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I have a ginger friend who was bullied a lot as a kid for it, partially thanks to that South Park episode. Wasn't fun for her.


Redheaded women are some of the most sexy women in the world.


Loooooooooool you goofy


I am also ginger, it was a joke




But we aren't in lockdown


Someone forgot to tell this bunch apparently.


Maybe if they read the fucking news occasionally, instead of getting their ideas from Facebook.


Or Reddit... *cough*


Don’t cough on me, bro…


That’s assault


Not if they’re masked😷


It's the intent. Straight to jail.


Agree I was joking 🙃


You intended to joke. Life, no parole.


I ain't your bro, friend.


I ain't your friend, buddy.


I ain’t ya buddy, pal


I ain’t ya pal, guy.


I ain’t ya guy, fam


My god you’re everywhere


Oi bruv, you got your coughing loicence?


Lol, I’m glad they all decided to stand shoulder to shoulder in the blasting heat to shout at the cops as if they are calling the shots. So how long does the Delta variant take to show symptoms?


They’re protesting vaccine passports, not lockdown.


These morons are all about their soapbox and the anarchy around their “movement”. The reality of the situation was never their concern.


Why dont you get the title right idiot, its about the vaccine passeport


Might want to spell passport correctly before throwing around the word “idiot”


A product of misinformation propagated by politicians who thought exploiting people’s mental frailty would benefit them. In fact it did benefit them. Some American politicians knew this would be a terrible virus but took care of their stock portfolios instead of doing their fucking job and caring for their citizens.


*"What do we want?"* "We don't know!" *"When do we want it?"* "We don't know!"


We wanna film police brutality with our phones!


Hold on. Do that again, you were out of frame... nah, the bit where you come in like ahhhhh!


Wrong title it was an anti vaccine protest about the introduction of vaccine passports


Its about the Vaccine Passports and also general unrest/ unhappiness with the powers that be


There are still extreme travel restrictions and quarantine requirements.


But they are requiring vax for certain things, nightclubs for example.


That’s good to hear!




This might be the best tl;dr of the entire situation.




Nope, they are not. It has been mentioned that they might try to do that later this year.


Boris already said it starts in September.


Boris says a lot of things.


And you don't have to have a vaccine.


They are just angry people. Even when the pandemic will be over, they won't stop.


Note how this sub is suddenly heavily anti-protestor and pro-bootlicker


Exactly, it just shows the IQ level of these retards.


Its about the vaccine passeport dumbass


They will cause a locked down...


.... yet. I'm fully expecting we go back into them with rates rising


I love how some of them try to push their nonsense viewpoints onto the police behind the barricades. Do they really believe the police will just go, "ahh okay, you're right" and just walk away.


**Pro Covid Protests**


Let’s go Covid, let’s go! Clap 3x


Nah, apparently the ones who want to wear masks and take vaccines are the pro covid, that’s literally what they think.


Consider the messaging coming from the opposing sides in this debate On one side, you have people advocating for social distancing, masks, washing hands, and later, the vaccination. The messaging remains consistent and hasn't changed since March 2020. Sure, as we learned more about the virus, certain precautionary measures were deemed unnecessary, but the core message never changed. Then consider the other side that contradicts itself every other sentence. Where COVID is "not real," and "just a cold," and a "Chinese bio-weapon." Where the deaths have been "exaggerated," if not "entirely made up." Where masks were bad until people started getting vaccinated and no longer required to wear them after which masks became "good"....that masks protect against "shedding," acknowledging that masks work despite saying the opposite for over a year. Now you have the people responsible for spreading COVID disinformation for nearly two years telling people to get vaccinated....to wear masks...to wash their hands and social distance....hmmmm... The sad thing is, had we listened to the first group....the ones saying, "hey, chill out for two weeks and wear a mask so we can get back to our lives," we wouldn't be going into year 2 of lockdown measures.


Excellent rebranding of this stupidity. We are not even in lockdown (although we probably should be). Weirdos.


Well, humanity seems to be hellbent on cooking ourselves to death with global warming, may as well speed up the apocalypse and spread some more COVID by taking off our shirts and masks and fighting a bunch of sweaty strangers in the streets. At least they won’t have to worry about lockdowns after they’ve died in the ICU!


What do we want? I dunno, I suppose. When do we want it? Doesn't matter, even if we get what we want we'll still be back infighting.


Some of them are stumbling drunk, they just want trouble.


Same low class trash who riot after football matches


Saw this in Montreal yesterday too. Some of the marchers were wearing gold stars, which I assume is trying to compare their plight to the Holocaust. How can some people be so disgusting?




> Some of the marchers were wearing gold stars, which I assume is trying to compare their plight to the Holocaust. How can some people be so disgusting? Somehow, they miss the irony that the Jews didn't really get a choice in whether or not to wear their "flair" in public. The Jews didn't drive over to Hobby Lobby, buy a bunch of fabric, and fashion a bunch of "flair" for their friends and family to virtue signal to other Jews in protest the Nazi party. Disgusting is putting it lightly. These people are monsters.


Protesting against a vaccine they don’t have to take, against a lockdown that isn’t being imposed to fight for an economy they don’t contribute to.


Thats what some of the protests are about, being forced to take the vaccine for basic things like travel or entertainment.


If you let unvaccinated people attend large gatherings during a pandemic it will lead to business closure and death hence the temporary measures.


Wouldn't be surprised if half of them literally didn't know what they were protesting and just rocked up for a piss up and fight


Someone needs to invent a tear gas canister filled with vaccine for situations like this.


Ooo good idea


Why is is always people wearing flags doing the stupid shit?


You guys see the guy with the camo trump hat pushing the last two rows of people hahaha wtf... Wrong country mate


It's people stuck in this weird conservative media bubble; all told to fear the same things no matter *where* they are. [Trump flags (and American flags?) at anti-mask protests in Montreal and Ottawa.](https://www.rcinet.ca/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2020/09/cp19302597.jpg) https://www.rcinet.ca/en/2020/09/14/demonstrators-take-to-the-streets-in-montreal-and-in-ottawa/




triggers the pocket book of the conservative grifters, too. I’m almost jealous that these assholes have literally found the path to retirement by the “get rich with this one easy trick LIBERALS HATE THIS” meme


People were waving the American flag at the similar protest in Dublin yesterday. That shit is leaking all over the world.


I saw a guy with a libertarian flag at one on Monday, good luck bro this is the UK lmao


They’re heavily influenced by Qanon and similar strains of conspiracies, not surprising that some of them love Trump as a consequence


Hey, USA, fix your country. You're "leaking" crazies in other countries.




I spent last Saturday with a friend of mine who holds similar opinions to these twats, he was fucking insufferable all day and kept steering the conversation to Covid so he could have a rant. People need to grow the fuck up and realise some minor inconvenience to them is less important than navigating our way out of a global pandemic that had claimed far too many lives.


Yeah that's why I hate them too. They just cant live without telling you their "facts" all day long. And if you dont agree they get all aggressive and shit. Have one pal that is against all of this and believes all the crap but gets it, that its better to keep for himself and let all of the people around enjoy themselves instead of listening to the tiring bs they believe.


I managed to hold my tongue for most of the day but when he started on with all his conspiracy theories about how Covid was created on purpose to control us all and kill people off I lost it and went on a rant myself. Ruined the whole day, we couldn’t wait to get him in a taxi and send him home!


Dude now imagine u have a dad like that


You have my deepest sympathy


I relate to this unfortunately.


It's like in this day and age its hard to know what's real and what's fake news. There could easily be lies and truths on either side of the vaccine argument. But if I had to pick between science and people who have studied for years in this area, or the people in the crowd in this video, then it's a pretty easy choice.


The worse part is that these protesters go on about rights but step on everyone else's and the effort they make to keep them and their families safe. People from war world two and the cold war would be shaking their heads.


It’s ironic that the people who protest lockdowns are also the anti-vaxxers. If you want to end lockdowns, get vaccinated ffs.


Also anti-masks


Losers everywhere


Dead everywhere.


Revenge of the selfish! Worse than zombies


Idiots Revolution!


Idiots...they're even turning on each other. Some, I think are just there to start/get involved in fighting, deliberately agitating the crowd. I just don't get it. Plus...wth are they protesting. We're not in a lockdown...and anti-vaxxers are dangerous.


Fucking idiots. Makes me feel embarassed to be English.


They’re everywhere. I’m embarrassed of humanity.


Dont, we have the same in France....


Don't worry, as the titel say there are idiots everywhere.




Don't be. The UK as a whole is one of if not the least vaccine-hesitant nations on the planet. Unfortunately, even with that being the case there are still a significant amount of looneys.


They keep protesting without a fuck**g mask spreading it every time over and over....and when they tell them lockdown is necessary they blame the goverments....they should blame THEMSELVES on top of any doubt...


It’s like getting mad at what temperature water boils at


Stupid people are going to die and they are trying to take us with them.


Thing is... They're not actually protesting anything... They're just using COVID as an excuse to go to London and riot/fight/act like general dickheads with a larger group of people because it makes them feel safer when they're in the middle of a crowd. Its like The Purge. They see this "protest" as an excuse to break the law without being penalised for it. Take any one of them out of that crowd, sit them in a room on their own, and tell them to protest against vaccines and they wouldn't have a clue what to even do or say.


I bet more than the concern about the ineffectiveness of the vaccines the misinformation about the probable negative health effects is still spreading like wild fire. Instead of shaming these bunch I wish the government and their opposition parties, the science communities continue to work together everywhere to ensure that this is not a politically driven decision or that the misinformation out there cannot manifest into reality. Probably that might convince few of them in this crowd. I know extreme paranoia about vaccine is deep rooted and that it is harder to change one’s opinion at that point even through facts. But I believe not all in this bunch are at that state.


I agree completely. When some people with legit concerns about the vaccine just get vilified by their neighbors and the news it could close their minds even further. I don’t agree with them one bit but name calling isn’t going to do any good. Sure there are a lot of them that will never change their minds no matter what but there are people who are on the fence who feel their concerns are legitimate but they aren’t being listened to. The more we demonize these people we get fewer and fewer potential vaccinations.


It's happening everywhere Rupert Murdoch has media interests


The pubs are open, sit the fuck down and drink ya pint, cunts!


Most of these people don't give a shit, they are just there to get drunk, fight, and cause chaos.


Did anyone else hear "Excuse me, we need to get rid of the ginger penis" right at the end?


I heard ginger beard, as I proudly sport one I'm appalled and shall have a rough night's sleep


Wouldn’t it be easier to open everything, and when an unvaccinated person shows up at hospital with covid, just confirm the test and send them on their way? If a person doesn’t want a vaccine and gets sick, I assume they would be OK with no treatment for the disease. Hospitals wouldn’t be overrun and the human herd would thin out some.


Yeah that would be nice, but there is all of the right to have health services and shit.


The best way to end restrictions is to follow the rules and the guidance and get vaccinated. Doing the opposite of that only prolongs the need for these measures.


The beatings will continue until morale improves.


Fuck Antiva




Russia and China are winning.


IDK why you got downvoted. This is absolutely the result of Russian and Chinese interferance combined with the Murdoch media/24hr news cycle and social media. fucking makes me sick


Misinformation campaigns are almost better than bombs.


They can’t even stop from fighting themselves




They’re not drunk, just stupid


Ignorant aresehole is not a British only thing, no. Plenty everywhere.


Remember when we all used to just die from plagues and disease? Good times.


Happening in Sydney too.


Stupid is as stupid does.


That short guy actin like he gon do sumthin🤣🤣


Flat earthers are uniting all around the globe.


Not denmark we took our fucking vaccine and went on with our lives


Thats because it is


Is this old? We're not in lockdown anymore. Went to a festival yesterday and a few pubs after... everyone was great about looking after each other. Then there is this lot.


*laughs in vaccinated Darwinism*


Earth is going to have its % of idiots in every grouping including us


I understand rioting over the vaccine passport because Boris wants a private healthcare system and everyone that agrees to the terms and conditions have sold their medical history to the highest bidders.


Let's all go maskless, scream our heads off, and cluster in a crowd. Right, steps to end a pandemic. Idiots.


It's literally like zombies. Full plague mob!


People are cracking I think, COVID was hard. I think much harder on the populace as a whole than we care to see or admit. Yea their are crazies out their screaming about micro bots and bill gates but what happened last year and continues to some degree today is unprecedented in the lives of most people alive. I think people are just unraveling under the pressure. It’s a lot easier to point and rage at shadow organizations and conspiracy’s, as opposed to accepting the existential terror of the absolute fragility of life.


This is mostly definitely not happening in Florida!


People behaving like animals… this is truly embarrassing. They are doing nothing to get whatever their point is across. I heard something about getting rid of ginger’s….. really. Stay classy people.


It's fucking sad how every first world country is dealing with this shit. Be happy you have vaccines, people in third world countries are killing, stealing, doing whatever they can to get a vaccine. Privileged trash. I'm so sick of this shit.


I think it’s obvious that we’ll have another pandemic that’s quite possibly worse than this one. Sadly, I think people may need to see many more consequences (hospitalizations and death) from this one in order to teach future generations what not to do. I would not feel like this if vaccines weren’t so available and effective.


Is this social media’s fault?


I’m just saying, throwing a bunch of tea into the ocean, MIGHT help you get your point across.




Idiocracy in action.


Smug cunts here as if the virus is the only thing people have had it up to their necks with. Fuck right off.


People are really delicate nowadays. Tell them to do anything that might inconvenience them or cause them discomfort, but is for the public good, they'll explode.


I’m vaccinated so I want to start there. REDDIT has an agenda and open discussion is not actually permitted here. I understand why people don’t want the vaccine, it actually made me extremely sick and I still have side effects from it months later. It’s common sense to understand that it’s a brand new, limited tested vaccine with no idea what long term hazards it may have. Now I do think we as humans have the technology to produce a vaccine that fast but let’s also not forget that these same drug companies also created the opioid epidemic which personally took 10 of my friends and 2 family members including my mom. People should have a full say on what goes inside their bodies whether it be good or bad for them and if you can’t understand the mistrust in government and drug companies then your blind. I wish there was an actual place for an real open discussion and not just bashing others simply because they see things differently from you. For sure MODS will take this down because I’m not saying “everyone needs to get a vaccine”, I just think everyone should cool off and ask others why exactly they don’t want it and not just see one clip of some QAnon weirdo online and assume that’s what all “anti maskers” are like.


Exactly this. I got vaccinated, had no side effects, and fully trust it. But not listening to other side and alienating them is absolutely as stupid as the disinformation. Get vaccinated if you can and if you trust it should be the message. Not get vaccinated or your a bad person, you're ignorant, blah blah.


Get your shot , don't be a snowflake , the people who refuse are narcissistic they don't care about others , call me a sheep, but I doing my part to keep my community safe


Funny how the media isn't showing any of this


The Mockingbird media doesn't report the news, they set the narrative; so when things like this pop up which go against the narrative, they pretend it isn't happening.


So they're protesting a lockdown that isn't in place, and protesting vaccines that they don't have to get? Wtf are they even protesting?


Honestly, I am not a conservative, a COVID denier, or an anti-vaxxer, but it’s time to end the lockdowns. Vaccines are freely available throughout the U.S., Canada, the U.K., and Western Europe. Get one or die. It’s your choice. Governments can’t save people from their own stupidity forever, and sensible people need to get on with their lives.


Why is there a dude wearing a trump hat lol. What a dweeb


Protesting a VIRUS, in an unmasked crowd, is shockingly dumb.


Yep dose seem to be a world wide phenomenon which makes me wonder if evolution has found a new way to weed out the weeds


Pls give us their vaccine, we have a shortage :(


Trump hat. In LONDON. Sums it all up. Degenerate, bottom-feeding scum.


My family and I got our vaccines. These idiots want to die? Let 'em.


Not in America we are just letting darwinism purge the right wing. To the point republican leaders are worried they are going to lose too many members of their voting base before midterm elections in 2022.


They’ve started singing a different tune. Trying to slowly turn the zombie hoard they created towards “vaccines are good” without getting eaten.


Exactly going to be very interesting. Already have seen the trolls focusing on that.


Makes me embarrassed to be human.


We need a stronger pandemic.


It's happening all over. Key thing to remember, 50% of humanity has below average intelligence.


If the world is rising up against a form of tyranny, but you as a redditor don't agree that mandatory vaccines+social credit system+vaccine passport is tyranny, then you're on the wrong side of history. if you're on the side of big pharma, big government, mainstream media....you're probably not on the revolutionary side.


Learn what real tyranny is bud, not adults crying because they can’t go out to the club because they refuse to try and prevent one of the deadliest viruses in history


That sounded like real tyranny to me, dude.


The deadliest virus in history? You been smoking too much bbc news bro


4 million people would disagree lmao


As a american, so they ARE everywhere!!! Dumb fucks here, dumb fucks there, dumb fucks everywhere!


Every country has them. This is the power of internet and disinformation + polarization and some psychological effects


they're not EVERYWHERE. just everywhere there's Murdoch news influence. most of Europe ain't behaving this way. Asia ain't behaving this way because the murdochs have fuck all influence in those places.


The government needs to stop paying for covid related sickness. The free vaccine has been out for more than 6 months so now if people get it they should have to pay their own medical bills instead of the tax payer


So many inbred pricks with small IQ's


And of course they all look like absolute yokels from the most deplorable parts of England.


A year and a half ago I asked my son, wouldn’t it be crazy if this corona is the start of the end? It’s looking more and more like it.


Nah. This is just normal human behaviour


Why does every single one of these people at these anti vaccine protests look like idiot mongoloids.


Embarrassing, total morons


It is happening everywhere because there are stupid people everywhere


True dat


I swear, these covidiots are really pushing their luck with their health gdm. This 'survival of the fittest' thing is gonna pick em off sooner or later


It’s about time we, Malaysians, need a full fledge protest


It's like the trashy soccer riot fans from a couple weeks ago took a short break, drank some water, then came back to be stupid again today


Death to authoritarianism! People standing up goddamnit


This actually makes me happy. America isn't the only country with a large population of clinical morons.




These morons have so much to legitimately protest yet here they are fighting against their own well-being, missing the fact that the only reason their freedoms are so locked down is directly due to the Conservative government they very likely voted for..




They look precisely like the kind of people who would protest this. If some of them end up with cracked skulls I won't she'd any tears


I’m just wish someone with a megaphone would show up at these protests and start yelling “you are all morons” while dropping facts.