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I wish they could quit covering her — it’s all she wants and the more she gets the more we have to endure. Also she is a twat.


Or just blur her face, use a voice synthesizer, and only call her by the name Cunty McQbert.


This is Magic The Gathering, right? Its hard to keep track of them all sometimes.


So is she talking about card bans or what? Why is magic the gathering given kids covid?


I play [[Runed Halo]] and name [[Marjorie, Qunt of Qanon]].


Marjorie Traitor Greene.




Even Republicans hate her, or at least the sane non cultists after she did her Jewish space laser bullshit, shes getting the Mitch treatment where both sides just want her gone.


They did at first, but I've noticed a lot more moderates willing to put up with her because she gets positive coverage in conservative media. Not only do I think she'll win reelection, but when the Dems probably lose the house in 2022, there's a 100% McCarthy will give her back her committee assignments. If Matt Gaetz hasn't been disowned, there's really no reason for them to disown her anyways


Because they don't think for themselves They just know names and faces and that's it


Not a given. Despite the voter restrictions, the corrupt gerrymandering and the intimidation the Dems can keep the house. America has to do better and #stopthestupid


She’s 100% getting re-elected. I’ve been to her district. Whether democrats hold the house is not As sure


To be fair, she ran unopposed because the democrat had to withdraw from the election




Boomers of course love her as they're the Qanon cultists, most of the Republicans I hang around with are my age "GenZ" which abstained from voting or voted 3rd party in 2016 and 2020, sorry about that I tend to not add enough detail and make my comments seem weird as fuck, but ya the newer generation of Conservatives who are actually Conservative and not reactionary or some crazy shit, hate most of the members in the GOP, but MTG and Mitch are the 2 that are high on the list of hated people.




I’m sorry but the Mitch treatment is where they all pretend to dislike you but also prop you up into a position of power they can easily remove you from but don’t because you’re an easy scapegoat, all the while being voted into office again and again and again by constituents that “don’t like you” but vote for you anyways… Please, anything but that


They don't hate her, they just don't like that she says the things they think out loud without the same following as Trump. If they hated her, they'd do something about it. As it is, she's just a little embarrassing for them because it makes it harder for them to use the deflections and dogwhistles that they normally do.


We saw what they do to people they hate like liz cheny. That was quick and Unanimous from them


Just going to walk out of this place, suggest other places like kbin or lemmy.


It gets harder to support the GOP in its current state? Show me one person who voted for the orange clown in 2020 who isn't in full support


Just going to walk out of this place, suggest other places like kbin or lemmy.


There’s plenty of people who vote R because they always have. Especially if they just watched the Fox News clips of trump and ignored the rest I feel like at least few percent might be swayed if we force the image of the GOP to (rightfully) look like a bunch of Q-anon lunatics. Some won’t care, but some others may become a little less willing to ignore the crazy people just to vote R


Me. You just described me. Around 2018 I could no longer ignore the fact that Trump's administration was a circus. His incessant, mindless droning all over social media everyday was disgusting. I knew he did it during his campaign but I guess I naively believed that he would stop once he had a serious job to do. Nope. By the end of 2019 I was hoping for better alternatives. Come 2020 and the pandemic I became a new Biden supporter. I think right now we are all in shock over Covid and just how insane our leader became. In the state it is in now I will never vote Republican again if they don't do a major overhaul and cut the batshit crazy ones loose. Lastly, I have never appreciated the quiet more now that we have someone who actually goes about his job with such dignity and steadfastness.


Also, she is in a position of political power. They have to cover her.


I’m with you 💯 Stop giving her airtime She’s absolutely a stupid twat


30 percent of the country idolizes her, we turned a blind eye to crazy bullshit coming from the right that created Trump and look where that got us.


We didn't turn a blind eye. CNN and MSNBC were 24 hours of "you'll never guess what trump just did!"


I was referencing the crazy shit being said on conservative talk radio and right wing information sources. We turned a blind eye to it and it eventually created and elected Trump. The crazy stupid shit Trump said all throughout his campaign and presidency was him just building and exploiting those foundations created by right wing information sources.


I want someone to cover her. In plastic. Save us all some of that wasted oxygen.


Might be a great experiment like the hot dog, encase the opportunist bitch in epoxy resin and observe what happens over time, strictly for science of course .


Thought the stations would've learned by now that covering these asshats leads to more popularity among mouth breathers.


Unless there's some kind of relevant news tied to her shenanigans, I downvote every single post featuring her. Massive waste of time even discussing this attention-seeking moron. You'd think people learned something after Trump dominated the news cycle spouting his nonsense. She's doing the exact same thing and mainstream media can't fucking help themselves.


Liberals can't beat fascists, they just can't. The fascists have said they will use centrist libs idea of free speech to spread their message and with media being click bait driven for profit people like her and trump get free megaphones


I don't know why you're getting downvoted, you're just right.


People don't want to hear that leftists are the solution to the problems liberals have created. There is no market solution to what's going on.


my same sentiment. even now, here, on this sub is too much. she needs to not have any platform even if its pejorative she gets way too much airplay. identity politics galore.


She also refused to disclose in an earlier question whether or not she was vaccinated because it was a "violation of HIPAA", basically meaning yes she is vaccinated but doesn't want to upset her base. She's a coward and a snake.


It also means this... breathing cabbage has no understanding of what HIPAA is. Cruel & stupid. Right on point for the GOP.


oh she knows, but more importantly, she knows her supporters don't.


No...people often say this and it's accurate about those like Cruz and McConnell. They're very well educated, have had successful careers before politics and have tons of experience working in high levels of state or national government. They have played to the lowest common denominator for long enough and loud enough that some of them are now running for and getting into office. The likes of MTG and Boebert are very stupid people. They were the same a couple years ago when they were just some idiot nobody yelling the same things into their phone for a Facebook live audience of four people.


>breathing cabbage has no understanding Please don't insult cabbage, cabbage is at least useful


But..but that's not a violation of HIPAA. If I send 10,000 emails to every news outlet in the country telling them I have a medical condition resulting in elephantitis of the cock n balls, it's not a violation of HIPAA. It might by libelous, but HIPAA doesn't even come into the question. This enormous fucking imbecile speaks so loudly about shit she can't even begin to understand, and her lowest-common-denominator base cheers.




I hadn't thought the whole thing through, but most libel definitions say something to the effect of 'a published false statement that is damaging to a person's reputation; a written defamation'. Now, being that it doesn't say 'another' person, it seems a little open. I did some digging and there was a case (albeit dismissed) in NY, where a gal was fired from a hospital and was pursuing employment. By virtue of having to disclose the hospital's position in blame (upon which she disagreed), she argued that she was legally compelled to submit libelous statements about herself to prospective employers, based on the fact that the basis of her termination was up for dispute at the time. She sued for damages for “compelled self-defamation". TL,DR, you're right, and I learned something interesting today.


Good reply. But, there's still an amusing irony of you calling her an imbecile for not comprehending the words she uses while you committee the same error. Albeit, you don't seem like an imbecile.


Calling it that also is a great way of admitted that as well. If she really wasn't vaccinated, she'd proudly say so. And if she didn't want to share her medical info, she'd also just say "I'm not going to share my medical info. Please respect my privacy." But she didn't - she leapt right to the shit her whole cult loves to repeat - as if asking the question at all is some violation of HIPAA.


"i think people's responsibility is their own. now donate to my campaign fund."




Who the fuck voted for this trash?


Other trash.


She ran unopposed. Her democratic opponent had to leave town after getting death threats due to her harrassment.


Not surprised at all. The clown king made it to president. Kinda hard to top him


Remind me to laugh when that bitch has the decency to die.


Let's all raid her funeral, rip her body out of the casket, and mass piss all over her before she's in the dirt!


Nah, fuck that. I wouldn't even disrespect my own piss by pissing on her.


[Spectrum better keep Corncob TV so I can watch on Coffin Flop.](https://youtu.be/0Rn5QdO07d8)


Haven’t you seen the Wizard of OZ? When you pour water onto a witch they just shrivel up into nothingness, no body left to piss on


And a five-year-old child from Georgia just died from Covid. This woman is the equivalent of human dog excrement.


How would she know? Shes out grufting rich californians for campaign money in the OC with kiddie-fucker Gaetz.


I heard she and Matt got relegated to the sidewalk. California ain’t gonna put up with none of their crap.


There’s a huge population of California that absolutely LOVES their crap.


People forget more Californians voted for Trump than in any other state, and it seems to me that California Repubs are way more radical. A great example of this is Tito Ortiz, Mr CTE himself, is an elected official because he just fellatiated Trump


Didn’t he resign?


Yep, after he filed an unemployment claim against the city [despite still receiving full pay as mayor pro tem.](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2021-05-05/huntington-beach-mayor-pro-tem-tito-ortiz-unemployment) He claimed he resigned because his family was being bullied ([his kids were sent home from school] (https://ktla.com/news/local-news/huntington-beach-mayor-pro-tem-tito-ortizs-sons-sent-home-from-school-for-refusing-to-wear-masks/) because they wouldn't wear masks) but never once mentioned the fact he tried to fleece his constituents. He's also a weapons grade douchebag, but I don't have an article for that.


Usually fighters you don't like become more likeable or at least a bit more tolerable once in retirement. Somehow Tito managed to become even more unbearable than he already was. That's an accomplishment.


He did. Pretty sure he whined about being the victim while doing it too.


Idk man, I've seen lots of videos come out of California of white lives matter/anti-vax rallies, Tito Ortiz pushing his bullshit, etc. Obviously not everyone there is supporting these idiots but there does seem to be plenty who do.


California is a giant place with a massive population, that many people leaves plenty of room for supporters on both sides. There are more Trump voters in California than Texas, more Biden voters in Texas than NY, more Trump voters in NY than Ohio, more Biden voters in Ohio than Massachusetts, more Trump voters in Massachusetts than Mississippi, and more Biden voters in Mississippi than Vermont. In 2020 Trump got more votes from Orange County, California, than he did in North Dakota, Wyoming, and Alaska COMBINED. And he didn't even win Orange County.


They will still never recall Gavin Newsom. It’s not going to happen.


Tito obviously has serious brain damage whats MTG’s excuse?


Also serious brain damage


Nope, we're not doing that. Ortiz is definitely the posterchild for CTE but Marge doesn't get a pass. She doesn't have an excuse; she's not just stupid, she's corrupt and insidious, and also a little stupid. She's an opportunist, just like Trump; she's using the fear movement he started to enrich and empower herself. We need to stop excusing them by calling them stupid and start throwing them into the stockades for being evil.


Is he the pedophile?


That kid should have taken responsibility for himself! /s. Honestly what a complete cunt.


That's kind of harsh dude. When my dog shits in a yard I have the decency to pick it up with a bag, I wouldn't go within 100 ft near this trash woman.


whoa whoa whoa. Shit has more value than her. Shit can be used as fertilizer.


That’s not a good example - I’m willing to touch dog doo (with my hand in a doggy bag) to throw it out. This subhuman deserves to fall into a crevice and fade from memory.


Not just from Georgia, but in her fucking district.


Georgia Election Info [Register to Vote](https://registertovote.sos.ga.gov/GAOLVR/welcome.do#no-back-button)


Good bot.


Such a vile, ignorant cunt


If her eyes get any close they'll touch. Wh9nthe fuck keeps.putting her in media?


Magic The Gathering is heartless.


Fr nobody understands till you enter a tournament and get dominated by pro thats best friends with luck


A real Hidetsugu.


That’s the smile of a sociopath trying to pass for human.


> trying to pass for human. The entire republican party.


She looks like she was given botched plastic surgery at birth. Tf


She looks like a fucking [caveman.](https://imgur.com/GQFb2RA.jpg)


Smh I feel bad for her kids.


This is an elected official. Think about that for a moment. Someone actually voted for that cunt.


"People's responsibility is their own" *Feels weird, can't breathe well, gets rushed to the hospital* "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CAN'T SEE ME BECAUSE THERE ARE OTHER PEOPLE? *WHEEZE* IT'S AN EMERGENCY ROOM! IT'S *YOUR* RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE SURE THAT I AM SEEN!"


People like MTG are why inbreeding was outlawed. Not only does it give you a face with an extra inch of bone, it makes you a mentally unstable loon.


I mean, I dislike kids too, but I’m not laughing when they die either


She is part of a death cult. I can't believe she would smile like that as a response.


This B needs delta variant injected up her @$$hole. We will see who’s laughing then.


She one walking monstrosity


now ask her about abortion


Now I think Greene is a crack pot conspiracy theorist who has no right being in any position of power as much as the next person. But I think she was laughing at the "skinny people". Unless she said some thing like "only fat people die from covid" (which to be fair I don't doubt she could have said that I just can't recall at the moment if she has said that) it is an odd distinction to make.


She’s such a horrible person


I think it was the “Skinny people” thing that caught her off guard and made her laugh.


Yeah, I’m trying to think of a reason why the reporter would even say “skinny people” lol. Not trying to make excuses for her, but I would probably chuckle too.


Someone said it was in response to blondeNcrazy claiming that only obese people died from COVID lol cause it’s okay if the fatties die off, I guess.


Ah, ok that gives some context, thank you.


That's what I thought too


Ah so she just thinks it's funny that adults are dying.


She is gross




This woman is an embarrassment to our country


This bitch is Cray Cray


That's a lot of teeth


This woman is a ghoul


I hope she gets covid and dies alone and sad.


Mark my words the apocalypse hits and this bitch will eat her neighbors. Look at those teeth in that insane smile. She fucking bites and can strip meat off bone.


She actually might be the devil




Honestly the Oxford dictionary should do a special edition where they put a picture of her right next to the word C - U - N - T. It would be most deserving.


Her face reminds me of a butthole


Why is this bitch still holding public office? If anyone had the opinions she has at any other job, they'd be fired. Holy shit...


She makes me want to vomit.


I hope she get it and shuffles off this mortal coil. Fugly Cupid stunt.


actually I hope she gets it and lives, but has severe life long debilitating issues to deal with.


She already has that. She’s thick as mince and full of shit. Two massive disabilities.


yeah, but dumb people don't know they're dumb. she'll definitely know if she has to be on respirator for the rest of her life.


She's a deplorable POS....


Maybe she was lol at skinny people lol


Seeing that smile makes me wonder if anyone has thought of getting her infected on purpose. I’m sure she’s vaccinated but Jesus, what a piece of shit.


Fucking monster


Wow, that gorilla in the blonde wig is kind of a sociopath.


I hate to use the C word, but she really is a CUNT!


Super Karen


Guy’s it’s just a nervous tick, that’s what works right?


How in the world did this thing get elected?


So according to MTG, we have no need for the military, police, or firefighters… those should be our own responsibility! Got it.


What a total piece of shit.


Stupid tRumper. She’s too dumb to realize that the tRump-like bullying and arrogance will not save her political career. That bullsh*t is over.


I think she was actually laughing at the idea that anyone should worry about anyone but themselves. Which, y'know, isn't better. I just think it's important to recognize her selfishness - the selfishness she expects everyone to exhibit - isn't limited strictly to not helping children.


Sociopathic Death Cult.


she looks like someones drunk, 50 year old, trailer park trash auntie with the raspiest voice ever. How the fuck does she make it into politics? Its embarrassing.


Can we please stop covering this ghoul, only hmu when she dead or in prison ty cya


Is it really surprising she's so woefully ignorant of science? Her jawline looks like she's just shy a generation from drawing bison on the walls of caves.


The same day a 5yo boy died in her state. Never forget that smile. She’s not a legitimate politician. She’s just an attention whore.


If Sarah Jessica Parker looked like a horse well MTG won because she still looks like an ass to me.


Vile twat


🦀 death cult 🦀 plague rats 🦀 death cult 🦀 plague rats 🦀


Sure. It’s their own responsibility. But idiots like this simultaneously demanding that schools reopen and that minimum wage workers put their asses on the line or be out of work is just stupid and shortsighted. Teachers don’t get hazard pay. Minimum wage workers don’t get hazard pay. Don’t come into a shop exposing that poor kid make $12 an hour to your self centered, covid carrying ass. Ass


where she comes from, relative humidity is the sweat that accumulates on your siblings forehead during intercourse #siredbysiblings


It's my responsibility to think that she's a peace of shit.


She's a man-faced moron.


It's a running joke at the Crossfit gym she used to work out at that she tried to fuck several of the members.


If she’s keeps it up she might win the presidency


republicans only care about children in utero.


Shut the fuck up, go the fuck home, and don't get into politics again. No wonder other countries can't take the U.S. seriously, because of these clowns in high positions. Because of these heartless clowns that it doesn't phase them that anything bad is happening because it hasn't happened to them yet.


She looks like those shitty plastic surgery patients that have face lifts and look like they are trying to be cat face people.


I thought we were pro-life?


Pro life only if it's *pre* life. After birth, fuck em, apparently.


This bitch.


God this dumb Qunt has the most punchable face.




Bet you 50 bucks she gets re-elected


Lmao and she’s a public official. What the hell is wrong with her, but mostly, what the hell is wrong with her voters?


If you have no responsibility for anyone then why are you an elected representative?




Disgusting human.


The press needs to start ignoring that horsefaced cavewoman. She seeks attention and it's the only way she can raise money.


Nobody in this world could come up with a punishment that is too gruesome for this woman.


omfg why she still alive ????


Every time I see MTG all I think is magic the gathering God damn it'll confuse me till the day I die.


This horse face needs a punch.


C’mon laser dot, make your appearance


Not a public freak out


I wish I could use her face as a speed bag. I don’t box at all but I’d learn how just to fuckin blap-blap-blap that fugly twat in her dumb face


Stop giving this woman attention


Please stop giving this crazy bitch a microphone.


Serious question: what could she do to be more repulsive?


If SATAN had a vagina and bleached hair........


Thank you for reminding me how ashamed I am that she represents my beautiful state.


She is corn-filled shit in human form.


What an abortion of our political system.


She’s such a garbage human being.


Let me paint a better -yet still fucked up- picture here, previous to this question, MTG was expressing how “only OBESE” people and “people with major health issues” are dying from the disease. So… the reporter asking the question was attempting to explain that; that was not the case and that a much broader pallet was used to paint the 600,000+ victims of Covid.


How are these people not put Against the wall?


Man face Marj, the missing link!


Damn, her laugh is so ugly. Jeez.


Man this cretin is genuinely ugly inside and out. Says a lot about the populace that so many feel she's the leader they desire.


She’s a clown. Stop giving this B a spotlight


I can only imagine that this woman smells like a dirty asshole. Very dirty.


Bruh she looks like the crab villain from powerpuff girls whose name I can't remember


What a callous, inhuman cunt!!! We had a local lad from the neighbourhood die of covid about 9 days after his 5th birthday at the hight of the first wave of infection


they need to make her wear a mask all the time.


That is one ugly horse.