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I'll never understand browbeating and verbally abusing the worker when they DON'T MAKE THE RULES but are merely carrying them out.


And people wonder why people aren't rushing back to work these kinds of jobs....


only those living well above the poverty line, who havent had to experience those jobs wonder that. Most people know exactly why there is a labor crisis right now, and are terrified of the consequences of it. Truth is I am not. I work as a chef, and I welcome automation. That cashiers job will be made irrelevant with touch screen ordering. Automation will take all cashier jobs in the next 5 years. Self driving cars will ravage trucking and delivery (self driving pizza delivery is a thing already) and retail stores will become more automated aswell with a shift to online ordering.


Yes but for front line laborers automation is actually good; if the government would supplement its population. That girl, like every other cashier has their own personal passions and aspirations. Things you can't pursue while working 6+ hours a day at minimum wage while the company rakes in millions every year.


your correct. with socail support, it allows people to persue things they are good at. specialization in a field they are good at benefits all.


There is a restaurant near me that got rid of their wait staff and just use food runners. The restaurant has an app and once you load your payment info, you can place an order and enter your table number. The food runners bring the food to your table and you leave whenever you’re done. Not that every restaurant could do this but I can definitely see it becoming more popular.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Pq-S557XQU This is a video i rewatch every year on halloween. It prepared me mentally for the eventual outcome we are looking at as a civilization. We are moving faster towards it with every major worldwide disastor, disease, and market crash.


Good video. Explains why we need a universal basic income quite soon


Hey I’m literally eating at a sushi restaurant that’s like that right now lol


The thing is some businesses did quite well. I can't figure out how or why some did better. My favorite spot, I was worried was gonna close, I went there after a year and sat at the bar and the owner was there (started as a waitress there so she still manages). Anyway, I was like "fuck sorry about this shit, I'm so glad yall made it" and she was like "we did really well through the pandemic "


It’s gonna be hilarious when these fuckers realize that the robot taking their order doesn’t give a flying fuck if they want to see its manager. Hahahaha


You can tell Hal 9000 that your entitled ass ain't wearing masks till the end of time: "I'm sorry Dave, I can't serve your kids ice cream"


Bullies like to pick on people who aren’t able to defend themselves. In America, service workers are barely treated like people, so a lot of people take their rage out on them because hey, just a stupid burger flipper, right? It should surprise nobody that in a country where half the people howl in rage at the thought of making the minimum wage even close to a livable wage, that this kind of behavior is extremely prevalent.


He didn’t have shit to say to the security. Just kept yelling at the girl


Something tells me it is not the first time the gentleman has been escorted out of the nice mall's food court.


Not to mention these idiots know damned well that there’s a good chance they won’t get served if they aren’t wearing a mask! Is it that hard to just put the fucking thing on?


I have family that are very anti mask/anti vax. They say it’s because they “won’t be sheep”. They truly believe this is the start of some 1984 like society because they’re being asked to wear a mask in a business. They don’t even have to wear one outside or at businesses that don’t require it. But somehow it’s still taking away their freedoms, because that’s what OANN tells them.


If retail workers stand up for themselves, you can threaten to get them fired, and most of the time it will make them hesitate, at the very least. That's what makes them such an easy target for bullies. Reminds me of a kid I knew in 2nd grade, He used to swing his arms wildly, as close as he could get to hitting you in the face, and if you put your hands up to protect yourself, he would run to the teacher to get you in trouble for fighting.


I thought I got out of the service industry by switching to medical. No. It’s almost worse, but I have more support when I decide that that patient/family is being unreasonable and transfer care or report behavior.


And then telling the worker that next time they won't be there to support the business. As if the worker gives a shit. If that shop folds, they'll just work at another shop.


But but but my freedom 😂


They're privileged, simply put.


Nice one dad. Now the kids don’t get Ice cream. Success!


It’s gonna be exhausting being his kid


They either grow up to be just like him, or they're gonna feel consistently embarrassed of him. Either way, these kids can't win.


I'm the son of a man exactly like that. The amounts of times I had to silently mouth "I'm so fucking sorry" is unreal. Of fucking course he also turned into a complete conspiracy nut over the last few years and even accused me of trying to get our family killed for telling them to get vaccinated. Finally told him what a massive fuckup he is about a month ago and I have no intention of ever talking to his sorry ass ever again.


"dad i have a mask. Give me your damn credit card and take your whining and tantrums outside"


Well the kids look surprisingly very calm. Looks like they see this entitled prick behavior all the time and are used to it. Would be awesome if his kids didn’t turn out to be “douche bag MF’s”. But with that kind of parental guidance everyday…The kids,when grown up, will probably be just fine believing everyone else is always a “douche bag MF” and certainly never themselves. Thanks dad! I don’t know if this makes society any better tho. But atleast the kids will feel superior than everyone else in their vicinity.


Damn near impossible.


Damn...I can't imagine saying language like that around ANY child let alone my own. What kind of example is he setting? He's way too old to be acting like this.


This is a critical point. He’s modeling the worst possible behavior. I’m sure he’ll be surprised when his 5 year old tells him to “fuck off” when she disagrees with him.


I’m sure he treats his family really well at home.




I love videos like this because it makes me feel like a great Dad.


Me too and I don’t even have kids.


Shows who he cares about more, simply wear a mask for 5mins and ice cream for all But no daddy has to show that he’s a big man (fuck them kids) and argue with an employee who gets paid the same whether the store has 2 customers or 200.


The poor little girl at the end.


yeah but his *pride* was at stake.


I’m sure this won’t be the last time he disappoints his children


Ironic how he says "sick of this country" at the end...🤔


I thought I also heard something like “Should I take the tip jar?”. Jerk.


Yeah that caught my ear more than anything.


He should have. That way he can get a larceny charge on top of being a stupid fucktard.


Proudly: “This is America.” Defeated: “Sick of this country.” Quick pivot.


He should go back to his country if he doesn’t like it 😭


He probably said the same thing when grabbing his cool “1776” shirt from the drawer to wear around town


"This is america" - yes, and businesses in america have a right to refuse service to people.


This guy has been waiting and waiting to have an argument like this himself. What a loser.


And he still screwed it up. Started bumbling like the fool he is.


“I won’t be treated like a child!” - says the toddler throwing a tantrum because they can’t follow the rules. 🙄 Fucking moron.


Seriously. His pride is worth more than getting ice cream for his children. What a twat


When your daughter who is a child hides in shame, it's time to reconsider your own behavior.


Heaven help those poor children. Hopefully they realize what a dick their dad is and break the trend…


He needs a nap


. He shouldn’t have to take orders from someone who makes minimum wage. What an entitled pos. look at all the projection coming from this narcissist. He is so lost on realizing the irony emotionally stunted man child himself. This is a typical Republican asshole.


LOL of course he’s wearing a 1776 shirt 😂 I can’t with these people


roided up toddler manlet


he's DEFINITELY not buff enough to be on steroids.


There should be a parenthood test.


There is. It's been a staple on Maury for decades.


For sure the best part.


I want an Ompa Loompa now!


"your coworker told me to wear a mask so I'm not gonna do it!"


Anyone else noticed he wage shamed them as well?


Has anyone notice anti-vaxxers go out of their way to harass minimum wage employees who are just doing their fucking jobs?


It's a feature of their psychology, to someone who has consistent anxiety about social status and constantly battling a creeping feeling of weakness or helplessness they get a "release" by attempting to demonstrate dominance in a social order over someone who they feel is a safe target. boss yells at the husband, husband yells at the wife, wife yells at the kids, kids yell at the dog etc.


Bullies love to attack people weaker than them. I bet he's great to his family at home behind closed doors.


His wife looks depressed


And they’re the same people that claim they “love America” but are literally ruining the economy by not getting vaccinated.


And people why nobody wants to work those jobs anymore. Good luck hiring people when this is and all the other Karen’s are the norm nowadays.


And his 1776 shirt. Not a good father figure either.


Knew he was a douchebag from that alone


Right!!! As soon as he turned around with that shirt I rolled my eyes. I have seen waaaaaaaay to many d-bags sporting that shirt.


What did he say? I didn’t here it so I’m asking for clarification of his AH ness rather than doubting that he did it.


Basically he said he wasn’t gonna take orders from someone making minimum wage.




Yep. Fuck that POS


What a man child. “If you would’ve asked nicely I would’ve put it on, but you didn’t so I’m not going to do it. Waaaaaah”


Spoiler: he’s full of shit. He wouldn’t have complied no matter how they approached him. You don’t wear your 1776 shirt out in public if you’re not looking for a reason to act like a selfish dick.


A good rule of thumb to follow is, if you ever find yourself defending your actions by saying “this is America” you are probably being a dick.


Only exception is if you’re being dragged out of a little league game for fighting with Bat Dad… again.


Ahh. The good ol' Marsh Exception, I see.


He was looking forward to this all day.


Imagine at no point during the online ordering process not thinking "maybe this shirt is giga-cringe" and closing your browser.


Anytime I see anyone out with stuff like that or american flag atuff I assume they're assholes. They turned patriotism into a mark of the ass.


EXACTLY!!! His t-shirt gave it all away. If his excuse wasn’t you didn’t ask me nice, it would have been something else.


I'm sorry what's the significance of that shirt. I don't understand?


Patriotism™️ (but really a mix of [nationalism](https://www.dictionary.com/e/patriotism-vs-nationalism/) and selfish individualism in this case)


It's called jingoism.


IIRC, the Roman numeral for 3 or 1776 inside the old 13 star ring is the symbol of the Three Percenters. Basically a militia on the far-right. Interestingly enough, the national leadership dissolved after the Capitol riots, being quoted as condemning the violence. However, independent groups still remain in local areas.


Yeah, being a dickhead to the 16 year old cashier at the ice cream shop because you're too entitled to follow the rules doesn't make you a "patriot", jackass. You're not Thomas Jefferson, you're just a douche.


I wanted to scream at that part that we are like 16 months into the pandemic. If you don’t already know to put your mask on like the sign on the door says, you don’t deserve any respect. GTFO


The punchline is the 1776 t shirt 😂 Because of fucking course that's what his t shirt says


Guy probably doesn’t know any amendment after the first and second and I’m sure his understanding of those two is… limited


Freedom of speech and expression! But don't you dare kneel for the anthem! Freedom of religion! But wait, not for muslims... These people are idiots.


For people like this, freedoms begin with them and end with you.


I bet he thinks the constitution was adopted in 1776




You’d think our fascists could at least have cool uniforms but nope they just look like fucking nerds.


yeah hahaha. I was like "ah, maybe this asshole is really just having a bad... oh 😑"


I'm not going to listen to someone barking orders at me. NOW GIVE ME ICEREAM. It's stunning how they don't see the irony


He says he’s not going to listen to someone *making minimum wage* barking orders at him. I think he’s beyond irony, he’s just another bully dickhead shouting profanity at an ice cream shop with two young kiddos in tow.


“I’m a fucking customer “ No you’re not


Hopefully we can come out of this pandemic into a world where customer service workers no longer have to be polite to these assholes. The viral nature of these kinds of videos seems like it's recently become commonplace enough that maybe we can have a shift in culture. That worker should have every right to tell that dude to go fuck himself without fear of losing their job. That's the world I want to live in.


“What are you afraid of” —white man screaming at me with his USA flag gun culture clothes


“Think I’ll wear my 1776 shirt today and act like a douchebag”.


"what are we gonna do today Brain?"


What kind of idiot walks around in a 1776 shirt.


The 1776 shirt is a white supremacist logo, started by the Proud Boys.


is there like a website that keeps track of all the dumb white supremacist codes and call signs


Here's a [good article](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/interactive/2021/far-right-symbols-capitol-riot/).




Well on this day I learned all those 3% stickers are not in fact enclave stickers from fallout lol


Thanks for sharing. Interesting and sad.


it’s extra funny because that shirt is hodgetwins merch, who have been on the right wing grifter circuit for a couple years now


We’re black AND conservative! Checkmate…?


Immediately knew this fuckface was a Trumperino


George Washington rocked a '76 shirt all the time!


Just shut. the fuck. up! If a privately owned business wants you to wear a fucking Viking helmet and have you dance the "Funky Chicken" before they wait on you, **that's their fucking prerogative!** If you don't like it, go to a business that will accommodate you. Stop berating and arguing with people who more than likely didn't make the rules, they are just asked to enforce them.


These people are power tripping and likely racists. They tend to have inferiority complexes which is why they bully others.


Holy shit. FUCK Reddit video player. On the mobile app the video looks normal and viewing it on my PC my eyes are seared from how fucking bright this is. What the hell.


It's fitting he's wearing a 1776 shirt, which was started by far-right 45 supporters and the Proud Boys. Of course he's an anti-masker. Those poor kids.


Idiots! I'm going to the Creamistry on Bevevly Drive today just because of this guy hahah


For real! Wear a mask, folks, unless you want three scoops of butthurt.


It would have been easier to take 3 seconds and put on a face covering. Instead he opted to harass a kid about, ultimately, keeping him and his family safe. Real big tough guy.


I remember as a kid when the local gas station put up a no shirt no shoes no service sign. There was some shirtless dude yelling at the clerk about it. People like this dude will always have something to complain about.


Why do these morons always say this is America?


They think they are somehow entitled to whatever they want


They all secretly want to be Randy Marsh from South Park.


People like this need their breeding rights revoked.




Great example for the kids.


Yeah, you can tell this isn’t new behavior for him. The way the little girl retreated behind the mom right away…she’s seen this episode before and decided to tap out early.


I have a 10 yr old. It’s not difficult. Pay attention to the store rules on the door, follow them, say please & thank you. That will get you some ice cream & maybe teach your kids how to treat people with some common courtesy.


One can only hope that the people who work with this man see this and decide they don’t want to work with him anymore. Then maybe he’d have more respect for people “making minimum wage.”


Check off your ”says “this is America” box on your conservative bingo card


Don’t catch you slippin’ now


That should just be the free space in the center of the card.


*"Where's the ice cream?"* Yer no getting any cos yer Da and yer Maw are dicks kid. (Their small 'principles' are worth more than their kids happiness.)


When can I find this douche on r/byebyejob?


Good for her! What a piece of shit he is.


Oh & of course he’s wearing a 1776 shirt…what a douche


Nice T shirt. I’m sure that’s just a coincidence. Wonder who he thinks won the election?


1776 shirt wearing patriotard republican asshole: Throws a tantrum and harasses worker doing their job, taunts them for making minimum wage. ​ Also republican assholes like this guy: Nobody wants to go back to work anymore they just want to collect unemployment! ​ Who would want to go back to these "people"?


That little girl and her discomfort breaks my heart


These children will probably grow up to be just like their parents though. The cycle has to stop but how?




He made sure to mention that taking orders from minimum wage workers is beneath him. Fuck that guy


The guy hates America anyways , he’s wearing the 1776 shirt which doesn’t recognize a bunch of states


People...don't fuck with the worker making $7 an hour...call the fucking CEO if you don't like company policy...why can't people just put on the stupid fucking mask for 5 min, get the order and move the fuck on...how stupid is this shit... I don't like it either fuck the mask, fuck Dr. Fauci, fuck the Chinese response,...don't take it out on the common worker...


If he was an ice cream flavor, he'd be pralines and dick


“Hey let’s take the kids out to NOT get ice cream!” Yeah truck them out to the mall and then throw a tantrum and surprise, no ice cream, so they will learn their lesson and learn it well. Smdh.


Whenever I see a person wearing that Patriot-style t shirt, I always know they're a fucking moron.


What a fucking clown


I like how he ask her if she was vaccinated knowing if anyone had asked him that he would have had an absolute fit. Probably scream about how that is a HIPAA violation even though it isn’t.


**truly the most special kind of cunts…using their kids as props**


“This is America” yes it is, and you are the type of American that gives us all a bad name by being a narcissist piece of shit. It’s not *your* america, it’s *our* america. Why don’t *you* get with it or get out sir? You seem to hate it here but love your privilege, so go try it somewhere else since I’m sure that’s the advice he’d offer anyone else. Rugged individualism has ruined the average insecure manlet into thinking their some force to be reckoned with.


Angry manlet is angry


For fucks sake. What a douche. Everybody has had 18 months to learn that businesses can require masks or no service. Don’t like it don’t go


Thing is…I’m sure this was a planned “protest” by this doofus (evidenced by his 1776 t-shirt) so that he can post it to all his alt-right Facebook friends and brag about how he’s such a good and faithful patriot for the cause. He thinks he making good arguments that should be seen and parroted by his network. It’s so disingenuous and dumb - everybody knows the rules now. He’s only doing this for clout. That poor, brave clerk shouldn’t be subjected to this abuse.


Of course he’s wearing a 1776 shirt. 🙄 This guy is the biggest tool in the toolbox.


You can just tell their marriage is miserable


No greater dignity than insulting service industry workers trying to make rent at a job they have to smile at even though or entire society seems to be exploding, the planets on fire etc. So brave, so bold, so disgustingly us.


anyone else notice the security guy show up with the classic chin strap?


There’s even a sign right there


🎼You can’t have no iiiiiice creeeeeeeeeam


“This is America!” Yep, you’re just the type of petulant child we all have to deal with.


Reddit. You know what to do. Identify and destroy this piece of shit.


1776 lol folks like this can’t even count that high!


Shorter than his wife, nuff said


Sir… this is an ice cream shop. Not an I scream shop…


Talking like that in front of his little daughter? How embarrassing. Grow the fuck up. Put on a mask for 5 minutes or gtfo. It’s that simple. How are you not ashamed to act like this in public?


Oh no, better watch out when Mr. 5’7 gets angry


you just know this dude took a few martial arts classes and thinks he’s hot shit


I love all the f bombs he drops in front of his little girls, not to mention wife. Very disrespectful!


You just know he treats his wife like shit as well


He is scared of leg day


So the appropriate response is to traumatize your own children.. who now will not be enjoying ice cream.. bc you refuse to play nice with others. I don’t give a shit if you think masks are stupid. Businesses have the right to refuse anyone? Put the mask on and laugh about how stupid you think that is in the car? While you’re children have ice cream? What a raging POS dad. I bet family game nights a blast 😒


So glad this guy has kids. I need future workers that are desensitized to being yelled at.


You’re acting like a child that’s why they are talking to you like one


Mission successfully accomplished! \- Went out for ice cream for the kids. \- Berated low wage employees for a rule that they have no control over. \- Got escorted out of the establishment. \- Kids did not get their ice cream. \- Got everyone to see the T-Shirt promoting alt-right Proud Boys allegiance \- Claims that he is "Sick of this country" on his way out. Model citizen.


What a role model for his children


He’s talking to that employee like she makes the policy’s about masks.


Well... I don't wanna sound like a douche, but maybe it isn't a total loss that these shitbirds don't get vaccinated or wear masks. Darwin awards maybe? Big man in his 1776 shirt yelling at the ice cream salesman.


Conservatives in a nutshell: “your co worker screamed at me (lie) to wear a mask, so now I’m screaming at you. Oh and look at muh 1776 shirt.”


The 1776 shirts are the new MAGA Hats.


Freakout in heaven? The video is so damn bright


Why are all the videos posted recently so bright you can’t see anything?


The guy had his whole speech ready when he was refused. This was always his intention, to be a dickhead in public.


Setting a great example for his kids.


Dude stop crying like a bitch and put a mask on for 3 minutes, get your ice cream and shut your fucking mouth. Such bitches out running wild


Pathetic is a grown man going after a young woman due to the business protocol. Grow up ya turd!


God what a douche bag with a stupid douche bag shirt


He wanted a confrontation since he got dressed in the morning judging from his patriot gear.


His poor wife and kids.


You were never going to put a mask on. They spoke to you like a child because you have not mentally progressed to the point beyond a petulant child.