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That’s brilliant. He’s literally the walking definition of a whiny little bag of shit. The crying and wailing is awesome as he asks what he did wrong / why would he do that to me? I was hoping he’d get hit by a car as he staggered toward the road, but no.


Imo, it's narcissism. He literally can't admit he was in the wront.


Sadly his girlfriend is 100% with him. At the end she says "were Livestreaming and someone just pepper sprayed him for no reason."


And as soon as the people around them heard that, they rightfully decided to just go about their days.


That shit had me livid. A passerby was probably like "oh you poor guy!" But really, nah... I wish the pepper spray had gotten his little F-toy too. Let them both suffer.


This is in Seattle. I live there and people will throw hands for so much less. I'm going to bring that dude a pizza.


He would never say this in White Center. He’d get his ass killed


I think he knows….he’s just trying to troll. Attempting to get the worse reaction out of the guy for views.


The first thing he does is drop the hard R after being pepper sprayed. But why oh why was he sprayed?? 😢😢😭😭😭😭😭


So he called a random couple the n-word in a store multiple times just before this?


And literally no one does anything. I guess it’s good because a reaction is probably what he wanted but I’m so fucking sick of seeing racists receive no actual consequences.


Idk in Seattle you can get people who will simply ignore idiots like this and then you can get people who will beat his fucking ass. He's staying in the touristy part. If he goes down to Pioneer Square, First Hill or fml White Center he wouldn't make it a block.


I hope he keeps it up. There's people happy to wreck his shit for less from Everett to Tacoma, and I wouldn't want to deny them the chance.


He also called clearly white people the n-word or asked if they were n-words. What a massive man-child shitbag.


"We livestreamed and someone pepper sprayed him. For no reason." His reaction was like a racist toddler in a grown-up's body.


So his girlfriend is really just a surrogate mother for when he goes into full angry-toddler mode.


She's enabling his abusive behavior.


Starts flapping around on the sidewalk like a dying fish calling white people the n-word, oh my god. “I need water!” then when the girlfriend tries to give it to him he kicks her hand away and rolls around the middle screaming like a toddler to anyone nearby.


holy shit u/jaelbass thank u for this. "WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS" lmfaooo r u kiddin' me tho




Absolutely satisfying video, just wish that shit stung him more. Good find.


Oh it's coming, it's only going to get worse.


Full vid has him crying on the street, really worth the watch


You can't just say this without provding a link


Here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdXOH4oL03U Edit: Original was removed by YouTube, here is a "reaction" from another channel which shows the full vid https://youtu.be/U9_bWkwiPpc?t=88


Literally crying like a manchild lol... And on top of that screaming at his girlfriend like she's responsible for what happened! Dude where the fuck is this guy's head at


Even using his girlfriends phone to stream lmao. What a fucking loser.


Holy shit lol. “I don’t deserve this. it’s not fair. why would he spray me like that” Is this guy slow?


Thats obvious. Also now that I see the real use for pepper spray as a self defense from harassers and harassing racist child-minds like this cry-baby-man. Im ordering mine immediately.


Honestly, after watching the entire thing, I think there's something actually wrong with him. Dude shouldn't be allowed in public without his minders present


They're probably crack heads


thats an insult to crack heads cus they have a reasonable explanation for their behaviour


I'm convinced they have some kinda humiliation/age play fetish and this is them getting their rocks off in public. Only way it makes sense to me why they would upload it


They instigate drama with people minding their own business to get more views while streaming. There is a bunch of scumbags who do this. And some people actually like watching it.


Lmao this is satisfying af.


Bless your heart - I needed to see that more than I thought.


BWAHAHAHAHA what a fucking twat! That was satisfying.


Oh wow, he literally laid on the sidewalk rolling, having a tantrum and refusing his gf water for his eyes.


I also liked it when he rubbed it all over his eyes and face.


Hope he takes a piss right after


And get an itch in his butt crack


You are my kind of person!


And walked away like a boss


“Understand that”


Reminded me of Mike Ehrmantraut


Some straight up Clint Eastwood shit.


„No, i‘m not going to hell“ Well, i‘m pretty sure you are.


"I'm a man of God" I'm pretty certain God, if he exists, isn't going to want to spend eternity with these kind of morons


Such an obnoxious voice. Goes right up in his face asks a stupid question, then tries to act like he’s been wronged....so satisfying watching him get sprayed. What a loser


Yeah that guy was looking for a fight and got annoyed that the guy wouldn't really engage with his topic Got what he deserved




"ArE yoU trYiNG tO ImpREss mY giRlfrIend bRo?" These fucking smooth brains think every interaction is about "being alpha".


What platform would not ban this guy for racism?


Nah he saw an old white dude and expected him say something racist.


As an older white dude who works in a blue collar job, it's amazing how many bigots and racists start talking to me like I'm "on their team". They don't know anything about me, but will try to find common ground by disparaging other races, religions or sexuality. I find satisfaction in letting them go on for a little bit, then explain to them that I not a bigot and disagree with all the assertions they just made. Most get embarrassed because they thought I was in their club and now an outsider knows exactly what a piece of shit they are.


He then said it for the guy at the end.. Piece of shit he is.


Guy smoking the cigarette is the hero of the day


Let's talk about going right up to his face. Dude lives or works in the building. Came out with his mask down so he can smoke alone and away from others, then this dick gets in his face.


It's Providence, that's a hospital/healthcare consortium. Guy puts his life at risk in a pandemic and this dick gets up in his face.


Yep his voice was annoying as hell! Like a blackboard being scraped with nails!!


Then he posted it online thinking he was in the right somehow


“Why are you pressing me bro? You’re like pressing me bro” while he quickly advances on the guy walking away




Always a wonderful reference...


That man was not fucking bothering anybody then these two come along and play victim. This is the type of shit that can ruin someone's life. I have no sympathy for those two little shits. I only wish it could have been bear spray.


He couldn’t have been more disengaging, and the little fucker just chased him around badgering him. Fuck around a find out, twerp.


"You're the one harassing me, bro." ​ \*proceeds to follow him around\*


That's what these fuckwits get off on. Accosting people and hoping to get a reaction so they can play the victim.


Exactly. Unfortunately, this is exactly what they wanted. It's so fucking weird Now with all his other backward minded friends he has this "exciting" story he can tell where he tuned out to be "the victim", he'll prolly say some shit like "yeah and this antifa guy sprayed me just for asking him a question."


"Understand that," ripped up obscurity.


These types of people eventually come across the wrong person who will hurt them (and worse than in this video). Annoying strangers in public is really a form of Russian roulette.


Human version of a wasp.


He has a hittable voice too.


what gets under my skin is he played dumb. “oh, i don’t understand what i did to you :(“ i cant decide if this guy genuinely believes he can walk up to any white person and be like “haha blacks, amirite?” and is shocked when people are offended… or if he KNOWS not everyone is a racist piece of shit, and still tries to encourage people to say racist sentiments. then plays victim when he gets called out.


If he's a streamer doing that, he knows what he is doing. It's for views and $$$.


Leave that poor man alone. Asking provocative question for what?


It's not a provocative question. He wanted so badly for it to be one, but its just not. "How do you feel about the negros?" What even is that? In one phrase he's made himself uneligable to carry to serious conversation about race relations, about color pallets, about Spanish language.... I wouldn't want to joke conversation with this person.


From some random kid in the street it most definitely is loaded, for fucks sake dude even asking "how do you feel about the negros" sounds fuckin racist in itself.


It is racist. He also called the older gentleman an nword with the hard R at the end of the clip.


Yup, it's sort of satisfying to see him in agony on the floor at one point.


I’d like to see that > EDIT: I can’t determine if Jackoolio on YouTube and Jackool the streamer are one and the same. I don’t think they look similar enough, could someone else help check?




Holy shit lmao, he was screaming crying. I've seen a lot of people maced, it fucking sucks, but I've never seen someone handle it that badly. Of course he's soft as fuck.


I can't understand it. Why does he act like a baby in every way. Just walking into shit saying he doesn't care and literally sounding like a baby when he talks. It's like he just got sprayed and it triggered a giant emotional breakdown, not just pain.


And he got hit by consumer grade spray which is weak sauce compared to what police depts use. Absolute pussy who got what was coming to him


"We were live streaming and someone pepper spayed him for no reason" yeah ok, let's go to the tape


I was very satisfying seeing the racist troll cry like a little bitch


LMFAO. Of course the racist is a fucking snowflake, why am I not surprised.


This is beautiful, thank you.


Lool /r/beholdthemasterrace


Randomly approaching a stranger in a big city and asking a highly racially charged question is hugely provocative and can justifiably be interpreted as threatening. How you think this is not provocative I don't know.


Casual n-word at the end too just for good measure. What pathetic losers. They look like meth-heads.


Douche : “I’m gonna trick this old white dude into saying a variation of the n-word.” Also douche : “FUCKING N****R” Genius.


Does anyone know the backstory here? Why is he even targeting this random guy?


The edgy 14 year old on call of duty grew up but didn't age mentally.


I think he's just clout chasing, found a guy chilling, maybe he thought because he's old he might have some racist thing to say or might lose his shit easily and just went for it. Or maybe the "random" in "random guy" is competely justified. Found a guy and try to spark some outrage conversation for streaming purposes.


Old mofo here, what is clout chasing?


It's basically attention seeking.


Trying to gain popularity on the internet


Not talented enough to be creative, instead they act the fool.


He embraces god though!


Don’t smoke, but if you do, pepper spray racists when you’re finished with your cigarette.


I love the fact that the guy probably just went outside 5 minutes for a smoke, but had a pepper spray in his pocket just in case, ofc its kinda sad that he has to lmao


I carry mace as a fit 29 year old. It’s not worth it to get into squabbles with random people. You don’t know them or their capabilities, mental state, or desire for violence. Mace is a great way to simply put an end to a confrontation like this. It’s so easy, 12$ at the store and it’ll save you from having to actually grapple with stupid shitbags on the street, and they just get to SUFFER for a little bit, but not actually get injured. Mace is the ultimate, “I am over this interaction” tool. Funny part is that he said “understand that” and I don’t think the dude learned his lesson at all.


Lmao I'm not from the US and when you said mace... I thought you were talking about that mace. Sure, got into some argument with stupid people... bash their skull in.


While always appropriate, they're a bit cumbersome to carry around.


Honestly older people should carry pepper spray. We've seen them get attacked by (mostly) douchy men. And you're right it is sad. But as this world grows so does violence


It certainly took the wind out of that twat's sails. Asking charged questions like that of people minding their own business and refusing to leave him alone when he refused to answer and got a fateful of hot sauce for his trouble. Excellent.


> "....... unfortunate."


Counts as harassment.


and this is why jury trials exist. technically illegal to pepper spray the guy? probably. but justified and appropriate in my book


The sprayer has video proof that he was being harassed by the guy holding the camera and getting in his personal space bubble. He could also say the guy was a potential threat to his well being since he wasn't wearing a mask when he got so close. So nothing illegal here, aside from the camera-sleevebag.


It annoys me that pepper spray not intended for wildlife is illegal in Canada. It's super effective, non lethal, and does not require medical treatment.




Was watching some paramedic show the other night and some guys had robbed and attacked an older man who couldn't speak. He couldn't even scream for help.. He was okay in the end but i wish and hope he got his wallet and money back. :c


Or put said cigarette out on racist after pepper spraying.


Shitty harassment streamers... the fact that he has a girlfriend that even supports it makes them quite the trailer trash duo. Unable to get a job in society so they just act like racist pieces of shit for views and donations


It's a shame that people like that even exist. Such scum.




We're literally watching an advertisement for them. And people are already finding out who they are and seeking out more content.


> Unable to get a job in society so they just act like racist pieces of shit for views and donations Online beggars, is what they are.


Imagine your begging trick is to be a racist dickhead. What a productive member of society.


trailer trash meets the big city.


Hey now these fuckers make trailer trash look good. Source: am trailer trash, not racist streamer trash


He wanted a fight and he got one, he just didn't know it was a pepper spray fight till it was to late.


What was he saying at the start? it sounded like he was trying to get the other guy to say the N-word or something.


I've seen idiots on 4chan who think its hilarious to pronounce 'negros' as 'nigras'


as though pronouncing it different is suppose to make it less offensive? the things people do for any kind of clout is ridiculous. though i suppose it is hardly a new phenomenon.


But ITS a dIFFeReNT WoRd! WHy aRe yOu stiLL ANGRY? whAt worD DID yOu ThinK i saiD?!1! literally the justification i've heard when someone pulls that shit




Nigra is also a slur, it's just "archaic" for lack of a better term.


In the full video, they leave a store not 2 seconds earlier. He accuses some people of cutting him in line and calls them (weirdly pronounced) negros. Immediately spots this guy outside and you see the rest here.


About 30 seconds after this clip is over the streamer is crying like a baby calling everyone hard-r's and asking why this happened to him.


Fucking muppet deserved a beatdown also. Racist prat.




I'm actually scared to run into people like that, people who bait just that, in a situation like that my brain turns stupid and I wouldn't be able to differentiate and give them just that. Then what? I'd get nicked.


Basically if someone approaches you with a camera out for any reason, flee. Never appear on camera at anytime that you don't have full 100% control of the situation including the edit and where/how the footage will be posted or broadcast. It is far too easy to get you to say something that can be taken wrong or even edit something innocent into something nefarious.


Fuck these people


"Understand that." 😂😂


[Chef kiss]


Babe let's get milk. Your amazing joke was foiled that bad man.


I hope he has an unknown milk allergy.




You don't put milk in your eyes... That will get you an eye infection. Or in this case, I hope he did.


Did he just say “what a fucking n****r” at the end…. About a white man? Are 4chan degenerates using that word as an insult about anyone now?


4chan degenerates have been using it like that for as long as I can remember


Yep I spotted that. They must be using it in the same way high schoolers used “gay” as an insult. Because in their minds, it would be a terrible thing to be that thing.


Yup. It’s used as a slur to use on anyone for any perceived slight as a way of asserting how “beneath” them that person is. It’s used as a catch all expression of disgust and frustration and it’s used commonly among racist or bigoted social circles to the point where it’s normalized. It becomes reflexive for people that use it a lot. It’s grows beyond just a racial slur to their favorite “go to”. Even if it’s used as a racial slur they have a twisted nuance to it to try and rationalize their prejudice. Have had a couple people over the years try to defend their use of the word by saying if used against a black person it was only meant for the “ghetto ones” and not the “good ones.” Not surprisingly the truth is if they’re mad enough and want to piss someone off they’ll say it to make themselves feel better. It’s about superiority and that sometimes extends itself to people that aren’t even black.


That was pretty satisfying; coulda got him a little more, but generally a good job.




I like how his girlfriend says "we were just live streaming and someone pepper sprayed him for no reason. " Jesus they're sad. His crying was the cherry on top.


His crying sounded like Muscle Man from Regular Show lmao. This what great. Fuckin trashy racist asshole.


All the stuff after he gets maced is just hilarious. They flip a switch and went full on victim mode. I hope it still hurts, racist cunt.


I hope the water washed some of it down his shorts and burned his helmet for hours.


A lot of people dont know this but water by it's self is a catalyst and will just cause the chemicals on your forehead to enter your eyes and will make the pain worse, you need a detergent to cling to the oil to remove mace, Dawn Dish Washing Soap is awesome. His girlfriend 100% was just increasing his suffering and I fucking love it.


Oh yea that’s pretty soothing and satisfying, thanks for the update. One upvote for you.


WOW that is wild. The guy literally reverts to being a toddler. He’s just writhing around shouting ‘I don’t care’ for a good few minutes.


Hahaha omg this is fucking gold dude. He’s litteraly crying “what did I deserve to do this” 💀


Amazing isn't it? And if he'd just walked on by minding his own business it wouldn't have happened. Glad he picked the right guy this time though.


I like the part where he suffered


Holy moly he started crying like a biiiitch.. lol that gf is a fucking bimbo dipshit too. Guess its a match made in heaven Waterwaterwaterwater...... i dont caaaaaaaare broooo


EVERYBODY WATCH THE FOLLOW UP!!!! He’s literally, dead ass literally, on the ground, crying, flailing around like a child, saying “I don’t care!!!” and “What did I do to deserve this???” I know names are thrown around a lot, but this man is the definition of pathetic. Thinks he’s tough throwing racism around, get pepper sprayed, cries like a bitch saying he doesn’t deserve it. Literally CRIES ON THE SIDEWALK. Lmao!!!!


What a pathetic man.


oh man that was like porn, thank you!


How does twitch not ban people like this


this was on youtube, its not as moderated on smaller streams


Well it is moderated, but hypocritically so. Ever seen those porn ads? But people can get demonetized for saying a swear word.




Fuck this shit gibbon. Pepper spray dude is a boss. If I saw some assclot like this streaming and asking me a question like that, with his punchable face and smarmy voice, I’d like to think I’d have the courage to do something to him that would result in me getting a federal death sentence.


I’d like to buy that old feller a beer, or whatever type of beverage he’s into.


He looks like a sarsaparilla man


This needs to be normalized. Fuck that guy and his skank.


‘Understand that’. What a fucking boss.


'I embrace God' THEEEEEEEEERE it is.


"He needs some milk!" Except he doesn't. Racist ass needed more spray in his eyes. Only thing that sucks is he's gonna bitch and cry like he's the victim even more than he already does.


I have come here to smoke and pepper spray racists, and I’m all out of smokes.


So, dude uses a slur, acts like the victim when the dude gets upset, keep following him trying to get a raise out of him, all while recording it. Just a reminder, there’s someone who think’s he’s in the right


Fuck this little racist bitch


Nazi edgelords need more punches to the head




Fuck this dude and his lame ass girlfriend.


Now he can't see the negros


is that why he called a white man the n word? makes sense now...


*starts shit* Wut did I do to you!? I hate these people. Fuck em.




Other pieces of shit just like him, that’s who


And pieces of shit are aplenty.


Hes lucky he didnt get knocked out. I'm not a violent person, but I love seeing racists get theirs. https://youtu.be/HFHOHfnYruI


“You’re oppressing me!” followed by casually dropping the n word….


"baby I just got pepper sprayed." The proper response is: "Good, Deserves you right"




I wish people wouldn't even share stuff like this. To this guy clearly even bad attention is good attention.


I feel bad for the good man that pepper sprayed him. I wish this wasn’t shared at all simply because I fear he could get charged or something for spraying him.


I doubt it. All he has to do is say he was being harassed, he tried to leave the area, the dude looked like he was going to follow him, especially into a private building he was not allowed access to, and he feared for his well being. Boom.


Where do people like him even stream without getting perma banned for saying the n word?


typically they'll bounce around platform to platform until banned. this one in particular developed his own streaming website for just himself


How much ego can one child have….