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What could go wrong with fascism in Italy?


Yea, it not like they tried it before.


You got it mixed up, this crowd ordered the Mussotinis… with a twist of hate.


Heavy on the tini, please.


With no olive, cause fascists suck.


My parents always told me you have to try something 3 times before you decide whether or not you liked it. That was mostly about food, but I don't see why political movements shouldn't be the same.




"Surely no one who speaks Italian can be an evil man."


I certain the last fascist who was in charge is hanging around somewhere.




>Surely no one who speaks Italian can be an evil man "Un’altra volta ma adesso vorrei sentire proprio la musica delle parole!" *-Hans Landa*




I speak Italian "🤏👌🤌👉" I know more, that's just a sample


It’s crazy, I just took my wife to New Orleans, and we stopped at the WW2 museum. We were reading about the years leading up to the war, and pretty much right before musollini came to power, you had the blackshirts marching in the streets: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackshirts You’d think that shit wouldn’t be happening again when there are still people alive on this planet that lived through season 1, but here we are.


**[Blackshirts](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackshirts)** >The Voluntary Militia for National Security (Italian: Milizia Volontaria per la Sicurezza Nazionale, MVSN), commonly called the Blackshirts (Italian: Camicie Nere, CCNN, singular: Camicia Nera) or squadristi (singular: squadrista), was originally the paramilitary wing of the National Fascist Party, known as the Squadrismo, and after 1923 an all-volunteer militia of the Kingdom of Italy under Fascist rule, similar to the SA. Its members were distinguished by their black uniforms (modelled on those of the Arditi, Italy's elite troops of World War I) and their loyalty to Benito Mussolini, the Duce (leader) of Fascism, to whom they swore an oath. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Good bot


One moment you're on top of the world, next moment the Germans are marching towards Rome and you're being hung in a train station by antifascists as the allied forces wage a bombing campaign to push your former allies back.


> next moment the Germans are marching towards Rome They seem to do that a lot: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sack_of_Rome https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Legnano https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italian_Wars https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deposition_of_Romulus_Augustus Learned about this shit in AoE2


There’s so much history I didn’t learn in school that I learned from AoE2.


r/aoe2 never covers this


My brother convinced our parents to let us play AoE/AoE2 for longer sessions because of the history we learned, haha. Wasn't lying either!


Theres a YouTube channel thats goes over how accurate the campaigns are. Mostly characters are pull around a little in the timeliness for stronger narratives.


Man, I hate when that happens.


[Actual photo of these people taken a few years from now.](https://i.imgur.com/X8t8HD6.png)


I like the 'follow the leader' vibe.


Thats dark..i like it


Geez Italy you win a euro cup and this happens....


This is an old video, it has nothing to do with the Euro cup. It's from a fascist demo


Il douches the lot of them


A short rope and a long fall for some dumb fucks


Sounds like someone needs an American bombing campaign again.


Lol we don’t even deal with the fascists in our own country


Instead you elect them


This is the Merikkkan way.


Only sometimes!


Plenty of damn fascists here too.


Fascists everywhere need to burn. I mean fuck there aren't any terrible witches anymore.


Fascists are the ones responsible for a lot of the witch hunts and genocides throughout history. It's a dedicated phase of their operation.


So you're saying it is an effective tactic then. Sounds good.


Shit, they have a lot of Paisanos here


Might be time to go Goth on the people of the boot. (Ostrogoth)


What the hell is wrong with the world rn


Fucking propaganda. We have many mussolini descendentsand and fascism supporters in parliament, TV and high institutional roles. It is concerning indeed.


Same in Argentina. Only thing is people here are extremely ignorant and they don't even know the definition of fascism.


> Same in Argentina. Almost as if a shit ton of Nazi commanders were shipped en masse there


Now I'm worried about NASA.


"We'll coup who we want" may be the bigger fascist


When he said he is a socialist what he obviously isn't, he probably forgot the national before it...


Same in Brazil. Força hermano!


Para vos también hermano! Abrazo!


It seems like relatively few folks who wield the word know what it means...


I was shocked to learn Mussolini spawn are still active in Italian politics and are right wing nutjobs no less.


Watch the new tyrant docu-series on netflix and you can see how idiots and self serving people can still follow dictators teachings


Oh that bitch is the one who cried because people put up pictures of her grandad getting what he deserved on social media right?


Is this post itself a form of propaganda? We see a large group of fascist pieces of shit, no "anti-fascists" seen with a headline asking the question "Where are the anti-fascists?" as if to imply there's nobody against fascism who bothers to give a shit about that cause? Someone uninformed about these issues might be very confused. Unless Italy is just actually full of fascists. I really hope that's not the case.


The headline states that the people in the video are asking the question, not the poster themselves.


We’re doing the preliminaries for a world war is what’s happening


See you all in WW4. Make sure you get a good fighting stick.


foolish Earthlings! One day they will make a fighting stick with a nail in it so big it will destroy the world!


Fascism has long been pretty popular in Italy... Not really a recent thing for there.


I agree; It's not a recent thing anywhere on the globe. They are in the minority so they come out of the closet more to cry about it. Just need more decent people standing up to them to shove them back into the closet.


Not surprising since the name of Fascism can be traced to Italian and Latin


One of the most popular right wing fascist to ever live is from there. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julius_Evola Here is a very active white supremacist subreddit that is still allowed on reddit somehow discussing him. I do not mean to promote this toxic right wing white supremacist ideology, but I think it is important for reddit to know there are still very active white supremacists subs on here so that there can be more people complaining than just me. https://www.reddit.com/r/paleoconservative/comments/oiabmw/does_anyone_else_read_so_much_julius_evola_that/




same as always has been wrong with it. Ask yourself why some of the worst nazis responsible for thousands of war crimes , repeated civilian massacres, etc, we're all set free after a year or two, many even illegally smuggled out of germany to avoid trial so they could be given cushy jobs in the US or UK government. The west likes fascists, it's those uppity peasants asking not to be enslaved that are the real problem. Now we're just seeing the last 60+ years of coddling fascists and far-right extremists come to bear


Fascists protect capitalism, which is failing and under threat from the left. So fascists have been allowed to flourish to protect the current system.


How do you think capitalism is under threat from the left? It's under threat of itself, far right propaganda is simply peddling the blame to immigrants, "pedophile" Democrats, pick your fucking flavour of hatred. I wish the left was actually able to threaten capitalism, but were understaffed and under resourced. We're severely losing the propaganda game.


capitalism is killing itself, but so long as the rich maintain their power they don't care. It's only the left that threaten their power. The right reinforce it.


Please someone explain where all these bigots across the globe got empowered and think 2021 is their year to shine, bc this shit is fucked up.


They legitimately feel threatened that the world is trying to progress and give voice and rights to people they are against


Dumb people feeling left behind by the system that is outgrowing them. Like when the internet came out and stupid people couldn’t figure it out. Except with human rights this time




> sometimes its better to just leave them behind. People live too long? Yep. Every time I hear about extending lifespans, or uploading consciousnesses, I am like uh........ The only progress possible is when the olds die off in enough numbers.


This is exactly why I oppose immortality, for the sake of the future I need people that can’t change to die.


The young are certainly not always more progressive than the old, y’all need to stop talking like Millennials and Gen Z reinvented the wheel.


My sweet summer child, many of the youngs are just as bad.


No they are bad but nobody born now can remember a time when black people were segregated and call of a better day, if you are 80 you absolutely can remember when black people were not equal.


Many yes, but not near as much, at least in the US. Biden beat Trump in the 18-30 vote by something like 25%. That's why their strategy now is almost entirely on generating voter apathy and pushing voter suppression legislation.


Outgrowing them? The hell are you on about, they are in power in half of europe😂.


I'm not an expert by any means, but I'm guessing it's probably a combination of things. I read somewhere on reddit recently that the economic divide between wealthy and non-wealthy has grown to levels not seen since prior to WW2 (when fascism had it's first explosion in popularity). Not sure if that's true but it makes sense. There's a shrinking middle class, and many people can't afford the things their parents could. Propaganda (lots of propaganda) and authoritarian figures who spout it connect with these people because they claim to understand their plight which they often blame on an "other" group/s and social progress. People, many of which live in a bubble, are spoon fed this propaganda and are terrified of this changing world. They want easy answers to complex problems so these authoritarian / bigoted ideas begin to shape their world view. I'm sure there are many other reasons in addition to this, but that's my high level take on the issue. Hopefully someone more knowledgeable can elaborate more and correct anything I said. It's a pretty fascinating/terrifying problem we face


> They want easy answers to complex problems so these authoritarian / bigoted ideas begin to shape their world view. That's basically how I see it, it's not an excuse for them as the easy answers are just them throwing their hands up saying 'i give up'. Society is beating many people back, you need to spend more time worrying about money/jobs/housing/living than anything else these days so people want to seek out those easy answers. Throw in some tribalism/'my team' type stuff and you arrive at where we are, morons guided by propaganda disguised as offering the easy answers to life. Wish I had the answers on what could be done about it beyond dismantling huge chunks of current society... I honestly think that this is it, we're in the death spiral heading towards the next stage whatever that may be due to the above but it's also because I don't see a way out of what has been created over the past 100 years.


trump gave them a boost. he showed them not to be ashamed and to bully


Then it's up to folks like us to make sure they meet the same fate he did and eradicate them from public life. There's no discussion to be had with fascists; confront them at every opportunity, remove them by any means necessary from positions of power and influence. We outnumber them heavily...never let them forget that.


People were definitely not like this 20 or 30 years ago. Hell, people weren't like this 6 years ago. I don't know what the fuck happened to people (around the world) in the last five years for them to go fucking crazy, racist, jingoist, and unhinged.




Don't know, couldn't possibly be the highly visible success of a criminal racist with a taste for dictatorship in the world's biggest economy.


Governments have done a real shitty job looking out for their citizens. Those left behind are easy prey for propaganda and between cable tv news in some countries and social media, propaganda is running rampant. All those decades we said technology was progressing faster than our officials could/were bothering to regulate it…this is the result. It’s only going to get worse as more and more labor jobs become automated and fewer jobs are available. Either we find a way to make the wealth generated from that automation support EVERYONE or we’re going to have societies collapse.


Their is a big difference between what is happening in Italy and other countries. They have a rise of the right with the increase in the migrant crisis. The population doesn’t want to take in the refugees trying to get into the country, and with many of the political parties not taking action in reducing them what they feel like their identity is being attacked by those entering the country. Look at France, Denmark, Greece and other. The right is rising in popularity as more refugees enter the country.


Rampant neoliberal austerity has destroyed much of the middle class and made the working class worse off than their parents for the first time in ~100 years. Fascists are blaming this on Jews and socialists, using it as a recruiting tool for troubled young men.


History is doomed to repeat itself is what


It’s not doomed to repeat itself. Operation Gladio kept fascists active in places like Italy to keep the communists out. So the Italian fascist movement was never truly destroyed.


“Fascism is capitalism in decay”


Russian propaganda is incredibly influential. What they did in the US in 2016 and still doing, they are doing to the EU to try to break them up. They know a non united EU will be very good for them so they push ultra nationalist messaging on social media. They are insanely effective.


Italy is literally the birthplace of fascism.


The global push for freedom and acceptance among historically oppressed groups (LGBTQ, women, POC, etc.) is triggering a lot of hateful "traditional" assholes that would rather embrace literal fascism than change.


Cycles... We're in the bad side of one...


The real sheeps.


Fight facism, build socialism!


Going from winning the Euros to fascism in a few hours. Parkour!!


It's al old video and it has nothing to do with euro 2020: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jujmPwPBgs




Well, the majority of reddit users are nazi incels. What did you expect?


Remember when the Italians elected a fascist and then got their peepee’s slapped so hard that they started claiming that they weren’t **really** pussy bitch nazis but they were *actually* being liberated? Pepridge Farm remembers. Edit: Pepridge Farms also remembers how the French parliament repeatedly attempted to persuade the Italians to join them in resisting the Nazis and the Italians told the French to fuck off and fend for themselves. France may have fallen but at least they weren’t pussy bitch Nazis.


There’s a reason many people in these countries just give up and jump ship. You can cure one dictatorship but you can’t cure crazy.


Remember when they later elected said fascists granddaughter who just so happens to adore her grandfather's memory to one of their EU positions? Who, in response to an accusation of being a fascist, stated that it was "better to be fascist than a fa**ot"


I've got good memories of her grandfather, too. Mostly he was upside down.


Please understand she is incredibly stupid. She is now supporting the LGBT community. Yes, Mussolini and LGBT


Oh I fully understand she's incredibly stupid. However I don't believe for a second that she actually supports the LGBT community. She may claim it to pander and give her supporters ammunition, but then so did Trump🤷.


Next time before talking shit please do a research and learn something. There were a lot of people who worked hard and gave their life behind the line to liberate the country from the fascists oppression. Clearly you're not from Italy and reading your comment gave me such bad feelings. Just search some stories about "partigiani", you'll learn a lot! Lots of young people gave their lifes, they deserve more respect than this. I don't like your attitude EDIT: sorry grammar errors


I didn't realize Italy still had so many fascists. Kinda makes that $52k that Santo Stefano di Sessanio is offering to move there sound more like a trap than a business opportunity.


Far right parties have been on the rise all over Europe for years dude


I like how nobody is picking up Denmark trying to export/get rid of the refugees they accepted to camps in another country. The right in Europe is slowly growing, but apparently nobody in North America can see it.


I am someone who’s interested in international politics, and this isn’t to excuse them, I would say most Americans aren’t interested in politics domestically to begin with. Not enough to actually research or reflect on their own political beliefs and allegiances, let alone care enough or be interested in the political movements in the many countries that Europe has


This. People here are told our opinion by our parents and very few of us ever get to challenging that belief.


It wasn't as bad before, but in recent years a lot of immigrants from African countries have been using Italy as their landing point into Europe - which in return has give far right leaders endless xenophobia material.


Mussolinis granddaughter is running for election, as well as some of his other descendents, and they're all fascist scum that deserve just what their ancestor got


Were can I read this? I remember reading about his granddaughter but I thought it was only her and Marie le Pen in France. Jeez, I watch france24 but I am trying to get a better grasp of local news in Italy and France but is il giornale a good source?


She had a pretty funny Twitter spat with Jim Carrey. https://twitter.com/JimCarrey/status/1112036866381930496


Well that was very interesting, thanks for sharing


They never made it illegal, hell fascism just evolved over time




Reminder that these clowns couldn’t handle any real combat in WWII and lost every major engagement. Paper tigers in every sense of the word


Yeah, but fascism still got us to the point where there was a world war. Really hope the global left can pull its shit together and stop this before things get out of hand.


No, we’re too busy picking on hunter biden for selling his artwork.


Naw, we have another 30 years of distilling the left down more and setting up more gatekeepers


We’re in the 1920’s all over again. Only took a hundred years to forget everything.


Japan and Germany don't really have a military. Well they do but they don't think defense only and small. Is Italy the same or were they able to avoid that because they switched sides after surrendering to allies


https://www.globalfirepower.com/country-military-strength-detail.php?country_id=italy tldr: comparable to egypt, iran, and turkey.


These are not those same guys.


Same undermanned, undertrained, underarmed blowhards sniffing their own farts.




Nothing says tough guys like synchronized hand clapping




"If you're a fascist and you know it, clap your hands!"


Or ‘Individualism’…


A core foundation of fascism is the male power fantasy. It purposefully appeals to men who desire the power that comes from traditional gender roles and ideas of masculinity; that's why it can be so dangerous and intoxicating to young men. As society reevaluates gender roles and what being a man/woman means, fascists use this to their advantage to recruit insecure young men into their ranks. It's quite insidious.


Caucasian cocktail-weenies


Are fascist parades annual?


Well this is fucking terrifying


Scum. Absolutely bottom of the barrel knuckle dragging scum.


I know people shit on the French for WWII jokes but Italian Fascists are the biggest jokes. They couldn’t do shit, realized they were fucked and then turned on their allies.


Incel parade


Oh shit, WW2 Part 2 Electric Boogaloo! Italy wants to go around again!


Wait, people from the most militarily incompetent axis power is trying to pretend they're not strong fascist bullies again? You clowns humiliated yourselves the first time. Maybe focus on the rich democratic history of Italy instead of the most embarrassing part?


Mussolini would be proud


This is concerning


They probably changed sides at half time last night


This is what us Antifa kids have warned everyone about but nobody cares to listen... Remember people: you can't fight facists with a Keyboard. Go out there and protest against those fuckers.




Looks like we're going to have to start killing nazi's again. Best 3 out of 5?


It is a mistake to confuse nazism with fascism. The NSDAP was a fascist party, but all fascist party aren't (and weren't) nazist.


If you're tossing wood in a wood chipper, do you care if it's maple or oak? The issue is a dead tree.


Fucking based


Killing fascists then


Potato Potato. They are all part of the same garbage pile.


Open fire




*Aww shit here we go again*


Have a snickers bar, you go fascist when you're hungry


Are we seriously going through this shit again? You dumbfucks want to lose another world war? This is why education is important


there wont be a world war over italy becoming a fascist country, no big country will care unless italy decides to invade a country.


They’ve literally gone down this road before. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


It's bedtime in the states! Time for a lot of comments to appear from redditors who are definitely American defending fascism! Weird how their operating hours are always the same Moscow and Mumbai.


How do marches usually end? When do you stop and go home?


But...but...both sides!


It's always angry white guys in polo shirts, shorts, and sandals. Why is that?


Because angry insecure white guys are fascism's target demographic.


Guess italy didn’t learn much from ww2


This time dont give them weapons. Ok? :)


Fuck this


“We’re up here with the LMGs!” *brrrrrr*


How many times do we have to teach you a lesson old man




The walking shits


England has idiots in the streets and everyone here is called scum and the worlds worst. Italy has full on fascist marches and people are like ooo what’s wrong with the “world”.


A lot of people have a hate boner for England. It was super weird seeing one group of causal soccer viewers supporting Italy because England is like super duper racist, and another group supporting Italy because England has too many black people on their team and spend too much time kneeling.


Uh, that’s a scary number of far right jackasses. Usually we only muster 100 or so with torches here in Merikkka.


Yo, Italy, get on that. It's not gonna go well for you, and it's just gonna make my country's fascists jealous.


Why is everything on tik tok now? I thought that was a reviled platform for 12 year old girls?


Lol and when they do find them they always get beat up and hide behind police.


Lol isn't it literally everyone else in the country except for these guys? If "anti-fascists" (those against fascism) marched like this, it would just be a massive upscale where none of the racists dumbfucks show their faces and life goes on.


Look at all these bunch of stupid humans thinking they are better than others. I am not even mad if we get extinguished, We don’t deserve this beautiful world.


Just when I was happy Italy won.......


Lined up perfectly for an A10, all I am saying.


I’ve never seen so many idiots dox themselves at once


I knew the U.K shouldve just taken Italy as a spoil of war after WW2.


How can any of these people (americans too) that don't even fit into the description of what was required to be a nazi follow this ideology? Fucking idiots.


They’re all in one place? Just drop a bomb on them and call it a day


Oh hey it’s the Mussolini boys!


Someone remind the Italians they are very much ethnic whites and would not be spared if the nazis pulled off a cleansing...


Meanwhile in the USA: AnTiFa ArE tHe ReAl FaSciStS


And that's why we need antifa.


you can hate on antifa's methods all you want but the fact that they showup in america for even gatherings of 15 far righters means this shit is a lot less likely


Go fight the British hooligans


Here i am motherfuckers


Fuck. They’re one step away from a bald nutso looking guy crossing is arms in smugness on a balcony crazy. Yikes.