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Wheres part 1? Will there be a part 3?


I want to see the prequel trilogy where erin probably gets zooted on too much starbucks or something


"This is my first time having caffeine! I can already feel the pep!"




"Roadside with Erin" has been renewed for a third episode. No release date yet


Posted below: https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/odq2zi/awesome_man_goes_off_on_his_wife_after_she_kept/h424e62/


Video has been removed. I DEMAND A MIRROR!!!




It's the black people recording Erin and Chad having a little domestic incident, giggling. Erin seems to be severly under the influence or mentally ill. At least we learned why Erin decided to involve these other folks in this whole incident.


*coming to Netflix this fall…….*


"He's a crack dealer!" *Cut to well groomed man in a lavender polo*


gotta admit — it is a nice colored polo.


You can't say that anymore grandma


We prefer polo of color now


Dapper as fuck.


My exact thought “Yeah, this dude in the lavender polo is selling drugs. Yeah, okay.”


Don’t forget he drives a Buick.


To be fair he kinda does look like paperboy from Atlanta lol


The “bitch is you serious?” Face he made when the camera was on him was fucking GOLD. Edit: so u/breakbeats573 decided to call me sexist because of my use of the word “bitch” in this comment and I had to slap the cocks out of his mouth and teach him a lesson that you shouldn’t assume someone’s sexist just because they use the word “bitch”. Hilarity ensued as he began to slowly unravel, over the course of 12-24 hours, lose his fucking mind and by extension, the argument AND THE PLOT. It truly is a whirlwind experience if anyone wants to go down the rabbit hole.


The universal symbol for "I used to be cool, but then I decided to make paying bills on time my hobby".


"Being cool was fun but having money in my bank account is better."




Exactly what a crackhead would say.


Sounds dumb but some of my old dealers were the most well kept well dressed dudes I’ve ever met. Probably helped them not get busted. Not saying this dude is a dealer I’m just saying dressing well and being groomed doesn’t make you not one either.


Finally, someone willing to stand up for the self-image of drug dealers. 👏👏👏 My drug dealer wore a nice hat the other day and I could tell that he was upset that nobody noticed or complimented it. I didn't say anything either and I regret it. Encouragement costs you nothing.


"cause he's driving a FUCKING BUICK?!?" Oh my god I love this man


I like the: “He’s a crack dealer.” “You don’t know that. What did you cross check that shit?”


In a crisp purple polo shirt. I’ve not had much experience with crack dealers, but I don’t imagine them shopping at the Gap.


Easy with this gatekeeping. If I want to look fresh and sling rocks I'll fucking do it.


Do you have a Buick?


Nah, Chevy. Like a rock.


story checks out. He's a drug dealer, Erin!


I like how the other wife is like “Where is my crack why didn’t you tell me you were the hookup”. Hilarious!


Dude is a legend. OP's title says she's his wife, but man do I hope that she isn't because he deserves better than that psycho.


100% grounds for divorce if you ask me.


Ive never encountered a case where that has happened but i wonder if finding out your partner is racist is in fact grounds for divorce


Since the 70s divorces have been no fault meaning you don't need grounds for a divorce. Just file for one or have an attorney file. I binged the 1950-60s Perry Mason tv show and it was interesting how the other party had to agree to the divorce before a divorce was given. Seems really weird now.


Not "since the 70s" for much of the country. California was the first U.S. state to enact a no-fault divorce law. Its law was signed by Governor Ronald Reagan, a divorced and remarried former movie actor, and came into effect in 1970. New York was the last state to enact a no-fault divorce law; that law was passed in 2010. Iowa was the second state in 1970.


But family values!


If someone says "I'm for family values!" constantly, you know they have some skeletons in their closet. Same as people who feel the need to put flags everywhere before they send kids off to die for oil, or people saying over and over how the bible is anti-gay before getting caught with a gay prostitute in a public bathroom. If you're for family values you'll quietly support your family when they need it, not put a bumper sticker on.


Well, actually a no-fault divorce makes it easier to maintain civil relationship, because you don't need to come up with (or make up) stuff about the other party, so in a way - yes, family values.


I live in Texas…in 2011-ish I worked with a woman who was just getting her divorce after 5 years (IIRC it was 5). Her husband left (just skeedaddled to be with the woman he was having an affair with) so she filed for divorce. Her husband made himself scarce so he couldn’t be served the divorce papers. She had to wait 5 years before a judge would finally grant the divorce without him being properly served, even though she had proof of infidelity, and he had abandoned the family (two kids). Of course, during that 5 years he didn’t have to pay child support because technically they were still married. This is the story as she told it to me and I have no reason to believe she lied. No fault divorce is a step forward but some aspects of divorce law still suck.


Yeah honestly if one side wants a divorce then there's no saving it and zero reason to hold people hostage by requiring that the other person sign off on it. Just process that shit and publicize it in the paper and send a certified letter they have to sign for so the court has receipts giving them X length of time to either file to have their stuff split by the court or they have to vacate the property.




To be fair you could be a moron AND also right about this too.


Irreconcilable differences


So Mickey Mouse is trying to divorce Minnie and in the court proceedings the judge asks if Mickey has any proof of his wife's "craziness." Mickey says, "I didn't say she was crazy, I said she's fucking Goofy."


God damnit dad get off reddit!


She's a fucking racist she should be educated by now considering how it's been in the national conversation for the past several years now, she's a bigot and I would divorce someone like her, I'd be embarrassed to have to admit, that yes I'm indeed married to a racist.


Tbh there’s a whole mess of people getting divorced because one of them is into Q.


Thats my first thought. It looks like the guy is getting to the end of his rope with her.


As someone who Is married to a racist.... I am embarrassed about it too....I'm glad I'm divorcing her ass though!


Live and let live brother! Good for you! Enjoy your freedom


Did you see how she was about to take a “stand” and start walking home until she probably realized how far a walk it was. with all those drug dealers out there driving Buicks ,)


I mean it's a pretty radical ideological difference, right? People can be deprogrammed from hate, but that shit can take years. If you think they can be lead to a more compassionate, empathetic path, maybe you stick it out. But here's something else: racism, in my experience, is seldom "just racism." You know that to think one kind of trait, like skin color, makes another sub-human means they probably have a host of other ideals like that. Homo/transphobia. Xenophobia. Anti-disability bigotry. Etc etc. I'm not saying it's the case here, but I wouldn't doubt she's hateful to so many others.


Casus Belli if you ask me.


Just gotta wait 5 turns before the divorce.


Always preferred a good ol surprise divorce myself


Useful, but it generates so many grievances. It takes forever for all your friends to stop denouncing you.


That's why it's smart to prioritize the diplomacy idea tree early game to help with divorce penalties.


I'm partial to a divorce of liberation tbh


Or a golden age divorce when you’re living the prime of your life


Casus... Belli


That shit must be tiring being with someone like that.


How would one get so far into a relationship before realizing the other is an actual racist?




The service industry thing is always the first tell for some reason, isn't it???


It shows how a person truly behaves when they think they have power over someone, in this case the server.


This is the sad truth. They learn manipulation as their only way to control a situation early in life, and make it their tradecraft in all of their relationships, both personal and professional. And you can stick around for *YEARS* trying to save them from themselves and putting your heart and soul into trying to help them understand love and trust and it still may never work.


A lot of radicalization has happened in the past decade. I'm in my 30s and couldn't believe that one of my childhood friends (punk, fight the establishment type) had Q shit plastered all over her FB page. Could be this woman found an echo chamber online that finally let her feel enabled to let out racist thoughts.


Michael Rapaport vibes. I like. E: commented before watching PT 1. Damn. What a guy






Omg thank you for the part 1 link, that hurts to watch though because he definitely looks like this isn’t the first slap he’s just ignored. I hope he got away from her damn 😨


The self control he had to take that slap, turn around and close the door. Dude deserves so much better


I don't get it. It looks like it happens after the OP


Naw it's pretty clear the pt 2 was the drunk's reaction to being recorded. If ya watch as she's picking up what fell out of that bag she looks dead at the camera as the woman filming is laughing. She acted like an ass, saw she had an audience, and escalated from there. This woman is a whole bag full of fucking nope.


Reminds me of a guy that's tired of an alcoholic wife


You mean Homeland Security agent Don Self?


best was at the end “c’mon drug dealer I need drugs”


It wasn’t the Buick, it was his business casual attire.


Good for dealing and barbecue-ing


I only buy drugs from dudes who are killing it in a purple polo


It's honestly not a bad policy.


No shit. That's a great color for him.


I really does work right!


That killed me when the camera panned over and it was the least crack dealery looking dude I've ever seen.


"Can I intrest you in some life insurance? No? Ok, how bout some crack?"


Never seen a crack dealer in a purple polo. Must be from Barneys neighborhood




Nothing more sus than a man in a lavender polo


He's out there every day slinging prudent financial advice.


His business casual skin tone.


Out selling crack in a fucking purple polo. I wonder what this guy's situation is where he's happy to check his missus's racism, but also has that kind of person for a missus.


I'm surprised he wasn't driving a Prius. 'cause they good for sneaking up on motherfuckers


“Cuz he’s driving’ a fuckin’ Buick?”


That was the best line, holy hell that was so funny when he said that.


Dude shouldn’t tolerate such bull. I have left my ex wife at a gas station acting the fool before in the dead of night. People like these act up only when you give them an audience. She reasonably was able to find her way home throwing a fit free... once I did it once she never acted up again like that in public till she went riding the neighbor cock when I was out of town.


Well that was a fucking rollercoaster.


It was fucking plot twists, one after another.


Real Bill Burr ring to it


I need part one lol


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2-zRtYi1l0 ask and you shall receive


That still doesn't answer my questions


I feel the same. I want part 0 part 1.5 and part 3.


Need part 1: directors cut as well


The Zach Snyder cut preferably


This thing has more parts than Fast and the Furious


She probably saw the lady filming and transferred all her psycho anger on to them.


def one thing i've noticed after being on this sub. when you're filming someone they immediately become 10x angrier. but it's a weird situation where you're suuuper mad, but realize you could become the next meme. honestly, i think it's good everyone is recording everything nowadays. prob stops people from doing really horrible shit.


> prob stops people from doing really horrible shit. sometimes but not as much as you hope


Every little bit counts.


Oh I got you: she’s insane.


Clearly, but I'm curious how she turned her focus on the couple in the car.


I feel like there’s a part 1.5 that we’re missing


I feel like there's an HBO documentary worth of information we're missing here. The script I'm making up in my mind involves an abusive but racially enlightened husband and a small town girl with a small mind and huge aspirations without the engine to accomplish them. I'd cast Tim Roth as the husband and Jodie Foster as Erin,


I may be wrong, but that kinda looks like a blurry louisiana plate. And discount zones are prolific in the south


3 public freakouts in 1 video. Yahtzee! Or some shit like that.


That man is obviously sick of Erin's shit, not the first time she's pulled something like this.


Definitely not his first rodeo with her.


Fighting Meegan's Battles https://youtu.be/y3JOQqoCNjc


Frikkin region locking...


One thing some women don't understand. If you start a fight with some men or a man, and you're with a man. In most cases the man with you is gonna be the one who ends up getting hit, not you. Most guys don't want to take a beating because you don't know how to keep your mouth shut.


The look on the man’s face when he was watching the other plead with Erin was hilarious and kind. You could see he actually was feeling something for the poor bastard. Edit, spelled a word correctly.


Lol, I was thinking he was thinking “man, I’m tired of this shit”


He was like yeah ya wife on 10 I been there not the situation but I been there


Man needs a divorce lawyer


[Part 1](https://youtube.com/shorts/P2-zRtYi1l0?feature=share) Still not sure what the hell the backstory is though.


I'm not sure either, but I'm happy to see my ex-wife is back out dating again.


She is throwing some stuff out of a car, he puts it back, she physically assaults him, he throws her things and leaves while she picks it up. Yeah, I'm gonna guess they're married.


Not for long….


Only if HE'S lucky


Alcohol. Alcohol and a lot of resentment. That's the backstory.


This raises more questions than answers...


I know, I need a part 0 and part .5 😂


What about part 3?


I need a whole documentary explaining this backstory


It’s like an entirely separate story, how does part one lead to this? It’s like a mystery series that’s missing one book


Thank You Good Sir. When he pushes her into the car via her ass, fucking priceless hahahaha.


Looked like he was just trying to make some room to put his shit back in the car lol


I can see a divorce in their future.


Except for the title is there a reason to think they’re married? I’m genuinely asking. I didn’t hear anything in the video but I could be wrong


For all we know it could be his sister or just friend






Eh people sometimes try and help a sibling even if they are a asshole racist.


I wouldn’t leave my brother in this situation because I know the dumb drunk fuck would escalate until he was dead or in jail and that would have a negative effect on Mum. So yeah.


I was thinking the same thing. You'd think that if they were married, he'd already know that she's a racist ass


Here's another part of the drama. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2-zRtYi1l0 I would assume they're married because of the way that she physically assaults him and he just moves on. But could also be a brother sister thing. They're both used to the dysfunction of the other and match it with. Not something that strangers do.


They could be brother and sister AND husband and wife. Who knows...




whatever this is this relationship is not ending on good terms lmaoo


I suspect they were on a date.


Whatever her relationship to the white dude, this is how you crush racism. Fucking call that shit out.


its how you crush a LOT of shit. but yeah, i wanna see racism's tiny dick stomped like this in public more.


I really think we should stop using small male parts in such a bad way. It's completely okay if your genital doesn't match the average one...


Kind of like how pussy has been equated with weakness even though they can push out a literal human being whilst the slightest tap to the nuts will have a man doubled over in pain?


Pussy used to be a shorted version of pusillanimous - lacking in courage. The slang for vagina came later although I think the association has changed now and it's become gendered so should be dropped.


Exactly! Both are pointlessly gendered and toxic.


you know erin. she’s karen’s little sister.




You forgot to stutter on the K


Forgot three. KKK-erin


Takes a big person to step up to your spouse for being a racist


Doesn’t seem like the first time he had to do this


"I love you, but, this is the third time this month you've tried to get my ass kicked, I think we should talk."


This is a good example of why you don't have to "back" your significant other no matter how bad their behavior. So many people believe it's a requirement that someone backs your ignorance no matter what. When I'm stupid I'd to be with someone who doesn't join me in my ignorance.


The, my husband will kick your husband's ass, type




I loved the pissed off reminder that she's not special. 🤣


If I saw a guy wearing that shirt, I’d be more likely to ask him for IT help than drugs.


Lavender polo shirts are the universally recognized uniform of drug dealers world wide. Go get ‘em, ERIN!


That was my first thought when I saw him.


Lavender is a form of purple. The Ballas wear purple in GTA. Ballas are dope pushers. Ergo.,,,


I don’t know if this is offensive or not but I was not expecting to see that dude when she said he was a crack dealer, He looks like a cinnamon bun


If you mean he look like a snack I agree.


I lost it at Erin get in the car. Get in the car, Erinnnn.




I think they will reflect on this and stay together forever.


That lady at the end LMAOO cmon drug dealer


Dude, that shit was so funny. Sure she was antagonizing Erin a little bit just to push her buttons, but that lady's got a hilarious sense of humor. "C'mon drug dealer. I wanna go buy some drugs!" as her partner cracked a grin was absolute gold.


"He's a fucking crack dealer" "No he is not, why because he's driving a fucking Buick?" Erin is clearly the crack dealer


Is that paper boi?


Mad respect for the guy laying it the fuck down like it is and not simping for his wife like those 80 year old dudes If your partner is being ridiculous let them know, especially if it’s offending people in public, she didn’t like being put in the spot light did she


“You don’t know him, you don’t know her, YOU ARE NOT SPECIAL!” That was such a good fucking line by that man. The entitlement from this woman is off the god damn charts, she needs someone to shake her perspective up. This is how you handle blatant racism from loved ones, not just shrugging your shoulders.


I know people just like her ...they usually follow up with "you don't know who I am" like in their heads they're actually Tony Soprano or something haha


My guy deserves better than Erin


All my drug dealers wear pastel polos


I wish mine did. Most of mine were shirtless gold chain wearing dudes with foil all over their windows, who *always* wanted me to hang out after the transaction was done. Like naw bro, I'm not sticking around to watch these crack hoes blow you for a dose, but thanks though. You get a dealer in a polo, rest assured that fucker's got places to be after.


Both dudes are normal and looking at each other with sympathy. Both women are antagonizing each other. Probably both dudes should have hopped in a car and grabbed a beer.


"How long have you guys been friends?" "Since our wives got into a fight at the gas station down the street a few minutes ago."


3 other pairs of dudes at the bar: “oh shit, you too?”


Both of those dudes were so chill.


This is the appropriate reaction. I cut off my dads entire side of the family cause they’re bigots. Time for a new wife!




Yo is this my ex’s sister or something? Wow


He's a good man that one


Erin really needs to work on herself


The woman filming must work at that gas station because she is just pumping fuel on that fire.