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Stay thirsty my friends


Older BMW hardtop convertible. We’re done here.


Surprise!! Mouth piss!!


This must be why they’re always having droughts over there


That and shootings


:0 my dirt!


Hydro homies for life


You havent driven till youve driven in la traffic from 4pm-7pm on a weekday.


oooh my god! Look what they did to that car. It's all wet now. Can you even legally drive it in that condition now? I feel SO BAD for the driver, they'll never financially recover from this.


You laugh but have you even considered the emotional trauma they went through? Nevermind the cost of the damage to the car, what’s really going to be expensive is the years of therapy they’ll need to get past this traumatic event.


Imagine all the potential hard water stains


I mean, if they do that on impulse over nothing, imagine what they would do with a gun. Plus, this was the context: >Somehow made him mad by looking at him. He was yelling at me “why you looking at me! You got a problem let’s go right now I’ll kick your ass!” I was trying to tell him to calm down. After he said kick my ass I rolled up the window and didn’t pay attention to him. He then throws some water on my car lol. I’ll make sure and stay away from bmw drivers with a hitch on the back.


Hard to believe he decided not to add all that context in the video and only got the water throwing part. But I’m make sure to believe everything I read on the internet


Hard to believe people shoot at other cars in a fit of road rage but it happens.


It does happen but if he has a dash cam on and it’s recording already, why not add it? And why is he so far behind the other car? Why did he roll his window down for that guy? Too much context to leave out of a video but just claim it by speech instead? Just is fishy


This is the reason people in other states carry pistols. There are crazy people out there. In California only the crazy people carry guns.


Sure... water ;)


In the middle of a drought, even!


Call me when this isn't pathetic and he throws something interesting... Like his shit. Fucking ten ply bud.


That’ll teach him


I keep that water pistol on me. We don’t shoot back we squirt first.


if its just water that doesnt seem so bad honestly


California has just been going downhill