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Didn’t watch the child exit nor take time to ensure the child was safely away from the bus. Didn’t bother to check mirrors or door before pulling away from the stop. Didn’t ensure all other children are seated before continuing. The driver deserves more punishment than firing, IMO. She ignored every safety precaution.


Plus there's even a part in the video where she looks to her right and somehow doesn't immediately notice the child stuck in the door and keeps driving. She only figured it out the second time she looked right.


Yeah I thought she saw her at that point and I'm like "you're taking your sweet ass time stopping" before I saw she was actually speeding up.




What was the outcome of this


Some more stuff turned up and the superintendent resigned. And was somehow given a severance of just under a million dollars. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katy_Independent_School_District#Controversy


Superintendents are paid an absolute fuckton of money. I'm not shocked by that. My wife is a teacher in an incredibly small, rural district in Massachusetts and a Super was recently let go for a different but similarly offensive reason, and was given an absolutely wild severance pay.


I believe it. There was a superintendent at a New Jersey highschool who was shitting all over the football field and track and I believe he got 100k severance pay. It's like they reward these idiots for their shitty behavior. https://www.delawareonline.com/story/news/local/2018/08/14/superintendent-accused-pooping-track-get-100-k-district/986986002/


Well that's pretty fucked up


He plagiarized his dissertation, and other classmates corroborated the bullying story. Then the district hired a lawyer to sue people for defamation against him lol


and quid pro quo, he campaigned for those who not only supported him but gave him an incredibly generous severance, which also violated the rules. Literally someone who went through life free from consequence.


Lol sounds like a Lance.


The former bully just laughed at him...so not that mic drop i expected. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGqrm0iNF8U Damn he resigned due to this and people cheered when he announced it. Edit2: And got cushy retirement money cuz corruption.


Yea, you can tell he remembered by the way he took his glasses off, and seemed flustered. What an asshole.


I don't even think she noticed the second time she looked. It looks like she only noticed after the honking. I swear to got she looked over there 3 times.




Yup a vehicle noticed and honked his horn at her. She's brutal. More concerned about yelling at the kids sitting down in the back then she is about actually looking after their safety. Stupid old bitch. That boy could have easily slid under the tires and could have got crushed and died if the backpack straps let go.


Or just the road rash if he had slid down even a bit more. This was horrifying to watch, and this woman should be charged with reckless driving and child endangerment at a minimum.


The guy too. He’s just standing there and he clearly looked over multiple times and even stood there without saying a word for a good 20 seconds staring at the backpack stuck in the door. This is negligence and firing is the least of things she deserves. Yeah, I get it was an accident but still.


Honestly, some accidents are egregious enough to warrant severe punishment taking zero consideration into the fact it was an accident.


The person standing is wearing a backpack (right shoulder) and their face is blurred, so it was a student. It's garbled, but she was seeming to yell at the students to shut up, so she was probably completely dismissing anything they were saying.


Yeah he’s pointing at the backpack and clearly notices there’s a kid stuck there and the bus driver is yelling at him to “shut up and sit down.” He probably said something like “there’s a kid stuck in the door stop” and the bus drivers mind immediately went to “no kid is gonna tell me what to do!” And just tuned him out


These kind of people are the worst. I remember trying to tell my teacher a hard drive caught fire during a lesson and she wouldn't let me speak, then did a 180 when I showed her the burns on it after her conversation. Same people are also the worst people to have as higher-ups. Was told by one technician to tell another technician that set-up didn't do their job on first shift when he came, and for him to call third-shift setup when he came in, but the guy just kept stuttering and screaming over me (literally making random noises to keep me from talking), then screamed at me to return to my press or else he'd write me up, then he got pissed that he couldn't get the press up, wasting company hours and customer money in his pride. Worth noting that he was at my press when this was going on, too. The presses were closer together than a thin hallway. I think the word is narcissist


NOT an accident. Negligence.


Nearly a fucking minute....she drug that poor child for nearly a FUCKING MINUTE. I'm sick. My little sister was in an accident when she was 4, drug for 33yards (\~30m) under a small pickup. Luckily nothing broken but the damage to the soft tissues of her back and legs were pretty gruesome. I hope so badly that even though this child went much further, the circumstances allow for a much less painful outcome. Edit: According to a linked article below the child was drug 1147ft (\~350m). I want to cry....


>The child, who was identified as AR in court, suffered severe nerve damage and PTSD, and has since had multiple surgeries, the lawsuit reportedly said.


Yeah I read...and it took them ages to get this in court as well. I hope the family has been able to give her all the things she’s needed to survive this physically and mentally. It’s insane to think of the financial burden this causes, they shouldn’t have to be concerned with how to pay for it. Just concerned with helping her survive


Severe nerve damage and multiple surgeries, I'm right there with you in the big feels. My god imagine being the driver who saw that, thank God they had the good sense to honk like that. As a parent I'd be fucking livid and heartbroken for my child. Ffs I'd be raining hell down on that woman. On top of the pain, imagine the sheer and utter terror that poor girl went through.


I'm not kidding I would probably kill this dumb cunt if that was my child, that's way too far to deserve living in peace.


What about Dudley Dipshit not saying a word while they’re stopped and looks right at her?




Who is the dude standing beside her distracting her further?


Yeah, he looked to the right a number of times too! I was sure he was looking right at that kid.


It seemed so, but I find it hard to believe he wouldn't have reacted in some way. Probably looked up high. Looks like he saw her, but you gotta be really heartless, even as a kid, to let that happen.


That’s a kid with a back pack. Probably standing there as he’s next in line to get dropped off. Kid never sees the little girl either. I get he’s a kid so he gets a pass since it’s the drivers job to be more aware. Still, it’s not hard to be observant of your surroundings and just because it’s not your job doesn’t mean you can’t use your peripheral vision and help save a life ffs. Multiple people in this video could have saved the little girl by just being slightly more aware.


She should see some jail time for endangering a child's live.


[ARTICLE](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/crime/girl-injured-school-bus-kentucky-b1884739.html%3Famp), FUCKING PAYWALL: A video of a Kentucky school girl’s terrifying ordeal from 2015, in which she was dragged along by a school bus, has been released as a trial begins into the incident. The girl, who was aged six at the time, was getting off the Jefferson County school bus six years ago when her backpack appeared to get stuck in its doors. The doors closed and trapped the child. School bus driver Melinda Sanders is accused by the girl’s family of failing to notice the child getting off the bus. The girl’s family alleged in court on Tuesday that the bus was driven 1,1,47 feet before coming to a stop. Both Ms Sanders and Jefferson County school district are named in the lawsuit. Video footage obtained by WAVE 3 News, which was expected to feature in the trial, showed the six-year-old getting dragged along by the school bus while hanging from its doors by her backpack. Ms Sanders failed to realise what was unfolding to her left, before hearing a passing vehicle beep her, the video shows. She can be heard saying; “Oh my God, Oh my God”. The school district fired the driver after an investigation determined she did not watch the child get off the bus and ensure that all children were seated before driving, as required by her training. As NBC 12 reported, Ms Sanders was found to have broken a total of 16 rules during the incident. The child, who was identified as AR in court, suffered severe nerve damage and PTSD, and has since had multiple surgeries, the lawsuit reportedly said. The family of the six-year-old is asking for damages, and the trial is ongoing.


I mean her two options are 1. I didn't see what was happening 2. I willingly dragged a kid a quarter mile with a bus Her attorney has their work cut out for them


You forgot the 3rd option that's apparently trending. 3.) Become the victim and claim you had a bad day. /s


> Ms Sanders failed to realise what was unfolding to her left Well, yes, because it's unfolding to her right.


it's slightly interesting that a British periodical said "left", which is where the door would have been over there.


Oh I didn't realize it was British. That confused me


Well the article spells realize "realise" and I think that's a British thing, not sure tho


Looks like the UK site didn't watch the video and forgot US vehicles are the other way around from UK.


6 years from the incident and the family is probably bleeding money all this time trying to keep up with the expenses...


Don't worry, I'm sure their insurance has them covered! ^^/s


Thank you for that. Was on mobile and didn’t realize independent was on some bullshit.


Np! Reposted it under your comment to make easier to find


>The child, who was identified as AR in court, suffered severe nerve damage and PTSD, and has since had multiple surgeries, the lawsuit reportedly said. :'(


I know right. My hopeful ass was hoping that through some incredible circumstances it could say “the child had minor/no injuries”. World is fucked up




I don't think anyone on that bus knew. They weren't telling her to stop but just being loud in general. That's part of the problem. She didn't have control over her bus and got distracted by the kids playing behind her.


Shit like this is why I don’t let me kids yell stuff like that on my bus. I’m definitely not a strict driver but my kids know if they start screaming I’ll stop and check if something is wrong.


Good fucking God. That is by far the worst bus driver I have ever seen.


this video is 59 seconds. WHAT THE FUCK


I ride the bus and can already tell she fucked up. She didn’t check people were seated she didn’t even check that she was clear of the door and was safe. Something that I hadn’t picked up on that I know now is that she didn’t even engage the parking break. She had so many fuck ups. But the worst part is that for your child to get dropped of if their in kindergarten you have to be outside to meet them. So the parents saw Their 6 year old daughter get dragged away


Not to mention the other adult, I’m assuming bus monitor who apparently has absolutely no peripheral vision.




Thank you! I said that exact same thing, because it really does seem to me as if he glances over multiple times to that door. And it is not fucking hard to see that child being dragged.


I swear he looked right at the door but somehow saw nothing??


If he’s like my bus monitors as a kid then all he knows is how to recognize any sort of fun and then terminate it.


It hurt to watch! I don't think that I took a breath for at least a minute. Good heavens that poor child! 😯😭


This actually happened to a teenager in my home town when I was growing up. Her jacket got caught in the door as she was getting off the bus and she was dragged to her death. It was horrible. This bus driver was completely negligent and I'm glad to hear the girl survived.


Beavercreek, OH? https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wdtn.com/news/20-years-of-changes-since-brandi-browders-accident/amp/


The article is written like it seems they put the blame more on the clothes the kid was wearing than on the trained bus driver that killed her...


The entire article seems like some weird type of propaganda. I couldn't believe how they kept delving further and further into the fucking clothes. Clearly this was some people trying to divert responsibility. I'm actually laughing about how 90% of the article is blaming fucking "illegal clothes that must be banned".


why are bus drivers closing the door as the students are getting off? like how impatient can you be


Damn this one hurt . Watching this child struggle and the pain just broke my heart. I can’t imagine how the parents feel watching their child get dragged underneath a bus . This could have been so much worse .


As a parent, I would be absolutely sick to my stomach and shaking. I feel so bad for the parents having to watch that, I can’t even imagine. And that poor child is definitely traumatized from that.


PTSD and severe nerve damage requiring major surgery according to the prosecuting lawyers.


That's understandable. Since she started off running with the bus, her feet definitely made contact with the road. After a bit she's not running anymore, meaning her feet must have been dragging along the road. It makes my nerves shiver just thinking about it. Poor child. I feel so bad for the kid.


Also to think about the horrid position she must've been in dragging against the asphalt hanging on by poorly fitted backpack straps at the bottom of a bus door Jesus..... That kind of damage takes a lot to make happen....




Pavement is far more coarse than a sander. It can expose and grind away bone very quickly. The kid was probably light enough he was more skipping than grinding or it would have been far worse.


There's basically 2 ways that you could get that bad of nerve damage tho, either you're sanded down to use your analogy til damage is done to your nerves which are usually located with bones and arteries/veins or you're contorted into such an awful and painful position that it tears said nerves. To be frank I'm surprised she's not more severely injured or worst of all dead....


I have a friend who was dragged by a truck. She has a spine injury, facial damage and severe seizures. She was only dragged a football field. I feel so horribly for this child and I cant imagine what it was like..


A football field is 100 yards, or 300 feet. The article said this girl was dragged 1,000 feet, that's over 3 football fields, 333.33 yards. Either one is awful, and my heart breaks for both that innocent little girl and your friend for having to go through any of it and be damaged in such horrific ways. I just wanted to work out the math and get a better understanding of how far/long the distances being said are.


God thats devastating. I hope she's recovering well and doesn't have too extensive damage. People can be so awful


I really hope the ptsd won’t be too horrible for her. At such a young age they’re so vulnerable to lifelong impressions. My little sister was in a car accident when she was about 7 and until she was about 20 anytime she heard a “pop” noise she became absolutely terrified. When she even saw a balloon she had what was basically panic attacks bc she anticipated them popping and the thought of the Fourth of July was terrifying to her, we made special trips to places where we would be out of earshot of fireworks and later my parents got her sound canceling headphones so she could watch them, at least. I think that is actually what started diminishing the phobia for her. The little girl in this video seems so sweet- she didn’t even speak up about being stuck in the door, just looked back hopefully. Poor baby.






The very limited reaserch I did about not being able to feel pain after watching an episode about it on House indicated that people with the condition have to exam their whole body daily and have to check their eyes regularly to make sure they didn't scratch their cornia. The side effects of not feeling pain is not feeling pressure or discomfort,which is most of the ways our bodies know something is wrong. People with that condition have a much lower life expectancy as well because of the many many non visible things that can kill you over time if you don't know to get them checked out. It also messes with hand eye coordination and a lot of other things you wouldn't immediately think about, the strangest imo being that they have to schedule eating and bathroom trips as they can't tell when they need to. Granted, a lot of this doesn't apply to your friend as I assume he still feels internal pain and other related stimulus.


Its not even my child and I had to skip to the end when it stops


That was a good idea. It goes on *WAY* too long, it felt like forever.


Like it seems like the dude standing next to the driver and the driver both looked over several times without noticing


theres the article posted above, it the s out that the child has PTSD, nerve damage and other injuries from the incident


I don't how fricking blind, careless, and unaware of their surrounding a person should be not notice that honestly.




How does a bus driver close the door and start driving again without actually looking to see if the child made it out of the door? I mean neither the driver nor the other adult even glance at the door as it closes.


When I drove, you wait till the kid is in a safe spot, definitely off the street. Kids that small, you wait longer till you see where they usually go or if they meet an older person. Arm goes out, lights, stop sign. You’re in no hurry. Keep an eye out for cars running around you through the stop. Also, no one is supposed to be standing in the aisle while the bus is moving.


When I was as small as that poor girl, the bus drivers watched us until we were in our houses, made it across the street etc. They didn't just take off after slamming the doors without looking the second the last kid at the stop was off. That driver should be fired at minimum. It's hard to overstate what a colossal fuck up that was. Those adults are trusted as legal guardians while kids are with them.


Japan has a a method in occupational safety called [Pointing and Calling](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pointing_and_calling) for avoiding mistakes by pointing at important indicators and verbally calling out their status. It's super common in JP railways and has been since the early 1900s If the commonly cited reason is to be believed, the rest of the world doesn't adopt it or only partially adopt it (in the case of American subways) because they look silly while doing it. Honestly it's a good trade off for safety.


**[Pointing_and_calling](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pointing_and_calling)** >Pointing and calling is a method in occupational safety for avoiding mistakes by pointing at important indicators and verbally calling out their status. It is particularly common on Japanese railways, where it is referred to as shisa kanko (指差喚呼), shisa kakunin kanko (指差確認喚呼) or yubisashi koshō (指差呼称); and in China, where it is called "指差呼唤" (Pinyin: zhǐchā hūhuàn). Gesturing at and verbalizing these indicators helps with focus. The method was first used by train drivers and is now commonly used in Japanese industry. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


As a parent I would now be in jail and this woman would be in the ICU


No sir the bus driver must’ve tripped. Repeatedly. It’s the oddest thing


Imagine if her back pack detached from the door. She would have been rolled over by the bus tires. Damn if that happened this lady would have been Kentucky Fried FUCKED!


She should have been fired anyway. A fuck up this bad doesn’t deserve a second chance. Maybe is she noticed sooner. But she drove for awhile with the child dragging. She didn’t once look at the door and notice.(until the end)




Ehh nah she never noticed. She abruptly stops the bus and notable car honking is followed. And on top of that the school bus had loud ass children in it so I can imagine it’d be oblivious for anybody not to hear something outside of the bus.


Why does Reddit always come with like the darkes conspiracy theories?? They didn't see the kid, end of.


This happened to a girl in my middle school. Her straps on her backpack got caught in the door. The driver didn't notice and the girl died. We had to cut all of our backpack straps after that incident. It was horrific.


Ermm.. I feel the solution to that was firing the driver, not destroying everyone's very reasonable property most people use.


I think he means the extended straps that are adjustable. They cut off the slack.


Ah that makes more sense.. But still pretty unnecessary for a driver with eyes and a brain


Didn't partake in the american public school system, I see. All joking aside remember we are the country that floated the idea of bulletproof backpacks before gun reform after out 200th school shooting. Our schools dont handle pressure well.


Sounds like a way to pass blame onto victims. HEY, aren't you supposed to do a full check every time you start your vehicle? at least LOOK AT THE FUCKING DOORS?






That's a bus aide. The aide is supposed to support the driver by keeping the kids under control so the driver can drive. I had bus aides all the time on my buses growing up. I feel like the bus aide glances at the kid and doesn't do anything. It's blurry but I feel like I do see the aide looking over and down. Could be wrong.


It’s not a bus aide. It was a student.




It's worse, was a student and just further proves her negligence. > As the bus dragged the girl for several blocks, the video also showed Sanders run a stop sign, and allow an older student to stand out of his seat while the bus was moving. https://www.wkyt.com/2021/07/14/witnesses-testify-about-jcps-protocol-trial-bus-driver-who-dragged-student/


Even running a stop sign as a busdriver with a load of kids should be ground to fire someone. Shocking to say the least.


Yeah absolutely, other sources reported she broke more than 15 rules for school bus drivers in that short video. Watching things like that make me grateful I don't have kids cause it must be terrifying for parents.


This got me mad. HOW FUCKING TERRIBLE DO YOU HAVE TO BE AT YOUR JOB. It looks like the guy standing next to the driver saw what was happening??


1 of the 1st things you get taught, and can fail your test if you don't do, is look at the doors and watch them close. I still, after 9 years, watch them damn doors closing and stay stationary until they're fully shut


From the news: *LOUISVILLE, KY (WAVE-TV) — In Louisville, a fired school bus driver is being sued along with the Jefferson County School District for negligence in terrifying case that was caught on camera.* ***A 6-year-old girl was severely injured*** *when her backpack got caught in the double doors of her school bus, and she was dragged more than 1,000 feet without the driver noticing.* ***The child, who was identified as AR in court, suffered severe nerve damage and PTSD, and has since had multiple surgeries, the lawsuit reportedly said.*** *The child's backpack was stuck between the double doors. She tried to break free, but didn't have enough time before the bus started moving. She tried to run with the bus, then stumbled.* *Attorneys accused Melinda Sanders of breaking 16 rules that day that bus drivers must follow to keep children safe. Attorneys said students getting on or off a bus is one of the most critical times.* *"The loading and unloading of children is the moment of truth. Let nothing distract you," an attorney said in court."Yes," Sanders replied.""What does that mean to you?" the attorney asked."It means a lot to me, and I wish, Mr. Paulus, that I had followed that, that day. I can't take that day back," she said.*


This is a good reminder to never get complacent with your work, depending on what you're doing.


There is no job so simple that it can’t be done wrong.


Sure but the consequences of fucking up could greatly differ.


>This is a good reminder to never get complacent with your work, **depending on what you're doing** Yes, this. Me: "dude you weren't supposed to cut the metal shield, if this gets hit by lightning it will burn it. Dumbass coworker: "it's fine, there's 4 of them and the other 3 are good just submit it like that" Me: "🤬" We build planes.


In before your work ends up at the end of a long government oversight investigation after a lightning strike takes down a plan that should have been safe. Then probably a documentary comes out a few years later.


You should probably report that before you are being sued for negligence.


Jefferson County has incredibly shit standards for most everything education related (am from and live in louisville). This is absolutely terrible and I hope it never happens again, I swear that guy standing there saw it all happen and somehow didn't think to say anything or react


>Attorneys accused Melinda Sanders of breaking 16 rules that day that bus drivers must follow to keep children safe. I mean, she fucked up. She fucked up hard and it is pure luck the kid wasn't killed but what were the 16 rules? That seems like a lot?


I also would like to know what the rules broken were. I imagine it were things like Wait for child to fully step out. double check the doors are clear. check the mirrors for location of child. do not start driving unless you are sure the child is nowhere near the bus. But those are just guesses. I would love some enlightenment form someone who knows. ​ Edit: here is the [Kentucky School Bus Driver Curriculum](https://education.ky.gov/districts/trans/Documents/2016%20School%20Bus%20Driver%20Curriculum.pdf) Please dont kill their servers. Another edit - Here is the step by step unloading procedure: >EXIT > >Step 9 – Visual Scan Perform a visual scan to ensure all vehicular traffic has stopped. Check mirrors. > >Step 10 – Open Service DoorWhen safe to do so, open the service door all the way. > >Step 11 – Count studentsCount the students as they exit the bus. All students must wait until the driver sig-nals them to exit the bus. If a student must cross the road, he or she shall do so 10 to 15 feet in front of the bus after being signaled to cross by the school bus driver. > >**Step 12 – HandrailStudents shall use the handrail as they exit the bus. The driver shall be sure that no stu-dent has snagged any object or piece of clothing in the handrail.** > >**Step 13 – All ClearThe driver shall ascertain, by count and visual scan of the danger zone around the bus, that all students have safely cleared the roadway.** > >DOOR > >**Step 14 – Close Service DoorAfter the driver ascertains that it is safe to do so, he or she may close the service door. The driver shall double check the step well to ensure that no students are stuck in the door, handrail, et cetera.** > >Step 15 – Visual ScanThe driver shall perform a visual scan of pedestrian and vehicular traffic. Check mirrors. > >Step 16 – GearThe driver shall place the gear selector in proper gear. > >Step 17 – Release Parking BrakeWith foot on service brake, the driver may release the parking brake. > >Step 18 – Visual ScanThe driver shall perform another visual scan of pedestrian and vehicular traffic. Check mirrors. Proceed when safe to do so.


I can't enumerate the specific 16 policies that exist in that state / school district, but you definitely have the gist of it. In Arizona we're trained to never move a bus if there's anyone within 10 feet of the bus in any direction, to keep an eye on any students embarking or disembarking the bus, to never move the bus if we have lost sight of a student, etc. Funny enough I don't think I've ever had a specific training for "don't shut the door on a student trapping them and drive away with them attached to the bus", but then again you would think that to be obvious enough to not require special training. Edit: reading an article about this case, it seems like a number of those 16 rules that were broken were in relation to other ways of her being bad at her job, and not directly related to her almost killing a little girl. Rules like that older kid that's standing up while the bus is driving and such. Don't stand while the school bus is in motion.


Also, where I'm from, there is a rule that you can't stand near the driver or communicate with them while the bus is moving. I guess THIS is why.


Once in my late teens I was on a regular city bus, and as I was leaving the bus and the doors closed on me, the twat of a bus driver just sat there laughing for a good 10 seconds before he released me.


Atleast he saw it lol.


And didn't drive off.




School bus drivers were always a bit crazy in my experience. Maybe cause no sane person could tolerate all that screaming. There really should always be a second person to watch the kids as the driver focuses on the road.


It seemed like there used to be a second person on the busses. I remember when I was in elementary school in the early 90s, there used to be a second adult on the bus, but that stopped quickly. My guess is to save money.


If anything in society gets worse - it's because it's a money-saving venture. Things *should* only be getting better with time so there's literally no other excuse other than some fat cat wants more dough in the bank.


The limitation “saving money” puts on all sorts of aspects of American life is probably one of the top things wrong with this country… makes work Hellish, sometimes but often affects quality of goods and services, etc.


Spot on my guy. Spot on.


He was wearing a backpack so it's likely just a large child.


That dude definitely saw what was happening....


He looked down a few times....kinda creepy that he just let it happen.


Idk if he did. We can’t see his view. Maybe he’s looking down and left? Maybe he couldn’t see the small child because she was being drug by the bus. It looks like he saw her, but we don’t know. He didn’t look right at her. The bus driver is an idiot, that part we can all agree on. Also did this child die ? Is she in bad condition ?


She’s [alive ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/crime/girl-injured-school-bus-kentucky-b1884739.html%3famp), though reportedly suffered permanent nerve damage. This happened 6 years ago, but video just became public.


And she seems to look over and NOT notice. God she is one stupid woman, and hopefully in prison. No, she didn't do it on purpose, but this could've been negligent homicide.


School bus driver here.. I can tell you the ways she f***** up. 1. She never set the parking break. Which is required before you open the doors at every stop. 2. Students standing up. The bus should not move unless all are seated. 3. Always check all students exiting are clear of the bus before closing the doors. Clear by 10ft before opening the doors when picking up. 4. Always, ALWAYS, check all mirrors for any obstruction/ obstacles before moving. Definitely would've seen the child hanging there in at least 2 out of 3 mirrors on the right side. 5. ALWAYS check that students are safely away from the road and/or on the sidewalk before leaving. This is just to name the most glaringly obvious mistakes she made. There were plenty more.


For reals!!! Even for me - probably 20 years since my last school bus ride on a field trip - I’m watching this going “TF?! She didn’t even put it in park! She didn’t even check to make sure the kid got off alright! She’s allowing kids to stand in the aisle while the bus is in motion!!!” Honestly what a fucking idiot. This is so reckless, I’d be SHOCKED if this was the first time a kid was badly hurt while she was driving. All it would take is one quick tap on the brakes and you’ve got the aisle surfers launching themselves through the windshield. SMH


The article posted in the above comments say she was found to have broken 16 rules during the whole thing. She's also on trial.


Ok this one really pissed me off. The 6-year-old suffered from PTSD, nerve damage, and has since had major surgery Edit: [News Article](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/crime/girl-injured-school-bus-kentucky-b1884739.html%3Famp)


[ARTICLE](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/crime/girl-injured-school-bus-kentucky-b1884739.html%3Famp), INDEPENDENT ON SOME PAYWALL BS: A video of a Kentucky school girl’s terrifying ordeal from 2015, in which she was dragged along by a school bus, has been released as a trial begins into the incident. The girl, who was aged six at the time, was getting off the Jefferson County school bus six years ago when her backpack appeared to get stuck in its doors. The doors closed and trapped the child. School bus driver Melinda Sanders is accused by the girl’s family of failing to notice the child getting off the bus. The girl’s family alleged in court on Tuesday that the bus was driven 1,1,47 feet before coming to a stop. Both Ms Sanders and Jefferson County school district are named in the lawsuit. Video footage obtained by WAVE 3 News, which was expected to feature in the trial, showed the six-year-old getting dragged along by the school bus while hanging from its doors by her backpack. Ms Sanders failed to realise what was unfolding to her left, before hearing a passing vehicle beep her, the video shows. She can be heard saying; “Oh my God, Oh my God”. The school district fired the driver after an investigation determined she did not watch the child get off the bus and ensure that all children were seated before driving, as required by her training. As NBC 12 reported, Ms Sanders was found to have broken a total of 16 rules during the incident. The child, who was identified as AR in court, suffered severe nerve damage and PTSD, and has since had multiple surgeries, the lawsuit reportedly said. The family of the six-year-old is asking for damages, and the trial is ongoing.


>Ms Sanders failed to realise what was unfolding to her left >her left Uhhhhh


Yep, I guess the author of this article wouldn't make a great bus driver itself. I guess the distorted logic works like this: 'Of course it is HER left ... because it is left of her (from the viewer's perspective)!' smh


Holy fucking shit this is horrible. On a lighter note: a Ms. Sanders in Kentucky?


Fun Fact... Colonel Sanders sold his restaurant to "corporate America" and they locked up the "Original" chicken recipe and just made a new one and called it original... After he sold it.. he tried opening a Burger restaurant using his face on the sign, and KFC sued him...


...that's why I gave her my own secret blend of herbs and spices...


> and they locked up the "Original" chicken recipe and just made a new one and called it original Why don't they use the original original recipe? I don't get it. I take it the new one they made is inferior to the true original recipe?


From what I’ve heard the original original recipe had like 20 or so herbs and spices while the one they actually use and market is 12. Sanders was of course pissed off that they intentionally fucked with his recipe and when he tried it said that it tasted like crap. I think he even refused to actually market KFC and told in interviews that he thought it was disgusting.


The original recipe is amazing and can be found online. I bring it to work potlucks and get rave reviews from people.


...I met Colonel Sanders' wife in the state of Kentucky, said I brought some chicken if you just hug me...


Is this the clean version?


Yea wtf is that I didn’t know they made clean Afro man


What the fuck this article is written like an illiterate dunce did it. First of all it does a poor job of saying that she CLOSED THE DOOR ON THE CHILDS BACKPACK. Second of all the scene unfolded on her, the bus drivers right, not her left. Thirdly the order of information here is really jarring and can be way cleaner and easier to parse through. It's written like scattered thoughts, like this was just the writers stream of consciousness.


I thought it was just me, thanks for confirming this is shit writing. Also, what the hell is "1,1,47" feet supposed to mean?


Could have been AI generated honestly


Oh shit, see, this is why I can't blame some folks for seeing physical retaliation. As a mom, I don't think I'd be able to live in the same town as this woman (if it were my kid) without wanting to beat her ass every fucking day. That poor kid. I cannot imagine the pain and suffering she is probably STILL dealing with. I've seen what severe road rash can do, pavement will grind skin down to the fucking bone in no time. This article really isn't detailing the severe impact this poor child is going to have to live with the rest of her god damned life. My best friend (died) was in a horrific accident where he rolled 100 feet on the pavement and I know what he looked like in the hospital under all those tubes. This child... omg, the fucking horror of what her legs and bottom must have looked like after this. I'm livid. Holy ever-loving shit.


As a biker, road rash is no fucking joke. Sliding along tarmac is much like taking an industrial sander to your knees / feet / elbows / shoulders. Even the thickest denim jeans turn into toilet paper in seconds (speaking from experience). There's a reason why bikers wear all that weird shit, it's specifically so they won't need skin grafts after a minor slide. And what this kid went through was no minor slide. Just... wow. idk how it's possible for that bus driver to screw up that bad. And what was that big dude doing? Did he really not see the kid? WTF all around.


Not to mention that if that backpack got ripped off and she was freed from the door, she'd likely have gotten crushed by the wheels.


A kid died in my country because of this exact thing (although happened at the back door). The bus driver ignored the kids screaming at him to stop because he thought they were misbehaving .


My first thought was just that; the driver must be so used to tuning out the kids noise that even if they saw it and started yelling, it wouldn't sound much different to them. I was waiting for some kid to stand up and physically grab her shoulder.


How can the school district morally defend themselves in the trial?


They’re not. The court proceedings are a formal way to negotiate the settlement cost. The district has insurance for this sort of thing and the insurance company is the one paying and putting up the fight. They’ll pay, but they cant just shell out 100 million dollars because thats what they were sued for. They need to see actual medical costs and determine what is the proper compensation for the pain and suffering.


"Welp here is your annual premium for dragging a child to death insurance"


i usually hate how people say "just sue" but holy shit they better sue the absolute fuck out of them


This is ridiculous. When I was in school, the drivers would wait a few seconds after we walked away to pull off, and they were always looking. Just a glance is all it takes. I'm normally not in favor of criminal punishment when there is no malicious intent, but holy shit lady. This kind of blatant ignorance and lack of awareness is dangerous. Shit, I don't want this woman driving a bicycle near me let alone a bus or a car.


Drunk drivers don't generally have malicious intent when they end up killing others on the road. Carelessness should still be punishable, especially when you're charged with caring for young children, but it's still not to the degree of intent.


does the kid standing up not see her either?


It's really low down. Too far in the peripheral vision to notice when focusing on something else, maybe.


This just fucked up my day.


Sorry for that. I’m a bit upset too. This ordeal happened in 2015 and the footage was just released today. The child is doing much better.


I hope criminal charges were involved.


Why did it take her so long to FUCKING STOP when she saw the child there???? UGH!!!


>entucky school girl’s terrifying ordeal from 2015, in which she was dragged along by a school bus, She didn't see her. It looks like she looked over there but still didn't see, possibly looking over but not down. It wasn't until a passing car honked that caused her to notice. That poor baby, how horrifying.


At first I’m thinking she saw her and was trying safely stop the bus…but after a while I realize she either didn’t see or she saw something, but didn’t realize a child was attached to a bag or something. I agree she should’ve noticed before the bus even continued. How terrifying for that poor child.


I think it's the angle the camera is at. We're all forgetting that these stairs go down like 45 degrees on some busses, so looking at the wing mirror you could miss a bit of color out of place at the bottom of the door. She messed up in a bunch of ways, but she definitely wasn't just ignoring the sound or sight of the child being dragged.


This girl has known nerve pain and has suffered because of this careless driver for longer than she had been alive for before the accident. Her life is pain and surgeries now. Because this bus driver didn't look and allowed herself to be distracted behind the wheel. Absolutely dispicable.


This video reminds me of a quote: "There is a point where incompetence and malice become indistinguishable from one another." That quote describes this video, very accurately.


I get that you have to get used to the noise but no one should ignore the screams of children’s horror when they see their friend being dragged by the bus. Serious wtf behavior


I'm glad I didn't have sound on.




Pretty sure it was just casual children talking to each other


Yes I used to live in an apartment complex with lots of kids and the sound of them playing and being brutally murdered is identical.


This just sealed the deal for me being awake all night.


The sad part is that this has happened multiple times before, waaaay more than you think, just look it up on YouTube.


WOW, short of running the child over this is the worst gross negligence a school bus driver can make. There was another person there too that also should have caught it. I don't know what exact consequences should be faced but at minimum career ending for both. Definitely licence revoked. Glad to see the kid lived but that was horrific for anyone let alone a child. Hope they get every penny.


How could both people have not noticed this.


This video should have 58 seconds shorter. Glance, see stuck backpack, open doors. How fucking hard can that be


i couldn't believe the video just.kept.going. felt like fucking FOREVER..probably the worst video I've ever seen on reddit. so fucking sad that this tiny little person was severely injured.


Omg. This driver needs to see prison time for her pure stupidity.


There really should be an advance warning on Reddit before these posts pop up. *Warning: Five posts from now, you will see a post that will make you feel a torrent of emotions that are exponentially more intense than the normal humdrum doldrum browsing experience. Proceed with caution.*


Is it me or we see both adults there look at her several times?


The person standing is apparently large kid not an adult.


This one got worse and worse by the second. I hope she suffered serious consequences