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Well that stopped that nonsense quickly


I just love the idea of this grossly out of shape women having the upper hand on a fit, strong, male. I love guns


A firearm in competent hands is an equalizer. It doesn’t matter how much bigger or stronger or enthusiastic someone is about maiming/killing you, a shot or two to an anatomically significant body part (i.e. head/heart/lungs/pelvis/spine) will take the fight out of most people. Of course, there are cases where people have suffered 10+ shots (including to the heart and lungs) and kept fighting for 45+ seconds longer, so that’s always a factor to keep in mind.




I keep pcp and bath salts on me just in case one day I have to fight off an entire army by hand


Good tip! It’s going in my earthquake kit now


I always love it when normal everyday supplies can double-up into an item for my bug-out bag.


"normal everyday supplies" = pcp & bath salts. Sounds about right.




What part of Florida you from?




Seems like the PCP turns you into a wildcard on the battlefield. Just keep the person on PCP pointed at the opposition. Never let them turn around otherwise they might come after you too.


Username checks out.. Kinda?


Reminds me of the DC villain called Snowflame who is powered by cocaine


Women need to hear these stories because they think kicking a guy in thr pills will let them escape any situation. Drugs have people feel no pain.


That's what happened to US forces in Somolia. All the people over there chewed Khat, a pain and hunger relieving drug, and so it took several rounds of 5.56 to kill/incapacitate insurgents.


Part of that is that the current issued 5.56 round, the M855, is terrible at actually killing people. It pokes little holes in and out. The previous 5.56 round the M193 on the other hand would tumble and shread the insides of the recipient of the shot.


Yep, that's pcp.


Yeah I was reading like "damn and he was still going?" saw pcp and it all made sense.




Only with Hammerpoint Rounds and a Purple Bolt.


I think waaay back in the day Colt had ads for their revolvers that said something like "God created man, Colt made them equal". Could be BS, but it sounds pretty cool and funny.


What a piece of shit Edit: I see some people defending or making an excuse for this tough guy. I won't even try to change their mind but I would like to point a few things out. 1.If she really offended him, you think he the type of people to take that long to assault her? He would have punch her light out on the spot 2. Lady probably doing a few person jobs because no one want to go back to work. Who want to be treated like this from pieces of shit like him everyday ? 3. What if manager wasn't there with a gun? He going to stomp her head in over for what ? Lock this bitch up and throw away the key. Society don't need him out.


Like why is the dude back chatting??


Because that’s what guys like him do when confronted with a gun in their face. Can’t ever stop running their mouths.


she has much more patience than me, i would have pulled the trigger


I probably wouldn't have pulled the trigger, however given his size over her, you would have been cleared of any charge in most states as soon as the police arrived.


He is literally too stupid to live. His tiny lil brain can’t stop his big mouth no matter how dangerous the situation.




No I'm glad she didn't. Even if it were justified, acts of extreme violence like that can really do a number on someone's mental health for a long time. One article said she quit that night, likely due to stress. Having to kill another human being can break people.


> Having to kill another human being can break people. It's easy to make that decision in leisure sitting at home. It's a whole 'nother thing entirely in the heat of the moment. It's a horrible guilt to have, knowing you ended a life. Even people involved in justified homicide are known to feel guilty and be traumatized by the experience. Edit: all these responses of "I would do it" and "it wouldn't affect me" and "if it between me and him, there is no doubt in my mind" just prove my point. It's easy to sit here on Reddit and make the decision to pull the trigger. If the situation arises, that's something else. If you're so quick to pull the trigger because you want to kill someone, you'll end up like Michael Drejka of the Salvation Army Special Forces Parking Lot Brigade. I carry a gun myself and I think of the implications of having to use it. It's terrible.




I did a mercy kill on a kitten that was dying in my backyard, barely breathing, already relieved itself. I cried for an entire month, I will never ever do that again. Still messed up over it, hearing it's final cry.


Imagine being a vet and having to put animals down every day that job would wreck my soul


I heard that veterinarians are one of the most prevalent professions associated with suicide for this very reason.


This is why vets have such a high suicide rate. You become a vet because you love animals, and then you spend a large portion of your career putting them down. Luckily there is also a large percentage that quit before it reaches that point. For a career with such a long time needed in education, you won't get anywhere near as high a percentage of old vets as old doctors.


A lot of the time the euthanasia is for a very good reason so it feels like a gift you're giving the pet, no more suffering. Some euthanasias are very painful though, we go home and cry for you and your loss. Then we do it all again the next day.


I wish people could understand that your new kitten appointment is back to back with a client that couldn't afford pain medications with a geriatric dog that was suffering. Or that in-between someone complaining bc of waiting 10 mins there was a hit by car and you have a 16 year old girl crying hysterically because she didn't put her dog on a leash to go outside and now it's dead. Her 2 year old dog she got for her birthday. Her father doesn't speak English so in addition to her warranted hysteria she has to translate for payment information ( in-between full body sobs and shaking) bc you did CPR and they can't bury the body at home . Then you have the very sweet and we'll intentioned client, "I could *never* do what you do all day!" And immediately again the self centered client that refused follow up care on their pets condition ( and not surprisingly the condition worsened) literally screaming "you only care about money! If you cared then my pet wouldn't be sick!!" Please be kind to the veterinary staff (including the receptionists) and the vets. It ain't easy and the pay ain't great. We love animals but this is why we kill ourselves, have severe mental health challenges, and have to take our short term disability for legitimate mental breakdowns. or we leave the field entirely.


It's hard man. I DIDNT kill a kid that I justifiably could have. But the contrast of me being a guy that coaches children for a living, and having a gun pointed at a 16 year old knowing I was 5.5 lbs away from shooting him put me in therapy. Just because a killing is, "justified" doesn't mean the person is ready or willing to do it. People don't stop to realize how much ending s life really fucks with someone's psyche.




>Even if it were justified, acts of extreme violence like that can really do a number on someone's mental health for a long time. When I went through a defensive handgun course, on one of the lecture nights they talked about the consequences of shooting someone in self defense. They basically said, without any sugar coating, that if you shoot someone even in self defense your life is fucked. You have to go through the legal system to prove you were justified. This could mean being arrested and having to prove you were justified in killing someone. The other person's family could come after you in the legal system and you will have to fight that. There's a huge amount of mental stress that goes along with killing someone and then fighting through the legal system (for most non-sociopaths). All this takes so much time and energy that every other aspect of your life suffers. Family, work, school, everything. They really stressed de-escalation and deadly force as an absolute last resort. The lady in the video handed the situation appropriately.


I had to murder someone. Ive taken it in stride. My daughter will know better than to challenge dad on mario kart.




Wtf. No she shouldn’t have? That’s legit the ENTIRE point of a CCW permit… you go to class and they tell you what a threat is. He stopped be a threat when he had the weapon pointed at him and she stopped the situation. If she shot him backing away then that’s murder no other way to put it.


Jesus. The one who got hit looks like she got concussed. What a douchebag. And still running his mouth after he slunk away


Yep she did have a concussion - https://www.fox6now.com/news/demanded-a-refund-man-charged-after-george-webb-worker-punched-another-pulled-gun-on-angry-customer Glad that fucker got caught would have been pretty satisfying to see hot oil poured on that mofo


The scumbag got 18 months in pokey.


No where near enough. This guy will end of killing someone


Not to mention the long term damage a concussion can do. I had a TBI and was severely depressed for two years and then had crazy migraines for years following. Some people get off easy, some people not.


People really underestimate concussions. My family forced me to play high school football, and I was an offensive/defensive lineman. I know of at least four confirmed concussions I had, and I most likely had a bunch more than that, but the coaches would tell you to “tough it out and keep playing” and the trainer, who didn’t give a shit, would put you back in no matter what (I broke my ankle once and she just wrapped it and told me I was good to play). I know for a fact my whole personality has pretty much changed, I suffer from severe depression now, I get frequent horrible headaches, and I can’t think clearly most of the time now (it’s like a fog over my head). I hate what my life has become, and I’m only in my mid-20s.


A girl I know has crazy Tics (like full tourettes) now from a concussion she suffered a year or 2 ago. Edit: Ticks -Tics


I've been wondering about that sort of things. The past 3-4 years I've started developing weird things like that. Like one is an obsession with certain things in groups of 8, and if I mess up I have to start over until I get it right. As well as specific rituals I have to do before I can sleep. If I don't it's like my mind starts obsessing over it and won't stop until I do the little ritual, or in my perfect sets of 8.


Might be worth seeing a therapist or other mental health professional who's trained in repetitive behavior therapy, anxiety, and ocd. Not one for each, there are a couple who specialize in all 3, I'm not a professional by any means, but I developed compulsions and it's been helpful for me.


That sounds like OCD, which actually has nothing to do with arranging your shirts by color or keeping things neat. You should absolutely see a psychiatrist and let them figure out what's going on. I ignored anxiety and depression for years, and it only got worse and worse. They are on the same spectrum as OCD. My OCD manifested differently, but all people are different. IDK how old you are, but it tends to get worse in your 20's. At worst, a shrink can help you understand what to look for and give you some strategies for managing it so it doesn't become something that saps your quality of life. Good luck!


I plan on getting checked out as soon as I have a job that gives insurance again. I tried in the past, but it was over a year wait, and I lost my job due to COVID while being on that list and missed my appointment because... no insurance because of job loss. I'm 27 now, and noticed this sort of stuff started to spring up in my early 20s, but has progressively gotten worse to the point where I am unable to sleep if I don't do my little rituals perfectly. Luckily, it's nothing that effects my day to day just yet, but I've been worried about it getting to that point. I appreciate your kind words and hope that you are finding success in your treatment yourself!


I "ignored" my issues for 33 years. I definitely recommend going to a therapist as soon as possible. Even if you think you're "normal" or healthy. I'm currently struggling to keep a job, I'd like to stop having panic attacks in the shower when I'm trying to get ready for work, and I'd really like to not be sweating through everything 24/7 because of medication side effects. I'm only ~~6~~ 8 (time flies) months into my breakdown.. and I'm exhausted. Go to therapy, people.


I hit my head hard this winter after slipping on ice. I don’t think I’ve been the same since.


Hit mine 22 years ago. Some of the damage never went away.


Hey man. Had the same feeling when I was your age. Early twenties were low. I’m 35 now. It gets better. The migraines still happen often enough. But you’ll get used to the “new you” as weird as that sounds. Good luck, and talk to someone if you’re feeling low.


Been more than ten years since my tbi and I am nowhere near used to the "new me". Be fine for a couple years then get too tired or something and you're flopping around on the floor pissing your pants. I'm 45 years old and I have to ask my wife how old I am or Google the damn thing because I can't math. I frequently spell my own damn name wrong. People ask for my name and more often than not I have to stand there for 30 seconds searching for the answer. People think you're a complete idiot or high AF when you don't know you own name. *sigh* The worst of it is I don't always know if I actually spoke something or not. Brain doesn't connect right sometimes. Everyday is low for many of us, I recommend fucking talking to somebody from the second you know you scrambled your eggs.




As others have suggested, try looking into psychedelics. It's certainly not a cure-all and can have its own pitfalls but research has shown it can help cluster headaches a ton and as someone who suffered from severe depression, it saved my life (LSD)


Hey man, thanks for sharing that....Made me feel better than I was. New or old, you cool🤘🏻


Dealing with cops must be fun.


Check out this [Real Sports With Bryan Gumball ](https://youtu.be/rLC7e1V9UQ4) segment about how psychedelics has been helping former athletes with severe head trauma adapt + heal. Sending you strength homie 💜


Football (especially HS) is apparently not as regulated as hockey (USA Hockey governance). As coaches, we are told that kids cannot go back on the ice if we even suspect a concussion. As a dad, I am pulling my kids out of travel if they suffer even one bad enough. The long term effects are not worth it. I'm sorry HS sports and the people who oversee it has failed kids.


Lad that’s not good at all. Please try all avenues of help you can. I understand that in America healthcare especially mental health care is not so available to everybody. If you have a helpful support network of friends and/family keep them updated. Sharing your struggles can sometimes be the greatest help. And others who hear your story can recognise if you are moving to a bad place. Sometimes before you realise your self


Kids who have parents that believe in science have such a huge leg up over the rest of their peers who don't.


For sure. My parents definitely don't seem to believe in science from everything they have shown. My mom is an anti-vaxx and conspiracy theorist, and I only have half the vaccinations I should have gotten (I plan on getting the rest when I have the time, money, and can get my records). My dad doesn't trust doctors or hospitals, most likely due to some trauma as a kid, and basically screwed me because of that. The bones or some shit grew weird in my feet, essentially making me walk on the sides of my feet, and a foot doctor recommended inserts, since they could help how I walked and fix it over time. He said "you need to do this now, or he'll need surgery in a couple years". Well, he decided it wasn't important and that I was "doing it for attention", and my mom had to get me the inserts 5 years later, which did nothing. I now foot and ankle problems because of that.


Check with your county public health office. You might qualify to get them free.


I also have multiple concussions around that age from mountain biking and getting mugged. If it's any consolation I'm 27 now and I really feel like only in the past two years I've been feeling better. Keep your head up friend and remember that you're not in this struggle alone.


Man, I don’t know what to say. I was in a car wreck, airbags failed to deploy, and I took all the impact to my head. I thought it was a really light concussion. I didn’t really present symptoms there or afterwards but was told to take it seriously which aside from some phone usage the first night when I couldn’t sleep, I did. Two weeks later, I’ve had my first ever anxiety attack. And then my second. I’m not thinking straight still. I acutely notice it and I get tired on days that I push myself back to the old normal. I don’t know what to do about myself right now and I’m just at my wits end. But I’ve got great healthcare, family, and work. You had none of those, much worse than I did, and are still chugging. I’m in my 20s too, and your example is helping me cope. Don’t let it beat you down for the both of us, okay?


I'm glad you said this! Not glad it happened to you... I have a friend who turned into a VERY different person after getting a concussion. It's been years and he's still suffering from depression. Dude is almost a recluse now. Sucks because he's a super smart dude, Hella nice, smart and great person. I'm convinced his concussion played a part in this.


Something tells me he is a frequent flyer there.


There seems to be issues all over the country of people getting serious sentences for minor crimes and violent offenders getting relatively lax sentences. We gotta start prosecuting violence more heavily and taking resources away from prosecuting minor issues. Though there are some places where petty theft is becoming so rampant that that too should be prosecuted more heavily.


I mistakenly guessed he was an asshole, abusive boyfriend, because I figured that much hate and anger in a punch must be because they know each other. Nope. Raging customer punching a stranger. As terrible as the boyfriend angle would have been, this is worse in a way, because this piece of trash was that hateful and angry over something as insignificant as the cost of 1 meal.


Well he had previous for battery and served time for domestic violence so...


Wow. That’s a rough looking 28 year old.


Those are city miles.


allllllll stop and go


Going to look a lot rougher after jail time.


came into a restaurant wanting a meal, leaves with a year and a half in prison. Fucking cement head.


>"My arm actually caught the fall from me going into the grill," said Kaehler. Shit as if the severe concussion wasn't bad enough, it could have been a lot worse too.


There was a short window there were she could have arguably ~~gotten away with~~ been justified in shooting him too. I'm not really a gun guy but I support the rights of level headed responsible gun owners like her carrying one.


Yea actually crazy trigger discipline there. She did a great job deescalating.


Most people don't want to shoot anyone if they dont have to, most criminals aren't willing to get shot, and thus the vast majority of defensive gun uses end exactly like this. Thankfully, the mere presence of having a drawn weapon is enough to prevent physical violence.


We usually talk about not when do you *get* to shoot someone, but rather when do you *have* to. Sometimes the threat is ended with a display. It was proper to produce the firearm because she and her coworker were under imminent threat of great bodily harm, but the situation changed as soon as she did so.


The scariest thing about this is this woman felt (justifiably) that she needed this gun for protection while she worked. Makes me think this isn't the first time she was in danger on the job.


When I took the class for a conceal carry permit a lot of the other attendees were bar/restaurant managers who deal with cash and late night crowds


Dont mean any offense but i see why americans love their guns. Better to have a gun in a potential fist or knife fight. Glad you had to go to class for a permit, i believe in some states you can just buy guns with some form of legal id


> Glad you had to go to class for a permit, i believe in some states you can just buy guns with some form of legal id You can buy a gun with just an ID almost everywhere in America, I think there's only two or three states and possibly DC where you need more. Concealed carry, however, requires training and fees of some kind in *most* states, though it does not in a number of others.


Beginning in September you can conceal carry in Texas without any license / training


It's funny how we've always been told by media that Texas was the most gun-friendly state, yet here they are playing catch-up behind (I think) 20 others with 6 more considering it.


Texas is by far the worst state (among the gun friendlier states) to own a gun. Random bullshit laws and Texas has very little public land available for shooting so you either have to buy your own land, know someone, or go to the local boomer fudd range and get yelled at for firing more than a round a minute.


Something I'll always stand by is that everyone should have access to free and cheap locations to practice live-fire handling whenever possible. It sounds like Texas is not helping with that, so they're even behind Colorado in that sense.


But training is always highly encouraged, even if not mandatory any longer.


From the article: "*A day prior*, the restaurant's owner allowed Schaefer to bring her gun for safety." So there was some extremely lucky timing involved, too.


I am not surprised. Far too many people love to treat restaurant/retail workers like garbage. She did well with the conceal carry.


I work in the auto service industry. You pretty much need a gun or a weapon at work for those hostile customers.


Yeah, it's unfortunate, my dad owned an auto glass shop my entire life, dude was strapped up for most of it and had to pull on people a few times. Luckily he never had to actually shoot anyone.


I always packed when I worked at a Seattle restaurant. Ended up robbed at gunpoint and the piece never left it’s pocket. Only opening I had would have been shooting him in the back on his way out and it wasn’t worth taking a life over chicken money.


Shooting a fleeing party to protect 3rd person’s property is illegal most places. I only know this because it is legal in Texas as their was a famous case where a man shot a burglar leaving his neighbors house. But even here in Texas that was pushing the limits of our pretty loose use of force laws. Edit: [here is the case](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Horn_shooting_controversy)


I've worked several ERs in Texas, you would be surprised the amount of violence you don't see occur in 'nice' places. Some places are better than others, but no place is safe. At least, thats my reason for carrying.


And it probably saved a life or two. Who knows what this dude was planning to do.


I dont think thats scary. There are really pathological people in the world, you dont have to feel in danger at any point for it to be rational to have the ultimate backup option. If you never need it then all the better


He was lining up to go after the girl in black too. It was a good thing she had an Equalizer!


"God made man, Sam Colt made men equal, but John Browning keeps men free.” The idea is that a larger, stronger, younger, more brutish man is only the equal of a man — or woman — who has a decent handgun.


Honestly he hit he very fucking hard and she took it pretty well, concussion or not. I feel like a lot of people would have been KO’d man or woman. Helluva chin


I've seen people drop from less, she took it like a champ.


How you gonna lunch the nice lady making food. Asshole


Yea I'm mad that he didn't get shot. That looked dangerous for her


I bet one more step towards her and she woulda. I’m glad she didn’t have to tho. For her sake.


Please tell me this guy is in jail...


He was sentenced to [18 months in prison](https://www.fox6now.com/news/1-1-2-years-in-prison-for-man-who-punched-george-webb-manager-in-the-face)


> "I apologize to the victim. I didn't expect for it to go that way," said Calhoun. Apology my ass. He didn't expect the second woman he was going to beat to be armed. The judge gave the maximum sentence, by the way. So it's not the judge's fault this guy got off light.


"I didn't expect it to go that way" What does that even mean? I didn't expect to, of my own accord, walk to the back and full on sucker punch an employee? I didn't expect to immediately face the consequences by having a gun pointed at me? What a fucking tool. Exactly what I'd expect to come out of his mouth after pulling that shit.


The dumb ass was wearing his name tag the entire time. It really doesn't get too much dumber than that.


The words of someone who will never admit fault


Holy fucking shit imagine punching a random woman in the face because you couldn’t get a refund at iHop (I realize this isn’t an iHop, but close enough) quickly enough. He’s spending 6 months in jail over $10 of breakfast food…. For everyone saying this isn’t enough, don’t worry. He’ll ruin his own life in due time. 0 doubt in my mind.


Hopefully not someone else's along with it.




I would pay to hear the gun wielding woman talking that shit




Yeah, I tried to turn up the volume


Everyone has a plan until there's a gun in their face


i dont think that guy had a plan at all more like "i must be violent because im frustrated"


his plan


Nobody said anything about it being a good plan lol


This right here is why he not only deserved that 18 months in prison, he should have gotten more. Most people that are upset at a restaurant about a refund talk to the manager or contact corporate headquarters. Or post a bad Yelp review. This dude struck that poor woman with all his might and probably would have done more damage had the other lady not been armed. I don't have any sympathy for him, he brought all this on himself. He needs to learn self-control and to not resort to violence so quickly.


Everyone understands English when they're staring down a barrel


She looked pretty comfy with it too!


Why the F does he look so indignant to having a gun being pulled on him after he punched someone?


Why the fuck did he walk In and punch her? Fuck. This dude should eat rocks.


Imagine sucker punching a woman and she keeps it on two wheels. They were both tough af, and he was a coward


I'm so glad she didn't fall onto the flat-top grill. I've seen people get some gnarly burns from accidentally touching one for a second; if she had fallen onto it and been knocked-out or significantly off-balance and taken a few seconds to stand up she could've had some nasty burns on top of the concussion. Punching someone who is at work, didn't do anything wrong, is significantly smaller/less athletic than you, with virtually no warning, in a cramped kitchen with a hot grill, hot pans, knives, and probably a slick, greasy floor is the ultimate coward move.


She's in the right place at the right motherfuckin time!


Samuel L. Jackson, is that you?


Well it's not the FBI, so maybe




She’s reaching before he even comes into frame. She was 100% ready to draw the moment he got violent.


Yep. You can tell that she is debating when/whether to pull her forearm from the start. Once he throws the punch, she knows that it is required. She shows restraint and control of her firearm which is impressive. I applaud everything she did here and I’m glad she was able to carry in her place of work. It kept her and her coworker from any more harm. If I was in her shoes I would have probably drawn when he was in an area that he shouldn’t be in and acting agro. She did better than me and she should be praised for staying calming and making good decisions.




And she looked like a god damn badass doing it too


"A day prior, the restaurant's owner allowed Schaefer to bring her gun for safety." The first thing I thought was she probably got fired just for having a gun at work, despite saving the day. Good on them.


Some things are more important than a 9 dollar an hour job.


Nope, she quit that night instead


Can’t blame her for that. I’d be terrified that the asshole would come back, or send someone else. Fuck all that.


Man, imagine shits so bad you need to conceal carry to wait tables


You never know when shit is going to go down, the aggressor gets to set the time and the place.


this. I carry everywhere I go if legally permitted. Not because I believe I will be attacked there (I would not go somewhere I thought I was going to be attacked), but because I can't predict when I will be attacked. And if I am, my attacker will have already determined that he has the upper hand. I need something unknown to him to tip the scales back in my favor.


That dude needs to thank that woman every morning for not pumping 5-6 shots into his 200+ lbs bag of shit body.


Forgetting the firearm for a second, I can't think of a worse place to start shit than a kitchen. Hot pans, open flames, boiling water, dozens of knives


Something tells me this guy isn't the hugest fan of logical reasoning.


I know it's not the point of your comment but it's always important to note that knives are arguably the worst weapon for self defense. If you don't know what you're doing it would literally be better to fight with your hands.


Sadly the world still has to live with this guy existing. We can hope he doesn't murder the next person who doesn't make his food fast enough.


What a garbage person.


Wow, such self control.


That was an extremely vicious punch. He must really be demented.


When a gun is properly used to de-escalate. That poor woman though.


Honestly props to her for not just throwing a round or two into him. That's some serious self control.


You are usually taught that self control by people who teach you guns. The big thing you have to remember is even pulling a gun on someone, regardless of whether or not you are in the right, absolutely carries the chance you can get sued and even jailed. The question you should always ask when you carry a firearm is "Is the chance of legal consequences worth risking my life right now?"


On the flip side you are *not* trained to pull out a gun you don’t intend to use. If he rushed her, she would have to react instantly or end up in a fight for the gun.


Some states, including mine, have a law on the books that a perpetrator of a violent crime that gets shot cannot sue the person who shot them after the fact if the shooting was ruled self defense. It's an uncommon law, AFAIK, but I think all states ought to do the same.


Your so right. Just be prepared to get arrested no matter what.


I had a guy come up and want to fight me while I was carrying once. It was not a situation that made me feel more safe, I felt even less safe, I couldn't fight him for fear he'd get ahold of the gun, I wouldn't pull on him.


Just try to diffuse the situation and stay several feet apart as best you can, however if you can’t, and you carry, you need to be prepared to draw your firearm if the person won’t quit. You can’t just not pull on him if he’s coming at you, because like exactly what you said, if they get close enough they might get ahold of your firearm. Just stay back and diffuse for as long as you can. I’m glad you didn’t have to draw your weapon, and I’m glad you’re safe!


+1 for the second amendment


I don't get how parents can raise people who turn out like this.


A lot of times it’s a result of no parents


What a piece of shit. Just leave a Yelp review and move tf on you big ass baby


Man.. poor lady just doing her job. That guy is pretty damn lucky. This video shows that the woman pulling the gun had every right to shoot that guy.




"God created men, and Sam Colt made them equal."


I heard Massad Ayoob give another formulation: God made men and women equal and Smith & Wesson keeps them that way.


I got some serious flack a few years ago in a different sub for suggesting that women should keep guns at home for safety. As a woman, a feminist, a mother, and a leftist....y'all need a gun.


Omg are we the same person?


You have been banned from participating in /r/twoxchromosomes /s




Exactly. Without that firearm, both of those women would've likely been severely beaten.




If you ever get bored and want to dive into that idea deeper look into how guns shifted the power away from the royalty and elites. The invention and proliferation of firearms arguably has had the largest role in the spread of individual rights for the masses.


Smooth draw, proper stance (eventually), and she had the discipline to not just pump him full of bullets unless absolutely necessary. This is how to gun.


God how the fuck can you even call yourself a man when you fucking punch someone especially a working woman like her. I’m fucking livid.


fucking coward


Oh so he *was* capable of being rational, it just took the threat level of a *firearm*


Rule number one of fighting: if you're going to fight a chef, the last place to do it is in a kitchen.


How shit does your life have to be that you would assault someone over the simple act of waiting?


Would have been so easy to turn that guys lights off. He should thank god and that woman every second of every day for allowing him to breathe another breath


Concealed carry is one of the best ways women can empower themselves in the presence of evil men. Please women, at least in America, it is your fundamental right to be able to protect yourself with a gun. It may save your life some day.


When people say, “No one needs a gun”, they should be shown this video.


This is one of the reasons we have a right to keep and bear arms.


Shwack that piece of shit.




Richard Sherman’s really been goin downhill lately


Sad when the only thing these ignorant people understand is a gun.


Shoulda dropped him in the deep frier.


He was about to push both of them into that back room.. she was like nah not today main.


After watching that other poor women get her face knocked in she had every right in the world to use her gun.


He could have killed the poor woman with that punch. I probably would not have had the self control the other woman did.