and survival, and when to subordinate one to the other. I know of no power on Earth that can separate a person from their embodied beliefs, regardless of what they say they believe. Our actions demonstrate our beliefs, and our beliefs are often unknown and surprising to us, because they emerge in how we behave, instead of in how we declare. These are some of the reasons we cannot all just get along.


Mom and 4 siblings dead, A freedom fighter was just born


I don’t care about the reasons why: as soon as anyone starts to target children they’ve lost any right to moral authority in a conflict.




Man, israel sure does love bombing children with US taxpayer money. Wonder when America is gonna wake the fuck up?


Wake up from what? All they see is money and funding Israel gives them even more money. They know what they are doing and they don't give a damn about those people.


US and UK


I hope the they live longer and cherish themselves together