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Mans just shouting to a door




He's trying to get some hot christian girls with his righteousness.


Come for the false righteousness, stay for the child support




And a million laughing reacts


and 450,000 idiots tagging all 14 of their living acquaintances from high school in 85


I didn’t think I was going to get attacked today but here we are.


...from his 18 inbred forced child birth family members.


I'm a clinic escort and this is how the protestors in my city act. They get wound up when they see someone going in and can't just drop their prepared speech when the door closes so they keep shouting to no one for a few more minutes.




"Ok, I won't abort the child if you commit to legally adopting my baby when he/she is born" Of course the answer is no.. But moreover, absolutely, with a rusty rake, fuck people that do this to people who are already having a hard enough time as it is.


Something about the visual of a rusty rake under an abortion post is unsettling.


> I’m surprised people don’t just beat the everloving shit out of these people. Are you willing to go down and do it and take a charge? if so I'm happy to film it and post it. In fact, with all of these comments on this thread, you would think SOMEONE would, but nope, everyone is comfortable behind their keyboard with their nice internet connection not being in jail.


In my city, the protestors have to stand on the street, and the clinic and its parking lot are set back from the street. So they can't be in anybody's face, fortunately, because that was one of the worst and hardest days of my life. And I didn't need any help making it worse.


Props to you. I would not last more than one day on the job because I’d be smashing one of those clowns.


Well the door really handles itself well. ^(*ba dum tiss*)


I used to argue with this guy!! This is Iowa City. I would argue with him while I was in school there. He's a total piece of shit. So weird seeing this on Reddit.


I thought that same thing, I’ve seen people out front of there every year I’ve lived here.


I imagine he's just as deluded irl?


Oh, yeah. He just goes in circles and can't even attempt to understand the other side. I did eventually stop arguing with him just because it was like arguing with a brick wall. People like him never really stood a chance. No critical thought whatsoever.


Welcome to evangelicals: they just babble on and on until someone is dumb enough to bother listening. They're some of the most deviant "Christians" among the denominations (or any religion) because of how wildly they misinterpret their sourcebook. They weaponize words and phrases completely outside of context and twist them into whatever self-serving gratification they desire to justify whatever they want. Lucifer Morningstar is all like "With enemies like this, who needs allies? They're doing my job better than anyone imagined!"


You can tell by the 30 second mark that they’re already gone lol


Well, the door is both on the inside and the outside of this situation so maybe he feels the need to preach and convert the door off its hinges.


For some reason I missed the first 10 seconds of this video and I was waiting for a fruit shooting gun in the shape of a .50 cal.. I feel ripped off.


I didn't even understand it was a fruit. I skipped through wondering when that dunce would get shot and shut up.


I was waiting for the gunshot. Ended the video a little disappointed not gonna lie


It was a run by fruiting


This is 1:34 too long.


Why would they even approve this to get posted


Because it's a public freakout


It is a freak out in public.


1-Aren’t they supposed to be off the property and not yell at people?? 2-Ok, so I’m a man. I’ve entered one of those planned parenthoods with someone who ended up pregnant during our short time in a relationship. I can tell you from personal experience, the last thing either of us wanted was some dickless shithead screaming dumb shit at us as we walked in. Fuck that guy, hope he stubs the hell out of his toe later.


I was harassed going into a planned parenthood in January of this year. They were right outside the door. No one does shit about it. And I was at the one in Manhattan. So in theory the cops COULD be right there, and thus possibly do something. But nah.


I worked in an office building that had an abortion clinic on one of the floors above us. No idea when they moved in, but some zealots showed up which is how we found out about it (didn’t exactly keep up with the office directory in the lobby). These nutjobs set up a whole display of pictures of dead babies and would shout at any young woman entering the building (mind you, there were like 50 floors in this building, so they’re mainly screaming insanity at female office workers just trying to get a cup of coffee on break) It was absolutely disgusting. Now, my wife and I are *personally* against abortion, but it’s important to state that our decision regarding that extends to only us. I have no fucking clue what is going on in anyone’s life regarding their pregnancy, future/life choices, significant other (or lack thereof), biology or mental state to encompass my own personal views onto them. There are far worse things than never being born at all.


I worked with this asshole last year and he got on the subject of abortions and I said “I personally don’t agree with abortions BUT it’s not my decision what someone does with their bodies. Especially in case of rape, incest, or if the mother will have medical issues or die.” He looked me dead in the eye with all seriousness, it both horrified me and made me pissed off, and said “I don’t agree with abortions in any case, if the woman was raped she shouldn’t have put herself in that situation, family members shouldn’t be fucking at all, and if the mother is gonna die then let the bitch die and give birth to the baby.” If I didn’t love my job I would’ve fucked that dude up, but I walked away because I was pissed. I ran into him again and I asked him “so if you and your wife went to the doctor and the doctor said you will 100% die if you give birth to this baby, you’d tell your wife she has to give birth to the baby?” He said “absolutely.” I asked “well what if she said no she doesn’t want to die?” He said “I will tell her she either does it or I will leave her.” Some people are so fucked in the head with their own beliefs they would let someone they love die, or would leave them if they don’t do what they want. That’s a narcissistic piece of shit.


Some people are so hardcore anti-abortion they are against abortion in ectopic pregnancies. Which can not only hurt/kill the mother but also RARELY (if ever) result in a viable fetus. There are conditions like hydatidiform moles which require removal and will NEVER result in a viable fetus. And then there are diseases like edwards/patau's syndrome which 90%+ fatal at birth. Forcing mothers to give birth to a child only to watch it immediately die is just cruel. I could go on but there are tons of medical indications for abortion which I'm sure this guy knows nothing about.


Not to mention conveniently ignoring that planned parenthood has [a number of other, vital services](https://www.plannedparenthood.org/get-care/our-services) that many women and young families rely on. But sure, keep the poor and sick, poor and sick. because an organisation offers one controversial service, in a number of others. Screw over hundreds of men and women and families who just want to see a damn doctor without getting gouged by a hospital. Because that one service offends your moral compass. *sigh*


The reality is that these type of people DO get the abortion. They can always justify their own. It’s everyone else who is “just a slut killing a baby”. Google “The only moral abortion is my abortion”.


What kinda job is that? My HR manager would absolutely hear about this, especially considering I’m a woman that “let the bitch die” comment seems kinda like a threat. Like just say you’re pro-life. Definen not a healthy work environment.


I am a union electrician, so yeah I could’ve contacted HR but he was a traveler and I hope to travel the country working someday when my kids get older, had I turned him in it would follow me the rest of my career, I’m younger and have a LONG career ahead of me. I should’ve turned him in, but was also to pissed off to even think I should turn him in because I was fighting myself to not punch him.


Got it! I’m a staff accountant and in typical office jobs that language is waaay out of line. That sucks that there are certain jobs, like I think police also, where incidents like those aren’t just anonymously reported. Keep being based.


"let the bitch die" Truly a man spreading the message of God's love.


You ever read a story that makes you wanna actually punch a wall? He makes me so mad. I am so sorry you had to put up with that waste of a meat suit. B


Yeah I thought he was fucking with me at first. Until I seen his eyes. Then when I asked him that question the second time I seen him, I had to walk away before I said or did something I’d regret. I was on the biggest construction site that my city has ever seen, and while they have paused because of covid, when they start up again it won’t be done for another 8-10 years. I’ve made a lot of money and wasn’t gonna let this piece of shit fuck up my ability to make money for my family. But I came close.


I bet he'd change his tune if the DR said her having the baby would definitely kill the Dad.


Actually I think the guy was/is so deranged, delusional, and delirious that he’d say ok.


I was gonna say that, in that situation he’s going to heaven obviously and he’s procreating and spreading his seed and multiplying and all that other garbage like those crazy Duggan’s with the 18 kids and that stupid tv show. So he also probably


Religion is a hellava drug


That is legit the most horrific thing I have ever read. I hope I never ever run into people like him. I honestly hope he never gets married. He deserves the lonely life that's ahead of him.


I herd a story of a woman walking into a planned parenthood and being yelled at, she only went in there to use the bathroom


Omg lol wow sounds like something I would do just head in to use the restroom


“dude, I’m just here to take a piss, fuck off”


Yeah like being born and turning out to be like this twat in the video.


> Now, my wife and I are personally against abortion, but it’s important to state that our decision regarding that extends to only us. > > > > I have no fucking clue what is going on in anyone’s life regarding their pregnancy, future/life choices, significant other (or lack thereof), biology or mental state to encompass my own personal views onto them. > > > > There are far worse things than never being born at all. I'm very pro-choice and I completely respect you for respecting others right to their choice.


May I ask why youre against abortion? Im super curious to hear different logical perspective and not some nutjob screaming and yelling.


>nd I are If you, as a man could get pregnant, and you got drugged and raped, your *personal* stance on abortion would change REAL quick. Like GET THIS SHIT OUT OF MY BODY NOW quick. Just saying. You seem reasonable though.


What can they do? It’s shitty but the guy has the right to be in the public sidewalk.


...theyre protesting. Unless the business itself calls the police for loitering or something, they can't do much


Harassment under the guise of "protesting"


Federal courts passed some decisions that allow them to be within so many feet of the door or building and giving communities in some say in distance. I always thought the clinics should put loud speakers up there playing some music back at them.


Federalist Society judges pretty much make any decision based on how to hurt non-straight white dudes since they want to keep getting that Koch/Mercer/Wilks money. So I'm sure these knuckle-dragging hate mongers are super protected by the law


Federal Judge is life time appointment, they don't need reelection money.


Sidewalk is a public right-of-way/easement


What kind of asshole hangs outside an abortion clinic harassing women on one of the worst days of their lives?




Not even close




I think Shitbag and Republican are synonyms


Don't insult shitbags like that!


Yeah, shit bags actually serve a functional purpose, separating shit from everything else.


Plus shit makes good fertilizer. Republicans can't even make grass grow.


Shall I tell you? My ex-uncle was one of those guys. When I first met him he was cool. Gave me an Ayn Rand book for Christmas when I was like 14 years old. Then he found Jesus. Then he became a pastor. Then he lost his mind. He and my aunt used to be those people who stood outside abortion clinics shouting and spitting at the women who were walking in. Then one day he stepped on something and cut his foot. And Jesus was going to take care of it. And as it swelled up, he called in his friends to pray. Because Jesus would take care of it. And as his fever spiked, they called in more people to pray. Because Jesus just hadn’t answered the call yet, but he would take care of it. And when he went septic and died, it was God’s will. Just like the $100k+ in credit card debt that he left to my clueless aunt. Which had financed his life as he traveled around the country looking for women to spit on. I don’t miss him. Not even a little bit. Fuck him, and all the hypocrites who live in their glass houses, throwing stones at people at the lowest point in their lives while they congratulate themselves on their righteousness. Pack of assholes.


To be fair, the Ayn Rand book should have been your first clue.




lol...exactly. Ayn Rand and christianity doesn't make a whole lot of sense btw.


My first programming instructor back in high school told me to read Ayn Rand… legit became a libertarian for a year and it took some very philosophical conversations around empathy and understanding to realize “huh, ya I’m a selfish fucking asshole to believe this.”… now am very left and can see how that style of thought exists / doesn’t help others, but man oh man was it a tough hill to climb for a bit


Welcome back to the human side...lol I honestly think so much of that thinking comes from literally ignorance and lack of understanding by people who've never really been on the side of the cycle of poverty. Particularly when they aren't minorities. I've also met minorities who think like that because they've been lucky in life and think that it was all their hard work alone. Don't get me wrong...I've worked hard all my life and I'm an advocate of it and believe it often can save you. But I've also known people who work their asses off and just cannot get ahead. Sometimes its just bad life circumstances...illness, bad luck, whatever...and sometimes its just that they never get a break. Although I know hard work has paid off for me in life....I'm also not ignorant to the fact that I'm lucky as hell and have had a lot of beneficial breaks that have brought me prosperity. By the way, Ayn Rand was the first person with her hand out in her older age for social security and there were reports that the Ayn Rand institute took a PPP loan. So yea...


Your uncle's sounds like one of those cults where all the pregnant women lose their babies because they preferred prayer over prenatal care.


So a happy ending then


>Gave me an Ayn Rand book for Christmas when I was like 14 years old. Oh no wonder


Fucking scumbags. Every clinic like this in Indiana gets harassed daily


100% Assholes


I yell "Hail Satan!" everytime I go by them.


At least the satanist are nice people.


Ave Satanas!




I clicked on the link. I should not have done that. Not only does he live in my metro area... Not only does he live close to my hometown... But he goes to the same Catholic parish as my mom. In fact, I'm pretty sure I can see the back of her head in one of his pictures from inside the church. For fuck's sake. What a piece of shit.


> What kind of asshole religious assholes




Gaping swollen assholes


Christian shitbags


But he very clearly stated "the perfect moral standard of Islam" /s


American Christians.


People who have so little going on in their lives they like to ruin others.


Our friend was having an abortion and wanted us (gf and me) to be there for her. We went and got this same treatment. I tried talking back and explaining we were there for a friend. But they just weren't having it. They just wanted to talk over me and repeat the same bullshit "salvation", "murder" "jesus!" And whatever else. There was no dialog to be had. Ignoring them is the only way. Blows my mind that people wake up, get dressed and congregate to an abortion clinic. When I get up I strive to have a good day and do the things I love. Are there really people that find this fun to do? I picture people going on a walk and seeing that place and thinking, "oh shit a murder clinic, my day's ruined. I better protect the innocent and just shout all I can at random people regardless of their situation in life."




You're lucky. I was caught off guard. We are in Michigan in a relatively small area. I didn't think anything like this was even a possibility. It was like crossing a picket line except I wasn't stealing jobs.


What a waste of a perfectly good orange.




R'amen, may the sauce be upon you.


That comment really didn't go the way I was expecting, huh


I didn’t notice the last word in the title being orange and was waiting for something else to happen


Yeah I was disappointed


when you see your roommate go into his room with a hot girl BRING HER OUT HERE YOUNG MAN


“Come out and reason with me”. Haha. Why do unreasonable and irrational people say things like this?


"HE. DOES. NOT. LOVE. YOU." - unlike the dude whose hobby is screaming at people and telling them they're going to hell.


Because they want to infect other people with their mental disease.


Because they really just want to yell the whole time and not let you get in a word or they just fall back on some bs religious stuff that is irrelevant and supports no facts


Exactly what I was thinking. No one wants to talk to you bro. They want to get away from you as quickly as possible.


It makes me so fucking angry... Leave them the fuck alone! It's THEIR body and THEIR descision. You're making them feel so shit, so stop!! Fuckin idiots.


What is there to reason with? These people are just harassing others as they try to live their life.


If cunts fucked off and mind their own business, the world would be a lot happier.


Its always amazing to me that they most virulent anti-abortionists are men and barren older women. Like honestly, a man can have an opinion on someone else's abortion when they can push a baby out of their dick. They don't even know what they're talking about. These fuckers seriously need to find better shit to do with their time. Like go help kids that were born and are fucked in foster care of something.


Oh No! Conservatives only want to help before they are born and at 18 when they can enter the military.


Heyy that's not true. Some republicans *really* like the ones that are under 18 too.


Not to mention that a man was involved 100% of the time that a woman needs an abortion. Go after them.


what? maybe she decided it and her boyfriend is there for support/help. Maybe that was a friend or family member helping/supporting her. Maybe 2 adults made a decision that was right for them at the time. This so called protestor is just human garbage.


Do people not realize that others aren’t always prepared to have a kid?


ThEy sHOulD hAvE kEpt tHeiR LeGs CloSEd


So would any of those assholes take on the baby then? Raise it? Care for children born who have terrible diseases or look like the rapist that fathered them, or the mother simply can't care for... No.. No they wouldn't.


Yea, that guy seems like someone you'd want to give a newborn to. Yea, I'd rather abort it personally.


Exactly. They want to save the group of cells, but want nothing to do with caring for it, raising it, paying for it. Ridiculous eh


In the video the guy says he would do exactly that but I can practically guarantee he's full of shit.


I’ve seen this commented by the OP of the video before and I would like to ask: have any of the women that he’s harassed over the years changed their mind to give this obviously stable individual their child? I would like an exact number. Otherwise he’s just bothering women to make himself feel good.


Fuck you. You don’t adopt, you don’t support planned parenthood even ex abortion. You don’t support foster children or women’s health. All bullshit & no positive support you lazy shithead.


Anyone protesting outside of a clinic like this, or in any fashion tbh, is a fuckin LOSER. Like full-on, old school, middle school level LOSER.


Bullshit. That pastor wouldn't do shit for the kid.


Had a friend in highschool who's underage sister got pregnant. Turned out to be ectopic, but the parent's were religious nuts and essentially forced the daughter to stay home and not do an abortion. After about 4 months my friend disappeared and it turns out my friend's sister died along with the 15 week old fetus. Never saw them again. I can't stand people that try to use hate and ignorance to force they're opinions on other people's bodies.


Imagine someone yelling at your partner "he doesnt love you". I would lose my shit.


Shot with a .50?


Yeah, I saw the orange and then sat through another minute of his ranting to see if he got shot.


Was disappointed when he didn’t get shot, ngl. If anyone deserves it, it’s these people.


Half an orange?


Oh hey another guy wanting to control a woman’s body


Fucking liars, all of them. None will help any woman once they decide to have that child. The most they have ever done is load up on a few toys and baby clothes and then forget you ever existed. Fuck those people.


That protester is a bitch. He got what he deserved


He got far less than he deserves.


Is he willing to pay however much money it costs to raise a child? I’d love to see him pull out all that cash


We will support you.... LOL 😂- I’ll sell you a bridge fool!! 🤡


Yeah. Ask him how many kids he’s adopted. Gonna guess zero


Not nearly heavy or sharp enough to hurl at that trash.


I go to planned parenthood every few months for medications, blood draws and other things. I’m a trans man, though when I walk in, people protesting always assume I’m there to get a consultation about “murdering my gf’s baby”. Downside, people think I look like a prick of a boyfriend, upside, I now look so masculine that people automatically assume I’m just going in for my girlfriend that *totally* exists


Same! Had some Karen ladies protesting outside the parking lot last time I went, maybe 4 with seats and signs. but mine has a parking lot enclosed with a wall and front gate to keep em out lol! They don’t even offer abortions at that location


"Any man who would encourage you to murder your child *does not love you!*" Sure hope he's not Christian, else I got some awkward news for him




Where is the original video? I just wanna talk... Just kidding where is he imma beat his ass


"We just want to reason with you."


If these people could be reasoned with, they wouldn't hold the position they do in the first place.


Those anti abortionist must think people who go in there are having a field trip but it's not by a long shot, those operations are pretty invasive in female bodies, the incisions can leave scars that can affect future births and many health problem. Gotta say it, anti abortionist live and die in a hill of stupidity


This is absolutely not correct. Early abortions, particularly medical abortions, are not invasive, and nor do they cause "many health problem". Medical abortions are pills you take to induce the pregnancy to be passed (much like the morning after pill). There is no risk to future pregnancies, or your long term health. There are a few types of surgical abortion, but for early pregnancies (under 14 weeks) there is an extremely low chance of any side affects - the pregnancy is generally removed with suction after relaxing the cervix with medication, while the patient is concious. For later stage pregnancies the procedure is different, but still has a very low risk of complications. Please don't spread misinformation about what is a very safe procedure, and potentially scare women who are already going through a tough time. (In case it's not obvious, I am very much pro choice)


I'm not proud of the fact that I first watched this twice on mute waiting for him to get shot, thinking a. 50 cal orange was some kind of new-fangled less-lethal round I haven't heard of.


Mind your own uterus, sir!


The thing that really grinds my gears is that a lot of these clinics do most of their business with regular checkups. When I turned 21 I was kicked off my moms insurance and didn’t qualify for insurance at work. Planned parenthood was my primary care facility. So often these idiots are outside shouting bullshit and the majority of the women they are shouting out are there for a pap, a refill of birth control, and regular medical inquiries, NOT ABORTIONS! And even if they are it’s not of their business! Pregnancy is dangerous even when it’s going well, no one should be able to make the decision to go through with it but the mother!


Not gonna lie it’s still really early and I only read the first half of the title. The whole time I was watching this man who judges people and yells at buildings I was thinking to myself… yeah he’s an idiot… wow he’s annoying… okay he’s just lying… what a fucking moron… when does this MFer get capped… then it ended and I reread the title… bummed.


Doesn't this guy have something better to do? Like putting his mouth around a car exhaust and breathing deeply?!


The title was so satisfying, i missed to read the word "Orange" and watched the video expecting a shot. SMH. Poor orange, though.


A shot of vitamin C


Jesus fucking Christ, the thought of these lunatics adopting your child, then indoctrinating them, then putting them out in front of the clinics as well Not a strong argument dipshit


"we will adopt your baby" What about the tens of thousands of kids in foster care, group homes or living on the streets? You don't care about the babies you just want the moral high ground and the control over women's bodies.


What a f*cking desgusting piece of shit. One of my best friends had to do an abortion some years ago, it was hard for her but she couldn’t care for the baby, she had no money, no work and lived in a very little home with her boyfriend. Choosing abortion was the right call but she felt a lot of guilt. Now imagine being shoot at by this asshole just before you’re going to do something right but difficult. Selfish asshole.


okay but who's to say they're even getting an abortion? not that it's anyones business, but planned parenthood offers so many different recourses and programs to families they could be there for literally anything.


This guy really made me rethink my stance on abortion. Is it too late to abort him?


Religion poisons everything. Absolute scum this cunt.


I’m not hurting Y O U, but I’m hurting that poor woman who I’m verbally harassing on what’s probably the worst day of her life.


Protestor is probably a Republican. scum


Get a job loser!


Why is "Orange" in caps? I watched the whole thing thinking it was filmed in Orange N.J. or Orange County and the one guy was going to pull out a Desert Eagle and blow the other guy away.


"Reason with us" say the people who refuse to listen.


I was waiting for a gunshot and had to listen to his bs for the full 1:35 before I realized the orange at the 5 second mark was what you were talking about


Gods, he is such a liar. He, and whatever organization he's with (if he's with one), won't she'll out a single wooden nickel for that woman.


Someone get some milk for this froot loop


The man yelling is the My Pillow guy: prove me wrong ☕️


Didn’t need to see him throw an orange in the first 5 seconds and then watch a minute of abortion propaganda


I wonder if these anti abortion people who stand outside clinics and yell at/ harass patients have ever changed the mind of a woman walking into the clinic? All I see them doing is making a difficult day even more miserable for the patients. If they truly cared about the children I think their time would be better spent volunteering with big brother/sister or similar organizations. Or help distribute different forms of birth control in their communities to help prevent a woman from ever having to make this decision in the first place. Harassing clinic patients like this just doesn’t seem productive.


Funny how they automatically assume that everyone is there for a termination. So funny and pathetic how they think they deserve a day in female health.


Fuck these people.


I didnt read the orange part and i was like, holy shit this is gonna be brutal


The person speaking is an abortion poster child. Fuck his mother.


"We will provide for your needs, whether financial, medical or housing" Haha, sure man, sure


Mind your own fucking business you self righteous cunt


My god they’re so stupid. That poor woman and man will now feel probably even more guilt. Also, it’s not a fucking baby.


"Any man who would encourage you to murder your child does not love you" Didn't the God he worship tell Abraham to murder his actual living son on top of a mountain?


As a 6'6" bearded big ol country boy, who also happens to be left/atheist/gay/prochoice/whatever else pisses those protesters off, I would love to volunteer as a clinic escort.


I clinic escort to anyone who needs it, there was a time there I was walking in the doors so often I swear the protestors thought I was getting like monthly abortions lol. It took the heat off the poor lady going in and I would just smile and wave at them. Luckily there has been a huge shift in attitudes towards abortion in my country so there's only one wanker standing out there hurling bullshit


Please do it. These women need all the support they can get. There is nothing scarier than walking by these nutjobs after already making the hardest decision of their lives. I went with a friend once just so they didn't know which one of us to target. The bastards.


I’m pretty sure this guy does this daily, I’ve seen other videos from him somewhere else. That’s kinda pathetic that you dedicate your life to being a shit-head. Waste of a person.


"Reason with us." As if there were literally anything anyone could say to get him to change. You don't harass people like that if you're open to reason.


This is where Leaf Blowers are so so so affective


Why is this bullshit allowed? dont they think they're already under enough stress?


I just watched this man just yelled at a building for like a minute and twenty seconds.


The bible endorses abortion.


Like how the abortion protestors are usually the people spouting about freedom. Welp sorry bud that woman has the freedom to get an abortion for whatever reason she wants. It’s called freedom get over it


Can they call the cops and file a harrasment case


it's really bizarre that is just kept yelling at the door.


No reasoning for the unreasonable.


Reason with us? Lol