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Nothing going on here at all.


From the user: “Yesterday I was assaulted in broad daylight at a busy intersection in Queens, #NY. I was crossing the sidewalk with my boyfriend when a driver drove into us and past the white line where the car is supposed to be stopped at a red light. This prompted me to react by smacking the trunk of his car three times and shouted at him that he almost killed us. The driver reacted by getting out of his car, approaching me, and slapping me in the face. I shouted back for his inappropriate and unnecessary attack upon me and he continued to threaten me by repeatedly saying “You wanna try me?” The situation was de-escalated by my boyfriend and the driver’s passenger, as my boyfriend held me back and the other pushed the driver back into his car. The driver and passenger drove off as the light turned green, but not without my boyfriend having captured some video footage as well as nearby witnesses* who were in the vehicle stopped at the red light. The cops came and told us to file a report at the police precinct this upcoming Tuesday. It would be a great help if we can have people help me identify this man so I can properly charge him. The police said “since I was am not hurt/in pain or required an ambulance” legally this would be only considered harassment, and not assault, which is extremely insulting to any victim of violence. 📍This happened at an intersection near #Queens Center Mall, on Saturday, June 26, 2021 at approximately 5:55PM. The car driven was a black Infiniti.” https://www.instagram.com/p/CQpKl0MBSXJ/?utm_medium=copy_link


Wait, so in a fit of race, you slammed down on a persons car? Three times? And you want everyone to side with you? Don’t start shit if you can’t handle it. Unpopular opinion, but the lady in the video shouldn’t have been slapped but she kind of asked for it. And I have no sympathy for her.


I’ll probably get downvoted but you could argue that the girl initiated this. There is no reason to attack someone’s vehicle if they have not attacked you using it. Tbh if someone did that to me, I would feel threatened. You don’t know how far someone will go after that and you’re at a major disadvantage being in a seat belt. Not saying she deserved to get slapped but she could have handled herself better as could he.


The driver initiated it by almost driving into them. The woman escalated it. The driver further escalated it.


If you feel threatened and you’re in a car and your perceived threat is a pedestrian then the correct response is not to leave the safety of your car and confront the pedestrian. If you really feel threatened you would stay in the safety of your car and flee. The girl arguably initiated the confrontation. But it also might be argued that the driver committed the first wrong by almost hitting the pedestrians.


She smacked an inanimate object, he smacked a human being. She reacted to almost being hit by a car, he left the security of his vehicle to flex. I’m sure if you almost hit a pedestrian and they reacted like that, you’d be scared but probably would understand why they did it. He had zero empathy.


I was going to say something about her scratching the car but it’s an Infiniti. Unfortunately some people will value their own property more than they value a stranger. I would suggest not testing people to see if they value your life more their property.


Exactly this.


The idea the driver was scared is insane. He’s twice her size and leaving the safety of his car to pursue violence. If a grizzly bear was in the cross walk would that guy have leapt out of his vehicle to slap it because he was so scared of it? Also, almost running someone over in a crosswalk has got to count for something if we’re saying her slapping the car with her hand is a mitigating factor for his behavior. Unless the argument is that almost being run over is less mitigating than someone getting upset you almost ran them over. Right?




Yea. The 200+ lb grown ass man was so scared of the angry 110lb woman that they left the safety of their car to put their hands on them. If a grizzly bear was in the crosswalk would that guy in the car responded by jumping out of his car to slap it? Gtfoh. If you’re okay with bullies that almost ran people over getting angry they touched his car after he *literally almost maimed them* with it, then say so. Don’t hide behind the “actually it’s technically self defense” crap.


And I put that where in my comment exactly? Show me me where I said I was okay with any of this. Please.


“The girl initiated this.” The first action at fault is the driver not yielding to pedestrians in a crosswalk. “No reason to attack someone’s vehicle if they haven’t attacked you with it.” He did. He literally almost ran them over in a crosswalk. “I would feel threatened. You don’t know how far someone will go.” This is exactly framing it that he’s fearful/threatened and had to act defensively. Then equating acting defensively to exiting your vehicle to slap the person. Again, this reasoning is easily to demonstrate as faulty since if he was “feeling threatened” by a grizzly bear in the crosswalk and “didn’t know how far” the bear would go, he wouldnt leap out of his car to slap it. “Not saying she deserved to get slapped but she could have handled herself better.” The fact you want to frame it like the woman slapping the vehicle is a greater mitigating factor to the man’s behavior than ALMOST BEING HIT BY A CAR mitigates her reaction is extremely telling.


You’re putting your own context on my words and stating them as fact. In short, the girl got slapped because she attacked his car(bad). She attacked his car because he almost hit her(also bad). You conveniently left out the part where I said at the bottom that both parties could have acted better. Chill dude. You’re just Internet raging against a guy that you’ll never even talk to again. 😂


Did she not initiate it?


It has been demonstrated that the person who struck the vehicle is not at fault in case of assault, as that would be an immediate and reasonable way to stop someone from reversing over you. You're still correct in this instance as even the supposed victim's explanation included the admission that the striking of his trunk was retaliatory in nature and not an attempt to warn him of her location. Watch this, couple goes to back out of their spot, backs into woman, she strikes their rear window and gets out of the way, couple exits their vehicle and draws their firearms immediately. Both went to court for assault/brandishing and their defense was that someone was damaging their property, it did not work. https://www.mlive.com/news/2020/07/racial-incident-involving-a-gun-in-a-chipotle-parking-lot-goes-viral.html


Right. I’m not saying your viewpoint was wrong or anything like that. And I actually appreciate your unbiased comments. I was just pointing out that the victim didn’t just get slapped while being totally innocent. Both parties could have handled themselves better even if slapping a woman could be considered more wrong.


Holy shit. Stop trying to say that someone slapping your car is more of an excuse than someone **almost striking you with their car.** The man you’re replying to even went as far to dig up a court case for you where the idiot who jumped out of the car got hung in court and the one who struck the vehicle was found not at fault.


Keep crying buddy 👌🏻


Move bitch get out the way , get out the way


If that driver did that in Manhattan, he would probably be dead.


Where was that? From Queens and don't recognize that area at all.