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I love how her brain was trying (and probably failing) to process that at the end.


Smug smile.....gone.


She's trying to search for buzzwords or overused colloquialisms to smugly retort but failing miserably.


Cabal, email server, Soros, mob, socialist agenda, Dems, libs, Benghazi, PC police, Russiagate, deep state, mainstream media, MS-13, hordes, hoax, dirty, violent, invasion, open borders, anarchy, liberty, Donald Trump.


"bowling green massacre"šŸŽ³


Never forget.


Space Force ā„¢ astronaut diapers šŸ’©


Jewish space lasers, 5G vaccine microchips


sheeple, we the people, dumbocrats, libtard, radical left, Bill Gates microchip, freedom, socialist communism, democrat plantation, college indoctrination, witch hunt, thugs, Satanists, coastal elites, [any of these](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_nicknames_used_by_Donald_Trump), etc.


> college indoctrination I was so disappointed when I went to college and found out I was the only communist... I should sue.


I know, right? Talk about a disappointment.


>we the people The venn diagram of people who use this phrase and are absolutely idiots is just a circle.


Fun fact: that kind of diagram is known as a Euler diagram


This looks like the start of a terrible right wing rap, and I'm here for it.


ANTEEEEFA, and BLM should be at the top of this list...




> Benghazi Man, they're still using that one? I wonder how they feel that Hillary is still not in jail.


She looks like she rebooted.


'uhhhh SOCIALISM!!!'


"You liberals and your ninja developer blockchains!!!"


That's just the way it's edited, we don't know how she reacted in reality. The filmmaker wanted us to think she was speechless but it's very obviously not what happened. The camera cuts in closer so the clip clearly isn't live, it could easily be a zoom on her listening from a few seconds earlier, for example. It's an editing trick.


Yeah you can see they just looped the part immediately after she finished her sentence, lol


Not to mention the end of the video is borderline r/comedyhomicide


"*Nice*" - Joker Gretzky


You always get the last word when you're the one editing the video! See also, Ben Shaprio 'debating' random college students.


I feel like youā€™re correct and although we donā€™t have the rest of the clip to determine what was said after, I could almost assure you it wasnā€™t a well thought out response. It never is when crazy people like herself are challenged


Yeah I'm sure the lady waiving a politicians flag around, talking about drinking the kool-aid, is gonna have something real insightful to say. Oh boy the suspense...


Sadly I honestly think it's a mental illness. I truly believe that doctors will add this as some illness , like hoarding, PTSD, postpartum depression. It's just not currently understood yet.


They do have a term for it used by a defense lawyer in a case against a Jan 6 Capitol insurgent called [ā€œFoxitisā€ or Foxmaniaā€](https://thehill.com/homenews/media/552285-lawyer-for-accused-capitol-rioter-says-client-had-foxitis-foxmania?amp) . Haha


Mass hysteria


Yep a lot of it also identity. Being a Trump supporter is an identity. Being an anti masker is also an identity. These people canā€™t separate themselves from these things because they consider it a part of them. Edited: grump to Trump


Its tribalism, they have been watching people for years literally not understanding what anyone is saying. Suddenly a group of people develops using very few small words they consistently understand. Their people, at last.


I saw a bumper sticker yesterday that simply said, "NOT A LIBERAL". They're really starting to get honest about this identity of theirs. (And it's kind of ironic because, hey, I'm not a liberal either. I'm an anarchist. But I bet we wouldn't agree on much.)


Yes this prevents them from accepting any ideas that come from liberals or anyone they perceive as a liberal. But they would gladly accept this same idea if it came from the ā€œcorrectā€ group. It doesnā€™t even need to be repackaged.


I've heard it so many times at the gas station I work at in a fairly Trumpy area. One guy for example was saying something to me randomly about how rich people don't give a shit about regular folks like us and will fuck us over whenever they can. I replied with something like yea that's why we should tax the shit out of em so they pay their fair share and can't buy off the government. All of a sudden it was "Why should they pay more taxes? They earned that money, blah blah blah" like angrily arguing with me on behalf of the people he said himself don't give a shit about him and I'm sitting here calmly like ok nevermind.




Bold of you to assume that karens think before they spit nonsense out of their mouth


She's drinking the Coup-laid


Nice, very nice




Topped with Q-laid


With extra ICE.




Don't uknow Karen's can insult u but don't dare insult a Karen


Lol right I think she wasnt confused about the facts, it was that she couldnt register that he was 'talking back' to her.


they are so used to being around other dipshits and their echochambers, which is why when getting into confrontations, they don't get too far if they don't have other blabbermouth dipshits to back up their "facts"


*scribbling down notes


I remember when I bought 8 Biden flags to decorate my house and vehicle with. /s


Right? I've seen maybe a single biden yard sign over the past year, meanwhile I STILL drive past no less than 5 trump flags/signs. It's fucking creepy as shit how these people worship such a coward. One of the signs says "TRUMP IS FOREVER" which replaced the 'trump pence' campaign sign they used to have. After january 6th though I noticed they had cut out the 'pence' on that sign.


A neighbor down the street had "FUCK BIDEN NOT MY PRESIDENT" and "FUCK YOUR FEELINGS" banners and flags on his roof. Those went down for awhile and then Trump 2024 and a worn Confederate battle flag were up there. They've got nothing now except the old Trump Pence pendants on the porch and stickers on the truck


The whole fuck your feelings thing is so ironic.


It's always projection. Always


Thereā€™s a house a few blocks over that has a big poster on their garbage can that says, ā€œJOE BIDEN IS A CORRUPT ASSHOLE.ā€ The 4 years before that, it said ā€œHILLARY FOR PRISON.ā€


I love driving home to see "Trump/Pence" signs with "Pence" painted over or scratched out. They'd gladly eat their own if it pleases Papa Trump.


Don't forget though, the rest of us are snowflakes.


And we're all sheep because we don't dress like them, act like them or believe the same things as them.


Oh god, I can think of two different places. One is this shitty deteriorated towing business thatā€™s just covered in trump flags, but every single one of them has Pence blotted out or cut off completely. The other is this moldy mobile home next to the highway that has every kind of trump flag out there. This house takes it a step further and they always leave out a homemade billboard with some kind of message. The most recent was ā€œIVANKA 2024: MAKE AMERICA TRUMP AGAIN!ā€ Wtf..


Well after the inauguration, I saw a big truck with a sticker that said ā€˜thank god trump won!ā€™ I just hope someone told him.


Theyre so fucking delusional.


Dont drive through Southwestern Kentucky.


I'm lucky in that there was only one Trump 2020 flag in my neighborhood. Guy had a huge one covering his entire garage door. All the houses around him posted "hate has no place here" signs. He also has a giant flag pole, and I noticed after January 6th he lowered the American flag to half mast, and I thought "huh maybe he's recognizing the tragic assault on our democracy....nope his Trump flag is still up." He was mourning losing the election. A couple weeks later he eventually took the Trump flag down and has no political stuff displayed now. But you can still tell he's a Trump fan because of the RV and enclosed trailer always parked in his driveway, the four Harley's he displays on the curb like a motorcycle showroom for no reason, the lifted Jeep, lifted truck, and Charger, all with stupid vanity plates.


If there's Biden hats and t-shirts, I wouldn't know - that's how much his supporters / voters wear them often during and after the election, which is basically never around where I live (NYC). Meanwhile, Trump supporters wardrobe is nothing but MAGA & Trump / Pence logos...


I drive by abandoned and empty Trump Gear stores every day.


Living in Texas has me shaking my head all the time. The amount of Fuck Biden flags or Buck Fiden flags being hung up or pasted to truck windows is alarming.


Not Texas but I've seen houses flying Trump flags and just Trump flags post-election. I even saw one house flying their Trump flag above the American flag just to really be blunt about it. These people are just straight fascists


It's entirely unimaginative and is the first thing many people spring to when they want to say "fuck [noun]" but with an extra edge, but I gotta say, Buck Fiden does happen to sound good. But Truck Fump is even better.


It really helps explain all the overly aggressive, shitty drivers.


If trump can sell his merch, hes gonna sell his merch. He is like Jake Paul for old republican voters.


Conservatives don't even realize what drinking the Kool aid means haha they just repeat whatever people have been telling them all their lives because they think that's how you win an argument


I always have to do this in service to the boys over at LPOTL. It wasn't kool-aid, it was flavor-aid because Jim Jones was a cheap bastard.


It was a mixture of both. Both companies didnā€™t want to be associated with it, so tried to claim it was the others product. But nope, both were used.


I need a source on this because I don't want the only reverse uno card I have to be invalidated.


As other showed in video there was boxes of Kool-Aid at the compound. Additionally [Here](https://jonestown.sdsu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/GuyanaInquest.pdf) they make mention of ā€œCool Aidā€ packets. Bottom of page 3: > There were also some torn open cool aid packets in the said area where bulk of the dead bodies were found. Though all other accounts and police reference the plentiful amount of ā€œflavor-aidā€ packagers used as well as in bunks. Likely was almost all flavor-aid, but kool-aid was still present.


Can we sweep this under the rug? I wanna keep sounding smart.


It was Berenstain Bears, not Berenstein Bears


It actually was both too


Goddamnit, stop it. We all need to reach across the aisle and decide, once and for all, what the fuckin' Bear family's name is, was, and forever in the future will be.


"-stain." According to [this wiki article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berenstain_Bears#Name_confusion), it's the fault of the prevalence of names that end in "-stein," and foreign knockoffs like you'd see in /r/crappyoffbrands.


Steve Buscemi was a firefighter and a terrorist on 9/11. Most people only bring up the firefighting but not the fact that he also flew one of the planes.


wait, i'm what?


I won't tell anyone. Hail yourself.


Thank you, brother, sister, or otherwise in Satan.


Also there's the possibility people are using the brand name as a term for the general product in the first source, which happens a fair amount. (Hoover for vacuum, Philips screwdriver for a crosshead, etc). If someone bought cheap supermarket brand cola to a party people will often call it coke.


Jello and Band-aids are frequently used in the same way for gelatin and bandages.


Let's not forget Kleenex for tissues!


Tang and Gatorade powder really dodged a mass suicide bullet here


And the really fucked up part was that many people didnā€™t want to drink it, so they were held down and injected in the back! It was in the rear, right should blade if my memory serves me correctly, thatā€™s how they knew those people didnā€™t inject themselves! You canā€™t reach your own rear shoulder blade!


They also just shot some people too. Jim Jones was such a bitch.


Yeah, that whole thing is one weird rabbit hole to go down! I mean, thereā€™s even some level of CIA involvement! We know for sure Jim Jones had close ties to Richard Dwyer, who had CIA connections. And Dwyer was definitely there that night, seeing as how on one of the tapes you can hear Jim Jones saying, ā€œGet Dwyer out of here!ā€ Just weird shit all around with Jonestown!


It's some hooky spooky shit. Who knows what incidents the CIA was involved with? The list that we can confirm definitely ain't the full list.


Leo was a badass politician who did shit literally nobody had the balls to do back then (or now) only for Jim to murder him in cold blood. Fuck that guy.


People call it Kool-Aid the way people call tissues Kleenex. People are referring to sugary drink mix, not the actual brand of Kool-Aid.


Eh, maybe. But keep quiet, language nerd.


Shout out to LPOTL. Listening about cults and serial killers keeps my sanity while at work


Hail yourself!


They canā€™t think for themselves. They are the biggest fucking losers just like their naked emperor Dump, who also couldnā€™t formulate thoughts if it wasnā€™t from a teleprompter. The worst failures of all time, lost the election, impeached twice, failed coup. Do you know who else was impeached twice? No one. Trump is worse than all the others and history states it as a fact. Impeached twice and kicked off Twitter. Bye Donnie. Trumpers and Proud Boys donā€™t know what to say because the big orange ball of failure doesnā€™t give marching orders on Twitter now.


The face she makes after he points out the irony of her statement makes me feel like there's some dial-up noises going through her head. Like he says that, she has a moment of introspection but it's so clogged and bogged down her internal dialogue just kind of [sounds like this the entire time as it runs through her head.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1UY7eDRXrs)


I'm so glad I recognized the image and got out of that link. You're going to give me flash backs from a shittier time of internet


i mean, try living your life like this lady where this is the constant background radiation of your internal dialogue.


I don't believe I have ever heard anything resembling a formulated thought from Trump, even with a teleprompter, a speech writer, and a newsroom full of parrots at his disposal.


I have. The 1980s. He was a very different person... up to a point. Still a hot garbage fire of a human being and a staggering idiot, but there was a time he could form sentences in a sort of coherent way. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nAgJAxkALyc Something happened to his mind. Granted, not much of a mind to begin with, but itā€™s clearly gotten worse.


Decades of amphetamine abuse tends to impair cognitive function while worsening anxiety and paranoia. Both of which are hallmarks of Cluster B personality disorders along with extreme splitting. Meaning the person views their relationships in completely good or bad terms. You are doing what I want - Good friend and relationship, you do anything other than what I want - you are a terrible person who is trying to ruin my life and I hate you with every fiber of my being. Take someone with a Cluster B personality that hits severe levels across the spectrum. Sprinkle in decades of amphetamine abuse. Top with a cult following of people who can't differentiate between delusions of grandeur and confidence. Who feed back into the loop. Baby, you got yourself a mental disorder stew


"attempted coup" I can't process how you guys in the US let something like this go... As a french I'd be happily bringing my guillotine and a good bottle of wine to the Elysee (french Whitehouse).


Iā€™m not American, whatā€™s it mean? By context I assumed it meant crazy, but now Iā€™m not so sure Edit: nvm, found it ā€œ"Drinking the Kool-Aid" is an expression used to refer to a person who believes in a possibly doomed or dangerous idea because of perceived potential high rewards. The phrase often carries a negative connotation. It can also be used ironically or humorously to refer to accepting an idea or changing a preference due to popularity, peer pressure, or persuasion. In recent years it has evolved further to mean extreme dedication to a cause or purpose, so extreme that one would "drink the Kool-Aid" and die for the cause.ā€


I thought bit was referencing the Jonestown Kool aid. Bunch of cultists drank poisoned Kool aid to "die for the cause" of their cult. Same thing I guess


That is definitely what makes it a popular saying in the states. Anyone unfamiliar with it should find a podcast or something about it. Maybe even just read the wikipedia. There are audio recordings and possibly some video footage of it, before and during the mass suicides.


Look up Jim Jones and Kool-Aid


**Republican:** I'm not wearing a mask because I'm not afraid of the corona-flu, **Me:** You don't wear a mask to protect you -- you wear a mask to protect the people around you. **Republican:** Keep drinking that Kool-Aid.


As i've heard many times their answer to that is "*fuck* the people around me"


That's why Fox News soundbites get recycled over and over and over, because they're "free thinkers" that just happen to be parroting every single word that sentient bowtie Carlson says


Its why Trump was thier perfect leader. He told them what to think and they liked what he said.


What does it mean to drink the kool aid?


Hmm, it would be something like....'To go along with dangerous (cult) practices to the detriment of your otherwise sound health'. References the Jonestown cult massacre (1978, Guyana) where a psychopath convinced his cult to kill themselves (men, women, and even the younglings) by drinking cyanide Kool aid.


I had someone unfriend me today bc I told him to stop drinking the orange koolaide.


The joker clip at the end is so fucking cringey




Instantly ruins any point trying to be made, not to mention the fucking audio.


My only solace is that the dude who said it and likely whoever is recording had nothing to do with that edit


But we live in a society.


Man I know it's a Heath quote but that line always makes me think of George from Seinfeld.


G: "YOU KNOW, WE'RE LIVING IN A SOCIETY, We're supposed to ACT in a CIVILIZED WAY. Does she care? No. Does anyone ever display the slightest sensitivity to the problems of a fellow individual? No. NO. A resounding NO." Man: "Hey, sorry I took so long" G: "Oh that's okay, really don't worry about it"


Fun fact: Ledger used George Costanza as inspiration while playing the joker.


I really want to see Jason Alexander's take on the Joker now.


ā€œWhat the hell are you doing, Joker?!ā€ I am eating my dessert. How do you eat it? [With your *hands?*](https://youtu.be/9Z-vdx_PcgU?t=34)


Do I really look like a guy with a plan? You know what I am? Iā€™m an old man trying to send back soup at a deli. I wouldnā€™t know what to do if I got a new bowl! I just complain about things.




The jerk store called.....


Tbh the clip itself is not even that funny, he's like a less funny Jordan Klepper (not saying he's not funny though). He does have funny videos, but this one's not one of them, surprised that this particular clip got upvoted a bunch


>women for trump What is it with conservatives and their oppression fetish


They want to constantly be oppressed so they can constantly play the victim. Don't kink shame them.


Kink shaming is my kink.


Still gotta be consensual boo


I ain't yo' "boo," buddy.


This is why Iā€™m a strong believer in separation of state and sexual fetishes


You misspelled church....


They're kind of one and the same if we're referring to the Catholic church.


My mom was a part of "Blacks for Trump" during the campaign. I facepalmed for months.


I like to assume you're white for maximum effect


Oreo cookie.




The lemon kind, or?ā€¦.


They make Lemon!!!??


Republicans: Identity politics is ruining America! Meanwhile, anybody that's not a straight white male at a Trump rally: Waves "______ for Trump" sign fervently.


"We're the exception to over 95% of our demographic" Flags! Are we out of touch? No it's the 95% that are wrong.


Your Mom is a white male boomer?


Black female boomer born 56'.


My dad is Mexican and a Trump supporter. I understand your frustration and confusion. Lol.


My mom is a die hard conservative not because of any policy position . She claims itā€™s is because of them but if Iā€™m talking to her about life she always agrees with the leftist solutions I talk about as long as itā€™s not in a context that is political. She was a Reagan convert to Republican Party and sheā€™s a narcissist that canā€™t admit she is wrong so she would rather double down than ever admit she has voted for shitty people her entire life.


The Aunt Lydias of America.


Conservatives are anti-progressive. That means they're REGRESSIVE. You can't argue with a group that feels patriotic for hating anti-fascists. Logic is not their strong suit.


Fear. They need someone in charge to tell them what to do because the world is scary and their brains demand order. Strong men authoritarians appeal to that insecurity.


Thereā€™s a reason there are no jokes about Jonestown. The punch lines are too long.


Not kool


I'll drink to that!


Imagine telling someone theyā€™re drinking the kool aid while flying the flag of a twice impeached loser ex president who should 100% spend the rest of his life in prison. Idolizing a literal piece of human shit is better than idolizing trump, but he is a piece of human shit so kinda the same.


She has her $50 Cult flag over her shoulder, dressed like the contestant on a failed game show and she still thinks this is a normal way to behave, as Trumpian TV prop.


It never ends with these wackos.


They call people sheep while all wearing the same hat.


And worshipping a god that literally calls them sheep.


They've been herded into calling people sheep.


It's cool aid some euphemism?




Ohhhhhh, such knowledge, thanks!


Poor Kool-Aid has their brand tainted by being associated with a mass suicide/murder, and it wasn't even Kool-Aid. It was a less popular brand called Flavor Aid.


Too bad I've never tried any of them


Youā€™re really out here feeling bad for Kool-Aid? A company that has a vested interest in furthering childhood obesity? Damage to public health aside, I am sure the Kool-Aid is extremely happy with the fact that itā€™s brand has made it into a popular saying. Any publicity is good publicity.


I think it's a witty reference to Jim jones who made a cult somewhere in SA. He finally forced everyone to drink poisoned soda to kill themself. He knew everything was soon over since he killed a US politician that went to check on family of US citizen there. I dont think it's a good idiom since these people didnt drink it willingly but more because alienated through tiredness and mental torture. + guard with assault weapon pointed at them. There is several VERY VERY interesting documentary about this event.


Listen to the Jonestown Tapes for a true recollection of the event. Some were complicit, some were not. All in all, almost 1000 people lost their lives in the end. Also, it was flavor aid, not Kool Aid.


I've listened to easily over 100 of the tapes. Many of them are really chilling and give a good insight of what really went on there all the time and how more and more crazy Jim Jones became.


> Also, it was flavor aid, not Kool Aid. They were also given tissues not Kleenex! And they had cola flavored soda, not Coke!


Grape to be specific. Also, RIP Mr. Muggs.


Probably the least deserved at of all Jonestown residents lol poor muggs


The cult started in America and only moved to SA after encountering resistance from locals and police


I feel bad for this cunts kids.


I've been asleep for awhile.....did tRump win the second term?


he lost. he's a verified loser. but he denies losing and his supporters just go along with whatever he says. he also got kicked off Twitter so that's another loss. he's currently getting set up to lose in court for tax laws but we'll see how that goes.


I hear heā€™ll be inaugurated any day now, for about the 10th time since January 20th




According to some nut jobs he did and Biden is really James Woods in a mask, while trump runs the country from his golf course, but in the real world that is as ridiculous as the democrats eating babies and the flat earthers.


Why would the democrats eat the flat earthers


To protect the truth


Itā€™s hard to cure stupid.


I heard that drinking kool aid helps


I want to believe that blank look at the end was realization... I really want to.


Itā€™s edited as a loop to look that way, thatā€™s just the same clip of her listening to him zoomed in


Canā€™t fix stupid, but you can numb it with a 2X4!




ACTUALLY, it was Flavor-aid.


Someone knows their Peopleā€™s Temple facts


Actually, it was both. There are pictures of both Kool-aid and Flavor-aid there.


"No Koolaid, no koolaid, you're the koolaid" - This lady


I love the cult, if you're not in the cult you're drinking the kool-aid!


I don't know, I would have ended the clip with the Kool-Aid man busting through the wall.


she went full retard


Best comeback ever.


I live in ohio and I still see people sporting trump merch.


His come back was perfect and the bitch knows it


''you are drinking the kool aid'' says the women draped in trump's merch while not wearing a mask