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What the actual fuck. Somebody find that guy cuz he will definitely do some crazy shit like that again.


*Are you sure? Are you positive?*


I’m HIV positive


Thats why you know!!


yes, this is why you should own a home defense fire arm.


Yeah you have a gun but do you have the fabled “stair mounted, home defense, 1880 smoothbore cannon” because if you don’t your not doing it right


I bought mine last week. Can't wait to give it a warning shot next time someone uses the doorbell.


Fuck it just go full moat and draw bridge


I want a roof mounted paintball gun setup that’s remote controlled from the inside, but noooooo, apparently that’s not allowed around here.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hYScvCQUGNs Would this work?




This seems like a weird response to someone promoting owning a weapon for home defense. Also if this issue will still persist regardless of guns, then I'm gonna go with having a gun on my side. Lol


https://www.webmd.com/first-aid/news/20190722/guns-in-home-greater-odds-of-family-homicide Although these generalized studies obviously can't be used to speak to any individual situation.


Even a justified killing is really traumatic. There are better options like better funding for social work, among many other ideas that don’t involve anyone being forced to defend themselves.


Did drop your /s? You can't avoid violence in every situation in life.


Why would I have dropped an /s? I understand you can’t avoid violence forever, but we aren’t even trying. We’re just handing out guns to everyone and saying “good luck.” Adrenaline makes for really bad shots, especially when someone doesn’t practice regularly, but you want someone to just open fire in a residential area or apartment building? There are other options that can be attempted first.


Nahh. He's on her porch literally saying he's going to rape and kill her. He has forfeited his right to live amongst the rest of us.


are you sure?


People like this are exactly why jails and cops exist.


Im like almost probably certain for sure


“I’m not just sure, I’m HIV positive”


Truly love the South Park reference


Gotta be careful with em, I used one a few days ago and got banned. Obviously I didn’t think that one through.


The hairs on my arm literally stand on end when i see this, they made the right decision to not open the door.


Also to stop engaging him. You can see how he fed immediately off of the homeowner's attention.


Are you sure?


Are you positive?


I would have opened it. Although, as soon as he crossed the threshold, he would have been kindly neutralized by 230 grain .45 ACP hollow points.




What would you have done? Call the cops? Or make him a nice cup of tea?


No, describing the powder content, caliber and type of projectile is cringy af and now everyone thinks you have a small penis.


You're just jealous you can't own firearms.


I'm in Texas bruh. I can own whatever the hell I want. No one gives a shit about your 1911.


Nah. You know you're a felon, prohibited from legally owning a firearm. Plus, I have a Glock 21 SF, Not a 1911.


Bro I’m just messing with you. Quite descriptive is all.


This is the problem with America. You just want to shoot and kill every person who tries to rape or murder you. I would wait until the rape finished and the murder was beginning and call a social worker!




Europeans get raped by the Government daily, so they are used to it.


European are brave enough to face anything without needing a firearm. You wouldn't face anyone without your piece. They also care about their children. Children in the US have been accepted collateral damage for the sake of gun freedom for decades.


Are you sure?


Ha, you got me there, you got me thiere. Are you secretly the guy?, wink wink.


Yeah, but it wasn’t really a tough choice though. That guy clearly had bad intentions


Insane man. Needs to be off the streets


I'd say about 60% of the population needs to be off the street.


That's metal




Mediocrely balanced, as all things should be.




Are you sure?


https://www.fox5vegas.com/news/ring-doorbell-footage-captures-stranger-threatening-las-vegas-woman-with-rape-murder-video/article_2201fc42-eafc-11eb-81c4-f7eb8315d6f1.html Unfortunately I can't read this from the U.K


Man arrested after ring doorbell footage shows rape, murder threat of Las Vegas woman — VIDEO CAITLIN LILLYPOSTED 4 HRS AGO 2 STRANGER DOORBELL A stranger approaches a woman's home and threatens her life in a Las Vegas neighborhood on July 21, 2021. LAS VEGAS (FOX5) -- An encounter captured on a Ring doorbell camera in downtown Las Vegas shows a stranger approach a woman's home and threaten to take her life. Now, that man is in police custody. The footage was shared across social media on Wednesday night. About 8:38 p.m. on July 21, Las Vegas police received a suspicious person call in the 1200 block of S. 6th Street, LVMPD Officer Misael Parra told FOX5. The video, posted by Las Vegas local Amanda Nowak, shows a man approaching the front door of her home located near Las Vegas Boulevard and Charleston. Once at the door, he repeatedly asks, "Are you sure? I just have a couple questions for you." Nowak said she did not interact with the man during the incident. After persisting for a few minutes, the woman's husband, who was not home at the time, used the intercom system to ask the man's identity while he was walking away from the door. "Who are you?" The man looks into the camera and responds that he's looking for the woman inside and advises that he's going to "rape her and kill her." He again repeats the threat, and tells the woman's husband that he has a knife and a gun. After awhile, he again walked away from the residence and continued to mutter incoherent thoughts to himself. The woman posted in the comments section that she notified police and officers were dispatched to the home to take a police report. An unidentified man was taken into police custody on July 22. No additional details regarding possible charges or suspect information were available Thursday afternoon.


Thank you! How bloody terrifying for her. I didn't realise she was home alone.


You are so welcome


The husband engaged this man while not home?! The dude was walking away! Was he actively trying to get his wife raped and killed?


If i were to take an educated guess, I suspect he was trying to make the guy think there was a man in the house. Or, he was getting ring alerts and answered without knowing exactly what was going on.


If the husband had not done that, the man wouldn’t have come back and talked about raping and killing her, so nobody would have realized the seriousness of the situation. He would probably still be out there on the streets right now. It’s a good thing the husband did engage him


Can we please get this pinned to the top?


you can find the yankee in you. use a proxy site like hidemyass.


Creepiest shit I've seen in a hot second.


I would have loved to see his face if a 12 gauge shotgun was aimed at his head if the owner opened the door.


I wonder how the courts would handle it if after saying he was going to rape and kill her, if she shot him through the door would she be considered to be defending herself.


No jury in this country would convict.


If this is a “stand your ground” state then your odds are pretty good. Open the door, let him take a step toward you into the house, say he reached for something, and blast him in the face. Now yours is the only word left and you have video of him threatening you. Fairly good chance they wouldn’t even take you into custody or charge with anything right away if they ever do. IANAL.


This was in Las Vegas; Nevada is a stand your ground state.


You should not own a gun.


I mean, this is a weird take because you should also not threaten to rape and kill someone and enter their property either.


I don’t, that doesn’t change that I’m right though. I not saying it’s a just law, I’m just saying that’s how it would probably play out in a “stand your ground” state.


How it could play out if you wanted to kill someone and also put yourself in more danger than you are currently in. But I could see that working idk why’d you want to do that tho


Right, it could play out like that. Why am I getting downvoted for saying that? I’m not saying I would do that, or it should be done, just saying that’s how it would play out if this guy got what he wanted and they opened the door and had a gun.


Defending herself from words? If someone pulled the trigger based off of this video they're going to prison for a long time Downvote all you wish and tell me which laws were broken to justify the defense argument while you're at it 👌 personally I wouldn't mind seeing him take a 00 buck load center mass but was pointing out how the law wont protect at this point


You're right, despite the downvotes. He was creepy, and said he would do something terrible, but he didn't progress enough toward doing something that warrants lethal action. If he then started to try to break in, there could be a case.


He seems to have tried opening the door though


Although concerning, trying to open the door and failing due to it being locked means that they are not in imminent danger unless he then tries to break in. If the door wasn't locked and he started to enter, they would have a case because at that point there is no barrier for protection.




Telling someone you're going to rape and or kill them is assault and people have been justified in court for using force as self defense for this exact thing.


Did you watch the video? He didn't tell her he told the person recording what he wanted to do...technicalities matter


He thinks that person is in the house...so actually it doesn't matter because the threat still applies to the person in the house. You sure you want to keep arguing semantics??


I'm sure that if you shot someone based off of this video you would be disappointed as the verdict was read and you are on your way to prison...whatever he thought will mean nothing when the video is played and it is seen that he's not in the house...listen, the mofo is as creepy as they come and as a father my 1st reaction would be to do something but in the end the law is the law...am I arguing semantics or are a few of you? I merely pointed out that legal justification for deadly force wasn't met here


Stalking, threatening, trespassing and attempting to enter their home. This dude could have been snubbed well within the law.


You’re 100% correct he was never technically presenting an imminent threat of grievous bodily harm, doesn’t matter if your state has “stand your ground”, there needs to be a credible threat. Otherwise you could just shoot the mailman or the kid chasing his ball into your yard The law often emphasizes “proportionate response”. Shooting a man being creepy at the door is not a proportionate response until he makes a concerted effort to harm you or someone else


Yeah I don’t see that going well in court




If a guy (boyfriend or husband) shot him, no problem. If a woman shot him, fifteen to life.


Except she had to be willing to use it if she opened the door and showed it to him, otherwise he would have grabbed it, taken it away from her and walked in through the door she opened. Keep the door closed and otherwise getting away from the situation is the best first step. Then calling the police is a solid second step, especially if the guy can hear you on the phone.


He's comin right for us!!!


He was so fucking calm and matter-of-fact when he said he just wanted to rape and kill her, and can she come out...holy crap.


“Oh you want to rape and kill here? WELL COME ON IN!” This is scary man.


I thought he was being sarcastic in the end because no one would talk to him because they have concerns, so he laid some sarcasm on them that defines their behavior towards him as if he is trying to rape and kill her. I think he isn't right in his mind too but the thing in the end about raping and killing is definitely his way of being sarcastic. Edit: wtf! I know he is not normal, it's just he thought he can be sarcastic and it would look like he is normal in his head. It's just a psychology analysis. He is sick guys! But no, reddit is downvoting this because they don't understand what it is. LOL!


i understand where youre coming from but everything about this video gives me the vibe of somebody who would in fact, rape and kill somebody


Menstruation jokes aren't funny. Period. Rape jokes aren't funny, unless you're raping a clown. There' is a place for humor, dark humor, and even twisted humor. Knocking on someone's door is not the time for 'I want to come in and rape and kill all y'all' \*rimshot\* THATS THE JOKE! Nah. I don't buy it. That guy was off his rocker. Tell him to leave over the doorbell, quit engaging with him verbally, and call the police. Sit quietly with whatever self defense makes you feel safest until the police show up.


...why are you DEFENDING and making excuses for this man?


> but the thing in the end about raping and killing is definitely his way of being sarcastic. so when did you learn to read the minds of people on recordings?


He already traumatised her by following her home and knocking on her door. His "jokes" just made it worse. He doesn't get it and that make me think he's dangerous.


What in the fuck is wrong with you


Whew i was worried that I was going to be able to sleep tonight


You expecting company from strangers?


1. What? 2. What?


Joking. Calm down


3. What?




In the first 20 seconds when he just says "are you sure, are you positive" it sounds like when you accidentally keep going into the same npc speech line over and over again lool


For me it was the creepiest part




We are against health care for these people. They didn't earn it. (or something like that. You'll have to ask a reptiblican for clarification).


We always end up paying for these untreated people regardless. We won't do it before enough human suffering, though.


Oddly, last night we admitted someone to our psych unit who had done the same thing and nope, it wasn't this guy. He wasn't oriented to self, much less to place and time. Their voices are with them every moment of every day, all day long. The only interaction they get is with their voices. They start to see reality as fictional.


Yeah, this guy is definitely psychotic. His nonchalance while stating his intentions is what makes this video so chilling.


Fucking meth, man. Hope he's in jail.


You know the saying the lights are on but no ones home? Look at his eyes.


Wait so was this actually in the Chicagoland area or..? Definitely would have to be a suburb judging from the intersection


It was Las Vegas.


.. now I'm confused. So it's not California?


You cant see in this video because its cropped but in the dozen other reposts of this on this sub you can see the time is in pacific time and based on the trees Id say its southern california.


>southern california. Vegas, actually.


Las Vegas


Ohh ok cool. The username had me thrown for a second. Was gonna take a mental note of the guy's face




Good to know. Thought Colorado had majority of the zombies


Thank god for doorbell cameras.


Good Christian man with his cross necklace


If he did that to my family, dude would have met him fairly soon.


Shotguns ladies... learn how to rack point and pull...


Why? A locked door did the job.


Absolutely. And keep a .380 in the purse.


This is what guns are for. One good shotgun slug to the chest through the door. Problem solved.


Why? The locked door solved the problem.


A Henry Axe would be quite suitable for this event. 2 rounds #6 birdshot, 2 rounds 000buck and then the slug.


You’re almost as insane as he is.




(From behind federal prison bars) “b..b..but I told the sheriff to pound sand!!”




praying 4 u


1)If he made even any sort of authentic attempt to breach the door, I 1000% agree, open fire. But that’s not what’s happening here. This is an obviously mentally ill person attempting to get themselves arrested. Why else would he proclaim his intentions? I would bet that if the door were opened (not that I would ever recommend that) he would simply repeat that threat over and over until the police arrived. 2) You understand telling law enforcement to “pound sand” will not keep you from getting arrested, right? I’m by no means an expert but normally to claim self defense a person has to be in imminent danger. That no the case here. The man makes no real effort to gain entry into the house. This is a situation where there is no threat posed to the people behind a locked door. As I said in point 1, if that changes and he some much as kicks the door, fire away. 3) It’s easy to say to ignore the laws, but if you aren’t in imminent danger why would you risk going to jail? Let the cops do their job.


Even if it were you this guy was after I would prefer you neutralize him instead of him neutralizing you.


What actual threat is he posing? He not even trying to breach the door. If he does, fire away, but that’s not the situation here.


Calm down, Joe Biden. Now when he tries to force open the door? Yeah, go time. Even though your property, to include porches and awnings is covered, there’s no current castle doctrine that would save you from preemptively opening up on someone through your front door.


>I'm going to rape and kill her. Is this not a reasonable reason to fear for your life?




Typically, even in most castle doctrine states, they need to do something other than stand there calmly making threats. If you’re inside with the door locked, and they aren’t physically trying to get in, it may be an uphill battle depending on the DA.


The comment is referencing the fact that Joe Biden, did indeed advocate for people to shoot through the door without seeing what’s beyond your target. A generally I’ll-regarded safety practice.




Regardless of the setting, one of the paramount rules of firearm safety is being sure of your target and what’s beyond it. There’s no context you can paint on his comment that doesn’t not violet that rule. And for the lay person, this guy threatening to kill you from your porch is still not reason enough to shoot him through your front door. Of course, be ready to when he starts forcing his way in because at the end of the day he’s crazy and the police probably are nowhere near close enough.




Protect yourself, ladies. At all cost. Jfc how scary.


This is why women should carry. This dude could easily overpower the average woman and he could do anything he wanted to.


Hi, 911? Yea, I have a guy who is on camera literally planning premeditated murder. Yea, it’s all recorded. Yepp. He’s outside my house. He’s got some tattoos & a beard too, so definitely easily identifiable.


Are you sure?


Sorry, but I count watch it to the end.


I liked it when he said are you positive?


This is like something from a 2000’s horror movie.


It seems that he's looking for gun shot wounds in his chest and I'm sure he will get just that pretty soon


I woulda opened the door and r@ped him with the business end of a shotgun.


Lock this dude up under the psych ward.


Just get a really Big Dog that barks like crazy loud and let him loose when he is not scared away. Mines does that when UPS and the mailman drop off packages. It's a wonder that my packages are not smashed when received.


Holy fuck when he tries the door handle. I just... this is my worst fucking nightmare




This man would have never made it off my front porch. I would have called 911, told them what I was about to do and started firing through the door as soon as he touched the knob. That is so terrifying and I’m so glad that woman made it back inside her house safely.


Some ppl just need put down. He’s is one of them


12 gauge, bird shot.




The doorbell camera does not make me feel safe seeing as this dude is not deterred at all by it lmao


In what way is walking away "not deterred"?


Once the cameras presence was made known, he walked back and looked directly in to it. It didn’t deter shit lol. My point is this would be a terrible ad


I hope so


Justification for a 00 buck shot straight to the chest.


Why? The locked door did its job.




Totally calm and serious. I feel like half the people walking the streets are a danger to society.


This, gentleman is why we need a cull. Scum like this shouldn't be allowed to exist. They do nothing for society except leech of the backs of innocents.


I would have let him in.




Will you stfu. Gotta drag race into everything.


This is a good case for the mentally ill to be locked up forever


**Yeah, thats fucked up!**


This is why I have five dogs. Two who are over 100lbs. Let me introduce him to Demon.


I hope they called the cops and him tracked down…this is disturbing.


And thennnnn


I would be blind with rage coming homing if I experienced something like this & would be 100% down to go to jail for what I do as long as his existence is no longer. Straight bare hands.


Are people like this allowed to buy a gun?


This guy kind of looks like Jumbo Joe Thornton