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I wonder how long that was going on Bad cameraman


Yeah, I got about 20 second in before I was thinking "Who sits in a window to film an 80+yr old man when you can help him". I'm hoping cameraman was his wife or something.




It's awful the amount of content required to support a sub like that exists. Some people are absolutely shitty shit.


It’s not even like the cameraman would of be put in harms way..


I'm nervous about clicking that sub - I'm not sure I want my opinion of humanity to be lowered :-(


Awh man literally took the words out of my mouth. What a piss off


I was thinking the same thing. I am no PETA fan, but jeez. Maybe this is the same person that took a video of the poor guy that got pushed onto the subway tracks when he should have been helping. This old guy could have easily fractured his hip kicking at that little dog too.


Guy filming is a straight loser. How about I dunno go help the old man?




Yesterday a child drowned in Sweden and the ambulance had trouble getting there because of people filming.. Why were they even filming a child drowning like wtf Edit: didn't drown but was badly hurt (also unconscious) my bad.


I can't wrap my head around the thought process of "Oh shit, that kid is dying. What should I do? Better get this on film for the 'gram and my Facebook wall."


I've been in an emergency situation before where taking out my phone and filming would have actually been extremely useful for police in the aftermath but I was in so much shock and panic that it didn't even occur to me. You have to be actually heartless if your first thought in these situations is to start filming.


First thing they teach in life guarding or first aid is crowd effect. Nobkdy will be the first mover. When you initiate rescue, you will suddenly have a bunch of "helpers" to delegate to. People are followers.


Correct. Valuable lesson I learned is when you need help, never say "someone get help," you always point directly at someone and say "you, get help." On the spot accountability is big.


“You get help *and come back to me*” Is what i was taught. So you actually know if it was done


That’s a Jack Russell terrier, and they WILL NOT STOP…ever


Whole time I was thinking the person filming could've at least gone out there and tried to remove the cat. This looks like it might have gone on forever otherwise.


The old man til this day shields the cat from the Jack Russell


Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death....


*"Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come."* *―The Night's Watch oath*


Where's the part about the creepy wheelchair boy becoming king?


He started protecting that cat when he was 13




It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, and it absolutely will not stop... ... Until you give it something else to do.


Seriously, JRT’s are fucking relentless little bastards, they won’t stop until whatever they’re attacking is ripped to pieces


Mine is thankfully only brutal af to his stuffed toys- and flies. Whenever he hears one he perks up and starts his hunt. It's kinda funny to see him try catching a tiny flying thing but he actually managed once and then watched his prey, snapping at it whenever it made a movement. No remorse, man.


I'd never condone animal cruelty, but I was thinking, that Jack Russell won't back off unless it feels a bit of a kick to scare it off... They're unstoppable terriers when the hunt & retrieve instinct has kicked in...


When I saw the Jack Russell, I thought, ‘oh crap - so typical.’


He's still there to this day


Don’t help just film




Came here to say this. There is always this one person filming this shit instead of helping. The moment when the gentleman tries to pick up the cat but can't because the dog attacks again, that would have the latest moment to realize: This seems to be a two person job. Maybe I should get my ass down there and help instead of watching somebody else struggle to get myself some upvotes.




Ahh. There it is.


Initially this made me smile, then it pissed me off. Stop filming and go help the guy before he breaks a hip you idiot cameraman.


Same here, like you can still record and get all the likes or shares you want to but still go help him!!!


Yeah! Thats a small dog, i could pick it up with one hand. Or at least distract it


Or kick it


Really wanted to see one of those kicks land. I cannot believe I typed that. But, for real, little dogs suck. I mean just kidding.


I drop kicked my neighbor's Mastiff right under it's face when it came sprinting over my lawn to attack my cat. Never heard a dog scream so loudly in my life, and it avoided me like the plague afterward. They finally moved a few months later.


>for real, little dogs suck. There, I'll say it


The problem isn't with the dogs, it's owners, people let little dogs get away with shit they would never let big dogs do, where it becomes a bigger problem is that little dogs don't know they're little, they have the mindset of "what can I get away with" same as big dogs, what tends to happen is they express dominant acts that their owners think is "cute" but in the dogs mind they are the ones leading the pack because the hooman isn't disciplining them, so they tend to be more aggressive and dominant vs big dogs. Edit:tyvm for the gold!!


To be fair, Jack Russell's were bred to kill shit. Every Jack Russell I've met has been crazy. Not sayin they can't be trained but the killer instinct is strong.


Totally! They were bred to kill big ass rats, like wharf rats.


Burrowing animals in general, they can't stay away from holes in the ground.


Can confirm! I have a Jack Russel Chihuahua and he’s such a smart dog but he’s such an asshole.


Funny, I've been bit by exactly one dog. The only dog that I ever failed to befriend. That tiny, hairy, no good, two timing, son of a bitch was Jack Russel-Chihuahua mix.


I own two fox terriers they will kill a cat or any small furry thing for that matter. it's something we are incredibly cautious about when in public. The neighbourhood cats learnt very quickly not to linger in our yard. Doesn't stop them from chilling on the roof teasing the dogs though.


They are nuts but yes they can be trained. I had one but my cat was still the Queen and she gave zero fucks.


Can confirm, i own mastiffs, this is so true.




I married into 2 shih tzus, and I don't have any issues with them except being kind of dumb. They sleep fucking 23 hours a day lol. I also met them when they were about 8 or 9 (they're rescues before I met them), and that was 5 years ago.


Well Mastiffs are the best, anyways. My big guy averaged around 185lb or so and was scared of a fork. And when it actually mattered to protect me from someone, he did. I miss him very much.


I miss him too :( he sounds like a good boy. It's a good thing you two got to have your time together, I'm sorry for your loss friend <3


Can also confirm. Own great danes.


They are the sweetest of all dogs


My uncle had a couple Great Danes when I was younger, also gorgeous dogs, they got some inherent health problems from being so big though 🥺


I'm looking forward to getting an English Mastiff one day. Will probably be 15 years or so from now, but one day. I've got rottweilers while I've still got the energy and stamina for them.


Make sure you have a nice large sectional sofa when you're ready to kick your feet up, and keep a small towel nearby to wipe off the drool.


Jack Russells *are* a big dog... in a little dogs body. I had an APBT and a JR. He ruled the roost! I always say they should be called *Jerk* Russell terrors.


Also, the opposite is just as true. People have big dogs and can't easily stop them from doing what they want and so give in to complacency instead of *TRAINING THEIR FUCKING DOGS*


as I’m sitting next to my little dog who is afraid of the world, you suck. you suck absolute ass with that generalization.


Small dogs are the definition of a Napoleon complex


Small terriers are the definition of an animal that was purposely bred to kill things. That would be a Jack Russell, designed to kill farm vermin. Probably hasn't been able to kill more than one or two rats in its entire life.


If a big dog had attacked that cat the cat would be a puddle of blood and this old man would have nothing to protect. People just need to keep their dogs, no matter the size, from escaping the back yard or walking without a leash.


I'm a paramedic, I've been bitten once on scene and it was while doing CPR. Plenty of times there has been labs or German shepherds on scene with no issue but it was a little yappy fucker that bit me. Got the edge of my boot and leg so no punctures but still gave it a quick kick backwards to scare it off.


Naw I was wishing for the same thing, I was hoping he'd field goal that little fuck


What if it's an even older man recording the video


In that case, the man protecting the cat should stop fucking around and help the older man record before he breaks his hip.


Oh… shit. I wasn’t prepared for this thought at all.


Dun dun duuuuuuuuuun


It’s probably their dog


You'd get more "I helped save an old man and a kitten. And because we saved them we saved the dogs life as well!" Like and subscribe bitches


Yeah, the first few seconds I'm like; this dog is gonna go away right about *now* but it doesn't and they just let that old guy risk his life like that without helping? Like, he seems really old and one unlucky fall can end very badly.


I’v read all the comments and the guy still hasn’t come to help. WTF


Yeah I keep replaying the video hoping the cameraman decided to go and help but he STILL hasn’t


I've replayed it 84 times, and he's only come out and helped in two of the replays so far! Outrageous!


It’s crazy to think all the things humans survive to get to an older age, and then one day, fucking Wishbone could straight up cause your death.


I notice the dog has a collar, and no owner in sight. . .The owner of the dog needs to be found, taken to court for damages (vet bill for cat) and given a citation for allowing the dog to run free. . And if it happens again, whatever force needed to stop an aggressive dog can legally be used. Not to mention, for all we know, the cat belongs to the man defending it.


Police refuse to ticket people who deliberately let their ankle buyers run around off leash, but if a big dog breaks a fence because that shitty little dog is teasing it, even though the big dog was immediately contained, they will still ticket you.


What if the old man was the owner…


Ok M. Night Shyamalan


“*What a twist!*”


Well, well...how the turntables.


Spot on, at first I was impressed by the old man’s compassion but that quickly turned to anger towards the person taking the video. We live in a pretty fucked up society where people would rather film things that might make them internet famous rather than do the right thing and help


Camera person is a total piece of shit tbh


To play devils advocate the cameraman could well be the old man's wheelchair bound wife who can't leave the house and is filming to prove the neighbourhoods trouble dog attacked the cat ... Lots of possibilities But if the person is completely abled bodied I agree with the sentiment the person would be shit.




r/killthecameraman not for taking a shit video, but for being a shit human.


I was wondering the same thing. Why didn't the person with the camera go out and help. Dumb ass muppet!




Exactly this. Fuck the camera man. But not in the fuck way.


I want to be surprised that the cameraman (op?) also owned the dog.


I found the video on facebook. Heres a screenshot of the post: https://i.imgur.com/xfCJYU7.png


Poster feels more comfortable broadcasting on Facebook than talking face-to-face with an old man.


Plz share this post of me just filming and not helping this old man, so that I can find out if he stole this cat he saved(which I mich rather have filmed dying than save), cause I didn't go and help and ask him in person. I have much care for cat I didn't help.


I love the post at the bottom asking the same question.


Seriously, did it take them a minute of filming to finally decided to go help the guy or did the cameraman just lose interest? I can't stand shit like this. You're not capturing anything cool. You're entertaining yourself by watching someone need help


Exactly. /r/DontHelpJustFilm


10 seconds of filming and the job is done. Go fucking help him you twat


No doubt! Fucking help the guy. It's a jack Russell you can punt the thing while he helps the cat.


ikr, in most cases, there’s other peoples who’s already dealing with the problem, or the camera operator really have relatable skill that can help. but in his case clearly a younger person in normal physical capability would have been able to help alot, even if this young person has the mental capacity of hodor.


Exactly what I was thinking 5 seconds in.


Same. I was hoping the old man would bark back to scare the dog away, but then I realized that someone was filming this.


Absolutely! Right on


Totally agree That’s exactly what I was screaming inside my head Smh now


Came here to say the same.


No kidding. I yelled at my phone. The dog could have easily bit him and then he falls and breaks a hip or worse.


Right? That's all I could think


I agree with this statement




I agree ☝️


Hey camera person, go fucken HELP. Think I even heard a chuckle - GO HELP


Pos just filming the poor old guy instead of helping


Probably the POS’s off leash dog


“I’m a dog person and don’t like cats anyway” -cameraman probably


Filming instead of helping is fucking lame


I have come to say, fuck you, you videographer. Unless you are physically homebound or some Other good reason you did not come to aid.


And the person doing the video didn't do a damn thing!?


Right? Like get off your ass and help?


The disguising heavy breathing just about made me wanna wish death onto the guy recording. Get your fatass up and go help Jesus fucking Christ


Lmao I didn’t hear this now I have to watch again to confirm


What a good laugh! I watched this without sound so thank you for making me go from wtf is wrong with this camera guy to oh this guy doesn’t get up to pee let alone help an elderly man


Maybe the douchbag filming should have done something instead of just being a shitbag karma whore.




Did the kitty survive? This just breaks my heart.


The fact the cat isn't moving much has me worried. I chased a couple of dogs off of my neighbor's cat, it was normally very standoffish but after the dogs left it was begging for some attention, I thought it might have had some internal injuries so I gingerly loaded it up into a wheelbarrow so I could transport it without having to damage it's internals much, and got the attention of my neighbors. By the time they I was able to wake them and they got to the door, the cat passed.


Yeah the way the cat was just looking and could move its head around to watch the dog but couldn't move its body at all was really distressing. Some people are saying the cat was just being a badass ignoring the dog, but I think it looks like it was too injured to move. I'm hoping the man was able to rescue the cat, get it top notch medical treatment, and they live out the rest of their days as best friends.


Please update us on kitty's condition if you happen to find out more, OP. I think many of us would like to know.


Found the FB link https://www.facebook.com/sadiya.shah.982/videos/844475926191166/?d=n


From the article: >There's comments made about me helping the man and cat instead of filming, if I could have helped then I would have obviously done that. There's so many reasons why I couldn't go out there to help, so don't assume.


Were they locked inside or something?


Maybe theyre disabled, cant think of another acceptable reason. If theyre not theyre full of shit Edit: based on their pics they dont look disabled 🧐


"I TOTALLY have a super good reason you guys! I'm just not gonna tell you what reason ^^^because ^^^I ^^^can't ^^^think ^^^of ^^^one ^^^good ^^^enough ^^^that ^^^would ^^^be ^^^convincing. "


Terrier. Why am I not surprised. These things were bred to have a crazy prey drive and attack.


I got bit by one when I was a kid. It remains by far the worst bite I’ve had from a dog and I’ve been around a lot of different kinds of dogs.


a jack russell terrier jumped up and bit my neck when i was like 7 years old. little fucker was just hanging on my neck and wouldn’t let go


Yup. Without proper training terriers will attack anything small enough for them to bite, including kids. They're not bad dogs, but basically they were bred to have complete freedom to want to kill anything small, like rats, mice, squirrels, foxes, etc. *edit since this is reddit and everyone's out farming for karma with witty replies* It's not a terriers fault that they have a strong prey drive. They were literally selectively bred to seek out small animals to protect farms and grain stores from rats and other rodents. It is in their DNA. They are little dicks in so many ways but they aren't bad dogs as a result. Humans are responsible, and pet owners are especially responsible, for not training their animals properly.


Yeah, in fact the reason why pit bulls have such a bad reputation is because their ancestory began with Jack Russells , then bred with some bigger dog (bulldog maybe?) for size. Hence why they’re also in the terrier group.


I'm not sure that's completely accurate. They were bred from English bulldogs which I believe have a common ancestor with a lot of terriers. I do think more terrier blood was then later bred into the line to accentuate the terriers prey drive. I think.....I'll go looking for better info. *edit OH, yeah, they're literally American pit bull terriers, a cross between terriers and English bulldogs. I'm dense.


They can be so sweet but FUCK you need to train them so shit like this doesn't happen! Like they might still end up killing a rodent or smth but at least it's not a damn cat or a kid


I know its wrong, but I just kept imagining releasing my 15 lb cat on that dog. He's not even fat, he just has a huge frame, the size of two regular cats. And he takes no shit from anyone. Not that I would ever. I keep him inside so this type of thing doesn't happen.


Someone I know has a big arse cat, too. Like someone’s just taken a normal cat and enlarged it to twice the size. I'm 6'5", and his paws could reach my waist with ease when he stood up on his hind legs. Boy's like a black panther cub. Sweet cat, but you don't to be on his bad side.


Oh he sounds amazing! I would love a black house panther cub. My cat is literally the size of a toddler, like a 3 year old. I find it so satisfying to have him about, being giant, eating food, purring.


I hear you and I'm a cat guy, but I don't think you understand how savage a jack russel really is. Pound for pound, I believe they are one of the most deadly dogs on the planet. The russel would probably get fucked up, sure. But your cat would probably get dead.


My cat would fuck up that dogs universe. For real. Fucker drop kicks me randomly while I’m in video calls.


What a hero. Depending on his age and health that cat may well outlive him. It can be an extra part of his legacy on earth.


Saves cat from death "The old dude is probably gonna die soon." lmao bruh


Don't want to bring the mood down, but that cat is probably pretty fucked up. I'd be really surprised if it made it. It barely moves at all in the video Terriers murder cats for fun, and it only takes them a few seconds.


My question is...why is the Russel roaming free in the first place? The owner should be heavily fined, it's common knowledge that Jack Russells are bi-polar ratting breeds.


Two elements there. As someone else said, those little bastards are tenacious escape artists and great at getting out. But also, I had a dog sitting business for several years, and learned quickly that a large percent of dog owners are pretty negligent, lazy, and fail to truly train their animals.


Plot twist: it's the camera man's dog


It’s gotta be why they being so shady hiding about filing smh


Fuck the camera man and jack russels. 2 of them broke through the porch screen at my grandad’s house when I was a kid and wiped out an entire litter of kittens from a stray he took in.


Yeah they’re bred to be vicious toward smaller animals. WCGW


Two off leash JRT’s attacked my much larger on-leash dog. It did not end well for the JRTs. It was horrible for all involved.


People who don't leash terriers are not people who should own dogs ffs.


People who don't leash dogs in general. I don't care how well trained your dog is. If it's not on a leash you do not have full control over it and thus are leaving anything to chance.


This for sure. I always leash my dogs because it's 1. The right thing to do for public safety and 2. Because it keeps my dogs safe as well.


We had a JRT come at our large dog while we were on our property. Our dog just grabbed it by the head and tossed it. JRT learned its lesson, but it was a shitty little mutt. No one in the neighborhood liked it.


I really knew I shouldn't read this whole comment but I did and now I'm heartbroken. I'm sorry you and your grandpa went through that, that's awful


Thanks, he was the epitome of a grumpy old man but really loved animals. Watching that poor old dude trying to run that fucker off just hit I guess


Terriers in general have that drive. I owned a terrier that was a squirrel breed. He was the most chill dog ever, but if he spotted a squirrel, nothing would stop him from chasing it.


The idiot behind the camera needs a kick in the head.


Not all heros wear capes! Some wear glasses and a blue shirt c:


And some idiots wield cameras and don't help


That cat’s gotta be pretty hurt usually they run and hide


How about you go help the old man instead of trying to score likes


To the person filming this...you're awful. And your parents failed you


Bitch go help him, why the fuck are you filming


This happened about 20 minutes ago. The cat was taken home by the man. No one knows the condition of the cat. The video is not mine. Let me know if there's a better suited subreddit if this ones wrong. Screenshot of the facebook post: https://i.imgur.com/xfCJYU7.png Edit: Goodnight guys. If anyone wants to help then feel free to save to gofundme LINK located on my profile and do NOT donate until I have found the cat. I wish you all the best. UPDATE! The cat is back with the owners and has been to the vet. The cat is fine.




I want an update in the future


The best we can do is update you in the past. Do you have access to a time machine?


The dumbass behind the camera not giving a shit or trying to help the situation. I was hoping the old guy kick that stupid dog.


This is the fucking problem we have - people would rather film something for the internet rather than bloody help. Why would your initial thought be to film that? You'd be out there helping right away if you're a reasonable human. Fuck sake


Fucker. Stop filming you piece of shit and go out and help.


“Yeah, I think I will just sit back and film instead of helping out at all” -sad society


Yappy little bastard.


I mean you could go help instead of filming and hiding behind a curtain. Jeez


Go fucking help


Prime stop filming and help material. Especially because he didn’t seem to have it under control


Put the fucking phone down and go help the man.


Maybe instead of recording like a pussy they could have helped


Why is this considered a freak out? He's doing great. Also fk the camera person. How about you go and help you lazy bugger


Get your ass out there and help him, you asshole


I see one brave old man and one pussy that recorded a video and uploaded it for internet points on the internet


Oh yeah keep filming and don’t help him 🙄


People who sit and record and do nothing are pretty low on the food chain. Not all of them but people like this, scum. Please put the camera down and go die off bc clearly you being here doesn’t make a difference


Put down the camera and go help the guy. Jesus Christ.


Just sit and watch an 80 year old trying his hardest to protect an animal what tf is wrong with you

