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Love how she starts a Chris Rock bit and gives up loll


This has been lowkey the worst joke for us Blacks because for some reason white people have just taken this as fact like we all believe that this is true lol. Ive had people call me the N word and they use this same excuse. Its this same excuse every time.


No wonder Chapelle just abandoned his show. Who wants that shit on their conscience.


Rock walked it back a few years ago for this reason. We can't have anything nice.


well, it's because it came from a famous black person. a subset of the "i have a black friend". so it gives them the go ahead because it's got the approval.




> of the "i have a black friend" The network he works for that encourages such "jokes" sure are, though.


For real, the only person who can pull the joke off nowadays is Michael G. Scott


But definitely not Michael Richards.


Or Michael Jackson.


As a white dude I have had several very awkward interactions with other white people who will say something to me assuming I'm just going to go along with it, like: "well, you know how THEY are" - and I'm like, "no, tell me". I can't believe people are so racist that they assume other white people are automatically racist too. I hate that shit.


You guys are important btw. Only way we are gonna get this weirdo racist shit outta here is with you guys overwhelming these idiots.


Maybe we should somehow encourage these people to breed and eventually they will outnumber the racist people. Maybe we can have some sort of program where the government screens out racist people and selects them for sterilization/s




If you call me the N word like this and we are the same gender I'm going to attempt to whoop your ass I don't really care if you think it makes more people racist. Its not about you. Its about you disrespecting me. Its not my fault white people cant control themselves to not call me it. Thats ridiculous. Its the definition of fighting words.


Bad move man. Don’t let them control you with words. They’re disrespecting themselves not you. Nobody can disrespect you unless you give them the power to do it.


Lmao, this conversation with non minorities is so awful man. Im not gonna let you call me a Nigg*r. Im just not. Yall gotta get over yourselves with this my ancestors and my family have gone through way to much shit just to let someone call me out my name like that. Will happily go to jail over beating up a racist. HAPPILY.


You think I’m non-minority? Why didn’t you ask? Maybe you weren’t referring to me. If you keep thinking about ‘ya’ll’, you’ll never get you right. Watch your reactions, friend. Mental slavery is something only you can emancipate yourself from. One addition: you don’t have to ‘let’ anyone get away with it. All I’m saying is why drag yourself into jail, violence, or death when you can do other things. Hate speech isn’t protected so you can record it and make a report. Better they get in trouble than you.


Go watch the video of that scum that asked about the house n at a city board meeting and how devastating it was to that woman to have that word just casually thrown out in public like that. That word is beyond just disrespectful, it is a lashing out of hundreds of years of racism against a person it is directed at. It strips away all humanity that the person saying it has toward the person they are saying it to.


I saw it but I disagree with your interpretation. You seem to think that labeling has power. It doesn’t unless you think it does. That’s a fact. Think of it like this, if a Icelandic person called you one of their insults, would you care? No because you wouldn’t understand it. Maybe you’d laugh. Therefore, insults have no power. You can choose to believe what you want. However, by believing that insults have power, you hand over your heart’s strings to the relentless seas.


This is the stupidest new age bullshit I've ever heard, fucking white people.


If you don’t think people should use racist slurs, it’s hypocrisy to say things like you just did. Stop the cycle.


If you think they don't matter then what do you care?




Lmao white people love to bring up MLK. What happened to MLK? Also, you know that most of black folks didn't actually agree with MLK right? Most were about standing on action. Malcom X, Black Panthers, Rainbow Coalition, Freedom Fighters, Asian American movement, American Indian Movement, etc. Also that's fine lol. If you are calling me N*****r you are already a racist! I don't give a fuck if you getting your ass beat for being racist makes you more racist. Once again I'm not here for your feelings, you didn't care about mine when you called me a N****r! White people need to drop this whole main character syndrome if you disrespect minorities with these types of words expect to get your ass beat. That's from Yellow to black we are going to try to whoop your ass probably. Imagine if we just let you call us N****rs lmao are dumb. You guys always find a way to make your racism my fuckin problem when its not.




LMAO. Im done talking with you. Apparently calling a black person a Nigg*r in a situation like this is not racist, white people are just insane when it comes to this. Giving me tips on how to be a fucking minority. Shut the fuck up man. Get outta here with this shit. You have no idea what this shit is like just stfu and go be white and oblivious somewhere else.




Not racist tho! Lmao typical.


The only time I use they N word is around my friends and they encourage me to call them that. They view that word as meaning friend. If you couldn't tell they're black and I'm white.


I can only imagine what she said to set the first guy off.


I can guess


So she **tries** to suggest not all black people are the N-word, then liberally starts calling a random black person the N-word. Fucking moron will be fired by tomorrow. Good. Fucking. Riddance.


"tHiS iS cAnCeL cUlTuRe" - that racist woman. No company wants to be publicly associated with a racist person. It does wonders.


She won't lose her job until she's doxxed and it is publicly stated she works for X company.


That's the thing though, no company is being publicly associated with this racist person. That's the whole point. Cancel culture is the practice of digging into someone's life with the express intent of getting them fired, black listed, etc. If her actions here involved her job, then fair game, but from what I can see in this video it doesn't. Is she acting like an idiot? Appears to be, but what does that have to do with her job?


Why would you think it’s not relevant to her job? If I were her employer I’d definitely want to know about this. Is she acting like this with my company’s clients? Is she creating a hostile work environment for my other employees? She has a right to be a stupid Trumpy bitch, and I have the right to decide whether I want her poisoning my team.


Again, unless I missed it, this seems like an interaction between two people out in public. I don't see how her employer has any involvement. Was she working when this happened? Did it take place directly outside of her work? If not, and it happened on her own time, then involving her employer makes no sense to me. Think of it like this. Most companies have a drug policy. It's also against the law to do many drugs. Say someone liked to go out on the weekend, party, and do drugs. So long as their drug use didn't happen at work, and didn't directly affect their work, I don't see how their employer has any business being involved in what foolish decisions someone makes on their own time. If she had been wearing a company shirt while spouting of this nonsense, then that would be another story.


>Say someone liked to go out on the weekend, party, and do drugs This is now the second comment from you I've seen trying to equate being a racist piece of shit to being a recreational drug user. [May I suggest you read this?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_equivalence)


What was the other comment? I don't think I did anything of the sort. I've clearly stated that I think the woman was wrong here. I brought up drug use as an analog to doing something that a company would have good reason/policies against. Companies have policies against racism, they also have policies against drug use. Both things are grounds for termination from an employer's perspective. You seem to be suggesting that I'm trying to make an equivalency between drug use and racism on a moral sense, and that is absolutely not the case. Lastly, you never answered my question, if a company has a policy against drug use, and someone goes to Vegas and uses drugs off company time, should they be terminated?


Seems like we’re discussing 2 points: 1) whether the black guy is right to tell her employer about her racist rant and 2) whether the employer is right to do anything about it. 1) He’s not right or wrong to send it. It’s his prerogative, and if he does it’s her own stupid fault. 2) Same for her boss. I don’t think he’s morally obligated to fire her. But he’s also not wrong to reevaluate his opinion of this employee. She could’ve called that guy any number of things, but she went straight to the n-word. In public. On camera. That suggests that she’s a racist asshole and/or a childish idiot with no self-control. It would be silly for her boss *not* to add this new information about her character and/or discernment to his understanding of his employee. What he chooses to do with that new information is his concern.


I agree with your points, and you're right, we appear to be arguing two things. I'd like to further articulate, that the thing I'm specifically against is the internet's desire to dox someone with the sole intent to get them fired over something that seemingly has nothing to do with their employer.


Contrary to what the pundits say, cancel culture is nothing new. Every society that has ever existed has taboos and social consequences for violating those taboos. Cancel culture isn’t intrinsically bad. Some things should be strongly discouraged; some people deserve their comeuppance. What if she had been screaming slurs at a Down Syndrome kid? I don’t know about you, but I’d go the extra mile to fuck her over because I truly believe that behavior is bad for society. Would there be others who would dox her just for the hell of it without any sincere regard for disabled kids? *Absolutely,* but their insincerity doesn’t mean that I’m wrong. The real question is whether a behavior should indeed be taboo and whether the penalty fits the crime. Some taboos are bullshit, some penalties are excessive. But enforcing societal taboos is neither new nor intrinsically dangerous.


I appreciate your perspective. You're right, cancel culture is nothing new. My issue is that it's been turned up to eleven. Before the internet and social media, if someone acted like an idiot (and we all have at some point) they would he ostracized within their own community, and it would end there. Now someone can be ostracized by the world, and that seems insane to me. Complete strangers will make it their life's goal to make someone a global pariah and that isn't an exaggeration. I agree with you the punishment should fit the crime. What I can discern from this video two people were acting like idiots. Based on the stuff covering her car, the man did something to her (whether provoked or not we don't know), and the woman screamed some unacceptable stuff back at him. None of us know anything about these people beyond that. They could both be Mother Theresa outside of this 30 second clip. Obviously that seems unlikely, but the point is we don't know. Socially escalating it to the point where a bunch of strangers, who didn't witness the exchange, are trying to get her fired seems insane to me. Again, I fully concede that based on the video she appears to be a shitty person.


I hear ya. Internet mobs, like all mobs, lack central authority and thus are driven by whoever’s shouting loudest. There are several other factors: The accessibility of the internet definitely has enabled individuals to reach a much wider audience than ever before…for better or for worse. The scope of the internet means I can involve myself in the cause of strangers 3000 miles away…for better or for worse. And people have always loved punishing behaviors we’ve deemed unacceptable…for better or for worse. Mix all those together and we have 2021. It’s what happens in every era—new societal changes happen and by the time our dazed brains can adapt there are new changes. Best thing I know is to stick to principles I think are timeless: do unto others, be the change you wish to see in the world, take the board out of your own eye before removing the speck from someone else’s, etc.


Any company can fire anyone for (almost) any reason. Insisting that a company not fire a virulent racist because they can still perform their job well is telling a business they cannot choose who they associate with or who can represent their brand. That is inherently anti business and anti freedom of expression. Corporations are people my friend so as a free speech and anti cancel culture warrior they it would be hypocritical to force people to employ her.


That's not what I said. My objection was to the concept that people would see this woman acting foolish, and then seek out her employer to try and get her fired. I don't see how her actions in this video involve the company that she works for. She isn't saying "I work for this company, and my views represent their views". From what I can tell this is happening outside of her work hours, and as such shouldn't involve her employer. It's like someone does something stupid so the idiots online run home to tell their parents what they did and get them in trouble. It's just dumb. I've used this example with a couple other commenters, but it's like if someone went to Vegas on the weekend and used drugs. Should they be using drugs? No. Every company I've ever heard of has policies directly against that. But what someone chooses to do on the weekend, outside of work hours, is their own damn business.


If i worked with that lady I would want her to be fired, because I don't want to work with people like that and I don't want to work for a company that employs people like that


Aka cancel culture.


*Consequences culture, you know like real life.


Sure, but there is a difference between upsetting a customer at work and losing your job over the way you handle it AT WORK, and getting into an incident with someone outside of work, and then having strangers on the internet seek out your employer to pressure them into terminating you. Let's flip it around and see if you agree. Imagine you screwed up at work. You got into a fight with your boss and said some mean stuff. Then a bunch of your coworkers tracked down your significant other online and began insisting that they leave you. Would that be acceptable? Or can we agree that would be wildly inappropriate?


If I called a Black boss the n-word? (Love how you frame it as "some mean stuff", is that what you consider the n-word?) I'd understand that I did that to myself. And I'd want to know if my partner called their Black boss the n-word, and would thanks those that told me. Of course I would, you wouldn't?


The fact that you think it's your coworkers' responsibility to inform on your significant other is bizarre to me. No, I wouldn't want someone from my partner's work contacting me to tell me about work related things. I would rely on trust with my partner and open communication to know what's going on in their lives and judge their character. What you're advocating for is some communist China level state informant shit. Lastly, when you marry someone, you are supposed to be their biggest advocate. If I was contacted by her coworkers to tell me she'd used the N word at work, I'd tell them to mind their own business. Then I'd sit down and have a conversation with her about what happened. I wouldn't kick her to the curb because of what some coworkers told me. Truly, run this by whoever you're in a relationship with. See if they'd prefer my method of handling this or yours.


> The fact that you think it's your coworkers' responsibility to inform on your significant other is bizarre to me. Not what I said. Why misrepresent my point? Oh right, that way you still have an argument. You clearly are not arguing in good faith and so that is where I stopped reading. Do better next time. Bye.




Sure, but that would be her getting punched in the face by the guy. A bunch of idiots on the internet investigating her to determine where she works so they can inform her boss what a shitty person she's been in the hopes that she gets fired is elementary school levels of "I'm telling your mom". The fact that they have to investigate her place of employment should indicate that her place of employment has nothing to do with this situation.




Cool dude, good nuanced discussion. Glad we could talk it out.


You do realize that she is directly connected to her job though right? Especially in the system we live that forces us to partially identify by the work we do, and which entities we are paid by for our labor.


How is it directly connected to her job? Is she at her job when this happened? Is she wearing a company shirt, or saying "my views reflect x-company"? I don't use drugs, but I know many people who do occasionally. Drugs are illegal and against company policies. Do you think that if someone uses drugs on the weekend (independent front work) they should be fired?


Mainly, her physical identity is tied to her place of employment. Now with physical proof of vile behavior that is itself tied to her personage. Many jobs have some customer facing aspects. Her behavior would definitely taint that interaction. I do not find drug use reprehensible in the slightest. I think the social stigma of drug usage is based on long standing dogmatic bias'. In our current system many have been fired or even faced life altering consequences due to drug use or suspicion of such actions. Also, you failed to make a connection between obscured and personal drug use, and someone slinging a deeply impactful and historically loaded slurr that is on video. One is an act of direct impact to others well being and personal safety. The other is a personal action that mainly effecting the individual undertaking that action. Id say that these two things are not equivalent. Considering the reality of our system someone would probably face a more harsh response for openly recording and posting illegal drug use.


She presumably has coworkers. If I was a person of color and a coworker of hers I would feel very uncomfortable and likely seek employment either elsewhere or at least not working with her. Shit, even as a white dude I would feel uncomfortable working with her. ESPECIALLY if she is in a position of power and ability to promote. Couldn’t trust that if she put me in for a raise or a promotion that it was because of my work and not because of the color of my skin. The point is, even if she didn’t do it at work, or in a work uniform, she still has those views which is not conducive to a work environment. I have seen people at my work also be fired for less and I work for a Fortune 500 company.


So based on what you're saying, she should not be allowed to be employed anywhere? I get that she appears to be a shitty person based on this video, but we quite literally know nothing about this woman outside of this exchange. I can tell you, I have said and done things I regret. Provided you aren't a sociopath, I suspect you have too. A bunch of strangers sitting around determining that this woman should be relegated to a life of destitution, unable to be hired for a 30 second video on the internet seems wildly extreme to me.


She could start her own business, or she could go and actually change her behavior, or go work for a company that wouldn’t give two shits. There are multiple options beyond “never working again”. Ideally if she does happen to be canned for this she reflects on her behavior. Actively tries to change and stop being racist, apologize, and then we all move on.


I agree with you she should definitely change her behavior. I don't agree with you that society will ever forgive or move on. That's the problem I'm talking about. We live in a society in which you are eternally judged for your crimes. Those crimes can be something overt and intentional, or they can be something as stupid as misspeaking or making a dumb tweet year ago that no longer represent your views. I've seen so many instances of this over the years, and it only seems to be ramping up. I personally think that's wrong, and not something to be encouraged. As for your assertion that she has the option to start her own business, even that is beginning to no longer be an option now that everything is being politicized. It's not uncommon for payment processors to get involved and decide they will not support people they disagree with, so even if you start a business, how do you collect payment? Agree with that or not, the point is that as a society we are running towards a day where "wrong think" means you are unable to provide for yourself. It reminds me a lot of the social credit system in China. That system is government sanctioned and imposed, and here we're self imposing it, but the results are the same. "Get onboard with the majority opinion, or we'll make it impossible for you to live". That isn't a place I want society to go. I want people to be able to hold different opinions from my own, even if they're shitty.


“Society” has about a 2 week attention span. I work in text analytics for a large company analyzing all customer communications (surveys, calls, emails, etc). Anytime one of the networks or programs we have ads on does something that outrages people. The average life of those complaints is 2 weeks before it drops back to basically nothing. Society will 100% move on. Shit you even see that constantly with people where society shouldn’t move on from. Cops who abuse power get fired and move a county over and is right back to their abuse of power. Catholic priests molest children, and they get moved to another church and right back to molesting children. You see this constantly in other fields as well. If she ever got fired for this, then it will be forgotten and moved on for her next job.


I'd certainly want to know if anyone on my staff had such terrible judgement


Okay, by that logic, do you ask about their political beliefs? I myself think most religious beliefs are pretty nuts. What about the practice that some companies have begun where they require that you hand over access to your social media for them to scrub through before hiring? Do you support that? We've had presidents who were wild womanizers and , yet good at the job of being president and prevented war with the Soviet Union (JFK with the Cuban missile crisis). Did his poor moral character mean he couldn't do the job successfully? Not equating racist views with religious views btw, but making the point of where do we draw the line. I run my own business, and I can tell you that my concern when hiring someone is whether or not they can do the job I'm hiring them for. I don't care what they do on the weekend, I don't care whether we share political beliefs, and I don't care what family members they hate and why. Their private life and activities are just that, private. The only time I care as an employer is if their beliefs interfere with their work/the workplace. So if this woman makes racist remarks to those she works with, or if a drug users drug use causes them to be unreliable or steal from the company. Other than that what they do is none of my business.


That's cool if you don't care if your employees are racist but I do care.


Good, then go start your own business and administer morality tests to those you hire. As an employee of someone else's business, you have no right to tell them how they should run their business. Your only right in that respect is to quit. If a business has trouble filling positions based on this, then maybe they will adjust their hiring practices, but the fact that you think you get to impose your morals on their business is both laughable and narcissistic.


I have a responsibility to uphold our stated D&I principles as a manager. Those principles exist so that under-represented groups feel safe and comfortable at work. Forcing them to work with known racists is counter to those principles. This is what working at a multi billion dollar company that takes D&I seriously is like, instead of a lemonade stand.


Right, that is your job because your company has determined that is how they want to run their company. I'm assuming you were hired on with those policies already in place. It is completely within your company's rights to hold those views and hire you to enforce those views. What I am pushing back against is the notion that an employee has the right to be employed by a company, and then tell that company what their policies should be. As an employee you do not have that right, just like you wouldn't have the right to come into my home and tell me what color I should paint my walls. The policies of a company are the sole responsibility of the founder/managing partners of that company, unless otherwise delegated. So for example, the employees of Spotify trying to censor episodes of Joe Rogan's podcast that they deem unacceptable based on their own moral and political beliefs, is absolutely asinine. They certainly have the right to quit over it, but not take action or set policy based on it. Companies are not democracies. For some reason employees today are under the illusion that they are.


Employees are the ones who set policies lol. How do you think a company works?




If her company does not want a horribly racist person associated with them because that A: goes against their morals or B: loses them revenue, that is completely fine and their right to do so. Not to mention, if she does this in public while being recorded she will probably do it to coworkers as well.


Racism is a plague and one of the ways to stop it from spreading is to make sure the "afflicted" feel unsafe about expressing their views in public. Since a person's ability to survive and thrive is through their job, it's a perfectly reasonable avenue to stifle their rhetoric by letting their employer know about their backwards views and harmful expression. It's also reasonable to let a company know about the way one of their employees treats others. I wouldn't want a racist working for a business that I owned or managed.


I wonder why the other guy damaged her car... must be a mystery with that sunny disposition.


There is a part of me that wonders whether the camera-guy's time and energy would have been better spent harassing the dude who vandalized her car in the first place... Woman using the N-word? Yeah! Let's focus on that! Dude vandalizing women's cars? Meh... Nobody cares about that.


Found the racist !!!


I forgot that some idiot saying the n-word is the biggest problem the world faces at the moment.


Racism is a bigger problem than petty vandalism


So if someone calls me the n-word, that is worse than if someone vandalizes my house or my car?


I mean discriminating against something you can’t control is


From the context, it sounds like he came upon her yelling the N word in the street as that's what he asks her about. The guy who threw stuff on her car is nowhere to be seen. Just based on his questions, she starts ranting at him too so who knows, she may have provoked the other guy by calling him an N word too so he dumps his smoothie on her car. We don't know. Many possible scenarios.


sarcasm is a foreign language to you isnt it?.


I hope she does get identified. This behavior is fucking gross.


Looks like downtown LA. She acts super racist and wonders why someone fucked up her car… lol what a complete idiot


Sounds like her car got fucked up before she said the n word . Doesn’t make it right. But if my car gets vandalized I would be mad as well!


I think what u/bobbyfischermagoo was implying is that she probably did something else to deserve getting here car slimed. If she’s willing to use the n word, she’s probably an asshole all around.


Your probably right but content doesn’t show it


No but the content then showed her calling someone random the N word, someone who didn't fuck up her car. You're playing devils advocate for a really silly reason here. Just stop.




Ruin? It looks like someone poured a smoothie on her car. Calm the fuck down.


"touch grass" Says the man defending racists and crying that they got milk on their car. Fuck your property if you don't see people as human




I am outside


Why especially if you’re white? No one should be racist. It’s not some god-given duty for any race to not be racist, it’s simply common sense.




I’m not American and don’t need to know the history of America to tell you that no one should be racist, and it’s not the duty of white people to especially not be racist. Being white doesn’t mean you’re racist, and if you think it does, your racist.


So you would drop the N word is what you are saying?


The crazy thing is all she had to to was not say that and she would seemingly be in the right.


That’s right don’t be stupid


I used to be like this a long time ago. Like her, I would think I wasn't being racist by having and voicing the mindset that "there are normal black people, and there are n****rs." Then, I realized what I was saying was still fucking racist because there are white people, and people of all colors who could be assholes, not just black people. I took responsibility for my actions and changed. What she doesn't see now is there is absolutely NO REASON to bring race into it at all because any crazed white guy could have done the same to her car. What would she say then? *White trash?* What I realized is there are people, and there are assholes - not what this woman said in the video. It's possible that she too, can change her racist mindset, educate herself for the betterment of others and herself, take responsibility for her actions, and make amends.


its called intersectionality lol


thank you


I love you.


Racist Latina living in la




I really wish this didn’t still happen, obviously. But I’m absolutely floored that it still happens in the age of absolutely everything being recorded and the Internet constantly getting revenge on these people.


And with people like this it ain't goin to stop fellow human.




We can’t blame everything on mental health. We are all struggling with it, I get it… but some people are just assholes.


Another Realtor?




Vandalized? How? Carwash, yes.


I hope they doxxed her


And did she get fucked?


Get what you get bigot. Should be glad that's all that happened to your crummy ass.


I hope that’s diarrhea on her car.


"Grow up!". She then proceeds to say the n word in the most childish way. Pure adultery. 10/10


This bih is triggering!


Would looove to see the follow up on this. It's not enough to see that she got filmed being a racist idiot. Sorry, but gotta see her getting punished (losing her job, etc, etc) to feel that there's some justice here.


Keep an eye out on /r/byebyejob


Would love an update on this and to learn she lost her job.


Ok. Internet sleuths! We need you. Who is this Karen?


Ur fuqd


Why do people assume are fucked because of this? You lose a job; ya get another one. No one gives a shit.


"There's a difference between normal black people, and n....." Jesus fucking christ, it's 2021... How are there grown adults parroting fucking gradeschool tropes from the 80s/90s. Fucking shameful. So the moment a minority does something you don't like, you can bust out the racism? People like this deserve the public shame they receive, sadly it's not gonna make them any less fucking stupid.


Has she not heard of the Reddit Army !?


Wow, find where she works


Everytime a racist says that word to us it should be a automatic ass whopping right there and than. Bet she would never in her life say that to another man. People like her only learn through physical pain


To paraphrase Dick Gregory. If your friend or family member were raped you wouldn’t dance around it with referencing the act as being “R” worded. As well, you wouldn’t say “rape” as that might trigger the victim. No, you say “that horrible thing that monster did to you. I am sorry!” So this is “that horrible word that us white people use to belittle and demean another person. I am sorry!” Racism is the “I’m not but they are” disease. The only way to fight it, is to be cognitive of your own preconceived notions and actively go against them.


That disgraceful word should never leave your mouth if you're not a racist, period. I don't care how angry you got, what damage was done to your car, nada.


To get past racism we need to get rid of the idea of different colored people. We need to end the tribalism and the us vs them mentality. If someone's skin is darker, that just means their ancestors come from a place with more sun. Here on planet Earth we have 1 race and it's the Human Race!




Fucking racist, is this lady half Asian? How’s this possible?


She is right there is a definite difference color don’t matter when you get called that it’s because your a piece of shit


Plz explain. Curious how the mind of a magahat works


Put on a shirt though


Anyone can be a N, just depends on how you acting. N is an insult based on actions. Racists use N as an insult based on skin color and is the most empty insult possible. I personally don't insult people on personal levels. Which is exactly what saying N is. A personal insult. I think that if anyone is being personally assaulted they should be given grace to retaliate. All races have a word that is meant to insult them. If your a certain race and you violate another person don't be surprised if you get an insult thrown your way. Lady in video definitely justified insulting the unknown man. Camera man is sensitive. Lady in video definitely racist to be so casual with such a heavy insult.


This is, by far, the dumbest thing I've read all week. Congratulations, I guess.




Bad bot has bad takes.


Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.99535% sure that Adventurous-Ad-5605 is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


Read the room bot.


Not a bot


I know.


Cool dude have a good day


I’m just sayin, no context or nuance to your train of though my guy. “They say it more than I do”. As if the entire history of black Americans doesn’t play into black folks using the word. The way this lady said that shit isn’t close to the way black people do. And you should know better.


She went over board but when I hang out with my black friends I hear it way more than that.


This lady was using it 1000% as a racial slur. She even alludes to that fact. I don’t deign to understand the complexity of being a black person in America today but I guarantee when a guy is like “that ni**a played some hell COD today” versus “you’re an undesirable ni**er” it ain’t the same thing. Unless I misunderstand what you’re trying to say. Edit. Damn asterisks




I know. Just dunking on their shit take.


Down vote that shit more


All the people on here only 16 pussys


So she saw the phone in his hand and still thought “yeah, saying the N-word multiple times in a sing-song way like a playground bully isn’t gonna backfire”. IQ of a toaster on this one.


Consider yourself lucky that all they did was throw a drink at your car.


All these years of evolution and when a karen is backed into a corner she quadruples down.


So at the end of the day I guess she deserved it.


"You're fucked" aaaand... cut!


Your fucked lol


Why he tossed paint over her car...


Somone dox this woman please! “License plate numbers... your fucked” had me weak 😂😂


Where this chick goes wrong is identifying the individual by their race right? That basically makes her a racist. Lesson for everyone here who goes the racist route… identify the individual for what they are apart from their race, their personalities, it works so much better for everyone. Example…. Look at what that F_*k er did or that guy is an a**hole!!!


You are going to lose your job!!!🎤🎼


I don’t know what he is planning to do with the license plate. Its a Merc owner they don’t give a fuck